Machines: Challenges in Winding Design and Thermal Calculations: Physical Model of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine
Machines: Challenges in Winding Design and Thermal Calculations: Physical Model of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine
Machines: Challenges in Winding Design and Thermal Calculations: Physical Model of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine
Challenges in Winding Design and Thermal Calculations:
Physical Model of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine
Jan Laksar , Lukáš Veg * and Roman Pechánek
Research and Innovation Centre for Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of West
Bohemia, Univerzitní 26, 301 00 Pilsen, Czech Republic; (J.L.); (R.P.)
* Correspondence:
Abstract: Interest in multilayer windings is increasing with the application of the hairpin winding
technology to the manufacturing of electrical machines. Therefore, the four-layer fractional slot
concentrated winding is used for the initial design of the machine in this paper. The proposed
physical model of the machine uses winding with a relatively high number of turns which is
inappropriate to hairpin winding. Therefore the round-wire winding is created and the three-layer
winding is derived and analyzed including the effect on the slot leakage inductance. The thermal
analysis is then applied to the physical model of the machine to evaluate the slot-related thermal
properties of the slot and the whole machine. The measurement is compared with the finite element
analysis (FEA) and the equivalent slot thermal conductivity and heat transfer coefficients of the stator
and rotor are obtained.
of the volume of the stator stack which can be supported by permanent magnets with a
high density of energy. Properties of insulating materials can be improved in different
ways; insulation systems with higher temperature class allow the increase of the maximal
temperature (up to extreme temperatures [9]). Insulation systems with high dielectric
strength enable the use of a thinner insulation layer for defined input voltage.
The third category consists of the application of the new technologies to the production
of the machine. It is directly linked with the previously mentioned approaches to the
power density increase, e.g., the composite insulation systems or the whole technology
of the insulation. A very interesting technology, especially in the automotive industry
applications is the hairpin winding technology [10,11]. Hairpin windings combine the
advantages of both rectangular-wire windings (high slot fill factor) often supported by
missing coil insulation, and round-wire coils (semi-closed slots reducing the negative slot
opening-related effects as the torque ripple and general decrease of the inductance caused
by the slot openings) [12]. The biggest technological and manufacturing advantage of the
hairpin windings lies in the automatization of the winding process, which can help reduce
the manufacturing costs. Every turn of the coil is formed by one hairpin; multiturn coils
are then assembled by the multilayer hairpin winding. It enables to create the multilayer
windings with different connections to reduce the higher harmonic components or the
differential leakage inductance. The number of layers (turns) is mostly limited to 6 or 8 to
not to increase the number of winding connections.
Every improvement of the power density has to be supported by a sufficient cooling
system. The thermal calculation is the most challenging part of the design of the electrical
machine, especially in the dynamic operation as discussed in [3,7]. The calculations are
often supported by mathematical models and finite element analysis (FEA). Definition of
the thermal model of the slot is the crucial part of the description of the heat dissipation. The
slot consists of different layers with different thermal properties [13]. The most complicated
situation appears in the round-wired coils with random placement of the conductors
in the slot area. The equivalent thermal parameters (thermal conductivity [14,15] heat
transfer coefficients [16,17]) are often historically defined as empirical values based on
the comparison of the calculation and measurement. The same methodology is also used
in [18,19].
The automatization of the winding process is not focused only on the hairpin windings
but can be used for every winding type. It opens up new possibilities in the winding design.
A physical model of the small permanent magnet synchronous machine was designed as
a multipurpose model referring to the part of the modern and challenging parts of the
complex design of the electrical machine. The design of the multilayer machine is inspired
by the three-layer fractional slot concentrated winding described in [20]. The precise
analytical calculation of the inductance helps to evaluate the operation of the machine
especially at high speed where the flux weakening operation is necessary [21]. The slot
leakage inductance of fractional slot concentrated machines is often the most significant
component of permanent magnet machines and, therefore, it is analyzed in this paper. A
different approach to the definition of the ideal turn ratio is applied and the mathematical
function describing the magnetomotive force waveform obtained is derived. The influence
of the winding design on the inductance of the machine is analyzed then. The second
part of the paper is focused on the thermal analysis of the machine and comparison of the
calculations and measurements of the physical model to get real information about the
heat transfer in the slot.
It turns out that the proper definition of the slot heat transfer coefficients is the crucial
part of the thermal design of modern electric machines that often use water-cooled housing
and the slot is the area of the dissipating of the heat generated in the winding. Although
algorithms to increase the slot fill factor have been investigated [22], the real machines
with rounded wires often have fill factor in ratio 0.35–0.45. Therefore, the experimental
validation of the slot heat transfer coefficient of this physical model can be an important
part of the complex thermal design of modern electric machinery.
Machines 2021, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 15
nes 2021, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 15
machines with rounded wires often have fill factor in ratio 0.35–0.45. Therefore, the exper-
Machines 2021, 9, 234machines with rounded wires often have fill factor in ratio 0.35–0.45. Therefore, the exper- 3 of 15
imental validation of validation
the slot heatof the slot heat
transfer transfer
coefficient of coefficient of this
this physical physical
model can bemodel
an can be an
important part part of thermal
of the complex the complex thermal
design design
of modern of modern
electric electric machinery.
2. Design of Three-Layer Three-Layer
ofWinding Winding
Initial universal universal double-layer
universal three-phase
double-layer three-phase
three-phase slotfractional
slot concentrated
winding withwinding
winding with
the number
number ofofslots
poleand phase
and phase q = 1/2
q = is replaced
1/2 is by
the number of slots per pole and phase q = 1/2 is replaced by winding with q = 2/5 to reduce winding
by with
winding q = 2/5
with qto
= reduce
2/5 to
the parasitic
reduce the effects
parasitic such as
effects cogging
such as torque
cogging and
torque pulsation
the parasitic effects such as cogging torque and pulsation of induced voltage and output of induced
pulsation of voltage
induced and output
voltage and
current [23]. current
output [23].
Unfortunately, Unfortunately,
this this
Unfortunately, winding
generates generates
higher a higher
amount amountamount
of aparasitic
higher of parasitic
space space
of parasitic
space content
harmonic in comparison
content in with
comparison the
with initial
the winding.
harmonic content in comparison with the initial winding. Therefore, the possibility of winding.Therefore,
Therefore,the possibility
the of
of harmonic
space harmonic content reduction
space harmonic content reduction is analyzed. reductionis analyzed.
is analyzed.
Four-layer windingisisobtained
obtainedwhen when twoidenticalidenticalsetssetsofofdouble-layer
double-layer windings are
Four-layer winding is obtained when two identical two sets of double-layer windings are windings are
usedandand the
the sets
sets shift by yyss slots
shift by slots (mostly
(mostly by by one
one slot
slot toto avoid
avoid high
high fundamental space space
used and the sets shift by ys slots (mostly by one slot to avoid high fundamental fundamental
used space
harmonics reduction). Current
Current polarity
polarity in in the
the shifted
shifted winding
winding set set has
has toto be
be changed
changed to to not
harmonics reduction). Current polarity in the shifted winding set has to be changed to not
to get
to get the opposite
opposite direction
direction ofofcurrents
currents inside
inside oneoneslot if the
slot if shift
the ys isysan
shift is odd
an number.
odd number.The
to get the opposite direction of currents inside one slot if the shift ys is an odd number.
principle of theof four-layer winding definition is shown in Figure 1.
The principleThe principle
of the four-layer the four-layer
winding winding
definition definition
is shown is shown
in Figure 1. in Figure 1.
- ++
- -+ - -- ++ - - -+
++ -+ +
-+ +
- -
- - - - -
+ +
- - - -
- - -
- -
- - -
+ + + = =
+ +
+ + ++
+ +
- -
- -
+ - + -
- -
- -
- - -
+ +
- + - +
- -
+ + +
+ + + +
- +
+ +
+ + --
-+ --
-- -+ +-
-+ --
-+ +-
- - + -
- -
- -
- -
Every slot consists slot
slot consists
three of
coil sides coil
belonging to belonging
sides phase to
one toone
and one phase
one coil and
phase andone
side onecoil
be- coilside
longing to
the other
winding. This
arrangement can
can be
divided into
longing to the other winding. This slot arrangement can be divided into three single-layer three
winding, as shown as
as shown2. in
in Figure in Figure
Figure 2.
++ +
++ - - - - + - -
+ + +
- - -- -
- - -
+ + +
- - -
- -
- - - -
+ +
+ +
- - - - -
- - - -
= = + + + +
+ + +
- -
+ + +
- -
- - -
- -
- - -
- -
- -
- + - + + - -
+ + +
- + + + -
+ + -- +
- -
-- -+ -
+- -
- -
-+ - - - - - -
- - + - + -
kcs .
componentorders km±±
ordersνν==44km 1 can
1 can bebesuppressed
2N 𝑐𝑚
11−− 3𝑁 ((1
1+ cosξ𝜉s𝑠)) =
+cos = 00 (5)
2N √ .
𝑐𝑚 = 4 − 2 3 = 0.54 (6)
3N = 4 − 2√3 =̇ 0.54 (6)
3𝑁c 𝑐
The ratio between the number of turns of the central and marginal coil is then
The ratio between the number of turns of the central and marginal coil is then
2𝑁cc𝑐𝑐 2 1 − 2N
2N 2𝑁
2 1 − 4 − 2 3 √
N𝑁cc 2 (1 − 3N )
𝑐 = 2(1 − 4 √ − 2√3) = 3
3Nc c
𝑐𝑐 = 3𝑁 𝑐= 3𝑁 (7)
N𝑁cm = 2N cm = 2N cm = 44−−22√3 3 = √3 (7)
𝑐𝑚 2𝑁
3Nc𝑐𝑚 2𝑁c𝑐𝑚
3𝑁𝑐 3𝑁𝑐
which corresponds to the results in [20]. The presented method allows determining of
which corresponds to the results in [20]. The presented method allows determining of
winding factor for any ratio of central and marginal coil turns. The winding factor of the
winding factorharmonic
fundamental for any ratio of central(νand
component = 5)marginal coil turns.
derived from The winding
the initial factor
integral slot of the
fundamental harmonic component
single layer winding is k’w5 = 0.966. (ν = 5) derived from the initial integral slot two-pole
single The
winding is k’w5 =the
respecting 0.966.
number of turns of coils and shift of winding sets is for the
ideal factor
ratio respecting
derived the number
in (6) and (7): of turns of coils and shift of winding sets is for the
ideal ratio derived in (6) and (7):
k cs5 = 1 − 4 − 2 3 1 + cos 5· 2𝜋 = 0.928 (8)
𝑘𝑐𝑠5 = 1 − (4 − 2√3) (1 + 𝑐𝑜𝑠 (5 ∙12 )) = 0.928 (8)
bs (a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 5. Overview of possible coil sides belonging to one phase placements in one slot: central
and one bm
bc marginal coil (a,b), and only marginal coil (c,d).
Coil widths bc and bm are defined by total slot width bs and number of turns Nc and
Nm as 2hc
hs 𝑁𝑐𝑐
𝑏𝑐 = 𝑏𝑠
h0 2 + 𝑐𝑐
bs (a) (b) (c) (d) (10)
𝑏𝑚 = 𝑏𝑠
Figure possiblecoil
belonging 𝑁 phase
to one placements in one slot: central and
2to+one𝑐𝑐phase placements in one slot: central
and marginal coilcoil
marginal (a,b), andand
(a,b), onlyonly
marginal coil coil
marginal (c,d).𝑁𝑐𝑚
The analytical integral solution of magnetic energy stored in the slot is evaluated for
widthsbbc cand
Coilwidths andbbmmare
defined bytotaltotalslot widthbbs sand
slotwidth andnumber
numberof ofturns
turns N Nccand
all Coil
combinations in Figure 5. The totalby magnetic energy produced by analyzed winding is
with theoretical full-slot winding
Ncc and the dependency of coefficients k Cu and k ke
Ncm 𝑁 𝑐𝑐 2
for different Ncc/Ncm ratios isbshown
c = in Figure
bs bm 6.= b (10)
2 +𝑏 NNcm
cc 𝑁𝑐𝑚 2 + Ncc s
Similar approach can be generalized 𝑐 = to different
𝑏𝑠 Nnumber
cm of coil sides in one slot; the
arrangement of the coil sides belonging 2 +one𝑐𝑐
to phase stored
in the inslot has toisbe summarized
The analytical integral solution of magnetic 𝑁𝑐𝑚 energy the slot evaluated for
(according to Figure 5) and ratio of the
all combinations in Figure 5. The total magnetic energy of magnetic
energy field
produced respecting
by analyzedthe coil (10)is
to theoretical
compared with full-slot winding
theoretical full-slotdefined
𝑏𝑚 =theand
winding coefficients kCu andofkkecoefficients
the 𝑏dependency . A typicalkexample
Cu and kke
𝑁𝑐𝑐 𝑠
for different windings are the
Ncc /Ncm ratios is hairpin
shown in winding2 + analyzed
Figure 6. e.g., in [10].
The analytical integral solution of magnetic energy stored in the slot is evaluated for
all combinations in Figure 5. The total magnetic energy produced by analyzed winding is
compared with theoretical full-slot winding and the dependency of coefficients kCu and kke
for different Ncc/Ncm ratios is shown in Figure 6.
Similar approach can be generalized to different number of coil sides in one slot; the
arrangement of the coil sides belonging to one phase in the slot has to be summarized
(according to Figure 5) and ratio of the energy of magnetic field respecting the coil position
to theoretical full-slot winding defined the coefficients kCu and kke. A typical example of
multilayer windings are the hairpin winding analyzed e.g., in [10].
Figure Dependencyofofcoefficients
andkkkeke on
on the
the turns
turns ratio.
2.2. Similar
Model of the
canPermanent Magnet
be generalized toSynchronous Machines
different number (PMSM)
of coil with
sides in oneThree-
slot; the
Layer Winding
arrangement of the coil sides belonging to one phase in the slot has to be summarized
A small stator 5)
to Figure and with
stack ratio the
of the energy of shown
dimensions magneticin field
7 is usedthe
theoretical full-slot winding defined the coefficients k Cu and k . A typical
of PMSM with the designed three-layer winding. The stack is made of M800-50A
ke example of
multilayer windings are the hairpin winding analyzed e.g., in [10].
electrical steel with the Suralac 5012 insulation and the stack length is lFe = 40 mm.
2.2. Physical Model of the Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines (PMSM) with Three-Layer
FigureA6.small stator of
Dependency stack with the
coefficients kCudimensions
and kke on theshown in Figure 7 is used for the physical
turns ratio.
model of PMSM with the designed three-layer winding. The stack is made of M800-50A
2.2. steel
Physical with
Model of the Suralac 5012
the Permanent insulation
Magnet and theMachines
Synchronous stack length is lFe with
(PMSM) = 40 Three-
Layer The final hand-made stator winding consists of Ncc = 52 and Ncm = 30 turns. The real
ratio of the number of turns of the central and marginal coil is Ncc /Ncm = 1.73, and the
A small stator stack with the dimensions shown in Figure 7 is used for the physical
relative difference between the ideal value (7) and real value is smaller than 0.1%. The
model of PMSM with the designed three-layer winding. The stack is made of M800-50A
machine is then designed including the calculation of the equivalent circuit parameters [14]
electrical steel with the Suralac 5012 insulation and the stack length is lFe = 40 mm.
and the design is validated by the finite element analysis.
Machines 2021, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW
234 7 7of
of 15
The final hand-made stator winding consists of Ncc = 52 and Ncm = 30 turns. The real
ratio of the number of turns of the central and marginal coil is Ncc/Ncm = 1.73̅, and the
relative difference between the ideal value (7) and real value is smaller than 0.1%. The
machine is thenFigure
Figure including
7. Dimensions
7. ofthe
of calculation
the stator
stator stack. of the equivalent circuit parameters
[14] and the design is validated by the finite element analysis.
The lining of theThe
The lining
final of the slots
is hand-made
achieved is achieved
the Kapton
winding byconsists
tapethe Kapton
(Figure Ntape
of8a) ccand (Figure
= 52the N8a)
cm = and
andinter-turn the inter-turn
30 turns. The real
insulation is ensured only
ratio of is
theby ensured only
the double-layer
number by the
of turns ofwire double-layer
the insulation.
central andThewire insulation.
color emphasis
marginal The
coil is Nccof color emphasis
cm = 1.73
/Ndif- of
̅ , and the
ferent phases isrelative phases
shown difference is
in Figure 8b shown in
The rotor
between Figure 8b The
yoke value
the ideal rotor
is created yoke
by the
(7) and is created
realconstructionby the construction steel
steelthan 0.1%. The
value is smaller
sheets and
machine is the
sheets and the surface-mounted thensurface-mounted
designed permanent
including magnets
the glued are
to theof
the seeto the yoke,
equivalent 8c seeparameters
circuit Figure 8c.
[14] and the design is validated by the finite element analysis.
The lining of the slots is achieved by the Kapton tape (Figure 8a) and the inter-turn
insulation is ensured only by the double-layer wire insulation. The color emphasis of dif-
ferent phases is shown in Figure 8b The rotor yoke is created by the construction steel
sheets and the surface-mounted permanent magnets are glued to the yoke, see Figure 8c
(a) (b)
Figure Comparisonof
2/5 (a)
(a) and
and qq == 1/2
3. Thermal
3. Thermal Analysis
Analysis of of the
the Machine
The thermal
The thermal analysis
analysis has
has been made in two steps. The The non-rotating machine was
loaded by the direct current and measured
loaded by the direct current and measured at at first to obtain the equivalent coefficient of
the thermal conductivity of the handmade winding
the thermal conductivity of the handmade winding placed in the placed in the stator
stator slot.
slot. The
The second
test consists
test consists of
of the
the generator
generator operation
operation with
with the
the winding
winding loaded
loaded by
by the
the resistive
resistive load.
load. This
thermal analysis
thermal analysis ofof the
the rotating
rotating machine
focusedon onthe
fer of the
coefficient stator
of the andand
stator rotor surface
3.1. Thermal Analysis of Steady-State Non-Rotating Machine
3.1. Thermal Analysis of Steady-State Non-Rotating Machine
This steady-state thermal analysis of the machine enables to focus only on the losses
This steady-state thermal analysis of the machine enables to focus only on the losses
produced by the stator winding and heat transfer to the stator core neglecting the additional
produced by the stator winding and heat transfer to the stator core neglecting the addi-
cooling effects caused by the rotating rotor. Therefore, this analysis is a proper approach to
tional cooling effects caused by the rotating rotor. Therefore, this analysis is a proper ap-
evaluate the equivalent thermal conductivity of the winding.
proach to evaluate the equivalent thermal conductivity of the winding.
The 3D mathematical model of the machine is created at first for the comparison with
The 3D mathematical model of the machine is created at first for the comparison with
the measurement of the physical model. It is important not to exceed these limits:
the measurement of the physical model. It is important not to exceed these limits:
• maximal temperature of the winding 150 ◦ C defined by the temperature class of used
• maximal temperature of the winding 150 °C defined by the temperature class of used
winding insulation;
• winding insulation;
maximal permanent magnet temperature defined by the Curie temperature of the
• maximal
magnet. permanent magnet temperature defined by the Curie temperature of the
The maximal temperature of the winding insulation is the limiting factor in this
The maximal temperature of the winding insulation is the limiting factor in this meas-
The windings of all three phases are connected in series to ensure the uniform dis-
The windings
tribution of all
of the joule three
losses inphases are connected
the machine. in series
The winding to ensure
is loaded bythe uniform
a direct distri-
current to
bution of the joule losses in the machine. The winding is loaded by a direct
suppress the core losses and additional magnetic field-related and frequency-related losses. current to
suppress the core losses
The temperature andpermanent
of the additionalmagnets
magnetic field-related
and especially theandtemperature
of the
stator core and the winding is measured during the test. The thermographic camera
picture presented in of the permanent
Figure magnets
10. This method and especially
of temperature the temperature
measurement of the
is chosen for
stator core and the check
a fast temperature winding andiscomparison
measured during the test. dissipation
of the thermal The thermographic camerawith
of the machine pic-
ture is presented
mathematical in Figure 10. This method of temperature measurement is chosen for a
fast temperature
The problem of theand
check comparison
equivalent of the thermal
conduction dissipation
coefficients of reduced
could be the machine
to thewith
mathematical models.
geometry; the temperatures are, therefore, measured from the axial direction respecting the
cross section of the machine. The slot area can be described as a composite material with
different thermal properties of the parts and roughly known position of every single part.
The definition of the equivalent thermal conductivity of the wired coil with relatively small
fill factor of the slot and random positioning of the wires in the slot represents the most
challenging task.
Machines 2021, 9, 234 9 of 15
Machines 2021, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 15
Figure 10. Non-contact measurement of the machine temperature by the thermal camera during the
non-rotating tests loaded by DC (nominal current).
Figure 11. Scheme of homogenization of the stator slot with geometrical dimensions.
Figure 11. Scheme of homogenization of the stator slot with geometrical dimensions.
The equivalent thermal conductivity of the solid materials in the slot is then calculated
The equivalent thermal conductivity of the solid materials in the slot is then calcu-
as:Kapton tape
lated as: Air b w + bi + b k
λekv = bi bk
, (11)
λw + λ + λ i k
where bw is the equivalent width of the copper layer, bi is the equivalent width of the wire
Figure 11.layer
insulation Scheme ofbhomogenization
and of the
k is the equivalent statorofslot
width thewith geometrical
Kapton dimensions.
tape layer.
This reduction of the stator slot and winding to the concentric circles enables to
obtain The
the equivalent thermal
thermal conductivity
conductivity of the solid
(based materials
on the Equationin the
in is then
both calcu-
lated as:
Machines 2021, 9, 234 10 of 15
and tangential directions as λekv = 2.48 Wm−1 K−1 . This equivalent thermal conductivity
represents an ideal situation when all wires are currently touching surrounding wires and
the surface of the slot and the heat has to pass from the exact center of the stator slot to its
In the solved thermal model is on the machine surface and the rotor face set the heat
transfer coefficient to αoutside = 9 Wm−2 K−1 . The other parameters are presented in Table 1.
The ANSYS Workbench is used for the calculation.
The wires
The second are surrounded
category of increasingby the
in thedensity
slot andisthe equivalent
based on theair layerof(Figure
usage new 11)
with in
materials thethe
magneticconductivity λair isinsulation,
circuit, winding used as a correction
or permanentfactor betweenetc.
magnets, theMag-
ideal and
netic real situation.
materials withThe air layer
a high levelisofnot directly defined
saturation by the
and small lossreal width[8]ofenable
density the air the
layerre-in the
slot in comparison with the copper and insulation parts; its final
duction of the volume of the stator stack which can be supported by permanent magnets value will be defined
with by the comparison
a high of the measurement
density of energy. and 3D Finite
Properties of insulating Element
materials can Analysis
be improved(FEA).in Both
dif- the
equivalent width of the air layer
ferent ways; insulation systems with higher b a and the equivalent thermal conductivity
temperature class allow the increase of athe λ are the
unknown values. The equivalent width
maximal temperature (up to extreme temperatures ba will
[9]). Insulation systems with high di- (see
be derived from the 3D FEA model
electric 12) and
strength the the
enable initial
usevalue of the thermal
of a thinner conductivity
insulation is analytically
layer for defined calculated.
input voltage.
Figure 12. FEA simulation results of the obtained equivalent conductivity coefficient.
The maximal operating temperature of the winding which cannot be exceeded during
the measurement is 150 ◦ C. The applied direct current of 1 A generates the joule losses
which excite the steady-state temperatures 64.9 ◦ C for the winding, 41.8 ◦ C for the magnets,
and 44.0 ◦ C for the stator core. The same losses are used in the 3D FEA parametrical
calculation and the final value of the equivalent thermal conductivity of the air λair is
iteratively obtained based on the comparison of the 3D FEA and measurement.
Machines 2021, 9, 234 11 of 15
Results / Solution
3.2. ThermalAnalysis
The thermalconductivity
the windingandandthe
core. The
The cooling
cooling effect
convection between the stator, rotor, and surrounding air are defined by the heat transfer
coefficient α. The precise definition of this coefficient and the boundary conditions influence
the correctness of the results obtained by FEA.
Two elementary equations are used for the exact setting of the heat transfer coefficient.
This can be calculated by the usage of the heat flux density qhtc and temperature difference
qhtc = α( T − Tamb ) , (12)
convection between the stator, rotor, and surrounding air are defined by the heat transfer
coefficient α. The precise definition of this coefficient and the boundary conditions influ-
ence the correctness of the results obtained by FEA.
Two elementary equations are used for the exact setting of the heat transfer coeffi-
Machines 2021, 9, 234 cient. This can be calculated by the usage of the heat flux density qhtc and temperature
12 of 15
difference as:
𝑞ℎ𝑡𝑐 = α(𝑇 − 𝑇𝑎𝑚𝑏 ) , (12)
whereTT is
where is the temperature of
the temperature ofthe
analyzedpart partofofthethe machine,
machine, and TambTis
and is ambient
ambambient tem-
temperature. The heat transfer coefficient also defines the thermal heat
perature. The heat transfer coefficient also defines the thermal heat transfer resistance transfer resistance Rp
p as [28]
1 K
Rp = 1 𝐾, (13)
𝑅𝑝 α=· A W[ ] , (13)
𝛼∙𝐴 𝑊
where A is area of the surface.
where TheAcalculation
is area of the surface.
of the heat transfer coefficient α is strongly dependent on many aspects,
The calculation
e.g., the dimensions of the of themachine,
heat transfer coefficient
surface area, andαotheris strongly dependent
mechanical on many
properties, shape, as-
pects, e.g., the dimensions of the machine, surface area, and other
material, speed of the medium, thermal conductivity, etc. The dimensionless quantities aremechanical properties,
used in material, speedand
the analytical of the medium,
numerical thermal conductivity,
calculations to quantify etc.the The dimensionless
thermal convection; quan-
tities are used in the analytical and numerical calculations to quantify
Reynold’s (Re) and Nusselt (Nu) numbers are used in this paper. The formulas used for the thermal convec-
tion; the Reynold’s
estimation of the heat(Re) and Nusselt
transfer (Nu)
coefficient numbers
α are areempirical,
different, used in thisandpaper.
definedThe formulas
used for estimation of the heat transfer coefficient α are different,
in every literature [16,28,29]. Individual empirical relations have to be used for every empirical, and defined
differently in every literature [16,28,29]. Individual empirical relations
of the machine. The formula for the Reynold’s number applied to the outer surface of the have to be used for
every part magnet
permanent of the machine.
(rotor of the Themachine)
formula is:
for the Reynold’s number applied to the outer
surface of the permanent magnet (rotor of the machine) is:
D ·v
Re = 𝐷 ∙[−] 𝑣 , (14)
𝑅𝑒 =νk [−] , (14)
where thediameter
diameterofofthe theouter
outerrotor surface,v visisthe
rotorsurface, thesped
coolantandandνν k kisisthe
kinematic viscosity of the air. Nusselt’s number is calculated according
kinematic viscosity of the air. Nusselt’s number is calculated according to [28,29]. to [28,29].
The tested speed of the machine is ns = 1000 rpm. The empirically calculated heat trans-
The tested speed of the machine is − n2s = −1000 rpm. The empirically calculated heat
fer coefficients are αst in = 44 Wm K 1 for the inner stator surface and
transfer coefficients are α st in = 44 Wm−2K−1 for the inner stator surface and αrot out = 24
αrot out = 24 Wm−2 K−1 for the rotor outer surface. These coefficients are based on the
Wm−2K−1 for the rotor outer surface. These coefficients are based on the formulas from
formulas from literature [14,16,17]. These values are confirmed by the 3D computational
literature [14,16,17]. These values are confirmed by the 3D computational fluid dynamics
fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation of the rotating machine (see Figure 14).
(CFD) simulation of the rotating machine (see Figure 14).
Figure 14.Computational
cient—rotating machine.
rotating machine.
The calculated equivalent thermal conductivity of the slot and heat transfer coefficients
of the stator and rotor surface are applied to the 3D steady-state FEA of the rotating machine.
The usage of Reynold’s and Nusselt’s numbers respects the laminar or turbulence character
of the air flowing in the air gap. The maximal steady-state output current is defined
to Imax = 1.5A (rms current) at the reference speed 1000 rpm per one phase; this value
and excited losses are used for the analysis. Comparison of the results obtained by the
measurement and 3D FEA is summarized in Table 3 and the temperature distribution is
shown in Figure 15.
Machines 2021, 9, 234 13 of 15
Figure 15. FEA simulation results of the obtained equivalent conductivity coefficient—rotating
The heat transfer coefficients were derived in previous calculations and directly used
in this 3D FEA analysis of the rotating machine. The approach used is validated by the
comparison of the temperature distribution obtained by the 3D FEA and measurement of
the loaded rotating machine. The obtained error of measured and calculated values are
smaller than 3%.
4. Conclusions
A physical model of the permanent magnet synchronous machine has a relatively high
number of turns in the slot; the round wire winding is, therefore, used with an optimized
turn ratio of this multilayer winding; The ideal ratio of the number of turns of the central
and marginal coil is 3, which corresponds to [20]; the winding factor of spatial harmonic
components ν = 4 km ± 1 is then zero according to Figure 4 and the parasitic components
of the produced magnetomotive force waveform are therefore reduced. The presented
mathematical description of the step curve of the magnetomotive force can be modified
and generally applied to the four-layer hairpin windings. One of the overlooked factors of
these multilayer windings is the influence of the arrangement of the coil sides to the slot
leakage inductance; it has been evaluated for different turn ratios and can be also applied
to the four-layer hairpin winding.
The round-wired coils generally have a small fill factor of the slot and the random
positioning of the wires in the slot. The physical model is used for the evaluation of the
thermal properties of the slot. It is necessary to use the combination of the analytical,
FEA, and CFD calculations, and the results are then iteratively obtained by the usage
of a combination of the presented methods. The obtained thermal conductivity of the
slot is λslot = 0.54 Wm−1 K−1 and the heat transfer coefficients for a rotating machine
Machines 2021, 9, 234 14 of 15
are αst in = 44 Wm−2 K−1 and αrot out = 24 Wm−2 K−1 for inner stator surface and outer
rotor surface, respectively. The maximal stable output power of this physical model is
approximately 30 W at the reference speed 1000 rpm.
The paper presents a method for the analytical description of the magnetic field
produced by a multilayer winding, and an approach to the precise calculation of the slot
leakage inductance, which is necessary to the calculation and prediction of the operation
maps of the machine. The multilayer windings can have different configuration but
presented approach can be modified to different winding.
The calculated value of slot heat transfer coefficient can be used by a reader for a
comparison with their own calculations and measurements of machines with similarly
small slot filling factor. The authors will compare the obtained results with other machines
and the results will be applied to the thermal design and analysis of the machines with
similar winding designed for use in industrial applications.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, J.L., L.V. and R.P.; methodology, L.V; validation, mea-
surements J.L., L.V.; writing—original draft preparation, J.L., L.V.; writing—review and editing, R.P.;
visualization, J.L.; supervision, R.P. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the
Funding: This research has been supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the
Czech Republic under the project OP VVV Electrical Engineering Technologies with High-Level of
Embedded Intelligence CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/18_069/0009855 and funding program of the University
of West Bohemia number SGS 2021-021.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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