IOCL Housekeeping

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SUBJECT: Providing Housekeeping & Miscellaneous Services at

UPSO II Office, E-8, Sector-1 Noida and IOCL Housing Complex,
Sector 39, Noida, Uttar Pradesh.


Tender No.: UPSO-2/HR/LT-2/2021-22

Last Date of Tender Submission: 23/08/2021 upto 14:00 Hrs.

Bid Opening on: 24 /08/2021 at 15:00 Hrs.

Providing Housekeeping & Miscellaneous Services at UPSO II Office, E-8, Sector-1
IndianOil Noida and IOCL Housing Complex, H63C, Sector 39, Noida



1. Notice Inviting e-Tender 1
2. List of documents required to be uploaded Annex-1 9
3. Important Guidelines to Tenderes- Annex-2 11
4. Special conditions of contract - Annex-3 13
5. Instructions to tenderers- Annex-4 30
6. Scope of works -Annex-5 36
7. List & make of consumables and SOR -Annex-6 45


1. Statement of Credentials to be furnished by tenderer Annex-A Separately/
2. Declaration A, B, C, D - Annex-B 50
3. List of Directors of Indian Oil Corporation Limited Annex-C 52
4. Proforma of Declaration of Black Listing / Holiday Listing- Annex-D 53
5. Proforma for tender not tampered- Annexure -E 55
6. Format for consent letter for payment through Electronic Mode.-Annex-F 56
7. Format for acceptance of tender terms and conditions Attached
8. General conditions of contract (GCC) with safety practices Attached
9. Safety Declaration Annex-G 57
10. Indemnity Bond for undertaking for PF Annex-H 58
11. Indemnity Bond for undertaking for ESIC-Annex-I 60
12. Declaration (to be executed on obtaining work order)-Annex-J 62
13. Format of Bid Security Declaration in lieu of EMD- Annex-K 64
14. Bank Guarantee proforma in lieu of Security Deposit (SD)-Annex-L 65
15. Proforma for non engagement of child labour- Annex -N 67
16. Contract agreement form Annex-O 68
17 GST Details Annex-P 71
18. Proforma Regarding No dues Annex-Q 72
20. Declaration on NCLT / NCLAT / DRT/ DRAT/ Court Receivership/ 76
Liquidation Annex-S
21. Declaration of of and of Local
Annex-T 77
22. Special Instructions to the bidder for participating in e-Tender Attached
23. FAQs on Online EMD Payment facility in IOCL e-tendering system Attached
25. Price schedule BOQ file Attached

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Providing Housekeeping & Miscellaneous Services at UPSO II Office, E-8, Sector-1
IndianOil Noida and IOCL Housing Complex, H63C, Sector 39, Noida


Indian Oil Corporation Limited invites electronic bids through its website
under single bid system for the work as detailed below from indigenous bidders fulfilling the
qualifying requirements as stated hereunder.

1. TENDER NO. : UPSO-2/HR/LT-2/2021-22

2. E-Tender ID : 2021_UPSO2_139585

3. NAME OF WORK : Providing Housekeeping & Miscellaneous Services at

UPSO II Office, E-8, Sector-1 Noida and IOCL Housing
Complex, H-63C, Sector 39, Noida
4. LOCATION OF WORK : UPSO II Office,E-8, Sector 1, Noida and IOCL Housing
Complex, H- 63C, Sector 39, Noida
Rs. 69, 88,332/- (inclusive of GST @ 18%)


Bidders are required to download the tender documents free
of cost from IOCL e-tender website

DEPOSIT Exempted. Security Bid Declaration Form (Annexure-K)
is to be filled in lieu of EMD.

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Providing Housekeeping & Miscellaneous Services at UPSO II Office, E-8, Sector-1
IndianOil Noida and IOCL Housing Complex, H63C, Sector 39, Noida


a) Starts on : 17.08.2021 at 14:00 Hrs

b) Ends on : 23.08.2021 at 14:00 Hrs



a) Starts on : 17.08.2021 at 14:00 Hrs

b) Ends on : 23.08.2021 at 14:00 Hrs


12. Opening of Tender :

24.08.2021 at 15:00 Hrs
(Technical Bid Only)


Offer shall be valid for 120 Days from date of opening of
technical bid. In case of requirement, IOCL may seek further
extension of the validity of the offer from the bidders.
14. PERIOD OF CONTRACT Contract shall be valid for 6 Months.

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Providing Housekeeping & Miscellaneous Services at UPSO II Office, E-8, Sector-1
IndianOil Noida and IOCL Housing Complex, H63C, Sector 39, Noida

15. MODE OF TENDER : You may please note that this is an e-Tender and can only
SUBMISSION be downloaded and submitted in the manner specified in
Special Instructions to bidders for participating in e-tende
attached separately in this tender
Designation: Manager (HR) UPSO-II
Ph.- 0120-2557150

Corporation reserves the right to revise/ extend any Date/time from scheduled timelines of published


The procedure for evaluation of tenders shall be as follows:

1. Only the Bid, of those parties uploading their tenders before due date and time of submission,
shall be considered for opening.
2. Party who has quoted the lowest rate (L1rate) on landed cost basis (Based on Rate quoted in
BoQ1 and BoQ2) will be considered for award of work with or without negotiation and after
considering the tax credit implication wherever applicable as per the policy of the Corporation.
3. In case of tie between two or more bidders at L-1 position, all the L-1 bidders shall be asked to
submit the discount bid in terms of percentage discount over previous quoted amount in a
sealed envelope (activity outside the e-portal). In case there is a tie again, the bidder with
highest turnover in any of the last 3 years as submitted against turnover criteria shall be
considered as L-1 bidder.
In the event of bidder submitting turnover documents for only one or two years, L-1 shall be
submitted on the basis of turnovers submitted.
4. In case the bidder has been asked to submit price bid/price implication in physical form, the
use of white/erasing fluid for correcting the rates is banned. Wherever the rates are corrected
with white/erasing fluid, the bids will be summarily rejected.
5. Negotiations shall not be conducted with the bidders as a matter of routine. However,
Corporation reserves the right to conduct negotiations. Tenderers will have to attend the Office
of INDIAN OIL CORPORATION LIMITED as informed by Tender Issuing Authority for
negotiations/clarifications as required in respect of their quotation without any commitment
6. In case a bidder is put on holiday / Black listed after opening of bid , then bid of such
bidders will be ignored & will not be further evaluated. The bidder will not be

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Providing Housekeeping & Miscellaneous Services at UPSO II Office, E-8, Sector-1
IndianOil Noida and IOCL Housing Complex, H63C, Sector 39, Noida

considered for issue of order even if the party is the lowest (L1). In such situation next
lowest shall be considered as L1.

7. Document verification with originals shall be carried out after opening of bids for the short listed
bidder(s) only. Since documents are submitted by the bidder(s) in the tender, the responsibility
of authenticity of documents shall be with the bidder(s).
Shortlisted bidder(s) shall be required to present their original documents to the tender inviting
authority within a period of 7 days from the date of intimation by IOCL.
In the event of failure of such bidder(s) to get the documents verified as per the specified time
schedule, the EMD of the bidder(s) shall be forfeited. In case it is observed that if any bidder(s)
submitted forged documents / credentials, necessary action for holiday listing of the bidder(s)
shall be carried out.
8. No purchase preference will be given against this tender.
9. The Works/Quantity cannot be split for this tender. Hence purchase/price preference for MSEs
& Startups will not be applicable for this tender
10. IOCL shall not be bound to accept lowest or any tender and reserve the right to accept one or
more tenders in part or full. The decision of IOCL in this regard shall be the final.
11. Other Points

1. Each tenderer can submit only one bid.

It is clarified that a person shall be deemed to have submitted multiple bids if he submits more
than one bid either individually or in any combination of person (individual capacity, proprietor,
affiliates, partnership, association of persons, Company). All such multiple bids shall be liable
for rejection.
(a) A person shall for this purpose mean an individual, proprietor, any partner, association of
persons, affiliate and company.
(b) A company shall for this purpose include any artificial person whether constituted under the
laws of Indian or of any other country.

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Providing Housekeeping & Miscellaneous Services at UPSO II Office, E-8, Sector-1
IndianOil Noida and IOCL Housing Complex, H63C, Sector 39, Noida

(c) A person shall be deemed to have bid in a partnership format or in association of persons
format if he is a partner of the firm which as submitted the bid or is a member of any
association of persons which has submitted a bid.
(d) A person shall be deemed to have bid in a Company format if, the person holds more than
10% (ten percent) of the voting share capital of the company which has submitted a bid, or is a
Director of the Company which has submitted a bid, or holds more than 10% (ten percent) of
voting share capital and/or is a Director of a holding Company which has submitted the bid.
(e) Affiliates of a firm are not permitted to make separate bids directly or indirectly. Two or
more parties who are affiliates of one another can decide which affiliate will make the bid. Only
one affiliate may submit a bid. If two or more affiliates submit more than one bid , then all such
bids shall be liable for rejection.

2. Consultants or their subsidiary company or companies under the management of

consultant, are not eligible to quote for the execution of the same job for which they are
working as consultant.
3. Bids from Consortium or MOU parties shall not be accepted.

4. The tenders will be summarily rejected if requisite EMD or EMD exemption document is not
uploaded on e-tendering portal as mentioned in NIT.

5. The bid of the party will also be rejected on the following grounds:

i. Tenderer not meeting tender qualifying parameter norms specified / not submitting pre-
qualifying and Other commercial criteria documents as per NIT.
ii. Non-withdrawal of conditions imposed in tender document & conditions imposed during
iii. A bidder who offers unsolicited reduction in the price offer whether before or after the
opening of the price part of the tender(s)/bid(s) shall be liable to have his/its/their bid(s)
rejected. Bidders may, however, at any stage offer a reduction if such reduction is
solicited or if the OWNER gives the Bidder an opportunity to offer such reduction.
iv. Tenderer submitting fabricated/ false/ forged documents for the tender.
v. Tenderer put on holiday list during the pendency of this tender.

6. Any Addendum/ Corrigendum/ Sale Date Extension in respect of the tender shall be
issued on our website only & no separate notification shall be

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Providing Housekeeping & Miscellaneous Services at UPSO II Office, E-8, Sector-1
IndianOil Noida and IOCL Housing Complex, H63C, Sector 39, Noida

issued in the press. Bidders are therefore requested to regularly visit our website to keep
themselves updated.

All bidders must login and visit their DASHBOARD on regular basis to get the timely updates related
to any communication sent in the form of e-mail/SMS by system.

7. Legal dispute, if any, arising during the evaluation of the tender shall be within the
jurisdiction of local courts.

a) For disputes up to stage of LOA NOIDA

b) For disputes during execution stage NOIDA

8. decision on all matters pertaining to this tender is final and binding for all bidders.

9. Please visit our website for further details of this tender.

10. Bidders may note that the following are attached separately and uploaded in the e-
tendering portal:
a) Special Instructions to bidders for participating in e-tendering.
b) online EMD facility in IOCL e-tendering and.
c) Format for Acceptance of Tender Terms and Conditions.

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Providing Housekeeping & Miscellaneous Services at UPSO II Office, E-8, Sector-1
IndianOil Noida and IOCL Housing Complex, H63C, Sector 39, Noida



Sl no Description
1 Undertakings and Declarations for Non tampering, (Annexure-E)
2 Undertakings and Declarations
3 Employee State Insurance (ESI) certificate: Wherever applicable copy of valid ESI
registration certificate to be uploaded. (Bidders submitting application for getting the
certificate will not be considered).
4 Performa Regarding No Dues. (Annexure-Q)
5 Undertaking for Sole Proprietorship (Annexure-S)
6 GST(Goods and Services Tax) Details (Annexure-P)

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Providing Housekeeping & Miscellaneous Services at UPSO II Office, E-8, Sector-1
IndianOil Noida and IOCL Housing Complex, H63C, Sector 39, Noida


Following copy of documents are to be submitted by the successful bidder prior to placement
of work order.

Sl no Description
1 Safety declaration(Annexure-G)
2 Undertaking for non engagement of child labour(Annexure-N)
3 ESIC Registration Certificate and undertakings towards ESI and PF as per proforma given
in the tender. (Annexure-H&I)
4 Contract Agreement(Annexure-O)
5 Format for consent letter for payment through Electronic Mode(Annexure-F)
6 HSN/SAC Code and GST rates

Note : It may be noted that mere submission of the relevant information and meeting the qualifying criteria would not
entitle the tenderer for technical qualification. The details submitted and the credentials can be verified by the
concerned authority. In the event document / information submitted by the tenderer is found to be forged or incorrect,
the tender shall be liable for rejection and / or the contract with such tenderer shall be terminated and EMD/SD
submitted shall be forfeited. Such tenderer may also be put on Holiday List by IOCL.

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Providing Housekeeping & Miscellaneous Services at UPSO II Office, E-8, Sector-1
IndianOil Noida and IOCL Housing Complex, H63C, Sector 39, Noida



1) Bidders are requested to carefully study all the documents / annexures and understand the
conditions, specifications etc before quoting their rates. Offers should strictly be in
accordance with the tender terms & conditions and our specifications. IndianOil reserves the
right to cancel the tender without assigning any reason.

2) Bidders are requested to go through the Instruction to the Bidders provided

in the IOCL e-Tendering site before participating in the e-Tender.

3) It is mandatory for every tenderer to provide all the information as set out in the tender
document irrespective of their earlier association with IOCL. Any conditional / incomplete
offer or failure to follow above instructions may lead to disqualification.

4) The Bidders shall upload legible scanned copy of necessary documents in support of
required qualification and experience along with their offer as per instruction given in the
Special Instructions to Bidders.

5) Physical/ Manual Bids shall not be accepted. Bids shall be accepted only though e-Tendering
portal. No manual bid shall be permitted along with electronic bids. In case of receipt of
manual bids apart from specifically requested offline documents in the tender, same shall be
returned to the bidder. Additional documents received through email shall also be ignored for
the purpose of evaluation, unless specifically advised by the Tender Issuing Authority.

6) It shall be understood that every endeavor has been made to avoid errors which can
materially affect the basis of the tender and the successful bidder shall take upon himself and
provide for risk of any error which may subsequently be discovered and shall make no
subsequent claim on account thereof.

7) Tenderers are advised not to send or upload un-necessary / unsolicited documents. The
same will not be evaluated.

8) Bids should be submitted as under :

Part I: Technical Bid complete with all technical and commercial details and documents other
than price shall be submitted essentially containing the documents in List of documents to be
uploaded by the

Prices shall be filled in the price bid format (excel sheet) provided with the tender documents
(i.e. uploaded in the website by IOCL).

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Providing Housekeeping & Miscellaneous Services at UPSO II Office, E-8, Sector-1
IndianOil Noida and IOCL Housing Complex, H63C, Sector 39, Noida

9) Tenders to note that price must be quoted only in the price schedule (BOQ) document.
Disclosure of any price or rate in any manner other than in the price bid will lead to
disqualification of the bid.

10) Any query with regard to rejection of the tender may be forwarded to Sh. Tinkoo Mathur,
Manager (Contracts), NRO IOCL, Contact No. .- 011-26518080; Extn: 2371.

11) Notwithstanding the sub divisions of the tender document into several sections and volumes,
every part of each shall be deemed to be supplementary of every other part and shall be read
with and into the contract so far as it may be practicable to do so.

12) Clarifications with respect to tender shall be obtained from IOCL.

13) Canvassing of information or submission of forged or false documents / information by any

bidder shall make their offer invalid.

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Providing Housekeeping & Miscellaneous Services at UPSO II Office, E-8, Sector-1
IndianOil Noida and IOCL Housing Complex, H63C, Sector 39, Noida




a) Tenderers are requested to submit earnest money deposit as per NIT. The EMD will not
carry interest
b) Tenderers may note that that the EMD shall be forfeited in case of following situations in
addition to those contained in GCC:
Canvassing of information or in case of fraud or submission of forged/ false documents/
information by tenderers.
Backing out after placement of LOA / work order.
Shortlisted bidder(s) as communicated by IOCL has to report to the tender inviting office
of IOCL for original documents verification within a period of 7 days from the date of
intimation by IOCL. In case of failure of the bidder to get the documents verified as per
the specified time schedule, the EMD of the party shall be forfeited.


This tender is a framework agreement and order for supply of service (work order) shall be
placed from the respective political state/union territory on location. The contractor shall
submit on receipt of work order and before starting the work, name of the supervisor who
shall be responsible for taking the instructions charge of
various work places. The acceptance of work done shall be the basis of payment to the
contractor. The contractor shall not on his own, undertake any work and if so done shall not
be considered for payment. The deployment of the workmen by the contractor shall be done
as per the instruction of the officer in charge during the day depending upon the requirement
on a particular day.


It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to arrange manpower trained to do a specific

work. The contractor shall be responsible for the conduct and behavior of the persons
employed by him, and shall ensure that all the rules and safety instructions, restriction
notified by the location in charge or officer authorized by Location Incharge are strictly
complied with by his employees.

Location in charge or officer authorized by Location In charge may deny entry to those
employees of the contractor who are not found trained to perform that particular work, or
whose conduct inside or outside the premises is found to be objectionable.

The contractor will have to ensure that adequate manpower as specified in the tender is
available at all the time. In case of absenteeism, the shortfall should be covered deploying
standby manpower. Contractor will make arrangements to keep its workers trained in safety
and operational aspects of their work. Corporation will arrange for the training from time to
time. Expenses if any, to be borne by contractor, if advised to do so.

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Providing Housekeeping & Miscellaneous Services at UPSO II Office, E-8, Sector-1
IndianOil Noida and IOCL Housing Complex, H63C, Sector 39, Noida

The above contract is the specific job / work and not for supply of manpower by the Bidder to
IOCL. Any sort of description in relation to manpower specified elsewhere in the tender
document is to ensure un-interrupted acceptable quality of services to IOC. The manpower
deployed will remain under ultimate superintendence and control of the Contractor only and
Contractor is under obligation to provide the services as specified in the scope of work in the
tender document. The Contractor would be solely responsible for all statutory / legal
compliance in relation to deployment of his manpower for execution of job / work at IOC unit
pursuant to the tender.


Unless otherwise specified, all the materials / equipments / consumables required for the
subject work will be procured by the contractor at his own cost, without any additional
financial implication on IOC, and must be of the specified quality/brand and must get
approved by our concerned officer before they are brought to site and also before being
actually put to use. Any materials brought without prior written approval, will be entirely at
the risk and cost of the contractor.

Unless otherwise specified, it will be responsibility for procurement of all

materials / equipments, etc. No delay due to non-availability of any material / equipments will
be entertained by the Corporation. In case, the desired materials / equipments are not
arranged by the party, the same may be made available by the Corporation. In such case,
the market rate for the use of such materials / equipments will be deducted from the party's
bill. Any statutory taxes payable on the same will be recoverable extra from the contractor.


Unless specified otherwise in any of the item in the contract, all the consumable, tools and
tackles for performing the work shall be managed by the contractor at his own cost.
Mandatory usage of non sparking tools to be done by workers.


Once the dispatch document is given to the contractor for taking delivery of material from the
transport agency, it will be the responsibility of the contractor to take timely delivery of the
material. Enroute taxes or duties paid on the material by the contractor shall be reimbursed
against proof of payment.
Also the contractor shall make good to the corporation any losses arising from the following;
a. Confiscation by the Government or local authority due to violation of any law by the
b. Mishandling of goods or damage due to any other reason during loading, unloading
and transportation


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Providing Housekeeping & Miscellaneous Services at UPSO II Office, E-8, Sector-1
IndianOil Noida and IOCL Housing Complex, H63C, Sector 39, Noida

It will be the responsibility of the contractor to get the works approved and obtain certificate
for all the work done on daily basis from the officer in charge. These certificates shall be
attached with the summary of work done for getting payment. Payment shall be claimed as
per the units of work specified in schedule of rates. The bill forms shall be printed and
prepared by the contractor and submitted to the location in charge once in a month for


8.1 Contract shall be valid as specified in the NIT. The starting date will be taken as the date as
mentioned in Work Order. Failing to take over will invoke penalty as per relevant Clauses of
GCC. This will be in addition to and without prejudice to the other rights available to the
Corporation under the said GCC.

8.2 On expiry of the period stipulated in the contract and any extensions thereof, it will be
to have been terminated automatically, unless otherwise intimation in writing is given by
IOCL. Further, the Contractor will not have any right either contractual or equitable to
demand any fresh contract for another term or to continue the same in preference to any
other intending party.

8.3 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein contained, the Corporation will be at liberty
terminate this contract forthwith upon or at any time, a breach or default of any terms,
conditions or stipulations contained herein is committed by contractor and / or by his
workmen deployed in IOC premises.

8.4 Notwithstanding anything contained in other clauses of the tender document, if at any time
during the period of contract, it is observed that the services are not being rendered to the
entire satisfaction of the IOC, the IOC will have a right to terminate the contract after
satisfying himself about the inability or unwillingness to render requisite
services or for other reasons. The decision in this regard will be final and binding on the

8.5 Upon termination of the contract, the IOC will be entitled, at the risk and cost of the
to carry on the services for the balance period of the contract as contemplated in the scope
of work through an independent agency and to adjust any differential amount thus incurred
from the Contractor in addition to any other amounts, compensation and damage, that the
IOC is entitled to, in terms of the relevant clauses of this existing contract from the security
deposit or any other amount due to the Contractor. Any amount liable to be recovered will
also attract GST

In the event of the expiry or termination of the contract, the contractor shall either be entitled
to remove or take away at its / their own cost, charges and expenses, all such movables
brought by them in he said location and as are capable of being removed or taken away
without causing any damage howsoever to the said location or any part thereof.

9.0 Abandonment of work:

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Providing Housekeeping & Miscellaneous Services at UPSO II Office, E-8, Sector-1
IndianOil Noida and IOCL Housing Complex, H63C, Sector 39, Noida

In case the Tenderer abandons the work in spite of our notice, the Corporation shall issue
the final notice to the Tenderer to remain present at site for taking final measurements and in

notice, the c
which will be binding on the Tenderer and the balance work will be carried out by any agency
appointed by the corporation at the entire risk and cost of the Tenderer.

The successful tenderer, upon placement of work order, shall pay security deposit, an
amount equivalent to 3% of the total contract value (exclusive of GST) in line with the Clause, Section- 2 of the GCC and associated clauses thereunder. For the purpose of this
contract, the defect liability period shall be considered as 12 months from the date of
completion of contract including extensions, if any. The Security Deposit will not carry

In case, SD is submitted in form of bank guarantee, the following conditions shall prevail:

Acceptance of BG.

i) Bank Guarantee for value up to Rs Two Crores can be accepted if it is issued by an Indian
Branch of any Scheduled Bank appearing in the Second Schedule to the RBI Act of 1934.
ii) BG for value above Rs Two Crores can be accepted is it is issued by an Indian Branch of

a) Any Nationalized / PSU Bank appearing in the Scheduled Banks list or

b) Any Scheduled Bank(other than a Nationalized / PSU Bank) having at least Desired
Credit rating at the time of acceptance of the BG.
Bank If the Tenor of BG is more If the Tenor of BG is up to 1 year, credit
than 1 year, credit rating of rating of
In case of foreign A of Moody s or equivalent P- of or
banks equivalent i.e,highest short
term rating
In case of Indian Bank AA of CRISIL or equivalent A- of CRISIL or equivalent i.e.
highest short term rating.

As on date, the following are the credit rating agencies approved by SEBI.

a) CRISIL Limited (

b) Fitch Ratings India Private Limited (
c) ICRA Limited (
d) Credit Analysis & Research Ltd. (CARE) (
e) Brickwork Ratings India Private Limited (
f) SME Rating Agency of India Ltd. (SMERA) (


The contractor shall complete the contractual formalities viz. execution of form of
contract/agreement, acceptance of Work order, and submission of ISD/SD within 15 days

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from the date of work order. In case of delay in submission of ISD/SD, IOC reserves the right

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Providing Housekeeping & Miscellaneous Services at UPSO II Office, E-8, Sector-1
IndianOil Noida and IOCL Housing Complex, H63C, Sector 39, Noida

to handover the site as per Clause 2.1 above and recover the ISD & SD for the completed
works in line with relevant Clause of GCC from their running bills. However, the contractor
shall execute the contract agreement form within 15 days from the date of work orders.


The rates of wages payable to the contract labours should not be less than the minimum
wages as applicable for the scheduled employment Construction or Maintenance of
Roads or in Build as per the Minimum Wages 1948.

In case of revision in Minimum Wages by the Government during the contractual period
including extensions, if any, the corresponding increase in the payment of wages including
the corresponding hike in the PF, ESIC contribution etc will be made by the contractor to
their workmen.


In case of any revision in rate of statutory minimum wages during the contract period, the
contractor shall be compensated for the additional implication arising out of the revision,
including the implication on related statutory payments, based on proof of payment to the
contract workmen by the contractor i.e. wages sheet, PF challan, ESI challan (if applicable)
to establish the differential implication. The reimbursement will be limited to a specified no.of
contract labours engaged by the contractor for carrying out specific jobs pertaining to IOC.

This clause will not be applicable to those cases in which the wages paid are more than
statutory minimum wages notified by appropriate Government.

Subject to other conditions stipulated in the modalities of Contract Labour Welfare policy, the
amount of actual Transport Assistance paid by the contractor will be reimbursed on
production of record thereof.


The successful contractor shall ensure that payment of salaries to all workmen under this
subject tender contract be made though RTGS/NEFT only and proof of such payment will
have to be made available as and when required by IOCL.

The successful contractor also has to ensure that any loan, advance of any nature extended
to the contract labour should be through RTGS/NEFT only.

In case of irreconcilable conflict in non technical matters between provisions in separate
contract documents governing the same aspect, the following shall prevail in order of

1. Formal contract
2. Acceptance of tender

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Providing Housekeeping & Miscellaneous Services at UPSO II Office, E-8, Sector-1
IndianOil Noida and IOCL Housing Complex, H63C, Sector 39, Noida

3. Price schedule annexed to the letter of acceptance

4. Agreed variations annexed to the letter of acceptance
5. Addenda to the tender documents
6. Special Conditions of Contract
7. Instructions to Tenderers
8. General conditions of Contract

A variation or amendment issued after the execution of the formal contract shall take
precedence over the formal contract and all other Contract Documents. Notwithstanding the
sub divisions of the tender document into several sections and volumes, every part of each
shall be deemed to be supplementary of every other part and shall be read with and into the
contract so far as it may be practicable to do so.

16.0 The Corporation reserves the right to operate or not operate or partly operate any item
mentioned in the schedule. The Corporation is not committed to give all the works to the
successful bidder.
The Corporation reserves the right to appoint any parallel contractor for the same job. The
Corporation is not liable to pay any damages towards loss of profit in the event of any item of
schedule of work being done by any other contractor.
The quantities appearing in the Schedule of Rates are approximate quantities. The actual
quantities may vary. No guarantee of minimum work or payment is given.

17.0 The contractor shall take note that rates quoted shall be inclusive of all Taxes & Duties, and
All other expenditure required to be incurred by him/her for providing required services etc.
during the contract period as indicated under this contract, except applicable GST

18.0 The accepted rates of the contract shall be valid till the completion of works in all respects
and no escalation whatsoever will be entertained on any grounds except the ones defined
in this tender.

19.0 The Contractor will be liable to comply with all the rules and regulations in respect of all
statutory obligations applicable to the workmen including safety regulations.

20. Contractor will fully comply with the provisions of all the labour Laws/rules (both central and
state), whichever are applicable to workmen deployed by the party in relation to the subject
e Insurance
Act, 1948 (if applicable) (III) Payment of Wages Act, 1936 (IV) Minimum Wages Act, 1948

(Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970 (VIII) Payment of Bonus Act, 1965.(if applicable) (IX) GST
(X) Payment of gratuity Act (If applicable) (XI) Industrial dispute Act and/or such other Acts
of Laws, regulations passed by the Central, States, Municipal and local government agency
or authority.

21. The statutory Minimum wages payable shall be as prescribed by the State Government,
since State Government is the Appropriate Government for us under the Minimum Wages
Act, 1948, where for the same scheduled employment, Central government has also fixed
Minimum wages, if any, the higher of the wages fixed shall be payable.

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22. As per the statutory requirement, the contractor will remit PF and ESI (if applicable) every
23. As and when the wages is revised, the contractor will make payment of revised wages to his
labour and also ensure remittance of PF and ESI (if applicable) on the revised wages.

24. As and when wages gets revised the successful tenderer will be suitably informed by the
Corporation and the successful tenderer will make the revised (due to revision in wages)
payment to the person on monthly basis. The successful tenderer will be reimbursed actual
additional amount incurred due to revision in wages including GST on the additional amount.
The additional payment shall be limited to numbers of manpower mentioned in this tender or
actually deployed, whichever is lower.

24. The labours on duty will be supervised either by Contractor or his supervisor.

25. The contractor shall be responsible for any compensation to their Workmen payable under
mendments there to/for injuries caused to
the workmen. The contractor shall be responsible for and pay the expenses for providing
medical treatment to any workmen who may suffer any bodily injury as a result of any
accident. The contractor shall be liable for all the payments to their staff, labourers and
workmen employed for the performance or carrying of the said work and the Corporation
shall in no event be liable or responsible for any payment and the contractor shall keep the
Corporation indemnified against the same and from all proceedings in respect thereof.

26. In case, there is any absenteeism on the part of workmen assigned for the jobs during
working hours, the contractor will have to make standby arrangements, failing which
proportionate deduction will be made on the basis of daily wages being paid to the workmen,
besides imposition of penalty charges as detailed elsewhere in this tender. The amount thus
recovered shall also attract GST


The following clauses are relevant for tenders for works contract under GST Law.

Clause Description

1 Contractual period / Work Completion Period /Contractual Delivery Date / Contractual Completion Period
shall mean the Scheduled Delivery / Completion Period as mentioned in the LOA (Letter of Acceptance)
or Purchase Order or Work Order and shall also include approved extensions, if any.

1 Where any portion of the GCC/any other section of tender, is repugnant to or at variance with any
provision of the Standard Taxation Condition (STC), then the provision of the STC shall be deemed to
override the provisions of the GCC and shall, to the extent of such repugnance or variations, prevail.
2 For the purpose of this STC, the term in addition to tax imposed under CGST (Central Tax)/SGST (State
Tax)/IGST (Integrated Tax)/UTGST (Union Territory Tax)/ GST Compensation Cess Acts, also includes
any duties, cess or statutory levies levied by central or state authorities.

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3 Rate variation in Taxes and any new promulgated taxes after last date of the submission of price bid only on
the final product and/or services (applicable to invoices raised on IOCL) within the contractual delivery
date /period (including extension approved if any) shall be on IOCL s Account against submission
of documentary evidence.

Further , in case of delay in delivery of goods and/or services, any upward rate variation in Taxes and
any new promulgated taxes imposed after the contractual delivery date shall be to the /

Similarly in case of any reduction in the rate(s) of the Taxes between last date of submission of price
bid relevant to the Contract and the date of execution of activities under the contract, the Contractor
shall pass on the benefit of such reduction to IOCL with the view that IOCL shall pay reduced duty/Tax to
4 Wherever any escalation / de-escalation linked to raw material price (Basic price excluding taxes) is
allowed as per terms of the contract, Variation to the extent related to escalation / de-escalation of
of material shall be allowed without Tax unless specified otherwise.
5 It would be the responsibility of the contractor to get the registration with the respective Tax authorities.
Any taxes being charged by the Contractors would be claimed by issuing proper TAX Invoice indicating
/elements of all taxes charged and necessary requirements as prescribed under the respective tax laws
and also to mention his correct and valid registration number(s) along with IOCL s registration number as
applicable for particular supply on all invoices raised on IOCL.

Contractor to provide the GSTIN number from where the supply is proposed to be under taken. Further the
HSN Code / Service Accounting Code (SAC) as applicable for the subject tender needs to be provided
in the columns provided in the technical bid.

In case the contractor is opting for Composition scheme under the GST laws (i.e Section 10 of the CGST Act,
2017 and similar provisions under the respective State / UT law), the contractor should confirm the
same. Further the contractor to confirm the issuance of Bill of Supply while submission of tender documents
and no GST will be charged on IOCL.

In case the contractor is falling under Unregistered category, the contractor should confirm the same.
6 The contractor would be liable to reimburse or make good of any loss/claim by IOCL towards tax credit
rejected /disallowed by any tax authorities due to non deposit of taxes or non updation of the data in
GSTIN network or non filling of returns or non compliance of tax laws by the Contractor by issuance of
suitable credit note to IOCL. In case, contractor does not issues credit note to IOCL, IOCL would be
constrained to recover the amount including interest payable alongwith Statutory levy/Tax, if any,
payable on such
7 Tax element on any Debit Note / Supplementary invoice, raised by the contractor will be reimbursed
by IOCL as long as the same is within the permissible time limit as per the respective taxation laws
and also permissible under the Contract terms and conditions. Contractors to ensure that such debit
Notes are
uploaded while filing the Statutory returns as may be prescribed from time to time.
8 The contractor will be under obligation for quoting/charging correct rate of tax as prescribed under the
respective Tax Laws. Further the Contractor shall avail and pass on benefits of all
exemptions/concessions/benefits/waiver or any other benefits of similar nature or kind available under the
Tax Laws. In no case, differential Tax Claims due to wrong classification of goods and/or services or
understanding of law or rules or regulations or any other reasons of similar nature shall be entertained
by IOCL.
9 In case, IOCL s Input Tax Credit (ITC) is rejected on account of wrong levy of tax i.e. payment of
Integrated Tax in place of Central Tax+ State/Union Territory Tax or vice versa, the contractor is liable to
make good the loss suffered by IOCL by issuance of suitable credit note to IOCL. In case, contractor does
not issue credit note to IOCL, IOCL would be constrained to recover the amount including interest
payable alongwith

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Statutory levy, if any, payable on such recovery.
10 In case the contractor is opting for Composition scheme under the GST laws, in such event the evaluation of
his bid will be based on the Quoted Price.
In case the contractor is falling under Unregistered category, then GST liability, if any, on IOCL will be
included for the purpose of evaluation.

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11 In case, IOCL is eligible to avail Input TAX Credit (ITC), the same shall be reduced from the delivered price
arrive at the net landed cost.
12 IOCL shall reimburse GST levied as per invoice issued by the Contractor as prescribed under section 31
of the CGST Act and respective states and Rules.
13 To enable IOCL to avail ITC, the contractor/supplier shall furnish/submit any and all certificates, documents
and declarations as are required by IOCL to avail of the ITC with respect to GST reimbursed by IOCL on
materials sold to IOCL.
14 Invoice should be raised as per Tax Rates mentioned in the BIDs and in case at the time of raising Invoice if
the invoices raised are not as per Tax rates mentioned in the bid, payment will be limited to the rate quoted
as per BID subject to increase /decrease in Rates after last date of submission of Price Bid provided delivery
is within the Contractual period.
15 CUSTOM DUTY (These clauses will not be applicable wherever port clearances are in the scope of IOC and
IOC is to take delivery at Port) applicable for Global Tender
15.1 Custom Duty for this clause shall mean Basic Custom Duty, Additional Duty of Customs levied under Section
3 of the Customs Tariff Act equivalent to the IGST and Education Cess and Secondary and
Secondary Cess.
15.2 The contractor shall within 7 (seven) days of dispatch /shipment of any such materials forward to the owner,
the following documents.
(i) Supplier s /Vendor Invoice indicating item wise price of the materials for the purpose of assessing
customs and other Import duties
(ii) Bill of lading/Airway Bill
(iii) Package wise packing list
(iv) Certificate of origin and other relevant documents relating to the identification of the materials.
(v) Other relevant documents for the assessment of customs duties and the clearance of goods through
15.3 The Contractor shall also be fully responsible for Port and Customs clearance including stevedoring,
handling, unloading, loading and storage and for satisfying all Port and Customs formalities for the
clearance of the goods , including preparation of the BILL(s) of Entry mentioning the applicable GSTIN of
IOCL and other documents required for import and or/clearance of the goods. The applicable GSTIN shall
be advised by IOCL. The Contractor shall also be fully responsible for any delays, penalties,
interest, demurrages, shortages and any other charges and losses, if any in this regard.
15.4 The Custom Duty payable shall be reimbursed on production of supporting documents or paid directly to
the Customs Authority, as the case may be.
15.5 IOCL shall pay the CUSTOM DUTY within 1 (one) working day or specified under Customs law, after the day
on which the CONTRACTOR furnishes the complete necessary documents including duty requisition slip

However additional cost on account of delayed payment of Custom duty due to IOCL s fault shall be paid
by IOCL.
15.6 IOCL will not bear liability towards payment of safeguard duty, Anti Dumping duty, Protective Duty or
Countervailing Duty on subsidized articles or any other such duties of Customs imposed by the Government
of India under Custom Tariff Act 1975 applicable on such materials in India.

appointment and payment to clearing agents and no reimbursement will be made by IOCL except as
quoted in the price bid.
15.8 The contractor shall provide IOCL with all documents necessary for IOCL to claim Input Tax Credit (ITC) of
the IGST levied under Section 3 of the Custom Tariff Act. Should the contractor fail to provide any such
document(s) resulting in a shortfall in the ITC available to IOCL, the shortfall shall be made good by the
contractor by issuance of suitable credit note to IOCL. In case the contractor does not issue credit note to
IOCL, in such case, IOCL would be constrained to recover the amount along with interest and statutory
levy, if any, and such recovery would be without pre-judice to any other mode of recovery from the
Running Account or other bills or payments to the Contractor.

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15.9 The input tax credit available to IOCL will be reduced to arrive at the net Landed cost in the hand of IOCL
for evaluating the Bids.

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15.10 In case the bidder is availing any exemption under the prevailing customs law, then necessary
documentary proof for availing the said exemption is required to be submitted. In the event of non
submission of the requisite documents as per the conditions for availing the exemption by the
successful bidder, then the additional outflow on account of various taxes and duties will be
recovered from the
15.11 The Tariff Head under which the goods will fall should be clearly mentioned along with the Custom Duty
Rate at the time of submission of Bid.

16.1 IOCL will issue Road Permit/Way Bill, by whatever name it is called, to the Contractor only in those
cases where materials is purchased by IOCL directly and/or IOC is statutorily required to issue the
Road permit/Way Bill, by whatever name it is called. Contractor will be under obligation for proper
utilization of road permits for the specific supply and in case of seizure of goods/vehicle; the Contractor
will be wholly responsible for release and reimburse the litigation cost to IOCL.
16.2 IOCL shall on no account be responsible for delay or hold up due to the timely non availability of such
documents as are required to be furnished by the owner to obtain the Road Permit/Way bill, by
whatever name it is called. However, IOCL shall make best efforts to provide sufficient number of Road
Permits/way bill, by whatever name it is called. on demand to avoid any delay or Hold up.
17 Works Contract / Composite Supply / Mixed Supply

17.1 Works contracts as defined under the GST law includes Contracts for Building, Construction,
Fabrication, Completion, Erection, Installation, Fitting out, Improvement, Modification, Repair, Maintenance,
Renovation, Alteration or Commissioning of any immovable property wherein transfer of goods is
involved in the execution of such contracts.

Composite Supply has been defined as supply in which two or more supply of goods or service or both
or any combination are naturally bundled and supplied in conjunction with each other in the ordinary
course of Business, and then the rate as applicable for principal supply will be applicable on the entire

Mixed supply has been defined as supplies of goods or service or both which are made in conjunction with
each other for a single price and which does not constitute a composite supply then the rate as
applicable for the highest rate will be applicable.

In view of the above various definitions under GST law, bidders are required to evaluate the jobs to be
undertaken covered under the tender and quote accordingly by taking in to account the nature of Job
read with the legal provision.
17.2 The place of supply in relation to an immovable property shall be the location at which the immovable
property is located or intended to be located. Hence the bidders have to seek registration at the
locations where the work is intended to be carried out.

17.3 In case, IOCL is eligible to avail Input TAX Credit (ITC), the same shall be reduced from the delivered price
to arrive at the net landed cost. IOCL shall reimburse GST levied as per TAX invoice issued by the
Contractor as prescribed under respective GST Acts and Rules. In case the contractor is not permitted to
issue Tax Invoice
the same should be clearly mentioned in the price Bid.
17.4 To enable IOCL to avail ITC, the contractor/supplier shall furnish/submit any and all certificates, documents
and declarations as are required by IOCL to avail of the ITC with respect to VAT reimbursed by IOCL on
materials sold to IOCL
17.5 Invoice should be raised as per Tax Rates mentioned in the BIDs and in case at the time of raising Invoice if
the invoices raised are not as per Tax rates mentioned in the bid, payment will be limited to the rate quoted
as per BID subject to increase /decrease in Rates after last date of submission of Price Bid provided delivery
is within the Contractual period.
17.6 The GST at applicable rates shall be recoverable from contractor over and above the penalty and or
recovery if any.

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17.7 Wherever provisions of Tax deduction at Source (TDS) are applicable under the CGST / SGST / UTGST/IGST
Act ,2017 on supplies of goods or services or both to IOCL , tax will be deducted from the invoice
raised and deposited with the authorities by IOCL. TDS certificate as per provisions of CGST / SGST /
Act, 2017 shall be issued by IOCL.
18.1 The contractor shall be exclusively responsible and liable to pay Taxes on Income arising out of payment made out of the
18.2 Wherever withholding tax (TDS) is applicable under the Income tax Act , 1961 the same will be deducted from the
Invoices raised and Certificate as per provision of the Income tax Act and it Rules will be issued to the contractor.
18.3 Where the contractor is eligible for deduction at lower rate of TDS, supporting documents to be furnished to paying
authority of IOCL before the payment is released. Once the deduction is made at higher rate and TDS is deposited to
authorities, no claim will be entertained by IOCL.
18.4 Non Resident Bidder
a) Notwithstanding anything mentioned in the contract, Letter of Acceptance, BID Documents or any
correspondences, following clauses shall be applicable with respect to Indian Income Tax including
withholding tax.
b) The CONTRACTOR shall be exclusively responsible and liable to pay all income taxes on any payments
arising out of the Contract, whether payable in India or outside India.
c) Any payment to non-resident or its permanent establishment (PE) in India which is chargeable to tax in
India attracts withholding tax in India under Income Tax Act, 1961 shall be subject to provisions of Double
Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) wherever applicable, for withholding tax purposes only.
d) Contractor shall not include withholding tax / tax deductible at source in its quoted price. Withholding tax
as applicable as per Indian Income Tax Act read with respective Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements
(DTAA) will be borne by IOCL.
e) intends to obtain a Certificate of Lower or NIL
Withholding Tax/Tax deductible at source in terms of provisions of Indian Income Tax Act, 1961 and rules
made thereunder, Withholding tax/Tax deductible at source will be deducted from amount payable under the
contract as per Certificate issued by tax authorities under Income Tax Act, 1961 and rules made thereunder.
f) In all cases whether Withholding tax/Tax deductible at source is borne by IOCL as described in Clause
above or deducted from amount payable as per contract as described in Clause above, Certificate of
Withholding tax/Tax deducted at source will be provided by IOCL enabling contractor to claim credit of the
same in their country of residence.
g) To facilitate benefits of DTAA, Contractor shall provide copy of:
(i) Tax Residence Certificate (TRC),
(ii)Form 10F as described in Rule 21AB of Income Tax Rules, 1962,
(iv) Permanent Account Number (PAN), if available or
(v) Declaration in lieu of PAN as per Rule 37BC of Income Tax Rules, 1962.
(vi)Any other document(s) which might be required to enable IOCL to apply Lower OR NIL rate of
withholding tax.

a. The contractor shall be exclusively responsible and liable to pay Taxes on Income arising out of
payment made out of the contract.
b. Wherever withholding tax i.e. Tax deduction at source (TDS) is applicable under the Income tax
Act, 1961 the same will be deducted from the Invoices raised and TDS Certificate as per
provision of the Income tax Act and Rules shall be issued to the contractor.
c. PAN is mandatory. If PAN is not provided TDS would be deducted at higher rate as per the
provisions of Income Tax Act.

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28. Labour Agreement/PF/ESI requirements shall be adhered to as per the relevant Clauses of

29. Bill Of Quantities is approximate and payment shall be made as per actual certified quantity.

30. IOC reserves the right to appoint third party supervision/ inspection agency for supervision of
works on behalf of IOC.

CONTRACTOR shall as a part of his obligation sign an agreement for secrecy of the
drawings / documents with IOC. CONTRACTOR, hereby, expressly undertake to keep all
the drawings/documents as well as other Technical information given in the CONTRACT-
DOCUMENT secret and shall not divulge or leak or otherwise cause to be known to the
competitors or others having any interest in such process in anyway the contents in any
form, shape or method.


Following clauses forming part of the GCC issued along with the tender are deleted:

a. Clause General, section 2 of GCC is deleted.

b. Clause no. 3.0 Section - Instruction to tenderers of GCC is deleted.
c. Clause The clause shall partly be modified. Duration of 30 days shall be
read as 20 days.
d. GCC contains provisions for arbitration and alternate dispute resolution machinery
under section-9, which stands deleted. Further, the reference to arbitration and
alternative dispute resolution machinery provision contained in any other term &
condition in GCC, which may be general or special in nature shall also stand deleted to
the extent the said contents are applicable to the arbitration provisions.

Dispute Resolution:

If any dispute or difference of any kind whatsoever shall arise between the Parties in
connection with or arising out of this Agreement, such dispute or difference shall be resolved
through arbitration as per the procedure mentioned herein below:

a) The dispute or difference shall be referred to a Sole Arbitrator.

b) The arbitration shall be through SCOPE (Standing Conference of Public

Enterprises) Forum of Conciliation & Arbitration (Name of Institutional
Arbitration Forum).

c) The Rules of the above-mentioned Institutional Arbitration Forum shall be

applicable to the arbitral proceedings.

d) The Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996 and Arbitration and Conciliation
(Amendment) Act 2015 or any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof and

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the rules made there under for the time being in force shall apply to the
arbitration proceedings under this clause.

The seat of arbitration shall be at Noida.

f) The proceedings shall be conducted in English language.

g) The cost of the proceedings shall be equally borne by the parties, unless
otherwise directed by the sole arbitrator.

h) The following shall not be referred to arbitration:

i) Disputes having financial claims less than Rs. 5 lakhs.

j) Notwithstanding anything contained herein above (except h , upon arising of

dispute the parties may agree to refer the same to arbitration of mutually
acceptable sole arbitrator including employee of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.


The penalty for breach of safety during execution of works shall be levied by the Corporation
as below:

A. Violation of applicable safety, health and environment related norm, a penalty of Rs. 5000/-
per occasion.
B. Violation as above resulting in;
Any physical injury, a penalty of 0.5% of the contract value (max. of Rs. 2 lacs) per
injury in addition to Rs. 5000/- as mentioned above.
Fatal accident, a penalty of 1% of the contract value (max. of Rs. 10 lacs) per fatality
in addition to Rs. 5000/- as mentioned above.

In case of any breach of contract (other than price reduction clause for delayed completion),
recovery of requisite GST over and above the penalty amount shall be done from the
contractors bill

The tenderers are advised to submit their offer strictly as per the terms and conditions and
specifications contained in the tender document and not put forth conditions/ counter
conditions. Conditional tenders shall be liable for rejection.

The tenderers must note that the rates to be quoted should be as specified in price bid

Necessary power of attorney authorizing the person who is acting on behalf of the firm
should be produced before execution of the agreement.

37. The labour of the contractor although working in the premises of the IOCL shall always
remain the employee of the contractor and by virtue of the labour working in our

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establishment shall in no way create any employer-employee relationship between such

employees and IOCL.


a. The IOC will be entitled to inspect and or/test, by itself or through any of its
representative or
any independent agency, the premises held by the Vendor, any materials.

b. If any material, item or component intended to be used for the work is found to be
unsatisfactory (in which matter, the decision of the IOC or his authorized representative
will be final), the contractor will be forbidden to use such materials and suitable action
will be taken against the contractor.

c. Notwithstanding any inspection carried out by the Corporation or his representative, the
tenderer shall carry out its own inspections to ensure consistent performance.

d. Inspection & acceptance of works by IOC/ its authorized representative shall not absolve
the Contractor from any of his responsibilities under this Contract.

e. Contractor shall dispose of all waste generated and encountered in housekeeping and
maintenance works, such as papers, rags, oil soaked, silk, dry glass, weeds, kitchen
waste, etc. at his cost. The disposal shall be done outside the premises as directed by
the location in charge or officer authorized by location in charge


The vendor/ contractor will submit their monthly bill/s before 7th of the following month in a
format prescribed by IOCL. The bill/s in the prescribed format will be duly authenticated by
authorized representatives of the Contractor (power of Attorney holder) and supported with
the monthly wage bill, salary disbursement sheet for the month duly certified by the Officer- in-
Charge or his representative as per the Contract Labor (R&A) Act 1970 and or amended
thereto and copy of proof of deposit of Provident Fund (PF) & Employees State Insurance
(ESI) contributions if applicable .

Daily job card area wise for the scope of the work defined has to be got printed by the
tenderer and maintained for preparation of monthly bills

40 Payment Schedule

A Monthly Bills as per Schedule Payment every month.

Note: Mobilization advance is not applicable to this tender.

41. IOC will effect payments to the contractors through RTGS/NEFT only.

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42. The payment shall be made after following deductions:

a) Cost of damaged by the contractor.
b) Wastage or spillage.
c) Claim of wages by the employees, if not paid by the contractor.
d) Statutory payments and deposits not made by the Contractor.
e) Any other taxes due & to be paid by contractor and to be deposited by corporation, as
per law.
f) Any penalty levied, as per provision of general or specific conditions of tender or
agreement will be recovered along with applicable taxes.
g) In case of price discount for delay in deliveries of service, if any, to be passed on by
the contractor in invoice incorporating the same or through credit note by way of
h) Any other reason deemed fit.


( Party means Bidder/ Licensor/ Tenderer/ Consultant/ Contractor/ Contractor/ Sub-contractor/
sub- contractor/ Sub-consultant)
44. A Party may be put on holiday list in the event of any one or more of the following :
If a Party
a. Has indulged in malpractices such as bribery, corruption, fraud and pilferage, bid
rigging / price rigging
b. Is bankrupt or insolvent or is being dissolved or has resolved to be wound up or
proceedings for winding up or dissolution has been instituted.
c. Has submitted fake, false or forged documents/ certificates
d. Has substituted materials in lieu of materials supplied by IOCL or has not returned or
Has short returned or has unauthorizedly disposed off materials/ documents/
drawings/tools or plants or equipment supplied by IOCL
e. Has obtained official company information or copies of documents, in relation to the
tender/ contract, by questionable methods/ means
f. Has deliberately violated and circumvented the provisions of labour laws/ regulations/
rules, safety norms or other statutory requirements.
g. Has deliberately indulged in construction and erection of defective works or supply of
defective materials.
h. Has not cleared previous dues.
i. Has committed breach of Contract or has failed to perform a contract or has
abandoned the contract.
j. Has refused to accept Fax of Acceptance/ Letter of Acceptance/ Purchase Order/
Work Order after the same is issued by IOCL within the validity period and as per
agreed terms and conditions
k. After opening of Price Bid, on becoming L1, withdraws/ revises his bid upwards
within the validity period.
l. Has parted with, leaked or provided confidential/ proprietary information of IOCL given
to the party only for his use (in discharge of his obligations against an order) to any
third party without prior consent of IOCL
m. Any other ground for which in the opinion of the Corporation makes it undesirable to
Deal with the party

45. If a communication is received from the Administrative Ministry of IOCL to ban a party from
dealing with IOCL, the party shall be automatically put on Holiday list.

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46. A complaint book shall be maintained by the successful contractor for lodging of complaints.
Suitable penalty shall be levied in case of non compliance with any stipulated standard as
per the tender conditions and shall be recovered from the RA bill

47. No separate payment will be made by IOCL for works covered under scope of work or pre-
requisites for the contract, until and unless specifically mentioned.

48. Special conditions of contract will be read in conjunction with the general conditions of
contract and all other document forming part of this contract. Notwithstanding the
subdivisions of the document into these separate sections, every part of each will be
deemed to be supplementary to and complimentary to every other part and will be with and
into the document as far as it may be applicable to do so.

49. Where any portion of the general condition of contract is repugnant to or at variance with any
provision of special conditions of contract, the provision of special conditions of contract will
be deemed to over ride the provision of general conditions of contract and will be to the
extent of such repugnancy of variation prevail.

50. Clarifications with respect to tender shall be obtained from IOCL.

51. Any conditional / incomplete offer or failure to follow above instructions shall lead to
disqualification. Providing any details of rates offered in the technical commercial bid section
will lead to disqualification of the bidder.


The clarifications regarding partially omitted particulars or typographical or

clerical errors shall be final and binding on the Contractor.

53. At all places in the GCC enclosed with the tender document, OWNER shall mean INDIAN OIL
Yavar Jung Marg, Bandra(E), Mumbai-400051.



a. Offers from the following type of bidders shall not be considered:

i. If the bidder is undergoing insolvency resolution process or liquidation or

bankruptcy proceeding under Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (Code) or
any other applicable law (in cases where code is not applicable),

ii. Insolvency resolution process or liquidation or bankruptcy proceeding is initiated

under the Code or any other applicable law (in cases where code is not
applicable) against/by the bidder at any stage of evaluation of the bid.

b. In the event, insolvency resolution process or liquidation or bankruptcy proceeding is

initiated under the Code or any other applicable law (in cases where code is not
applicable) against/by the bidder, after submission of its bid but at any stage of
evaluation of the bid, it will be the responsibility of the bidder to inform IOCL within 15

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IndianOil Noida and IOCL Housing Complex, H63C, Sector 39, Noida

days from the date of · order of insolvency resolution process or liquidation or

bankruptcy proceeding passed by the Adjudicating Authority namely, National Company
Law Tribunal (NCLT) or Debt Recovery Tribunal (DRT) under the Code or any other
applicable law (in cases where code is not applicable)
c. If bidder refuses or fails to share the information regarding their status of insolvency
resolution process or liquidation or bankruptcy proceeding as sought hereinabove, in
their bid or at any later stage, as applicable, their offer is liable to be rejected by IOCL
and without prejudice to any other remedy or action available with IOCL, IOCL shall
forfeit the Earnest Money Deposit provided by the bidder, is any form whatsoever
d. IOCL reserves the right to cancel/terminate the contract without any liability on the part
of IOCL immediately on the commencement of insolvency resolution process or
liquidation or bankruptcy proceeding of any party under the contract.
e. In case where the bid of the L-1 bidder is rejected on the aforesaid grounds during the
period between Price-Bid-Opening and Award of Contract, then the bid of the next
higher eligible bidder will be considered for further processing.
f. If bidder fails to share or misrepresents the information regarding their status of
insolvency resolution process or liquidation or bankruptcy proceeding as sought
hereinabove and the bidder's bid results in a contract, IOCL, without prejudice to any
other any other remedy or action available with IOCL, shall be within its rights to
terminate the resultant contract.
g. A Declaration / Undertaking shall be submitted by the bidder in the attached format
along with the techno-commercial bid.
Business transaction status of Bidder:-

a. Tenderers who have transferred their ownership rights either in whole or in part to
another entity or under process of transfer shall intimate the same to IOCL in their letter
head while submitting the bid. IOCL reserves its right to reject the tender of any entity,
which has transferred its ownership rights in whole or in part or which is in process of
transfer without assigning any reason for such rejection.

b. If the tenderer refuses or fails to share the information regarding their status of any kind
of business transfer process/restructuring etc, in their tender or at any later stage, as
applicable, their tender is liable to be rejected by IOCL and without prejudice to any
other remedy or action available with IOCL, IOCL shall forfeit the Earnest Money
Deposit provided by the tenderer, in any form whatsoever.

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Providing Housekeeping & Miscellaneous Services at UPSO II Office, E-8, Sector-1
IndianOil Noida and IOCL Housing Complex, H63C, Sector 39, Noida



Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), having its registered Office at E-8, Sector-1, Noida, is having
a Residential Colony at IOCL Housing Complex, H-63 C, Sector 39,Noida comprising 2 buildings of
7 floors (total 35 flats). This tender is for providing services for Housekeeping & Miscellaneous
Services at the above mentioned premises.

Bidder is advised to visit the site and familiarize themselves of the existing facilities & environment,
and collect all other information, which may be required for preparing and submitting the bid and
entering into the contract. Claims & objections due to ignorance of existing conditions or
inadequacy of information will not be considered after submission of the bid and during

Materials / Equipments
1.1 Unless otherwise specified, all the materials / equipments / consumables required for the subject
work will be procured by the contractor at his own cost without any additional financial implication
on IOC and must be of specified quality / brand and must be got approved by our concerned officer
before they are brought to site and also before being actually put to use. Any material brought
without prior written approval, will be entirely at the risk and cost of the contractor.

equipments, etc. No delay due to non-availability of any material / equipments will be entertained
by the Corporation. However, in case, the desired materials / equipments are not arranged by the
party, the same may be made available by the Corporation. In such case, the market rate for the
use of such materials / equipments will be deducted from the party's bill.

2.0 Safety / Security of Materials

The responsibility of safety and security of materials and equipments brought by the Contractor will
remain with the Contractor and any claim of whatsoever nature due to any loss or otherwise will not
be entertained.

Observation of Rules and Regulations

3.1 The Contractor will abide by all the statutory Rules, Regulations, bye-laws and statutes etc.,
imposed by the Central Government / State Government / Semi-Government and other local
authorities for execution of the assigned job entirely to the satisfaction of the Corporation.

3.2 The Contractor will have to observe all local rules for safety/security, gate passes etc. as advised
by our Officers.

gh theft or
otherwise due to negligence of workmen while carrying out the work will be
recoverable / made good by the Contractor to the entire satisfaction of IOC at risk and cost of the

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IndianOil Noida and IOCL Housing Complex, H63C, Sector 39, Noida

4.2 The contractor will be responsible to pay the expenses for providing medical treatment to their
employees who may suffer any bodily injury during the course of their business while carrying out
their contractual obligations, as a result of any accident, within the Corporations premises. The
Corporation will in no event be liable or responsible for any payment and the contractor will keep
the Corporation indemnified against the same and from all proceedings in respect thereof.

5.0 Weekly Off / Paid Holiday

All labour deployed by the contractor are to be granted weekly off as per the provisions of labour
laws. The contractor should also grant holidays to the labour as per the provisions of National and
Festival Holidays Act ,1958 as applicable to the respective State.

6.0 Identity Card

Identity card will be issued to the contractor for all their personnel required to be deployed in IOC
premises for carrying out the contractual obligations. All Workmen / Supervisors must wear and
display these cards prominently on their uniform during their duty period. All the personnel so
deployed will strictly follow the security regulations of the Corporation, in vogue from time to time.

7.1 The personnel deployed by the contractor in IOC premises against this contract will report in proper
uniform, neat and tidy from the day the contract commences.

7.2 The contractor should issue to their workmen at least 1 sets of uniforms per year (which includes 1
sets of full pant and shirt and one pairs of Safety shoes (Bata make or equivalent ) .The uniform
should have a logo of the contractors firm.The contractor should also issue one set of rainy Uniform
(Like Cap, Raincoat).

7.3 The uniform sets must be issued before end of first month of contract.

Defect Liability Period

8.1 The Defect Liability Period for the contract will unless otherwise specified be 06 (six) months from
the date of completion of the contract.

8.2 The CONTRACTOR will at his own cost and initiative, correct, repair and/ or rectify any and all
defect(s) and/ or imperfections in the work.

Manpower Deployment
9.1 No workmen will be deputed to perform more than 8 hrs duty in any period of 24 hrs within the
Corporation's premises. In no case will a workman be deputed to perform more than 8 hrs duty, but
in any case, not exceeding 16 hrs duty on an emergency for a day or two.

9.2 In case, there is any absenteeism on the part of workmen assigned for the jobs during office
working hours, the contractor will have to make standby arrangements, failing which proportionate
deduction will be made on the basis daily wages being paid to the workmen , besides imposition of
penalty charges as detailed elsewhere in this tender.

9.3 In case the supervisor is on leave for more than one week a suitable replacement has to be
provided in his place. In case replacement is not given a penalty will be imposed.

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Providing Housekeeping & Miscellaneous Services at UPSO II Office, E-8, Sector-1
IndianOil Noida and IOCL Housing Complex, H63C, Sector 39, Noida

9.4 Indicative minimum manpower to be deployed on working days daily, by the contractor shall be as
per details given below :-

S. Description Manpower to be No. of Timings

No deployed Workmen
1 Supervisor Supervisor (Semi- 1 0900 -1800
Skilled) HRS
2 Gardener Gardner (Un-skilled) 2 0900 -1800
4 Helper Helper (Un-skilled) 11 0900 -1800
5 Sweeper Sweeper (Un-skilled) 9 0900 -1800
6 Master Cook Cook (Semi-Skilled) 1 0900 -1800
7 Plumber Plumber (Semi-Skilled) 1 0900 -1800
8 Pantry Service Pantry Service (Un- 4 0900 -1800
Skilled) HRS
9 Helper/Messenger Messenger/Helper (Un- 1 0900 -1800
for Dispatch Section Skilled) HRS
10 Misc. Service : Data Misc. Service (Un- 4 0900 -1800
Punching, Record Skilled) HRS
Keeping etc.
Total 34

Minimum 33 nos. workmen and 1 supervisor ( Who will take care of both Locations i.e. Sec-1 Office and
Sec-39 Housing Complex) should be deployed daily for the execution of the contract effectively.

The supervisor is to be provided with a mobile phone so that he can be in touch with the Officer In-
charge of the Corporation as and when required.

Responsibility of Contractor:
10.1 Efficiency, promptness, quality service, good behavior, hygiene, attendance and politeness of the
Contractor and his staff are the essence of the contract.The contractors shall undertake to
replace any of their staff who misbehave(s) with the employee(s) or Officer(s) of IOCL or
whose continuance may hamper the smooth operation of the contract. Indisciplined staff shall have
to be replaced immediately, failing which contractor will be directed to discontinue his services with
immediate effect.

10.2 Necessary manpower deployed by contractor should be well versed with operation of Fire fighting

10.3 All jobs will be carried out by professional / experienced persons who are well versed in rendering
these services.

10.4 The Contractor will engage people, who are medically fit. They should be free from all infectious
diseases. The Contractor will submit proof of his employees being medically fit every 6 months to

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Providing Housekeeping & Miscellaneous Services at UPSO II Office, E-8, Sector-1
IndianOil Noida and IOCL Housing Complex, H63C, Sector 39, Noida


10.6 The Contractor will provide uniform to all his employees at his own expenses. All employees
appointed by the Contractor should wear uniform as detailed in the tender. No employee of the
vendor will be allowed in the contracted premises without uniform. No employee of the vendor will
be permitted to reside in the premises.

10.6 The successful Contractor will furnish complete details of his employees prior to deployment such
as residential address, photo, ID card, contact no and Bank account number to which wages will be

10.7 Contractor must provide a character & antecedent certificate by police or any other Competent
Authority for all manpower employed by him within 6 weeks from the award of work.

10.8 The Contractor is required to supervise and control in person or through his authorized supervisor
on a daily basis, all the work and services.

10.9 Services will be carried out by the Contractor as per conditions of contract.

10.10 Any other services which are not explicitly mentioned in the schedule/ scope of work but are
required to be provided for Housekeeping, pump Operation & garden Maintenance Services is
required to be performed by the contractor within their quoted rates.

10.11 Notwithstanding anything contrary in the contract document expressed or implied, the Contractor
will be and remain at all times exclusively responsible to provide all material, manpower, equipment
that are needed to ensure that his/her contractual obligations are fulfilled.

10.12 The Contractor will follow all statutory obligations. IOC reserves the right to inspect all relevant
records and can hold the payment / part payment in case of default besides initiating other actions
as per the terms & Conditions of the tender.

10.13 The Contractor will ensure proper maintenance of entire colony premises including passages,
lobbies, stair cases, open terrace etc and regularly remove deposits, flakes etc.

Labour Laws, Other Statutory Rules And Regulations

The Contractor will be liable to comply with all the rules and regulations in respect of all statutory
obligations applicable to the workmen including safety regulations.

11.1 Contractor will fully comply with the provisions of all the labour Laws/rules (both central and state),
whichever are applicable to workmen deployed by the party in relation to the subject work,

applicable) III) Payment of Wages Act, 1936 IV) Minimum Wages Act, 1948 V)
Equal Remuneration Act, 1976 V
Abolition) Act, 1970 VIII) Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 (if applicable). IX) GST X) Payment of
gratuity Act (If applicable) and/or such other Acts of Laws, regulations passed by the Central,
States, Municipal and local government agency or authority.

11.2 The Contractor will be responsible for proper maintenance of all registers, records and accounts so
far as it relates to compliance of any statutory provisions / obligations. The Contractor will be
responsible for making records pertaining to payment of wages and for depositing the PF & ESI

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contributions with concerned authorities. The contractor will be responsible to keep a register for
payment of wages to its employees and after making payment of wages to the contract labour
through banking mode with due acknowledgement by the labourers in the wage register, produce
the register alongwith the copy of bank statement as proof for transfer of wages to the labourers ,
for verification and signature of the nominated officer . The officer in charge can check the records
pertaining to payments of PF, ESI contributions at any time.

11.3 The Contractor will bind himself/themselves, executors or administrators and will indemnify, the
IOC, in respect of this contract, including all of its claims, damages, proceedings, costs, charges
and/or any expenses whatsoever which may be imposed, enforced or brought against the IOC or
any of its members, officers, employees for reason of or consequent upon any break or default on
the part of the Contractor in respect of violation of any of the provisions Law/Act rules or
regulations having the force of law or if any award of decision by any competent Tribunal, Court or
authority in respect of the workmen or any one employed/engaged by the Contractor/sub-
Contractor in connection with this contract.

11.4 The Contractor will be responsible for all the claims of his employees.

11.5 The Contractor will obtain licence under Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, if applicable,
from the appropriate authority i.e, office of Asst Labour Commissioner(Central) and produce the
same before or along with the first monthly bill. The 1 st bill be processed for payment only on
submission of the said licence..

11.6 The Contractor will obtain Employee State Insurance in respect of his workmen to be engaged for
the work.

In case where ESI is not applicable, the contractor will be responsible for any compensation
payable under the Employees' Compensation Act 1923 (earlier known as Workmen Compensation
Act 1923) and amendments thereto for injuries/disablement/death caused to their employees as a
result of any accident while carrying out their assigned work. The Contractor will obtain adequate
insurance policy towards meeting the liability under the said Act.

Copy of the ESI/ insurance policy should be submitted along with 1st R/A Bill.

11.7 The Contractor will keep the IOC indemnified from and against all personal and third party claims
whatsoever arising out of any act of commission or omission by Contractor or his employees.

12.0 Assignment & Sub-Contracting

The Contractor will not assign, sub-contract or sub-let the whole or any part of the contract in any

13.0 The jobs are to be carried out to the entire satisfaction of the officer in charge of the Corporation.
For any incomplete work / unattended work / defective work, suitable penalty will be imposed. Even
after serving of 2 (two) consecutive warning letters / memo for improving the quality of work /
mending the defective work, if no appropriate action is taken by the party, Corporation if desired,
will get the job done through alternate agency at Party's cost and risk. Amount spent in carrying out
such jobs will be deducted from the party's bill.

14.0 Penalties:
IOCL reserves the right to impose a penalty on account of deficiency of service under this contract

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in relation to jobs defined in the Scope of Work. Broadly, the following penalties shall be imposed:
Penalties levied under the contract would be subjected to levy of GST.

Penalty applicable for following

SL Penalty amount (Rs)
incident/ circumstances
If the contractor or any of his workmen posted at
premises misbehaves with any of our
Rs.5, 000/- or as may be
employee/ residents or uses inferior quality of
1 deemed fit by the Officer
material / exhibits negligence/ willful damage to the
in charge
property or any other item culminating in delay in
providing service
For any incomplete work / unattended work /
defective work/ work not carried out to the entire
2 Rs. 500 per incident
satisfaction of the officer in charge of the
If the supervisor is on leave for more than one week Rs. 1000 per day beyond
and the contractor fails to provide a replacement one week
If supervisor is not deployed by the contractor as
4 Rs. 15,000/- per month
specified in the contract
In case, the specified number of manpower is not
deployed due to any reason/ there is any
Rs. 500 per person per
5 absenteeism on the part of workmen assigned for
the jobs on work timing and the contractor fails to
provide a replacement
If any person employed by the contractor in the
Colony/Office premises does not wear proper
6 Rs. 200/- per day
uniform having a logo of the contractor's firm/ does
not wear his identity card during their duty period

15.0 The security deposit will be refunded to the Contractor on completion of the period of contract
(irrespective of the number of years) after 6 months of the defect liability period subject to handing
over of all material/equipment in good working condition and proof of all payments including bonus
etc to his employees.

16.0 This contract is comprehensive one, the rates are to be quoted for the provision of services with
adequate men and material required to carry out the Housekeeping, Pump operation and Garden
maintenance works as specified in our work schedule.

17.0 The Tenderer may contact GM(HR),UPSO-II for familiarizing themselves with other aspects of the
contract for better understanding before submitting their tender.

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IndianOil Noida and IOCL Housing Complex, H63C, Sector 39, Noida



HOUSEKEEPING at IOCL Housing Complex , H-63C , Sector 39 , Noida

The job covers maintaining neatness, cleanliness of the Colony premises within & outside the
buildings, maintaining cleanliness in the toilets, pavement area around all the buildings, terrace area,
parking slots including walk ways passages, lobbies and pavements in garden area. Further details
of the scope of work for the services required under the subject tender has been elaborated and
given below.

To keep daily record of water receipt from Municipality, operate pumps in order to maintain requisite
water level in overhead water tanks, Operation of valves to maintain uninterrupted water supply to all
flats in building. Any abnormality has to be reported to Officer in charge immediately. Contractor
should also test water samples for potability once in a quarter or as directed by the Corporation &
records of test results should be maintained for which separate payment shall be made on
production of receipt. Contractor is also responsible for cleaning all water storage tanks once in six
months for which separate payment shall be made on production of receipt. Any abnormality in water
pumps to be attended on top most priority.

A. Daily Activities (including Sundays and holidays)

1) Sweeping of all internal roads, surface drains, lawns, playground, stilt car parking areas and
all other open area of the housing colony, including removing / disposing off of the debris /

2) Sweeping, cleaning & wet mopping of the staircases, steps, landings, terrace area lift
lobbies on each floor and entrance lobbies of all the two buildings. It also includes common
buildings like water & fire pump house, sub-station, security cabin, maintenance office,
doctors room, stilt area of towers, open car parking area, common bathrooms, store rooms,
sitting benches provided at common places, health club, stage, etc. As & when instructed,
such areas shall be cleaned thoroughly by using water canon instead of wet mopping. This
also includes cleaning of furniture and fixtures, doors, windows etc of common areas.

3) Cleaning of lift car from inside including car gates and lift machine room.

4) Cleaning of all open drains.

5) Collecting the garbage from each flat and disposing of the debris / garbage.

6) Cleaning/Brooming of the surrounding areas/common facilities like health club, community

hall, staircases etc. and any emergent nature housekeeping jobs.

7) It should be ensured that all dry leaves are collected and disposed off outside the township
area at an unobjectionable place. In addition the green area shall also be kept neat & clean.

8) Removing the chock-ups in the sewage/drainage lines thru manholes within the colony area
with necessary tools and tackles etc. as may be required.

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9) Bathrooms and toilets provided for common use in offices blocks, maintenance block, etc.,
to be cleaned, washed and disinfected.

B. Weekly Activities

1) Removing the vegetation in the open area within the housing colony to ensure that no
weeds / vegetation / grass etc., are allowed to grow more than about 10 cm in height and
disposing them outside the colony with no extra cost to the Corporation.

2) All areas surfaces common areas, Storm water drains, Nihani & other traps etc., where
pests / mosquitoes are likely to breed, should be disinfected with suitable pesticides.

3) Maintenance of water treatment plant installed in Sec 39 Housing Complex.

C. Fortnightly Activities

1) Washing & moping the staircase area, terrace area, club room, amenity block, passages
including the landing with Soap water solution etc.

2) Trimming of grass, plants etc

3) Removing the growth of vegetation / plants on the external wall surfaces in any
building/compound wall etc as and when required.

Monthly Activities

1) Trimming the trees to ensure that the branches do not create shadows on the roads of the

2) Sweeping / cleaning the ceiling & top of chajja, canopies, terrace, and parapet walls of all
the buildings using necessary scaffoldings including de-clogging of drains provided on roof
top etc.

3) Cleaning of electrical fittings & fixtures.

4) Arranging services of Water cooler installed in the Common Premises.

Quarterly Activities

1) Dry cleaning of sofas upholstery.

i. For carrying out above works the contractor shall provide adequate number of labourers for
satisfactory performance of daily job.

ii. Being a residential complex, since the skeleton housekeeping services needs to be provided
on Sundays also, contractor shall depute alternate manpower on half a day basis on
Sundays without any extra cost to the corporation. These workers deputed on the day of
Weekly off of regular workers, shall also be paid as per the provisions of the minimum

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wages act.

iii. All materials and equipments (including 2 nos. heavy duty vacuum cleaners) required to
carry out the above scope of work shall be provided by the contractor.

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IndianOil Noida and IOCL Housing Complex, H63C, Sector 39, Noida

GARDENING - IOCL Housing Complex , H-63C , Sector 39 , Noida

The job covers maintaining the garden, lawn, plants & potted plants, watering, trimming of Trees
inside & all around compound wall, removal of dry leaves, branches & disposal of same as per
municipality rules. To change the soil & fertilizer in pots, painting of pots from outside twice in a year,
lawn mowing etc complete. Cost of plants, soil & fertilizer shall be reimbursed on production of

A. Daily Activities

1. Watering of Lawns, trees, plants, potted plants etc.

2. Sweeping and cleaning of lawns disposing the debris / garbage to dustbins.

B. Weekly Activities

1) Mowing the lawns and removing unwanted weeds / vegetation / grass etc.
2) Removing unwanted weeds / vegetation / grass etc from entire complex area.

C. Fortnightly Activities

1) Trimming all the plants and trees.

2) Clearing of all dried branches and leaves of trees, plants etc from the entire complex area as
disposing off at suitable place as permitted by law at no extra cost.

D. As And When Required Activities

1) Watering of Lawns, trees, plants, potted plants.

2) Sweeping and cleaning of lawns disposing the debris/garbage to dustbins.
3) Clearing of all dried branches and leaves of trees, plants etc from the entire complex area.
4) Planting of plants and grass, providing manure, red earth, spraying insecticide to plants,
trees etc.
5) Liasioning with Municipal Corporation of Noida including preparing application, taking
Photographs, follow up, obtaining permission for cutting of trees to remove /trim the
unwanted / dangerous / dead trees safely & disposal of same as per Municipal Corporation
rules with due permission of IOCL.
6) Landscaping and beautification works within the complex area.
7) All the trees in the colony area shall be painted minimum twice in a year with white and
red/geru color bands with APEX paint as per the instructions of the in-charge.

i. The gardener should have minimum 5 years of experience in the field and the contractor will
submit the credentials of the gardener before engaging him for the work.
ii. Signing of required documents /application will be done by our Officer, whereas all other

obtain permission & adhere to all the rules of statutory authorities regarding cutting/trimming
& disposal of removed trees/branches/leaves to unobjectionable place from the
Housing Colony.
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Supply of good red Earth, Manure, Pesticide, new plants, grass, pots etc will be arranged by
the Contractor for which cost will be reimbursed by IOCL. (Subject to obtaining of prior
approval of quantity & rates from IOCL)
HOUSEKEEPING E-8,Sector-1,Noida

A. Daily Activities for Sweeper:


Basement Brooming & Mopping Entire basement area

Brooming Yard (Compound / Outside) & both approach

roads, Foot Path, Transformer area, diesel drums
stacking area, fountain sump
Scrubbing and Cleaning Sewage sump near main
Sweeping & Wet Water dispenser area, Fire Control Room, Pantry,
Mopping IOOA Office, Union Office, Conference Hall (Gr.
Floor & Second Floor), Washrooms, Dispatch
Ground Room, Mopping up of Reception area, Lift Lobby
Floor Area area minimum twice in a day, Security Posts .etc.
Cleaning every hour Entrance Glass doors (All the 5 doors) Reception
Entrance, Wing entrances, Lift lobby entrance,
control room entrance
Cleaning & Wet All Wooden doors & Windows
Removal of waste All cabins, cubical, other areas of the building and
paper premises

First Floor Brooming All cubicles, cabins, lobbies, pantries, staircases,

fire escape route, conference halls and other areas
Cleaning & Wet All cubicles, lobbies, pantries, staircases,
Mopping conference halls, fire escape route, window frames
& sills and other areas etc.
Cleaning every hour Entrance Glass Doors for both wings
Cleaning All wooden doors wet mopping
Removal of waste All cabins, cubicles, other paper from areas of the
building and premises
Second Sweeping & Cleaning All cabins, pantries, staircase, fire escape routes,
Floor (Sr. pantries, conference halls, furniture accessories,
gadgets etc.
Floor) & Wet Mopping Lobby area, pantry, board room, Dining area, VIP
Roof Top reception etc. Removal of dust papers from all
Area Multi areas.
purpose Hall Cleaning of Pantry & Sweeping, Cleaning, mopping of Pantry, VC Room,
Conference Halls VILT cum Conference Hall , Roof Top Multipurpose

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IndianOil Noida and IOCL Housing Complex, H63C, Sector 39, Noida

Hall , entrance glass door & automatic glass door,

drinking water suits. Wash basin, marble tiles,
utensils washing area, Manager's counter area &
window sills
Waste Disposal From all areas of the Canteen to the designated
area outside the premises.

B. Weekly Activities for Sweepers:

Cleaning Cleaning Tiled portion, pipes, flush tanks,

Ground , exhaust fans, hand dryers, hot cases, shelves,
First, dumb waiter lift, floor area wash with machine,
Second fans, panels & walls, windows & window glasses,
Floors glass partitions. Lift machine room. Washing of
and garbage bins in pantry rooms & canteen, kitchen,
Roof Top wash areas
Multipurpo Cob web Removal All areas of the building & Premises
se Hall Deodorant placement All toilets
Scrubbing & Cleaning External Marble Blocks/slabs for flooring & wall
Dusting & Cleaning Ventilators/Louvers/grills of Basement
Machine wash with Dispatch room, reception area, lift lobby &
detergent Powder and passages.
removal of stain
Vacuum Cleaning Conference Hall / Association Room & Union
Room and other areas require use of vacuum
cleaning machine
Soap Water cleaning Furniture in the reception area
Cleaning Rising mains / wet risers, venetian blinds in all
General cabins on all floors, lift machine room, water
Area room, main bldg. terrace etc.
Cleaning Cleaning & Scrubbing Xerox machine areas on all floors, Removal of
stains etc. fountain tank, vinyl floors areas on all
floors etc.
Dusting & Cleaning External Glasses (Ground Floor) & Window
Glasses (All Floors)
Cleaning & Wet Mopping Marble Walls

Cleaning of Cleaning & Dusting Window Glasses

Pantry Soap wash with detergent Cooking area / platform scrubbing burners /
Powder and special grinders etc.

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cleaning etc.
Note : Every week with special chemical, sweepers will remove the black
carbon coatings on platforms and tiles as well as on the steel plates
attached to cooking area walls. (Instruments like hand gloves, scrubbers
are to be given to them by contractor).

C. Monthly Activities for Sweepers:

Waste material removal for Waste material removal for smooth functioning of
smooth functioning of drain drain etc.
Basement etc.
Pressure wash with water Car Parking area.
Dusting & Wet Mopping Pipelines, records storage area, all fire doors.
Clean with water Weather Sheds of all floors, canteen terrace, 8th
floor terrace, fire escape routes /galleries all
All Floors
around on each floor
Cob Web removal All areas of the building
Tank Cleaning of overhead and With approved chemicals and detergents.
Cleaning underground Tank Arranging services of Water cooler installed in the
Common Premises.

D. Daily Activities for Helpers :


Record Keeping Separation, Sorting and binding of records (if

required) , Upkeep of records in designated space.
Dusting and Mopping Dusting and Mopping of all furniture and office
of Furnitures equipment like tables, chairs , telephones, PC and
printers , side racks , cupboards , water coolers ,
sofa sets , vertical blinds , notice boards , display
All Floors board, paintings , portraits etc. Up keep and
dusting of printers, photocopier machine at all
Attendant Service Providing attendant service to all employees like
drinking water , tea , coffee , snacks and other
related miscellaneous services as required on
need basis at conference hall, training halls ,
employee workstations etc.

E. Daily activities for Pantry Service :


All Floors Pantry Service Cleaning of utensils, coordinating with the cook
and ensuring timely serving of tea, coffee, snacks

Page 42 of
Providing Housekeeping & Miscellaneous Services at UPSO II Office, E-8, Sector-1
IndianOil Noida and IOCL Housing Complex, H63C, Sector 39, Noida


F. Daily Activities for Miscellaneous Services:


Misc. Services To cater to requirements like data punching, record

All Floors keeping, preparation of special reports, to possess
Driving license to assist employees in case of any
unforeseen medical / official emergency.

G. Daily Activities for Dispatch Service :


Dispatch Services Providing services for delivering the mail to post

office, Area Office, Divisional Office, Banks, and
All Floors other companies in local vicinity on all working
days. Collection and depositing bank documents /
instruments from office to bank as per the
instruction from Finance Deptt.

H. Activities during office timing (09.00 to 17.00 hrs.)

a. Continuous cleaning of pantry / canteen area/ cabins / office area as per requirement & to
the satisfaction of officer-in-charge.
b. Loading / unloading of any kind of materials coming in and going out of office as per
instruction of the concerned officer.
c. Removal of office records and documents from one place to another within the building and
premises as per requirement and instruction of office-in-charge.
d. Sorting of office documents / letters and distributing the same to the place / cabins as per the
e. Cleaning the lifts interiors surfaces minimum four times in a day
f. Sweeping / wet mopping of lifts floors (inside lift) every hour.
g. Cleaning glass door at the entry in reception areas every hour.
h. Cleaning glass doors of the entrance to wing of each floor every hour.
Garbage, waste paper collected from the office to be kept in the specified gunny / polythene
bags to be arranged by the party as per the approval of the Corporation. The gunny bags
filled with waste paper duly tightened should be stored temporarily in the basement on day
to day basis
j. Cleaning and upkeep of water tank by way of washing and cleaning of water tank on
quarterly basis to ensure hygiene.

Page 43 of
Providing Housekeeping & Miscellaneous Services at UPSO II Office, E-8, Sector-1
IndianOil Noida and IOCL Housing Complex, H63C, Sector 39, Noida

I. Cleaning/Upkeep Of The Toilets/Sanitary Blocks:

a. Cleaning with bleach and detergent including scrubbing the urinal pots, basins, WC pans
open drains, etc daily twice at 830 hrs & 14.30 hrs. followed by a mop of phenyl
Frequent cleaning /mopping the floor with a phenyl solution every two hours.
Cleaning of the wash basins and counters every two hours.
d. Replenishment of consumables like paper role, toilet soap in the dispensers, naphthalene
balls as and when required through out the day.
Emptying out the dustbins in the toilets regularly minimum daily twice and Washing of the
dust bins in the toilets weekly.
Cleaning of the louvers, glazing, mirrors regularly (Minimum once in week) .
Washing of the dado tiles with detergents, powder & scrubbers on weekly basis.
h. Mild soap cleaning of doors internally & externally for removal of stains weekly.
Wiping/cleaning of the hand dryers on regular basis.

Page 44 of
Providing Housekeeping & Miscellaneous Services at UPSO II Office, E-8, Sector-1
IndianOil Noida and IOCL Housing Complex,H63C, Sector 39, Noida



Please find indicated below the approx. list of consumables that may be essential to
accomplish the total Housekeeping, Plumbing & STP job. No material will be supplied by
the Corporation. It would be party's responsibility to provide the materials in the
required quantity in desired frequency at his own cost without any additional
financial implication on IOC. Materials are to be got approved by Corporation before
procurement. The quantity mentioned is tentative indicating minimum quantity that may be
required. Actual quantity against each item will be decided in consultation with officer-in-
charge of the Corporation.

The consumable items will be supplied directly by Manufacturer to site & a copy of
challan will be attached with monthly bills.

i. Housekeeping :

Items Qty Per month
1 Gentle Hand Cleanser (Taski Soft care Star) or Equivalent 15 Lt.
2 Floor washing soap (Taski R-2) or Equivalent 10 Lt.
3 Floor Cleaner (Taski Spiral) 5 Lt.
4 WC Cleaner (Taski R-6 500 ML) 10 Nos.
5 Bathroom Cleanser Cum Sanitiser (Taski R-1 Super) or Eq. 5 Lt.
6 Dry Acrylic Mop 4 Nos.
7 Dry Acrylic Mop Refills 4 Nos.
8 Hard Broom 15 Nos.
9 Cotton duster 12 Nos.
10 Nylon brush for Toilets (Round & Hockey) 6 Nos.
11 Open ended Cotton Mop(Wet) 4 Nos.
12 Tissue papers (Piles 2, GSM, per ply 16.5 50 Nos.
13 Squeegee-35 cm 3 Nos.
14 Mopping trolley 4 Nos.
15 Big plastic Drums (using like dustbin) 6 Nos.
16 Buckets for cleaning 4 Nos.
17 1 no. Hose pipe 100 ft. long 1 Nos.
18 Scrubbing machine 1 Nos.
19 Air Freshener (Taski R-5) or equivalent 5 Nos.
20 Air freshner Refill (Air Mate or equivalent 100 Gms) 5 Nos.
21 Odonil Air freshner ( 50 Gms) 40 Nos.
22 Air Freshner Spray Ambi pure) 6 Nos.
23 Picobello 151 m/c (For Brooming) 1 Nos.

Page 45 of
24 Floor duster 6 Nos.
26 Hand Scrubber 6 Nos.
27 Scotch Brite Scrubbing Pad 12 Nos.
28 Rubber Hand Gloves Thick (Orange color) 6 Nos.
29 Rubber Hand Gloves Thin (Blue Color) 104 Nos.
30 Nose Mask 152 Nos.
31 Urinal screens 72 Nos.
32 Disposable Plastic bags( For dustbins in Canteen, Pantry & all 156 Nos.
33 Sanitary Cubes 60 Nos.
34 Telescopic Cleaning Rod 3 Nos.
35 Aluminum Ladder & ) 1 Nos.
36 C Fold paper Refill 110 Nos.
37 Floor wiper with Rod 4 Nos.
38 Kitchen Wiper 3 Nos.
39 Toilet Wiper 3 Nos.

i. Gardening :

Red soil / earth, manure, requires for gardening will be arranged by the Contractor and the
cost of the same will be reimbursed by the Corporation.

All tools, tackles such as lawn mowers, rollers, sickles, knives, scissors, hose pipes &
pesticides, dis-infectors etc., required for horticultural job, ropes required to remove trees,
should be provided by the Contractor. No equipment shall be provided by the Corporation.

Page 46 of
Schedule of Rates


PERSONS (in Rs.)

1 Sweeper cum Cleaner

for 26 Days Unskilled 9 645
2 Helper/Messenger
Unskilled 11 645
3 Pantry Services for 26
Days Unskilled 4 645
4 Cook for 26 Days
Semi-Skilled 1 714
5 Dispatch
Unskilled 1 645
6 Supervisor
Semi-Skilled 1 714
7 Gardner for 26 Days
Unskilled 2 645
8 Plumber
Semi-Skilled 1 714
9 Misc Services
Unskilled 4 645
ADD: Bonus @ 8.33% p.a. 47,944
ADD: ESI @ 3.25% p.a. 18,706
13 ADD: PF contribution @ 12% p.a.
14 ADD: EDLI contribution @ 0.5% p.a.
15 ADD: Administrative Charges on PF @ 0.5% p.a.
16 ADD:Leave as per shops and Establishment Act Uittar Pradesh,1962(15 Days for each 365 Days
working) 27,671
17 ADD: Wages for working on national holidays for 10 Workers(1 Semi Skilled and 9
Unskilled)@double the wage Rate 6,519
18 ADD: Uniform (Shirt, Pant & Socks - 1 set per year), Woollen Jersey, Raincoat & 1 pair of
Safety Shoes @ Rs.4000 per worker per year (Rs. 4000 * 34 persons / 12 months) 11,333
19 Total Inclusive of Bonus + ESI + PF + EDLI + Uniform Expenses+Overtime Wages

Page 47 of
Contractor's Margin @ 15% 1,14,384
Consumables Fixed 25,000
Total Estimated Amount Per Month 9,01,943
Total Amount for Six Months exclusive of Goods and Services Tax 54,11,655
24 Transport Assistance for Period (Six Months of 2021-2022) exclusive of GST @ 18%
25 Total Amount for Six Months inclusive Transport assistance and exclusive of Goods
and Services Tax 59,22,315
26 Goods and Services Tax @ 18%
27 Final Total for 6 Months inclusive of GST and Transport Assistance(Technical
Estimate) 69,88,332

Page 48 of


(Excel sheet attached separately, to be filled by the bidder)

1. Statement of Credential Comparative chart in Microsoft Excel Format has been attached
2. Bidders are required to update the attached Excel Sheet and upload the same along
with Technical Bid.
3. Please state in the Excel Sheet in case you have no positive answer.
4. Non-updation of any details may mean incomplete tender.
5. Necessary supporting documents to be uploaded.
6. Responsibility of correctness of details lies with the Tenderer.

Page 49 of



We declare that we have complied with all the conditions of the tender including technical
specifications, drawings, GCC & all the documents etc., forming part of tender.

Place: Signature & Seal

D E C L A R A T I O N - `B'

We declare that we do not have any employee who is related to any officer of the Corporation/
Central/ State Governments of India.


We have the following employees working with us who are near relatives of the Officer/ Director of
the Corporation/ Central/ State Government in India.

Name of the employee of the Tenderer Name & designation of the Officer of the
Corporation/ Central/ State Governments

Place: Signature & Seal

Page 50 of
D E C L A R A T I O N - `C'

The Tenderer is required to state whether he is a relative of any Director of Indian Oil Corporation
or the Tenderer is a firm in which any Director of our Corporation or his relative is a partner or any
other partners of such a firm or alternately the Tenderer is a private company in which Director of
Indian Oil Corporation is a member or Director.


1 Name of the Tenderer and his relations with

the Director in our Corporation.
2 Name of the Director of the Corporation who
is related to the Tenderer.
3 Name of the Director of the Corporation who
is a member or a Director of the firm.

Place: Signature & Seal


Tenderer is required to state whether they have employed any retired Director and above rank
officer of Indian Oil Corporation Limited in their firm. If so, details hereunder to be submitted.


1 Name of the person

2 Post last held in IOC
3 Date of retirement
4 Date of employment in the firm

Place: Signature & Seal
a. A separate sheet may be attached, if the above is not sufficient.
b. Strike out whichever is not applicable. If the tenderer employs any person subsequent to
signing the above declaration and the employee/s so appointed happens to be the near relatives of
the Officer/Director of the Corporation/Central/State Governments, the tenderer should submit
another declaration furnishing the name/s of such employee/s who is/are related to the officer/s of
the Corporation/ Central/ State Governments.
c. List of Directors of IOC Board is attached.

Page 51 of


List of Board of Directors will be available in the link given below: .

Bidders should give the Declaration A B

C & D based on the list of Board of
Directors mentioned as per the link.

Page 52 of


(in letter head of bidder)

In the case of a Proprietary concern:

I hereby declare that neither I in my personal name or in the case of my Proprietary concern M/s
, which is submitting the accompanying
Bid/Tender, nor any other concern in which I am proprietor nor any partnership firm in which I am
involved as a Partner, are presently or having during the past three years, been placed on any
black list or holiday list declared by Indian Oil Corporation Limited or by any department of any
Government (State, Provincial, Federal or Central) or by any Public Sector Organization in India or
in any other country nor is there pending any inquiry by Indian Oil corporation Ltd. or any
Department of Government or by any other Public Sector Organization in India or in any other
country, in respect of any corrupt or fraudulent practice(s) against me or any other of my
proprietorship concern(s) or against any partnership firm(s) in which I am or was at the relevant
time involved as a partner, except as indicated below:

(Here give particulars of black list or holiday listing, and in absence thereof state

It is understood that if this declaration is found to be false in any particular, Indian Oil Corporation
Ltd., shall have the right to reject my/our/bid, and if the bid has resulted in a contract, the contract is
liable to be terminated without prejudice to any other right or remedy (including black listing or
holiday listing) available to Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.

Place :

Date :

In the case of a Partnership Firm:

We hereby declare that neither we, M/s submitting

the accompanying Bid/Tender nor any partner involved in the said firm either in his individual
capacity or as proprietor or partner of any firm or concern presently are or within the past three
years have been or has been placed on black list or holiday list declared by Indian Oil Corporation
Limited or by any department of Government (State, Provincial, Federal or Central) or by any Public
Sector Organization in India or in any other country nor is there pending any inquiry by Indian Oil
corporation Ltd. or any Department of any Government (State, Provincial, Federal or Central) or by
any other Public Sector Organization in India or in any other country, in respect of corrupt or
fraudulent practice(s) against us or any partner or any other concern or firm of which he is
proprietor or partner, except as indicated below:

(Here give particulars of black list or holiday listing, and in absence thereof state

It is understood that if this declaration is found to be false in any particular, Indian Oil Corporation
Ltd., shall have the right to reject my/our/bid, and if the bid has resulted in a contract, the contract is

Page 53 of
liable to be terminated without prejudice to any other right or remedy (including black listing or
holiday listing) available to Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.

Place :

Date :

In the case of Company:

We hereby declare that neither we or a parent, subsidiary or other Company under direct or indirect
common parent (associate company) are presently nor have within the past three years been
placed on black list or holiday list declared by Indian Oil Corporation Limited or by any Department
of any Government (State, Provincial, Federal or Central) or by any Public Sector Organization in
India or in any other country; and that there is no pending inquiry by Indian Oil corporation Ltd. or
any Department of any Government (State, Provincial, Federal or Central) or by any other Public
Sector Organization in any country against us or a parent or subsidiary or associate company as
aforesaid, in respect of corrupt or fraudulent practice(s), except as indicated below:

(Here give particulars of black list or holiday listing, and in absence thereof state

It is understood that if this declaration is found to be false in any particular, Indian Oil Corporation
Ltd., shall have the right to reject my/our/bid, and if the bid has resulted in a contract, the contract is
liable to be terminated without prejudice to any other right or remedy (including black listing or
holiday listing) available to Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.

Place :

Date :

Page 54 of



Note: Copy to be uploaded along with tender and original to be submitted during documents

Subject: Tender No: due on .

I/We (Name of Bidder), hereby

declare that:

I/We have not tampered or modified the subject tender document in any manner and before
uploading, same has been cross-checked with documents hosted on your e-portal In case, if same is found to be tampered/modified, I/We understand that
my/our tender will be summarily rejected and EMD/SD may be forfeited and I am/We are liable to
be banned from doing business with and/or prosecuted.

I/We, hereby confirm that if any discrepancy observed in the submitted tender even at a future
date, I/We will abide by all the terms and conditions as per all the documents hosted including
Addendums/Changes/Corrigendum, on your e-portal related with subject tender. I/We further
assure that we agree to all the decisions confirmed in Pre-Bid Conference of the subject tender.

Tenderer's Signature & Seal


1) Name & Address:

2) Name & Address:

Page 55 of


Payment system to Vendors through Electronic Modes such as EFT, RTGS etc has been
introduced by the Corporation. For availing this facility, a consent letter from the Vendor as also the
Bank Account details of the Vendor is required.
Tenderers are requested to submit their Consent Letter as per the format given below along with
the enclosures as required:-
Dated :
To ,
M/s Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.
Dear Sir ,
With reference to your advise, we hereby agree to accept the payment of our bills through
The desired bank account details are given below :
1. Vendor Code allotted by IOCL in SAP
2. Name of Beneficiary (i.e IOCL Vendor )
3. Name of Bank

4. Address of Branch
5. Contact details of Branch with STD Code
copy )
7. Account Type (SB/CC/CA)
8. Bank IFSC Code ( 11 Digit)
9. Mobile No of Beneficiary (One Number only)
10. E-Mail Id of Beneficiary (One Mail Id only)
A blank cancelled cheque leaf relating to the above bank account is enclosed for verifying the
accuracy of the bank account details.
I hereby declare that the particulars given above are correct and complete. I agree to receive
transactional SMS / E-Mail Alerts from IOCL with regard to my bill payments.

( Signature of Account Holder )

Seal of the Vendor
Encl : Cancelled Cheque
**** We hereby confirm that the above bank account details of beneficiary are correct in all
respects and the account of Beneficiary (IOCL vendor) is maintained at our bank branch.
(Name of Bank & Branch)
Authorized Signatory

**** Verification required only in case vendors name is not printed/appearing on the cancelled
cheque leaf being submitted to IOCL office

Page 56 of

I/We hereby declare and confirm that;

1. I/we shall strictly adhere to safety standards stipulated in the Safety Practices during
construction stipulated in the Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD) without exception.

2. I/we shall provide, without any exception, safety helmets & safety shoes to all our
employees/workmen/ labourers working at IOC locations (Retail Outlets, Consumer
Outlets, Depots, Terminals, or any other location not specified here) for the purpose
of rendering services to the Corporation under the subject Contract

3. I/ We shall provide, without any exception, Safety Belts to all our workmen/ lobourers
working at heights (Including building roof top, canopy roof top etc) for the purpose of
rendering services to the Corporation under the subject Contract

4. I/We have read and understood the provisions of Clause 16 of the Special Terms &
Conditions of Contract regarding safety at worksites.

5. I/We shall be bound to pay a penalty of Rs. 5000/- for every incident of non-provision of
safety shoes/ safety helmet/ safety belts occurring during the pendency of the contract.

6. I/We shall take safe height working permit for working at heights.

7. I/We shall be solely responsible for any accident resulting from unsafe practices or due to
non-adherence to safety standard stipulated by the OISD. Any injury / loss of life resulting
from the above shall be solely at our risk & cost and we shall bear and pay solely and
absolutely all costs, charges and expenses including legal charges incurred in this

8. That the Corporation is not bound to be responsible, legally or otherwise, for any acts
and/or consequences of unsafe practices during execution of works during the pendency
of the contract.

9. The person signing this declaration is the authorized signatory.



Page 57 of


(On acceptance of tender, this undertaking shall be submitted on non-judicial stamp paper of
appropriate value)

THIS INDEMNITY BOND/ UNDERTAKING executed at............................................................this

e context so admits, the
partners or partner for the time being of the Firm and their or his respective heirs, executors and
administrators; its successors and assigns in law) in favour of INDIAN OIL CORPORATION
LIMITED, a Company incorporated under the Company Act 1 of 1956 and having its Registered
Office at INDIAN OIL BHAVAN, G-9, Ali Yavar Jung Marg, Bandra (East), Mumbai 400 051,


AND WHEREAS the Contractors are bound by law to comply with the provisions of various Labour
Laws like Inter State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act
1979, Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970, Employees Compensation Act 1923,
Employees State Insurance Act as also the Provident Fund Act by the Contractors but in the event
of violation of the provisions of various amenities and facilities to the workers under the different
labour laws, not only the Contractors but also the Corporation as the principal employer becomes
liable for the acts of omissions and commission by the Contractors.


CONTRACTORS to indemnify and keep indemnified the Corporation as stated hereinafter;

1. The Contractors hereby undertake to furnish a certificate with regard to the number of
labourers employed by them in Corporation and in other organization throughout the country to the
location in-charge of the Corporation where the work is being executed by the Contractors.

2. The Contractors hereby confirm and state that they undertake to furnish the licence under
Contract Labour (R&A) Act 1970 as amended from time to time, if applicable, from the competent
authority to the representative.

3. The Contractors hereby undertake to keep proper record of attendance of his labourers
and provide a copy of the pay sheets officer nominated by the Corporation for supervision of the
payment of wages made to the labourers by the contractors.

4. The Contractors state that they are fully aware of the provisions of the Provident Fund Act
and the rules made thereunder and will ensure compliance under the Act.

5. The Contractors hereby undertake and agree that in the event of any claim on account of
P.F. liabilities arising in future, they shall keep the Corporation duly indemnified against all losses,
damages, charges, expensed, penalties, suits or proceedings which the Corporation may incur,
suffer or be put to on that account.

Page 58 of
6. The Contractor hereby agree, confirm and declare that they have fully complied and will
comply with the provisions of various labour laws, particularly those referred to herein above and
that no violation of the provisions of various amenities and facilities to the workers under different
laws has been done by them and in the events of any past or future violation of the various labour
laws the contractors shall indemnify and keep the Corporation duly indemnified against all losses,
damages, costs, expenses, penalties, suits or proceedings which the Corporation may incur, suffer
or be put to.

7. The Contractor hereby agree that the aforesaid indemnity undertaking are in addition to
and not in substitution of the terms and conditions contained in the Empanelment documents and
the Agreement executed by the Contractors with the Corporation.

8. The Contractors hereby confirm, agree and record that these terms of undertaking and
indemnity shall be irrevocable and unconditional and shall be binding on their heirs, executors,
benefit of its successors and assigns.

Name & Address

Page 59 of


(On acceptance of tender, this undertaking shall be submitted on non-judicial stamp paper of
appropriate value)


called the Contractors (which expression shall mean and include if the context so admits, the
partners or partner for the time being of the Firm and their or his respective heirs, executors
and administrators; its successors and assigns in law) in favour of INDIAN OIL CORPORATION
LIMITED a Company incorporated under the Companies Act I of 1956 and having its Registered
Office at G-9, Ali Yavar Jung Marg, Bandra (East), Mumbai 400 051, herein after called
(which expression shall include its successors and assigns in law).

AND WHERE the Contractors are bound by law to comply with the provisions of various Labour
Laws like State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act 1979,
Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970, Employees Compensation Act 1923,
Employees State Insurance Act as also the Provident Fund Act by the Contractors but in the event
of violation of the provisions of various amenities and facilities to the workers under the different
labour laws, not only the Contractors but also the Corporation as the principal employer becomes
liable for the acts of omissions and commission by the Contractors.


CONTRACTORS to indemnify and keep indemnified the Corporation as stated hereinafter:

1. The Contractors hereby undertake to furnish a certificate with regard to the number of
labourers employed by them in Corporation / in other organization throughout the country to the
Location In Charge of the Corporation where the work is undertaken by the Contractors.

2. The Contractors hereby confirm and state that they undertake to furnish the licence under
Contract Labour (R&A) Act 1970 as amended from time to time, if applicable, from the competent
authority to the representative.

3. The Contractors hereby undertake to keep proper record of attendance of his labourers
and provide a copy of the pay sheets officer nominated by the Corporation for supervision of the
payment of wages made to the labourers by the contractors.

4. The Contractors state they are fully aware of the provisions of the ESIC Act, and the rules
made thereunder and will ensure compliance , if the same is applicable.

The Contractors hereby undertake and agree that in event of any claim on account of ESIC
liabilities arising in future, they shall keep the Corporation duly indemnified against all losses,
damages, charges, expenses, penalties, suits or proceedings which the Corporation may incur,
suffer or to be put to on that account.

Page 60 of
The Contractor hereby agree, confirm and declare that they have fully complied and will
comply with the provisions of various labour laws, particularly those referred to herein above and
that no violation of the provisions of various amenities and facilities to the workers under different
laws has been done by them and in the events of any past or future violation of the various labour
laws the contractors shall indemnify and keep the Corporation duly indemnified against all losses,
damages, costs, expenses, penalties, suits or proceedings which the Corporation may incur, suffer
or be put to.

The Contractor hereby agree that the aforesaid indemnity undertaking are in addition to
and not in substitution of the terms and conditions contained in the Empanelment documents and
the Agreement executed by the Contractors with the Corporation.

The Contractor hereby confirm, agree and record that these terms of undertaking and
indemnity shall be irrevocable and unconditional and shall be binding on their heirs, executors,

benefit of its successors and assigns.

Name & Address Seal:

Page 61 of

(On acceptance of tender, this undertaking shall be submitted on non-judicial stamp paper of
appropriate value)

Sub. : Contract/Work Order No..........................................

We shall
1) Deploy trained and competent employees who are physically fit and are not suffering from any
chronic or contagious diseases.

2) Be responsible and liable for payment of salaries, wages and other legal dues of our
employees for the purpose of rendering the services required by the Corporation under the above
contract and shall maintain proper books of account, records and documents. We shall however as
the employer, have the exclusive right to terminate the service of any of our employees and to
substitute any person instead.

3) Be responsible and liable for payment of salaries, wages and other legal dues of our
employees for the purpose of rendering the services required by the Corporation under the above
contract and shall maintain proper books of account, records and documents. We shall however as
the employer, have the exclusive-right to terminate the services of any of our employees and to
substitute any person instead.

4) Comply in all respects with the provisions of all statues, rules and regulations applicable to us
and /or to our employees and in particular we shall obtain the requisite license under the Contract
Labour (Regulation and abolition) Act 1970 and the rules made there under.

5) Ensure that our employees while on the premises of the Corporation or while carrying out
their obligations under the contract, observe the standards of cleanliness, decorum, safety and
general discipline laid down by the Corporation or its authorized agents and the Corporation shall
be the sole Judge as to whether or not we and/or our employees have observed the same.

6) Personally and exclusively employ sufficient supervisory personnel exclusively to

supervise the work of our employees so as to ensure that the services rendered under this contract
are carried out to the satisfaction of the Corporation.

7) Ensure that our employees will not enter or remain on the Corporation's premises unless
absolutely necessary for fulfilling our obligations under the contact.

8) Not do or suffer to be done in or about the premises of the Corporation anything whatsoever
which in the opinion of the Corporation may be or become a nuisance or annoyance or danger or
which may adversely affect the property, reputation or interest of the Corporation.

9) Not do so suffer to be done in or about the premises of the Corporation any thing whereby
any policy of insurance taken out by the Corporation against loss or damage by fire or otherwise
may become void or voidable.

Page 62 of
10) Be liable for and make good any damage caused to the Corporation's properties or premises
or any part thereof or to any fixtures or fittings thereof or therein by any act, omission, default or
negligence on our part or on the part of our employees or our agents.

11) Indemnify and keep indemnified the Corporation, its officers and employees from and against
all claims, demands, actions, suits and proceedings, whatsoever that may be brought or made
against the Corporation by or on behalf of any person, body, authority and whatsoever and all
duties, penalties, levies, taxes, losses, damages, costs, charges and expenses and all other
liabilities of whatsoever nature which the Corporation may now or hereinafter be liable to pay, incur
or sustain by virtue of or as a result of the performance or non-performance or observance or non-
observance by us of the terms and conditions of the contact. Without prejudice to the Corporation's
other rights, the Corporation will be entitled to deduct from any compensation or other dues to us
the amount payable by the Corporation as a consequence of any such claims, demands, costs,
responsible for death, injury or accidents to out employees which may arise out of or in the course
of their duties on or about the Corporation's property is made liable to pay any damages or
compensation in respect of such employees, we here by agree to pay to Corporation such damages
or compensation upon demand. The Corporation shall also not be responsible or liable for any theft,
loss, damages or destruction of any property that belongs to us our employees lying in the
Corporation's premises from any cause whatsoever.

12) It is hereby declared that we are, for the purpose of this contract independent contractors and
all persons employed or engaged by us in connection with our obligations under the Contract shall
be our employees and not of the Corporation.

13) On the expiration of the contract or any earlier termination thereof, we shall forthwith remove
our employees who are on the Corporation's premises or an part thereof failing which, our
employees, agents, servants etc. shall be deemed to be trespassers and on their failure to leave
the Corporation's premises, the Corporation shall be entitled to remove all persons concerned (if

use of force) from entering upon the Corporation's premises.

14) We hereby undertake and declare that, in the event the workmen / employees / person
engaged by us ("the Contractors' employees") to carry out the purpose hereof, attempt to claim
employment with the Corporation or attempt to be declared as employees of the Corporation or
attempt to become so placed, then in all such cases, we shall assist the Corporation in defending all
such attempts of the Contractor's employees AND we shall bear and pay solely and absolutely all
costs, charges and expenses including legal charges incurred or which may be incurred in
defending all such attempt and in any appeal or appeals filed by the Corporation therein or relating
thereto AND we hereby indemnify forever the Corporation against all such costs, charges and
expense including legal charges and against all and any loss, expenses or damages whether
recurring or not, financial or otherwise, caused to or incurred by the Corporation; as a result of such
attempt by the Contractors' employees.

15) It is hereby agreed that the Corporation shall be entitled to set off any debt or sum payable by
us either directly or as a result of vicarious of vicarious liability to the Corporation against any
monies payable or due from the Corporation to us against any monies lying or remaining with the
Corporation and belonging to us or any of our partners or directors.
Contractor's Signature Or Authorized Attorney
To be witnessed by Notary

Page 63 of
(On Bidders letter Head)

I /We, the authorized signatory of M/s ,

participating in the subject Tender do hereby declare:
(i) that I / we have availed the benefit of waiver of EMD while
submitting our offer against the subject Tender and No EMD being
deposited for the said Tender.
(ii) that in the event we withdraw / modify our bid during the
period of validity OR I/we fail to execute formal contract
agreement within the given timeline OR I/we fail to
submit a performance security within the given timeline
OR I/ We commit any other breach of Tender Conditions /
Contract which amounts for forfeiture of EMD; I / we will
be suspended from being eligible for bidding / award of all
future contract (s) of Indian Oil Corporation Limited for a
period of one year from the date of committing such

Page 64 of


(to be executed on Non Judicial Stamp paper of appropriate value)

1. In consideration of the Indian Oil Corporation Limited having its Registered Office at
(hereinafter called having agreed to exempt
(hereinafter called said Contractor(s) / Supplier(s) / - from the demand under the
terms and conditions of an Agreement dated made between and
the due fulfillment by the said Contractor(s) / Supplier(s) / - Seller(s) of the terms and conditions
contained in the said Agreement, on production of a Bank Guarantee for Rs. (Rupees
only), we (hereinafter referred to as at the request of
Contractor(s) / Supplier(s) / - Seller(s) do hereby undertake to pay to the Corporation
an amount not exceeding Rs. against any loss or damage caused to or suffered or
would be caused to or suffered by the Corporation by reason of any breach by the said
Contractor(s) / Supplier(s) / - Seller(s), of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said

2. We ( indicate the name of the bank) do hereby undertake to pay the

amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur, merely on a demand from the
Corporation stating that the amount claimed is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be
caused to or suffered by the Corporation by reason of breach by the said Contractor(s) / Supplier(s)
/ - Seller(s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement or by reason of the
Contractor(s) / Supplier(s) failure to perform the said Agreement. Any such demand made on the
bank shall be conclusive as regards the amount due and this guarantee shall be restricted to an
amount not exceeding Rs.

3. We undertake to pay to the Corporation any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor(s) / Supplier(s) / - Seller(s) in any suit or proceeding
pending before any court or Tribunal or Arbitrator relating thereto our liability under this present
being absolute and unequivocal. The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid
discharge of our liability for payment there under and the Contractor(s) / Supplier(s) / - Seller(s)
shall have no claim against us for making such payment.

4. We, further agree that the guarantee herein contained shall remain in

Page 65 of
full force and effect during the period that would be taken for the performance of the said
Agreement and that it shall continue to be enforceable till all the dues of the Corporation under or
by virtue of the said agreement have been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till
office / department at certifies that the terms and conditions of the said
agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor(s) / Supplier(s) / -
Seller(s) and accordingly discharge this guarantee. Unless a demand or claim under this guarantee
is made on us in writing on or before we shall be discharged from all liability under this
guarantee thereafter.

5. We, (indicate the name of Bank) further agree with the corporation that the
corporation shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any manner our
obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said agreement or to extend
time of performance by the said Contractor(s) / Supplier(s) / - Seller(s) from time to time or to
postpone for any time or from time to time any the powers exercisable by the corporation against
the said Contractor(s) / Supplier(s) / - Seller(s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and
conditions relating to the said agreement and shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any
such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor(s) / Supplier(s) / - Seller(s) or
forbearance, act or omission on the part of the corporation or any indulgence by the corporation to
the said Contractor(s) / Supplier(s) / - Seller(s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which
under the law relating to sureties would, but for this provisions have affect of so relieving us.

6. This guarantee will not be discharged due to change in the constitution of the Bank
or the Contractor(s) / Supplier(s) / - Seller(s).

7. We, (indicate the name of Bank) lastly undertake not to revoke this
guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the corporation in writing.

Dated the day of 20

(indicate the name of Bank)

Page 66 of


I/ We hereby declare that:

a) We are committed to elimination of child labour in all its forms.

b) We are not engaging Child Labour in any of our work(s) in terms of the provisions of The Child
Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986 and other applicable laws.

c) We undertake to fully comply with provisions of The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation)
Act, 1986 and other applicable labour laws, in case the work is awarded to us.

d) It is understood that if I/We, either before award or during execution of Contract, commit a
transgression through a violation of Article b /c above or in any other form, such as to put my/our
reliability or credibility in question, the Owner is entitled to disqualify us from the Tender process or
terminate the Contract, if already executed or exclude me / us from future contract award
processes. The imposition and duration of the exclusion will be determined by the severity of
transgression and determined by the Owner. Such exclusion may be for a period of 1 year to 3
years as per the procedure prescribed in the guidelines for holiday listing of the Owner.

e) I/We accept and undertake to respect and uphold the Owner's absolute right to resort to and
impose such exclusion.



Signature of Bidder:

Name of Signatory :

Page 67 of
THIS CONTRACT made at Mumbai this day of 200 ; BETWEEN
INDIAN OIL CORPORATION LTD., a Government of Indian Undertaking registered in India under
the Indian Companies Act 1956, having its registered office at G-9, All Yavar Jung Marg, Bandra
(East), Bombay - 400 051 (hereinafter referred to as the OWNER which expression shall include
its successors and assigns) of the One Part; AND carrying on business in
sole proprietorship/carrying on business in partnership under the name and style
of a Company registered in India under the Indian Companies
Act, 1913/1956 having its registered office at (hereinafter referred to/as
collectively referred to as the Contractor which expression shall include his/their/its executors,
administrators, representatives and permitted assigns/successors and permitted assign) of the
other part:


The OWNER desires to have executed the work of

more specifically mentioned and described in the

l include all amendments
therein and/or modifications thereof) and has accepted the tender of the CONTRACTOR for the
said work.


Contract Documents

1.1 The following documents shall constitute the Contract documents, namely:
(a) This contract;
(b) Tender documents as defined in the General Instructions to Tenderers;
(c) Letter of Acceptance of Tender along with Fax/Telegram of Intent.

1.2 A copy of each of the Tender Documents is annexed hereto and the said copies have been
collectively marked Annexure A while a copy of the letter of Acceptance of Tender along with
annexures thereto and a copy of Fax/Telegram of Intent dated are annexed hereto
and said copies have been collectively marked as Annexure B .



2.1 The CONTRACTOR shall perform the work upon the terms and conditions and within the item
specified in the Contract documents.


Page 68 of
3.1 Subject to and upon the terms and conditions contained in the Contract documents, the
OWNER shall pay CONTRACTOR compensation as specified in the Contract documents upon the
satisfactory completion of the work and/or otherwise as may be specified in the Contract



4.1 Notwithstanding any other court or courts having jurisdiction to decide the question(s)
forming the subject matter of the reference if the same had been the subject matter of a suit, any
and all actions and proceedings arising out of or relative to the contract (including any arbitration in
terms thereof) shall lie only in the court of competent civil jurisdiction in this behalf at
(where this Contract has been signed on behalf of the OWNER) and only the
said Court(s) shall have jurisdiction to entertain and try any such action(s) and/or proceeding(s) to
the exclusion of all other Courts.


Entire Contract

5.1 The Contract documents mentioned in Article - 1 hereof embody the entire Contract
between the parties hereto, and the parties declare that in entering into this Contract they do not
rely upon any previous representation, whether express or implied and whether written or oral, or
any inducement, understanding or agreements of any kind not included within the Contract
documents and all prior negotiations, representations, contracts and/or agreements and
understandings relative to the work are hereby cancelled.



6.1 Subject to any provisions in the Contract documents to the contrary, any notice, order
or communication sought to be served by the CONTRACTOR on the OWNER with reference to the
Contract shall be deemed to have been sufficiently served upon the OWNER (notwithstanding any
enabling provisions under any law to the contrary) only if delivered by hand or by Registered
Acknowledgment Due Post to the Engineer-in-Charge as -defined in the Genera! Conditions of

6.2 Without prejudice to any other mode of service provided for in the Contract
Documents or otherwise available to the OWNER, any notice, order or
other communication sought to be served by the OWNER on the CONTRACTOR with reference to
the Contract, shall be deemed to have been sufficiently served if delivered by hand or through
Registered Post Acknowledgement due to the principal office of the CONTRACTOR at
or to the representatives as referred to in the
General Conditions of Contract forming part of the Contract, Documents.


Waiver :

Page 69 of
7.1 No failure or delay by the OWNER in enforcing any right or remedy of the OWNER in terms
of the Contract or any obligation or liability of the CONTRACTOR in terms thereof shall be deemed
to be a waiver of such right, remedy, obligation or liability, as the case may be; by the OWNER and
notwithstanding such failure or delay, the OWNER shall be entitled at any time to enforce such
right, remedy, obligation or liability, as the case may be.



8.1 The Contract and benefits and obligations thereof shall be strictly personal to the
CONTRACTOR and shall not on any account be assignable or transferable by the CONTRACTOR.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Contract in duplicate the place, day
and year first above written


for and on behalf of

in the presence of:




for and on behalf of



(this day of 200 )

in the presence of:

2. *(Strike off which is not applicable)

Page 70 of
GST (Goods & Services Tax) Details

Bidders to note that the Price quote (BOQ1 and BOQ2 Price) for the subject work shall be exclusive of Central
Goods & Service Tax (CGST) & State Goods & Service Tax (SGST/ Integrated Goods & Service Tax (IGST).
The entire Works covered under this tender shall be treated as "INDIVISIBLE WORKS CONTRACT".
for price comparison/ evaluation of tender as mentioned below:-

1 2 3 4

All items 998533 All Items of SOR/BOQ 18%

1) GST rate and SAC is mentioned above. Bidder to submit signed and stamped copy
of this Annexure (ANNEXURE-12) as token of acceptance.
2) In case a supply/service is covered under RCM (Reverse Charge Mechanism), then
evaluation will be done by considering GST rates as mentioned above.
prices accordingly.
4) Bidders hereby confirm that they have taken note of Anti- profiteering measure
clause (Sec 171 of CGST) wherein it is stated that any reduction in rate of tax on any
supply of goods and services or the benefit of input tax credit shall be passed on to
the recipient by way of commensurate reduction in prices, and they have quoted
5) Bidder will be required to raise invoice indicating the applicable GST amount
separately as the Owner intends to avail Input Tax Credit under GST. The invoice
should be GST Compliant.


Page 71 of


(On letter head of the firm, to be submitted along with bid)


DGM ( Contracts Cell )

Dear Sir,
This is to certify that nothing is payable by me/us to Corporation. In case it is found that some
amount is outstanding against me/us payable to corporation, the same may please be recovered
from my/our bills against this contract.
I/We am/are also agreeable to relieve my/our labourers for training pertaining to safety operations
of locations as required by corporation.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully
Authorised Signatory.


Page 72 of

(On non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value)

(To be executed on award of the work)

THIS CONTRACT made at Mumbai this day of 201

BETWEEN INDIAN OIL CORPORATION LTD., a Government of India Undertaking
registered in India under the Indian Companies Act 1956, having its registered office at G-
9, Ali Yavar Jung Marg, Bandra (East), Bombay- 400 051 and the Headquarters at G-9, Ali
Yavar Jung Marg, Bandra (East), Bombay- 400 051 Mumbai (hereinafter referred to as the
"OWNER" which expression shall include its successors and assigns) of the One Part;
AND carrying on business in sole proprietorship/ carrying on business in
partnership under the name and style of a Company
registered in India under the Indian Companies Act, 1913/ 1956 having its registered
office at (hereinafter referred to/ as collectively referred to as
the "Contractor" which expression shall include his/ their/ its executors, administrators,
representatives and permitted assigns/ successors and permitted assign) of the other
The OWNER desires to have executed the work of
more specifically mentioned and described in the
contract documents (hereinafter called the 'work' which expression shall include all
amendments therein and/ or modifications thereof) and has accepted the tender of the
CONTRACTOR for the said work.


Contract Documents

1.1 The following documents shall constitute the Contract documents, namely

(a) This contract;

(b) Tender documents as defined in the General Instructions to Tenderers;
(c) Letter of Acceptance of Tender along with Fax/ Telegram of Intent.

1.2 A copy of each of the Tender Documents is annexed hereto and the said copies
have been collectively marked Annexure 'A' while a copy of the letter of
Acceptance of Tender along with annexures thereto and a copy of Fax/Telegram
of Intent dated are annexed hereto and said copies have been
collectively marked as Annexure 'B".


Work to Be Performed

Page 73 of
2.1 The CONTRACTOR shall perform the work upon the terms and conditions and within
the item specified in the Contract documents,



3.1 Subject to and upon the terms and conditions contained in the Contract
documents, the OWNER shall pay CONTRACTOR compensation as specified in
the Contract documents upon the satisfactory completion of the work and/ or
otherwise as may be specified in the Contract documents.



4.1 Notwithstanding any other court or courts having jurisdiction to decide the question(s)
forming the subject matter of the reference if the same had been the subject matter of
a suit, any and all actions and proceedings arising out of or relative to the contract
(including any arbitration in terms thereof) shall lie only in the court of competent civil
jurisdiction in this behalf at (where this Contract has been signed on behalf
of the OWNER) and only the said Court(s) shall have jurisdiction to entertain and try
any such action(s) and/ or proceeding(s) to the exclusion of all other Courts.


Entire Contract

5.1 The Contract documents mentioned in Article - I hereof embody the entire Contract
between the parties hereto, and the parties declare that in entering into this
Contract they do not rely upon any previous representation, whether express or
implied and whether written or oral, or any inducement, understanding or
agreements of any kind not included within the Contract documents and all prior
negotiations, representations, contacts and/ or agreements and understandings
relative to the work are hereby cancelled.

6.1 Subject to any provisions in the Contract documents to the contrary, any notice,
order or communication sought to be served by the CONTRACTOR on the
OWNER with reference to the Contract shall be deemed to have been sufficiently
served upon the OWNER (notwithstanding any enabling provisions under any law
to the contrary) only if delivered by hand or by Registered Acknowledgment Due
Post to the Engineer in- Charge as defined in the General Conditions of Contract.

6.2 Without prejudice to any other mode of service provided for in the Contract
Documents or otherwise available to the OWNER, any notice, order or other
communication sought to be served by the OWNER on the CONTRACTOR with
reference to the Contract, shall be deemed to have been sufficiently served if

Page 74 of
delivered by hand or through Registered Post Acknowledgement Due to the
principal office of the CONTRACTOR at or to the
CONTRACTOR's representatives as referred to in the General Conditions of
Contract forming part of the Contract Documents.
7.1 No failure or delay by the OWNER in enforcing any right or remedy of the OWNER
in terms of the Contract or any obligation or liability of the CONTRACTOR in terms
thereof shall be deemed to be a waiver of such right, remedy, obligation or liability,
as the case may be, by the OWNER and notwithstanding such failure or delay, the
OWNER shall be entitled at any time to enforce such right, remedy, obligation or
liability, as the case may be.

8.1 The Contract and benefits and obligations thereof shall be strictly personal to the
CONTRACTOR and shall not on any account be assignable or transferable by the

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Contract in duplicate the
place, day and year first above written

by ............................................

in the presence of
SIGNED AND DELIVERED for and on behalf of
.......................................... (CONTRACTOR)
by ............................................
(this day of 20 )
in the presence of

Page 75 of


LIQUIDATION {to submitted in Bid_Documents}

Tender No: RCC/NR/UPSO-2/HR/PT-133/20-21

Bidder Name:

I/ We hereby declare that I/We /M/s-------------------------declare that.

(i) I/ We am/are not undergoing insolvency resolution process or liquidation or

bankruptcy proceeding as on date.

(ii) I/ We am/are undergoing insolvency resolution process or liquidation or

bankruptcy proceeding as on date as per details mentioned below. 9Attached
detail with technical bid).

It is understand that if this declaration is found to be false, Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.
Shall have the right to reject my/our bid, and forfeit the EMD. If the bid has resulted in
a contract, the contract will be liable for termination without prejudice to any other right
or remedy (including black listing or holiday listing) available to Indian Oil Corporation

Signature of Bidder
Name of Signatory



Page 76 of



of Local

All Items mentioned in uploaded Purchase Requisition (PR) towards technical estimate
are of Indian Origin with 100% Local Content except following Line items for which
Country of Origin and Percentage of Local content is mentioned below :

S.No. Each tender line Country of origin Percentage of local

item Content


Bidders Signature with stamp.

Page 77 of

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