April 2023 Newsletter

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Petri Evangelical Lutheran Church

804 Grand Avenue
Story City, Iowa 50248-1417

You can also view the newsletter online at www.stpetrilutheran.weebly.com

The St. Petri Messenger

A publication of St. Petri Evangelical Lutheran Church

St. Petri Worship Schedule

9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service
10:30 a.m. Coffee/Fellowship
10:45 a.m. Sunday School

St. Petri Church Office Hours

Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
except, Wednesday afternoon
Church Office Phone: (515) 733-4623
Email address: stpetrilutheran@gmail.com

Pastor – Rev. Tim Malek

Youth Director – Joel Chambers
Missionaries– Patrick & Jacqueline Bencke, Japan
Parish/Financial Secretary – Veronica Wright
Custodian – Connie Valentine APRIL 2023
APRIL 2023
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Every Sunday AM 1
(unless noted)
9:30a Worship Service
10:30a Coffee//Fellowship
10:45a Sunday School
2 PALM SUNDAY 3 4 5 6 Maundy Thursday 7 Good Friday 8
9:15-9:45a Donkey 9a-3p Bethany Pastor’s Day Off
10:30a Staff mtg. 8a Men’s Bible Study
10:45a 1st Communion Quilters
Class Online recording
12p Pastor Text
7p Maundy Thursday 7p Good Friday of youth reading
11a-1p Bethany Palm Study
4-5p Homework Service at St. Petri Service at St. Petri Easter Vigil-check
Sunday Brunch
Hangout (Confirmation class (Confirmation Facebook
6p Confirmation-St. Petri class leads)
Leads) 1st Communion
Holy Week Planning
9 EASTER SUNDAY 10 11 12 13 14 Pastor Day Off 15 8am Weekend
Communion 10:30a Staff mtg. 9a Bethany 4-5p Homework 8a Men’s Bible Study Women’s Bible
9:30am Easter Festival Hangout Study at parsonage
Quilters RLBC Spring Blast
After worship-Egg Hunt 5-6p Compass 2p WELCA Bible
12p Pastor Text 6p Prop./Trustees Study
No Sunday School EWALU LOL 3rd-5th grade 15th-16th
Study Comm. Mtg. Dirty Feet Retreat 6th-9th grade 14th-16th
7p Council Mtg
16 17 18 19 20 21 Pastor Day Off 22
10:30a Staff Mtg 9a-3p Bethany May Newsletter
Quilters 4-5p Homework articles due
12p Pastor Text Hangout 8a Men’s Bible Study
6p Confirmation-Bergen Study 5-6p Compass
-- RLBC Dad and Me --

23 Communion 24 25 26 27 28 Pastor Day Off 29

3-6p Faith Journey ---- LWR Quilt making 9a-noon Mon-Wed ---- 8a Men’s Bible Study
(10th graders) 10:30a Staff Mtg 9a Bethany
Quilters 4-5p Homework
12p Pastor Text Hangout
6p Confirmation- Study 5-6p Compass
St. Petri 30
St. Petri Messenger
APRIL 2023
Good Friday, April 7th. (Fri. 7:00PM)
Faith Seeking Understanding In ancient times this second of the Three Days was
called the Triumph of the Cross. English speakers call
the day Good because we know the end of the story, for
Our Lenten journey
the Three Days carries us into the resurrection. Friday’s
culminates in Holy Bible readings present several quite different ways to
Week which begins with think about the death of Christ: Christ is the lamb,
the Sunday of the Christ is the high priest, and Christ is the king reigning
Passion/Palm Sunday, from the cross. Christ is both human and divine: he
April 2nd. (Sun. 9:30AM) suffers, and he is the I AM. The service concludes when
at the foot of the life-giving cross, we pray for everyone
Since at least the fourth and everything on earth and engage in a ritual of
century and universally in Pastor Tim Malek reverence for the cross on which hung Christ, the Savior
the church since the of the whole world.
eighth, Christians have kept the Sunday before Easter as
a memorial of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, and a literal The Vigil of Easter, the Resurrection of our Lord,
procession of palms, started in Jerusalem, has spread April 8th. (Available online beginning Sat.)
throughout the world. This Sunday a reading of The Vigil of Easter, the most solemn and joyous
Matthew 21 with a palm procession marks the opening celebration of the resurrection of our Lord, is
of worship. Another ancient practice is to observe the traditionally composed of four parts: the lighting of the
Sunday before Easter as Sunday of the Passion, and so a paschal fire, the service of readings, baptisms and
longer reading from the passion in Matthew functions baptismal renewal, and communion; we will only be
as the gospel of the day. This service, which inaugurates doing the service of readings. Our youth will be
the most important week of the Christian year, has a presenting the 12 readings which will be available for
two-part focus: Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, and his viewing on Saturday through Facebook. Through these
passion and death. readings the church proclaims many biblical images of
divine salvation. Each can be seen as picturing God,
We enter the Holy “Three Days” Christ's resurrection, and the baptismal life.
Maundy Thursday, April 6th. (Thurs. 7:00PM)
Christian theologians have taught that the passion, The Resurrection of Our Lord: Easter Day, April
death, and resurrection of Christ must be held together 9th. (Sun. 9:30AM)
to be adequately understood. Thus, it was that since at By the second century, Christians had shaped Passover
least the fourth century, the Christianized Passover into an annual celebration of Christ’s resurrection,
festival that English-speakers call Easter took three having agreed to keep this Christianized Pascha on the
days, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and the first Sunday following the Jewish festival. Since to be
communion of Easter. The Three Days begins on Christian is to believe in the power of the resurrection
Maundy Thursday with an act of confession and of Jesus Christ, observing Easter became the primary
absolution that concludes the season of Lent and mark of a practicing Christian.
prepares everyone for the baptismal renewals of Easter. (Portions from Sundays and Season, Augsburg Fortress, 2011)
“Mandatum,” the “command” to love is the source of This is the high holy season of the church year. These
the term Maundy. The eucharist recalls Jesus’ last meal are the worship services that focus on the core of our
with his disciples before his death. The service faith. I pray that God will bless us richly as we worship
concludes with a stripping of the worship space of all during this holy season.
adornment, in preparation for Good Friday.
See you in church, Pastor Tim
4 St. Petri Messenger
Palm Sunday: Special Guest!
Before Jesus died
on the cross, crowds
of people followed
him as he rode on a
donkey into
In March 2023 Jerusalem. On this
In Our Prayers Palm Sunday, April
Clarence Stupka, Jane Bauman’s father 2nd, St. Petri is
Carrie Stupka, Jane Bauman’s sister thrilled to welcome
a live donkey who
Hospitalized in March will lead our service
Paul Wierson with a walk around
In Memoriam the block! The friendly donkey will arrive
Alisha Ellwood Odhiambo at the church around 9:15am. Pastor Tim
(Vivian Gossel’s niece; will begin the service on the south church
Alan and Carin’s cousin) steps, followed by a walk with the donkey
Ongoing Prayer Concerns and palm branches around the block. You
Marilyn Hanson (hospice at Bethany), won't want to miss this memorable event!
Duaine Bostwick, Mark Helland, Howard
Reisetter, Linda Fevold, Kay Disbrowe, KIDS + EASTER SUNDAY:
Alice Thompson (Betty Grinde’s Mom), Following the Easter worship
Barb Hermanson, Olive Sampson, service on April 9th, we
Helen Zook, Darlene Patterson welcome you to the kids' egg
Prayers for those not near to us: hunt outside on the South
Patrick and Jacqueline Bencke, ELCA lawn, weather permitting (if bad weather,
Missionaries, Japan the egg hunt will be in the fellowship hall).
Soldiers, Peace Workers, and No Sunday School on Easter Sunday.
Humanitarian Aid Workers
Those in Ukraine and Russia Communion Instruction and
Our Japan Missionaries Information Class for All Ages
Patrick & Jacqueline Bencke Pastor Tim will be holding
a Communion class on
Sunday, April 2nd 10:45am.
Children in Sunday School
who wish to attend may do
so during the first half of
Sunday School.
Please meet in the Chapel.
Communion will be served
later that week during the Maundy
OUR MISSION: Thursday service and all are welcome to
We are Disciples of Jesus Christ, the Lord's table! It will be a special
called to grow in Christ evening, especially for those communing
and to invite all to follow him. for the first time.
5 St. Petri Messenger

Thank you for all the prayers, the

Christmas cards, Valentine’s and the
food! I really appreciate it!
Marlene Helling
Dear St. Petri Members
Thank you so much for the delicious
noodle and chicken casserole meal (and
more)! It was delicious! You are the best!
Thanks again! Gloria Severson
Dear Pastor and members, LSI is
grateful for your generous gifts. From
the veteran who struggles with PTSD
that found a therapist who helped him
to cope, from the teen who learned new
ways to establish and grow healthy
relationships, and from a child that
found his forever home in a loving, safe
family. Thank you! Sarah Green,
VP of Philanthropy & Church Relations
From Lutheran Campus Ministry at
April 1: Nick Stover
April 3: Kim Birchmier
Dear St. Petri Lutheran,
I’d like to take this moment to thank you April 4: Jennifer Andersen, Nicole Finley
for your gift to Lutheran Campus April 9: Al Holm, Jadyn Nelson, Gloria Severson
Ministry. Your generous gift is your April 10: Sherri Keigan, Shirley Stakey
legacy of love for Christ and our ministry April 11: Austin Ihle
and will touch the lives of our students, April 13: Ben Chelsvig, Kaylee Knutson,
our faith community, and those to whom Helen Zook
we reach out with support and service in April 15: Murray DeRidder
our hearts in so many deeply important April 16: Nancy Hermanson, Jim Keigan
April 19: Alan Gossel
We invite you to join us in worship! Our
April 20: Delaney Holdredge
weekly worship videos are found at
ulcames.com, or search “Lutheran April 21: Olivia Schwartz
Campus Ministry Iowa State University” April 22: Brittany Peterson
on Facebook. April 23: Tyler Hobbs, Zac Thiessen
Jen Andreas, Campus Pastor, University April 24: Brooke Andersen, Olive Sampson
Lutheran Center, Ames, IA April 25: Kim Finley
April 26: Eleanor Sayre
6 St. Petri Messenger
If you would like to view St. Petri’s newsletters
online, go to: www.stpetrilutheran.weebly.com.


CARE Group 3 Leaders
WELCA REPORT Angie Rieck-Hinz, Valaree Muhlenburg
April 13 WELCA Bible Study Dave & Nicole Bauman Jane Bauman
April 24-26 Quilt Making Dan & Kim Birchmier Brad & Beth Dedic
Come join the quilters the last Monday Kim Finley Tom & Kris Foss
thru Wednesday of each month from 9am- Marlene Helling Paul Hill
noon for fun, food, & fellowship. There is a John Hinz Tyler & Crystal Hobbs
Danny & Chris Hobbs
variety of tasks – cutting, tying, pinning,
James & Sherri Keigan
and stitching! Everyone welcome!
John & Jan Lekwa Barry Muhlenburg
Trent & Katelyn Muhlenburg
John & Mary Pelican Olive Sampson
Sharon Sills Paul Wierson
Tom & Mary Wynia Helen Zook

The Weekend Women’s Bible Study Group

now meets at 8am the third SATURDAY of
the month (except November and
December), at the parsonage. Bring your
Bible and enjoy time with friends and coffee.
See you there (at the parsonage).

MAY C.A.R.E. Group 2023

CARE Group 4 Leaders
Cheryl Hoffman, Wanda Holm
Cory & Jaye Anderson
Doug & Kendra Braucher
Joe & Kim Chelsvig Ver & Barb Frohling
Vivian Gossel Ray & Donna Guard
Marilyn Hanson Allen Holm
Ordean & Liz Johnson Tom & Amelia Klett
Marilyn Lekwa Pat & Jo Murken
Jim & Karen Nelson Alberta Olson
Jason & Jeannie Patterson
Kevin & Peg Patterson
Tim & Abby Patterson Richard Peter
Gloria Severson David & Gail Sporleder
Scott & Shelley Stevenson
7 St. Petri Messenger
St. Petri has a YouTube Channel APRIL YOUTH NEWSLETTER
We post videos past events and
Hello all,
services… We hope to post more church-
I would like to start by
related events in the future. You can find
saying Compass will start
the YouTube Channel at meeting again after Easter.
https://www.youtube.com/channel/ We are going to start
UC44o0DUzQrLYR7CEJBHCegQ meeting at 5 for the
Questions? Please contact: Abby & Tim remainder of the year running until 6:30.
Patterson or Angie & John Hinz The meal will still be served at 6 and we are
now ending Compass with a meal as
opposed to starting with the meal. This is
Hi, it’s Church Mouse! because if a kid needs to leave, they can
Lenten services using leave knowing they are not going to miss
anything. We are also pushing the time up
the Holden Evening
in case the kids have any homework. A few
Prayer service has been
personal reasons went into this decision. I
such a meaningful way have a lot of homework now that I am back
to experience Lent. in school, so this gives me a chance to get it
This season of the done on Wednesday if I need to. I also would
church year is distinctive because we like to attend Kairos which is a college
alternate church locations for the ministry. This would fill up my cup so I can
Wednesday services, and we get to have continue pouring into theirs.
different pastors each week. The topic of Homework hangout is still going through
the services this year has been Lent and will continue after lent is done. We
remembering the inspirational saints. I meet at St. Petri for this from 3:00-5:30ish
especially liked hearing about Perpetua until lent is done and then we will meet
and Felicity, Harriet Tubman, Bishop from 4:00-5:00 when lent is done. Snacks
Oscar Romero, and Sojourner Truth. are provided and it’s just a time to come
Lent gives us an opportunity to live into work on homework and hangout with your
our baptismal identities with our brothers friends.
and sisters from the different churches. With the Easter sunrise coming up, you
And of course, enjoy the tasty convenient should expect to see a lot of the Bergen/St.
dinners that precede each service! Petri confirmation students helping out with
My heart is full, that. That will take place on Easter Sunday
at 7:30am at Bergen.
Church Mouse I also took a job again this summer at
Riverside so I will be absent most of the
summer but will still attend church on
Sunday mornings. If your kids are wanting
to see me, I’ll be sending out which church I
will be attending on Sundays if they would
like to join me. I will also do a few events on
Saturday nights this summer so you can
look forward to that!
May newsletter articles are due Thank you all for your continuous support
Thursday, April 20, 2023. of this ministry, Joel
8 St. Petri Messenger
St. Petri Lutheran Church how St. Petri could be involved. Karen will
Approved Minutes check on possibility of bake sale.
February 8, 2023 – 7:00 pm Worship: Hymns have been chosen. Lenten
President John Hinz called the meeting to services are set.
order at 7:00 pm. Those present: John H., Property/Trustees: Pat amended general
Rick S., Garret H., Karen M., Jo M., Pat M., fund line item 17-00-04-06 to read as A-V
Pastor Tim, Kara D., John led devotions. system (all inclusive of computer, sound
Motion by Jo, seconded by Pat to approve system and live streaming)
minutes from January 11 meeting. Motion Church bell will be repaired.
passed. Pat has been in discussion with concrete
Rick presented financial report. The general contractor, Jason Wirth, regarding the front
fund is -$3730 for the year 2023. steps and sidewalks.
Due to a miscommunication on how to Bids will soon be obtained for the church
properly determine the pastor’s FICA offset, sign in the front lawn.
that portion of the line item budget for 2023 Faith Formation: Sunday school is going
should be $1,414 more than was indicated well. Kara has been in contact with EWALU
at the annual meeting. Motion by Pat, regarding VBS and is waiting for a response
seconded by Garrett to make up for the as to which weeks are still available for this
shortfall in a payment of $1938 to be taken summer.
from the reserve fund, line item, 17-00-04- Discussion about acolyte training for youth
56, as shared by Rick with budget adjusted so we can involve them in lighting of candles
accordingly. on Sunday morning.
Pastor’s Report: Riverside is doing well with Kara will check with the Hovick family in
campership registrations for the summer. Roland about the possibility of having a
March 14, 2023 is the Annual Lutheran Day donkey at the Palm Sunday service to lead
at the Hill which is a day to talk with the congregation outside, on a parade
politician and legislatures. More information around the church.
is available on the Synod website. Kara has been in contact with Abby
St. Petri and Bergen will have combined Patterson about possibly of having GIFT one
Lenten services again this year. Pastoral Sunday per quarter.
support will also be shared with area Old Business
churches. Be sure to check the Lenten
Discussion of YSS Nest Program and
Service schedule for location of services and
possible Temple Talk in March.
suppers. Discussion of 1st communion
Job performance reviews for Pastor,
instructions, and Maundy Thursday would
Secretary and Custodian will be completed
be the start for the First Communion Youth.
within the next couple weeks.
Discussion of a new pictorial directory. More
information to follow. New Business
Roland Story high school choir members will Subscription to Story City Herald will be
sing during the February 12 worship canceled.
service. There will be a freewill offering to John asked the council to think about and
help them with expenses as they travel to consider goals for 2023, both personal and
NYC in March to perform at Carnegie Hall congregational.
and St. John’s Cathedral.
Meeting adjourned at 9:15 followed by The
Christian Fellowship: Karen Reported St. Lord’s Prayer.
Petri will be hosting 3 Lenten suppers. Respectfully submitted,
Discussion about Scandinavian Days and Karen Munson, Fellowship Coordinator
9 St. Petri Messenger
Lutheran Services in Iowa April 2023 WEATHER CANCELLATIONS
National Child Abuse Prevention Month Watch KCCI TV Channel 8 or
At LSI, we work tirelessly to provide crisis check the church’s answering machine.
childcare, in-home visits & parenting classes If Roland-Story schools are
to families across Iowa through our Early dismissed early due to bad
Childhood Services. In these services, we weather, then church
provide Iowa parents the support they need to events will also be canceled.
provide a healthy, stable home for their
Through our Family Centered Services, we
help children & families already involved in a
crisis or abuse situation to become safer &
more stable. We also provide therapy services
to adults, children & families to help build
healthier, more secure homes.
You can make a direct impact on these
children & families through your support of
LSI. For more info., please contact Deb
Whitford, LSI’s Senior Director of Philanthropy
and Church Relations, at 563-676-2065 or
Our Mission: Lutheran Services in Iowa responds
to the love of Jesus Christ through compassionate
service. LSI is an affiliated social ministry partner
of the Iowa congregations of the ELCA
(Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) and a
member of LSA (Lutheran Services in America).
We proudly serve people of all ages, abilities,
religions, sexes, gender identities, national
origins, ethnicities, races, & sexual orientations.
Learn more at LSIowa.org &
Thanks to the support from faith-based
organizations across Iowa...
...a young mom now has the education and
resources she needs to create a better life for
her and her family,
...a person with a disability learned to be a
little more independent,
...a former refugee found a new home in Iowa
and has found new ways to successfully
support their family.
All of these successes are possible with the
support we receive from congregations and
people like you! LSI is proud to provide these
essential services to people all across Iowa.
Thank you for responding to the love of Jesus
Christ through compassionate service!
10 St. Petri Messenger
Register at www.riversidelbc.org or
Camp EWALU is a Lutheran outdoor
ministry just 3 miles west of
SPRING BLAST! Strawberry Point, IA.
For ages 2nd grade–6th grade Check out our summer programs at
Saturday, April 15, 2023 from 9:30am-4pm www.ewalu.org
9-9:30am Check-in at Dining Hall For the first time since the pandemic, we’re
Cost $35 per camper (add $5 if registering bringing back our spring youth retreats for
the week of) grades 3 to 9! This special weekend at
What to bring: Bible, clothes for lots of Ewalu will help kids grow in faith and meet
outside fun, extra money for the camp store new friends while having a ton of fun at
($5-$10 is plenty), a smiling happy face, and Camp Ewalu. All lodging, activities and
a friend! meals are included!
Please don’t bring: Cell phones, ipods, Details and registration for both events:
expensive jewelry… www.ewalu.org/spring-youth-2023
DAD AND ME RETREAT April 21, 22 Questions? Contact Program Director Emily
YES! It is a new retreat and we'd love for Tull at program@ewalu.org
your family to attend the first one ever at or call 563-933-4700.
Riverside! We are excited to introduce this Spring Dirty Feet Retreat
overnight event that is specifically for dads April 14-16, 2023
and their kids! 8 p.m. Friday – 11 a.m. Sunday
Dad, son, daughter - GREAT! Grades 6-9
Dad, adult son, adult daughter - GREAT! Cost: $90/youth, $65/chaperone
Grandpa, dad, son, daughter - GREAT! (Minimum 1 adult chaperone for groups of 10
Dad + kids, uncle + kids - ALSO GREAT! I or less; additional chaperone help for larger
think you get the idea! groups)
ARRIVAL: Between 5-6pm on Friday -
supper at 6pm! Live Out Loud Elementary Retreat
FRIDAY EVENING: Chapel fun and April 15-16, 2023
worship, campfire, cocoa & smores, free- 10 a.m. Saturday – 11 a.m. Sunday
time in the Rec Hall until Dad says it's time Grades 3-5
to go to bed. Cost: $55/youth, $55/chaperone
SATURDAY: Breakfast, Chapel, fun (1 adult per 8 youth requested)
message from speaker, games, lunch, ------------------------------------------------
completely awesome scavenger hunt and EWALU Spring Work Weekend
lots of great Riverside free-time fun (zipline, Friday, May 5 and Saturday, May 6
horseback rides, 9-square, nukem, disc golf, Come for a campfire Friday evening and
etc.) spend the night at Ewalu!
DEPARTURE: 4:00pm (with snacks, of RSVP needed for lodging.
Volunteer Work Day Saturday, May 6
COST: $60 per adult; $45 per child (4 &
under free) 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. with lunch at noon
For more info contact 563-933-4700 or
Includes: Three meals and snacks,
Paul Frantsen at property@ewalu.org, to
overnight lodging in a Riverside cabin,
RSVP for lodging
amazing fun, worship, games, plenty of
contact Diane Parker at office@ewalu.org
outdoors time, and memories that will last
11 St. Petri Messenger

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