This document provides the subjects, topics, and portions to be covered on specific dates from January 21st to February 1st as part of the Bangalore International Academy's grade 11 integrated term-2. Key subjects include Physics, Computer Science, Hindi, English, Biology, Economics, Mathematics, and Chemistry. The Physics topics range from units and dimensions to mechanical properties of fluids. Computer Science covers data representation, Python programming, and string manipulation. Hindi includes lessons from poetry and prose sections of the textbook.
This document provides the subjects, topics, and portions to be covered on specific dates from January 21st to February 1st as part of the Bangalore International Academy's grade 11 integrated term-2. Key subjects include Physics, Computer Science, Hindi, English, Biology, Economics, Mathematics, and Chemistry. The Physics topics range from units and dimensions to mechanical properties of fluids. Computer Science covers data representation, Python programming, and string manipulation. Hindi includes lessons from poetry and prose sections of the textbook.
This document provides the subjects, topics, and portions to be covered on specific dates from January 21st to February 1st as part of the Bangalore International Academy's grade 11 integrated term-2. Key subjects include Physics, Computer Science, Hindi, English, Biology, Economics, Mathematics, and Chemistry. The Physics topics range from units and dimensions to mechanical properties of fluids. Computer Science covers data representation, Python programming, and string manipulation. Hindi includes lessons from poetry and prose sections of the textbook.
This document provides the subjects, topics, and portions to be covered on specific dates from January 21st to February 1st as part of the Bangalore International Academy's grade 11 integrated term-2. Key subjects include Physics, Computer Science, Hindi, English, Biology, Economics, Mathematics, and Chemistry. The Physics topics range from units and dimensions to mechanical properties of fluids. Computer Science covers data representation, Python programming, and string manipulation. Hindi includes lessons from poetry and prose sections of the textbook.
SATURDAY 2. Motion in a straight line 3.Motion in a plane 4. Laws of motion 5. Work,Energy and Power 6. System of particles and Rotational motion 7. Mechanical Properties of Fluids ( as per the ncert physics textbook grade 11) 23/01/2023 COMPUTER 1) Data Representation MONDAY SCIENCE 2) Boolean Logic 3) Introduction To Problem Solving 4) Getting Started With Python 5) Python Fundamental 6) Data Handling 7) Flow Of Control 8) String Manipulation 9) List Manipulation 10) Tuples 11) Dictionary 12) Society Law And Ethics And Cyber Safety
HINDI गद्य भाग
1.नमक का दारोगा 2. ममयाां नसीरुद्दीन 3.अपू के साथ ढाई साल 4. विदाई सांभाषण 5. गलता लोहा 6. रजनी 7. जामन ु का पेड़ 8. भारत माता पद्य भाग 1. कबीर के दोहे 2. मीरा के पद 3. घर की याद 4.चांपा काले काले अच्छर नहीां चीह्नती 5. गजल 6. हे भख ू ! मत मचल, हे मेरे जूही ईश्िर 7. सबसे खतरनाक 8. आओ, ममलकर बचाएां संचयन 1. लता मांगेशकर 2. राजस्थान की रजत बूांदें 3. आलो - अांधारर व्याकरण: ( अपठित गद्याांश, अपठित पद्याांश,पठित गद्याांश,पठित पद्याांश, रचनात्मक लेखन, पत्र, ननबांध लेखन, डायरी लेखन, शब्द कोश ,जनसांचार माध्यम।) 25/01/2023 ENGLISH Hornbill: WEDNESDAY The Portrait of A Lady, A Photograph, We’re Not Afraid To Die…. If We All Can Be Together, Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues, The Voice Of The Rain, Childhood, The Adventure, Silk Road, Father To Son, The Laburnum Top Snapshots: The Summer Of The Beautiful White Horse, The Address, Mother’s Day, Birth, The Tale Of Melon City Grammar:- Tenses, Clauses, Gap Filling, Sentence Reordering, Error Correction, Editing. Writing Skills:- Note-Making, Summary, Advertisements, Poster Making, Debate, Speech Reading:- Unseen Passage: Descriptive Paragraph, Case Based Study 27/01/2023 BIOLOGY/ 1) The Living World FRIDAY 2) Biological Classification 3) Plant Kingdom 4) Morphology of flowering plants 5) Anatomy of flowering plants 6) Structural organization in animals 7) Cell: The unit of life 8) Cell Cycle And Cell Division 9) Biomolecules 10) Breathing and exchange of gases 11) Body Fluid and Circulation 12) Excretory Products And Their Elimination 13) Locomotion And Movement
ECONOMICS Part A- Statistics for Economics
Unit 1 Introduction Unit 2 Collection, Organization and Presentation of Data Unit 3 Statistical Tools( Measures of Central tendency- Arithmetic mean)
Part B Introductory Microeconomics
Unit 4 Introduction Unit 5 Consumer's Equilibrium and Demand Unit 6 Producer Behaviour and Supply 30/01/2023 MATHEMATICS Sequence & Series, MONDAY Set & Relation & Function Quadratic Equations& Complex Numbers Statistics Trigonometry Functions Straight Lines Circle Binomial Theorem Permutation & Combination
01/02/2023 CHEMISTRY 1)Some basic concepts in chemistry
WEDNESDAY 2)Structure of atom 3)Chemical bonding and molecular structure 4)Periodic table and classification of elements 5)Thermodynamics 6)Equilibrium 7) Redox reactions 8) Nomenclature