1KHW002465 FOXCST Installation

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ABB Power Systems

User Manual
User Manual FOXCST

Release History: Release 1: December 2012

Copyright and Confidentiality: Copyright in this document vests in ABB LTD.

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reproduction, translation, conversion into any electronic medium or machine scannable form
is not permitted, either in whole or in part. The contents of the manual may not be disclosed
by the recipient to any third party, without the prior written agreement of ABB.
An exception is the preparation of a backup copy of the software for your own use. For
devices with embedded software, the end-user license agreement on the enclosed CD
This document may not be used for any purposes except those specifically authorised by
contract or otherwise in writing by ABB.

Disclaimer: ABB has taken reasonable care in compiling this document, however ABB accepts no liability
whatsoever for any error or omission in the information contained herein and gives no other
warranty or undertaking as to its accuracy.
ABB can accept no responsibility for damages, resulting from the use of the network
components or the associated operating software. In addition, we refer to the conditions of
use specified in the license contract.
ABB reserves the right to amend this document at any time without prior notice.

Blank pages: Any blank page present is to accommodate double-sided printing.

Document No.: 1KHW002465

ABB Switzerland Ltd

Power Systems
Bruggerstrasse 72
CH-5400 Baden
Switzerland © December 2012 by ABB Switzerland Ltd
Table of content

1 Preface 5
1.1 Document history 5
1.2 Target audience 5

2 Application description 7

3 Required items 9
3.1 Hardware and operating system for FOXCST host 9
3.2 FOXCST software 11
3.3 FOX61x HW and ESW 11

4 Installing FOXCST 13
4.1 Prerequisites 13
4.2 Commissioning steps 13
4.3 Passing possible obstacles for management connections 19
4.4 Offline configuration 21

5 Connecting to the NE 23
5.1 Preparing the connection 23
5.2 Establishing the connection 23
5.3 Connection using the local management port 24
5.4 Connection using a chassis switch port 25

6 Annex 27
6.1 Associated documents 27

FOXCSTInstallation 3
4 FOXCSTInstallation

1 Preface
1.1 Document history

Table 1: Document history

Date FOX61x Changes since previous version
2012-12-07 R1 This is the first version.

1.2 Target audience

This User Manual is targeted at persons who are entrusted with the installa-
tion, provisioning, operation and administration of the system.
The persons targeted are
• the installation personnel, and/or
• the provisioning personnel, and/or
• the operation and administration personnel

Please note:
Only trained and skilled personnel (maintenance staff as per EN 60950) may
install and maintain the system.

FOXCSTInstallation 5

6 FOXCSTInstallation

2 Application description
FOXCST (FOX Configuration Software Tool) is a smart GUI, suited to man-
age individual FOX61x NEs and runs under Windows® or LINUX operating
FOXCST offers the full range of management tasks:
• Configuration of any user configurable property
• Status and alarm display
• Performance management
• Software download
• Profile generation and download
• Configuration backup and restore
• Offline configuration

alternative location of

FOX61x alternative
location of EM

Element management
with FOXCST (EM)

Element man-
agement with

FOX51x alternative location
of EM with

Figure 1: An EM with FOXCST controls a FOX61x network

FOXCSTInstallation 7

8 FOXCSTInstallation

3 Required items
In this chapter all required items are listed and specified in order to set up an
EM with FOXCST and establish a local connection to a FOX61x R1 NE.
Required items overview:
• Hardware for EM host
• Operating system on the EM host
• FOXCST installation file
• FOX61x NE, equipped with central control unit
• ESW for the central control unit

3.1 Hardware and operating system for FOXCST host

Though FOXCST runs on both Windows® and LINUX platforms, the expla-
nations in this manual are restricted to hosts with the Windows® operating

3.1.1 Host hardware

The minimal requirement for host hardware is depending on whether the
offline configuration option is required for installation or not.
Recommended host hardware requirements with offline configuration:
• Processor:
Intel i5 CPU (or similar) and 64 bit architecture supporting virtual-
• RAM: 4 GB
• Available free disk space: 10 GB
Recommended host hardware requirements without offline configura-
• Processor: Dual Core CPU with 2 GHz clock speed
• RAM: 2 GB
• Available free disk space: 2 GB

3.1.2 Host operating system

The following Windows® operating systems are supported:
• Windows® XP SP3, both 32 bit and 64 bit version
• Windows® 7 Professional, both 32 bit and 64 bit version
• Windows® 7 Ultimate, both 32 bit and 64 bit version
• Windows® 7 Enterprise, both 32 bit and 64 bit version

FOXCSTInstallation 9

Please note:
ABB recommends using a host with up to date operating system, i.e. with all
updates installed. The feature “Automatic Updates” should best be actuated
in the system control.

3.1.3 Hardware-assisted virtualization (HAV)

In order to support the offline configuration mode, the FOXCST host must
support hardware-assisted virtualization and this function must be enabled in
BIOS. Before you start the FOXCST installation wizard, make sure HAV is
enabled on the host machine. On the Microsoft® web site there is a “Hard-
ware-Assisted Virtualization Detection Tool” available for download.
An example HAV test with negative result is displayed below:

If HAV is not enabled, the next step is to find out whether the host CPU sup-
ports HAV or not. For both Intel® and AMD® CPUs there are tools available
in order to analyse the target CPU, e.g. the “Intel® Processor Identification
Example screen from the “Intel® Processor Identification Utility”:

If the CPU supports virtualization (as in above example), this feature must be
enabled in BIOS. If the CPU does not support virtualization, FOXCST may
still be installed on this host, but the offline configuration option must not be

10 FOXCSTInstallation

3.2 FOXCST software

The FOXCST installation file must be available.

3.2.1 Selecting the package type

The FOXCST installation package is available in two versions:
• Pure Windows®FOXCSTinstallation package; the zip file contains
− FOXCST installation file for Windows®
− release notes.
• Windows®FOXCSTinstallation package plus ESW- and SIM files; the
zip file contains
− FOXCST installation file for Windows®
− release notes,
− FOX61x R1 ESW files for the central control unit and service units,
− FOX61x R1 SIM files for the central control unit and service units.
In order to prepare the FOXCST package for installation on the Windows®
host, please unpack the zip file prior to the FOXCST installation.
In case of the combined package, during the installation process the installa-
tion wizard will ask for the folder with ESW files and SIM files.

3.3 FOX61x HW and ESW

The FOXCST managed target NE runs in the following shelf types:

• ABB FOX615 (chassis with 21 slots)
• ABB FOX612 (chassis with 8 slots)

3.3.1 Control unit

The FOXCST NE must be equipped with a central control unit of type
CESM1 and HW release R1A or more recent.
The central control unit must be equipped with the following ESW.
• Unit ESW: cesun_r1c16 or more recent
• NE Controller ESW: cesne_r1c16
Detailed information about the embedded software available for the current
release you will find in the document 1KHW002459 FOX61x Release Notes.

3.3.2 Service units

Service units are for the minimum management set up with FOXCST not
necessarily required. However any FOX61x R1 compatible service unit with
Ethernet ports and access to the chassis switch can be used for local inband
management access.

FOXCSTInstallation 11

12 FOXCSTInstallation

4 Installing FOXCST
This section describes the steps to install the FOXCST application described
under chapter 2 Application description (on page 7) on a Windows® PC.

4.1 Prerequisites

Please make sure you have the required equipment according to chapter 3
Required items (on page 9) available.

4.2 Commissioning steps

The FOXCST setup file “FOXCST_R1A13.exe” contains a setup wizard that

guides through the installation.
Proceed as follows:
1. Copy the FOXCST setup file to a local drive.
2. Double click the setup file – the install wizard starts up

3. Click “Next” – the wizard continues to the destination selection.

FOXCSTInstallation 13

4. Browse trough the file system and select a target installation folder for
the FOXCST application; then click “Next” – the wizard continues to the
component selection.

14 FOXCSTInstallation

− The first component named “Basic Package” is mandatory and cannot

be deselected.
− The second component named “Offline Configuration” is optional.
Please be aware of the resource demanding nature of the offline con-
figuration feature.
Please do not select the offline configuration option, unless HAV
is enabled on the host; see paragraph 3.1.3 Hardware-assisted vir-
tualization (HAV) (on page 10).
With “Next >” the wizard continues to in step 5
5. Enable or disable the option; then click “Next” – the wizard continues to
the network interface warning in case offline configuration is selected,
otherwise it jumps to the start menu folder selection.

FOXCSTInstallation 15

With “Next >” the wizard continues to the start menu folder selection.

6. Select the shortcut option – if desired – and the corresponding folder;

then click “Next” – the wizard continues to the additional task selection.

16 FOXCSTInstallation

7. Selecting optional import of ESW- and/or SIM files will start an automatic
import action for the corresponding files.
The availability of the file import option is not related to the FOXCST
package type you are working with – see paragraph 3.2.1 Selecting the
package type (on page 11) – provided the corresponding ESW- and SIM
files are accessible to the FOXCST host.
If the import option for either ESW- or SIM files is selected, the wizard
opens a browser window (step 8).
If no import option is selected, the wizard continues to step 9 “Ready to
8. Select the source directory for ESW- and SIM files in the file browser. If
the selected folder is structured with sub folders, all child folders below
the selected parent folder are scanned for ESW- and SIM files.

9. With “Next >”, the wizard continues to “Ready to Install”.

FOXCSTInstallation 17

Check the listed selections before starting the installation with “Install”.
10. The wizard displays the progress status for the ongoing installation.

Please continue the installation with “Continue installation”, otherwise the

installation process is aborted.
11. The next window signals successful FOXCST installation:

18 FOXCSTInstallation

12. FOXCST is now installed and ready for use – click “Finish” to terminate
the wizard.

4.3 Passing possible obstacles for management


4.3.1 Firewall configuration

In today’s networks the use of a firewall is mandatory unless working in com-
pletely isolated networks.
However, besides making connections safer, firewalls can also become a
problem to legitimate applications if not configured properly.

Please note:
Be aware that in order to perform modifications at system level in your PC,
you should have administrator rights. In case of doubt, contact your system
administrator. Applications access

Every firewall has its own peculiarities, but in general they require from the
user that every network application is granted access. FOXCST uses one
single process that possibly needs permission from the firewall: CST.exe Opening ports

An important aspect of firewalls is the ports and protocols that will be able to
communicate with external applications. The protocols table below differenti-
ates between outgoing port numbers (used in communications that are initi-
ated from inside the firewall) and incoming port numbers (used in communi-
cations that are initiated from outside the firewall). We assume the FOXCST

FOXCSTInstallation 19

is located inside the firewall and the FOX61x NE is located outside the fire-
If the location of FOXCST, FOX61x NE or NTP server in an actual network is
different from the drawing below, the terms «incoming» and «outgoing» in
the protocols table must be changed accordingly.


workstation FOXCST NTP server server target

Management commu-
nications network

Figure 2: Management communication through a firewall

The following table shows protocols and processes used for management
traffic with FOX61x NEs. The network set up is according to the network
drawing in Figure 2: Management communication through a firewall (on
page 20) above.

Table 2: Protocols and processes used for management traffic with

FOX61x NEs
Protocol Application / Port Comments
service number1
TCP CST.exe >1024 Port selected by the operating system; used as source port for messages EM
outgoing  NE and as destination port for messages NE  EM
TCP CST.exe 5556 The FOX61x NE uses this port for communication with FOXCST or FOXMAN-
outgoing UN (the communication is always initiated by FOXCST or FOXMAN-UN); used
as destination port for messages EM  NE and as source port for messages
NE  EM.
UDP CST.exe 8047 Used as destination port for notifications from the FOX61x NE to the FOXCST
incoming EM. The FOX61x NE selects a port no. > 1024 as source port.
UDP NTP 123 Used as destination port for SNTP queries from the FOX61x NE (NTP client).
incoming The FOX61x NE selects a port no. > 1024 as source port, which is incre-
mented by one for each new query. The NTP server uses the port numbers
vice versa for reply.
UDP ISAKMP 500 The Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol is used for
initial key exchange and periodic key renewal, if IPSec is enabled on the NE
TCP AH 51 Authentication Header (used with IPSec)
TCP ESP 50 Encapsulating Security Payload (used with IPSec)
UDP syslog 514 Standard port for syslog messages
UDP RADIUS 1812 Used for the user authentication via RADIUS authentication server

20 FOXCSTInstallation

the port number contains an addition «incoming» or «outgoing», which indicates the
direction of data flow from the firewall‘s point of view FOXCST host internal firewall

Between FOXCST and the VirtualBox used for offline configuration, there
might be a firewall controlling this internal interface. ABB strongly recom-
mends disabling a possible firewall on the internal VirtualBox interface.

4.4 Offline configuration

With offline configuration the user can configure a FOX61x NE with central
control unit and all supported service units without a connection to an appro-
priate hardware. Since this function requires considerable resources from
the FOXCST host, the installation is optional and can be selected by the
user, see step 3 in paragraph 4.2 Commissioning steps (on page 13).

FOXCSTInstallation 21

22 FOXCSTInstallation

5 Connecting to the NE

5.1 Preparing the connection

FOXCST contains a table of FOX61x NEs that can be connected to, named
the “Known Network Element Connections”. The table contains one line for
the connection to the local management port after the initial FOXCST instal-
lation. Additional target NEs must be manually created by the user:
1 Open the menu with “File” – “Manage Connections ...”
2 Enter a descriptive name for the NE in field “Name”
3 The “Type” field is currently set to “Tcp” and can not be changed
4 The field “NE Address” must contain the NE's IP address
5 The new table entry is saved with “OK”

Up- and down arrows allow

moving the selected NE up or
down, in order to position the
frequently connected NEs

5.2 Establishing the connection

The connection menu is available under “File” – “Connect ...”

The menu “Connect to” offers the following selections:

FOXCSTInstallation 23

• Connection
A list with all known connections is available for selection
• Authentication; select between
− local authentication, i.e. the authentication is handled by the target NE
− remote (RADIUS) authentication, i.e. the authentication is handled by
a dedicated authentication server.
• User Class; select from four possible user classes
• Password
For details about authentication and user classes please see 1KHW002466
FOXCST Operation.

5.3 Connection using the local management port

Although the local management port is a standard Ethernet port with TCP/IP
stack, it's function is clearly restricted to a console port, i.e. no other connec-
tion than a point-to-point-connection between the FOX61x NE and the
FOXCST host can be established using the local management port.
Management connectivity
Local management port Management

Remote TCP/IP connec-

No TCP/IP tivity established
FOX61x NE connectivity Remote

Figure 3: TCP/IP connectivity with local management port

The local management port is located on the CESM1 front panel as topmost
Ethernet port.
The IP address of the local management port is set to and is
not user configurable. As the local management port is not connected to the
CESM1 router, no default gateway can be set for this port.

Please note:
In any situation, where connectivity to the FOX61x NE is lost, e.g. due to a
corrupt configuration, the local management port is the last resort in order to
get control over the NE. IPSec is not applied to the local management port.
Only one management session at a time is allowed on the local manage-
ment port.

24 FOXCSTInstallation

5.4 Connection using a chassis switch port

The FOX61x supports inband management using a dedicated management


FOXCST hosts with

alternative manage-
ment connections.

Figure 4: Inband management via the FOX61x chassis switch

Any Ethernet port on the FOX61x NE can be used for management access,
• the port is connected to the central FOX61x chassis switch;
• the VLAN interface in the CESM1 “Management Interfaces” is configured
and operational up;
• the IP address of the FOXCST host is located in the same subnet as the
VLAN interface;
• the corresponding switch port is configured as access port with the same
VLAN ID as the CESM1 VLAN interface;
• the corresponding VLAN is defined in the switch.

FOXCSTInstallation 25

26 FOXCSTInstallation

6 Annex
6.1 Associated documents

1KHW028514 FOX61x Terms and Abbreviations

1KHW002497 FOX61x Precautions and Safety
1KHW002459 FOX61x Release Notes
1KHW002460 FOX61x Product Features and Characteristics
1KHW002461 FOX615 Installation
1KHW002462 FOX612 Installationl
1KHW002463 FOX61x Lightning Protection
1KHW002464 FOX61x System Description
1KHW002466 FOXCST Operation
1KHW002467 FOX61x TDM Services
1KHW002468 FOX61x Ethernet Services
1KHW002469 FOX61x CESM1
1KHW002470 FOX61x LESU1
1KHW002473 FOX61x LEDE1
1KHW002474 FOX61x DATI1
1KHW002475 FOX61x EPSI1
1KHW002476 FOX61x SAMO1
1KHW002477 FOX61x SAMO2
1KHW002478 FOX61x LEDS1
1KHW002479 FOX61x LEDA1
1KHW002480 FOX61x LEXI1
1KHW002481 FOX61x LECO1
1KHW002483 FOX61x TEPI1
1KHW002484 FOX61x OPIC1
1KHW002482 FOX61x Electrical Cables

FOXCSTInstallation 27

28 FOXCSTInstallation
Contact us

ABB Switzerland Ltd

1KHW002465 © Copyright 2012 ABB. All rights reserved.

Power Systems
Bruggerstrasse 72
CH-5400 Baden
Tel. +41 58 585 77 37
Fax +41 58 585 55 77
E-mail: utility.communication@ch.abb.com


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