Oct 2008

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October 2008

Dear Parents;

Here are some activities that are going on in Kindergarten in


During the month of October, we will focus on colors, fire safety,
healthy choices, and Fall.

Language Arts
This month students are learning to read, write, and hear the
letters Ss, Mm, Rr, Tt, Bb, Nn. They are also learning the sight
words: I, see, like and am. We are busy reading, writing, and
drawing about colors, fire safety, pumpkins and fall. The children
are actively engaged and immersed in print through read-alouds,
independent reading time, shared reading, journals, poems, class
books and student made books.

Kindergartners are learning to read, write, count, and use numbers 0­12.  At home, 
help your child to count, recognize and write these numbers. Working together with 
your child, create a simple number line to refer to at home. Our next math unit will 
focus on sorting and classifying objects by color, shape, and size.  You can help your 
child get ready for this chapter by sorting socks, coins, or toys at home.

Kindergarteners will be observing guppies and sowbugs in class.
Support your child by exploring the new science website at
www.fossweb.com/CA at home.
Just a reminder that Kindergarten homework is sent each Thursday
and is to be returned by the following MONDAY. In addition, please
make sure to read each night with your child for at least 10
minutes. Remember to log your reading minutes into your Book-It
October Calendar so your child can receive his/her free pizza

Technology and the Arts

Kindergartners have music class with Mrs. Gruener on a weekly
October 2008

basis. We have also started weekly Kindergarten Music and

Movement on Fridays with all the kinder classes.

Fun Fitness
Fun Fitness is our P.E. program run by parent volunteers. Fun
fitness days are good days to wear tennis shoes and comfortable
clothing to school. The fun fitness days are as follows:
Rm 1 – Tuesdays, Rm 2 – Thursdays, Rm 7 – Wednesdays, Rm 29 –

Thank you so much to the families who have donated supplies
from our "Wish List" and to the special activities fund. We truly
appreciate it!! Thank you for all of the yarn and Clorox wipes for
our classroom. We now have enough to last us throughout the

Dates to Remember:
10/1 – Walk to School Day – See Eagle
10/27 – Staff Learning Day – No school for students
10/27-10/31 - Red Ribbon Week.
10/31 - Halloween. ALL students come from
8:30 AM to 11:55 PM, in costume. The parade
and party will take place after recess.
Volunteers are needed for centers before recess.

•If possible, we would appreciate a $10 donation from all families
for special art and cooking activities.
•On Tuesdays, PM kindergartners should come to their classroom
at 10:05. If they arrive earlier, they must quietly line up outside
their room. They may not play on the primary or kindergarten
playground at this time
•If you are going to order Scholastic books, we ask that the orders
be returned by the date mentioned on the order form and
payments be made by check or online using your credit card.
Password is password, username is mrsgalletta. Thank you to the
families who already placed orders, and helped us earn books for
the classroom.
October 2008

Your Kindergarten Team,
Mrs. Galletta, Mrs. Canepa, Mrs. Dinh,
and Miss. Schlotterbeck

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