This chapter provides an overview of coir industry. The researcher deals with
coconut production all over the world, India, Tamilnadu and in Tirunelveli. It gives the
information on world coir production and India’s share, number of coir units registered,
sales of coir and coir products, assistance available under DPI, number of persons
coir board, production, export and consumption of coir fibre, coir yarn, coir rope, curled
coir, rubberized coir and coir products,. For the purpose of analysis the trend equation
has been used so as to find out the annual average growth and compound growth rate of
coconut husk is the raw material for coir industry. It is rightly remarked that one cannot
narrate the coir industry except by starting with the coconut tree where it really begins.
The Asian and Pacific Countries together contribute 85 per cent to 90 per cent of the
total world production of coconut. The following table exhibits the world coconut
The above mentioned table affirms that the world coconut production has
gradually accelerated from 51.19 million metric tons in the year 2000 to 61.91 million
netric tons in the year 2007, while it suddenly fell down to 60.41 tons in the year 2008,
then it jumped to 61.38 million metric tons in the year 2009. After that it slowly shrunk
to 60.30 million metric tons in the year 2010 and further to 58.62 million metric tons in
the year 2011. However, during the year 2012 the world coconut production marginally
increased to 62.19 million metric tons, and again to 62.19 million metric tons in the year
2013, then it gradually fell down to 59.01 million metric tons in the year 2016. The
following table shows the trend and growth rate of world coconut production.
2000 TO 2016
Linear Model
a b t R2 CGR
52.8691 0.5814
5.235** 0.6463
(1.1380) (0.1110)
Semi-log Model
Coconut 1.03
a b t R2
3.9678 0.0102
5.780** 0.6521
(0.0198) (0.0019)
Source: Computed by the Researcher
** Significant at 1% level,
Figures in brackets are Standard Errors
During the period from 2000 to 2016, the trend coefficients of the world coconut
production were found to be statistically significant at 1 per cent level. The R2 values
were also found to be satisfactory. On an average the world coconut production has
increased by 0.5814 million metric tons per annum. The growth rate of the world coconut
production was found to be 1.02 per cent per year on an average. Moreover, the
compound growth rate of the world coconut production was found to be 1.03 per cent per
annum. The following table presents the details of coconut production in India,
From the above table it could be understood that the coconut production in India
has slowly increased from 12,67,840 lakhs nuts in the year 2000-01 to 12,96,290 lakhs
nuts in the year 2001-02. But it suddenly fell down to 12,53,500 lakhs nuts in the year
2002-03 and further to 12,17,820 lakhs nuts in the year 2003-04. Then the coconut
production in India has gradually accelerated from 12,83,290 lakhs nuts in the year
2004-05 to 15,84,030 lakhs nuts in the year 2006-07, while it reduced to 14,74,356
lakhs nuts in the year 2007-08. Then there was a steady growth in the coconut
production of India was witnessed from 15,72,975 lakhs nuts in the year 2008-09 to
23,35,122 lakhs nuts in the year 2011-12. After that unfortunately the coconut
production has been decreasing from 22,68,003 lakhs nuts in the year 2012-13 to
20,43,961 lakhs nuts in the year 2014-15. And finally it jumped to 22,16,745 lakhs nuts
Table 3.3 also reveals that the coconut production in Tamilnadu has moved up
from 31,920 lakhs nuts in the year 2000-01 to 32,936 lakhs nuts in the year 2001-02.
Then it shrunk to 25,605 lakhs nuts in the year 2003-04, thereafter it steadily increased
to 54,385 lakhs nuts in the year 2007-08. However, it suddenly reduced to 53,620 lakhs
nuts in the year 2008-09. Then it gradually jumped to 62,009 lakhs nuts in the year
2011-12, then it reduced to the level of 49,890 lakhs nuts in the year 2014-15, and
The table also disclosed the fact that the coconut production in Tirunelveli has
fluctuatingly decreased from 1,005 lakhs nuts in the year 2000-01 to 866 lakhs nuts in
the year 2003-04, then increased to 2,736 lakhs nuts in the year 2006-07, while it
reduced to 1,280 lakhs nuts in the year 2011-12, and finally reached the level of 1,883
The following Table 3.4 presents the trend and growth rate of coconut
Linear Model
Variable CGR
a b t R2
1024244.0250 76910.1882
India 8.455** 0.8362 4.67
(87953.8685) (9095.9725)
31106.7250 1902.6500
Tamilnadu 4.480** 0.5890 4.62
(4106.8952) (424.7250)
1216.9250 41.5455
Tirunelveli 1.977* 0.1428 3.55
(263.0259) (27.2015)
Semi-log Model
a b t R2
13.91 0.0456
India 9.612** 0.8684
(0.0459) (0.0047)
10.3451 0.0452
Tamilnadu 4.399** 0.5802
(0.0993) (0.0102)
7.0085 0.0348
Tirunelveli 2.066* 0.2336
(0.1633) (0.0168)
Source: Computed by the Researcher
** Significant at 1% level
* Significant at 5% level
Figures in brackets are Standard Errors
The trend coefficients of the coconut production in India and Tamilnadu are found
to be statistically significant at the 1 per cent level, whereas the trend coefficient for
Tirunelveli is found to be statistically significant at the 5 per cent level. The R2 values for
India and Tamilnadu are found to be satisfactory. The average annual increase of the
increased by 1,902.6500 lakhs nuts and for Tirunelveli it was 41.5455 lakhs nuts per
The coconut production in India has increased by 4.56 per cent per annum; but in
Tamilnadu it was at the rate of 4.52 per cent per annum, and in Tirunelveli coconut
The compound growth rate of coconut production in India was 4.67 per cent per
annum, which was greater than that of in Tamilnadu (4.62 per cent) and Tirunelveli (3.55
per cent).
Currently, the global annual production of coir is about 12,00,000 tonnes. Yet,
even in the world’s top two producers, India and Sri Lanka, which account for about 60
per cent of global coir production, combined, this renewable resource is underutilized;
local coir mills process only a fraction of the available husks, which accrue more or less
(In Tonnes)
Table 3.5 clearly reveals that the world coir production has decreased from
9,45,090 tonnes in the year 2000 to 9,04,080 tonnes in the year 2002, while in the year
2003 the production has risen to 10,06,350 tonnes, then it fell down to 9,53,210 tonnes in
2004, further steadily increased to 10,82,660 tonnes in the year 2007. Then, the
tonnes in 2013 and finally it has risen to 12,14,120 tonnes in the year 2016.
The above Table 3.5 also shows that the coir production of Asian continent has
more than 95 per cent share in total World coir production. During the year 2000, the
Asia’s production was 9,03,690 tonnes and its share was 95.62 per cent, it reduced to
8,62,680 tonnes and 95.42 per cent in the year 2002. Then in the year 2003 the value
increased to 9,64,950 tonnes and the share to 95.89 per cent. Then the production value
fell down to 9,53,150 tonnes and the share to 95.84 per cent in the year 2005. The Asia’s
coir production has fluctuatingly increased from 10,73,345 tonnes in 2009 to 10,91,020
tonnes in 2012, and its share also from 96.28 per cent to 96.33 per cent during the
corresponding period. Then the value has increased to 11,72,064 tonnes and the share to
Moreover, the Table 3.5 represents India’s coir production has accelerated from
4,68,000 tonnes in 2000 to 5,31,500 tonnes in 2003 and again to 5,45,000 tonnes in 2007,
but its share has increased from 49.15 per cent to 52.81 per cent and decreased to 50.34
per cent during the same period. The coir production of India has decelerated from
5,41,000 tonnes in 2009 to 5,14,000 tonnes in 2011, the share also reduced from 48.53
per cent to 47.30 per cent. Then the value rise upto 5,96,500 tonnes in 2013 and its share
to 49.46 per cent, and in the year 2016 the value fell down to 5,61,647 tonnes and its
share to 46.24 per cent. During the study period from 2000 to 2016, India has achieved a
maximum share of 52.81 per cent in the year 2003, and in the next year, that is 2004
India has a lowest share of 43.96 per cent. The following Table 3.6 presents the trend and
Linear Model
Variable CGR
a b t R2
889114.1838 19740.3848
World 14.086** 0.9297 1.88
(14360.5503) (1401.4462)
847917.2867 19697.8308
Asia 14.070** 0.9295 1.95
(14345.5702) (1299.9843)
442063.6617 7848.2990
India 4.903** 0.6157 1.57
(16402.5091) (1600.7209)
Semi-log Model
a b t R2
13.7081 0.0186
World 13.508** 0.9240
(0.0141) (0.0013)
13.6614 0.0193
Asia 13.457** 0.9235
(0.0147) (0.0014)
13.0025 0.0155
India 4.779** 0.6035
(0.0333) (0.0032)
Source: Computed by the Researcher
** Significant at 1% level
Figures in brackets are Standard Errors
The trend analysis has disclosed that the trend coefficients are statistically
significant at the one per cent level for the World, Asia and for India. During the period
(2000 to 2016) World coir production grew by 19,740.3848 tonnes per year, the coir
7848.2990 tonnes on an average. The R2 values for World and Asia were found to be
The World coir production has increased by 1.86 per cent, the Asia coir
production by 1.93 per cent and in India the coir production increased by 1.55 per cent
per year during the period from 2000 to 2016. The compound growth rate (CGR) of the
World coir production was found to be 1.88 per cent, for Asia it was 1.95 per cent and for
The following Table 3.7 presents the number of coir units registered in India
2013-14 175 17 91 30
The number of coir units registered in India has gradually increased from 247
units in the year 2000-01 to 415 units in the year 2003-04. It suddenly shrunk to 361
units in the year 2004-05 and again to 303 units in the year 2005-06. After that it steadily
rose to 2,078 units in the year 2008-09. However, thereafter the number of units
registered gradually fell down to 175 units in the year 2014-15. And finally it
In Kerala the number of registered coir units has gradually increased from 181
units in the year 2000-01 to 205 units in the year 2002-03. And then it fluctuatingly
increased to 631 units in the year 2008-09. However after that the number of units
steadily decreased to the level of 24 units in the year 2014-15, and it unexpectedly
There were more fluctuating trend has been witnessed in the number of units
registered in Tamilnadu state. The number of units increased from 35 to 108 during the
jumped to 717 units in the year 2009-10, then it slowly came down to 117 units in the
year 2014-15, and it jumped to the level of 209 units in the year 2015-16.
In Andhra Pradesh state, the number of coir units registered has increased from 2
units in the year 2000-01 to 13 units in the year 2005-06, again to 293 units in the year
Linear Model
Variable CGR
a b t R2
435.7500 7.6911
India 0.291 0.0060 0.11
(255.4842) (26.4215)
241.7750 -7.4514
Kerala -0.847 0.0487 -10.67
(85.0399) (8.7946)
48.0500 10.2220
Tamilnadu 1.164 0.0882 10.62
(84.9063) (8.7808)
6.7750 4.0264
Andhrapradesh 0.993 0.0658 12.58
(39.2007) (4.0540)
Semi-log Model
a b t R2
5.9587 0.0011
India 0.031 0.0000
(0.3566) (0.0368)
5.7065 -0.1127
Kerala -2.207* 0.2582
(0.4940) (0.0510)
3.6818 0.1009
Tamilnadu 2.821** 0.3624
(0.3460) (0.0357)
1.8720 0.1185
Andhrapradesh 2.005 0.2230
(0.5715) (0.0591)
Source: Computed by the Researcher
** Significant at 1% level
* Significant at 5% level
Figures in brackets are Standard Errors
During the study period from 2000-01 to 2015-16, the trend coefficients were
found to be statistically insignificant in linear model. The R2 values were found to be not
satisfactory level. Number of coir units registered in India grew by 7.6911 units per year,
by only 4.0264 units per year. But in Kerala on an average the number of coir units
The annual average growth rate of the number of coir units registered in Kerala
has negative sign, which implied that in Kerala the coir units registered has decreased by
11.27 per cent per year. Whereas on an average coir units registered in India, Tamilnadu
and Andhrapradesh have accelerated by 0.11 per cent, 10.09 per cent per year and 11.85
From the Table 3.8, it could be also understood that the compound growth rate of
the number of coir units registered in India and India, Tamilnadu and Andhrapradesh
were accelerated by 0.11 per cent 10.62 per cent and 12.58 per cent per annum
respectively. On the other hand the compound growth rate of decreased by 1.68 per cent
and 15.10 per cent per annum. On the other hand number of coir units registered in
MDA was introduced by Coir Board with effect from 2000-01 in lieu of the Rebate
Scheme that was in operation in the Coir Sector till 1999-2000. The Scheme is
continuing during the XII Five Year Plan. The MDA is linked with the sales performance
of the beneficiary organizations concerned and the scheme aims at providing incentives
for better performance. The following Table 3.9 presents the sales of coir and coir
(Rs. in Lakhs)
Sales of Coir and Coir
Year Percentage Change
2000-01 964.83 -
2001-02 926.80 -3.94
2002-03 692.45 -25.29
2003-04 727.29 5.03
2004-05 762.55 4.85
2005-06 754.86 -1.01
2006-07 780.95 3.46
2007-08 1,031.15 32.04
2008-09 1,119.30 8.55
2009-10 748.85 -33.10
2010-11 1,311.30 75.11
2011-12 1,462.46 11.53
2012-13 2,102.75 43.78
2013-14 1,805.67 -14.13
2014-15 1,986.57 10.02
2015-16 1,746.56 -12.08
Source: Annual Reports of Coir Board, 2000-01 to 2015-16
Form the Table 3.9 it is known that the sales value of coir and coir products
through coir board has decreased to Rs.926.80 lakhs in 2001-02 from the level of
Rs.964.83 lakhs in 2000-01 and again fall to Rs.692.45 lakhs in 2002-03. And then the
value slowly rose from Rs.727.29 lakhs to Rs. 754.86 lakhs in 2005-06, further to
Rs.1,031.15 lakhs in 2007-08 and Rs.1,119.30 lakhs in 2008-09. But in the next year this
value suddenly fell down to Rs.748.85 lakhs in 2009-10. After that in continuously
2015-16. During the years 2002-03, 2005-06, 2009-10, 2013-14, and 2015-16 the sales
value have fallen than in the respective previous years. During the overall study period
the sales value has reached the top value of Rs.2,102.75 lakhs in the year 2012-13.
TABLE 3.10
Linear Model
Variable CGR
a b t R2
460.2595 85.0013
5.507** 0.6842
(149.2373) (15.4337)
Sales Value of Semi-log Model
Coir Products a b t R2
6.4233 0.0679
5.413** 0.6766
(0.1213) (0.0125)
Source: Computed by the Researcher
** Significant at 1% level
Figures in brackets are Standard Errors
The trend coefficients of sales value of coir products are statistically significant at
the one per cent level. The R2 values are found to be satisfactory. The sales value of coir
products has increased by Rs.85.0013 lakhs on an average per annum during the study
The growth rate of the sales value of coir products has increased by 6.79 per cent
per year and the compound growth rate was calculated to be 7.03 per cent per annum.
the Ministry of MSME being implemented through the Coir Board, is on development of
infrastructure for the sustainable development of coir sector. The scheme envisages
provision of financial assistance for setting up new coir units and modernization of
existing units for the sustainable growth of coir sector. Due to extension of coconut
cultivation to non-traditional coconut producing states, coir industry also expanded its
activities to such states with the assistance of Coir Board for development of
The scheme is in operation since VII Five Year Plan and continuing
implementation with increased quantum of assistance. Coir Board, Kochi is the Nodal
of the Coir Board in association with District Industries Centers (DIC's) of the respective
States. The scheme will be monitored by Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprise (MSME). The details of financial assistance given to the units during 2000-01
TABLE 3.11
(Rs. in Lakhs)
Average Amount
Year Number of Units Amount
per Unit
From the Table 3.11 it could be understood that the financial assistance provided
the year 2000-01. This amount has been utilized by 119 units. The number of units has
decreased to 25 and the amount also Rs.28.71 lakhs in the year 2002-03. However during
the year 2007-08, the number of units fluctuatingly jumped to 152 and the amount to
Rs.144.37 lakhs. Then the number of units has continuously fallen to 25 units as well as
the assistance amount to Rs.54.45 lakhs in the year 2011-12. Finally, the number of units
reached to the level of 25 units with the value of Rs.95.31 lakhs in the year 2015-16.
On an average the assistance per unit has risen from 1.0712 lakhs in 2000-01 to
1.8775 lakhs in 2005-06. However after that the average assistance slowly shrunk to
Rs.81.09 thousands in the year 2008-09. Hereafter, the average assistance gradually
TABLE 3.12
Linear Model
a b t R2 CGR
82.8500 -3.5852
Units -1.854 0.1971 -6.98
(18.6983) (1.9337)
81.0112 -0.3708
Amount -0.175 0.0021 -0.15
(20.5350) (2.1236)
Semi-log Model
a b t R2
4.3643 -0.0723
Units -2.381* 0.2881
(0.2936) (0.0303)
4.2094 -0.0015
Amount 0.049 0.0002
(0.3047) (0.0317)
Source: Computed by the Researcher
* Significant at 5 % level
Figures in brackets are Standard Errors
The trend coefficients of the number of coir units and assistance amount are found
to be statistically insignificant. The R2 values are also not satisfactory level during the
study period. On an average, the number of units getting assistance under DPI scheme
has decreased by 3.5852 units per year, the amount of assistance also reduced by
The annual average amount of assistance has decreased at the rate of 0.15 per cent
per annum, the number of units also decelerated by 7.23 per cent per annum. The
compound growth rate of the amount of assistance is found to be negative, that is it has
decreased by 0.15 per cent per annum, and the number of units also reduced by 6.98 per
The National Coir Training & Design Centre was established in 1965. Training
programmes for various cadres are being conducted at this Institute. The regular training
The following are the trained persons during the year 2000-01 to 2015-16.
TABLE 3.13
2000-01 1,316 -
2001-02 2,430 84.65
2002-03 3,371 38.72
2003-04 6,829 102.58
2004-05 13,318 95.02
2005-06 38,346 187.93
2006-07 8,697 -77.32
2007-08 8,987 3.33
2008-09 9,916 10.34
2009-10 9,007 -9.17
2010-11 13,853 53.80
2011-12 19,811 43.01
2012-13 18,721 -5.50
2013-14 20,077 7.24
2014-15 20,600 2.60
2015-16 6,747 -67.25
Source: Annual Reports of Coir Board, 2000-01 to 2015-16
The above Table 3.13 clearly indicates that the number of persons trained in the
national coir training and design centre has gradually risen from 1,316 persons in the year
2000-01 to 38,346 persons in the year 2005-06, but in the next year it suddenly fell down
to 8,697 persons in 2006-07. Then it slowly picked upto 9,916 persons in 2008-09.
However, the number of persons trained has continuously increased from 9,007 persons
in 2009-10 to the level of 20,600 persons in the year 2014-15, and unexpected the
number of persons trained has fallen to 6,747 persons in the year 2015-16. During the
study period from 2000-01 to 2015-16, a maximum of 38,346 persons have trained in the
year 2005-06 and a minimum of 1,316 persons have trained in the year 2000-01.
During the years 2006-07, 2009-10, 2012-13 and 2015-16 the numbers of persons
TABLE 3.14
Linear Model
a b t R2 CGR
5960.2000 784.2852
1.634 0.1601
(4642.1344) (480.0781)
Number of
Semi-log Model 12.30
a b t R2
8.1629 0.1160
3.055** 0.4000
(0.3672) (0.0379)
Source: Computed by the Researcher
** Significant at 1% level
Figures in brackets are Standard Errors
The trend coefficients of the number of persons trained in National Coir Training
and Design Centre are found to be statistically significant at 5 per cent level in semi-log
model. The R2 values are found to be not satisfactory. The average annual increase of
number of persons trained was calculated to 784.2852 persons per year. The annual
average growth rate of the number of persons getting training was 11.60 per cent per
year, and the compound growth rate of this was 12.30 per cent per annum.
The scheme is intended to provide self employment to rural women artisans in coir
producing regions. Over the last two decades, production of coir fibre has substantially
increased in India. Conversion of coir fibre into yarn on motorized ratts in rural
households provides scope for large scale employment, improvement in productivity and
quality of coir fibre, better working conditions and higher - income which ultimately
leads to the improvement in the standard of living for rural woman artisans. The scheme
envisages distribution of motorized ratts/motorized traditional ratts for spinning coir yarn
to trained women artisans. Not more than one artisan per household would be eligible to
receive assistance under the scheme. The details of distribution of ratts and the assistance
The Table 3.15 shows that the number of ratts distributed was 452 with assistance
of Rs.29.76 lakhs in the year 2000-01, while in the year 2001-02 the number of ratts
distributed suddenly reduced to 221 with the assistance of Rs.15.06 lakhs. However the
number of ratts distributed has steadily jumped from 1303 in 2002-03 to 21130 in
2006-07, the assistance also increased from Rs.38.79 lakhs to Rs.569.27 lakhs during the
corresponding period. During the year 2007-08 the number of ratts distributed drastically
fell down to 2509 ratts and the assistance also to Rs.64.29 lakhs. Moreover the number of
ratts distributed severely fell down from 3009 ratts with the assistance of Rs.85.81 lakhs
to 264 ratts with Rs.9.62 lakhs. However, from the year 2010-11, the number of ratts
distributed and amount of assistance under Mahila Coir Yojana scheme has fluctuatingly
reached the level of 596 ratts with the assistance of Rs.68.36 lakhs in the year 2015-16.
TABLE 3.15
Year Number of Ratts Distributed (Rs. in Lakhs)
2000-01 452 29.761
2001-02 221 15.06
2002-03 1,303 38.79
2003-04 1,556 64.25
2004-05 3,212 112.79
2005-06 4,220 122.00
2006-07 21,130 569.27
2007-08 2,509 64.29
2008-09 3,009 85.81
2009-10 264 9.62
2010-11 380 25.58
2011-12 466 14.72
2012-13 274 8.39
2013-14 445 12.85
2014-15 354 10.97
2015-16 596 68.36
Source: Annual Reports of Coir Board, 2000-01 to 2015-16
The maximum number of ratts distributed and maximum assistance has given in
the year 2006-07. During the year 2007-08, the number of ratts distributed has decreased
TABLE 3.16
Linear Model
Variable CGR
a b t R2
Ratts 3994.5250 -172.9514 -7.87
-0.609 0.0258
Distributed (2747.1855) (283.7969)
116.8855 -4.5415 -7.93
Assistance -0.602 0.0252
(72.9396) (7.5432)
Semi-log Model
a b t R2
Ratts 7.5638 -0.0818
-1.188 0.0915
Distributed (0.6668) (0.0689)
4.3211 -0.0825
Assistance -1.344 0.1142
(0.5941) (0.0614)
Source: Computed by the Researcher
Figures in brackets are Standard Errors
The trend coefficients of the distribution of ratts and amount of assistance are found
average the number of ratts distributed has decreased by 172.9514 ratts per year, and the
amount of assistance has also shrunken by 4.5415 lakhs per year. In the semi-log model,
the coefficient of the ratts indicates that the number of ratts distributed has diminished by
8.18 per cent per year, and the assistance also diminished by 8.25 per cent per year during
the study period. The compound growth rates of the number of ratts distributed (-7.87 per
cent) and the amount of assistance (-7.93 per cent) are found to be negative.
The Indian Coir Industry has been traditionally a cottage industry confined to
handloom sector. In order to meet the challenges from the competing countries in the
world market, the Government of India had decided to introduce mechanization in coir
industry in a phased manner. Accordingly, it was decided to mechanize one third portion
of the production of coir mattings. As a part of this decision, the Hindustan Coir was
established in the year 1969 with 5 imported power looms and 58 workers. Hindustan
Coir produces coir matting in several attractive patterns with various colour schemes. At
present only 5 looms are engaged for production. The Table 3.17 shows the total
TABLE 3.17
DURING 2000-01 TO 2015-16
The Table 3.17 explains that the total quantity of 2,72,328 sq. Meters of matting
where produced with the value of Rs.287.27 lakhs. But in the next year the quantity of
coir matting rose to 3,05,331.08 sq. meters while the value slightly shrunk to Rs.285.12
lakhs. Thereafter the production of Hindustan coir matting has witnessed a fluctuating
trend, its value also. The quantity of Hindustan coir matting fluctuating decreased from
1,54,270.06 sq. Meters in the year 2002-03 to 52,000 sq. Meters in the year 2015-16,
Whereas its value expanded from Rs.144.06 lakhs to Rs.176 lakhs during the above
corresponding period.
was attained in the year 2001-02, on the other hand, in the year 2011-12, it has reached
TABLE 3.18
Linear Model
a b t R2 CGR
Quantity (1759.7542) -7.473** 0.7995 -9.00
248.2360 -0.0923 0.0007
Value 0.030 0.0001
(29.4478) (3.0454)
Semi-log Model
a b t R2
12.6663 -0.0942
Quantity -7.583** 0.8042
(0.1201) (0.0124)
5.4868 0.000007.08
Value 0.001 0.0000
(0.1266) (0.0130)
The trend and growth rate of production of Hindustan coir matting are found to be
statistically significant at the one per cent level. The R2 values are also found to be
decreased by 13,150.7405 Sq.mtrs per year during the study period. But the trend
coefficients of the value of the Hindustan coir matting are found to be statistically
insignificant and its R2 values are also not satisfactory level. The production value of
Hindustan coir matting has decreased by Rs.9.23 thousands per year on an average.
The annual average growth rate of the quantity of production of Hindustan coir
matting had shown a negative value of -9.42 per cent per annum, but the growth rate of
its value has become a positive value of 0.0007 per cent per annum on an average.
matting has negative growth of 9 per cent per annum and the compound growth rate of its
The Government has been providing budgetary support to Coir Board for
implementing the various schemes and programmes. The details of budgetary support
TABLE 3.19
(Rs. in Crore)
Year Allocation Funds Released
2000-01 14.64 10.39
2001-02 14.98 12.08
2002-03 15.60 13.77
2003-04 15.85 14.52
2004-05 18.00 16.80
2005-06 35.51 35.43
2006-07 23.00 22.90
2007-08 36.70 35.70
2008-09 47.60 47.60
2009-10 42.00 25.88
2010-11 49.10 46.33
2011-12 56.46 41.79
2012-13 50.75 35.14
2013-14 76.09 64.27
2014-15 68.65 65.18
2015-16 73.32 50.92
Source: Annual Reports of Coir Board, 2000-01 to 2015-16
The Table 3.19 depicted that the budgetary allocation and the actual funds
received to the coir board has gradually increased from 2000-01 to 2005-06. The budget
allocation rose from Rs.14.64 crores to Rs.35.51 crores and the funds released grew from
Rs.10.39 crores to Rs.35.43 crores during the corresponding years. The budget allocation
amount has fluctuatingly increased from Rs.23.00 crores in 2006-07 to Rs.76.09 crores in
2013-14 and finally decelerated to Rs.73.32 crores in 2015-16, while the funds released
has jumped from Rs.22.90 crores to Rs. 64.27 crores and decreased to Rs.50.92 crores.
TABLE 3.20
Linear Model
a b t R2 CGR
Budget 2.8597 4.3565
12.667** 0.9197
Allocation (3.3256) (0.3439) 13.07
5.0487 3.3670
Fund Released 7.225** 0.7885 12.32
(4.5065) (0.4660)
Semi-log Model
a b t R2
Budget 2.4812 0.1228
12.676** 0.9198
Allocation (0.0937) (0.0096)
2.3708 0.1162
Fund Released 8.219** 0.8283
(0.1367) (0.0141)
Source: Computed by the Researcher
** Significant at 1% level
Figures in brackets are Standard Errors
The trend analysis disclosed that the trend coefficients are statistically significant
at the one per cent level. During the study period (2000-01 to 2015-16) Government’s
budget allocation to coir board grew by Rs. 4.3565 crores per year on an average. But the
actual funds released have grown by Rs. 3.3670 crores per year during the same study
The budgetary allocation has increased by 12.28 per cent per year, while the funds
released grew by 11.62 per cent per year during the study period. However, the
compound growth rate of the budgetary allocation found to be 13.07 per cent per annum
and that of the funds released was calculated to 12.32 per cent per annum.
The development of coir industry has all along been in areas where there is
concentration of coconut cultivation and availability of coconut husks. Kerala being the
home state of Coir Industry with traditional skill for the production of quality export
oriented value added Coir products provide employment to large number of artisans due
to the expansion of Coconut cultivation to other States viz., Tamil Nadu, Andhra
Pradesh, Odisha, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Assam, and Tripura the Coir Industry took
roots in these States for generating employment for rural artisans of the coconut
producing States. Tamil Nadu has emerged as one of the most important coir producing
Regions special efforts are being taken in the Coconut growing states of Assam and
Tripura. The following Table 3.21 provides the detail of production of coir fibre during
TABLE 3.21
The Table 3.21 clearly depicts that the production of coir fibre has diminished from
3,64,000 Metric Tonnes in 2000-01 to 3,53,700 million tonnes in 2002-03. After that the
production volume has gradually increased trend from 3,64,000 Metric Tonnes in
2003-04 to 4,97,800 Metric Tonnes in 2007-08. Then the coir fibre production has
climbed from 4,91,000 Metric Tonnes in 2008-09 to 5,31,500 Metric Tonnes in 2011-12,
then declined to 4,06,441 Metric Tonnes in 2013-14 and finally rose to 5,49,300 Metric
Tonnes in 2015-16. The maximum growth rate attained in the year 2014-15 was 33.35
per cent.
TABLE 3.22
Linear Model
a b t R2 CGR
342772.6750 13400.4647
5.412** 0.6766
(23940.4297) (2475.8603)
Production of Semi-log Model
Coir Fibre a b t R2
12.7628 0.0299
5.493** 0.6830
(0.0528) (0.0054)
Source: Computed by the Researcher
** Significant at 1% level
Figures in brackets are Standard Errors
The trend coefficients of the production of coir fibre are found to be statistically
significant at 1 per cent level. The R2 values are also found to be satisfactory. The
average annual growth of production of coir fibre has increased by 13,400.4647 Metric
Tonnes per year. The growth rate of the production of coir fibre found to be 2.99 per cent
per year on an average, and the compound growth rate of this was calculated to be 3.04
per cent per annum. The following table will give the details of production of coir yarn.
TABLE 3.23
The Table 3.23 explains that the production of coir yarn has reduced from
2,33,400 Metric Tonnes in 2000-01 to 2,26,800 Metric Tonnes in 2002-03. But, after this
year the production of coir yarn has progressively mounted to 2,70,000 Metric Tonnes in
2005-06, further to 2,96,500 Metric Tonnes in 2009-10, again to 3,21,700 Metric Tonnes
in 2012-13 and to 3,29,600Metric Tonnes in 2015-16. During the study period, the
maximum growth rate of production of coir yarn was in the year 2005-06 calculated as
TABLE 3.24
Linear Model
a b t R2 CGR
218767.5000 7574.4117
14.048** 0.9337
(5213.5758) (539.1748)
Production of Semi-log Model
Coir Yarn a b t R2
12.3129 0.0273
12.526** 0.9180
(0.0210) (0.0021)
Source: Computed by the Researcher
** Significant at 1% level
Figures in brackets are Standard Errors
The trend coefficients of the production of coir yarn are found to be statistically
significant at 1 per cent level. The R2 values are also found to be satisfactory. On an
average the production of coir yarn has increased by 7,574.4117 Metric Tonnes per year.
The growth rate of the production of coir yarn is found to be 2.73 per cent per year on an
average. However, the compound growth rate of the production of coir yarn estimated to
be 2.77 per cent per annum. The following table 3.25 will provide the details of year wise
TABLE 3.25
The above Table 3.25 demonstrates that the production of coir rope has slowly
gone up from 51,300 Metric Tonnes in the year 2000-01 to 52,700 Metric Tonnes in the
year 2001-02, but during the years 2002-03 to 2005-06 the production volume stood at
50,000 Metric Tonnes. Similarly the production of coir rope stood at 52,000 Metric
Tonnes in the years 2006-07, and 2007-08. After that there was a increasing trend has
been witnessed in the production of coir rope from 52,470 Metric Tonnes in the year
2008-09 to 63,780 Metric Tonnes in the year 2011-12 and to 65,920 Metric Tonnes in the
year 2015-16. The maximum growth rate of the production of coir rope is found to 7.19
TABLE 3.26
Linear Model
a b t R2 CGR
45894.5000 12170.7794
7.807** 0.8132
(1508.3255) (155.9873)
Production of Semi-log Model
Coir Rope a b t R2
10.7512 0.0212
7.821** 0.8137
(0.0262) (0.0027)
Source: Computed by the Researcher
** Significant at 1% level
Figures in brackets are Standard Errors
The trend analysis shows that on an average the production of coir rope has
increased by 12,170.7794 Metric Tonnes per year. The growth rate of the production of
coir rope is found to be 2.12 per cent per year on an average. However, the compound
growth rate of the production of coir rope is estimated to be 2.14 per cent per annum.
Moreover the table also indicates that the trend coefficients of the production of coir rope
are found to be statistically significant at 1 per cent level. And the R2 values are also
found to be satisfactory. The following table 3.27 gives the details of production of curled
TABLE 3.27
2000-01 31,000 -
2001-02 31,800 2.58
2002-03 28,000 -11.95
2003-04 29,500 5.36
2004-05 36,500 23.73
2005-06 38,000 4.11
2006-07 48,000 26.32
2007-08 49,000 2.08
2008-09 49,540 1.10
2009-10 54,200 9.41
2010-11 59,000 8.86
2011-12 63,780 8.10
2012-13 63,780 0
2013-14 64,700 1.44
2014-15 65,040 0.53
2015-16 65,850 1.25
Source: Annual Reports of Coir Board, 2000-01 to 2015-16
The above Table 3.27 revealed that the production of curled coir has slowly
frown from 31,000 Metric Tonnes in the year 2000-01 to 31,800 Metric Tonnes in the
year 2001-02, but it suddenly fell down to 28,000 Metric Tonnes in the year 2002-03.
However after that the production of curled coir has steadily accelerated from 29,500
Metric Tonnes in the year 2003-04 to 49,000 Metric Tonnes in the year 2007-08, further
to 63,700 Metric Tonnes in the year 2011-12 and reached the level of 65,850 Metric
Tonnes in the year 2015-16. During the years 2011-12 and 2012-13 the production
volume was remained 63,780 Metric Tonnes. The highest growth rate of production of
curled coir of 26.32 per cent has witnessed in the year 2006-07, followed by 23.73 per
TABLE 3.28
Linear Model
a b t R2 CGR
23828.2500 2914.9852
15.001** 0.9414
(1879.0257) (194.3242)
Production of Semi-log Model
Curled coir a b t R2
10.2062 0.0635
12.247** 0.9146
(0.0502) (0.0051)
Source: Computed by the Researcher
** Significant at 1% level
Figures in brackets are Standard Errors
The trend coefficients of the production of curled coir are found to be statistically
significant at 1 per cent level. The R2 values are also satisfactory. The average annual
production of curled coir was increased by 2,914.9852 Metric Tonnes per annum. On an
average 6.35 per cent growth rate has been witnessed in the production of curled coir, and
the compound growth rate of this production of curled coir was estimated to be 6.56 per
cent per year. The production of rubberized coir during the study period is given in the
following table.
TABLE 3.29
From the Table 3.29 it is known that the production of rubberized coir has
marginally increased from 51,000 Metric Tonnes in the year 2000-01 to 51,800 Metric
Tonnes in the year 2001-02, while this production suddenly decreased to 50,250 Metric
Tonnes in the year 2002-03. After this year, there was a steady growth found in the
production of rubberized coir from 51,000 Metric Tonnes with the growth rate of 1.49 per
cent in the year 2003-04 to 70,000 Metric Tonnes with 2.94 per cent growth in the year
2007-08, further to 85,040 Metric Tonnes with the growth rate of 6.30 per cent in the
year 2011-12 and finally to 87,900 Metric Tonnes while the growth rate came down to
1.38 per cent only in the year 2015-16. The maximum growth rate of 17.65 per cent has
TABLE 3.30
Linear Model
Variable CGR
a b t R2
45048.2500 2953.1470
18.136** 0.9591
(1574.5251) (162.8335)
Production of Semi-log Model
Rubberized 4.44
Coir a b t R2
10.7681 0.0434
15.387** 0.9441
(0.0273) (0.0028)
Source: Computed by the Researcher
** Significant at 1% level
Figures in brackets are Standard Errors
The trend analysis has disclosed that the trend coefficients were statistically
significant at the one per cent level for the production of rubberized coir during the
2000-01 to 2015-16. The R2 values were also found satisfactory. The average annual
production of rubberized coir has increased by 2,953.1470 Metric Tonnes per annum.
The growth rate of the production of rubberized coir was found to be 4.34 per cent per
year on an average, and the compound growth rate of the production of rubberized coir
was estimated to be 4.44 per cent per annum during the study period. The following table
3.31 gives the information on production of coir products during the study period.
TABLE 3.31
(In Metric Tonnes)
2000-01 71,500 -
2001-02 72,575 1.50
2002-03 75,750 4.37
2003-04 77,900 2.84
2004-05 98,000 25.80
2005-06 1,20,000 22.45
2006-07 1,70,000 41.67
2007-08 1,72,000 1.18
2008-09 1,73,550 0.90
2009-10 1,86,950 7.72
2010-11 2,00,000 6.98
2011-12 2,10,474 5.24
2012-13 2,12,322 0.88
2013-14 2,13,800 0.70
2014-15 2,14,600 0.37
2015-16 2,17,500 1.35
Source: Annual Reports of Coir Board, 2000-01 to 2015-16
The above table described that the production of coir products has steadily
accelerated from 71,500 Metric Tonnes in 2000-01 to 98,000 Metric Tonnes in 2004-05
2012-13 and finally reached to the level of 2,17,500 Metric Tonnes in the year 2015-16.
During the study period the maximum growth rate was found to 25.80 per cent in the year
2004-05 and the minimum growth rate was found to 0.37 per cent in 2014-15. There was
TABLE 3.32
Linear Model
a b t R2 CGR
55377.6750 11771.1632
12.060** 0.9122
(9437.7647) (976.0303)
Production of Semi-log Model
Coir Products a b t R2
11.1276 0.0873
9.721** 0.8709
(0.0869) (0.0089)
Source: Computed by the Researcher
** Significant at 1% level
Figures in brackets are Standard Errors
statistically significant at 1 per cent level. The R2 values are also found satisfactory. The
Metric Tonnes per year. The growth rate of the production of coir products is found to be
8.73 per cent per year on an average, and the compound growth rate of the production of
India is the largest producer and exporter of coir in the world with a share of 70
per cent of coir yarn and 75 per cent of finished coir products in the global trade.
However, with the advent of liberalization, coir faces stiff competition from the
substitutes like Jute, sisal, abaca, cotton, wool, and the like. The main destinations were
USA, UK, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, and France. The year wise export of coir
fibre for the period 2000-01 to 2015-16 were given in the following table.
TABLE 3.33
During the study period from 2000-01 to 2015-16, the export of coir fibre has
recorded a steady growth from 1,053.98 Metric Tonnes in the year 2000-01 to 2,55,293
Metric Tonnes in the year 2015-16, except in the year 2001-02, the export of coir fibre
has decreased to 1,010.3 Metric Tonnes than in the previous year. The export volume of
coir fibre has witnessed more than 242 times expanded in the year 2015-16 than that of in
the year 2000-01. A highest growth rate of 502.49 per cent has been found in the year
TABLE 3.34
Linear Model
Variable CGR
a b t R2
-71033.0035 16534.5484
8.032** 0.8216
(19905.9620) (2058.6255)
Export of Coir Semi-log Model
Fibre a b t R2
5.7246 0.4561
14.382** 0.9366
(0.3066) (0.0317)
Source: Computed by the Researcher
** Significant at 1% level
Figures in brackets are Standard Errors
The trend coefficients of the export of coir fibre are found to be statistically
significant at 1 per cent level. The R2 values are also found satisfactory. The average
annual export of coir fibre has increased by 16,534.5484 Metric Tonnes per year. The
growth rate of the export of coir fibre was found to be 45.61 per cent per annum on an
average, and the compound growth rate of this was calculated to be 57.79 per cent per
year during the study period from 2000-01 to 2015-16. The following Table 3.35 shows
the year wise export of coir yarn during the study period.
TABLE 3.35
There were more ups and downs have been found in the India’s export volume of
coir yarn during the study period from 2000-01 to 2015-16. The export of coir yarn
shrunk from 14,607.30 Metric Tonnes in the year 2000-01 to 13,206.90 Metric Tonnes in
the year 2001-02, again to 11,482.47 Metric Tonnes in the year 2002-03. But this volume
of export has suddenly picked upto 12,364.43 Metric Tonnes in the year 2003-04, then it
steeply reduced to 9,691.17 Metric Tonnes in the year 2006-07, and further to 5,335.09
Metric Tonnes in the year 2008-09. However during the year 2009-10 the volume of
export of coir yarn marginally increased to 6,108.35 Metric Tonnes, after that it
fluctuatingly decelerated to 4,134 Metric Tonnes in the year 2015-16. In most of the
years the annual growth rates of export of coir yarn were negative, that is the growth rates
TABLE 3.36
Linear Model
Variable CGR
a b t R2
14357.2655 -740.4816
-13.510** 0.9287
(529.9687) (54.8080)
Export of Coir Semi-log Model
Yarn a b t R2
9.7039 -0.0951
-15.331** 0.9437
(0.0600) (0.0062)
Source: Computed by the Researcher
** Significant at 1% level
Figures in brackets are Standard Errors
During the study period from 2000-01 to 2015-16, the trend coefficients of the
export of coir yarn were found to be statistically significant at 1 per cent level. The R2
values were also found to be satisfactory. On an average the export of coir yarn has
decreased by 740.4816 Metric Tonnes per annum. The growth rate of the export of coir
yarn was found to be negative, which indicates that the export of coir yarn has decreased
by 9.51 per cent per year on an average. Moreover, the compound growth rate of the
export of coir yarn depicted that it is diminished by 9.08 per cent per annum. The
following Table 3.37 exhibits the details of export of coir rope during the study period.
TABLE 3.37
The export of coir rope has steeply shrunken from 482.12 Metric Tonnes in the year
2000-01 to 308.88 Metric Tonnes in the year 2003-04 and to 154.25 Metric Tonnes in the
year 2006-07. After this year there was a fluctuating trend has witnessed in the export
volume of coir rope. The export volume has found to decreased from 372.26 Metric
Tonnes in the year 2007-08 to 211.56 Metric Tonnes in the year 2010-11, then it rise upto
792.82 Metric Tonnes in the year 2011-12 and it reached to the level of 517 Metric
Tonnes in the year 2015-16. In most of the years of the study period, the export of coir
TABLE 3.38
Linear Model
Variable CGR
a b t R2
-1709.0097 824.6193
0.760 0.0396
(10494.8545) (1085.3520)
Export of Coir Semi-log Model
Rope a b t R2
5.4404 0.0868
1.142 0.0851
(0.7353) (0.0760)
Source: Computed by the Researcher
Figures in brackets are Standard Errors
The trend analysis shows that on an average the export of coir rope has increased
by 824.6193 Metric Tonnes per year. The growth rate of the exports of coir rope was
found to be 8.68 per cent per year on an average. However, the compound growth rate of
the export of coir rope is estimated to be 9.07 per cent per annum. Moreover the table
also indicates that the trend coefficients of the exports of coir rope are found to be
statistically insignificant, and the R2 values are also found to be not satisfactory. The
following table reveals the export of curled coir during the study period.
TABLE 3.39
2000-01 533.57 -
2001-02 572.53 7.30
2002-03 492.37 -14.00
2003-04 76.54 -84.45
2004-05 69.00 -9.85
2005-06 0.00 -100.00
2006-07 1,804.03 -
2007-08 1,279.99 -29.05
2008-09 1,438.38 12.37
2009-10 3,365.70 133.99
2010-11 5,527.08 64.22
2011-12 11,855.97 114.50
2012-13 8,883.00 -25.08
2013-14 11,263.00 26.79
2014-15 12,621.00 12.06
2015-16 9,470.00 -24.97
Source: Annual Reports of Coir Board, 2000-01 to 2015-16
The export of curled coir has marginally increased to 572.53 Metric Tonnes in the
year 2001-02 form 533.57 Metric Tonnes in the year 2000-01, and then it drastically
decreased to 76.54 Metric Tonnes in the year 2003-04 and again to 69 Metric Tonnes in
the year 2004-05. During the year 2005-06, there was no any export of curled coir, but in
the next year it enormously rose to 1,804.03 Metric Tonnes. Thereafter, the export of
curled coir has fluctuatingly increased from 1,279.99 Metric Tonnes in the year 2007-08
to 3,365.70 Metric Tonnes in the year 2009-10, again to 8,883 Metric Tonnes in the year
2012-13 further to 12,621 Metric Tonnes in the year 2014-15 and decreased to the level
of 9,470 Metric Tonnes in the year 2015-16. A highest growth rate of 114.50 per cent
TABLE 3.40
Linear Model
a b t R2
Export of Curled -3214.2302 887.3517
6.952** 0.7754
Coir (1234.1924) (127.6371)
Source: Computed by the Researcher
** Significant at 1% level
Figures in brackets are Standard Errors
The trend analysis of the exports of curled coir divulged that the coefficient is
found to be statistically significant at 1 per cent level. The R2 value of the coefficient is
also found to be satisfactory. On an average the exports of curled coir has increased by
887.3517 Metric Tonnes per annum during the study period from 2000-01 to 2015-16.
The year wise export of rubberized coir is shown in the following Table 3.41.
TABLE 3.41
2000-01 385.06 -
2001-02 454.64 18.07
2002-03 535.22 17.72
2003-04 461.78 -13.72
2004-05 475.92 3.06
2005-06 536.50 12.73
2006-07 947.32 76.57
2007-08 1,120.35 18.27
2008-09 1,222.59 9.13
2009-10 629.78 -48.49
2010-11 383.39 -39.12
2011-12 415.60 8.40
2012-13 322.00 -22.52
2013-14 965.00 199.69
2014-15 897.00 -7.05
2015-16 678.00 -24.41
Source: Annual Reports of Coir Board, 2000-01 to 2015-16
From the Table 3.41 it is clear that the export of rubberized coir has moved up
from 385.06 Metric Tonnes in the year 2000-01 to 535.22 Metric Tonnes in the year
2002-03, suddenly it fell down to 461.78 Metric Tonnes in the year 2003-04. Thereafter,
it gradually increased from 475.92 Metric Tonnes in the year 2004-05 to 947.32 Metric
Tonnes in the year 2006-07 and to 1,222.59 Metric Tonnes in the year 2008-09. Then,
there was a fluctuating trend has been recorded by the export of rubberized coir. The
export volume jumped from 629.78 Metric Tonnes in the year 2009-10 to 965 Metric
Tonnes in the year 2013-14, then it shrunk to 678 Metric Tonnes in the year 2015-16. A
highest growth rate of 199.69 per cent was recorded in the year 2013-14.
TABLE 3.42
Linear Model
Variable CGR
a b t R2
507.1822 17.0237
1.103 0.0799
(149.2531) (15.4353)
Export of
Semi-log Model
Rubberized 2.50
a b t R2
6.1846 0.0246
1.089 0.0781
(0.2192 (0.0226)
Source: Computed by the Researcher
Figures in brackets are Standard Errors
The trend analysis has disclosed that the trend coefficients were statistically
insignificant for the export of rubberized coir during the study period from 2000-01 to
2015-16. The R2 values were also unsatisfactory. The average annual export of
rubberized coir has increased by 17.0237 Metric Tonnes per annum. The growth rate of
the exports of rubberized coir was found to be 2.46 per cent per year on an average, and
the compound growth rate of the exports of rubberized coir was estimated to be 2.50 per
cent per annum during the study period. The export of other coir products during the year
TABLE 3.43
From the above Table 3.43 it could be understood that export of other coir
products from India has marvelously expanded from 50,431.05 Metric Tonnes in the year
2000-01 to 1,33,774.76 Metric Tonnes in the year 2005-06, again to 2,10,899.01 Metric
Tonnes in the year 2009-10 and finally to 7,37,221 Metric Tonnes in the year 2015-16.
The maximum growth rate of 73.53 per cent was found in the year 2011-12 and the
minimum growth rate of 4.13 per cent was found in the year 2008-09.
TABLE 3.44
DURING 2000-01 TO 2015-16
Linear Model
Variable CGR
a b t R2
-93878.4965 41220.5681
8.835** 0.8479
(45114.7551) (4665.6569)
Export of Semi-log Model
Other Coir 19.29
a b t R2
10.6300 0.1764
30.529** 0.9852
(0.0558) (0.0057)
Source: Computed by the Researcher
Figures in brackets are Standard Errors
The trend coefficients of the exports of other coir products are found to be
statistically significant at 1 per cent level. The R2 values are also found to be
satisfactory. The average annual export of other coir products has increased by
41,220.5681 Metric Tonnes per annum during the study period. The growth rate of the
exports of other coir products was found to be 17.64 per cent per year on an average.
However, the compound growth rate of the export of other coir products was estimated
to be 19.29 per cent per year during the study period from 2000-01 to 2015-16.
promoting domestic consumption. The following Table 3.45 presents the information on
TABLE 3.45
The consumption of coir fibre has steadily risen from 37,000 Metric Tonnes in the
year 2000-01 to 89,200 Metric Tonnes in the year 2002-03, then there was a sudden fall
of 38,400 Metric Tonnes in the year 2003-04. Then it drastically increased to 3,65,750
Metric Tonnes in the year 2004-05, thereafter it gradually expanded to 5,07,000 Metric
Tonnes in the year 2009-10, further to 5,24,584 Metric Tonnes in the year 2012-13 and to
5,38,100 Metric Tonnes in the year 2015-16. A maximum of 852.47 per cent growth rate
was recorded in the year 2004-05 followed by 124.12 per cent growth rate in the year
TABLE 3.46
Linear Model
a b t R2 CGR
58793.3750 36854.5808
7.067** 0.7810
(50425.1632) (5214.8462)
Consumption Semi-log Model
of Coir Fibre a b t R2
10.9790 0.1783
5.086** 0.6488
(0.3391) (0.0350)
Source: Computed by the Researcher
** Significant at 1% level
Figures in brackets are Standard Errors
The trend coefficients of the consumption of coir fibre are found to be statistically
significant at 1 per cent level. The R2 values are also found to be satisfactory. The
average annual consumption of coir fibre has increased by 36,854.5808 Metric Tonnes
per year. During the study period from 2000-01 to 2015-16, the growth rate of the
consumption of coir fibre is found to be 17.83 per cent per annum on an average, and the
compound growth rate of this export is calculated to be 19.52 per cent per year. The year
TABLE 3.47
(In Metric Tonnes)
2000-01 1,10,000 -
2001-02 1,20,000 9.09
2002-03 1,25,300 4.42
2003-04 1,96,959 57.19
2004-05 2,22,500 12.97
2005-06 2,35,000 5.62
2006-07 2,48,000 5.53
2007-08 2,50,000 0.18
2008-09 2,52,500 0.01
2009-10 2,57,500 0.02
2010-11 2,62,500 1.94
2011-12 2,68,500 2.29
2012-13 2,70,858 0.88
2013-14 2,72,710 0.68
2014-15 2,94,526 0.08
2015-16 2,98,500 1.35
Source: Annual Reports of Coir Board, 2000-01 to 2015-16
The consumption of coir yarn has marvelously expanded from 1,10,000 Metric
Tonnes in the year 2000-01 to 2,22,500 Metric Tonnes in the year 2004-05, then to
2,57,500 Metric Tonnes in the year 2009-10 further to 2,70,858 Metric Tonnes in the year
2012-13 and again to 2,98,500 Metric Tonnes in the year 2015-16. A highest of 57.19 per
cent growth rate was found in the year 2003-04 followed by 12.97 per cent growth rate in
TABLE 3.48
2000-01 TO 2015-16
Linear Model
a b t R2 CGR
131916.5750 11578.5867
8.018** 0.8211
(13963.3332) (1444.0535)
Consumption Semi-log Model
of Coir Yarn a b t R2
11.8032 0.0589
6.315** 0.7401
(0.0902) (0.0093)
Source: Computed by the Researcher
** Significant at 1% level
Figures in brackets are Standard Errors
During the study period from 2000-01 to 2015-16, the trend coefficients of the
consumption of coir yarn were found to be statistically significant at 1 per cent level. The
R2 values were also found to be satisfactory. On an average the consumption of coir yarn
has increased by 11,578.5867 Metric Tonnes per annum. The growth rate of the export of
coir yarn is found to be 5.89 per cent per year on an average. Moreover, the compound
growth rate of the consumption of coir yarn was 6.06 per cent per annum. The
TABLE 3.49
(In Metric Tonnes)
2000-01 51,000 -
2001-02 52,700 3.33
2002-03 49,700 -5.60
2003-04 49,692 -0.02
2004-05 49,500 -0.39
2005-06 49,500 0
2006-07 49,000 -1.01
2007-08 51,000 4.08
2008-09 51,460 0.9
2009-10 51,910 0.87
2010-11 52,400 0.94
2011-12 58,200 11.07
2012-13 58,710 0.88
2013-14 59,224 0.88
2014-15 59,224 0
2015-16 60,025 1.35
Source: Annual Reports of Coir Board, 2000-01 to 2015-16
The consumption of coir rope has fluctuatingly decrease from 51,000 Metric
Tonnes in the year 2000-01 to 49,692 Metric Tonnes in the year 2003-04, and to 49,000
Metric Tonnes in the year 2006-07. Then it slightly increased from 51,000 Metric Tonnes
in the year 2007-08 to 52,400 Metric Tonnes in the year 2010-11 and to 60,025 Metric
Tonnes in the year 2015-16. A maximum growth rate of coir rope has 11.07 per cent in
the year 2011-12, followed by 4.08 per cent growth rate in the year 2007-08.
TABLE 3.50
2000-01 TO 2015-16
Linear Model
a b t R2 CGR
47194.0250 721.6220
5.497** 0.6833
(1269.4735) (131.2858)
Consumption Semi-log Model
of Coir Rope a b t R2
10.7690 0.0132
5.456** 0.6800
(0.0234) (0.0024)
Source: Computed by the Researcher
** Significant at 1% level
Figures in brackets are Standard Errors
The trend analysis shows that on an average the consumption of coir rope has
increased by 721.6220 Metric Tonnes per year. The growth rate of the consumption of
coir rope is found to be 1.32 per cent per year on an average. However, the compound
growth rate of the consumption of coir rope is estimated to be 1.33 per cent per annum.
Moreover the table also indicates that the trend coefficients of the consumption of coir
rope are found statistically significant at 1 per cent level. And the R2 values are also
found to be satisfactory.
TABLE 3.51
(In Metric Tonnes)
Consumption of Curled
Year Percentage Change
2000-01 1,900 -
2001-02 2,300 21.05
2002-03 27,500 1095.65
2003-04 29,424 7.00
2004-05 35,700 21.32
2005-06 37,000 3.64
2006-07 40,000 8.57
2007-08 49,000 22.5
2008-09 41,450 -15.41
2009-10 41,900 1.09
2010-11 42,300 0.95
2011-12 44,400 4.96
2012-13 44,400 0
2013-14 44,823 0.95
2014-15 49,305 1.00
2015-16 49,900 1.21
Source: Annual Reports of Coir Board, 2000-01 to 2015-16
The consumption of curled coir has marvelously expanded from 1,900 Metric
Tonnes in the year 2000-01 to 27,500 Metric Tonnes in the year 2002-03, further it
gradually increased to 49,000 Metric Tonnes in the year 2007-08, and then it slightly
decreased to 41,450 Metric Tonnes in the year 2008-09 and finally it gradually increased
from 41,900 Metric Tonnes in the year 2009-10 to 49,900 Metric Tonnes in the year
2015-16. A marvelous growth rate of 1,095.65 per cent was found in 2002-03.
TABLE 3.52
DURING 2000-01 TO 2015-16
Linear Model
a b t R2 CGR
14556.9750 2561.6941
5.427** 0.6778
(4564.2417 (472.0226)
Consumption Semi-log Model
of Curled Coir a b t R2
8.9900 0.1472
3.488** 0.4649
(0.4081) (0.0422)
Source: Computed by the Researcher
** Significant at 1% level
Figures in brackets are Standard Errors
The trend analysis of the consumption of curled coir divulged that the coefficients
are found to be statistically significant at 1 per cent level. The R2 values of the
coir has increased by 2,561.6941 Metric Tonnes per annum during the study period from
2000-01 to 2015-16. The average annual growth rate of the consumption of curled coir is
estimated to 14.72 per cent per annum. However, the compound growth rate of the
consumption of curled coir was 15.86 per cent per year during the study period. The
TABLE 3.53
(In Metric Tonnes)
Consumption of Rubberized
Year Percentage Change
2000-01 48,500 -
2001-02 51,600 6.39
2002-03 49,700 -3.68
2003-04 50,538 1.69
2004-05 54,000 6.85
2005-06 60,000 11.11
2006-07 67,000 11.67
2007-08 68,500 2.24
2008-09 69,320 1.20
2009-10 70,020 1.01
2010-11 70,700 0.97
2011-12 76,350 8.00
2012-13 77,480 1.48
2013-14 78,626 1.48
2014-15 86,488 1.00
2015-16 87,700 1.40
Source: Annual Reports of Coir Board, 2000-01 to 2015-16
The consumption of rubberized coir has increased from 48,500 Metric Tonnes in
the year 2000-01 to 51,600 Metric Tonnes in the year 2001-02 and then it decreased to
49,700 Metric Tonnes in the year 2002-03. After that it gradually increased from 50,538
Metric Tonnes in the year 2003-04, and further to 67,000 Metric Tonnes in the year
2006-07 and to 70,700 Metric Tonnes in the year 2010-11 and then, finally increased to
87,700 Metric Tonnes in the year 2015-16. A highest growth rate of 11.67 per cent was
increased in the year 2006-07 followed by 11.11 per cent growth rate in the year 2005-06.
TABLE 3.54
DURING 2000-01 TO 2015-16
Linear Model
a b t R2 CGR
43882.1500 2679.4676
18.877** 0.9622
(1372.5528) (141.9460)
Semi-log Model
of Rubberized 4.18
a b t R2
10.7404 0.0410
17.030** 0.9539
(0.0232) (0.0024)
Source: Computed by the Researcher
** Significant at 1% level
Figures in brackets are Standard Errors
The trend analysis has disclosed that the trend coefficients were statistically
significant at one per cent level for the consumption of rubberized coir during the study
period from 2000-01 to 2015-16. The R2 values were also found satisfactory. The
Tonnes per annum. The growth rate of the consumption of rubberized coir is found to be
4.10 per cent per year on an average, and the compound growth rate of the consumption
of rubberized coir is estimated to be 4.18 per cent per annum during the study period. The
following table 3.55 reveals the consumption of coir products during the study period.
TABLE 3.55
(In Metric Tonnes)
Consumption of Coir
Year Percentage Change
2000-01 24,000 -
2001-02 28,000 16.67
2002-03 26,500 -5.36
2003-04 19,465 -26.55
2004-05 22,500 15.59
2005-06 38,000 68.89
2006-07 45,000 18.42
2007-08 46,000 2.22
2008-09 46,410 0.89
2009-10 47,010 1.29
2010-11 47,500 1.04
2011-12 53,200 12.00
2012-13 53,667 0.88
2013-14 2,13,800 298.38
2014-15 2,30,903 8.00
2015-16 2,34,050 1.36
Source: Annual Reports of Coir Board, 2000-01 to 2015-16
The consumption of coir products has fluctuatingly decreased from 24,000 Metric
Tonnes in the year 2000-01 to 19,465 Metric Tonnes in the year 2003-04. Then it
gradually increased from 22,500 Metric Tonnes in the year 2004-05 to 46,000 Metric
Tonnes in the year 2007-08, and to 53,667 Metric Tonnes in the year 2012-13. Then it
marvelously increased to 2,13,800 Metric Tonnes in the year 2013-14 and to 2,34,050
Metric Tonnes in the year 2015-16. In the study period, a highest growth of coir products
has 298.38 per cent in the year 2013-14, followed by 68.89 per cent growth rate in the
year 2005-05.
TABLE 3.56
DURING 2000-01 TO 2015-16
Linear Model
a b t R2 CGR
-31817.7750 12390.3632
4.503** 0.5915
(26605.0739) (2751.4312)
Semi-log Model
of Coir 16.00
a b t R2
9.5776 0.1484
6.825** 0.7689
(0.2103) (0.0217)
Source: Computed by the Researcher
** Significant at 1% level
Figures in brackets are Standard Errors
statistically significant at 1 per cent level. The R2 values are also found to be
12,390.3632 Metric Tonnes per annum during the study period. The growth rate of the
consumption of coir products is found to be 14.84 per cent per year on an average.
However, the compound growth rate of the consumption of coir products is estimated to
be 16 per cent per year during the study period from 2000-01 to 2015-16.