First Terminal Syllabus 2024-25 IG4
First Terminal Syllabus 2024-25 IG4
First Terminal Syllabus 2024-25 IG4
English English language 1123
Paper 1
Unseen Comprehension and Summary passages.
Paper 2
Directed Writing: letter, Email, Article, Report .
Creative Writing: Description and Narrative
P2 Listening
Math Complete IGCSE 0580 Syllabus
With following topics excluded
1.Number sequence
1) Kinematics 2) Balanced and unbalanced forces
Physics 3) Circular motion 4) Moment of force
5) Work power energy 6) Pressure
7) Momentum 8) Springs
9) Complete Thermal physics 10) Complete light
11) Transverse waves 12) Electromagnetic waves
1) Atomic structure 2) Isotopes
3) chemical bonding 4) metallic bonding
Chemistry 5) KMT 6) Electrolysis
7) Redox reactions 8) Formulas
9) Reversible reactions 10) Rate of reaction
11) Energy changes 12) Acid base and salts.
13) Experimental techniques. 14) Calculations
1) Inheritance 2) Variation and selection
Biology 3) Reproduction in plants 4) Reproduction in human
5) Human and environment 6) Human influence on ecosystem
7) Movement in and out of cell 8) Enzymes
9) Nutrient molecules 10) Nutrition in plants
11)Nutrition in human
Computer 1. Data representation 2. Data transmission
3. Hardware 4. Software
5. Algorithm design and problem solving 6. Programming
7. Boolean Logic