The Monkey and The Turtle

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5 At this the turtle cried and begged them to spare his life, but they paid no heed to his

pleadings and threw him into the water. He sank to the bottom, but very soon came up with a
lobster. The monkeys were greatly surprised at this and begged him to tell them how to catch
“I tied one end of a string around my waist,” said the turtle. “To the other end of the string
I tied a stone so that I would sink.”
The monkeys immediately tied strings around themselves as the turtle said, and when all
was ready they plunged into the water never to come up again.
And to this day monkeys do not like to eat meat, because they remember the ancient
1 A monkey, looking very sad and dejected, was walking along the bank of the river
one day when he met a turtle.
“How are you?” asked the turtle, noticing that he looked sad.
The monkey replied, “Oh, my friend, I am very hungry. The squash of Mr. Farmer was all
taken by the other monkeys, and now I am about to die from want of food.”
“Do not be discouraged,” said the turtle; “take a bolo and follow me and we will steal
some banana plants.”
So, they walked along together until they found some nice plants which they dug up,
and then they looked for a place to set them. Finally, the monkey climbed a tree and planted his in
it, but as the turtle could not climb, he dug a hole in the ground and set his there.
2 When their work was finished, they went away, planning what they should do with their
crop. The monkey said:
“When my tree bears fruit, I shall sell it and have a great deal of money.”
And the turtle said: “When my tree bears fruit, I shall sell it and buy three varas of cloth
to wear in place of this cracked shell.”
A few weeks later they went back to the place to see their plants and found that that
of the monkey was dead, for its roots had had no soil in the tree, but that of the turtle was tall and
bearing fruit.
“I will climb to the top so that we can get the fruit,” said the monkey. And he sprang up
the tree, leaving the poor turtle on the ground alone.
“Please give me some to eat,” called the turtle, but the monkey threw him only a green
one and ate all the ripe ones himself.
When he had eaten all the good bananas, the monkey stretched his arms around the
tree and went to sleep. The turtle, seeing this, was very angry and considered how he might punish
the thief. Having decided on a scheme, he gathered some sharp bamboo which he stuck all around
under the tree, and then he exclaimed:
“Crocodile is coming! Crocodile is coming!”
4 Then one of the other monkeys said: “Let us throw him into the water,”
At this the turtle cried and begged them to spare his life, but they paid no heed to his
pleadings and threw him into the water. He sank to the bottom, but very soon came up with a
lobster. The monkeys were greatly surprised at this and begged him to tell them how to catch
“I tied one end of a string around my waist,” said the turtle. “To the other end of the
string I tied a stone so that I would sink.”
The monkeys immediately tied strings around themselves as the turtle said, and when
all was ready they plunged into the water never to come up again.
And to this day monkeys do not like to eat meat, because they remember the ancient story.

3 The monkey was so startled at the cry that he fell upon the sharp bamboo and was
Then the turtle cut the dead monkey into pieces, put salt on it, and dried it in the sun.
The next day, he went to the mountains and sold his meat to other monkeys who gladly gave him
squash in return. As he was leaving them he called back:
“Lazy fellows, you are now eating your own body; you are now eating your own body.”
Then the monkeys ran and caught him and carried him to their own home.
“Let us take a hatchet,” said one old monkey, “and cut him into very small pieces.”
But the turtle laughed and said: “That is just what I like, I have been struck with a hatchet many
times. Do you not see the black scars on my shell?”

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