1bihar June English 52

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Bihar Specific Current Affairs June 2021

LiDAR Survey for forest area released for Bihar and 9 other states

• Prakash Javadekar (Union Minister of Ministry of Environment, Forest, and

Climate Change) has recently released the LiDAR (Light Detection and
Ranging) Survey of forests in Bihar and 9 other states.
• The Survey has been done by WAPCOS Ltd (formerly known as Water and
Power Consultancy Services Limited) which is a PSU under Ministry of Jal
Shakti, Government in India at the cost of 18.38 crores for 26 states. The data
for first 10 states has been released, the data for other states will be released
soon as well.
• This is the first time that this technology has been used for forest survey in
• The other 9 states whose survey has been released are Assam, Chhattisgarh,
Goa, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Manipur, Tripura, Nagaland, Maharashtra.
• This survey will aid the officials in identifying areas that require groundwater
recharge, also, it will help in proper supply of fodder and water in the forest
areas which will lead to reduction in Human-Animal conflict situations.
About Bihar:

Chief Minister: Nitish Kumar

Governor: Phagu Chauhan

State Tree: Peepal

Two new Government schemes announced in Bihar to promote

entrepreneurship among Youth and Women

The Chief Minister of Bihar, Nitish Kumar has virtually released two new schemes to
promote entrepreneurship among women and youth. The two schemes are
Mukhyamantri Mahila Udyami Yojna (MMUY), Mukhyamantri Yuva Udyami
Yojna (MYUY).

Mukhyamantri Mahila Udyami Yojna (MMUY)

• Under this scheme an unemployed woman in Bihar state will be provided Rs

10 Lakh to start a new venture in the form of business or small Industry.
• Of the 10 Lakh rupees 5 lakh will be provided as subsidy, meaning that this
amount does not need to be returned by the woman taking the loan. The rest
5 lakh rupees will be an interest free loan which needs to be returned over a
period of time.
Mukhyamantri Yuva Udyami Yojna (MYUY)

• Under Mukhyamantri Yuva Udyami Yojna, Youths in the state will be provided
with a loan of Rs 10 Lakh, similar to the Mukhyamantri Mahila Udyami Yojna
(MMUY), to open a small business and venture into entrepreneurship.
• Under Mukhyamantri Yuva Udyami Yojna the Rs 10 lakh loan amount will
provided in two halves, The first 5 lakh will be a subsidy similar to the
Mukhyamantri Mahila Udyami Yojna (MMUY), while the other 5 lakh rupees
will be a low interest loan (1% interest will be charged), which shall be repaid
by the individual in multiple long term instalments.
Note: These schemes will help the broken economy after the pandemic to recover in
the state, as well as it will provide a great opportunity to the youth and women of the
Bihar State to begin entrepreneurship, where initial capital prevents them from doing

130.1 MW Dagmara Hydroelectric Power Project in Supaul district of Bihar

• NHPC (National Hydroelectric Power Corporation) and BSHPC (Bihar State

Hydroelectric Power Corporation have signed an agreement to implement the
130.1 MW Dagmara Hydroelectric Power Project on Kosi river in supaul
district of Bihar.
• The project will be developed by NHPC (National Hydroelectric Power
Corporation) under ownership model.
• The MoU has been signed virtually by NHPC director(projects), Biswajit Basu
and BSHPC managing director Alok Kumar.
• The Bihar government will provide a grant of Rs 700 Crores for the capital
expenditures on the hydroelectric power project.
• NHPC is a Mini Ratna PSU which is also the largest hydroelectricity
development organization in the country.

Bihar among the least prepared states to achieve SDG targets by 2030, State of
India’s Environment Report, 2021

• Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) has released the State of India’s
Environment Report, 2021. India’s rank has dropped two places from previous
year, from 115 to 117. The report also states that India is now ranked below
four south Asian countries: Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh.
• Among the states, Kerala, Himachal Pradesh and Chandigarh have been
ranked the best performers who are most likely to achieve the SDG targets.
While Bihar and Jharkhand were the least prepared states to achieve the
SDG targets by 2030. Both the states have lagged in SDG 5 and 7 out of 17
Centre for Science and Environment:

Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) is a public interest research and
advocacy organisation based in New Delhi. CSE researches into, lobbies for and
communicates the urgency of development that is both sustainable and equitable.

Founder Director: Anil Kumar Agarwal

Director General: Sunita Narayan

NITI Ayog’s SDG India Index 2020-21

• Niti Ayog (National Institution for Transforming India) has released the third
edition of SDG India Index Report for 2020-21. It was launched by NITI Ayog
Vice Chairman Rajiv Kumar.
• The report is titled: “SDG India Index and Dashboard 2020-21:
Partnerships in the decade of Action”.
• The index has been designed and developed by NITI Ayog in collaboration
with Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation and various UN
Agencies in India.
State Rankings:

Kerala has kept its position as the best performer, while Bihar has been adjudged
the worst performer in the states.

Union Territories:

Chandigarh has ranked highest among the union territories followed by Delhi,
Puducherry. Dadra Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu has been ranked worst
performer in the union territories.

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