E3sconf Sricoenv2018 04012
E3sconf Sricoenv2018 04012
E3sconf Sricoenv2018 04012
1051/e3sconf /20186804012
1st SRICOENV 2018
1 Introduction
The wetland with watery covered and low topography is not a preferable location to
build a place for living. For a city which is dominated by wetlands like the city of
Palembang, the development of wetlands is inevitable. The development of urban
settlements in Palembang began at the riverside area [1.2] with the tributaries of the Musi
River as economic driving point. [3]. As the population increases, the physical development
reached the wetland area especially for settlement or housing. The development at wetland
area does not consider the natural and ecological aspects of the area [4]. The development
is less considered the quality of environment. This results in the increasing of slum area and
the decreasing of wetland ability to catch the runoff water. Therefore, the water covered
nature of wetland lead the issue of healthy dwelling. Dwelling refers to any habitation
places including the settlement and housing. This paper aims to elaborate the important
aspects for developing healthy dwelling in wetlands. To achieve the aim, the study
elaborated the natural character of wetland in Palembang, regulations and architectural
theory related to dwelling design and observed the settlement and housing at wetland area.
By nature, wetlands are transitional areas between aquatic and terrestrial systems that
have physical, chemical and biological characteristics. Wetlands should have at least one of
Corresponding author: widyafransiska@ft.unsri.ac.id
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
E3S Web of Conferences 68, 04012 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf /20186804012
1st SRICOENV 2018
the following characteristics: (1) periodically flooded land (2) undried-hydric soil (3) non-
soil saturated material or closed with shallow water at a seasonal time during the year.
Natural puddle wetlands occur continuously due to clogged natural drainage. [5.6]
In Rams ar convention 1972, wetlands as water covered area were categorized as
shallow open water and covered or saturated water area. The shallow open water consists of
lakes, ponds, rivers and coastal fringes. The covered or saturated water is any land that
regularly or intermittently covered or saturated by water such as marshes, bogs, swamps,
flood plains and the like. [7] More detail, The Ministerial Decree of Environment Republic
of Indonesia 5/2000 mentions the type of wetlands in Indonesia namely peat land, water
catchment areas, river and lake, coastal, mangrove, and marshes.
Wetland has important role for environment. It is a buffer system for ecosystem life
from chemicals, minerals or other toxic substances that are potentially harmful to the life of
any terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Wetland also serves as water suppliers, flood control
and sea water intrusion prevention. Wetland is highly sensitive to the negative effect of
physical development. The development leads to the change runoff water flow. Based on its
important role in the ecosystem, wetland development has been regulated by the
government of Indonesia in various policies. The development of wetland must support its
role as water catchment area. Every development plan at the wetland must be
complemented by the environmental impact assessment (AMDAL) to make sure that it
does not harm its natural balance. For riverbanks and coastal area, development should pay
attention to the boundary of the river and coastal as protected area. (Article 9 of
Government Regulation 27/ 1991; Articles 14 and 16 of Presidential Decree 32/1990;
Ministerial Decree of Environment5/2000).
In designing the dwelling, there is a theory of design that is being used for designing,
named Vitruvius theory (1914). The theory of Vitruvius is presented by a philosopher
named Vitruvius Pollio Markus in his book the ten book of architecture. This theory states
that an appropriate architectural design must meets three basic requirement; firmit as,
utility as and venust as. Firmit as is the principle of firmness and endurance (durability) that
must be owned by a design work. It includes the structural and material systems. Venust as
emphasizes the beauty and visual comfort of architectural design. Venust as underlines that
a true design is one that has a pleasing and proportionate appearance. The utility as
emphasizes the design capability that can fulfill the expected function and make the design
can be used. This includes good space management, appropriate placement of functions and
proper building systems and structures according to the building's technical
Beside the Vitruvius theory, architectural design should meet the physical comfort
criteria in building science. The design should let the building perform well based on three
measurable comforts in building science namely thermal, visual and sound comfort.
Thermal comfort is associated with temperature and humidity in the room. Visual comfort
is associated with light levels that enter the room. Sound comfort refers to the pleasure of
hearing that is desired and tolerated by the occupants of room. These three things are
influenced by nature in the form of sunlight, rainfall, and wind flow and earthquake
vibration. These three things, when considered with the proper arrangement, can cause
physical comfort for occupants and lead to healthy micro environment inside and outside
the building[9,10]
The criteria of healthy dwelling (read: house) design has mentioned in theories of
design and regulated by the local authority. Essentially, the criteria of healthy dwelling
design have mentioned in theory of Vitruvius and physical comfort. The venust as and
firmitas support thermal and visual comfort for healthy environment inside the building.
The unhealthy dwelling area is termed in regulation as slum area. As described in the
E3S Web of Conferences 68, 04012 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf /20186804012
1st SRICOENV 2018
Palembang Municipal Regulation 8/2016, a slum area is characterized as buildings that are
located in high density areas. Most of these buildings have irregular arrangements,
minimum fulfillment on space and technical requirements. The coverage of the road
network and the low quality road surface environment also determines the slum definition.
Further, the unavailability of infrastructure also determines the slum definition of a
residential environment in terms of connectivity with urban drainage system and low
quality of drainage construction, waste water and garbage management, and unavailability
of fire protection facilities. A dwelling place is categorized as healthy environment if it has
only few of these weaknesses stated on there gulation.
Palembang has two types of wetland, the riverbank and marshes. The development of
urban settlements in Palembang began at the riverside area before the colonial era.
Riverside was the initial city center in Palembang when the maritime lifestyle. The
development was based on adaptation with wetland environment as proven by the stilt
structured houses located at riverside and marshes. In colonial era, the street along the river
was built and introduced the landed lifestyle. The new lifestyle introduced the masonry and
concrete structure for buildings.
E3S Web of Conferences 68, 04012 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf /20186804012
1st SRICOENV 2018
As the population is increasing and the dry land is limited, the urban wetland becomes
the location for housing and settlements. The wetlands are reclaimed to change the wetland
into dry land. More buildings and infrastructure built by masonry and concrete structure are
found at wetland area. The housing development at the wetland area reduces its ecological
role as water catchment area. In the long run, the increasing fragmented wetland increase
the risk flood due to its minimum ability to hold water. It is also happened at riverside
settlement. As the location is at city center, the vacant spaces between buildings are filled
by the new buildings. The space under the stilt structure is used as new unit of house or
space extension of existing stilt house. This situation leads to higher building density at
urban area.
As explained in the previous section, wetlands in Palembang are categorized as
riverside and marshes. The dwellings at riverside area are the old and historical buildings
with new ones built at vacant area of the settlement. Most of the houses are built by
responding to the nature of wetland. On the other hand, the dwellings at marshes are
modifying the nature of wetland. The housing area is built on the reclaimed marshes to
accommodate landed lifestyle. Therefore, there are some differences among these two
locations. Firstly, the design was based on different response to the nature of wetland. The
riverside settlement has organic morphology form, following the natural landscape of the
wetland area. The housing at reclaimed wetland has more patterned morphology form as
result from the modification. Figure 1 shows the difference of morphology. The second
difference is in design management. The riverside settlement was designed by the people
based on local knowledge. The housing was designed by the developer based on modern
knowledge. Therefore the modern infra structure at reclaimed wetland is relatively easier to
build, maintain and manage.
Fig. 2. The morphology differences among riverside settlement and reclaimed wetland housing
E3S Web of Conferences 68, 04012 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf /20186804012
1st SRICOENV 2018
Referring to Vitruvius's theory, physical comfort theory and character of slum area, the
design of healthy dwelling in wetlands should consider the nature of wetlands. Typical
character of wetland creates a critical point in the execution of dwelling design including
response to the water, sub structure, space arrangement, building system and residential
appearance. Wetlands are always associated with puddles or water seepage. The runoff
water must be flowed as soon as possible out of the dwelling through the drainage system.
It is important to provide retention pond, understand the canals around the location of
housing and create a comprehensive drainage channel with urban drainage system.
Wetlands have a weak bearing capacity, so the strength of the foundation structure is
important in dwelling design. The proper foundation structure for wetland is the stilt
structure, cerucuki and foot plate which are good in responding the unstable soil structure.
Subsequently, the water can infiltrate into the foundation structure and the whole building
structure. This will cause high humidity and moisture into the building. Therefore, it is
important to select appropriate building material that can respond this condition. For
wooden buildings, the high quality wood is good for dwelling at wetland area. However,
since the scarcity of wood, the masonry and concrete become the preferable building
material. Then, the aggregate quality becomes very important. Waterproof aggregates are a
necessary for dwelling design in wetlands that can reduce water filtration to the building.
For more comfortable living place, the layout of dwelling must be adapted to the
conditions of puddle or regular flood at building site. Wetland as water catchment area is a
place where the flood and puddle always routinely happen. Therefore, space occupancy at
this site should be flexible in use, especially for area that regularly experiencing the flood
or puddle. Most of riverside settlement is the one that has this situation. The space under
the stilt structure should be used for activities with non permanent furniture. In case of
flood, the furniture can be evacuated to higher split level inside the house. Therefore, small
business activities are recommended for this space. For housing at wetland area, the proper
spatial planning is easier to apply. The space order can be designed to be a growing house.
The concept of house maximizes the vertical extension of the space and minimizes it so it
reduces the covering the water catchment area. The building system on healthy dwelling
design on wetland also adjusts to the wetland's natural conditions. To anticipate the flood,
the wiring system is placed above the highest flood level. The water system must be
available from independent use or PDAM services. To get a healthy natural air, appropriate
ceiling high create cross ventilation inside the house.
A healthy dwelling design is relatively good looking and in accordance with the taste of
occupants. To be healthy, the building appearance must suit to the Palembang local climate.
To respond the tropical climate, the roof shape should be able to decrease inside
temperatures; the openings should meet the principle of cross ventilation. The overall
building appearance must accommodate natural daylight throughout the year and high rain
4 Conclusion
Healthy dwelling is in a healthy environment. It can be done by considering the
architectural aspects of good water drainage, suitable foundation, flexible spatial design,
anticipatory building system and good appearance in accordance suit with tropical climate.
In its application, creating a healthy shelter and environment in the wetlands requires the
cooperation of various parties. A synergy cooperation between government policy, research
institution and community in the implementation should be formed for successful effort.
E3S Web of Conferences 68, 04012 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf /20186804012
1st SRICOENV 2018
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