Development of Bihar and Saat Nischay (English) - 1
Development of Bihar and Saat Nischay (English) - 1
Development of Bihar and Saat Nischay (English) - 1
GS Paper I and II
Development of Bihar and Saat Nischay
BPSC Mains General Studies Paper –II (Section – II)
The government of Bihar has
listed down certain specific area which Related Constitutional Provision
they need to cover in order to make the Art.21A : The State shall provide free and compulsory
required improvement in the state. The education to all children of the age of 6 to 14 years.
agenda of the 7 resolves (SaatNischay) Art.41 : the Indian Constitution directs the state to secure
is 'bijili, sadak aur pani' and youth the right to work, education and public assistance
education, skill development and in certain cases such as unemployment, old age,
employment. Focus would also be put sickness and disablement
on women empowerment for overall Art.46 : Aims to promote education and economic interests
socio-economic development of the state. for members of Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe
and other weaker sections.
Objectives of Saat Nischay Yojana
SDG Goals
The priority of the State SDG 4: Quality Education-"AwsarBadhe, Aage Padhein"
Government is not limited to it will promote higher education in Bihar.
providing basic amenities, like SDG 5: GenderEquality -"Aarakshit Rozgar Mahilaon Ka
drinking water, toilets and electricity
Adhikar" will reduce gender inequality in Bihar.
to its citizens but to also expand the
network of basic infrastructure SDG 8: Decent work and Economic Growth-"Yuva Shakti
such as roads, bridges, footpath- Bihar Ki Pragati" will skill the youths and generate
drainage system etc. The employment opportunity.
Government is committed to
empower the youth and women and make the higher, occupational and technical education accessible to
them. All these points have been combined to create the frame work of 7 Nishchay.
Why this scheme is needed for the development of Bihar
Although, Bihar has witnessed
strong growth in per capita net state About 7 Nishchay Scheme
domestic product. At current prices,
per capita NSDP of the state grew at 7 nishchay for a developed Bihar under the programme
a CAGR of 10.73% (in Rs.) between of Good Governance 2015-2020 in mission mode :
2015-16 and 2020-21. 1. Aarthik Hal, YuvaonKo Bal
But the following problems are still 2. Aaraks hit Rozgar Mahilaon Ka Adhikar
becoming hurdles in the development 3. Har Ghar Bijli
of social infrastructure in Bihar 4. Har Ghar Nal Ka Jal
Poverty 5. Ghar Tak Pakki Gali-Naaliyan
According to Multi-Dimensional 6. Shauchalay Nirmaan, Ghar Ka Samman
Poverty Index (MPI) prepared by 7. Awsar Badhe, Aage Padhein
government think tank NitiAayog,
Bihar has the highest proportion of party, at 51.91 per cent of the state's population, who are
multidimensionally poor, followed by Jharkhand at 42.16 per cent and Uttar Pradesh at 37.79 per cent.
Bihar also has the highest number of malnourished people followed by Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh,
Uttar Pradesh, and Chhattisgarh. Kerala, Goa, and Sikkim have the lowest percentage of population
being multidimensionally poor at 0.71 per cent, 3.76 per cent and 3.82 per cent, respectively. This
baseline report of the national MPI measure is based on the reference period of 2015-16 of the National
Family Health Survey (NFHS).
Poor Health Infrastructure
As per a report by government think tank NITI Aayog, Bihar ranked the lowest in a study on the state
of district hospitals. While the country has an average of 24 beds per one lakh population, Puducherry
topped the list with 222 beds, whereas Bihar came in last with only six beds per one lakh population
in the state.
Way Forward
Identification of beneficiaries:
Proper identification of actual beneficiaries and targeted group of weaker sections of the society is
important to reduce the leakages. Which not only penetrate the scheme's benefits to the needy people
but also it reduces the fiscal deficit of the state economy.
Spread awareness:
However, Bihar government had launched various related schemes for the socio-economic development
but lack of awareness about the schemes make it futile. Hence government should focus on awareness
of Saat Nischay Scheme at mass level. So that people will participate to achieve the goal of the scheme.
Use of science and technology
Government can use of science and technology for better implementation and assessment of the
scheme like single window clearance portal, career guidance mobile apps, in allocated resource
monitoring etc.
Economic Survey of Bihar 2021-22
Bihar Government is implementing Mukhyamantri Mahila Udyami Yojana and Mukhyamantri
Yuva UdyamiYojana as a part of Saat Nischay-2. 200-200 crore in 2020-21 for both the schemes have
been allotted. Under this, a maximum of Rs 10 lakh will be given to the selected beneficiaries for the
establishment of the enterprise.
'Har Ghar Bijli' Saat was the third component of Nischay-1 (2015-20). This goal has been achieved.
Under saat Nischay-2 women entrepreneurs will be given a grant of up to Rs 5 lakh
and an interest-free loan up to a maximum of Rs 5 lakh.
The 7 resolves / Commitments are implementing vigorously in the state of Bihar. Experts in the state,
suggests that the resolves implementing by the CM of Bihar would lay strong foundation for the state's
growth in near future. Though, the net investment amount for those collective 7 resolves of Nitish government,
if they are utilized wisely surely it will be the great plus for the state growth and improve the ranking of Bihar
to high level while comparing with all other states of India.