Explain The Menstrual Cycle S5Lt-Iic-3: Grades 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Explain The Menstrual Cycle S5Lt-Iic-3: Grades 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Explain The Menstrual Cycle S5Lt-Iic-3: Grades 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
A.Reviewing previous lesson or Directions: Below are parts of the Recall previous lesson. Recall previous lesson. Recall previous lesson.
presenting the new lesson human reproductive system. Choose
the part of the reproductive system
described. Write the letter of the
correct answer.
1.Which part of the female reproductive
system produces eggs and hormones?
A. fallopian tube C. uterus
B. ovary D. vagina
2. Which of the statements below
describes the uterus?
A. It ejaculates the semen.
B. It is a tube that leads the egg from the
C. It is also called the womb and is shaped
like an upside-down pear where the
unborn baby is developed.
D. It produces a sugar- rich fluid that
provides sperm with a source of energy to
help them move.
3. Where does successful fertilization of
the egg normally occur?
A. endometrium B. fallopian tube
C. ovary D. vagina
4. It is a narrow opening between the
uterus and vagina which enlarges to let
the passage of a fetus during birth.
A. ovary B. vagina
C. cervix D. fallopian tube
5. Which of the following is not part of
the female reproductive system?
A. kidney B. cervix
C. ovary D. fallopian tube
B.Establishing a purpose for the
C.Presenting Examples/ instances of Show picture of menstrual cycle. Let pupils to watch the vedio of the
the new lesson menstrual cycle.
Ask what does the diagram show?What does it mean when a girl starts
to menstruate?
D.Discussing new concepts and Puberty is the process of body changes that causes a child’s body to Phases of Menstrual Cycle ➢ Menstrual Phase (Menstruation) This
practicing new skills #1 become capable of reproduction. Every adolescent boys and girls who commonly referred to as “period” or the woman’s monthly bleeding. The
is about to enter puberty should be taught or should know the basic first menstrual bleeding of a woman is called Menarche. It signals the
medical definition of menstruation and that it is a normal process that possibility of getting pregnant. Menstrual blood, known as menses, is shed
from the thickened lining of the uterus, known as endometrium. Menstrual
females go through as their bodies prepare themselves for potential
blood from the uterus passes through the cervix, to the vagina, and out
pregnancy. It is a part of the monthly menstrual cycle that occur in the through the vaginal opening. This fluid may be bright red, light pink, or
female reproductive system that makes pregnancy possible. even brown. During menstruation, some eggs begin to mature in the
Menstruation is a process that occurs in a woman. This is the regular ovaries. As the eggs develop, the surrounding cells release the estrogen
discharging of blood and other materials from the lining of the uterus hormone into the bloodstream. This is the time when cramping and
and occurs on a one-month interval from puberty until menopause, abdominal pains occur. The contraction of the uterine and the abdominal
except during pregnancy. This lasts for about 3-5 days. muscles that help in expelling the menstrual fluid also causes the cramps to
be felt. There are also different types of menstrual disorder that can be felt
during menstruation. First is the Dysmenorrhea which is the medical term
As boys and girls grow, there are many changes that occur in terms
for painful menstrual periods which are caused by uterine contractions. It
of physical, social and emotional aspects. During puberty stage, boys
has two types; the primary and secondary. Primary dysmenorrhea is
grow common menstrual cramps that are recurrent while secondary
faster than girls. They develop low pitched voice, broader shoulder and dysmenorrhea results from reproductive system disorders. Second is the
Adams apple. Hair begins to grow under arms, on the face and genitals. Menorrhagia that is a prolonged and excessively heavy menstrual bleeding
The testes starts to produce sperm. On the other hand, girls grow at regular menstrual cycle intervals. Third is the Oligomenorrhea which is
taller. defined irregular and inconsistent menstrual blood flow in a woman. It is
They develop bigger breast and hips. Also, pubic hairs start to grow. At also about missing a period or occasional irregularity of a menstrual cycle.
this Lastly is the Polymenorrhea which is a term used to describe a menstrual
cycle that is shorter than 21 days. It is a form of abnormal uterine bleeding.
stage, ovaries begin to produce egg cells that becomes the reason of
For some women a shorter cycle length may just be normal, but for others
it can be caused by certain medical condition. Women with polymenorrhea
menstruation monthly. may also find that their periods are irregular or unpredictable.
E.Discussing new concepts and Menstruation is the stage of the menstrual cycle usually lasting from ➢ Follicular Phase (Day 1-13)
practicing new skills #2 three to five days when fertilization does not occur. During this This phase also starts on the first day of menstruation, but it ends up to
process, the thirteenth day of the menstrual cycle. In this phase, the lining of the
blood, some uterine tissue, and the unfertilized egg are eliminated uterus starts to grow or proliferate due to hormone known as estrogen. As
from the uterus through vagina. the estrogen level increases, menstrual bleeding stops, and the lining of the
uterus thickens in preparation for receiving a fertilized egg. The increase in
Below is a f i g u r e o f a female reproductive organ. Can you draw a
estrogen also causes the pituitary gland to release a hormone that travels
line showing the path of the egg from starting p o i n t t o e n d
to the ovaries, stimulates the egg cells in the ovaries to grow, and causes
undergoing menstrual cycle? the most mature egg to be released. One of these egg cells starts to mature
in a sac–like structure called follicle. Each follicle contains an egg. It takes
13 days for the egg cell to reach maturity. As the egg cell matures, its
follicle secretes a hormone stimulating the uterus to develop a lining of
blood vessels and soft tissue called endometrium. The endometrium starts
to develop to receive the fertilized egg. Late in the follicular phase, only a
single follicle will release an egg.
If an egg is not fertilized, the uterus comes off its lining in the form
of blood. This is typically called “monthly period”. Girls can count the
in their cycle to help them know when to expect their next period. This
useful so that they can prepare some pads in their bag.
To be reminded about the occurrence of menstruation, counting the
days is important. For instance, girls may mark the first day of bleeding ➢ Ovulation Phase (Day 14)
the calendar. It takes five days to complete menstruation. In the regular 28-day menstrual cycle, the ovulation usually
occurs on day 14. The pituitary gland secretes a hormone that
Normally, girls bleed in five days during menstruation. Woman have causes the ovary to release the matured egg cell. The released egg
different menstrual cycle period. For instance , most women have 29 cell is swept into the fallopian tube by the cilia of the fimbriae.
days Fimbriae are finger-like projections located at the end of the
to complete the cycle. In general , menstrual cycle maybe as short as fallopian tube close to the ovaries, and cilia are slender hair-like
21 projections on each fimbria. When a mature egg (ovum) is released
days and may last up to 36 days. Going below or beyond this number from the ovarian follicle to the nearest fallopian tube during the
of menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs. As the egg moves down the
days mean that a woman is experiencing irregular menstruation. fallopian tube for several days, the lining of the uterus continues to
grow thicker and thicker. The egg then travels into the uterus. It
takes about three to four days for the egg to travel toward the
uterus. If fertilization is to occur, it must happen within 24 hours of
ovulation or the egg’s life lapses.
This phase starts on the fifteenth day and lasts up to the end of the
cycle. After the ovulation occurs, the follicle develops into a hormone-
producing structure called the corpus luteum. This is a yellow structure in
the ovary that produces estrogen and large amounts of progesterone. This
hormone signals the uterus to thicken. The walls of the uterus thicken with
many blood vessels to provide nutrients for the coming baby if in case a
sperm fertilizes the egg. If the egg is not fertilized, the thickening of the
uterus breaks down and comes out of the body through the menstruation.
Then, the menstrual cycle repeats itself. For females who have normal
periods, the cycle is repeated four weeks or 28 days. However, the cycle
varies and is affected by a lot of factors.
F.Developing Mastery Pick a date in a calendar. Consider that date as the first Directions: Match the concepts Directions: Identify what
day of the menstrual cycle. Indicate also in the calendar the last day of about menstruation in Column A phase of menstrual cycle is
the menstrual cycle. Accomplish the calendar in your notebook. with the terms in Column B. Write described in each number.
the letter of your answer.
Month of ___________________ ________1. The lining of the
uterus becomes thin after
menstruation. An egg in the
ovary continues to mature. Just
before the mid-cycle, the mature
egg moves to the surface of the
_________2. The lining of the
uterus called endometrium
becomes thicker in preparation
for implantation of the fertilized
egg. If fertilization does not take
place, menstruation happens.
Month of ___________________
The next cycle is then about to
_________3. This occurs when
fertilization does not take place.
The uterine lining begins to break
down and bleeding results.
Menstrual fluid contains blood
cells and mucus flow and lasts
from 3 to 7 days. ________4. The
mature egg is released and
travels to the fallopian tube and
How many days a woman bleeds or experience menstruation? ______ toward the uterus
Based on the markings in the calendar, how many days a woman takes
to complete the menstrual cycle?
Do you think all woman have the days of same menstrual cycle? Why
or why not?_________________________________________
G.Finding PRActical application of How are you going to handle when you are experiencing this menstrual Directions: Answer the following
concepts and skills in daily living cycle? questions briefly. Use the rubrics
below to give yourself a score on
the essay that you made.
I.Evaluating learning Directions: Choose the letter of the Determine whether the statement Directions: Rewrite the following Directions: Which phase of
correct answer. 1. In a normal 28-day is TRUE or FALSE. statements on your notebook. By the menstrual cycle is being
menstrual cycle when would you Write WOMAN if the statement writing numbers 1-10 before the explained by the statements
expect ovulation to take place? A. expressed true idea. Otherwise, item, rearrange the statements below? Is it menstrual phase,
Day 11 C. Day 13 B. Day 12 D. Day 14
write MAN if it is false. based on how a menstrual cycle follicular phase, ovulation
2. Where are the hormones estrogen
and progesterone produced? A. occurs. phase or luteal phase? Write
Adrenal Gland C. Hypothalamus B. ______ 1. Menstrual cycle period your answer on your answer
Anterior Pituitary D. Ovary 3. During may change every month. 1. The process of fertilization may sheet.
the menstrual cycle, progesterone ______ 2. The blood from take place. ______1. The mature egg
levels are at their highest during the menstruation is filthy. 2. A new egg cell starts to mature moves to the surface of the
________. A. Follicular phase C. ______ 3. The blood during within the ovary. ovary just before the mid-
Menstruation B. Luteal phase D. menstruation is due to crashed 3. The lining of the uterus cycle.
Ovulation 4. The term that refers to ______2. Uterine linings begin
egg cells. becomes thin after bleeding. 4.
painful menstruation is
The mature egg travels from the to break down and bleeding
_____________. A. Dysmenorrhea C.
Oligomenorrhea B. Menorrhagia D. ______ 4. When woman get ovary to the uterus. 5. Uterine results.
Polymenorrhea 5. The term used to pregnant, they still experience linings begin to break down and ______3. The mature egg
describe excessive volume of monthly period. bleeding results. travels from the ovary to the
menstruation is ______________. A. 6. An egg in the ovary continues to uterus.
Dysmenorrhea C. Oligomenorrhea B. ______ 5. The number of days of mature. ______4. The endometrium
Menorrhagia D. Polymenorrhea 6. 7. The endometrium or lining of becomes thicker in
menstrual cycle may be shorter or
What part of the uterus becomes the uterus becomes thicker in preparation for the
thicker in preparation for the longer.
preparation for the implantation implantation of the fertilized
implantation of the fertilized egg? A.
of the fertilized egg. egg.
Cervix C. Fallopian tube B. ______ 6. Menarche signals the
8. The mature egg is released. ______5. A new egg cell starts
Endometrium D. Ovary 7. What possibility to become pregnant in
happens to the egg cell while the presence of sperm cell. 9. The mature egg moves to the to mature within the ovary.
menstruation is going on? A. It dies. surface of the ovary just before ______6. The next menstrual
B. It is fertilized. C. It starts to the mid-cycle. cycle is then about to begin.
______ 7. After menopause,
mature. D. It travels to the fallopian
woman can still get pregnant. 10. The next menstrual cycle is ______7. The lining of the
_______ 8. Hormones are then about to begin. uterus becomes thin after
8. How many days does it take for
the egg to travel to the uterus when important in the menstrual cycle. bleeding.
it is released from the ovarian ________ 9. Stress can be a factor _______8. An egg in the ovary
follicle? A. 2-3 C. 4-5 B. 3-4 D. 5-6 9. It of changing menstrual cycle. continues to mature.
is a yellow structure in the ovary that _______ 10. It takes five days for a _______9. The mature egg is
produces estrogen and large woman to complete menstrual released.
amounts of progesterone. A. cycle. _______10.The process of
Endometrium C. Corpus luteum B. fertilization may take place.
Estrogen D. Follicle – stimulating
hormone 10. Myra who is a grade
five pupil did not notice that she
stained her skirt with blood due to
menstruation. What will you do? A.
Ignore her. B. Laugh at her for not
being cautious. C. Tell others that
Myra has bloodstain so they can start
teasing her. D. Tell her in private that
she has bloodstain and for her to
change her pad.
J.additional activities for application Conduct an interview with your older Directions: Ask your older
or remediation sisters or mother female friends, sisters, or
about their menstruation. Be guided
with the interview questions below: mother about their experiences
during menstruation or
At what age did you first experience “period”. Write down some
to have menstruation or period? challenges that they have met
and how did they deal about it.
For this month, at what exact date do Copy and use the table below,
you usually start experiencing then give hygienic practices
during menstruation.
Based on your observation, at what
exact date your bleeding stops?
A.No. of learners who earned 80% in ___Lesson carried. Move on to the next objective.
the evaluation ___Lesson not carried.
_____% of the pupils got 80% mastery
B.No.of learners who require ___Pupils did not find difficulties in answering their lesson.
additional activities for remediation ___Pupils found difficulties in answering their lesson.
___Pupils did not enjoy the lesson because of lack of knowledge, skills and interest about the lesson.
___Pupils were interested on the lesson, despite of some difficulties encountered in answering the questions asked by the teacher.
___Pupils mastered the lesson despite of limited resources used by the teacher.
___Majority of the pupils finished their work on time.
___Some pupils did not finish their work on time due to unnecessary behavior.
C.Did the remedial work? No.of ___ of Learners who earned 80% above
learners who have caught up with
the lesson
D.No. of learners who continue to ___ of Learners who require additional activities for remediation
require remediation
E.Which of my teaching strategies ___Yes ___No
worked well? Why did these work? ____ of Learners who caught up the lesson
F.What difficulties did I encounter ___ of Learners who continue to require remediation
which my principal or supervisor can
helpme solve?
G.What innovation or localized Strategies used that work well:
materials did used/discover which I ___Metacognitive Development: Examples: Self assessments, note taking and studying techniques, and vocabulary assignments.
wish to share with other teachers? ___Bridging: Examples: Think-pair-share, quick-writes, and anticipatory charts.
___Schema-Building: Examples: Compare and contrast, jigsaw learning, peer teaching, and projects.
Examples: Demonstrations, media, manipulatives, repetition, and local opportunities.
___Text Representation:
Examples: Student created drawings, videos, and games.
___Modeling: Examples: Speaking slowly and clearly, modeling the language you want students to use, and providing samples of student work
Other Techniques and Strategies used:
___ Explicit Teaching
___ Group collaboration
___Gamification/Learning throuh play
___ Answering preliminary
___ Carousel
___ Diads
___ Differentiated Instruction
___ Role Playing/Drama
___ Discovery Method
___ Lecture Method
___ Complete IMs
___ Availability of Materials
___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn
___ Group member’s
in doing their tasks
___ Audio Visual Presentation
of the lesson