The Endocrine System Notes
The Endocrine System Notes
The Endocrine System Notes
Hormones (Greek word hormone – to set - It also causes milk ejection (let-down
into motion) reflex) in a nursing woman
▪The pituitary gland is approximately the - ADH is a chemical that inhibits or prevents
size of a pea.
▪It hangs by a stalk from the inferior surface production.
of the hypothalamus of the brain, where it is
- ADH causes
snugly surrounded by the sella turcica of the
the kidneys to
sphenoid bone.
reabsorb more
▪It has two functional lobes – the anterior water from the
pituitary (glandular tissue) and the posterior forming urine;
pituitary (nervous tissue). as a result, urine
▪The anterior pituitary gland controls the
decreases, and
activity of so many other endocrine glands
blood volume
(“master endocrine gland”)
▪The release of each of its hormones is
- In larger amounts, ADH also increases
controlled by releasing hormones and
inhibiting hormones produced by the blood pressure by causing constriction of
the arterioles (small arteries). For this
▪The hypothalamus also makes two
reason, it is sometimes referred to as
additional hormones, oxytocin and
vasopressin. - LH stimulates testosterone production by
the interstitial cells of the testes.
Anterior Pituitary Hormones
Pineal Gland
The anterior pituitary produces several
The pineal gland is a small, cone-shaped
hormones that affect many body organs.
gland that
Growth Hormone (GH) hangs from the
roof of the
- Its major effects are directed to the growth
third ventricle
of skeletal muscles and long bones of the of the brain.
body Melatonin
Gonadotropic Hormones (FSH and LH) - The peak level occurs at night and makes
us drowsy
- Regulate the hormonal activity of the
gonads (ovaries and testes) - The lowest level occurs during daylight
around noon.
- In women, the FSH stimulates follicle
development in the ovaries. Thyroid Gland
- In men, FSH stimulates sperm production - The thyroid gland is located at the base of
by the testes. the throat, just inferior to the Adam’s apple.
- LH triggers ovulation of an egg from the - It is a fairly large gland consisting of two
ovary and causes the ruptured lobes joined by a central mass, or isthmus.
follicle to produce progesterone and some - The thyroid gland makes two hormones,
estrogen. one called thyroid hormone, the other called
Thyroid Hormone - Characterized by both physical and mental
sluggishness (no mental impairment)
- Referred to as body’s major metabolic
hormone - Other signs are puffiness of the face,
fatigue, poor muscle tone, low body
- Contains two active iodine-containing
temperature, obesity, and dry skin (Oral
hormones, thyroxine (T4) and
thyroxine is prescribed to treat this condition
- Most triiodothyronine is formed at the
target tissues by conversion of thyronine to
- Thyroid hormone controls the rate at which
glucose is “burned”, or oxidized, and
converted to body heat and chemical energy
- Thyroid hormone is also important for
normal tissue growth and development,
especially in the reproductive and nervous
Homeostatic Imbalance
- A form of Thymus
▪ Is located in
- The thyroid the upper
gland enlarges, the thorax,
eyes bulge posterior to
(exophthalmos) the sternum.
Calcitonin ▪ Large in
infants and
- Second important hormone product of the
children, it
thyroid gland
decreases in size throughout
- Decreases the blood calcium ion level by
causing calcium to be deposited in the bones adulthood.
- The parathyroid glands are tiny masses of fibrous connective tissue and fat.
glandular tissue most often on the posterior
▪ The thymus produces a hormone
surface of the thyroid gland.
called thymosin and others that
- Parathyroid hormone (PTH) is the most
important regulator of calcium ion appear to be essential for normal
homeostasis of the blood.
development of a special group of
- Although the skeleton is the major PTH
white blood cells (T lymphocytes) and
target, PTH also stimulates the kidneys and
intestine to absorb more calcium ions. the immune response.
Adrenal Glands
Homeostatic Imbalance ▪The two adrenal
glands curve
▪If blood calcium ion level falls too low,
over the
neurons become extremely irritable and
overactive. They deliver impulses to the top of the
muscles so rapidly that the muscles go into kidneys like
triangular hats.
▪It is structurally and functionally two ▪Glucocorticoids promote normal cell
metabolism and help the body to resist long-
endocrine organs in one.
term stressors, primarily by increasing the
- it has parts made of glandular blood glucose level.
(cortex) and neural tissue (medulla) ▪When blood levels of glucocorticoids are
high, fats and even proteins are broken down
▪The central medulla region is enclosed by
by body cells and converted to glucose,
the adrenal cortex, which contains three which is released to the blood.
✓Na and water are lost from the body 4. Hypersecretion of the sex hormones leads
to masculinization, regardless of sex
✓Muscles become weak and shock is a
✓Hypoglycemia (↓ glucocorticoids)
➢Insulin also speeds up these “use it” or Besides producing female sex cells (ova, or
eggs), ovaries produce two groups of steroid
“store it” activities.
hormones, estrogens and progesterone.
➢Because insulin sweeps the glucose out of
1. Estrogen
the blood, its effect is said to be
hypoglycemic. - Responsible for the development of sex
characteristics in women
➢Without it, essentially no glucose can get
into the cells to be used. (primarily growth and maturation of the
reproductive organs) and the
appearance of secondary sex characteristics
➢Acts as an antagonist of insulin at puberty.
➢Released by the alpha cells of the islets in - Acting with progesterone, estrogens
response to a low blood glucose levels. promote breast development and
➢Its action is basically hyperglycemic. cyclic changes in the uterine lining (the
menstrual cycle)
➢Its primary target is the liver, which it
stimulates to break down stored glycogen to 2. Progesterone
glucose and to release the glucose into the - Acts with estrogen to bring about the
blood menstrual cycle.
- During pregnancy, it quiets the muscles of and progesterone, and the ovaries become
the uterus so that an implanted embryo will inactive for the rest of the pregnancy.
not be aborted and helps prepare breast
▪ The high estrogen and progesterone blood
tissue for lactation.
levels maintain the lining of the uterus and
Hormones of the Testes prepare the breasts for producing milk.
In addition to male sex cells, or sperm, the ▪ Human placental lactogen (hPL) works
testes also produce male sex hormones, or cooperatively with estrogen and
androgens, of which testosterone is the most progesterone in preparing the breasts for
important. lactation.
Testosterone ▪ Relaxin, another placental hormone, causes
the mother’s pelvic ligaments and the pubic
- Promotes the growth and maturation of the
symphysis to relax and become more
reproductive system organs to prepare the
flexible, which eases birth passage.
young man for reproduction.
- It also causes the male’s secondary sex
characteristics to appear and stimulates the
male sex drive.
- It is necessary for continuous production of
- Testosterone production is specifically
Developmental Aspects of the Endocrine
stimulated by LH.
Other Hormone-Producing Tissues and
▪ In late middle age, the efficiency of the
ovaries begins to decline, causing
Placenta menopause.
▪ During very early pregnancy, a hormone - Reproductive organs begin to atrophy
called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
- Ability to bear children ends
is produced by the developing embryo and
then by the fetal parts of the placenta. - Problems associated with estrogen
deficiency begin to occur
▪ hCG stimulates the ovaries to continue
producing estrogen and progesterone so that (arteriosclerosis, osteoporosis, decreased
the lining of the uterus is not sloughed off in skin elasticity, “hot flashes”)
▪No such dramatic changes seem to happen
▪ In the third month, the placenta assumes in men.
the job of the ovaries of producing estrogen
▪ Elderly persons are less able to resist stress
and infection.
▪ Exposure to pesticides, industrial
chemicals, dioxin, and pother soil and
water pollutants diminishes endocrine
function, which may explain the higher
cancer rates among older adults in certain
areas of the country.
▪All older people have some decline in
insulin production, and type 2 diabetes
mellitus is most common in this age group