Laser and Fiber Optics-MCQS

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Engineering Physics Multiple Choice Questions

LASER a) Highly directional b) Highly intense

c) Highly d) All of them
129 LASER is a short form of monochromatic
a) Light amplification b) Light amplification
by spontaneous by stimulated 135 The energy of photon is equal to
emission of emission of a) hν b) (3/2)hν
radiation radiation c) hν/2 d) None of them
c) Light absorption d) Light absorption by
by stimulated spontaneous 136 Which event is likely to take place when a
emission of emission of photon of energy equal to the difference in
radiation radiation energy between two levels is incident in a
130 Laser beam is made of a) Absorption b) Emission
a) Highly coherent b) Highly coherent c) Absorption and d) None of the above
electrons photons emission
c) Highly coherent d) None of them
phonons 137 The condition for population inversion is
a) N2/N1=e(E2-E1)/kT) b) N2/N1=e-(E1-E2)/kT)
131 The life time of electron in meta stable state is c) N1/N2=e-(E1-E2)/kT) d) N2/N1= e-(E2-E1)/kT)
of the order of
a) 10-9 S. b) 10-3 S. 138 Which one of the following laser has highest
c) 10-8 S. d) 10-7 S. efficiency?
a) Ruby b) Semiconductor
132 The energy state of an atom is said to be c) He-Ne d) Carbon dioxide
metastable when its
a) Life time is of the b) Life time is of the 139 The method of population inversion in the He-
order of 0.01 sec order of 0.001 sec Ne laser is
c) Life time is of the d) Life time is of the a) Molecular collision b) Direction
order of 0.1 sec order of 1 sec conversion
c) Optical pumping d) Electron impact
133 In the population inversion
a) The number of b) The number of 140 The first laser was invented in May, 1960 by
electrons in higher electrons in lower a) TH Maiman b) Maxwell
energy state is energy state is c) Einstein d) C. V. Raman
more than the more than higher
ground state energy state 141 When atom is expose to radiation having a
c) The number of d) None of them stream of photons each with energy hν,
electrons in higher then the following processes can take place
and lower energy a) Absorption b) Spontaneous
state are same emission
c) Stimulated d) All of them
134 The characteristics of laser beam are
Engineering Physics Multiple Choice Questions

emission c) Metastable state d) None of the above

142 An atom or molecule in the ground state of 146 The rate of stimulated emission depends both
energy E1 can absorb a photon of energy hν on
and go the higher energy state E2, then the a) The energy of b) The energy of
process is known as external photon external photon
a) Stimulated b) Stimulated and on the and the number of
radiation absorption number of atoms atoms in the
c) Stimulated d) Spontaneous in the excited ground state.
emission absorption state.
c) The energy of d) None of the above
143 In spontaneous emission the atoms or external photon
molecules in the higher energy state E2 and on the
eventually return to the ground state E1 by number of atoms
emitting their excess energy spontaneously. in the metastable
The rate of spontaneous emission is state
a) Directly b) Directly
proportional to proportional to 147 The spontaneous emission produces
population of the population of the a) Coherent light b) Incoherent light
energy level E2. energy level E1. c) White light d) None of the above
c) Inversely d) None of the above
proportional to 148 The material in which population inversion can
population of the take place is called
energy level E2. a) Active medium b) Passive medium
c) Gaseous medium d) Vapour medium
144 In stimulated emission, a photon having energy
E equal to the difference in energy between 149 In case of population inversion, the number
two levels E2 and E1., stimulate an atom in the atoms is
higher state to make a transition to the a) more in higher b) more in higher
a) Lower energy b) Metastable state energy state than energy state than in
state with a with creation of in the lower meta-stable state
creation of second second photon. energy state
photon. c) more in lower d) None of them
c) Higher energy d) None of the above energy state than
state with a in the higher
creation of two energy state
150 The state of population inversion is also known
145 The rate of spontaneous emission depends as
upon the number of atoms in the a) Positive b) Negative
a) Ground state b) Excited state temperature state temperature state
Engineering Physics Multiple Choice Questions

c) Equilibrium state d) None of the above a) Stimulating more b) Generation of

and more atoms intense laser output
151 The process of raising the atoms from a lower from excited state
energy state to higher, to create population to ground state
inversion is called c) Generation of d) All of them
a) Exothermal b) Endothermic unidirectional
reaction reaction beam of photons
c) Pumping d) None of the above
157 Ruby laser is a solid state laser, the active
152 In case of optical pumping, an external optical medium is
source like Xenon’ flash lamp is employed to a) Crystalline b) Non crystalline
produce substance substance
a) lower population b) Low population in c) Gaseous d) None of the above
in the metastable the higher energy substance
state of laser level of laser
medium medium 158 In case of ruby laser , optical resonator cavity is
c) Higher population d) High population in formed by the silvered ends of
in the lower the higher energy a) Tourmaline crystal b) The Calcium crystal
energy level of level of laser c) Ruby crystal d) Quartz crystal
laser medium medium
159 Ruby laser works in the
153 Optical pumping is suitable for any medium a) Non pulse mode b) Pulsed mode due to
which is due to the high the high pump
a) Transparent to b) Not transparent to pump energy energy
light light c) Pulsed mode due d) None of the above
c) Metallic d) None of the above to the low pump
154 Electrical pumping is used for some medium
which can conduct electricity 160 The He-Ne laser is a kind of neutral atom gas
a) affecting the laser b) without affecting laser in which the wavelength of laser is
activity the laser activity a) 6328A0 b) 6943A0
c) without affecting d) None of the above c) 10600A0 d) None of the above
excited energy
state 161 Ruby is crystalline substance of Aluminium
oxide doped with
155 In a semiconductor laser, electrical energy is a) Approximately b) Approximately 0.5%
directly converted to 0.005% by weight by weight of
a) Light energy b) Sound energy of Chromium Chromium oxide.
c) Heat energy d) Nuclear energy oxide.
c) Approximately d) Approximately 5%
156 An optical resonator plays a major role in 0.05% by weight of by weight of
Engineering Physics Multiple Choice Questions

Chromium oxide. Chromium oxide 166 Advantages of semiconductor diode laser are
a) Efficiency is more b) They can have a
162 In case of Ruby laser, the resultant pink colour than 10% continuous wave
is due to presence of Cr+3 ions in the output or pulsed
appropriate concentration which output.
a) Replace Al atoms b) Replace Oxide c) Highly economical, d) All of them
in the crystal atoms in the crystal and further the
lattice lattice arrangement is
c) Replace Na atoms d) None of the above compact
in the crystal
lattice 167 The applications of laser in communication are
a) The laser beams b) The communication
163 The main advantage of gas lasers is that are used to between the
a) They can operate b) They cannot be transmit planets has been
in the pulse mode operated thousands of TV made possible
continuously programs and using laser beams
c) They can operate d) None of the above simultaneous
continuously telephone
conversation at a
164 In molecular gas lasers, the laser oscillations time
are achieved by the transition between c) The laser light d) All of them
a) The vibrational b) The vibrational and waves are not
and translational rotational levels of absorbed by water
levels of the the molecules and hence it can
molecules be successfully
employed to
c) The longitudinal d) None of the above establish under
vibrational and water
translational communication
levels of the between
molecules submarines

165 In case of semiconductor lasers the laser 168 Laser light is produced due to
transition is possible only in a) interference b) spontaneous
a) Indirect band gap b) Direct band gap phenomenon emission of light
semiconductors semiconductors c) stimulated d) diffraction
c) Both direct as well d) None of the above emission of phenomenon
as indirect band radiation.
semiconductors 169 Which laser was invented first?
a) Semiconductor b) Ruby laser
Engineering Physics Multiple Choice Questions

c) He-Ne laser d) CO2 laser

170 Which of the following is a gas laser?

a) He-Ne laser b) Ruby laser
c) Semiconductor d) Nd-YAG laser

171 Which of the following conditions is very

essential for the production of laser light?
a) Stimulated b) Stimulated
absorption emission process
c) Population d) All of them
inversion process

172 Which of the following is not a pumping

a) Optical pumping b) Electrical pumping
c) Chemical pumping d) Thermal pumping

173 Pulsed laser light is produced from a

a) Ruby laser b) CO2 laser
c) Semiconductor d) He-Ne laser

174 Which of the following is not a laser property?

a) Coherence b) Divergence
c) Extreme d) Highly directional

175 Laser system does not include

a) Active medium b) Pumping
c) Optical activity d) Optical resonator

176 Which source of light is brightest?

a) Sunlight b) Laser light
c) Arc light d) Sodium light
Engineering Physics Multiple Choice Questions

a) solid state lasers b) gas lasers

c) semiconductor d) all of them
192 The stimulated emission of radiation means lasers
a) before completion b) after completion of 197 The advantages of using laser drilling in
of life time, life time, industries is/are …………………
stimulation of an stimulation of an a) it generates very b) it is possible to drill
atom from higher atom from higher low heat in the at different angles
state to lower state to lower material during
energy state energy state drilling
c) before completion d) none of the above c) its accuracy and d) all of them
of life time, consistency are
stimulation of an very high
atom from lower
state to higher 198 The advantages of gas cutting laser is/are
energy state a) very fast and b) very simple and
accurate cost effective
193 The condition needed for laser action c) it is used to cut d) all of them
is………………….. materials of any
a) stimulated b) spontaneous thickness with
absorption emission high precision
c) stimulated d) population
emission inversion. 199 The condition of total internal reflection is that
194 The population inversion is to………………………… a) the angle of b) the angle of
a) Depopulate lower b) Depopulate higher incidence exceeds incidence is less
energy state energy state the critical angle than critical angle
c) Depopulate d) none of the above c) the angle of d) none of the above
metastable state incidence is equal
to critical angle
195 In the optical pumping ………………………
a) Photons are used b) electrical energy is 200 The critical angle is defined as
to excite the used to excite the ………………………..
atoms in the atoms in the a) the refraction at b) the reflection at
medium medium which the total which the total
c) magnetic energy d) All of these internal reflection internal reflection
is used to excite occurs occurs
the atoms in the c) the angle of d) none of the above
medium incidence at which
total internal
196 The different types of lasers are ……………… reflection occurs
Engineering Physics Multiple Choice Questions

hologram hologram
201 The main principle of optical fiber is ……… c) Amplitude as well d) Neither amplitude
a) total internal b) total internal as phase of a wave nor phase of a wave
reflection refraction reflected from the reflected from the
object is recorded object is recorded
c) total internal d) none of the above on the hologram on the hologram
202 The application of laser beam in computer 206 The basic principle of holography is that
peripherals is/are …………………. ……………………………
a) optical disks b) optical wave guide a) to create the b) to create the
c) CD ROM disk d) all of them interference interference
pattern of object pattern of object
203 The method of producing 3D image of an wave and wave only
object due to the ……………… is known as reference wave
holography. c) to create the d) none of the above
a) interference of b) interference of interference
non coherent light coherent light pattern of
waves on a waves on a reference wave
photographic plate photographic plate only
c) only reflection of d) none of the above
coherent light 207 Holography was invented by ……………….
waves a) C.K.N.Patel in 1948 b) Leith and Upatnicks
in 1962
204 In holography c) Dennis Gabour in d) Ali-Jawan
a) Only phase of a b) Only amplitude of a 1948
wave reflected wave reflected
from the object is from the object is 208 The applications of holography are ………
recorded on the recorded on the a) Holographic b) Three dimensional
film film storage (mainly display of an object
c) Amplitude as well d) Neither amplitude used in ROM
as phase of a wave nor phase of a wave devices)
reflected from the reflected from the c) Used to determine d) all of them
object is recorded object is recorded Young’s modulus
on the film on the film of metallic rods.

205 When hologram is reconstructed we get the

3D image of the object because
a) Only phase of a b) Only amplitude of a
wave reflected wave reflected
from the object is from the object is
recorded on the recorded on the
Engineering Physics Multiple Choice Questions

Q.No. ANS Q.No. Ans Q.No. ANS

129 B 162 A 195 A
130 B 163 C 196 D
131 B 164 A 197 D
132 B 165 B 198 D
133 A 166 D 199 A
134 D 167 D 200 C
135 A 168 C 201 A
136 C 169 B 202 D
137 D 170 A 203 D
138 B 171 D 204 C
139 A 172 D 205 C
140 A 173 A 206 A
141 D 174 B 207 C
142 B 175 C 208 D
143 A 176 B
144 A 177 C
145 B 178 A
146 C 179 A
147 B 180 B
148 A 181 A
149 A 182 C
150 B 183 C
151 C 184 B
152 D 185 B
153 A 186 A
154 B 187 A
155 A 188 B
156 D 189 A
157 A 190 B
158 C 191 A
159 B 192 A
160 A 193 D
161 A 194 A
Engineering Physics Multiple Choice Questions

1) What does the acronym LASER stand for?

a) Light Absorption by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
b) Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
c) Light Alteration by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

2) What does the acronym MASER stand for?

a) Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
b) Molecular Absorption by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
c) The name of Albert Einstein’s dog

3) What is one way to describe a Photon?

a) Solid as a rock
b) A wave packet
c) A torpedo

4) What determines the color of light?

a) its intensity
b) its wavelength
c) its source

5) Which scientist first came up with the idea of stimulated emission ?

a) Alexander Graham Bell
b) Isaac Newton
c) Arthur Schalow
d) Albert Einstein

6) Which laser is considered “eye safe”?

a) Laser bar-code scanners
b) The eximer laser
c) Communications laser
Engineering Physics Multiple Choice Questions

7) Why are lasers used in fiber optic communications systems

a) The government has mandated it
b) They can be pulsed with high speed data
c) They are very inexpensive

8) What type of laser is used in CD and DVD players?

a) Semiconductor
b) YAG
c) Alexandrite

9) Why are lasers used in “Laser Printers”

a) They can be focused down to very small spot sizes for high
b) They are cheap
c) They are impossible to damage

10) As wavelength gets longer, the laser light can be focused to…
a) Larger spot sizes
b) Smaller spot sizes

11) Which color of light has the shortest wavelength ?

a) Yellow
b) Blue
c) Red
d) Green

12) What property of laser light is used to measure strain in roadways?

a) Intensity
b) Power
c) Coherence

13) What is the type of laser used most widely in industrial materials
processing applications?
a) Dye Laser
b) YAG laser
c) Ruby Laser
d) Carbon Dioxide Laser
Engineering Physics Multiple Choice Questions

14) Why are lasers used for cutting materials

a) It never gets dull
b) It has a small “heat affected zone”
c) Accuracy
d) Smoother cuts
e) Repeatability
f) All of the above

15) The Eximer laser produces light with what wavelength?

a) Visible
b) Ultraviolet
c) Infrared

16) Laser energy is used to break up kidney or gallstones in process called?

a) Trbecularplasty
b) Lithotripsy
c) Viscocanalostomy

17) The National Ignition Facility will use what type of laser for fusion power
a) Neodymium-glass
b) Argon gas
c) Rhodamine Dye

18) Most lasers are electrically inefficient devices.

a) True
b) False

19) Chemical lasers use to produce their beams.

a) Excessive amounts of electrical power
b) Small amounts of electrical power
c) No electrical power

20) What type of laser could cause skin cancer if not used properly?
a) Red semiconductor laser
b) Blue semiconductor
c) Eximer laser
d) YAG laser
Engineering Physics Multiple Choice Questions

1) b
2) a
3) b
4) b
5) d
6) a
7) b
8) a
9) a
10) b
11) b
12) c
13) d
14) f
15) b
16) b
17) a
18) a
19) c
20) c
This set of Optical Communications Multiple Choice Questions & Answers
(MCQs) focuses on “Optical Fibers”.

1. Multimode step index fiber has ___________

a) Large core diameter & large numerical aperture
b) Large core diameter and small numerical aperture
c) Small core diameter and large numerical aperture
d) Small core diameter & small numerical aperture
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Answer: a
Explanation: Multimode step-index fiber has large core diameter and large
numerical aperture. These parameters provides efficient coupling to inherent light
sources such as LED’s.
2. A typically structured glass multimode step index fiber shows as variation of
attenuation in range of ___________
a) 1.2 to 90 dB km-1 at wavelength 0.69μm
b) 3.2 to 30 dB km-1 at wavelength 0.59μm
c) 2.6 to 50 dB km-1 at wavelength 0.85μm
d) 1.6 to 60 dB km-1 at wavelength 0.90μm
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Answer: c
Explanation: A multimode step index fibers show an attenuation variation in range
of 2.6 to 50dBkm-1. The wide variation in attenuation is due to the large differences
both within and between the two overall preparation methods i.e. melting and
3. Multimode step index fiber has a large core diameter of range is ___________
a) 100 to 300 μm
b) 100 to 300 nm
c) 200 to 500 μm
d) 200 to 500 nm
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Answer: a
Explanation: A multimode step index fiber has a core diameter range of 100 to
300μm. This is to facilitate efficient coupling to inherent light sources.
4. Multimode step index fibers have a bandwidth of ___________
a) 2 to 30 MHz km
b) 6 to 50 MHz km
c) 10 to 40 MHz km
d) 8 to 40 MHz km
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Answer: b
Explanation: Multimode step index fibers have a bandwidth of 6 to 50 MHz km.
These fibers with this bandwidth are best suited for short -haul, limited bandwidth
and relatively low-cost application.
5. Multimode graded index fibers are manufactured from materials with
a) Lower purity
b) Higher purity than multimode step index fibers.
c) No impurity
d) Impurity as same as multimode step index fibers.
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Answer: b
Explanation: Multimode graded index fibers have higher purity than multimode
step index fiber. To reduce fiber losses, these fibers have more impurity.
6. The performance characteristics of multimode graded index fibers are
a) Better than multimode step index fibers
b) Same as multimode step index fibers
c) Lesser than multimode step index fibers
d) Negligible
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Answer: a
Explanation: Multimode graded index fibers use a constant grading factor.
Performance characteristics of multimode graded index fibers are better than those
of multimode step index fibers due to index graded and lower attenuation.
7. Multimode graded index fibers have overall buffer jackets same as multimode
step index fibers but have core diameters ___________
a) Larger than multimode step index fibers
b) Smaller than multimode step index fibers
c) Same as that of multimode step index fibers
d) Smaller than single mode step index fibers
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Answer: b
Explanation: Multimode graded index fibers have smaller core diameter than
multimode step index fibers. A small core diameter helps the fiber gain greater
rigidity to resist bending.
8. Multimode graded index fibers with wavelength of 0.85μm have numerical
aperture of 0.29 have core/cladding diameter of ___________
a) 62.5 μm/125 μm
b) 100 μm/140 μm
c) 85 μm/125 μm
d) 50 μm/125μm
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Answer: b
Explanation: Multimode graded index fibers with numerical aperture 0.29 having a
core/cladding diameter of 100μm/140μm. They provide high coupling frequency
LED’s at a wavelength of 0.85 μm and have low cost. They are also used for short
distance application.
9. Multimode graded index fibers use incoherent source only.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Multimode graded index fibers are used for short haul and medium to
high bandwidth applications. Small haul applications require LEDs and low
accuracy lasers. Thus either incoherent or incoherent sources like LED’s or
injection laser diode are used.
10. In single mode fibers, which is the most beneficial index profile?
a) Step index
b) Graded index
c) Step and graded index
d) Coaxial cable
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Answer: b
Explanation: In single mode fibers, graded index profile is more beneficial as
compared to step index. This is because graded index profile provides dispersion-
modified-single mode fibers.
11. The fibers mostly not used nowadays for optical fiber communication system
are ___________
a) Single mode fibers
b) Multimode step fibers
c) Coaxial cables
d) Multimode graded index fibers
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Answer: a
Explanation: Single mode fibers are used to produce polarization maintaining
fibers which make them expensive. Also the alternative to them are multimode
fibers which are complex but accurate. So, single-mode fibers are not generally
utilized in optical fiber communication.
12. Single mode fibers allow single mode propagation; the cladding diameter must
be at least ___________
a) Twice the core diameter
b) Thrice the core diameter
c) Five times the core diameter
d) Ten times the core diameter
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Answer: d
Explanation: The cladding diameter in single mode fiber must be ten times the core
diameter. Larger ratios contribute to accurate propagation of light. These
dimension ratios must be there so as to avoid losses from the vanishing fields.
13. A fiber which is referred as non-dispersive shifted fiber is?
a) Coaxial cables
b) Standard single mode fibers
c) Standard multimode fibers
d) Non zero dispersion shifted fibers
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Answer: b
Explanation: A standard single mode fiber having step index profile is known as
non-dispersion shifted fiber. As these fibers have a zero dispersion wavelength of
1.31μm and so are preferred for single-wavelength transmission in O-band.
14. Standard single mode fibers (SSMF) are utilized mainly for operation in
a) C-band
b) L-band
c) O-band
d) C-band and L-band
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Answer: c
Explanation: SSMFs are utilized for operation in O-band only. It shows high
dispersion in the range of 16 to 20ps/nm/km in C-band and L-band. So SSMFs are
used in O-band.
15. Fiber mostly suited in single-wavelength transmission in O-band is?
a) Low-water-peak non dispersion-shifted fibers
b) Standard single mode fibers
c) Low minimized fibers
d) Non-zero-dispersion-shifted fibers
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Answer: b
Explanation: Standard single mode fibers with a step index profile are called non
dispersion shifted fiber and it is particularly used for single wavelength
transmission in O-band and as if has a zero-dispersion wavelength at 1.31μm.
1. What is the principle of fibre optical communication?
a) Frequency modulation
b) Population inversion
c) Total internal reflection
d) Doppler Effect
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Answer: c
Explanation: In optical fibres, the light entering the fibre does not encounter any
new surfaces, but repeatedly they hit the same surface. The reason for confining
the light beam inside the fibres is the total internal reflection.
2. What is the other name for a maximum external incident angle?
a) Optical angle
b) Total internal reflection angle
c) Refraction angle
d) Wave guide acceptance angle
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Answer: d
Explanation: Only this rays which pass within the acceptance angle will be totally
reflected. Therefore, light incident on the core within the maximum external
incident angle can be coupled into the fibre to propagate. This angle is called a
wave guide acceptance angle.
3. A single mode fibre has low intermodal dispersion than multimode.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: In both single and multimode fibres the refractive indices will be in
step by step. Since a single mode has less dispersion than multimode, the single
mode step index fibre also has low intermodal dispersion compared to multimode
step index fibre.
4. How does the refractive index vary in Graded Index fibre?
a) Tangentially
b) Radially
c) Longitudinally
d) Transversely
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Answer: b
Explanation: The refractive index of the core is maximum along the fibre axis and
it gradually decreases. Here the refractive index varies radially from the axis of the
fibre. Hence it is called graded index fibre.
5. Which of the following has more distortion?
a) Single step-index fibre
b) Graded index fibre
c) Multimode step-index fibre
d) Glass fibre
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Answer: c
Explanation: When rays travel through longer distances there will be some
difference in reflected angles. Hence high angle rays arrive later than low angle
rays. Therefore the signal pulses are broadened thereby results in a distorted
6. In which of the following there is no distortion?
a) Graded index fibre
b) Multimode step-index fibre
c) Single step-index fibre
d) Glass fibre
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Answer: a
Explanation: The light travels with different speeds in different paths because of
the variation in their refractive indices. At the outer edge it travels faster than near
the centre But almost all the rays reach the exit end at the same time due to the
helical path. Thus, there is no dispersion in the pulses and hence the output is not a
distorted output.
7. Which of the following loss occurs inside the fibre?
a) Radiative loss
b) Scattering
c) Absorption
d) Attenuation
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Answer: b
Explanation: Scattering is a wavelength dependent loss. Since the glass used in the
fabrication of fibres, the disordered structure of glass will make some vibrations in
the refractive index inside the fibre. This causes Rayleigh scattering.
8. What causes microscopic bend?
a) Uniform pressure
b) Non-uniform volume
c) Uniform volume
d) Non-uniform pressure
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Answer: d
Explanation: Micro-bends losses are caused due to non-uniformities inside the
fibre. This micro-bends in fibre appears due to non-uniform pressures created
during the cabling of fibre.
9. When more than one mode is propagating, how is it dispersed?
a) Dispersion
b) Inter-modal dispersion
c) Material dispersion
d) Waveguide dispersion
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Answer: b
Explanation: When more than one mode is propagating through a fibre, then inter
modal dispersion will occur. Since many modes are propagating, they will have
different wavelengths and will take different time to propagate through the fibre.
10. A fibre optic telephone transmission can handle more than thousands of voice
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Optical fibre has larger bandwidth hence it can handle a large number
of channels for communication.
11. Which of the following is known as fibre optic back bone?
a) Telecommunication
b) Cable television
c) Delay lines
d) Bus topology
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Answer: d
Explanation: Each computer on the network is connected to the rest of the
computers by the optical wiring scheme called bus topology, which is an
application known as fibre optic back bone.
12. Calculate the numerical aperture of an optical fibre whose core and cladding
are made of materials of refractive index 1.6 and 1.5 respectively.
a) 0.55677
b) 55.77
c) 0.2458
d) 0.647852
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Answer: a
Explanation: Numerical aperture = n12−n22−−−−−−−−√
Numerical aperture = 0.55677.
13. A step-index fibre has a numerical aperture of 0.26, a core refractive index of
1.5 and a core diameter of 100micrometer. Calculate the acceptance angle.
a) 1.47°
b) 15.07°
c) 2.18°
d) 24.15°
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Answer: b
Explanation: sin i = (Numerical aperture)/n
sin i = 15.07°.
Q1: Data signal with minimum error is generated by which among the

a. Signal processing circuits

b. Photodiode
c. Linear circuitry
d. None of the above
Answer: (c) Linear circuitry
Q2: Which among the following is described by the concept of numerical
aperture in an optical fibre?

a. Light collection
b. Light scattering
c. Light dispersion
d. Light polarisation

Answer: (a) Light collection

Q3: An optical fibre consists of a core μ1 surrounded by a cladding of μ< μ1.
A beam of light enters from the air at an angle of α with the axis of the fibre.
The highest α for which ray can be travelled through fibre is

a. cos−1μ22−μ12−−−−−−−−√
b. sin−1μ12−μ22−−−−−−−−√
c. tan−1μ12−μ22−−−−−−−−√
d. sec−1μ12−μ22−−−−−−−−√

Answer: (b) sin−1μ12−μ22−−−−−−−−√

Q4: In an optical fibre communication system, which among the following is
not a typical transmitter function?

a. Coding for error protection

b. Decoding of input data
c. Electrical to optical conversion
d. Recoding to match output standard

Answer: (d) Recoding to match output standard

Q5: In a single-mode fibre, how does the fraction of energy travelling through
bound mode appear in the cladding?

a. As a crescent wave
b. As a gibbous wave
c. As an evanescent wave
d. All the above

Answer: (c) As an evanescent wave

Q6: Which among the following fibre optic cables have a core of size 480 μm
to 980 μm and made up of polymethylmethacrylate?

a. Glass fibre optic cable

b. Plastic fibre optic cable
c. Plastic clad silica fibre optic cable
d. All of the above

Answer: (b) Plastic fibre optic cable

Q7: A ray of light will undergo total internal reflection if it

a. Goes from rarer medium to denser medium

b. Incident at an angle less than the critical angle
c. Strikes the interface normally
d. Incident at an angle greater than the critical angle

Answer: (d) Incident at an angle greater than the critical angle

Q8: Which of the following is not due to total internal reflection of light?

a. Brilliance of diamond
b. Mirage formation
c. Optical fibre working
d. Rainbow formation

Answer: (d) Rainbow formation

Q9: The fibres not used nowadays for optical fibre communication system are

a. Single-mode fibre
b. Multimode fibre
c. Coaxial cable
d. Multimode graded-index fibres

Answer: (a) Single-mode fibre

Q10: In single-mode fibres, the cladding diameter must be at least

a. Five times the core diameter

b. Thrice the core diameter
c. Ten times the core diameter
d. Twice the core diameter
Answer: (c) Ten times the core diameter

1. Fiber optics was invented by .........

• Thomas Mensah
• Thomas Edison
• John Henry Holmes
• None of the above

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Thomas Mensah

2. Fiber optic cable operate at frequencies near

• 2 GHz
• 20 MHz
• 200 MHz
• 800 THz

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800 THz

3. Which is the most beneficial index profile in single mode fibers?

• Step index
• Coaxial cable
• Graded index
• Step and graded index

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Graded index

4. Which of the following statistics are used for calculations of strengths of optical

• Edwin statistics
• Gamma statistics
• Newton statistics
• Wei-bull statistics

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Wei-bull statistics

5. The micro-bending losses are depend on ...........

• Diameter
• Core material
• Refractive index
• Mode and wavelength

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Mode and wavelength

6. Which of the following can induce a considerable amount of attenuation in

optical fibers?

• Dispersion
• Micro-bending
• Radiation Exposure
• Diffusion of hydrogen

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Radiation Exposure

7. ............. categories exists in case of cable design.

• 2
• 3
• 4
• 5

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8. Which of the following is described by the concept of numerical aperture in an

optical fibre?

• Light scattering
• Light collection
• Light dispersion
• Light polarisation

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Light collection

9. Which of the following is not a typical transmitter function In an optical fibre

communication system?

• Decoding of input data

• Decoding of input data
• Electrical to optical conversion
• Recoding to match output standard

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Recoding to match output standard

10. ............. are not used nowadays for optical fibre communication system.

• Coaxial cable
• Multimode fibre
• Single-mode fibre
• Multimode graded-index fibres

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Single-mode fibre

11. Which component provides additional strength and prevents the fiber from any

• Core
• Cladding
• Buffer Coating
• None of the above

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Buffer Coating

12. Which kind of dispersion phenomenon gives rise to pulse spreading in single
mode fibers?
• Material
• Intermodal
• Intramodal
• None of the above

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13. Which kind of optical devices are adopted or applicable for routing signals
from one waveguide to another?

• Optical Splitter
• Optical Coupler
• Optical Combiner
• None of the above

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Optical Coupler

14. Which of the following method determines the dispersion limitation of an

optical link?

• Rise time budget

• Link power budget
• Both A & B

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Rise time budget

15. Which of the following is the width of the range of wavelengths emitted by the
light source?
• Bandwidth
• Beamwidth
• Spectral width
• Chromatic Dispersion

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Spectral width

16. When a beam of light enters one medium from another, ........... will not

• Speed
• Direction
• Frequency
• Wavelength

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17. The wavelength of light has no role in ..........

• Reflection
• Diffraction
• Interference
• Polarization

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18. Which kind of dispersion is caused by the difference in the propagation times
of light rays that take different paths down a fiber?

• Modal dispersion
• Delay dispersion
• Material dispersion
• Wavelength dispersion

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Modal dispersion

19. Which is the average insertion loss of fusion splice in fiber optics?

• 0.9 dB
• 0.19 dB
• 0.09 dB
• 0.009 dB

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0.09 dB

20. Which type of fiber has the highest modal dispersion?

• Graded index mode

• Step-index multimode
• Step-index single mode
• Graded index multimode

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Step-index multimode
21. .............. is used as an optical transmitter on the Fiber Optical

• PIN diode
• LSA diode

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In single step index fiber core refractive index ___________
a) increases from center of core
b) decreases from center of core
c) remains constant for core
d) none of above.

7. The numerical aperture of a coaxial cable with core and cladding indices given
by 2.33 and 1.4 respectively is
a) 3.73
b) 0.83
c) 3.46
d) 1.86
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Answer: d
Explanation: The numerical aperture is given by NA = √(n12 – n22), where n1 and
n2 are the refractive indices of core and cladding respectively. On substituting for
n1 = 2.33 and n2 = 1.4, we get NA = √(2.332-1.42) = 1.86.
8. Find the acceptance angle of a material which has a numerical aperture of 0.707
in air.
a) 30
b) 60
c) 45
d) 90
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Answer: c
Explanation: The numerical aperture is given by NA = n sin θa, where n is the
refractive index. It is unity in air. Thus NA = sin θa. To get θ= sin-1(NA), put NA =
0.707, thus θa = sin-1(0.707) = 45 degree.
9. The numerical aperture of a material with acceptance angle of 60 degree in
water will be
a) 1.15
b) 2.15
c) 5.21
d) 1.52
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Answer: a
Explanation: The numerical aperture is given by NA = n sin θa, where n is the
refractive index. It is 1.33 for water medium. Given that the acceptance angle is 60,
we get NA = 1.33 sin 60 = 1.15.
10. The core refractive index should be lesser than the cladding refractive index for
a coaxial cable. State True/False
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The light should pass through the core region only, for effective
transmission. When light passes through cladding, losses will occur, as cladding is
meant for protection. Thus core refractive index must be greater than the cladding
refractive index.
11. The refractive index is 2.33 and the critical angle is 350. Find the numerical
a) 2
b) 1.9
c) 2.33
d) 12
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Answer: b
Explanation: The numerical aperture is given by NA = n cos θc, where θc is the
critical angle and n is the refractive index. On substituting for n = 2.33 and θc = 35,
we get NA = 2.33 cos 35 = 1.9(no unit).
12. Choose the optical fibre material from the given materials.
a) Glass
b) Plastic
c) Silica
d) Quartz
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Answer: c
Explanation: Silica is the most dominant optical fibre material. This is because of
its hardness, flexibility, melting point. Also it is an easily available material.
2. Numerical aperture is expressed as the
a) NA = sin θa
b) NA = cos θa
c) NA = tan θa
d) NA = sec θa
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Answer: a
Explanation: The numerical aperture is the measure of how much light the fiber
can collect. It is the sine of the acceptance angle, the angle at which the light must
be transmitted in order to get maximum reflection. Thus it is given by NA = sin θa.
3. For total internal reflection to occur, which condition must be satisfied?
a) N1 = N2
b) N1 > N2
c) N1 < N2
d) N1 x N2=1
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Answer: b
Explanation: The refractive of the transmitting medium should be greater than that
of the receiving medium. In other words, the light must flow from denser to rarer
medium, for total internal reflection to occur.
4) The loss in amplitude is known as ............

a) dispersion

b) material absorption

c) attenuation
d) wave guide

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