A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics II
A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics II
A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics II
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, at least 75% of the students are expected to;
a. indicate time accurately using the analog clock
b. appreciates the importance of time
c. write time as shown on the clock.
2. Greetings
Good morning class! Students: Good morning, Teacher!
How are you today? Were all fine, Teacher!
Great to hear that!
3. Action Song
Before we proceed to our discussion, let’s This is the time (2x)
have first an action song . That we’re waiting for(2x)
We’ll learn our math(2x)
And apply them all(2x)
So, this is the time that we solve problems.
We’ll learn them all and apply them well.
This is the time(2x)
That we’re waiting for.
4. Checking of Attendance
Now let’s check your attendance, Darwin as (Darwin will check the attendance)
our class beadle , could you please check the
Very Good! No one is absent from the class (The students were clapping)
today. Let’s give a clap for everybody.
5. Setting of Agreement
Before we proceed let us see first if you still
remember our classroom rules.
What will you do if your teacher is talking? Jessel: Listen attentively, Teacher.
Yes, Jessel?
Very Good, Jessel!
Listen attentively when your teacher is talking
and also avoid talking with your seatmates.
Once again what are our classroom rules? Students: Listen attentively, raise your right
hand, Cooperate and Participate.
6. Motivation
What time do you wake up every morning? (students have varied answer)
What time do you eat your breakfast? (Students have varied answer)
What time will you go to school? (students have varied answer)
Why do we need clock? Jessa? Jessa: We use clock so that we can tell time.
Can you repeat the answer of Jessa,
Samantha. Samantha: We use clock so that we can tell
Now class, look at the clock what does it Jerald: It has numbers from 1 to 12 and 2
has? Jerald. clock hands.
1. Discussion
In one complete cycle of the minute hand it is
equal to 60 minutes or 1 hour.
From 12 to 1, how may minutes? Jane? Jane: There are 5 minutes from 12 to 1.
Yes, it’s 5 minutes.
From 12 to 2, how many minutes? Leah? Leah: There are 10 minutes from 12 to 2.
Very Good, it has 10 minutes.
From 12 to 3, how many minutes? Ariel? Ariel: There are 15 minutes from 12 to 3.
How about 12 to 12, how many minutes?
James? James: There are 60 minutes, Teacher.
Again, what hand tells about the hour? Kyle? Kyle: The hand that tells the hour is the short
Can you repeat the answer of Kyle, Jessa? Jessa: The hand that tells the hour is the
short hand.
Correct! It’s the short hand.
So, did you know how to set and read a Students: Yes, Teacher.
correct time?
D. Generalization
In one complete cycle of the minute hand, Students: There are 60 minutes in one
how many minutes? complete cycle of the minute hand.
What is the importance of time? Jane? Jane: Time is very important because it helps
Very Good,Jane! prioritize task and maxims rsources.
Who has another idea? Roy? Roy: Time is important in life because it allow
us to accomplish tasks, make progress and
Excellent answer, Roy! achieve our goals.
E. Application
IV. Evaluation.
Draw a clock and show the time by drawing the hand of the clock .
V. Assignment
Write your answer on your assignment notebook. By using the clock.
1. Tell what time do you wake-up.
2. Tell what time do you go to school.
3. Tell what time do you eat your dinner.
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