The EPIC Crop Growth Model
The EPIC Crop Growth Model
The EPIC Crop Growth Model
In most crops, leaf area index (LAI) is initially zero or
very small. It increases exponentially during early
vegetative growth when the rates of leaf primordia
development, leaf appearance, and blade expansion are
where HUI is the heat unit index for day i and PHU is the linear functions of heat unit accumulation (Tollenaar et
potential heat units required for maturity of crop j . The al., 1979; Watts, 1972). In vegetative crops such as
value of PHU may be provided by the user or calculated sugarcane and some forages, LAI reaches a plateau at
by the model from normal planting and harvest dates. which senescence and growth of leaf area approximately
Date of harvest, leaf area growth and senescence, equal. In many crops, LAI decreases after the maximum
optimum plant nutrient concentrations, and partition of LAI is reached and approaches zero at physiological
biomass among roots, shoots, and economic yield are maturity. In addition, leaf expansion, final LAI, and leaf
affected by HUI. duration are reduced by stresses (Acevedo et al., 1971;
Eik and Hanway, 1965).
Potential growth LAI is simulated as a function of heat units, crop
Interception of solar radiation is estimated with a stress, and crop development stages. From emergence to
Beer's law equation (Monsi and Saeki, 1953) the start of leaf decline, LAI is estimated with the
PARi = 0.5 (RA)i [1. - exp(-0.65 LAIjl^ .[3]
LAIi = LAIi_i + ALAI [7]
where PAR is intercepted photosynthetic active radiation
in MJ-m~^ RA is solar radiation in MJ-m~2, LAI is the
leaf area index, and subscript i is the day of the year. The ALAI = (AHUF)(LAI^^) ( L - exp(5.(LAIi_i
constant, 0.5, is used to convert solar radiation to
photosynthetically-active radiation (Monteith, 1973).
Experimental studies indicate that the extinction •LAI^x)) ^VREGi .[8]
coefficient varies with foliage characteristics, sun angle,
row spacing, row direction, and latitude (Thornley, where LAI is the leaf area index, HUF is the heat unit
1976). The value used in EPIC (0.65) is representative of factor, and REG is the value of the minimum crop stress
crops with narrow row spacings (Uchijima et al., 1968). factor discussed in more detail below. Subscript mx is
A somewhat smaller value (0.4-0.6) might be appropriate the maximum value possible for the crop and A is the
for tropical areas in which average sun angle is higher daily change. The exponential function of equation [8]
and for wide row spacings (Begg et al., 1964; Bonhomme prevents LAI from exceeding LAI^.^ when HUF is
et al., 1982; Muchow et al., 1982). Using Monteith's adjusted for vernalization of certain crops. The heat unit
approach (Monteith, 1977), potential increase in factor is computed using the equation.
biomass for a day can be estimated with the equation HUI,
HUF: .[9]
ABp i = 0.001 (BE)j(PAR)i(l + AHRLTi)^ [4] ' HUIiH-exp(ah.^l-(ahj^2)(HUIi))
where ABp is the daily potential increase in biomass in Two pairs of values for HUF and HUI are specified as
where UNa is the adjusted N supply in kg-hg-^ for layer Where W N 0 3 is the weight of NO3—N in the root zone
L Equation 29 assures that actual N uptake cannot in kg-ha-^ and RD is the root depth in m. This approach
exceed the plant demand when mass flow exceeds reduces N fixation when the NO3—N content of the root
demand. It also provides for increased N supply from the zone is greater than 100 kg-ha"^ and prohibits N fixation
layer (by diffusion) when mass flow does not meet crop at N contents greater than 300 kg-ha"^
demand but NO3—N is available in the soil.
Nitrogen Fixation: Daily N fixation is estimated as a Crop use of P is estimated with the supply and demand
fraction of daily plant N demand by legumes. approach described in the N model. The daily plant
demand is computed with equation [25] written in the
WFXi = FXRi • UND^, WFX < 6.0 [30] form
FXGi = 6-67 HUIi - 1.0, 0.15 < HUIi < 0.3 . . . [33] M RWo
UPS: 1.5 UPDi X (LF^)e ( [42]
FXG- = 1.0, 0.3 < HUIi < 0.55 [34]
where UPS is the amount of P supplied by the soil in
FXGi = 3.75 - 5.0 HUIi, 0.55 < HUIi < 0.75 . . [35] kg'ha~\ LFu is the labile P factor for uptake, RW is the
root weight in layer i in kg•ha~^ and RWT is the total
root weight on day i in kg-ha~^ The constant 1.5 allows
where HUI is the heat unit index for day i. The soil water
2 / 3 of the roots to meet the P demand of the plant if
content factor reduces N fixation when the water content
labile P is not limiting. This approach is consistent with
at the top 0.3 m is less than 85% of field capacity
studies suggesting that roots of P-deficient plants (or
(Albrecht et al., 1984; Bouniols et al., 1985) using the
plants whose root systems have been pruned) can absorb
P faster than the roots of normal plants (Andrews and
Newman, 1970; DeJager, 1979; Jungk and Barber,
SW3i - WP3 1974).
FXU^ =
0.85(FC3-WP3) The labile P factor for uptake ranges from 0.1 to 1.0
according to the equation
SW3 < 0.85 (FC3 - WP3) + WP3 [36]
0.9 c LPfi
L F , , = 0.1 + . . . . [43]
where SW3, WP3, and FC3 are the water contents in the CLPC + 117. exp(-0.283 CLPC)
top 0.3 m of soil on day i, at wilting point, and at field
capacity. where CLP is the labile P concentration in soil layer i in
The amount of NO3 in the root zone can affect N g-t~^. Equation 43 allows optimum uptake rates when
fixation (Harper, 1976; Bouniols et al., 1985) determines CLP is above 20 g-t~^ This is consistent with critical labile
the soil NO3 factor, FXN. P concentrations for a range of crops and soils (Sharpley
et al., 1989). Sharpley et al. (1984, 1985) described
methods of estimating CLP from soil test P and other soil
FXN = 0., WN03 > 300. kg-hsT^-m-^ [37] characteristics.
WSi = [45] SAT
AS:= 1.-- -, SAT > 0.0
-Pi SAT + exp(-1.291 - 56.1 SAT)
where BDL is the bulk density near the lower boundary Water use
(SS = 1.) for a particular percent sand, SAN. The upper Plant water use is governed by the root growth stress
boundary is given by equation (Jones, 1983b) factor using the water deficit compensation factor of
equation [22]. Recall that the water deficit compensation
BDU= 1.5+ 0.05 SAN [53] factor, UC, allows total compensation if the value is 1.0
and no compensation at 0.0. The value of UC for any
where BDU is the bulk density near the upper boundary layer is estimated as the product of the root growth stress
(SSJ5:0.2) for a particular percent sand, SAN. The factors for the layer and all layers above.
equations for estimating bt^ and bt2 are
Thus, water stress only affects harvest index between 0.3 where FRST^ is the frost damage factor, T^.^ is the
and 0.9 of maturity with the greatest effect occurring at minimum temperature on day i in °C, and afj j and afj 2
0.6. are parameters expressing the crop's frost sensitivity.
The reduction in standing live biomass is estimated with
Winter Dormancy the equation
The daylength growth constraint is used to simulate a
winter dormant period for fall planted crops. These ^ ^ A G , i = 0.5-BAG,i(1.0-HUIi).max(FHRi,FRSTi)
constraints are only imposed for areas that have less than
12 months growing season. A 12-month growing season [66]
for warm-season crops is defined in the model as one that
has no months with mean minimum temperature less
than 5°C. If there is a dormant winter period, it is where ABAC is the reduction in above ground in t-ha~i on
defined as the time when daylength is within 1 h of the day i, HUI is the heat unit index, and B^G is the above
location's minimum daylength. ground biomass in t-ha"^ on day i. Note that frost
If a crop experiences a winter dormant period, the damage is greater when plants are small (HUI«0)and
heat unit summation (equation [2]) is set to zero. This approaches zero near maturity.
provides for rapid new growth when temperatures
increase in the spring. During the dormant period, the MODEL TESTING
plants are not allowed to grow. The standing live biomass The model was tested with data from several locations
is actually decreased during this period due to frost and with considerable variation in soil and weather
TABLE 1. Data For Rice, Sunflower, Barley and Soybean Used for Yield Demonstration of the EPIC Model
n °II8
rZ = 0.65
Y = 0 . 8 I X + I.|
/ •
r2«0.20 rZ « 0 . 2 0
Y «0.48Xf2,47
1 1 1 1
40 80 120 160 200 240 40 80 120 160 200 240 40 80 120 160
40 80 120 160 200 240 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 40 80 120 160 200 240
Fig. 4—Simulated response of corn yield to applied-nitrogen for six plantings in Hawaii.