The Impact of Urban Development On Wetland Conservation: Sustainability
The Impact of Urban Development On Wetland Conservation: Sustainability
The Impact of Urban Development On Wetland Conservation: Sustainability
The Impact of Urban Development on Wetland Conservation
Zhaobin Li *, Lei Ma, Dongmei Gou, Qianqian Hong, Leungkam Fai and Bo Xiong
Abstract: Wetland is an integrated ecosystem which includes ecosystems such as hydrology, soil,
vegetation, and biological environments. At present, the urbanization rate of China’s national
economic development process is rapidly increasing, and by the end of 2021, the urbanization
rate of China’s resident population will be 64.72%. This paper analyzes the hydrological effects of
urbanization, the impact of water resources, climate change, and biodiversity on wetland ecosystems,
and also analyzes the role of wetlands on the ecological environment, especially in terms of ecological
and cultural values. The economic and social benefits of the whole society are also analyzed. The
ecological and social benefits of urban wetlands have made their conservation and sustainable
development increasingly important worldwide. Based on the current situation of China’s urban
wetland protection and restoration, we put forward countermeasures and suggestions for China’s
urban wetland protection. This is conducive to promoting the sustainable development of the
urban wetland ecosystem, promoting the operation of the market, realizing the optimal allocation of
ecological resources, improving the benefits of ecological environmental protection, and promoting
the coordinated development of the ecological environment. This paper provides a reference for the
better development of wetland conservation under urbanization development conditions.
with strong vitality and productivity, resulting in ecosystems of special nature. However, [4]
consider wetlands as a living system with environmental landscape value, as well as a
habitat for a variety of birds and fish that play an important role in reducing pollution
and purifying water. In addition to this, there is a part of the humanities that considers
wetlands as terrestrial margins, including all types of natural or man-made bodies of water.
conservation. In recent years, the Guangdong has begun making efforts to protect and
restore wetland parks, and the achievements are remarkable.
The Guangdong Province, located in the south of China, belongs to the subtropical
monsoon climate. The region has many rivers, a unique location and a narrow coastline;
Guangdong has become a home to many diverse, large, and widely distributed wetlands,
and is one of the strongest biodiversity provinces and regions in China. There are more than
2000 rivers of all sizes in the territory, the coastline of its islands is 1649.50 km long, and
the east, west and north rivers converge to form the Pearl River Delta [9]. The interwoven
network of rivers and waterways is also the cradle of the breeding and development of
Lingnan culture. The Guangdong Province has 1,753,400 hectares of wetlands, of which
1,158,100 hectares are natural wetlands and 595,300 hectares are artificial wetlands. By 2007,
twenty-seven national wetland parks were established in the Guangdong Province.
around the world have shown us that no artificial or hard dams that are high and strong
nability 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW are infallible, and that what humans need to do is to reflect on the narrow
4 of 19 development
concept of trying to overcome manipulate nature, and to respect the needs of nature more,
seek the ability of nature, leave space for water and nature, and rely on the ability of nature
to ensure human safety.
Figure 1. Diversity of wetland landscape.
Figure 1. Diversity of wetland landscape.
In the context of global climate change, wetlands in urbanized areas are equivalent
In a typical natural “urban wetland”, although the conservation of wetlands and their
to an ecological barrier naturally constructed for cities, often effectively buffering external
important ecological value has been widely recognized by all walks of life, and work has
damage and impact when extreme weather events such as floods and storm surges are
been carried out to protect wetland wildlife, the protection of wildlife is only the first step.
hitting cities. The
After the of
value tsunami in Japan
estuarine in 2011,
wetlands is by the Japan limited
no means Institute
theAir and Space
sheltering of wildlife; they
Technology (JIAT) reassessed the embankment standards of coastal cities in Japan, and
are also a natural barrier for coastal cities against extreme weather events such as storm
after considering the effects of extreme storm surges, ground subsidence, and rising sea
surges and floods, and bear an important responsibility for the ecological safety of the entire
levels, it was found that the design standard of one in four hundred years for logs in the
city. For example, the 12th Five-Year Plan for Environmental Protection and Ecological
Osaka area could actually only cope with extreme tide levels of one in sixty years. The
Construction in Fuzhou City clearly states: “Implement wetland protection projects, protect
design elevation of one in two hundred years in the Takamatsu area actually only meets
and restore wetland ecosystems, and enable wetlands to be reasonably developed and
the standard of one in ten years. The natural disasters that have occurred in coastal areas
utilized”. Obviously, there is still a deficiency in making wetlands equal in size and
around the world have shown us that no artificial or hard dams that are high and strong
area, i.e., working out how to provide space for sustainable urban development while
are infallible, and that what humans need to do is to reflect on the narrow development
ensuring the least amount of effective land so that urbanized wetlands become an overall
concept of trying to overcome manipulate nature, and to respect the needs of nature more,
ecological security model. A comprehensive understanding of the important ecological
seek the ability of nature, leave space for water and nature, and rely on the ability of nature
service functions beyond land resources, such as safeguarding urban safety, mitigating
to ensure human safety.
urban heat island effect, buffering disaster impacts, sheltering wildlife, and supporting
In a typical natural “urban wetland”, although the conservation of wetlands and their
agricultural and fisheries development. All the “understanding” and “protection” are based
important ecological value has been widely recognized by all walks of life, and work has
on the familiarity and control of the spatial and temporal dynamic evolution of wetland
been carried out to protect wetland wildlife, the protection of wildlife is only the first step.
ecosystem characteristics and laws. Therefore, in the wetland distribution area, it is of
The value of estuarine wetlands is by no means limited to the sheltering of wildlife; they
great significance for the construction of regional ecological and environmental security
are also a natural barrier for coastal cities against extreme weather events such as storm
to carry out long-term, targeted ecological monitoring. We provide an in-depth study of
surges and floods, and
the spatialbear an important
and temporal dynamicresponsibility
ecologicalsafety of the
elements in the wetland
entire city. For example, the 12th Five‐Year Plan for Environmental Protection and
Ecological Construction in Fuzhou City clearly states: “Implement wetland protection
projects, protect and restore wetland ecosystems, and enable wetlands to be reasonably
developed and utilized”. Obviously, there is still a deficiency in making wetlands equal
Sustainability 2022, 14, 13747 5 of 18
ecosystem characteristics, and make scientific and objective quantitative assessment to find
the ecological and environmental problems of the crux. For a full understanding, we grasp
the spatial and temporal evolution of the wetland ecosystem laws to explore the effective
prevention of urban wetland area and system function degradation, to strengthen regional,
ecological, and environmental security.
Figure 2. Investment in environmental pollution control in China.
Figure 2. Investment in environmental pollution control in China.
out wetland planning and protection and restoration work. Now under the influence of the
sponge city theory, wetland parks reflect the aesthetic, ecological, and cultural integration
and other values of conservation and layout of the planning, wetlands and cities have
become more closely linked.
Project Total Industrial Source Source of Life Pollution Control
Emissions/million tons 2564.8 49.7 1593.2 918.9 2.9
Proportion (%) - 1.9 62.1 35.8 0.1
Project Total Industrial Source Source of Life Pollution Control
Emissions/million tons 322.3 11.4 158.9 151.6 0.4
Proportion (%) - 3.5 49.3 47.0 0.1
Project Total Industrial Source Source of Life Pollution Control
Emissions/million tons 98.4 2.1 25.4 70.7 0.2
Proportion (%) - 2.2 25.8 71.8 0.2
Sustainability 2022, 14, 13747 8 of 18
Project Total Industrial Source Source of Life Pollution Control
Emissions/million tons 33.7 0.4 24.6 8.7 0.01
Sustainability 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 19
Proportion (%) - 1.1 73.2 25.7 0.03
Figure 3. Emission load (million tons).
Figure 3. Emission load (million tons).
Table 1. National and sub‐source chemical oxygen demand emissions in 2020.
2.3. Impact of Urbanization on Wetland Area
The decrease in wetland area due to urbanization is mainly due to sedimentation, Centralized
lake and beach reclamation, and landfills,
Industrial and the filling, occupation, and Pollution
Agricultural modification
Project by Total
of wetlands urban construction Source of Life
Source and transportation.
Source The USDA survey shows that the
reduction of wetland area in the U.S. watershed is mainly due to the urbanization process.
Emissions/ has led to a loss of 58% of wetlands in the United States, 55% of wetlands
in the Netherlands2564.8 49.7
since 1950, 90% of wetlands 1593.2
in New Zealand 918.9 2.9 60% of
since 1850, and
million tons
wetlands in Spain. Our wetlands decreased by 33% from 1978 to 2008. The second national
wetland survey in‐ 2009 showed1.9 that the total area of wetlands in35.8
62.1 0.1 hm2 ,
China was 53,602,600
(%) 2
a decrease of 3,396,300 hm compared to the first survey completed in 2003, with a decrease
of 8.82%. The wetland area of urban lakes in Wuhan City reduced by 52.3 percent from
Table 2. National and sub‐source total nitrogen emissions in 2020.
the 1950s to the early 21st century. The Xixi wetland in Hangzhou has rapidly declined
in area due to rapid urbanization, especially in the eastern part of the wetland, where the
area of the water body declined from
Industrial 29.50 percent in
Agricultural 1990 to 4.45 percent in 2010. Urban
Project in areas
expansion Total
such as Beijing, Tianjin, Wuhan, Jinan, Source of Life
Shanghai, and Lhasa has resulted
Source Source Control
in the permanent disappearance of surrounding wetlands, as shown in Table 5 and Figure 4.
322.3 11.4 158.9 151.6 0.4
llion tons
‐ 3.5 49.3 47.0 0.1
Table 3. National and sub‐source ammonia nitrogen emissions in 2020.
Industrial Agricultural Pollution
Project Total Source of Life
Source Source Control
Sustainability 2022, 14, 13747 9 of 18
Urbanization Rate
Urbanization Rate
Urbanization Rate of China’s
Actual of Middle and
Year of Resident Urbanized Actual Deviation
Urbanization High-Income
Population Household
2010 49.95 34.17 45.69 58.86 −13.17
2011 51.27 34.71 46.80 59.74 −12.94
2012 52.57 35.33 47.92 60.60 −12.68
2013 53.73 35.93 48.92 61.46 −12.54
2014 54.77 36.63 49.87 62.30 −12.43
2015 56.10 39.90 51.73 63.14 −11.41
2016 57.35 41.20 52.99 63.96 −10.97
2017 58.52 42.35 54.15 64.78 −10.63
2018 59.58 43.30 55.18 65.57 −10.39
Sustainability 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 19
2019 60.60 44.38 56.22 66.35 −10.13
Figure 4. Urbanization rate (%).
Figure 4. Urbanization rate (%).
Sustainability 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW
gained 12 of 19
from the plants and animals in these wetlands, such as fish, shrimp, crabs, algae,
lotus roots, and rhizomes, which can be processed and sold as food, as shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6. Economic value.
Figure 6. Economic value.
4.1.1. To Establish a Sound Professional Management Body
At present, China’s exploration in the construction and protection of wetland parks
is in its infancy, and the accumulation of experience, as well as practical exploration, are
lacking [20]. It is necessary to integrate technical forces to build management institutions
Sustainability 2022, 14, 13747 12 of 18
Figure 7. Wetland conservation rate in China (%).
Figure 7. Wetland conservation rate in China (%).
for 3.43%. Severely contaminated soil accounts for 0.22%. Nearly 1/4 of the agricultural
soils are contaminated. Over the last two decades, at least 50 to 60% of the agricultural soils
in the Lake District are currently contaminated.
Due to the rapid development of agriculture, agricultural production, and urbaniza-
tion, the pollutants brought by the lake runoff and the Yangtze River basin have caused
serious pollution to the local water bodies and have formed a very great impact on the
survival and reproduction of the organisms living and growing in the water. The water
quality of some waters from rivers into the lake exceeds the standard, and the detection
rate is one hundred percent; it has a significant impact on the eutrophication process of
Poyang Lake.
5. To protect the natural forest vegetation of five major rivers into the lake, fully imple-
menting the natural forest protection project in the Yangtze River basin and preventing
soil erosion is the key to protect the ecology of Poyang Lake wetland.
6. Conclusions
China only started wetland research in the 1950s, but still no sound theory has been
formed so far, and the progress of research is uneven for various different types of wetland
ecosystems. We suggest that in the future, in addition to the application of high technology,
research on different aspects should be strengthened, and new progress is expected to be
In this study, we examine wetland conservation methods, wetland restoration and
wetland reconstruction methods, sustainable development methods, governance methods,
and the relationship with drought. We found that the concept and division of wetlands
have not yet formed a relatively complete definition and related classification system; we
also comprehensively survey and compile wetlands and their resources, and scientifically
map urbanized wetlands. At present, the productivity and carrying capacity of wetlands in
our country are still in the initial stage of development and need to be further improved
and improved.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, Z.L. and D.G.; Data curation, L.M.; Investigation, B.X.;
Methodology, Q.H.; Resources, L.F.; Visualization, D.G. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: The experimental data used to support the findings of this study are
available from the corresponding author upon request.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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