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(Essex Uni, UK) Japanese Class - V Masenka

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Japanese Language Class 9/Feb/2009 (Hiro)

Review Quiz (Verb)

1. How many groups do Japanese verbs have? ( 2 / 3 / 4 )

2. Name all the verb groups. ( verbs )

( verbs )
( verbs )

3. Basically, checking the ending of the DICTIONARY FORM of a verb, you can see
which group the verb belongs to. Complete the sentences.
( verbs ) end with the suffixes ( ) or ( ).
( verbs ) end with the suffix ( ).
The ( verb group) has only ( 2 / 3 / 4 ) members:
namely, ( ) meaning ‘do’ and
( ) meaning ‘come’.

4. Put the 7 verbs from the box into the appropriate group below.
くる たべる きく

のむ する もってくる みる

Ru-verb U-verb Irregular

5. Match the verbs on the left with their meanings on the right.

ねる neru wake up, get up
たべる taberu go to bed, sleep
おきる okiru eat
のむ nomu drink
はなす hanasu see, watch, look at
みる miru hear, listen to
きく kiku speak, talk
でる deru read
いく iku go
よむ yomu go out, attend (class)

6. To make a sentence sound polite, ます (masu; non-past affirmative) or ません

(masen; non-past negative) are used. Complete the polite forms by adding ます
and compare each conjugation process.
Dic. form Polite form
Ru-verb ねる neru → ねます ne
おきる o k i r u → おきます oki
U-verb よむ yomu → よみます yom
Irregular する suru → します s
くる kuru → きます k

7. Add ます to the following verbs. If you don’t remember Hiragana, you can use
Roman alphabets. (Check the verb group first.)

はなす hanasu →
みる miru →
べんきょうする b e n ky o o s u r u →

8. To form a question, the particle か (ka) is added to the end of the sentence. This
means that if you want to sound polite, you have to use か (ka) after ます(masu)
or ません (masen). A question ends with a rising intonation on the final Hiragana
(here, on か ka). Read aloud the following sentence.

あなたは くじに おきますか。 A na ta wa ku ji ni o ki ma su ka.

(Do you get up at 9 o’clock? /
Are you going to get up at 9 o’clock?)

Invitation: V-masen-ka

Key sentence:
きんようびに いっしょに えいがを みませんか。
Ki n yo o bi ni i s sho ni e e ga o mi ma se n ka.
(Would you like to see a film together on Friday?)

V-ませんか (V-masen-ka) is used to invite people to do something.
The question particle か (ka) has a rising intonation.

The days of the week

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
げつ か すい もく きん ど にち + ようび
ge tsu ka su i mo ku ki n do ni chi yo o bi
Monday is げつようび (ge tsu yo o bi), and Friday is きんようび (ki n yo o bi).
With the particle に (ni), they are used as adverbs.
‘on Friday’ きんようびに (ki n yo o bi ni)

Pronunciation of っ (the small version of つ tsu)

The small っ is Romanised as doubled consonants, such as いっしょに isshoni
(together) and かった katta (won). The small っ makes its following consonant long.

isshoni vs. ishoni い っしょに vs. いしょに いしょ: n. will

i sh- sho ni i sho ni (as a leagal document)
□ □ □ □ □ □ □

assari vs. asari あ っ さ り vs. あ さ り あっさり: adv. easily

a s- sa ri a sa ri あさり: n. clam
□ □ □ □ □ □ □

katta vs. kata か っ た vs. か た かった: v. won

ka t- ta ka ta かた: n. shoulder
□ □ □ □ □

(Key sentence) Memorise the following sentences. Then do a role-play with your
A: きんようびに いっしょに えいがを みませんか。
Ki n yo o bi ni i s sho ni e e ga o mi ma se n ka.
(Would you like to see a film together on Friday?)

B1: いいですね。 / B2 ごめんなさい。よていが あります。

I i de su ne. Go me n na sa i. Yo te e ga a ri ma su.
(Sounds great.) (I’m sorry. I have plans.)

(Composition exercise) Make up sentences with the following framework.

yo o bi ni i s s h o n i ma se n k a
X ようびに いっしょに V ませんか。

e e g a o mi ru
e.g. Friday; see a film (えいがを みる)

→ きんようびに いっしょに えいがを みませんか。

be n kyo o su ru
1 Friday; study (べんきょうする)

j u g y o o n i de ru
2 Monday ; attend a class (じゅぎょうに でる)

ra n chi o ta be ru
3 Saturday; eat lunch (lunchを たべる)

o n ga ku o ki ku
4 Sunday; listen to music (おんがくを きく)

Ro n do n n i i ku
5 Monday ; go to London (Londonに いく)

(Role play) Invite your partner with the 5 sentences you made above.

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