DigMandarin Grammar Lesson Renwei Vs Yiwei
DigMandarin Grammar Lesson Renwei Vs Yiwei
DigMandarin Grammar Lesson Renwei Vs Yiwei
认为(rènwéi) vs 以为(yǐwéi)
认为 以为
Explanation To express a judgment after careful To express subjective judgment,
analysis and thought. and this judgment usually is
contrary to a fact.
Structure Pronoun/Name of a Pronoun/Name of a person +
person/essay/meeting etc. + 认为 以为 + other elements
+ other elements e.g.
e.g. 我以为他不想去,其实他一直就
文章认为保护地球,人人有责。 想去。
(Wénzhānɡ rènwéi bǎohù dìqiú, rénrén yǒu (Wǒ yǐwéi tā bù xiǎnɡ qù, qíshí tā yìzhí
zé.) jiù xiǎnɡ qù.)
The essay reads that protecting the earth is I thought he didn’t want to go, but
the responsibility of everyone. actually he wanted to go all this time.
Collocation 1. 被(bèi)(……)认为…… 1. 让(rànɡ)……以为……
e.g. e.g.
听音乐被认为是学习汉语的好方 他的话让我以为他不喜欢我。
法之一。 (Tā dehuà ràng wǒ yǐwéi tā bù
(Tīnɡ yīnyuè bèi rènwéi shì xuéxí hànyǔ xǐhuān wǒ.)
de hǎo fānɡfǎ zhī yī.) His words made me think he didn't
Listening to music is recognized as one like me.
of the good ways to study Chinese.
2. Can use “还” and “一直” to
2. Can use “ 坚 决 ”(jiān jué), “ 坚 decorate “以为” to form “还
持”(jiān chí) to decorate “认为”. 以为”(hái yǐ wéi) and “一直
3. Can use Demonstrative Pronoun 以为”(yìzhí yǐwéi).
“ 这 样 ”(zhèyànɡ) or “ 这 么 ” e.g.
(zhème) to decorate “ 认 为 ”, 我还一直以为你们是朋友,原
making a stress and replacing 来你们不认识。
the content after the Verb. (Wǒ huán yīzhí yǐwéi nǐmen shì
e.g. péngyǒu, yuánlái nǐmen bù rènshì.)
如果你坚持这么认为,我也没办 I always thought you were friends,
法。 but it turned out that you didn't
(Rúguǒ nǐ jiānchí zhème rènwéi, wǒ yě know each other.
méi bànfǎ.)
I can't help it if you insist thinking so.
view Lightly objective Subjective
Use Lightly formal Casual
Do you know how to use them now? Let’s do some practice! Please fill in the
4. We had thought for a long time that he was Chinese, but in fact he was Korean
(Wǒmen yìzhí _______ tā shì Zhōnɡɡuó rén,dàn shíjìshànɡ tā shì Hánɡuó rén.)
1. 我认为这件事应该再讨论讨论。
2. 我不这么认为。
3. 他这样做让我以为他想去中国。
4. 我们一直以为他是中国人,但实际上他是韩国人。
5. 我还以为他不会来参加我的生日聚会了呢。
6. 我认为我们应该遵守经理的命令。
7. 他坚决认为公司不应该采取方案 A。