Nature Environmental Science

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Nature Environmental Science


Siquijor State College
Larena, Siquijor
Environmental Science
is the study of the
multitude interactions
between humans and
the world around
them, living and non-
Element of Environment

Environment is constituted by the

interacting systems of:
(1) Physical,
(2) Biological, and;
(3) Cultural elements
inter-related in various ways,
individually as well as collectively.
 Physicalelements are as
space, landforms, water
bodies, climate soils,
rocks and minerals.
They determine the
variable character of
the human habitat, its
opportunities as well as
 Biologicalelements such as plants (flora),
animals (fauna), microorganisms and men
constitute the biosphere.

Cultural elements such as economic, social and
political elements are essentially manmade
features, which make cultural milieu.
 Global Climate Change (global warming and all of its
 Management of Earth’s Water Resources.
 Energy and Mineral Resource Depletion.
 Meeting the food, fiber and clothing needs of a growing world
 Air pollution and Acid rain deposition.
 Water Pollution
 Soil Erosion
 Deforestation
 Habitat destruction on land and in the oceans.
 from the Greek word,
“olkos”, which means
house or home.
 the branch of biological
sciences dealing with the
interactions between
organisms and their
environment (chemical
and physical factors) in a
given area.
 (1) Ernst Haeckel (1866) defined ecology “as the body of
knowledge concerning the economy of nature-the
investigation of the total relations of animal to its
inorganic and organic environment.
 (2)Frederick Clements (1916) considered ecology to be
“the science of community.
 (3) British ecologist Charles Elton (1927) defined ecology
as “the scientific natural history concerned with the
sociology and economics of animals.”
 (4) Taylor (1936) defines ecology as “the science of the
relations of all organisms to all their environments.”
 (5) Taylor (1936) defined ecology as “the science of the
relations of all organisms to all their environments.”
 (6) Allee (1949), considered ecology as “the science of
inter-relations between living organisms and their
environment, including both the physical and biotic
environments, and emphasizing inter-species as well as
intra-species relations.
 (7) G.L. Clarke (1954) defined ecology as “the study of
inter-relations of plants and animals with their
environment which may include the influences of other
plants and animals present as well as those of the
physical features.”
 (8) Woodbury (1955) regarded ecology as “the science
which in investigates organisms in relation to their
environment: a philosophy in which the world of life is
interpreted in terms of natural processes.
 (9) A. Macfadyen (1957) defined ecology as “ a science,
which concerns itself with the inter-relationships of
living organisms, plants and animals, and their
 (10) S.C. Kendeigh (1961, 1974) defined ecology as
“the study of animals and plants in their relation to
each other and to their environment.”
Certain modern ecologists have provided somewhat broader
definitions of ecology.
 (11) M.E. Clark (1973) considers ecology as “a study of
ecosystems of the totality of the reciprocal interactions
between living organisms and their physical surroundings.
 (12) Pinaka (1973) defined ecology as “the scientific study
of the relationships of loving organisms with each other and
with their environments.” He adds that “it is the science of
biological interactions among individuals, populations, and
communities; and it is also the science of ecosystems-the
inter-relations of biotic communities with their non-living
 Ecosystem is the aggregate of all
organisms living in a community and all
the nonliving environment with which
they interact.
 Everythingthat exist in a particular
 Its term can be applied to any of the
terrestrial biomes or plant communities
and to aquatic communities (ponds,
lakes, streams, and even ocean).
 The quality or state of something that is not
easily changed or likely to change.
 Stability (of ecosystem) refers to the
capability of a natural system to apply self—
regulating mechanisms so as to return to a
steady state after an outside disturbance.
 Anecosystem is said to possess ecological stability (or
equilibrium) if it does not experience unexpected large
changes in its characteristics across time;
 orif it is capable of returning to its equilibrium state
after a perturbation (a capacity known as resilience).
-used to show how organisms interact with each other and their
 INDIVIDUAL ORGANISM- Any living things
are included. The individual organisms act
reciprocally with the abiotic factors of the
environment, which limit their

 POPULATION- a group of individual of the

same species, which inhabit the same
geographic area. It comprises all the
individuals of a given species in a specific
area of region at a certain time.
 COMMUNITY- it is the whole of the
organisms living in a specific area. It
includes organisms of different species.

 ECOSYSTEM- a dynamic entities composed

of the biological community and the
abiotic environment.

 BIOSPHERE- it is a total portion of the

planet where inhabit the living beings. It
includes all the communities and all the
ecosystem on Earth.
Make a narrative report.

Identify/name at least 2
environmental problem on your
municipality, then prepare a
procedure on how to solve such
problem then recommend solution
with proper documentation.
 Defined as the intellectual method to get at the
 Scientists
tend to use both, to advance scientific
 Inductive Reasoning
 Deductive Reasoning
 isreaching a conclusion based upon a number of
observations that is going from the specific to the
 For example:
 One might observe brightly-colored snakes as
being poisonous; as well as brightly colored
frogs are poisonous. By inductive reasoning,
one could conclude that all brightly colored
animals are poisonous.
 One reasons from the general to specific.
 Itis analyzing specific cases based upon a pre-
established general principle.
 In deductive reason, the pattern of thinking
moves in the opposite direction as compared to
inductive reasoning
 For example:
 One might deduce that brightly-colored parrots
are poisonous, because of the belief that all
brightly-colored animals are poisonous.
 In this case, however, we know it is not true
and we must reconsider our original general
statement, arrive at by induction.
 Isa combination Gather
Identify the Specific Data Formulate a
of the creative Problem or Hypothesis
reasoning and Information
testing of
a Communicate Formulate
logical the Result Conclusion
and Series of
problem-solving Observation
approach used
by many
scientists. Apply the

Based upon observations of the natural world.
Identify the problem ●
To identify specify the problem for the purpose of
gathering specific data and/or information

These informations are used to formulate
Gather Specific Data or
hypotheses as a tentative solution to the
specified problem.

A possible answer or solution to the problem.
Formulate a ●
This hypothesis will be tested in
Hypothesis experimentation process.

Test and verify the validity of the hypothesis or
Experiment & Series of tentative solution to the problem.
Observation ●
It is a controlled attempt to verify and test the

Formulate Conclusion/ ●
Based on facts discovered from the
Generalization experimentation/laboratory activity.

Through television, radio, magazine, and
Communicate the Result
science journal for future application.

Served for the formulation of Theory
Apply the Result
and/or Scientific Law

• THEORY is a general truth about the natural world but

not yet universally accepted.
• Once the theory is universally accepted, it becomes a

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