Beaconhouse School System: Jauhar Campus
Beaconhouse School System: Jauhar Campus
Beaconhouse School System: Jauhar Campus
Jauhar Campus
Scheme of Studies 2021-2022 Class: X Subject: Physics
Month 1st Week 2nd Week 3rd Week 4th Week
Chapter 12
Simple Harmonic motion.
A Examples of Simple
Online Harmonic motion
U - - (Simple pendulum).
G Orientation class
Wave motion.
Characteristics of wave
How sound is produced? Chapter 13. Propagation & Chapter 13.
S Velocity of sound. Reflection of light Spherical mirror
Numerical Reflection of light. Mirror Equation. 1st Assessment
E 12.1,12.2,12.3 &12.4 Laws of Reflection. Magnification Numerical
P 12.5,12.6,12.7& 12.8 Regular & Irregular 13.1,13.2,13.3 & 13.4
reflection. 13.5,13.6, 13.7 &13
Chapter 14. Refraction of Chapter 14. Refraction of Chapter 15. Chapter 16. Electricity
light & Optical Instruments. light & Optical Instruments. Wave theory of light’ Conductors & insulators.
O Refraction of light. Newton’s corpuscular Coulombs law electric
C Pinhole camera. theory. field. Electrostatic
T Laws of Refraction. Quantum theory. induction electric.
Dispersion of light. Potential. Capacitor. EMF.
X-rays spectrum. Electric current
Chapter 16. Electricity Chapter 17. Magnetism Chapter 17. Magnetism
Ohm’s law Magnetic field. Methods Field around a current
N Resistance in series and of making magnet. carrying conductor.
parallel circuit. Joule’s law. Electromagnet Electric bell. Force on
O Numerical. 2nd Assessment Magnetic effect of current current carrying
V conductor.
Galvanometer, Voltmeter
& Ammeter.
BeaconhouseSchool System
Jauhar Campus
Class: X 2021-2022 Subject: Physics
Month 1st Week 2nd week 3rd week 4thweek
Mid-Year Mid-Year
E Preparation of Result Winter Break
Examination Examination
Chapter 18. Electronics Chapter 18. Chapter 19. Nuclear Physics Chapter 19.
J P-type & N-type material. Half-wave & Full–wave Radioactivity. Fission chain reaction
PN–Junction. Rectification. Properties of α, β & γ rays. Fusion Reaction.
A Forward & Reverse bias. PNP & NPN transistor Isotopes of Hydrogen. Nuclear reactor.
N Radar. Fission Reaction,
E Preliminary Preliminary
Examination Examination Result Preparation leave
A Annual Exam Annual Exam Board Practical Board Practical