PROSPECTUS-2017-18: Index
PROSPECTUS-2017-18: Index
PROSPECTUS-2017-18: Index
Principal’s Address
2. Admission Procedure
2.3 Procedure for calculation of ‘Best Four’ subjects’ percentage for Honours (Arts and Humanities),
Programme (B.A. and B.Sc.) and Science Courses
2.9 Rules for Refund of Fee on account of withdrawal/cancellation of admission, migration, etc.
4. Administrative Staff
Department Committees
Co-Curricular Activities
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5.4 Debating Events
6. College Cells
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The College aims to inculcate goodwill, respect, cooperation, and trust among the students through quality
education which is essential for success in life. The college is well equipped with the infrastructural facilities in
the form of laboratories, auditorium, and digital library with special software for the PWD students, hygienic
canteen, seminar room and sports complex. Placement cell of the college further assists the outgoing students
in finding appropriate jobs. Seminars, debates, cultural events and sports activities throughout the year
maintain a lively and vibrant environment in college.
I along with my team of dedicated faculty and silent workers, intend to build a strong and unparalleled
knowledge base and raise the standard of the college in all spheres to the zenith.
We look forward to an enriching and prolific association with you and hope you pass out as better human
beings and successful persons in life.
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Rajdhani College is a constituent College of the University of Delhi. In 1964, Delhi Administration established
this college in Kirti Nagar, New Delhi. At that time it was called Delhi College. Subsequently, its governance
was vested in an autonomous Governing Body and a New name – Rajdhani College – was given to it. The
College acquired its current premises in 1976-77, when a new, spacious and well-furnished Building was
constructed for it. Located in West Delhi on Mahatma Gandhi Marg (Ring Road) near Raja Garden, the college
is accessible from all corners of Delhi and NCR. Ramesh Nagar and Rajouri Garden Metro stations are in close
proximity, further increasing its accessibility from different corners of the city.
The college has made concerted effort to keep up with the ever increasing demands of infrastructural
development. In addition to well lit, spacious classrooms, the college complex has an air- conditioned Auditorium,
an air-conditioned Conference Room, and a well –stocked Library with computer and internet facility. A new
Academic Bock with the facility of a lift was recently added to further augment our infrastructural strength.
The College believes in keeping pace with new technology. Apart from Science Laboratories, a Computer
Science Laboratory and a Central Computer Lab, the college has dedicated Computer laboratories for several
disciplines to further facilitate student interface with technology. Our verdant playground is our pride as it
encourages outdoor recreation and sport among students who bring laurels to the college with remarkable
The college offers courses in all three streams: Humanities and Social Science, Commerce and Science.
Among the different honours course the college offers Bachelor with Honours in Economics, English, Hindi,
History, Political Science and Sanskrit, Bachelor with Honours in Commerce and Bachelor with Honours in
Chemistry, Electronics, Physics and Mathematics. In addition, the college also offers Bachelor Programmes in
the Humanities and Social Science steam and the Science stream. Rajdhani College also offers Post Graduate
Courses in English, Hindi, History and Commerce. This prospectus provides a brief introduction to our college.
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B. A. (Hons.) Economics 46
B. A. (Hons.) English 46
B. A. (Hons.) Hindi 46
B. A. (Hons.). History 46
B. A. (Hons.). Sanskrit 46
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The College offers Post Graduate Courses in English, Hindi, History and Commerce. Students who wish to join
Post Graduate Courses must submit their applications to the college on the prescribed form after their registration
in the University on the dates to be notified by the University of Delhi. The names of candidates accepted for
admission to M.A. / M.Com will appear in the list to be notified by the University. M.A. / M.Com students are
expected to attend tutorials in the College.
M.A. (Hindi) 15
M.A. (History) 15
M.Com. 23
2. B.A. (Hons.) English Dr. Ved Mitra Shukla Dr. Varsha Gupta
10. B. Sc. (Hons.) Mathematics Mr. Ravindra Kumar Dr. Urvashi Arora
Ms. VandanaDhingra
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11. B. Sc. (Hons.) Physics Mr. Sonia Lumb Ms. A P Singh
12. B. Sc. (Hons.) Electronics Dr. Santi Nath Dr. Swati Nagpal
13. B. Sc. (Prog.) PCM Mr. Harish Kumar Mr. Nitin Kumar
Dr. R D Sharma
14. B. Sc. (Prog.) Computer Sc. Ms. Surbhi Khanna Dr. Arun Chaudhary
16. B. Sc. (Prog.) Industrial Chemistry Dr. Vaishali V. Shahare Dr. Arun Lal
The applicants shall be required to produce following documents in original with two sets of self-attested
photocopies at the time of admission:
2.3.1. Procedure for calculation of ‘Best Four’ subjects’ percentage for Honours Courses (For
admission to Arts/ Humanities Courses):
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2.5% will be imposed on the calculated ‘Best Four’ percentage). For Honours in languages refer to point 12,
c. Any two other academic/ elective subjects as per List A.
i. If a candidate does not include the subjects given in List A in ‘Best Four’, then a deduction of 2.5% of maximum
marks will be levied for each subject for the purpose of calculating ‘Best Four.’
ii. All subjects to be included in the calculation of ‘Best Four’ must have at least 70% theory component of exam.
In case, the subject to be considered does not have 70% theory component and 30% practical component,
then the marks of theory and practical only shall be converted to 70% and 30%, respectively on pro rata basis.
These new marks will then be considered for calculation of ‘Best Four’.
Examples: (1) If a candidate has scored: Physics 90 (theory 50, practical 40; max. marks theory 60, practical 40),
and Chemistry 91(theory 52, practical 39; max. marks theory 60, practical 40) which is not in ratio of 70: 30, then
the marks can be converted on pro rata basis
Pro rata marks in physics = 88.3 ((50/60) x 70 + (40/40) x 30) = 58.33 + 30 = 88.33
Pro rata marks in chemistry = 89.92 ((52/60) x 70 + (39/40) x 30) = 60.67 + 29.25 = 89.92
(2) If a candidate has scored: Physics 88 (theory 45, IA 14, practical 29; max. marks theory 56, IA 14, practical
30), Chemistry 92 (theory 48, IA 14, practical 30; max. marks theory 56, IA 14, practical 30), English (90) and
Biology 95 (theory 51, IA 14, practical 30; max. marks theory 56, IA 14, practical 30). Mathematics92. The marks
in Physics, Chemistry and Biology have less than 70% theory component and therefore have to be converted to
70:30 ratio on pro rata basis. For physics, it is 56.25 + 29.32 = 85.25. ((45/56) x 70 + 29 = 56.25+29 = 85.25
List A:
The following Discipline subjects must be treated as Academic/ Elective subjects for the purpose of undergraduate
admissions. All other subjects offered by different boards may be treated as non-elective:
Arabic, Bengali, Botany, Chemistry, Commerce*, Computer Science, Economics, English, French,
Geography, Geology, German, Hindi, History, Home Science, Italian, Legal Studies, Mathematics,
Music, Persian, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Sociology,
Spanish, Statistics, Urdu and Zoology.
1. Accountancy/ Business Studies/ Commerce shall be treated at par with academic/ elective subjects.
2. Biology/ Biotechnology and Business Studies will be treated as academic/ elective subjects.
3. Mass Media Studies will be treated as an academic subject for the purpose of admission to B.A. (H) Journalism
(Hindi/ English).
4. Admission to B.A. (Hons.) Hindi Patrakarita and B.A (Hons.) Journalism will be based on ‘Best Four’ percentage
as in B.A. (Hons.) Hindi and B.A (Hons.) English, respectively.
5. In case a candidate has studied both elective and core in a, then core language subject will be
treated as language, while elective language can be considered as academic/ elective subject.
6. Admission to B.A. (Hons.) Applied Psychology will be based on ‘Best Four’ percentage as in B.A. (Hons.) Psychology.
7. Admission to B.A. (Hons.) Social Work and B.A. (Hons.) Philosophy will be based on ‘Best Four’ percentage
including one language and three academic/elective subjects as per the above procedure.
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8. The subject ‘Informatics Practices’ will be equivalent to Computer Science for admission to B.Sc. (Hons.) Computer
Science only.
9. The candidates must have studied and passed Mathematics at the qualifying exam for admission to Honours in
Economics and Commerce.
10. Business Mathematics will be treated as equivalent to Mathematics for admission to B.Com (H)/ B.Com only.
11. (a) For admission to Honours in any language course, advantage of 2% in the Best Four percentage may be
given to those candidates who have studied that particular elective language.
(b) In case, a candidate has not studied a language at qualifying exam and is seeking admission to Honours in
that language (except for Honours in English and Hindi, refer (c)), deduction of 5% will be imposed on
‘Best Four’ percentage.
(c) For admission to Honours in English and Hindi, the candidate must have studied and passed the respective
language in the qualifying exam and should include respective language for calculation of ‘Best Four’
12. University may define any other relevant subjects as an academic/ elective for a particular Honours course.
Example 1: If a candidate has scored: Accounts (90), Business Studies (92), English (88) and Economics
(94). Total marks are 90+92+88+94=364, Percentage is 91%. The effective percentage for:B.Com is 91%,
B.A(Hons.) English is 91%, Not eligible for B.A (Hons.) Economics, B.Com(Hons.) B.A(Hons.) Political Science
is 91% - 2.5% = 88.5%.
Example 2: If a candidate has scored: Physics (96)*, Chemistry (92)*, English (90) and Mathematics (94).
Total marks are 96+92+90+94=372, Percentage is 93%. The effective percentage for : B.A (Hons.)
History is 93% - 2.5% = 90.5%,B.A(Hons.) English 93%,B.A (Hons.) Economics 93% - 2.5% = 90.5%,
B.Sc.(Hons.) Maths 93%.
Example 3: If a candidate scored: Accounts (88), English (92), Punjabi Elective (90), Maths (80) and
Web Designing(96). Total marks are 88+92+90+96=366, percentage is 91.5%. The effective percentage
for :B.Com (Hons.)91.5-2.5(WD) =89%, B.A (Hons.)Hist. 91.5%-2.5 %( WD)-2.5%(Hist.) =86.5%. B.A
(Hons.) Punjabi 91.5% - 2.5 %( WD) + 2% (Elective) = 91%.B.Sc.(Hons.) Maths (English, Maths, Accounts,
Punjabi) 87.5%.
Example 4: If a candidate has scored: Accounts (90), Business Studies (92), English (88) and Home
Science (94), Maths (85). Then total marks are 90+92+88+94=364, Percentage is 91%. The effective
percentage for B.Com(Hons.) 91%. B.A(Hons.) Eng. 91% B.A (Hons.) Hist. 91%-2.5%(Hons.)=
88.5.B.Sc.(Hons.) Maths 88+85+94+92=359. The Percentage is: 89.75%
Example 5: If a candidate has scored: Physics (85)*, Chemistry (90)*, English (90) and Biology (85)*
Physics, Chemistry and Biology have less than 70% theory component. Total marks in PCBE
are:85+90+85+90=350. The percentage is 87.5%*. The effective percentage for: B.A (Hons.) English is
87.5% B.A (Hons.) Political Science 87.5 % – 2.5% (Hons.) = 85%.
Example 6: If a candidate has scored: English Elective (92), History (65), Political Science (85), Geography
(89) and Home Science (90). Total Marks 356 excluding history. The percentage is 89%. The effective
percentage for: B.A (Hons.) English 89 % + 2% (Elective)= 91% B.A (Hons.) Political Science 89%B.A
(Hons.) History 89 - 2.5% = 86.5% (History not included) B.A (Hons.) Psychology 89-2.5% = 86.5%
*Marks in physics/chemistry/biology papers should be in the ratio of 70: 30 (theory: practical), otherwise,
marks calculated on pro rata basis will be considered.
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2.3.2. Procedure for calculation of ‘Best Four’ subjects’ percentage for B.A (Programme) /B.Com
Example 7: If a candidate has scored in Accounts (90), Business Studies (92), English (88) and Economics
(94). Total marks are 90+92+88+94=364. The Percentage is 91%. The effective percentage for: B.Com
91% B.A(Prog) 91-5**=86%.
Example 8: If a candidate has scored in Physics (96)*, Chemistry (92)*, English (90) and Mathematics
(94). Total marks are 96+92+90+94=372 and Percentage is 93%. The effective percentage for : B.A(Prog)
93-5**=88% B.Com is 93-5**=88%.
Example 9: If a candidate scored: History (88), English (92), Political Science (90) and Web Designing
(96).* Total marks are 88+92+90+96=366, Percentage is 91.5%. The effective Percentage for : B.A(Prog)
Example 10: If a candidate has scored in Accounts (90), Business Studies (62), English (88), Web designing
(94)* and Painting (95)*. Total marks are 90+95+88+94=367. The Percentage is 91.75%. The effective
percentage for :B.A(Prog) 91.75-5**-2.5#=84.25% ,B.Com 91.75-2.5#=89.25%
The Basis of Selection for Mathematical Sciences/Science/Home Science courses remains unchanged. All the subjects
to be included for Basis of Selection (PCM/PCB/PCMB) must have at least 70% theory component of exam. In case,
the subject to be considered does not have 70% theory component and 30% practical component, then the marks
of theory and practical only must be converted to 70% and 30% , respectively on pro rata basis. These new marks
will then be considered for calculation of PCM/PCB etc.
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Example 11: If a candidate has scored: Physics 90 (theory 50, practical 40; max. marks theory 60,
practical 40), Chemistry 91(theory 52, practical 39; max. marks theory 60, practical 40), English (90) and
Mathematics (95), Physical Education (92). Physics and Chemistry have 60% theory component and 40%
practical marks. Pro rata marks in physics = 88.3%Pro rata marks in chemistry = 89.92% Therefore, Total
marks in PCM are: 88.33+89.92+95=273.25=91.08% and PCME are: 88.3+89.92+95+90 = 363.25 =
Example 12: If a candidate has scored: Physics 88 (theory 45, IA 14, practical 29; max. marks theory 56,
IA 14, practical 30), Chemistry 92 (theory 48, IA 14, practical 30; max. marks theory 56, IA 14, practical
30), English (90) and Biology 95 (theory 51, IA 14, practical 30; max. marks theory 56, IA 14, practical
30). Mathematics 92. Physics, Chemistry and Biology have less than 70% theory component and must be
converted to 70:30. For Physics, it is 56.25+29 = 85.25; For chemistry, it is 60+30= 90; For biology, it is
63.75+30= 93.75. The PCB is 89.77% ; PCM is 89.19%
2.5. Grade Conversion [As per AC Resolution. No. 319, Dt. 22.3.1976]:
Formula/equivalence of the grade point average awarded in Cambridge School Certificate/ Malayalam / Overseas /
African G.C.E./Examination School Certificate Examination and / or 12th Grade Examination of American Embassy
School, New Delhi with the percentage of marks as are awarded in the Higher Secondary Examination of the Central
Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi, for the purpose of admission to different Courses in the University.
1 90 A 90
2 75 B 75
3 66 C 60
4 61 D 40
5 57 E 30
6 51 F Fail
7 47
8 40
9 Fail
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1. Admission for IB Students (IB Grade to Marks Scheme)
7 96 100
6 83 95
5 70 82
4 56 69
3 41 55
2 21 40
1 1 20
Further Details:
* Wherever G.C.E. Certificate indicates the grades; it will be treated at par with the grades of Indian School
Certificate Examination for purposes of Admission requirements. (See Grade Conversion)
* The Candidates seeking admission to an Honours Course must have passed the subject at Advanced level. For
Geology and Anthropology Honours Courses, the candidate must have passed one Science subject at Advanced
level out of Physics/Chemistry/ Mathematics/ Biology.
* The Candidate seeking admission to Honours Course in Physics / Chemistry must have passed: Mathematics and
Addl. Mathematics at Ordinary level and at least one subject at Advanced Level out of (1) Pure Mathematics (2)
Applied Mathematics (3) Mathematics (Pure and Applied) and (4) Further, Mathematics or Addl. Mathematics at
Ordinary Level and one subject at advanced level.
Minimum requirements for the students who have passed the qualifying examinations and are seeking admission in
regular colleges to various courses are summarized here:
Note: In case any board declares the percentage marks of individual subjects along with the grades, then marks
shall be taken into consideration.
• 22½% of the total numbers of seats are reserved for candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled
Tribes (15% for Scheduled Caste and 7½% for Scheduled Tribes, interchangeable, if necessary).
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• It is a statutory obligation on the part of Colleges to fill all seats reserved for Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe
• The College shall not refuse admission to any SC/ST candidate on the basis of medium of instruction. Any
deficiency in the knowledge of any particular language should be removed, remedial classes for which may be
arranged by utilizing grants that are available from University Grants Commission.
• Relaxation to the extent of 5% in the minimum marks will be given to the candidates belonging of Scheduled
Caste and Scheduled Tribe to determine their eligibility and merit for admission to the course concerned.
• In case, after giving 5% relaxation, the reserved seats still remain vacant, further relaxation would be given to
the extent required in order to fill up all the reserved seats. (AC Resolution A88, 14.6.1983) (EC Resolution
157, 24121.2001).Eligibility in these cases is pass percentage.
Note:SC/ST students who get admission under open merit will not be included in thereserved quota i.e. 22.5%.
Candidates seeking admission under SC/ST/OBC category should have certificates in their own name only.
Note: The merit list for the general category seats will comprise of all the candidates in the order of merit. No one
will be excluded from the same. In other words, it will also include SC/ST/OBC candidates, if they come in general
merit. The candidate cannot be excluded from the general category merit list just because he belongs to SC/ST/
OBC. Such a candidate is entitled to be considered under the general category, as well as under the reserved
category. Admission to open category seats will be strictly in the order of merit without excluding SC/ST/ OBC
Three per cent (3%) seats in all undergraduate and postgraduate institutions (including professional and technical
institutions) are reserved for candidates having minimum 40% physical disabilities.
1. Consequent upon amendment to Ordinance X(4) of the University, the following provision has been added after
Sub-clause 2 of Ordinance X( 4) of the said Ordinance:
“Provided that the Persons with Physical Disabilities shall be waived off all the fees payable including the
Examination fee and other University fees, except Admission fee, subscription towards Delhi University Students’
Union and Identity Card fee for pursuing under-graduate, post-graduate or other courses in the University or its
2. In pursuance of the above, the students with physical disabilities pursuing various courses of study in the
Faculties, Departments, Centres, and Institutions / Colleges of the University shall be exempted from payment
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of fees, including examination fee and other University fees, except Admission fee, subscription towards Delhi
University students’ Union and Identity Card fee.
3. In pursuance of the Executive Council Resolution No. 50 dated 03.11.2012, it is notified that the students with
physical disabilities residing in different Hostels / Halls of the University are exempted from payment of all
hostel fees and charges except refundable caution fee and the mess fees. The Persons with Physical Disabilities
students shall pay 50% of the Mess fee and the remaining 50% of the Mess Fee-in respect of the PwD students
is being met by the University. Similar norms are to be adopted by the Colleges in respect of PwD Students
residing in various hostels of the Colleges.
It is clarified further that the PwD students who are getting fellowships / financial assistance shall be exempted
from payment of fees / charges / mess fees subject to the following conditions:
All eligible SC/ST, OBC, PwD. students who are admitted to any college/Department, should submit their scholarship
form by February for processing.
The following is the schedule (see Section 9.4 for categories definition) of admission of Children/Widows of the
Officers and Men of the Armed Forces including Para-Military Personnel, Killed/Disabled in action or those who died/
were disabled on duty, Gallantry Awardees, for admission to Undergraduate Programmes for the academic session
Online Registration 22.05.2017 to 12.06.2017 (As per the schedule applicable to all
Category I
Verification of documents 16.06.2017(Friday) and 17.06.2017 (Saturday) Time: 10.00 a.m. to 1.00
Category II
Verification of documents 23.06.2017 (Friday) to 24.06.2017 (Saturday) Time : 10.00 a.m. to 1.00
Issue of Provisional Admission Slip 27.06.2017 (Tuesday) Time : 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Category III
Verification of documents 29.06.2017 (Thursday) to 30.06.2017 (Friday) Time : 10.00 a.m. to 1.00
Issue of Provisional Admission Slip 03.07.2017 (Monday) Time : 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
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Admission by the college*# 03.07.2017 (Monday) to 04.07.2017 (Tuesday) Time : 10.00 a.m. to 1.00
Category IV
Issue of Provisional Admission Slip 08.07.2017 (Saturday), Time: 10.00a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Category V
Issue of Provisional Admission Slip 14.07.2017 (Friday), Time : 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Document verification and issue of 17.07.2017 (Monday) Time: 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
provisional admission slip to
applicants who have not reported
on the above dates subject to the
availability of seats
Issue of Provisional Admission Slip 18.07.2017 (Tuesday) Time : 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Note: Verification of documents & Issue of Provisional Admission Slip at Conference Centre, near Botany Department,
University of Delhi, Delhi-07
*Morning college: From 09.30 am to 01:30 pm; Evening college: From 04:00 pm to 07:00 pm
#After approval of admission, the applicant has to log on to the undergraduate admission portal to make online
admission fee payment. This may be done till 12:00 noon of the next day of the given admission list deadline.
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iii. Died in peace time on duty on with death attributable to military services.
iv. Disabled in peace time on duty with disability attributable to military service.
Officer /JCO/OR is eligible for educational concession for admission in University of Delhi against the Armed
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2.6.5. Registration and Relaxation for Kashmiri Migrants
1. All the Wards of Kashmiri Migrants who wish to be considered for admission to various undergraduate courses
for university have to register online as per schedule notified by the University.
2. Up to 5% seats are reserved course-wise in all Colleges for Wards of Kashmiri Migrants.
3. All the Wards of Kashmiri Migrants will have to upload a certificate of registration as Kashmiri Migrants issued
by Divisional Commissioner/ Relief Commissioner.
4. A concession of maximum 10% in the last cut-off marks fixed for General category candidates shall be extended
to the Kashmiri Migrants.
5. Admission of Wards of Kashmiri Migrants will be based on cut-offs to be announced by the Colleges.
(The candidates selected under special Scholarship Scheme for J&K will be admitted directly to colleges)
All foreign students, including those who have completed their schooling from an Indian Board may be treated as
Foreign Students for the purpose of their registration /admission in various departments and Colleges of the
University and they may be considered for admission under 5% quota prescribed for the foreign students. The
Colleges/Departments are advised to keep a column of nationality in their admission form. The foreign candidates
seeking admission to Undergraduate Courses should apply to Deputy Dean (Foreign Students), Conference
Centre, University of Delhi-110007. Email:
It is mandatory for all the Colleges to provide sports facilities and encourage all students to participate in sports
and extracurricular activities by introducing inter-class competitions and mass sports.
The existing provision of not more than 5% sports / ECA quota (subject- wise) be continued. The Colleges should
be free to decide the actual number of seats to be filled on sports basis (not more than 5%) keeping in view the
facilities available, requirement of the College and other relevant factors.
The guidelines for Admissions under sports / ECA categories will be carried in accordance with the guidelines
notified by the University from time to time.
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The Colleges will notify the actual number of seats under ECA Quota (Supernumerary) and requirement in different
categories on their Colleges Website, Notice Board and University Website.
The dates for preliminary and final trials will be notified on Colleges’ Website, Notice Board and University Website.
All the concerned colleges will follow the following guidelines for admission to various undergraduate programmes
on the basis of Extra Curricular Activities (ECA):
1. Applicants seeking admission under ECA category will register online on DU Admission portal.
2. The charges for registration will be Rs. 100/- in addition to charges for (UR/OBC/SC/ST/PwD) registration.
3. The applicants are required to upload only one certificate (preferably the highest achievement one) issued after
May 22, 2014 to May 21, 2017 in each activity they wish to apply for as a proof of their involvement in the
relevant activity. They should carry all the relevant certificates for evaluation in case they are selected for final
4. Trials will be held at two levels: (i) Preliminary trials (ii) Final trials.
5. The applicant shall be allowed to appear at the preliminary trials only once in an event. Any request for a
second chance will not be permitted.
6. Not more than 15% concession in academic merit vis-a-vis unreserved category applicants (for the last relevant
cut-off) may be given for admission to specific programmes (subject to the minimum eligibility of the programme).
7. The date/dates for the Preliminary / Final trials shall be notified and displayed on the University Website,
College Website and Notice Board.
8. The list of the short listed applicants for final trials will be notified on the University Website, and the Website
and Notice Board of the college that is conducting an ECA activity trial.
9. The Certificates will be evaluated only for students who qualify for final trials. They have to carry all the relevant
certificates in original (and a self attested photocopy) for evaluation at the time of the final trial.
10. Weightage in the final trials will be given to the trials and certificates in the following ratio: Trials: 75%,
Certificates: 25%.
11. The applicant must secure at least 50% marks in the final trials (38 out of 75) to be eligible for the final list of
selected candidates.
12. The colleges will videograph the preliminary and final trials and should preserve the recordings.
13. The trials for admission under the ECA category shall be the conducted by the ECA admission committee.
The following composition of experts in the ECA category is recommended:
a. Principal/ Principal Nominee
b. Two experts (to be nominated by the University Culture Council) –Eminent people from the cultural field
from eminent institutions such as:
• National School of Drama
• Sri Ram Centre for Performing Arts
• Faculty of Music & Fine Arts
• Indian Council for Cultural Relations
• College of Art
• Sangeet Natak Academy
• Sahitya Kala Parishad
• All India Radio/Doordarshan (‘A’ Grade Artists) etc.
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• Experts from University Fraternity in the relevant field.
• Other experts / practitioners in the relevant field
c. University Cultural Council nominee.
d. College Cultural Council convenor/nominee.
The committee constituted hence should not only have expertise in the relevant cultural field but should also
have the understanding of the cultural space of the University and its specific requirements.
1. The allotment of the programme / subject to the qualified applicants shall conform to University regulations
and will be the sole responsibility of the college.
2. An applicant being selected in the final list is not a guarantee of admission. Admission is subject to seats
availability in a college.
3. The allotment of programme/subject may be finalized by ECA Admission Committee, which will include Chairperson
(Principal), members of ECA/Cultural Committee and one faculty member nominated by the Staff Council.
4. The final list of selected applicants containing marks awarded for the ECA certificates and trials shall be displayed
on the University Website for three days for applicants to take cognizance of the grievances, if any. All the
grievances shall be resolved within three days.
5. Applicant having any grievance should apply either to the Central Grievance Committee or to College Grievance
6. Applicants will register in the colleges of their choice according to the schedule that will be notified.
7. The Merit List of the applicants selected for admission after the finals shall be notified on the respective College
Website and Notice Board and University Website. The admission of the applicants thereafter will be completed
on University Admission Portal.
8. In case of a tie in the final marks (out of 100), the candidate with higher marks in the trials (out of 75) will be
placed higher in the merit list. In case of a tie there also, then both the candidates will have the same rank.
9. The ECA Admission Committee of the College shall verify the original ECA certificates of the applicants.
10. The selected candidates shall submit an Undertaking at the time of admission stating that the candidate will
perform for the College and University for the entire period of the candidate’s undergraduate programme of
study. The college has a right to cancel their admissions if they violate the undertaking during their stay in
11. Any candidate submitting false / fake certificate will be debarred from admission to any programme in any
college for three years. If a candidate seeks admission on the basis of false/fake certificates, not only will the
admissions be cancelled, an FIR may also be registered.
12. The college shall maintain proper record of candidates admitted on the basis of ECA.
13. The decision of ECA Admission Committee shall be final.
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The following categories have been approved by the admission committee for ECA. S.No.
9. Quiz
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2.6.7. (b) Guidelines for admission on the basis of Sports in Undergraduate courses
The Colleges have to notify the actual number of seats under Sports Quota (supernumerary) and requirements of
sportspersons in different Sports/Games along with the respective position / event on their College Website and
Notice Board well in advance. The same would be notified on the University of Delhi Website.
Sports persons who have participated/represented the country in the following Competition(s):
i. The Colleges will be conducting Fitness Test and Sports Trials for a specific Sport/Game identified by Delhi
University Sports Council (DUSC). The candidates should go through the notifications issued by the colleges
and University on their Website.
ii. The Colleges which have been identified for conducting Fitness Test and Sports Trials for a specific Sports/
Game but do not have facilities can contact DUSC by giving advance information.
iii. If a candidate has opted for more than one Sports/Game and has qualified the Fitness Test in a particular
college must be issued a Fitness Certificate by the college concerned in a particular format. This certificate
will be accepted by the other colleges.
iv. Fitness Test is the qualifying test for subsequent process of screening / evaluating class
XII documents, marking of Sports Certificates and Sports Trials and does not entitle the candidate for admission
on the basis of Sports.
C. The Colleges should video-graph the Fitness Test and Sports Trials.
D. Maximum 50 Marks are for Sports Trials which include skill test, game performance test, game specific fitness,
fundamentals of the game / sport etc.
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i. Minimum 25 marks are required to be obtained by the candidate in the Sports Trials for admission on the
basis of Sports.
ii. Evaluation and Marking shall be done by the technical hands of Sports Admission Committee.
E. Composition of the Sports Admission Committee for specific Sport(s)/Game(s) identified by DUSC:
i. Chairperson: Principal
ii. Convenor: Teacher in-charge, Deptt. of Physical Education.
iii. Physical Education Teacher(s) as Member(s).
iv. Expert/s nominated by the Chairperson (Principal) from the confidential list sent by the DUSC.
v. Nominee/s of the Delhi University Sports Council.
vi. One Nominee of the Vice Chancellor (as Observer).
The Committee can co-opt one/two regular bonafide sports student/s (M/W) for assistance.
1. The allotment of course/ subject to the qualified candidates shall conform to University regulations and will be
the sole responsibility of the College.
2. The allotment of course/subject may be finalized by the Sports Admission Committee which will include
Chairperson (Principal), Convenor (Teacher in-charge, Deptt. of Physical Education), Physical Education Teacher(s)
as Member(s) and One faculty member nominated by the Staff Council.
3. The list of finally selected candidates containing marks of the Sports Certificates and Sports Trials along with
course/subject allotted shall be displayed on the College Website and Notice Board for three days to take
cognizance of the grievances, if any. All the grievances must be resolved within next three days before admitting
the candidates.
4. A candidate having grievances should apply to Grievance Committee of the College. Every College shall have its
own Grievance Committee, the information about which shall be displayed on the Notice Board/Website of the
5. The details of admission on the basis of Sports by the College with respect Sports / Games, position / event etc.
shall be notified on their College Website and Notice Board well in advance.
6. The Sports Admission Committee of the College shall
a. screen the applications / forms uploaded by the candidates
b. verify original Sports Certificate of the candidates as per marks allotted by DUSC
7. The candidate submitting false / fake certificate will be debarred from admission to any course in any College
for three years. If a candidate is admitted on false/fake certificate, the admission will be cancelled and such
cases will be notified to all the Colleges.
8. The level of competency of the candidate in the Sports / Games will be determined only for those who have
achieved distinction in Sports / Games during the last three years in the Sports / Games recognizedby AIU and
IOA. Preference will be given to Sports/ Games in which Delhi University Inter-College and Inter-University
Competitions / Tournaments are held.
9. The level of distinction of certificates will be determined from 1stApril, 2013 to 31stMarch, 2016.
10. The College shall maintain proper record of the candidates admitted on the basis of Sports in their respective
11. The candidate as per their age must be eligible to participate in Inter-University Competitions/Tournaments for
the next three years and should not be employed Part-time/Full time anywhere.
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12. It is mandatory to submit an undertaking on Judicial Stamp paper of Rs. 100/- by the selected sportspersons at
the time of admission stating that they will play for the College and University during their Undergraduate
Course of Study.
As per circular No. Aca.I/Sports/2010-2011/178 dated May 29, 2010; the college has made provision for not more
than 5% Sports and ECA quota. Of this, 3% and therefore not more than 29 seats are under ECA quota that is to be
divided between admissions under various categories like athletics (Boys and Girls), Badminton (Boys and Girls),
Ball Badminton (Girls), Cricket (Boys), Football (Boys), Volleyball (Boys) and Handball (Boys).
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D Position and participation Concerned State 24 22 20 16 All 3 2 pts. 26.25.24
in individual/team Boards/ MYAS /SAI Years 24.23.22
event/s in the All India Only2 1 pt. 22.21.20
Rural Sports/ CBSE Years 18.17.16
E Position and participation All the State Boards, 16 14 12 8 All 3 2 pts. 18.17.16
in ICSE/ KVS/ IPSC Director of Education Years 16.15.14
National/ Inter Zonal and State Only 2 1 pt. 14.13.12
championship/ B division Associations Years 10.9.8
league /State
championship/ Inter
District Tournament / All
India Public School
National/ Vidhya Bharti/
YMCA National
• In addition to the above, if the candidate has played in the above mentioned tournaments for two years, then
he/she gets1 additional point and if the candidate has played for three years, then he/she gets 2 additional
• Only last three years certificate will be considered for admission on the basis of Sports.
• Candidate should upload self-attested copies of certificates.
3 College Magazine Fee C. Mag 100.00 4 Library and reading room Lib. 600.00
7 Identity Card Fee I. Card 30.00 8 Fine/Late Special Bonafide Library F.L.B.L.
9 Science Laboratory Sci. Lab. 20.00 10 Science Lab Breakage Charges S.L.B.CH
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11 Late Fee Fine L.F.Fine - 12 Policy against Sexual P.A.S.H 10.00
Harassment Fund
17 Student Aid Fund Fee St.Aid 200.00 18 Development Fund Fee Dev. 60.00
21 Special Annual Fee Un.Sp 10.00 22 General Amenities Fund Gen.Amn. 2000.00
23 Computer Science Com.Sci 2000.00 24 Science Lab. Development Fund Sci. Lab. 800.00
27 D.U. Library Dev. Fee D.L.D.F 200.00 28 D.U. Library Security D.L.S.F. 1000.00
33 N.C.C. Fund N.C.C. 100.00 34 Univ. Athletic Association Fee U.A.A. 50.00
35 W.U.S. Fee W.U.S. 5.00 36 Univ. Cultural Council Fee U.C.C. 05.00
1 Rs. 10,150/- B.A. (Prog)/ B.A. (Hons)/ B.COM (Hons)/ B.SC. (Maths)
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Scheduled Castes/Tribes students whose parents’ income is below the taxable income, on production of a certificate
obtainable from the office of their parents mentioning that they are not liable to pay income tax.
2.9 Rules for Refund of Fee on account of withdrawal/cancellation of admission, migration etc.*
(a) When a student applies for withdrawal of admission before the Full fee after deduction of Rs. 250/-
last date of admission.
(b) When a student applies for withdrawal of admission after the last date Full fee after deduction of Rs. 500/-
of admission and on or before 31st July, of the year of admission
(c) When a student applies for withdrawal of admission after 31st July Full fee after deduction of Rs. 1000/-
and on or before 16th August of the year of admission.
(d) When a Student applies for withdrawal of admission after 16th No fee will be refunded.
August of the year of admission.
(e) When cancellation of admission is due to concealment /falsification No fee will be refunded.
of facts, submission for false/fake certificate(s), providing misleading
information by the student or for any error/ mistake on the part of
the student.
For the academic session 2017-2018, following are the members of the Admission Grievance Committee:
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2.11 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
Q.1. Will there be any disadvantage for gap year students?
A. 1. No, all you need are the necessary documents.
Q. 2. How does one apply through the ECA or Sports quota?
A. 2. You can apply for ECA and Sports quota also online.
Q. 3. After the declaration of the cut-off, are students given admission on a first come, first served basis?
A. 3. Admission in the colleges are not based on first come first serve policy.
Q. 4. I have studied both commerce and accounts in my class XII. Which subject will I have to choose for my best
A.4. You can choose both the subjects in your “Best Four”.
Q. 5. I am a science student. Can I apply for Bachelor with honours in Arts/Humanities subjects?
A.5. You can apply for Bachelor with honours in Arts/Humanities subjects provided you fulfill specific eligibility
condition and meet the requisite cut off.
Q. 6. Once I have taken admission in a particular subject, can I change my subject during the course of study or
after completing first year?
A.6. No, once you are admitted in a particular subject, you can change your subject only before the last date of
admission provided seats are available and you meet the requisite cut off.
Q.7. I appeared in class 12th exam last year but failed to clear Mathematics. Then, I appeared in the compartment
exam and cleared it. Now, I have two marks sheets, can I get admission?
A.7. Yes, you can get admission in Delhi University and you will not be at any disadvantage provided result of
compartment exam is declared before the admission is completed.
Q. 8. Can I take admission in two different/same courses in different colleges after declaration of a cut off?
A.8. No, you cannot take admission simultaneously in two different courses or same courses in different colleges.
In case you take admission at two places, your admission will be cancelled from both the colleges/courses.
Q.9. I was admitted under sports Quota last year but could not clear the first year. Can I apply afresh and also
change my course?
A.9. You can clear your first year as an ex-student, if your internal assessment is complete (Including attendance.
In case you have not completed the above said condition, then you must apply afresh.
Q.10. Is it important to have caste or tribe certificate in the name of candidate?
A.10.Yes, if you are applying under any reserved category (SC/ST/OBC/PH, you must have Caste/Tribe/PwD certificate
in the name of candidate. The OBC certificate must also specify that candidates belong to non-creamy layer
and caste is listed in the Central Government list.
Q.11. My result is yet to be declared, Can I still submit online registration form?
A.11.Yes, you can submit the online registration form by darkening the appropriate circle of result awaited under
result section; however you have to fulfill the minimum eligibility condition/meeting cut off list of that course/
college during stipulated period
Q.12. I have provided incorrect information while filling up the online registration form and also paid the online
registration fees. What shall I do?
A.12.After payment of the online registration fee, corrections, additions, deletions etc. in any manner shall not be
allowed in the registration form. The candidates are, therefore, advised to fill their forms carefully. Incorrect
form will be summarily rejected. However, an applicant can start afresh by online registering again using new
registration id and password and applicant will need to submit online registration fee again.s
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2.12 Important links regarding admission:
You can get information about admission from the following sources:
You can visit help desk conducted by the office of Dean Students’ Welfare in Room no: 5, 1st floor, Conference
Centre, opp. Botany department, North Campus. University conducts Open days before the admission process
For any general queries related with the overall online registration or/and admission process, an applicant may
write an email to the following email address:
For any technical query related with online registration or/and admission process, please send an email to the
following email address:
Department of Chemistry
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18. Dr. Pawan Kumar Rai Assistant Professor
Department of Commerce
Department of Economics
Department of English
Department of Hindi
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7. Dr. Deo Kumar ( Teacher-in-Charge) Assistant Professor
Department of History
Department of Linguistics
Department of Mathematics
1. Dr. Anil Kumar Kalkal (On Extra Ordinary Leave) Associate Professor
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5. Dr. Sanjay Malhotra Associate Professor
Department of Sanskrit
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Sl. No Committee Convenor Members
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7. Dr. Rajesh Kr. Jha
8. Dr. Vaishali Shahare
9. Dr. Marry C. Lethil
10. Dr. Sanjeev Sharma
11. Dr. Priyanka Kaushik
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11. Campus Beautification Dr. Sushil Kumar Azad 1. Dr. Virender Kumar Yadav
2. Mr. Rakesh Kumar Tripathi
3. Dr. Vandana Dhingra
4. Dr. Sanjay Malhotra
5. Dr. K. A. Venugopalan
6. Dr. S K Dhaka
12. Health & Hygiene Dr. Sonia Lumb 1. Dr. Mukta Sharma
2. Mr. Mahesh Chand Meena
3. Dr. S. Shanti Nath
4. Dr. S. K. Dhaka
5. Dr. Rashmi Seth
6. Dr. Mahender Singh Dhakad
7. Dr. Suman Meena
15. Boys' Common Room Mr. Harish Kumar 1. Mr. Arun Lal
2. Dr. Sunil Babu
3. Mr. Mahesh Chand Meena
4. Dr. Virendra Kumar Yadav
16. Girls' Common Room Dr. Anita Kumari Yadav 1. Dr. Vaishali V. Shahare
2. Dr. Ganita Bhupal
3. Dr. Swati Nagpal
4. Dr. Shikha Kaushik
5. Ms. Rakhi Arora
6. Dr. Krishna Thareja
18. Central Purchasing Dr. Arun Chaudhary All TIC's are its member
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20. Research Affairs Dr. R. D. Sharma 1. Dr. Amit Jain
2. Mr. Jitesh Kumar
3. Dr. Anita Kumari Yadav
4. Dr. Mahender Singh
5. Dr. Rachna Sethi
6. Dr. Mahendra Singh Dhakad
7. Dr. Ved Mitra Shukla
8. Dr. Pawan Kumar Rai
9. Dr. Satya Prakash Singh
10. Dr. Urvashi Arora
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26. Photography Society Dr. Savita Nigam 1. Dr. Manisha Singhal
2. Dr. Rachna Sethi
3. Dr. Arun Chaudhary
4. Dr. Anand Prakash
5. Dr. Sushil Azad
6. Dr. Suruchi Gautam
7. Dr. Pawan Kumar Rai
27. Academic Appraisal Mr. Barun Kumar Mishra All TIC as its member
28. ICT Committee Dr. Amit Jain All TIC as its member and Librarian
29. Staff Council Nominee Dr. Ravindra Kumar 1. Dr. Arun Chaudhary
for Sports Admission
1. Chemistry Dr. Rajini Grover Dr. Suman Meena Mr. Dhanraj Meena Dr. Y. S. Sharma
2. Commerce Dr. Renu Gambhir Dr. Renu Gambhir Dr. Rajender Kumar Dr. Marry C. Lethil
3. Computer Science Dr. Suruchi Gautam Dr. Suruchi Gautam Ms. Surbhi Khanna Dr. Suruchi Gautam
4. Economics Ms Mohini Aggarwal Ms Mohini Aggarwal Dr. Ganita Bhupal Ms. Enakshi Sinha Ray
5. English Mr. Shafiqual Alam Mr. Barun Kumar Ms. Rachna Sethi Mr. Barun Kumar Mishra
Mishra (English Literary
6. Hindi Dr. Deo Kumar Dr. Deo Kumar Dr. Nand Kishor Prasad Dr. Deo Kumar
7. History Ms. Namrata Singh Ms. Namrata Singh Dr. Anil Kumar Ms. Rashmi Seth
8. Mathematics Dr. K. K. Arora Dr. Pankaj Garg Dr. R. D. Sharma Dr. Arun Chaudhary
9. Physics & Dr. Amit Jain Dr. A. P. Singh Dr. S. K. Dhaka Dr. A. P. Singh
10. Political Science Dr. Sushil Dutt Dr. Nawal Kishor Dr. Suman Kumar Dr. G.P. Bairwa
11. Linguistics Dr. Chandra Dr. Chandra Dr. Chandra Shekhar Dr. Chandra Shekhar
Shekhar Singh Shekhar Singh Singh Singh
12. Sanskrit Dr. Savita Nigam Dr. Savita Nigam Dr. Savita Nigam Dr. Savita Nigam
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The college has many societies that promote extra-curricular activities. Students are encouraged to join these
societies and participate in the various activities so that they can build up their self-confidence, sharpen their skills
and bring their latent talent to the fore. This will enable them to participate very successfully in various intra and
inter-college competitions as well as at the inter –university level events held round the year.
Each teaching department has its own departmental society, which is responsible for conducting regular academic
programmes and events. The Economics Society, English Literary association (ELA), Sanskrit Society (Nashtha),
Physics and Electronics Society and the society of the Mathematics department are some of the societies that
remain vibrantly active throughout the year. The students can contact the respective teacher- in-charge of their
subject department for participating in such activities.
The Cultural Committee is dedicated to creating and providing a forum for students to participate in cultural
offerings of Rajdhani College and other affiliated colleges of the University of Delhi. A committee comprising of the
faculty members is constituted at the beginning of every academic year. The Cultural Committee of the college
works with the objective to bring to light the hidden talents of the students, improving their capabilities to work as
a team and raising their level of self-confidence while performing. The cultural activities are carried out throughout
the year and students get opportunities to participate in various intra/inter-college competitions such as Mehndi,
Rangoli, Collage Making, Poem Recitation, Short Plays, Singing (Solo & Group), Dance (Solo & Group), etc. Winners
of the competitions are awarded certificates, trophies and cash prizes. Students interested in participation (and
volunteer work) in various cultural activities can contact any member of the cultural committee.
Outdoor and indoor games like Cricket, Hockey, Football, Volleyball, Badminton, Table Tennis, etc. are available for
all students of the college. Various training programmes and competitions are held throughout the year in the
various fields. A Grand Sports Day is organized every year which sees the enthusiastic participation of not only the
students but of the teaching and non- teaching faculty of the college.
The Debating society offers various opportunities to the college students to participate in debating events. Inter
and intra- college events are organized in the college and the students are encouraged and prepared for debating
events at various forum.
The NCC aims at the development of leadership, character, comradeship, spirit of sportsmanship and the ideal of
service. It creates a force of disciplined and trained manpower that, in a national emergency could be of assistance
to the country. It provides training to students with the view to develop officer-like qualities in them. The College
has NCC Wings for boys and girls. The College has two companies of NCC Infantry Wing (boys) and Naval Wing
(girls), both commanded by commissioned NCC officers. The cadets are givens training in drill, map reading,
shooting, field craft, first aid and fire fighting. The cadets are also sent to attend various adventure camps like
mountaineering, rock climbing, paragliding, trekking and various leadership and advance leadership camps at
different places. Students can join either Infantry or Naval Wing of NCC by applying in the prescribed form available
with the College NCC Officer.
Dr. Dhanraj Meena (Department of Chemistry) is the NCC Incharge (Boys) while Dr. Suman Meena (Department of
Chemistry) is the NCC Incharge (Girls) for the year 2017-2018.
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The NSS is promoted by the Ministry of Human Resources and Development and has for its objective the development
of a sense of social commitment in the students. The scheme encourages nationally accepted objectives e.g. pride
in being Indian, democracy, socialism, secularism, national integration and development of a scientific temper and
work ethos. The students work with NGOs and social work organizations. They also organize blood-donation camps
and assist in relief works as and when necessary. In order to create interest in social service among students and
to employ their spare time gainfully, the NSS unit of the College is active throughout the year in programmes like
institutional development, blood-donation, campus cleanliness, clean Yamuna campaign, hobbies in specialized
fields, e.g. painting, music etc.
The Programme Officer for NSS for the academic year 2017-2018 is Dr. Anil Kumar (Department of History).
The Gandhi Study Circle is instituted to create awareness about the Father of the Nation among youth of today. The
Circle is mandated to organize events about Gandhiji, his life and his teachings.
The Convenor of the circle for 2017-2018 is Dr. Ved Mitra Shukla and Dr. Rajiv Ranjan (Member).
Ever since inception, the Club has attracted students and faculty members who are keen on hill-walking and
trekking. The members participate sporadically in various trekking programmes organized by the club. The club
also offers opportunities for personality development and enrichment by means of promoting environmental
appreciation, awareness, and protection programmes among students.
This year, the College is adding another feather to its cap - a Photography Club to give students a chance to explore
and develop their photography skills.
The WDC has been established in the college with the purpose of creating a campus free from all bias and prejudice
against females. A committee consisting of the faculty members looks after the issue of safety of all females
(students, teachers and staff members) within the campus. It also looks into the matter of solving any kind of
gender based physical, mental or psychological discrimination faced by any female. The committee is actively
involved in organizing various functions like self- defence programmes, debates, plays and talks by several women
activists, etc. Members of the Faculty of Law and well known activists also visit the college regularly to enlighten the
female students about their legal rights.
Dr. Anita Gaur (Department of Hindi) is the Incharge of this cell for the current academic year.
The Equal Opportunity Cell was established by the University of Delhi on 27th June 2006 to address the issues
related to SC/ST, the OBC and minorities and the physically challenged on a continual basis. The main problems
faced by people viewed as disabled, or with disabilities, or of minority status, stems from disabling environmental,
economic and cultural barriers.
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Disability and minority are therefore equal rights issues on a par with other forms of unjustifiable discrimination
and prejudices. As part of its mission statement, the EOC ensures the following:
For the academic year 2017-2018, Dr. Mahendra Singh Dhakad (Department of History) is the Convenor of this cell.
In addition, Ms. Namrata Singh (Department of History), Dr. Ved Mitra Shukla (Department of English), Dr. Vaishali
V. Shahare (Department of Chemistry) and Dr. Deo Kumar (Department of Hindi) are the members of this cell.
The SC/ST Cell of the College was constituted to ensure that adequate representation is given to SC/ST candidates
in the matter of appointments to the teaching and non-teaching posts, allotment of quarters and admission in
various courses of studies and also to ensure effective implementation of the reservation policies and programmes.
The Cell organizes a Scholarship Camp not only for the SC, ST and OBC students, but also for the students belonging
to poor and minority background every year. In this camp, the needy students from all the above-mentioned
categories are informed about various scholarship schemes of the Delhi Administration as well as the Central
Government. The Cell actively works for the welfare of the students by focusing on the establishment of a counter
for admission assistance and distribution of free scholarship forms to students during the admission period.
Dr. Mahendra Singh (Department of Hindi) is the Convenor of the SC/ST Cell for the year 2017-2018.
A Placement Cell has been set up by the college to help students find the right guidance and assistance for
employment after college. Dr. Marry C. Lethil (Department of Commerce) is the Convenor of this cell for the year
2017-2018. The members are Dr. Mohini Aggarwal, Dr. Arun Lal and Dr. Shikha Kaushik.
Dr. Nitin Kumar (Department of Physics) is the Anti- Discriminatory Officer for the year 2017-2018.
The Following Liaison Officers are appointed in the College for handling problems faced by persons of privileged
7.2 LIAISON OFFICER: SC/ST: Dr. G.P. Bairwa (Department of Political Science)
7.3 LIAISON OFFICER: OBC: Dr. Anita Kr. Yadav (Department of Chemisty)
A Professional Counsellor has been appointed by the College for students, teaching and non-teaching staff.
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The Central Placement Cell (CPC) is an initiative undertaken by the University of Delhi under the Office of the Dean,
Students’ Welfare. The CPC provides an online platform where the Companies and Organizations get themselves
registered. Final Year Students of all courses can get themselves registered with CPC through their respective
Colleges / Departments. All the registered students with CPC are entitle d to placement assistance and counselling
for employment. The CPC acts as an interface between industries and students for career options. Kindly refer
The Cultural Council is a statutory body of the University of Delhi functioning under the Dean, Students Welfare. It
reaches out to all bonafide students of colleges and departments of the University of Delhi. It is a vibrant cultural
body which organizes a variety of cultural programmes/ competitions at the Inter College level.
The College has recently enhanced its facilities by building the new academic block. The two storied block has eight
new classrooms, one Computer Laboratory and one Biology Laboratory along with a lift.
9.1.2 Auditorium
The College has a spacious air-conditioned auditorium which is used for organizing various events and is regularly
used for Academic, Co-curricular and Extra-curricular activities.
Located on the ground floor of the Arts Block, the Auditorium has seats for 200 people. It has wonderful acoustics
and warm & welcoming ambience. It is a perfect venue for musical, dance and theatre performances, film screenings,
lectures, conferences, workshops and farewell parties.
Located on the first floor in the Arts Block, the Seminar Room is multi-media equipped. It is spacious, air-conditioned
and facilitated with a LCD Projector and audio-speakers for organizing various activities like seminars, presentations,
talks, debating competitions, workshops, etc.
The Central Computer Laboratory in the College provides students an opportunity for hands-on training and enhancing
their computer skills. With the introduction of a number of revised and restructured courses, computer education,
knowledge and accessibility has become an integral part of the Undergraduate College Curriculum. The Lab is
equipped with networked personal computers, printers, and other computer equipment. The students can make
use of the facilities as an integral part of their daily operations.
Medical facility is available to students during college hours. The College provides basic first aid to students and can
cater to the medical needs of the students for casual and minor ailments under the guidance of a part-time doctor.
Regular health check-ups are conducted in college by trained medical professionals.
The College provides a Common Room for female students which can be used as a restroom by them. Located
inside the Arts Block, the Girls’ Common Room (GCR) is a spacious and comfortable place where female students
can study, unwind, have informal discussions with friends and interact with seniors in the free time available. It
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helps them learn the ropes of college life and get familiar with the campus, which is their second home for the next
three years.
An added attraction for the potential sportspersons is the College Playground. It is well maintained and spacious. It
offers facilities for playing Cricket, Volleyball, Basketball and Athletics to all sports-inclined students and also
makes available the excellent equipment for the same.
The College also has beautiful lawns with trees and flowering plants. The lush green grass and the cool shade of the
trees provide relief in the summer. Students are welcome to fully utilize the above facilities for sitting, rehearsing,
practicing or studying, but littering is strictly forbidden.
9.1.8 Cafeteria
The College has a modern and spacious cafeteria to serve refreshments at regulated/ controlled rates, with sitting
arrangements both inside and outside the cafe. It can accommodate more than 80 students at a time. This is where
the action and fun is! Students can eat good and hygienic food at reasonable prices. It is also a place where
students from all the streams meet and interact.
The library has an exclusive Faculty Reading Corner, Computers with internet facility and subscription to e-journals,
intended to meet the expectations of the current net savvy generation. Our library has more than one lakh scholarly
books on various subjects and subscribes to 32 newspapers and around 43 magazines and research journals and
periodicals of varied interests. Automation process has been speeded up in the last academic session. The computer
cataloguing is in progress and once this is completed our students will have details of all the books at the click of a
button. Library has also started newspaper clipping service focusing on higher education. Rajdhani College Library
also provides its users access to3800 + e-journals and 80000 + e-books through N-List program. The Library has
a separate corner for disabled Students and photocopy facility will also start within Library from the coming session.
Library issues library cards to community members wishing to borrow books. Reader’s or borrower’s cards or other
identity records are to be shown, if demanded, at the time of entering into the library or whenever asked for in the
library. Undergraduate students are issued five (5) reader’s ticket and Postgraduate students are entitled
to six (6) reader’s tickets.
The College library also has internet facility, with 28 computers available for users. Internet facility is available for
the members, which they can use for accessing e-journals and databases of various websites.
9.2.4 Timings
While in the library, all persons shall observe all basic and elementary principles of library ethics, obey the rules and
procedures of the library and submit to discipline enforced by the University of Delhi.
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2. The overdue charge is Re. 1/- per book per day.
3. Library cards or other identity records are to be shown, if demanded, at the time of entering into the library or
whenever asked for in the library.
4. Undesirable or unauthorized persons shall have no access to the library and if found in the Library, they shall be
liable to expulsion from the library by the Librarian/ the Principal.
5. Conversation, talking, sleeping, smoking, and loitering are not allowed in the library. Use of Mobile Phones is
not allowed within the library premises.
6. At the time of entering the library, all personal belongings and books not belonging to the College Library and
books though borrowed from the library but not meant to be returned to the library, shall be deposited at the
Property Counter/Locker at the entrance to the library.
7. Every member of the library shall be responsible for the safe custody of any library book borrowed by him/her
for the study in the Library Reading Room or for use at home.
8. Students held responsible for loss, damage, defacement or mutilation of books shall be liable to compensate
the library in such way as may be determined by the Library Committee.
Each student is required to take a clearance from the library before the university Admit card/Examination Hall
Ticket is issued to him/her.
The College has its official annual magazine titled RAKA. Released every year in March, RAKA marks the culmination
of all activities ofRajdhani College for the current year. It provides an opportunity for the students to explore topics
of interest and share their ideas with fellow students. It showcases the best articles that are handpicked by the
editorial committee comprising of faculty members and students. Thus, the magazine is instrumental in encapsulating
the literary skills and various talents of the students. The magazine has one section each in English, Hindi and
Sanskrit. It projects a professional image while maintaining the distinctive Rajdhani flavour and spirit.
The objective of the student Aid Fund is to render financial assistance to needy undergraduate students towards
their tuition fees and cost of textbooks. Forms are made available from the College Office, in the first week of
August. The eligibility/ineligibility for SAF will be reviewed by the college committee.
Students can enjoy travel concession privileges with the concessional bus pass. DTC has deployed about 3106 CNG
buses for the city/NCR service. They are plying on about 773 routes on Delhi Roads. DTC issues students with an All
Route concessional bus pass that can be availed through the college. With its economical student bus passes, DTC
is a very viable and popular option of transport for students. Students can avail the facility by filling up required
Student of recognized Institutions can avail a travel concession (50% for general category and up to 75% for SC/
ST) to travel to hometown or for educational purposes in 2nd class trains in only Sleeper Class (Mail/Express)
through the Principal. To avail this concession, a student has to produce the Student concession form and identity
card along with the purchased ticket (only i-ticket) to get discounted ticket.
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9.7 BANK
An extension counter of Central Bank of India, a government-owned and one of the oldest and largest commercial
banks, is located inside the Arts Block. Apart from opening their account, students can also take advantage from a
number of innovative and unique banking services and activities that have been launched especially for them.
The college has a Photostat centre which is located within the college premises. It offers Photostat facilities at
extremely reasonable rates.
Delhi University holds a competitive examination in the month of October each year for the award for All India
Entrance Scholarships of Rs. 250.00 per month, each tenable for three years. Any Honours Course Student with at
least 55% marks in the aggregate may apply along with the examination fees of Rs. 50.00 latest by 25 August in
the prescribed form which can be obtained from the Examination Branch VII (I) of the University of Delhi.
The Prize has been instituted in the memory of Dr. Surendra Singh Rao, Formerly Reader in Physics Department,
Rajdhani College. Dr. S. S. Rao Memorial Prize of Rs. 1,000/- is awarded to a student of Bachelor with Honours
Physics of Rajdhani College for exemplary merit.
An amount of Rs 3,000 is paid to first meritorious student of Bachelor with Honours Physics II year in memory of
late Dr. Sanjay Malik, Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Electronics.
The Prize has been instituted in the memory of Dr. N. K. Anand, formerly Reader in Chemistry Department, Rajdhani
College. Dr. N. K. Anand Memorial Prize of Rs. 800/ - is awarded to the topper of Bachelor with Honours Chemistry
II year of Rajdhani College.
Smt. Krishnawati Gautam Memorial Prize has been instituted to encourage meritorious performance in science
Shri S. C. Gautam Memorial Prize in Chemistry would be awarded to the topper of Bachelor with Honours Chemistry
I and II year combined in Rajdhani College in DU examination.
10.8 Smt. Radhika and Rama Shankar Memorial Prize in Computer Science
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10.10 Maa Murti Devi Smriti Puraskar in Hindi
Maa Murti Devi Smriti Puraskar in Hindi is offered to the topper of Bachelor with Honours Hindi.
Annual Prize of Rs. 3000/- every year for the highest marks in M.A. Hindi Final Year.
These scholarships are awarded by the Directorate of Education, Government of Delhi, to bonafide Scheduled
Caste/Scheduled Tribe Students belonging to Delhi, on receipt of completed applications submitted through the
college. Application Forms can be obtained from the College Office. The last date for submission of applications to
the Directorate of Education is August 31, every year. Certificate of caste and of parents income, duly attested by
the Principal, must accompany the Application Form.
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4. The student should not invite friends/relatives in the college without the prior permission of the Principal.
5. Sitting on stairs is strictly prohibited.
6. Students are not allowed to bring their personal vehicles inside the College premises.
Warning: Violation of these rules will lead to monetary fine or rustication or expulsion depending upon the severity
of offence.
A Complaint/suggestion box is maintained in front of the Principal’s office. Students may drop their complaints or
suggestions in the box.
1. All powers relating to discipline and disciplinary action are vested in the Vice-Chancellor.
2. The Vice-Chancellor may delegate all or such powers as he / she deems proper to the Proctor and to such other
persons as he/she may specify in this behalf.
3. Without prejudice to the generality of power to enforce discipline under the Ordinance the following shall
amount to acts of gross indiscipline:
a. Physical assault, or threat to use physical force, against any member of the teaching and non- teaching
staff of any Institution / Department and against any student within the University of Delhi
b. Carrying of, use of or threat to use of any weapons
c. Any violation of the provisions of the Civil Rights Protection Act, 1976
d. Violation of the status, dignity and honour of students belonging to the scheduled castes and tribes
e. Any practice-whether verbal or otherwise derogatory of women
f. Any attempt at bribing or corruption in any manner
g. Wilful destruction of institutional property
h. Creating ill-will or intolerance on religious or communal grounds
i. Causing disruption in any manner of the academic functioning of the University system;
j. Prohibition of Ragging as per Ordinance XV-C.
4. Without prejudice to the generality of his / her powers relating to the maintenance of discipline and taking such
action in the interest of maintaining discipline as may seem to him/her appropriate, the Vice-Chancellor, may in
the exercise of his / her powers aforesaid order or direct that any student or students -
a. be expelled; or
b. be, for a stated period rusticated; or
c. be not for a stated period, admitted to a course or courses of study in a College, Department or Institution
of the University; or
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d. be fined with a sum of rupees that may be specified; or
e. be debarred from taking a University or College or Departmental Examination or Examinations for one or
more years; or that the result of the student or students concerned in the Examination or Examinations in
which he /she or they have appeared be cancelled.
5. Institutions, Halls and teaching in the concerned Departments. They may exercise their authority through, or
delegate authority to such of the teachers in their Colleges, Institutions or Departments as they may specify for
these purposes.
6. Without prejudice to the powers of the Vice-Chancellor and the Proctor as aforesaid, detailed rules of discipline
and proper conduct shall be framed. These rules may be supplemented, where necessary, by the Principals of
Colleges, Heads of Halls, Deans of Faculties and Heads of Teaching Departments in this University. Each student
shall be expected to provide himself / herself with a copy of these rules. At the time of admission, every student
shall be required to sign a declaration that on admission he /she submits himself / herself to the disciplinary
jurisdiction of the Vice-Chancellor and several authorities of the University which may be vested with the
authority to exercise discipline under the Acts, the Statutes, the Ordinances and the rules that have been
framed therein by the University.
1. Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited, within the premises of College / Department or Institution and any
part of Delhi University system as well as on public transport.
2. Any individual or collective act or practice of ragging constitutes gross indiscipline and shall be dealt with under
this Ordinance.
3. Ragging for the purposes of this Ordinance, ordinarily means any act, conduct or practice by which dominant
power or status of senior students is brought to bear on students freshly enrolled or students who are in any
way considered junior or inferior by other students; and includes individual or collective acts or practices which
a. involve physical assault or threat to use of physical force.
b. violate the status, dignity and honour of women students.
c. violate the status, dignity and honour of students belonging to the scheduled caste and tribe.
d. expose students to ridicule and contempt and affect their self-esteem.
e. entail verbal abuse and aggression, indecent gestures and obscene behavior.
4. The Principal of a College, the Head of the Department or an Institution, the authorities of College, or University
Hostel or Halls of Residence shall take immediate action on any information of the occurrence of ragging.
5. Notwithstanding anything in Clause (4) above, the Proctor may also suo moto enquire into any incident of
ragging and make a report to the Vice-Chancellor of the identity of those who have engaged in ragging and the
nature of the incident.
6. The Proctor may also submit an initial report establishing the identity of the perpetrators of ragging and the
nature of the ragging incident.
7. If the Principal of a College or Head of the Department or Institution or the Proctor is satisfied that for some
reason, to be recorded in writing, it is not reasonably practical to hold such an enquiry, he/ she may so advise
the Vice-Chancellor accordingly.
8. When the Vice-Chancellor is satisfied that it is not expedient to hold such an enquiry, his/ her decision shall be
9. On the receipt of a report under Clause (5) or (6) or a determination by the relevant authority under clause (7)
disclosing the occurrence of ragging incidents described in Clause 3(a), (b) and (c), the Vice-Chancellor shall
direct or order rustication of a student or students for a specific number of years.
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10. The Vice-chancellor may in other cases of ragging order or direct that any student or students be expelled or be
not for a stated period, admitted to a course of study in a college, departmental examination for one or more
years or that the results of the student or students concerned in the examination or examinations in which they
appeared be cancelled.
11. In case any students who have obtained degrees or diplomas of Delhi University are found guilty; under this
Ordinance, appropriate action will be taken under Statute 15 for withdrawal of degrees or diploma conferred by
the University.
12. For the purpose of this Ordinance, abetment to ragging whether by way of any act, practice or incitement of
ragging will also amount to ragging.
13. All Institutions within the Delhi University system shall be obligated to carry out instructions / directions issued
under this Ordinance, and to give aid assistance to the Vice-Chancellor to achieve the effective implementation
of the Ordinance.
Where incident(s) of ragging are reported to the Vice-Chancellor by any authority under this Ordinance, the students(s)
involved in ragging, shall be expelled for a specified term, designated in the order. Non-students involved in reports
of ragging will be proceeded with under the criminal law of India; they will also be rendered ineligible for a period
of five years from seeking enrolment in any of the institutions of the University of Delhi. Students against whom
necessary action is taken under this note, will be given post decisional hearing, with strict adherence to the rules of
natural justice.
15.3 The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition andRedressal) Act,
An Act to provide protection against sexual harassment of women at work place and for the prevention and redressal
of complaints of sexual harassment and for matters connected there with incidental thereto.
WHEREAS sexual harassment results in violation of the fundamental rights of a woman to equality under articles 14
and 15 of the Constitution of India and her right to life and to live with dignity under article 21 of the Constitution
and right to practice any profession or to carry on any occupation, trade or business which includes a right to a safe
environment free from sexual harassment;
AND WHEREAS the protection against sexual harassment and the right to work with dignity are universally recognized
human rights by international conventions and instruments such as Convention on the Elimination of all forms of
discrimination against Women, which has been ratified on the 25th June, 1993 by the Government of India.
AND WHEREAS it is expedient to make provisions for giving effect to the said Convention for protection of women
against sexual harassment at workplace.
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