5M: Care of Clients With Hormonal Disturbances: Endocrine System
5M: Care of Clients With Hormonal Disturbances: Endocrine System
5M: Care of Clients With Hormonal Disturbances: Endocrine System
stimulating the
ENDOCRINE SYSTEM epiphyseal plates of
the long bones
- Plays an integral part in the regulation of the body’s
internal environment Lactotropic Stimulates milk
Prolactin (PRL)
cells production
- Regulates growth, reproduction, metabolism, fluid
and electrolyte balance and gender differentiation Stimulates the
through hormones Thyrotropic Thyroid stimulating release and
cells hormones (TSH) synthesis of thyroid
● Pituitary gland
Corticotropic Adrenocorticotropic Releases hormones,
● Thyroid gland cells hormone (ACTH) glucocorticoid
● Parathyroid gland PTP APG
● Adrenal glands Gonadotropin
● Pancreas hormones
● Follicle
● Gonads Gonadotropic Stimulates the
cells ovaries and testes
hormone (FSH)
- “Master gland” hormone (LH)
○ It regulates many body functions
- 2 parts: Gonadotropic cells: Gonadotropin hormones
○ Anterior pituitary (adenohypophysis) ● For women: FSH stimulates the development of
- Composed of glandular tissue ovarian follicles and includes the secretion of
○ Posterior pituitary (neurohypophysis) estrogenic female sex homrones increasing the
- Extension of the hypothalamus levels of LH which works together with FSH that
leads to ovulation and the formation of the corpus
- Located in the skull beneath the hypothalamus of
lutuem from the ovarian follicle
the brain
● For men: FSH is involved in the development and
Hormones Secreted by the ANTERIOR PITUITARY GLAND maturation of sperm; LH or interstitial
cell-stimulating hormone (ICSH) stimulates the
interstitial cells of the testes to produce male sex
- Results form increase in the secretion of the PTH
- PTH regulates serum calcium and phosphate levels
- Characterized by done decalcification and the
development of renal calculi (kidney stones)
containing calcium
● Hypercholesterolemia
● Hyperlipidemia = atherosclerosis
● Extreme fatigue
●Skeletal - With that there is reabsorption of
○ Bone and joint pain phosphate that is increased =
○ Backache hyperphosphatemia
○ Pathologic fractures of the spine, ribs and - Low calcium levels = changes in
long bones neuromuscular activity
■ Because bones are giving off too
much calcium MANIFESTATIONS:
○ Deformity and bending of the bones ● Increased neuromuscular irritability which results to
● Renal tetany
○ Polyuria and polydipsia ● Painful muscle spasms, irritability, grimacing,
○ Appearance of sand, gravel and stones in tingling of the fingers, laryngospasms,
the urine increased BUN, CREA since kidneys can’t get rid of dysrhythmias
○ Azotemia waste ● Positive chvostek’s sign and trousseau's signs
○ Hypertension d/t renal damage ○ To check (chvosteks): tap on masseter
muscles in the cheek = client will twitch its
MANAGEMENT: muscles in the cheek
● Lower severely elevated calcium levels
○ Hydration
○ Low calcium and low vit D diet
○ Furosemide (lasix)-excrete excess calcium
levels thru kidneys or urine
● Fluid intake of 2000ml or more
○ Prevents calculus/kidney stones formation
● Mobility is encouraged for bones to give up less
calcium ○ Trousseau's sign: inflate BP cuff for at least
● Surgical: parathyroidectomy 3 mins = flexion in hand/extremity =
● Serum calcium levels >15 mg/dl
● Result in neurologic, cardiovascular, renal
● Can be life threatening
● Emergency: given calcitonin and corticosteroids
○ Calcitonin: regulates calcium levels in the
body by preventing bone resorption and
increasing calcium excretion in the kidneys
○ Corticosteroids: reduces serum calcium ● Hyperactive deep tendon reflexes
concentration by reducing intestinal ● Circumoralparesthesia- numbness and tingling
calcium absorption sensation around the mouth
- Serum calcium levels are abnormally low, serum Goal: increase calcium levels
phosphate levels are abnormally high, and ● DRUG THERAPY
pronounced neuromuscular irritability (tetany) may ○ IV calcium gluconate
develop ○ Oral calcium replacement (calcium
- Due to reduced PTH, ability to reabsorb gluconate, lactate, carbonate)
calcium from bones and to regulate ■ Goal: increase calcium levels
calcium reabsorption from renal tubules is ○ Vitamin D (ergocalciferol) = enhance Ca
also impaired absorption from the GI tract
○ Parenteral PTH
● Diet: High calcium, low phosphate diet ○ Glucocorticoid excess also inhibits
fibroblast resulting in loss of collagen and
connective tissue = thinning of the skin,
abnormal striae/stretch marks
- Has the medulla and the cortex ● Ecchymoses (bruises) and striae develop
- Secretes catecholamines like the epinephrine, ○ Easy bruising
norepinephrine, the fight and flight response ● Weakness and lassitude
- Catecholamines: regulate metabolic pathways w/c ● Disturbed sleeping pattern
is responsible for catabolism for us to meet our ● Musculoskeletal changes with glucose intolerance
caloric needs ● Moon-faced appearance
- Helps in basal metabolic rate and blood glucose ● Excessive growth of hair in the face
levels ● Mood swings and personality changes
● Poor wound healing
● Sodium and water retention-hypertension
● Hyperglycemia
● Increased plasma cortisol level
● Increased serum sodium and blood glucose levels
● Decreased serum potassium
● 24 hour urine collection for free cortisol
CUSHING’S SYNDROME ● Adjunct therapy to radiation or surgery
- Hyperfunction of adrenal gland ● Given to control the symptoms, they do not effect
- Results form overactivity of the adrenal gland, a cure
specifically in the cortex with consequent ● Mitotane
hypersecretion of glucocorticoids ● Metyrapone
- Occurs mainly in women 20-40 years old ○ Adrenal enzyme inhibitor
- Causes: ○ Suppresses activity of the adrenal cortex
○ Use of corticosteroid medications and decreases peripheral metabolism of
○ Excessive corticosteroid production corticosteroids
(tumor) SURGERY:
● Adrenalectomy
MANIFESTATIONS: ○ Indicated if caused by adrenal cortex
Seen in most body systems related to excess levels of tumor
corticosteroids though they can also exhibit symptoms of ○ Adrenal cortex is removed
excess mineralocorticoids and androgen excess, causing ● Hypophysectomy
pronounced changes in physical appearance ○ Removal of the pituitary gland
● Central-type obesity = fatty buffalo hump ○ Indicated if the disease is caused by a
○ Excess cortisol results in the redistribution pituitary disorder
of body fat deposits in the abdominal
region = central obesity MANAGEMENT:
○ Fat pads under clavicle; buffalo hump and ● Decrease risk for injury (weak patients)
moon face ○ Assist in ambulation
● Skin is thin, fragile and easily traumatized ○ Protective environment
○ Change in skin protein ● Frequently assess for signs of infection
metabolism=peripheral muscle weakness ● Encourage rest and activity
and wasting ● Promote skin integrity = avoid adhesive tapes
● Improve body image
● Verbalization of feelings and concerns ○ severe, penetrating pain in the abdomen,
lower back, and legs
ADDISON’S DISEASE ○ severe vomiting
- Destruction or dysfunction of the adrenal cortex ○ Diarrhea
- Chronic deficiency of cortisol, aldosterone and ○ hypotension
adrenal androgens accompanied by skin ○ circulatory collapse, shock seizures and
pigmentation coma
- Absent steroids low (small weak and tanned g/t
skin pigmentations) DRUG THERAPY:
● Hydrocortisone (solu-cortef)
MANIFESTATIONS: ○ To replace cortisol
Primary manifestations are results of elevated ACTH levels ● Fludrocortisone (Florinef)
and decreased aldosterone and cortisol ○ To replace mineralocorticoids
● Prednisone (Deltasone)
Aldosterone deficiency affects the ability of the distal ● 5% dextrose in normal saline
tubules to conserve sodium = sodium loss and potassium is ● Vasopressor amines (for persistent hypotension)
retained = Extracellular fluid is depleted and blood vol is ● Lifelong replacement of corticosteroids &
decreased = hyponatremia and hyperkalemia mineralocorticoids (for damaged adrenal glands)