NATSCI Midterm
NATSCI Midterm
NATSCI Midterm
3. Oligosaccharides
Carbohydrates formed by the
condensation of 2-9 monomers are
called oligosaccharides. By this
convention, trioses, pentoses, Proteins are another class of
hexoses are all oligosaccharides. indispensable biomolecules, which
make up around 50% of the cellular
Complex Carbohydrates dry weight. Proteins are polymers
(Polysaccharides) of amino acids arranged in the form
of polypeptide chains. The structure
Complex carbohydrates have two of proteins is classified as primary,
or more sugar molecules, hence secondary, tertiary and quaternary
they are referred to as starchy foods. in some cases. These structures are
based on the level of complexity of
the folding of a polypeptide chain. Lipids
Proteins play both structural and
dynamic roles. Myosin is the protein
that allows movement by Lipids are organic substances that
contraction of muscles. Most are insoluble in water, soluble in
enzymes are proteinaceous in organic solvents, are related to fatty
nature. acids and are utilized by the living
cell. They include fats, waxes, sterols,
fat-soluble vitamins, mono-, di- or
Nucleic Acids triglycerides, phospholipids, etc.
Unlike carbohydrates, proteins, and
nucleic acids, lipids are not
Nucleic acids refer to the genetic polymeric molecules. Lipids play a
material found in the cell that carries great role in the cellular structure
all the hereditary information from and are the chief source of energy.
parents to progeny. There are two
types of nucleic acids namely,
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and
ribonucleic acid (RNA). The main
function of nucleic acid is the
transfer of genetic information and
synthesis of proteins by processes
known as translation and
transcription. The monomeric unit of
nucleic acids is known as nucleotide
and is composed of a nitrogenous
base, pentose sugar, and
phosphate. The nucleotides are
linked by a 3’ and 5’ phosphodiester
bond. The nitrogen base attached
to the pentose sugar makes the
nucleotide distinct. There are 4
major nitrogenous bases found in
DNA: adenine, guanine, cytosine,
and thymine. In RNA, thymine is
replaced by uracil. The DNA
structure is described as a double-
helix or double-helical structure
which is formed by hydrogen
bonding between the bases of two
antiparallel polynucleotide chains.
Overall, the DNA
structure looks similar to a twisted