Open House 2018 Scherzinger

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Welcome to 4 Grade!


Mr. Scherzinger
Room 22
Timing Activity

8:10 - 8:20 School starts, Attendance

8:20 - 9:35 Math/Reading

9:35 - 10:15 Gym – Art - Music

10:15 – 11:45 Math/Reading

Classroom 11:45 - 12:15 Grammar and Vocab/Spelling

Schedule 12:15 - 12:55 Lunch – Recess

This is what a typical day in our 12:55 - 1:25 Writing

classroom looks like.
1:25 - 2:00 Science/Social Studies

2:00 - 2:45 Math and Reading Technology (Online)

2:45 - 3:05 Typing Practice

3:13 School is Dismissed

Gym – Art - Music
Students are graded in these subjects this year. It is
important that they participate each day in class. The one
area that can be an issue is Gym. Students must wear
appropriate shoes to participate. If your child is in the
habit of wearing shoes other that athletic shoes, it is
recommended that they keep a spare pair of gym shoes in
their lockers to change into on Gym days.
Small Art Box Loose Leaf paper (2 pks)

Pencils Copy paper (1 pk)

Erasers Kleenex (2 boxes)

Scissors OPTIONAL:

Crayons(24 pk) Colored Pencils

Glue Sticks Water based Markers

Composition Notebooks (4) Disinfecting Wipes

Do Not Bring: rulers, pencil sharpeners, three ring binders, pocket folders,
locks for lockers, decorations or magnetic items for lockers.
PLEASE NOTE: Mechanical pencils are not allowed in Math classes.
Supply Costs
Beginning of the Year Fee: $10.00

• TIGER Tote: $2.00

• Time for Kids: $4.00

• Indiana Studies Weekly: $4.00

• Science Fee: $0.00 - Paid for Tekoppel students through a grant

our school received from a former science teacher, Mr. Dennis

If you would like to pay for this over several weeks, that is totally
fine. Just send a little each week, and I will keep track of it. Due
August 31.
Your child will be given a TIGER Tote Wednesday. This is
their EVERYTHING binder. I have found it to be the best
way to assist students in organizing their school life as
subjects and work increase in the upper grades. It will be
coming home each night and is to return every school day
with your child. I would suggest you remind your child to
pack it in their backpack at night and beware of young
siblings who seem to take a liking to it! 
Classroom Community
We follow Tekoppel PRIDE rules both in the school and in our classroom.

P – Prepared
R – Respectful
I – Involved
D – Dependable
E - Everyday
Your child will bring home a Tekoppel PRIDE ticket every Friday to show you how well
they followed PRIDE rules. Please sign and return this in their TIGER Tote on Monday. If
you ever have any concerns, do not hesitate to contact me.
Students will be assigned a ThinkPad in 4th grade, just as
Middle and High School students. They are responsible
for the care of it, however they are only for use in the
classroom. They are not allowed to be sent home.
We use these daily in the classroom in multiple subject
areas. They are a vital part of learning in the 21st century,
and we are lucky to have the ThinkPads for every student
now in 4th grade.
Field Trips
• 4th Grade is well known for going on some great trips. Usually 1-2 more are
added throughout the year. This is what is tentatively planned at this time…

New Harmony Historic Sites- Oct. 3

Reitz Home Museum- Dec.
Vanderburgh County Ag Days- April
Vincennes Historic Sites- May
Communication between home and school is vital
to the success and happiness of your child in my
classroom. I want your child to be excited to come
to school and learn each day. If you have a concern,
please do not hesitate to contact me anytime. Often,
simple misunderstandings can be easily resolved
with a quick phone call or text.

• My
• School phone: 812-435-8333
• Classroom Website:
• Remind
PTA Membership and Volunteer Sheet
Please join Tekoppel PTA! The PTA plays a vital role in supporting
the school and all the students. We need everyone! You get a
discount card for many area businesses along with your
membership that easily covers the membership cost.
Please also consider signing up to volunteer just 2 hours of your
time to your child’s school this year. It helps lighten the load for
everyone and means so much to all the students to see parents
helping out in our school!
See sign-up sheet on front table.
Let’s Have a
Great Year!

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