July 2020 Newsletter

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Petri Messenger
July 2020
Change Is Not a Dirty Word
Change is a fact of life. Everything that is alive changes. The
question for any and every organization is:
Will we manage the change,
or will the change manage us?
As a congregation in the call process to seek a new Spiritual Leader for our church, St. Petri is in the midst of a
significant change, a necessary change, an unavoidable change. How we manage that change will have
repercussions for the future of St. Petri, and the future is what our decisions today are all about.
A major part of my call as your interim Pastor is to listen. I like to think of myself as a good listener, and I hope
that is your experience of me. Here is what I have learned:
St. Petri is a good strong congregation dedicated to our identity as a Lutheran Church (and all that entails.)
St. Petri has a long history of outreach and mission both in our community and the world around us (and to the
ends of the Earth.)
Members, young and old, have a deep commitment to the future of St. Petri, and are willing to continue that
commitment with their gifts and talents, time and money, prayers and efforts.
Members are experiencing a great deal of anxiety. This is normal for a congregation in the midst of the
monumental changes we perceive. It is one thing to have to seek a new Pastor, but St. Petri also had to say
goodbye to Kristin, our youth director, who had a tremendous impact on the ministry of St. Petri. People are
wondering what will happen with the youth program in the future.

Many are looking to the past, which is a good thing. St. Petri’s history is that of a good and faithful church that
has weathered many storms and come out better and stronger for it.

Some of the changes we have experienced are:

- More than 19 changes in Pastoral Leadership
- Numerous building programs
- Changing from Norwegian to English as our language of worship and community
- Births, Baptisms, Confirmations, Graduations, Weddings, Deaths are all changes we have felt
- We made it through the Flu Pandemic and we will make it through the COVID-19 Pandemic

All of these changes have left indelible marks on St. Petri. They are part of who we are. At the time, each of
them was met by opposition from some and embraced by others. Each caused anxiety in the congregation like
that we are experiencing now. Each challenged us to be faithful in the midst of uncertainty. And each left St.
Petri stronger and better because we remained faithful to the mission God has given us.
We face major changes in coming months, but the one thing that never changes is the faithfulness of God and
Jesus’ promise in Matthew 28:20b “And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
- Pastor Scot McCluskey
The deadline to turn in information for the
August newsletter is Monday, July 20.

There will be no WELCA activities in the
month of July due to COVID-19.

* * * * * * * * *
Hospitalized in June
Liz Johnson

Deaths in June
Sheldon Kardell July 4th
Verona (Katie Thorson’s niece)
Independence Day!
Prayers of Ongoing Concern:
Kay Munsen Klinton Patterson John Satre
Mark Helland Maxine Lekwa Charlotte Hill
Scott Rosene (Shirley Stakey’s nephew),
Jim Beyer (Friend of Brenda Carr), Kay Disbrowe
Juli Tostlebe (Daughter-in-law of Ted & Marilyn)
Luke Baade (Judith Schnurstein great nephew),

Prayers for those not near to us:

Patrick & Jacqueline Bencke, ELCA Missionaries,
Soldiers, Peace Workers, and Humanitarian Aid
Trent Muhlenburg (in Army at Fort Carson, CO)

“…one nation, under God…”

JESUS IS THE KEY! Separation between Church and State:

Separation between church and state does NOT
appear in the U.S. Constitution. Thomas Jefferson
used this phrase in a letter to Baptist ministers
assuring them that the wall of separation between
church and state was to insulate the church from
government imposition as happened in England. It
was NOT meant to alienate God’s principles from
public life and government. The Foundation of the
U. S. Constitution and nation are God’s principles.
“But be doers of the word, Tony Nassif October 24, 2008
and not merely hearers who deceive Cedars Cultural and Educational Foundation
themselves.” James 1:2
St. Petri Evangelical Lutheran Church
May 14, 2020, 6:30pm via ZOOM
Approved Council Meeting Minutes

 In attendance: Abby Patterson, Brandie

Gossel, Pastor Scot McCluskey, Kendra
Braucher, Rick Stover, Carmen Peter, Willow
Hill, Nicole Schroer, Jennifer Schmidt, John
JULY BIRTHDAYS Hinz, Bailey Bloomhall, Donna Guard
July 3: John Carlson, Gary Fink  Called to order at 6:34pm by President Abby
July 4: Kay Munsen Patterson
July 5: Maxine Lekwa o Pastor Scot opened with devotion and
July 8: John Lekwa prayer
July 10: Paul Jacobson  Romans 8:28 – God is working for
July 11: Logan Greiner good always and in all ways
July 12: Vicki Anderson, Kailee Keltner  April 2020 Meeting minutes by Willow Hill
July 13: Alysann Patterson o Motion to accept as written by Kendra,
July 14: Kara Keigan, Brent McCaskey seconded by Carmen, all in favor;
July 15: John Grinde, Callie Henrichs, motion passed. Minutes accepted.
Mariana Henrichs  Financial Report presented by Rick Stover
July 17: Lorene Anderson, Carol Foss o Bottom line
July 19: Lucy Muhlenburg  Roughly $15K income, $16,136
July 20: Kelsey Nelson expenses. This month has been
July 21: Ordean Johnson, Bruce Swenson about the same as the last three
July 22: Nick Sayre months, and we’re better than last
July 23: Patrick Halsey year
July 24: Linda Fevold, Paul Munson  Down $7,900 for the year
July 25: Karen Nelson  Organ repair challenge has been met
July 27: Rick Stover ($5,000 matched funds)
July 28: Erin Schwartz  Received the PPP loan amount of
July 29: Brett Schmitz $34,250 into a dedicated account
July 30: Stephen Vize  We have 8 weeks to use this
money, Rick is working with Ver
to ensure we use these funds
o Motion to accept as given by Kendra,
seconded by Carmen. All in favor,
motion carried. Report was accepted.
 Kids Club presentation by Nichole Schroer,
Bailey Bloomhall and Jennifer Schmidt
o Background: Kid’s Club daycare has been
displaced due to the schools being
Riverside Lutheran Bible Camp is getting closed per Governor Reynold’s orders.
ready for their Quilt Auction and 5K! They would like to open this summer for
They will have safety recommendations and essential worker’s children and would like
to utilize St Petri’s facilities
guidelines in place.
o There would be 10 kids in June, groups
will remain at 10 until the governor
removes that limit. Governor rules will church needs the Fellowship Hall and
be followed may have closed days
 Possibility of 12-15 in July  Possible issue with city parks and the
 Only kids of essential workers are school playground still being closed
attending  Question: Why do you want to use our
o Rooms- enough for 10 kids, plus kitchen facility?
for snacks and milks  To stay within our community, is well
o Would be needed Monday-Friday; situated geographically
7:00am-5:30pm  Possibly because St Petri is the
o Procedures for entry into facility emergency location for RS
 No parents inside Elementary, so it was a natural
 Taking temps (100+ not allowed in) transition
 Site Supervisor working “out of ratio”  Question: Does Kids Club want to “use”
to go where the need is and help the facility or do they want to “rent”?
with cleaning after every  Kids Club needs to talk with their
meal/activity/transition boss if we are going to charge a fee
 They have masks for kids, but this  St Petri would have to vote to waive
isn’t mandated and other facilities the fees if we decided as a council to
aren’t doing this not charge Kids Club
o Concerns: o Kids Club staff left the meeting; Council
 Conflict with quilters and possible discussed the proposal.
funerals  Motion to allow Kids Club to use the
 Quilters could use chapel during basement M-F for the summer program
this time as well as for by Kendra; seconded by Brandie. Yea: 3,
coffee/lunches after funerals Nay: 4
o Funerals still restricted to 10  Due to the fact that we are not
at this time, changes would opening up to our own
be incremental so this may congregation, we feel with heavy
not be an issue as the funeral hearts that it is in the interest of
group could use the Chapel safety to keep the facility closed.
 If a child becomes positive with  Plans to reopen the facility for worship
COVID 19, DHS has set out o Phased reopening based on Synod
guidelines to follow. The daycare guidelines, following governor guidelines
would close and deep clean the has been provided
facility (liability of YSS). They have o If we move to 50 or fewer after May 27
their own insurance, and are willing (according to Governor):
to purchase additional insurance  Discussion of social distancing,
 If a church member who had fellowship hall, communion, offering,
attended service and tested positive singing, wearing masks
– St Petri would report to Kids Club  Possibly supply technology to bring
immediately and follow DHS church to people who cannot connect
guidelines. St Petri would cover the on their own
cost of the deep cleaning  People would need internet access
 Kids could use entrance by elevator,  Is there a local TV station that could help
St Petri could use different entrance broadcast the sermon to reach people
to limit exposure to both parties without internet access?
 Kids Club generally likes to go to the  Motion to not reopen for the next
park a lot anyway, and parents month by John Hinz and to visit monthly
understand that there may be days the
at Council meetings; seconded by  Motion to pay for the recorded sessions
Carmen. Ayes 6, Nays 1; motion passed. for the fee of $75 to come out of the
 Due to the health risk it would Continuing Education fund made by
impose on our congregation, we are John, seconded by Carmen. All in favor.
not prepared to open yet, even if the Motion approved.
governor OKs service as of May 27. o How to connect with people-
Council will discuss opening to in-  With weather improving Pastor is
person service at each council looking into a “have lawn chair will
meeting based on the current travel” program to meet with people
conditions as well as what the (appropriately socially distanced)
governor has recommended. outside
 Transferring out of the congregation: Marcia  Pastor is open to ideas on how to be
Millang, Michael Dales and family, and Charles helpful
Sondrol  Consideration of “Drive-in worship” with
o Carmen moved to accept the transfer; John a FM transmitter, possibly using outdoor
seconded. All in favor. Motion passed to AV equipment and having people park
accept all requests of transfers. in the parking lot to worship
 Narrative Budget- tabled until next month
 Old business- none
 Action Items:
 Pastor’s report was sent via email
o Continues to make phone calls to people o Letters will go out in the next week
and checking in explaining decisions about service
o Thank you to everyone helping out with  Our email and physical delivery list is
the livestream service! better this round so we should be able
o Synod office has prepared a full worship to easily reach everyone
service for Sunday the 24th including a o Council will contact Abby via email
recorded sermon by the Bishop if anyone concerning if we want to do church service
would like to use this provided by Synod on May 24, and do we
 Council can research this and give want to do anything special for Memorial
opinions via email in the next week or
 Pastor closed the meeting with the Lord’s
o Memorial Day plans: does St Petri need to Prayer
 Meeting adjourned by President Abby Patterson
provide something specific for Memorial
Day? Possibly use the Synod’s service for at 8:33pm
o Pastor met with Chris & Dave from Four Our Mission:
Feathers Development- Pine Ridge Indian
Reservation We are disciples of Jesus Christ,
 One project is to teach a class on how called to grow in Christ,
to clean a house, we’d need supplies
and to invite all to follow him.
for this. Pastor applied for a Thrivent
grant to get money to buy these items
o Next week- Festival of Homiletics
(continuing education). This year is free
and online. Pastor will attend and would
like to purchase the recordings of the
sessions for the fee of $75 (which will come
from the Continuing Education fund)
LUTHERAN SERVICES IN IOWA July 2020 We are Still Here: LSI’s Services for People with
LSI’s Host Homes Program Disabilities
Becky, an LSI Direct Support Professional, supports
Each year, Lutheran Services in Iowa (LSI) empowers her client every day through LSI’s Services for
hundreds of Iowans with disabilities. And despite People with Disabilities. During the COVID-19 crisis,
the COVID-19 pandemic, this year is no different. Becky has spent her shifts adding extra safety
There is no greater joy for us than seeing an measures and precautions so she and her client
individual develop greater independence, find their
could safely go to the grocery store for food and
confidence, and thrive. And through our innovative
supplies when the time came.
Host Homes program, LSI has found a new way to
lift up our Iowa neighbors and keep them safe in But her client regularly experiences PTSD,
times of crisis. depression, and anxiety, among other mental
Through the program, adults with disabilities (or health conditions, and the isolation and crisis
“mentees”) move from a supported community measures around COVID-19 only heightened her
living setting – like a 24-hour, fully staffed home experience of these conditions. Becky knew she
with roommates – and into a private family home needed to do something to keep her client feeling
with a Host Homes “mentor.” LSI collaborates with comfortable and safe.
the individuals we serve and the contracted During their sessions together, Becky makes sure
mentors to ensure each match is the perfect fit and they practice good hand washing and wear masks.
create a shared living opportunity that is beneficial Her client knows she has someone walking
to mentors and mentees. With the extra safety alongside her every step of the way, and the client’s
precautions associated with COVID-19, this young daughter found a way to thank Becky for her
program is a safe option where participants are in a work: a picture with the words, “I don’t like COVID-
home setting, interacting with one trusted mentor 19, but I’m happy when you come over.”
instead of several staff members. “I can’t imagine not seeing my clients through this,”
LSI is seeking compassionate and dedicated
Becky says. “We are all in this together.”
caregivers to join us in the mission. If you have
room in your heart and in your home, being a Host
Homes mentor might be for you! Visit
LSIowa.org/HostHomes to learn more. If you are
interested in supporting crucial programming like
LSI’s Services for People with Disabilities, please
contact Deb Whitford, LSI director of philanthropy
and church relations, at 563-676-2065 or
Our Mission: Lutheran Services in Iowa responds to the
love of Jesus Christ through compassionate service. LSI is
an affiliated social ministry partner of
the Iowa congregations of the ELCA (Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America) and a member of LSA
(Lutheran Services in America). We proudly serve people
of all ages, abilities, religions, sexes, gender identities,
national origins, ethnicities, races, and sexual
orientations. Learn more at www.LSIowa.org and
www.facebook.com/LSI.iowa. Psalm 78:4 NRSV

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