2ABB FOX515 UserGuide&ucst r8 Re 1KHW002059

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ABB Power Systems

ABB Power Systems

User Manual
User Manual

FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

User Guide
Platform FOX515 Release R8

Release History: Release 7B: February 2007

Release 8B: December 2008
Release 8C: August 2009
December 2009
May 2010

Copyright and Confidentiality: All rights of this document remain with ABB
Ltd (ABB). This document contains confidential information which is the
property of ABB. It must be held in confidence by the recipient and may not
be used for any purposes except those specifically authorised by contract or
otherwise in writing by ABB. This document may not be copied in whole or
in part, or any of its contents disclosed by the recipient to any third party,
without the prior written agreement of ABB.

Disclaimer: ABB has taken reasonable care in compiling this document, however ABB
accepts no liability whatsoever for any error or omission in the information
contained herein and gives no other warranty or undertaking as to its

ABB reserves the right to amend this document at any time without prior

Document number: 1KHW002059

Power Systems
Bruggerstrasse 72
5400 Baden – Switzerland

© ABB Switzerland Ltd, 2010

The right to modifications or deviations due to technical progress is reserved.

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

Table of content

1 Preparing for Operation 13

1.1 Introduction 13
1.2 Special note to the reader 14
1.3 Prerequisites Systems and Installations 15
1.3.1 Installation of Network Element (NE) 15 FOX515 15 FOX512 15
1.3.2 Network synchronisation 15
1.3.3 Element Manager (EM) and local craft device 16
1.3.4 Management communication 16 UCST 16 IP addressing 17 IP addresses and management of isolated NEs 18 IP addresses and management of multiple NEs 19
1.3.5 Embedded software ESW 19 Purpose of ESW 19 Distribution of ESW and licenses 20 ESW installation on your PC/computer 20
1.4 Connecting the Element Manager (EM) to the NE 23
1.4.1 Summary of management communication 23 Management access 23 Local management interfaces 24 Purpose 25
1.4.2 Connecting the COBU<X> via the F-interface 26 Connection cable 26 Installation of the cable 27 Connecting via the F-interface 27
1.4.3 Connecting COBU<X> via the QX-Interface 28 Connection cable 28 Installation of the cable 28 Connecting via the QX-interface 29
1.4.4 Management networks 29 Management access via Q-bus 29 Management access via LAN 31 Management access via ECC 32 Management access via EOC 33

2 Getting Started with the FOX 35

2.1 FOX Network Element 37
2.1.1 Preparing for commissioning 37
2.1.2 Optical fault indication 37

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2.2 UCST 39
2.2.1 Starting UCST and «User Class» identification 39
2.2.2 Closing UCST 39
2.3 The FOX menu 40
2.3.1 FOX start dialogue 40
2.3.2 Change the FOX start menu 41
2.3.3 Menu bar and subordinate menus, an overview 43 File 44 NE configuration 45 Unit configuration 48 Faults 50 Sys Admin 50 Management Network 51 Help 53
2.3.4 Status line of the Start Dialogue 53
2.3.5 Select a new system/configuration 53
2.4 Management Access 55
2.4.1 Introduction to management access 55
2.4.2 In the case of redundant control units 56
2.4.3 To connect … 56 … 'directly' via the F-interface 56 … 'permanent' via the QX-interface 61
2.4.4 To disconnect … 65
2.5 FAN units and redundant supplies 66
2.5.1 FANU5 - forced ventilation for FOX515 66 General 66 FANU5 block diagram 67 Operation 67 Monitoring and alarming 68 FANU5 alarms in FOX515 68 Recommended action in case of failure 69
2.5.2 FANU2 - forced ventilation for FOX512 70 General 70 FANU2 block diagram 71 Operation 71 Monitoring and alarming 72 FANU2 alarms in FOX512 72 Recommended action in case of failure 72
2.5.3 DUPI4 - dual power input to FOX515 73 Description 74 Block diagram 74 Alarming 74
2.5.4 DUPOS - dual power input to FOX512 75

3 Basic configuration of the NE 77

3.1 Summary 77

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3.2 Alarm configuration for FAN units and redundant supplies 79

3.2.1 Alarm configuration for FANU5 and DUPI4 79 General 79 FANU5 79 DUPI4 80 FANU5 and DUPI4 81
3.2.2 Alarm configuration for FANU2 81
3.2.3 Alarm configuration for DUPOS 82
3.3 Information to up- and download of configuration data 83
3.3.1 Configuration files 83
3.3.2 Influence of the download on traffic and management communication 84
3.4 Global parameters 86
3.4.1 Introduction 86
3.4.2 Parameters 87 Custom Parameter Set for V5-Applications 87 Metering 89 Location 91
3.4.3 NE Time 91
3.5 Adding/removing units 94
3.5.1 Add Units 95
3.5.2 Add Protecting Unit 97
3.5.3 Delete Units 97
3.6 Protection of the control unit 98
3.6.1 Introduction and prerequisites 98
3.6.2 Implementation 98 Configuration 98 Implementation 99
3.6.3 Operation of the NE with redundant control units 101
3.7 Equipment protection 104
3.7.1 Introduction 104
3.7.2 Configuration of equipment protection groups 104 Initial steps 104 Configuration 105
3.7.3 Protection switching 109 Switching process 109 Revertive EQP switching 110 Log book 110
3.7.4 Equipment protection status 111 Log Book 115
3.8 Unit/Subunit configuration 117
3.9 Profiles 118
3.9.1 General 118 Profiles and network management 121 Unknown profiles 121 Mismatched profiles 122

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3.10 ATM environment 124

3.11 Cross connections & bus usage 125
3.11.1 FOX bus systems for traffic signals 125
3.11.2 Cross connect dialogue and filter 125 Overview 125 Filter 126 Display of cross connections 129 Control buttons 129
3.11.3 Create cross connections 130
3.11.4 Delete cross connections 131
3.11.5 Modify 131
3.11.6 Print connections 132
3.12 Communication IF (COBU<X>) 133
3.13 Software download 135
3.13.1 Scope 135
3.13.2 PC card based SW download 135 Requirements 137 Delivery and installation 137
3.13.3 FTP server based SW download 139 Requirements 140 Delivery and installation 140
3.13.4 PC (memory) card and unit software 140 Basic requirements for PC memory cards 140 Initial configuration of the PC memory cards 141
3.13.5 Software Delivery 142 Prerequisites 142 Control of the SW delivery 142 Alternate way of SW delivery 147
3.13.6 Software Installation 147 Purpose 147 Prerequisites 148 ESW and ESW files 148 Installing ESW 148 COBU<X> and software installation 155 Configuration download and software installation 155 Traffic functions and software installation 155 ECC and software installation 156
3.13.7 Status of the ESW installation 157 Overview 157 SW Installation Status 158
3.14 Inventory 163

4 Synchronisation 165
4.1 Summary 165
4.2 FOX synchronisation system 167

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5 Management Communication 169

5.1 Summary 169

6 Diagnostics, Fault and Alarm Handling 171

6.1 Summary 171
6.2 Diagnostic functions 173
6.2.1 Summary 173
6.2.2 System level 173
6.2.3 Functional level 173
6.2.4 Unit and subunit (traffic signal) level 174
6.3 Fault and alarm handling 176
6.3.1 Event monitoring and alarms 176
6.3.2 Optical fault and alarm indication 178
6.3.3 Electrical alarm indication 180
6.3.4 Alarm descriptions 180
6.3.5 Fault List (Network Element) 181
6.3.6 Log Book (Network Element) 181
6.3.7 Notifications 181
6.3.8 Remote alarm indication 181

7 Maintenance 183
7.1 General 183
7.2 Re-commissioning 184
7.3 Handling of units 184
7.4 Upgrade procedures 185
7.4.1 Introduction 185
7.4.2 When updating ESW 185
7.4.3 Upgrade of control units 186 Overview 186 Upgrade of configured NEs 186 Upgrade of unconfigured NEs 189
7.4.4 Upgrade of traffic functions 193
7.4.5 Upgrades and NE functions 194 Purpose 194 NE traffic service 194 Synchronisation 195
7.5 Maintenance of the system control 197
7.5.1 Introduction 197
7.5.2 Replacement and upgrades of the PC memory card 197 Replacement with system down 197 Replacement/upgrade with live traffic 199
7.5.3 IP addresses 201
7.5.4 Implementation of redundant control unit 201

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7.6 Maintenance of the system power supply 202

7.6.1 Introduction 202
7.6.2 Homogeneous converter type 202 Preserve capacity 202 Implement n+1 protection 203
7.6.3 Heterogeneous converter types 203 Preserve capacity 203 Implement n+1 protection 203
7.7 FOX515 specific maintenance 205
7.7.1 Replacement of defective FANU5 205 General 205 Replacement procedure 205
7.8 FOX512 specific maintenance 207
7.8.1 Replacement of defective FANU2 207 General 207 Replacement procedure 207
7.8.2 Air filter 208
7.9 Repairs 208

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Figure 1: Sample directory structure with FW directory 21
Figure 2: Direct connection of the EM via F-interface 26
Figure 3: Direct connection of the EM via QX-interface 28
Figure 4: Connection of the EM via QX-interface and hub 31
Figure 5: Position of LEDs (unit front panel) 38
Figure 6: FOX515 start dialogue (COBUX 219 sample) 40
Figure 7: UCST File menu (FOX512) 41
Figure 8: New Network Element sample dialogue 42
Figure 9: The FOX515 main menu 44
Figure 10: File Menu 44
Figure 11: NE Configuration menu 46
Figure 12: Unit Configuration Menu 49
Figure 13: Faults Menu 50
Figure 14: Sys Admin menu 51
Figure 15: Management Network menu 51
Figure 16: Help menu 53
Figure 17: Management Network Setup sample menu 57
Figure 18: Element Agent sample menu 59
Figure 19: Add Network Element sample menu 60
Figure 20: Management Network Setup sample menu 61
Figure 21: Element Agent sample menu 63
Figure 22: Modify Network Element sample menu 64
Figure 23: Parameters dialogue 86
Figure 24: Custom Parameter Set sample dialogue 88
Figure 25: Custom Set Details, NE_Defaults_R5A06 sample dialogue 89
Figure 26: Metering dialogue 90
Figure 27: Metering dialogue 91
Figure 28: Set Time dialogue 1 92
Figure 29: Set Time dialogue 2 92
Figure 30: Add Unit dialogue with unit template files 95
Figure 31: Add Unit Error message Unit not supported in the FOX <x> 96
Figure 32: Add Unit Error message Unit not supported in the selected slot 96
Figure 33: COBUX <11>: Status/Maintenance Synchronisation not possible due to different ESW
versions 100
Figure 34: COBUX <11>: Status/Maintenance MIBs are synchronised 101
Figure 35: Equipment Protection Groups main dialogue 105
Figure 36: Create EQP Groups sample dialogue 1 106
Figure 37: Create EQP Groups sample dialogue 2 107
Figure 38: Create EQP Groups sample dialogue 3 107
Figure 39: Create EQP Groups sample dialogue 4 108
Figure 40: Create EQP Groups main dialogue 108
Figure 41: Log Book entries for EQP switching 110
Figure 42: EQP Groups Status dialogue 111
Figure 43: EQP Groups Status dialogue 112
Figure 44: EQP Groups Status dialogue 113
Figure 45: EQP Groups Status dialogue 114

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Figure 46: EQP Groups Status dialogue 114

Figure 47: EQP Groups Status dialogue 115
Figure 48: Log Book entries for manual EQP switching 115
Figure 49: Profiles sample dialogue 118
Figure 50: Create ADSL Profiles sample dialogue 119
Figure 51: Create Profiles sample dialogue 120
Figure 52: Handling of profiles in FOXMAN-UN and UCST (sample ADSL) 121
Figure 53: Unknown profiles (sample ADSL of ADAC<X>) 122
Figure 54: Mismatching profiles (samples ADSL) 122
Figure 55: View Profile sample dialogue 123
Figure 56: Profile Mismatch Resolution sample dialogue 123
Figure 57: Cross Connections sample dialogue 126
Figure 58: Cross Connection sample dialogue with sub-filters Group and Protection set 128
Figure 59: Cross Connection sample dialogue with sub-filters Unit and TTP set 128
Figure 60: Modify Group Name sample dialogue 131
Figure 61: Modify Group Name Warning sample dialogue 132
Figure 62: Communication IF sample dialogue COBUX 133
Figure 63: Principles of the PC card based SW download 136
Figure 64: Principles of the FTP sever based SW download 139
Figure 65: Software Delivery sample dialogue with ESW files 143
Figure 66: Software Delivery sample dialogue Add files 144
Figure 67: Software Delivery sample dialogue Delete files 146
Figure 68: Communication Error 146
Figure 69: Software Removal Warning! 146
Figure 70: Structure of ESW file names 148
Figure 71: Software Installation sample dialogue 149
Figure 72: Calendar dialogue 153
Figure 73: Time segment of the Software Installation dialogue 153
Figure 74: Logbook sample dialogue 158
Figure 75: Software Installation Status … sample dialogue 159
Figure 76: Inventory sample dialogue 163
Figure 77: Fault Handling block diagram 176
Figure 78: Position of LED indicators (front panel of units) 178
Figure 79: UCST - No configuration dialogue 189
Figure 80: Manager Error 190
Figure 81: Manager Error 190
Figure 82: Software Delivery 191
Figure 83: Software Delivery dialogue 191
Figure 84: SW Removal Warning! 192

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

Precautions and safety

For generic information on precautions and safety refer to Precautions and
Safety User Guide.
Read carefully through the chapter "Precautions and Safety" before you
start work and ensure that you are familiar with all safety information pro-
Observe all the precautions to limit the risk of personal injury or damage to
equipment. In addition, observe the general safety procedures established
by your company.
Read now the Precautions and Safety User Guide

Referenced documents
1KHW002000 Precautions and safety
1KHW002070 Release Note FOX / UCST
1KHW002073 FOX515 Technical Description System
1KHW002013 COBUX 212, 213 & COBUV 217, 218
COBUX 219, 223 & COBUV 220, 224 User Guide
1KHW002015 ETHUB 194 User Guide
1KHW002001 FOX TDM System & Cross Connections User Guide
1KHW002008 FOX Synchronisation System User Guide
1KHW002060 UCST / System Operation Basics User Guide
1KHW002009 UCST Installation & Commissioning User Guide
1KHW002061 FOX MCN, Operation and Maintenance User Guide

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Technical support

ABB Technical Support is available as follows:

ABB Switzerland Ltd

Power Systems
Utility Communications
Bruggerstrasse 72
5400 Baden

Phone: +41 58 589 37 35

or: +41 844 845 845 (Call Center)
Fax: +41 58 585 16 82

E-Mail: utility.communication@ch.abb.com
URL: www.abb.com/utilitycommunications

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Preparing for Operation

1 Preparing for Operation

1.1 Introduction
The FOX Network Elements (NE) are flexible Multi-service Access Sys-
tems. Because of their modularity and various traffic units, it is possible to
configure the FOX for a wide range of applications.
Depending on the FOX type the FOX subrack accommodates up to 21 units
(printed board assemblies).
In this document, the generic name FOX is used to name the
FOX515, providing 21 standard slots
FOX512, providing 8 standard slots
Most of the units are traffic units with interfaces for external traffic signals or
provide processing for traffic signals. A set of units that is common for all
the FOX NEs provides NE control and power functions. Restrictions can ap-
ply for the use of such units in a particular type of NE.
Apart from the COBU<X> control unit and the POSU<X> power converter
units, the implementation of all other units depends on your specific applica-
The FOX User Guide describes the FOX NE commissioning procedures
and operation.
The FOX User Guide uses the FOX515 as the reference NE for all descrip-
Dialogues are generally shown for the FOX515.
Generic functions described for the FOX515 apply also for the FOX512.
Traffic functions described for the FOX515 apply for the FOX512 pro-
vided that
the required slots (bus access, number) are available in the FOX512
the functions and units are released for the FOX512.
If required the User Guide explains the differences between the implemen-
tation of the functions in the different FOX NEs.
You find information of the FOX installation, technical system information
and descriptions of generic functions as follows:
FOX515 Technical Description ,describes the NEs, their features and
elements, the system architectures and provide all the relevant technical
data and information for system planning:

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Preparing for Operation FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

The FOX Installation Guides cover the aspects of NE installation but

provide no description of the NE commissioning and operation.
FOX515 Installation Guide
FOX512 Installation Guide
UCST/System Operation Basics, refer to UCST / System Operation
Basics User Guide.
The UCST/System Operation Basics User Guide provides descriptions of
all the generic functions available for commissioning and operation of
the FOX and its units. UCST/System Operation Basics User Guide uses
the FOX515 as the reference NE for descriptions.
FOX Network Functions
The FOX Network Functions User Guide provides descriptions of se-
lected functions for traffic signals and network aspects, such as
Protection of Traffic Signals
Performance Monitoring
E12/P12 Traffic Signal Layer
Short guide SDH Definitions
Telephony NGN traffic functions
V5.x functions

1.2 Special note to the reader

Read carefully through the chapter «Precautions and Safety» before you
start work and ensure that you are familiar with all safety information pro-
Observe all the precautions to limit the risk of personal injury or damage to
equipment. In addition, observe the general safety procedures established
by your company.
Read now the Precautions and Safety User Guide.

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Preparing for Operation

1.3 Prerequisites Systems and Installations

1.3.1 Installation of Network Element (NE)

The FOX User Guide covers the aspects of the NE operation and mainte-
nance but provides no description of the NE installation. Dedicated System
Installation Guides describe the installation procedure for each of the NEs
and its auxiliary equipment. FOX515

Depending on the total power dissipation of the units plugged into the
subrack, forced ventilation must be used to evacuate the heat produced. A
fan unit called FANU5 is used for this purpose.
With the optional DUPI4 unit, the FOX515 provides dual power supply ca-
You find the description of the NE installation procedures for the NE,
FANU5 and DUPI4 in the
«FOX515 Installation Guide» FOX512

Depending on the total power dissipation of the units plugged into the
subrack, forced ventilation must be used to evacuate the heat produced. A
fan unit called FANU2 is used for this purpose.
With the optional DUPOS unit, the FOX512 provides dual power supply ca-
You find the description of the NE installation procedures for the NE,
FANU2 and DUPOS as follows:
«FOX512 Installation Guide»

1.3.2 Network synchronisation

The implementation of networks with multiple NEs requires thorough plan-

ning of the network synchronisation. The complexity of such planning de-
pends mainly on the requirements of dependability and the structure of the
network: Synchronisation for linear networks is easier to implement than the
synchronisation of networks with heavily meshed NEs.
The FOX features sophisticated functions for NE and network synchronisa-
tion, including (local) synchronisation and diagnostic functions. In order to
benefit from these functions, you should design the network synchronisation
before the configuration of the individual NEs. You should consider and de-
fine the following aspects of synchronisation with respect to the network for
each NE:
Synchronisation of the NE via
local inputs for timing signals ESI-1 … 2

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PDH signal streams input to the NE

with SSI, SSM or none
SETS (Synchronous Equipment Timing Source) via SDH signal
streams input to the NE
with SSI, SSM or none.
Synchronisation source selection for
local outputs for timing signals ESO-1 … 4
signal streams output from the NE
with SSI, SSM or none
Hierarchy among clock sources for synchronisation in terms of
Priority per clock source
QL per clock source
Protection of synchronisation
number of source failures to be protected
selection algorithm for the best timing source
It is the main target of careful planning of the synchronisation system to
avoid synchronisation loops during normal operation and, especially de-
manding, in the case of failures. Please note, that local requirements for
synchronisation can add additional constraints.

1.3.3 Element Manager (EM) and local craft device

The initial commissioning of your FOX NE requires the UCST Element Man-
ager (EM) and a local craft device (PC/computer):
The current UCST version is R8C.
The UCST R8 is a 32-bit software, which runs under the Windows® XP
Professional and Vista operating systems.
For a detailed description of the UCST functions and operation, refer to
UCST / System Operation Basics User Guide.
The standard local craft device for the FOX is a personal computer, nor-
mally a Notebook type PC running the UCST.
For the prerequisites and a detailed description of the installation of the
UCST software on your local craft device, refer to UCST Installation &
Commissioning User Guide.

1.3.4 Management communication UCST

The management communication of the FOX relies on the TCP/IP protocol

and Internet addresses. The UCST can use the NE's serial (F) or Ethernet
(QX) interface for the initial management communication with the NE.
Via the Management Network menu you can set up the management com-
munication uniformly for all types of subrack-based FOX and DSL system

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Management Network Parameters

The Management Network Parameters is the agent part of the Man-
agement Network that allows you to define the type of management
communication and indicate the relevant parameters of your PC. It is
possible to create several agents and to edit existing agents (to a certain
Managed Network Elements (NEs)
The Managed NEs is the second part of the Management Network that
allows you to define a set of NEs, which are assigned to a particular
agent. It is possible to edit the set together with its NEs.
While the UCST completely controls the serial interface for management
communication with the FOX-U/E and FOX-Uand DSL System equipment,
management communication for the FOX515/512 requires additional con-
figuration on the operating system level (Windows ).
Please note that:
UCST releases older than the
UCST R4E do not support the FOX512.

For the prerequisites and a detailed description of the commissioning of

your PC/Computer for management communication, refer to UCST Installa-
tion & Commissioning User Guide. IP addressing

IP addressing is a world-wide addressing system, which provides unique

device addresses.
For detailed information on IP addresses and rules for the use of IP ad-
dresses, refer to FOX Network Functions User Guide, chapter 5: «Address-
ing schemes».
Contact ABB Switzerland for additional information and trainings for DCN
fundamental knowledge and management network planning.
Thorough planning for the assignment of IP addresses in advance
is essential for successful system commissioning!
A later change of the IP addresses requires the re-initialisation of
the NE and will interrupt the traffic services!

The COBU<X> control units connect as hosts to the communication net-

The default address upon initial start-up of the COBU<X> is always the
same for each type of interface. The NE default addresses are addresses
within the address range reserved for the isolated, private A-network:
IP addresses
Point-to-Point communication: 10.1.1.<X>
LAN interface: 10.1.2.<X>
Corresponding subnet masks
You are not allowed to use these addresses in DCN networks with Internet

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Preparing for Operation FOX UCST User Guide (R8) IP addresses and management of isolated NEs

You can address an NE operated in an isolated management domain with

the default addresses such as those provided on the initial start up. As soon
as NEs are linked to a management communication structure (ECC, Q-Bus,
EOC) or a network (LAN, WAN, Internet), each NE needs a unique IP ad-
dress conforming to the global requirements for IP-addresses.

Table 1: Management interfaces and default IP addresses


Name Type Rate Default IP addresses 1)

FOX515 PC/computer
F-IF Serial max. 115 kbit/s 10.1.1.x 1 x 255
Q1-IF Serial max. 115 kbit/s 10.1.1.x 1 x 255
QX-IF Ethernet 10 Mbit/s 10.1.2.x 1 x 255

With subnet mask
Each COBU<X> not yet configured starts up with the default IP addresses.
The UCST uses the same defaults to address the NEs.
Please note that:
For first time communication with the FOX515/512, you must
set up the IP addresses and subnet mask of your PC/computer
communication interfaces, in order to match the default ad-
dress range of the corresponding NE interface(s).
Since the F- and Q1-interface of the NE use the same IP ad-
dress and the same interface circuit on the control unit, it is
only possible to operate the interfaces alternately. For more in-
formation, refer to the User Guides COBUX/COBUV.
It is possible to connect simultaneously to the serial interface
and the QX-interface. However only one active management
session is possible at a time.

You may use the default IP addresses for management communication with
single NEs, provided there is no access of the NEs to the Internet or to other
NEs (or other IP addressed devices). This condition of a single management
domain per NE applies normally only during initial system commissioning.
Before you connect an NE to a management communication net-
work, the addresses of the NE have to be adapted according to the
requirements of the management communication network.
Ignoring such recommendation might lead to address jams and
service interruptions.

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Preparing for Operation IP addresses and management of multiple NEs

Management communication with multiple (more than one!) FOX515/512s

requires individual IP addresses for each NE. This is necessary in order to
prevent address collision and to allow a new NE to start up with the default
IP addresses at any time.
You have to redefine the address of such new NEs during the initial com-
missioning. The assignment of the IP addresses depends on the require-
ments of the management network.
For detailed information on IP addresses and rules for the use of IP ad-
dresses, refer to FOX Network Functions User Guide, chapter 5: «Address-
ing schemes».
You can change the IP addresses of both the NE and the computer/PC in-
terfaces after the initial configuration of the NE in order to implement man-
agement communication via dedicated communication channels and/or net-
Thorough planning for management communication and the as-
signment of IP addresses is necessary!
Before you start commissioning of the NEs, you have to define
the type and structure of the management communication
Both the serial and the Ethernet interface require IP addresses.
The IP addresses might belong to different networks.
You have to consider the final capacity of such management
communication structure in order to allow upgrades to the final
capacity. Such planning avoids modification of the addresses
of already implemented NEs.
If your network has access to the Internet, unique IP addresses
are required. Before commissioning you should verify the avail-
ability of such IP addresses and order them from the relevant
Any later changes of IP addresses require the re-initialisation of
the NE and will create service interruptions.

For an overview of FOX management communication, refer to FOX515

Technical Description. Refer to FOX MCN, Operation and Maintenance
User Guide for details on the implementation and operation communication
Contact ABB Switzerland for additional information and trainings for DCN
fundamental knowledge and management network planning.

1.3.5 Embedded software ESW Purpose of ESW

Unit software (Embedded Software) is only available and required for units
with software download. Units with software download are
Control units
PBUS units

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SBUS units
new UBUS units
new remote units (released with and after UCST R5C)
Before you start the commissioning of your NE, you have to install the ESW
for the units with software download on your local craft device
(PC/computer). Distribution of ESW and licenses

All unit software ESW is copyrighted by ABB Switzerland and available on

CD-ROM. This CD-ROM is produced during the processing of your order.
The CD-ROM contains a copy of the most current ESW for each unit with
SW download and, if applicable, a utility (Application Download SW) to in-
stall the ESW on the units.
Please note that:
New ESW is normally compatible with existing hardware and
previously released unit templates. To verify the compatibility
of hardware/software and to check if there are exceptions,
please read the corresponding release note Release Note FOX
If there is compatibility, ABB Switzerland recommends the use
the most recent ESW for your units. Recent ESW guarantees
an enhanced level of quality.
If available and you have acquired the corresponding licences,
you can update a current function with the enhanced ESW ver-
sion that is provided with your new UCST.
The corresponding procedures are described in the «Mainte-
nance» chapter and subsequent paragraphs, e.g. in «Upgrade
of traffic units» for traffic functions.

The release notes show the compatibility between the unit function (UCST
template), the unit hardware and the ESW (file name).
The use of unit software is limited according to the license agree-
ment provided with each software package of ESW. ESW installation on your PC/computer

Before you can deliver the ESW to the NEs for local installation, you have
to copy the ESW from the corresponding data carrier (CD-ROM, floppy disk)
to the FW directory. The delivery function of the UCST can only access the
ESW files, which are resident in the FW directory!
The following requires the installation of ESW on your PC/computer with the
UCST software:
The initial commissioning of a freshly set-up local craft device with the
UCST software, requires the installation of the ESW for all the purchased
units (with SW download).

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Preparing for Operation

Updating an existing UCST installation with new functions requires the

installation of the ESW for the new units (with SW download).
Updating your UCST with a more recent UCST version requires the
same installation processes for ESW:
If you install a more recent UCST version in a new UCST directory,
you must follow the installation of ESW as described for new UCST
However, it is possible to copy valid ESW from the FW directory of
other UCST installations on your PC/computer.
If you install a new UCST version in an existing UCST directory (after
the previous UCST has been deleted) the FW directory still contains
all the FW of the previous UCST installation.
However, you must update the FW directory with more recent ESW
(if applicable) and ESW for new functions as provided with your new
The UCST Installation & Commissioning Guide provides the information of
the installation of the UCST and the requirements on computer memory for

Figure 1: Sample directory structure with FW directory

Setup.exe creates the FW directory in the parent directory with the UCST
program files on your disk drive and installs there the file
apdsw_R<x>.<y>. This file holds the Application Download SW APDSW
which is required to install the ESW on the units. The R-state R<x>.<y> of
the APDSW depends on the release of the UCST.
Please note that:
The name and the version of the APDSW are encoded with the
UCST software. The UCST will not use other versions of the
APDSW than the SW installed by Setup.exe.
For the above reason, the FW directory and the PC card of the
COBU<X> can contain previously released APDSW versions.

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Preparing for Operation FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

Do not remove older versions from the COBU<X> PC card.

These versions are required to handle the ESW that has been
installed with older versions of the APDSW.

To copy ESW files, you might use the standard copy functions provided by
Windows .
The unit name is encoded in the file name of the ESW as follows:
<unit short name>_R<x>.<y><z>.
Example: LOMIF_R5.A10
A regular removal of the UCST from the PC/computer and a subsequent re-
installation does not affect the FW directory and its contents if the directory
contains ESW files:
Do not try to modify or process ESW files!
Modified ESW will not run and/or produce unpredictable system

The delivery function of the UCST loads a copy of the ESW (compressed
software code) from the FW directory to the NE. The subsequent commis-
sioning of the NEs does not need to re-install the ESW, except for new ver-
sions of ESW or ESW for new units.
The UCST cannot load unit software back from the NE to the EM
(no reverse delivery). The UCST however provides a function to
delete files from the PC memory card in the NE.

At any time it is possible to install new versions of ESW on your

PC/computer and to deliver the corresponding files to the NEs. For further
information on maintenance of the unit software, refer to the section «Main-
tenance» at the end of this document.

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Preparing for Operation

1.4 Connecting the Element Manager (EM) to the NE

1.4.1 Summary of management communication Management access

The FOX provides various possibilities for management access to cope with
the requirements of the different management networks and the integration
of multiple FOX and DSL system NEs into differently structured networks. It
is possible to divide the management access to the NEs as follows:
Direct access to the NE by means of a (physical) point to point connec-
This type of access is typical for the F-interface.
Remote access to the NE by means of a dedicated self-routing commu-
nication structure with internal access points.
The management communication channels can provide different capaci-
ties and are embedded in the traffic data network. The EM accesses the
management communication channels physically via a FOX, which pro-
vides the gateway to the communication channels. All other NEs connect
internally via their logical management interfaces to the management
This type of access is typical for the ECC Embedded Communication
Channel (for FOX with the COBUX and COBUV control units only).
Remote access to the NE by means of a dedicated communication net-
work with external access points.
The EM triggers the interfaces of the network to build up a communica-
tion channel to the NE throughout the network. The EM and the NEs
connect via their (physical) management interfaces to this network.
This type of access is typical for the
Q-bus (via the Q1-interface of the NE)
EOC Embedded Operation Channel (via the F-interface of the NE)
ATU (via the F-interface of the NE)
Dial-up modem (via the F-interface of the NE)
MCN (via the F-interface of the NE).
The management access to the NE as stated above and below
must not be mixed up with the operation modes of the UCST
It is possible to operate the UCST
Off line
with local management access
with remote management access

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Preparing for Operation FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Local management interfaces

Due to the different features of the control units, the availability of manage-
ment interfaces of the FOX varies with the type of the control unit. The con-
trol units provide logical and physical management interfaces as follows:

Table 2: Management interfaces of the control units

Management interface Control unit

Name Type Access COBUX COBUQ

F-interface physical local/remote yes yes
Q1-interface physical remote yes yes
Q1-master inter- physical remote yes yes
QX-interface physical local/remote yes yes
PDH/SDH ECC logical remote yes no
EOC logical/physical remote yes yes

Please note:
The Q1-master interface allows you to access NEs (FOX-U/E
and FOX-U and DSL system) connected to a remote Q-bus via
the FOX and is not considered here.
Although the COBU<X> physically provides 2 serial interfaces,
the F- and the Q1-interface share internally the same circuits.
For this reason, it is not possible to operate the F- and the Q1-
interface simultaneously! The interfaces provide hardware and
software controls to avoid conflicts when both interfaces are
physically connected.

The initial configuration of an NE always requires a local point to point man-

agement access. The COBU<X> control units provide the following man-
agement interfaces for such a local management access:

1KHW002059 page 24 of 210

FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Preparing for Operation Purpose

This document covers only the aspect of this local management access with
the F- and the QX-interfaces.
For a comprehensive description of the management communication of the
FOX and the management accesses to the FOX, refer to the documents in-
dicated in the table below:

Table 3: References for the FOX management communication

Document Ref. Provides information of

Function/Sys. Type (in particular)
COBUX, COBUV User Guide 1KHW002013 implemented management fea-
Management interfaces
Cables of the management in-
UCST dialogues for the COBUX,
COBUV communication pa-
UCST/System Operation Basics 1KHW002060 UCST Management Network
UCST dialogues for the NE ma-
nagement communication
UCST Installation & 1KHW002009 Commissioning of the
Commissioning PC/computer for management
Guide communication
FOX Management 1KHW002011 Implementation of the ECC
Implementation of the Q-bus
Implementation of the EOC

The UCST R8<X> does not support COBUQ for new configurations!

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Preparing for Operation FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

1.4.2 Connecting the COBU<X> via the F-interface Connection cable

The F- and Q1-interface of the COBU<X> internally use a common circuit.

The default interface of the circuit it is the Q1-interface. The wiring of the
control signals connected to the F-interface tell the control unit which type of
management access is selected (The Q1-interface does not use control sig-
To select the F-interface for management communication, you have to con-
nect the COBUX/C3.1-1 cable as specified in the COBUX/COBUV User
Guide between the serial interface of your PC/computer and the F-interface.
Internally the F- and Q1-interface of the control unit use the same
interface circuit; they can only be operated alternately!

Figure 2: Direct connection of the EM via F-interface

The COBUX/C3.1-1 cable provides the «0» modem functionality which is

required for a direct point to point connection.
Please note:
There are several commonly used schemes to implement a null
modem function. If you use your own cables, it is important that
all the wiring corresponds exactly to the COBUX/C3.1-1 cable
specified in COBUX/COBUV User Guide. Some of the control
lines define the type of management access.
The wiring of the control signals for the F-interface of the
COBU<X> is different from the wiring for the F-interface of the
FOX-U/M and -U.
The use of the COBUX/C3.1-1 cable provided by ABB Switzer-
land is highly recommended. This cable features
- a connector, which allows the installation of the front
cover while the cable is connected
- cable shield with skinned shield for the cable clamp

1KHW002059 page 26 of 210

FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Preparing for Operation Installation of the cable

To connect the EM:

Set up your PC/computer for management communication with the FOX
via the F-interface as instructed in UCST / System Operation Basics
User Guide.
The IP address of the PC/computer interface has to match the require-
ments of the address range set for the corresponding NE interface (e.g.
default values).
Connect the COBUX/C3.1-1 cable (connector with straight cable outlet)
to the appropriate serial interface (COM port) of your PC/computer (with
installed UCST).
To connect the NE:
Remove the front cover from the subrack of the NE.
Identify the active COBU<X> control unit (green unit LED is flashing or
permanently on).
Make sure that there is no cable connected to the Q1-interface!
Connect the COBUX/C3.1-1 cable (connector with bend cable outlet) to
the active COBU<X> of the NE.
Align the cable and arrange the cable shield with the cable clamp of the
grounding bar.
Re-install the front cover of the subrack. Connecting via the F-interface

To connect your UCST with the NE proceed as follows:

Start your UCST.
Load, if available, the prepared configuration (configuration file) for the
NE to the UCST.
Select the Management Network with the appropriate Element Agent
and a corresponding list of Managed NEs. The Element Agent needs the
Type: RS-232C
Interface: UCST RAS direct on F
Modem Device: F, via standard null modem
Add the parameters of your NE element to the list of Managed NEs if the
element is not already on this list. Please note that your NE has the de-
fault IP address ( if you access the NE for the initial commis-
Connect the UCST to the NE.
Configure, if required, and download the configuration to the NE.
Configure the final parameters for the management communication and
download this configuration.
From this point, further management access to the NE is only possible
with these new parameters.

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Preparing for Operation FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

For details on the functions of the UCST and the configuration of the Ele-
ment Agent and the list of Managed NEs, refer to the corresponding para-
graphs in UCST / System Operation Basics User Guide.

1.4.3 Connecting COBU<X> via the QX-Interface Connection cable

The QX-interface is based on the 10BaseT Ethernet standard and uses ca-
bles with RJ 45 connectors.

Figure 3: Direct connection of the EM via QX-interface

The COBUX/C2.1-1 cable provides the «0» modem functionality which is required for
a direct cable connection between the PC/computer and the COBU<X>.
Please note:
The «0» modem functionality of the COBU<X>/C2.1-1 cable
corresponds to crossed TD and RD signals between the two RJ
45 connectors. If you use your own cables, it is important, that
all the wiring corresponds exactly to the COBUX/C2.1-1 cable
specified in COBUX/COBUV User Guide.
The use of the COBUX/C2.1-1 cable provided by ABB Switzer-
land is highly recommended. This cable features
an umbrella cover shield for the signal leads
cable shield with skinned shield for the cable clamp Installation of the cable

To connect the EM:

Set up your PC/computer for management communication with the FOX
via the QX-interface as instructed in UCST / System Operation Basics
User Guide.

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Preparing for Operation

The IP address of the PC/computer interface has to match the require-

ments of the address range set for the corresponding NE interface (e.g.
default values).
Connect the COBUX/C2.1-1 cable to the appropriate Ethernet interface
(10BaseT) of your PC/computer (with the UCST installed).
To connect the NE:
Remove the front cover from the subrack of the NE.
Identify the active COBU<X> control unit (green unit LED is flashing or
permanently on).
Connect the COBUX/C2.1-1 cable to the Ethernet interface of the active
COBU<X> of the NE.
Align the cable and arrange the cable shield with the cable clamp of the
grounding bar.
Re-install the front cover of the subrack. Connecting via the QX-interface

To connect your UCST with the NE proceed as follows:

Start your UCST.
Load, if available, the prepared configuration (configuration file) for the
NE to the UCST.
Select the Management Network with the appropriate Element Agent
and a corresponding list of Managed NEs. The Element Agent needs the
Type: Permanent
Interface: Ethernet
Modem Device: not applicable
Add the parameters of your NE element to the list of Managed NEs if the ele-
ment is not already on this list. Please note that your NE has the default IP
address ( if you access the NE for the initial commissioning.
Connect the UCST to the NE.
Configure (if required) and download the configuration to the NE.
Configure the final parameters for the management communication and
download this configuration.
From this point, further management access to the NE is only possible
with these new parameters.
For details on the functions of the UCST and the configuration of the Ele-
ment Agent and the list of Managed NEs, refer to the corresponding para-
graphs in UCST / System Operation Basics User Guide.

1.4.4 Management networks Management access via Q-bus

The Q-bus provides a local bus structure for management access to the
NEs via the Q1-interfaces of the corresponding control units. The physical
range of the Q-bus is limited to local applications and the number of NEs

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Preparing for Operation FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

served per Q-bus is limited to 32. The Q-bus is a compatible device for all
FOX multiplexers FOX-U/M and -U.
The common parts of the F- and Q1-interface of the COBU<X> are set by
default for management access via the Q1-interface (which does not use
control signals). Cabling the F-interface disables the Q1-interface.

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Preparing for Operation

Please note that:

Internally the F- and Q1-interface of the control unit use the
same interface circuit; they can only be operated alternately!
The Q1-interface should not be used for the initial management
access to the NE, since address jam with other NEs connected
to the Q-bus might occur.
For a detailed description of application, installation and implementation of
the Q-bus refer to FOX MCN, Operation and Maintenance User Guide.
For a detailed description of application, installation and implementation of
the management communication via the Q-bus refer to FOX MCN, Opera-
tion and Maintenance User Guide and related information in UCST / System
Operation Basics User Guide and COBUX/COBUV User Guide. Management access via LAN

The QX-interface allows you to access the FOX via Ethernet LANs. Thus, it
is possible to connect a local cluster of FOXs via a hub with 10BaseT inter-
faces to the UCST. The range and the number of devices that you can con-
nect to the hub depend on the selected brand.
The connection between the hosts and the hub requires cables with a one to
one signal connection.

Figure 4: Connection of the EM via QX-interface and hub

To connect the PC/computer and the COBU<X> to the hub (LAN) you need
the COBUX/C2.1-2 cable which provides a one to one signal connection.
The ETHUB unit provides the hub/switch functionality for up to 5 Ethernet
devices. The ETHUB is fully integrated in the FOX subrack. For more in-
formation, refer to ETHUB 194 User Guide.

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Preparing for Operation FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

Please note:
If you use your own cables, it is important, that all the wiring
corresponds exactly to the COBUX/C2.1-2 cable specified in
The use of the COBUX/C2.1-2 cable provided by ABB Switzer-
land is highly recommended. This cable features
an umbrella cover shield for the signal leads
cable shield with skinned shield for the cable clamp
In a LAN-environment, it is normally not possible to use the Q X-
interface for the initial commissioning of the NE since the de-
fault IP address of the COBU<X> does not match the address
range of the LAN. If you connect the PC/computer and the
COBU<X> only to the hub, it is possible to access the NE with
one to one signal cables.
With the initial configuration of the NE you can configure the IP
address of the QX-interface for the LAN. If the addresses mis-
match it is possible that address jam might occur on the LAN.
Details on the installation and operation of hubs are beyond the scope of
this document. For a detailed description of application, installation and im-
plementation of the management communication via LANs refer to FOX
MCN, Operation and Maintenance User Guide and related information in
UCST / System Operation Basics User Guide and COBUX/COBUV User
Guide. Management access via ECC

Management access via the ECC uses the router functionality of the control
units. For a detailed description of application, installation and implementa-
tion of the ECC refer to FOX MCN, Operation and Maintenance User Guide
and related information in UCST / System Operation Basics User Guide and
Management access via the ECC is only possible after the initial
commissioning of the NE.

1KHW002059 page 32 of 210

FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Preparing for Operation Management access via EOC

Management access via EOC uses the F-interface of the control units. For a
detailed description of application, installation and implementation of the
EOC refer to FOX EOC User Guide and related information in UCST / Sys-
tem Operation Basics User Guide.
Management access via the EOC is only possible after the initial
commissioning of the NE.

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1KHW002059 page 34 of 210

FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Getting Started with the FOX

2 Getting Started with the FOX

The configuration of a FOX requires some preparative steps and initial com-
missioning. These steps are:
1) Commissioning your PC
2) Starting up the UCST
3) Overview of the main UCST main dialogue
4) Management access to the NE

Sub-sections of this section provide detailed information of the first 4 items.

The paragraphs below provide
A summary of the steps required to start the initial commis-
sioning of your FOX with the UCST.
Complementary information that is particular to the FOX and
is not covered in the generic descriptions.
For detailed information on the generic part of the UCST and
the related functions, refer to UCST / System Operation Basics
User Guide.

The table below shows the documents and their contents that provide de-
tails to the above topics.

Table 4: Related documents and contents

Document Document contents

Title Ref. Overview Relevant topics for

”Getting Stared with the FOX”

UCST Basic System Opera- 1KHW002060 - Getting Started with UCST - Installation of the UCST
tion - UCST System Administration - Accessing NEs with the UCST
- Accessing NEs with the UCST
- Basic Configuration
- Configuring Units
- UCST File & Data Services
- Maintenance and Diagnostic Functions

UCST Installation & Commis- 1KHW002009 - Commissioning Your PC/Computer for the - Installation & Commissioning
sioning UCST Procedures for UCST & ESW
- Installation & Commissioning Procedures for - Commissioning Your
UCST & ESW PC/Computer for the UCST

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Getting Started with the FOX FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

Document Document contents

Title Ref. Overview Relevant topics for

”Getting Stared with the FOX”

- UCST System Administration

FOX TDM System & Cross 1KHW002001 - Overview of Functions - TDM Cross Connection
Connections - TDM Cross Connection incl. protected connections
incl. protected connections - Bus Usage
- Bus Usage

FOX Synchronisation System 1KHW002008 - Overview of the NE timing system

- Configuration of the PETS system
- Configuration of the SETS system
- Routing and mapping tables of units
- Status/Maintenance of the NE timing system
- Synchronisation networks
- Engineering limits

FOX MCN Operation & Main- 1KHW002061 - Management communication parameters

tenance - ECC networking
- Debugging management communications
- Engineering limits

FOX EOC 1KHW002011 - Application of the EOC

- O&M system and FOX-U and FOX-U/E
- Communication principles
- Implementation of the EOC

1KHW002059 page 36 of 210

FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Getting Started with the FOX

2.1 FOX Network Element

2.1.1 Preparing for commissioning

Before you connect the UCST to the NE for commissioning, check the
equipment and units as follows:
Visually inspect the equipment and the associated cabling for defects or
missing parts.
Ensure that the subrack is equipped with at least the control unit
(COBU<X>) in the slot 11.
Check for an inserted PC memory card on the control unit(s).
Ensure that the subrack is equipped with at least 1 power converter unit:
POSUM/POSUS normally in slot 21.
POSUA (FOX512 only) normally in slot 12.
Ensure that the FOX subrack is powered.
After power on give the system 2 minutes to boot and initialise.
Check the fault indicator LEDs for failures and alarms as instructed in the
next paragraphs.

2.1.2 Optical fault indication

The optical fault indication is a part of the fault management of the FOX. A
standard FOX (traffic) unit features 2 fault indicator LEDs:
Red «unit» LED (position 1 in figure below, all units)
The LED indicates a hardware failure of the unit or a general non-
availability of the unit (due to missing software, configuration etc.). The
COBU<X> unit features a multifunctional red/green LED indicator at this
«Traffic» LED (position 2 in figure below, all units except POSUS)
The LED indicates failures that are due to failures of subunit(s) or traf-
fic function(s).
The COBU<X> unit features 2 additional LEDs (positions 3 and 4 in the fig-
ure below) to indicate urgent (3) and non-urgent (4) alarms.
The section «Diagnostics, Fault and Alarm Handling» provides detailed in-
formation on the meaning of the LED indicators.

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Getting Started with the FOX FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

1 3

2 4

Figure 5: Position of LEDs (unit front panel)

The fault management of the FOX activates the alarm LEDs corresponding
to the error conditions and the parameters configured for the generation of
the alarm.
Apart from the unit LED on the control unit, all other LEDs (red or yellow)
indicate failures or alarms. Under normal operating conditions only the
green LED on the active control unit is light.
Upon start-up, a non-configured NE will normally produce multiple
alarms and failure indications:
Allow the system 2 minutes to initialise after power on.
First, the function and availability of the control unit has to be
If the green LED (position 1) of the control unit is flashing (1.25
Hz) or permanently on, the unit is ready for management com-
The red LEDs (position 1) of all other units are normally flash-
ing (all units except POSU<X>) since there is no ESW installed
and/or the unit is not configured.
For more information on fault management and the alarm system of the
FOX refer to the section on «Diagnostics, Fault and Alarm Handling».
If the control unit of the FOX meets the above requirements, you can start
the commissioning of the NE as explained in the following paragraphs. Con-
figuring the NE will automatically eliminate most of the pending alarms.

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Getting Started with the FOX

2.2 UCST
It is assumed that both the UCST and the unit software have been installed
on your local craft device as described in UCST Installation & Commission-
ing User Guide and the paragraphs «Installing Unit SW on your
PC/computer» in this document. If either or both sets of software are not
available on your local craft device, install the missing software now.

2.2.1 Starting UCST and «User Class» identification

The operating system Windows provides different ways to start the UCST
on your PC/computer. You can start the UCST via:
Double clicking the UCST icon on the desktop (if such a link has been
Starting UCST from the corresponding program group (via the [START]
button and the subsequent menu).
Double clicking the UCST icon «ucst.exe» in the UCST directory.
Clicking the [START] button and selecting the «Run» dialogue.
«ucst.exe» is then started from the UCST directory by use of the browser
function provided.
Once started, the UCST asks you to define the User Class for the present
session with the EM:
System Manager
System Maintenance
System Planner
System Information
To configure the NE you have to log in as System Manager or for System
Maintenance. Normally each of the User Classes is protected with a pass-

2.2.2 Closing UCST

To close a session with UCST:

Select menu «Files - Exit» or click the X symbol in the top right corner of the
UCST dialogue.

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Getting Started with the FOX FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

2.3 The FOX menu

2.3.1 FOX start dialogue

The UCST starts up with the same type of start dialogue (system) that was
active at the time the former UCST session was closed. You might have to
change the system, to get the start menu of your FOX type (refer to the
paragraphs below).
The sample dialogue below shows a non-initialised start dialogue of the
FOX515 Multiservice Access System.

Figure 6: FOX515 start dialogue (COBUX 219 sample)

It is only possible to connect the UCST to a FOX (NE) that

matches to the type of the NE in the active start menu.

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Getting Started with the FOX

2.3.2 Change the FOX start menu

If the start dialogue does not match the expected FOX type there are two
methods to get an active start menu for your FOX type:
Open a configuration file for the FOX type of your selection
This method allows you to configure your NE directly with a configuration
that has been created e.g. off line for this particular NE. The configura-
tion file initialises your EM with the corresponding start dialogue and pa-
rameters. It is also possible to load the configuration of an NE of the
same type and modify the parameters for your new NE.
To open the configuration use the menu
«File - Open» and select the file name that corresponds to your NE.
Select a New (non-initialised) Network Element
The «New Network Element» dialogue allows you to define the type of
the NE that becomes active with the start dialogue of the present UCST
session. The New Network Element dialogue leaves your UCST with a
non-initialised start dialogue except for the default control unit.
To start with a new start dialogue use the menu
«File - New» and select the desired FOX type and control unit.
For details, refer to the paragraphs below.
The figure below shows the «File» menu for the FOX512 start dialogue.

Figure 7: UCST File menu (FOX512)

Select the New Network Element dialogue via the menu Files New.

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Getting Started with the FOX FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

Figure 8: New Network Element sample dialogue

For subrack based equipment the selection of a new NE requires the defini-
tion of the
The subrack is typical for the NE and defines the basic type and the me-
chanical implementation of the NE.
Control unit
The FOX subrack together with the control unit define the basic features
of the NE. Depending on the selected control unit, all the system features
defined for the FOX are available, or just a subset may be provided.
Each of the subsets corresponds to a generic type of application, which
is most economically covered by one of the COBUV, COBUX or COBUL
control units. Since the control units are cost optimised devices depend-
ing on the functions required a different hardware is required to imple-
ment the function units COBUV, COBUX or COBUL.
For detailed information on the
Control units and corresponding features, refer to the COBU<X> User
Hardware and ESW required to implement the function units, refer to
the Release Note FOX / Release Note FOX / UCST).
Please note that the new functionalities (ATM, NEBRO etc.) released
with the UCST & FOXMAN-UN R7 require the R5 control units. The
UCST & FOXMAN-UN R8 still supports the release R4 versions of the
control units.
To define your new NE, select
FOX <x> from the Subrack list.
COBU<X> function unit from the Control Unit template list.
The fields SW and Description in the template list (right window) provide
information on the
ESW required to implement the selected function unit.

1KHW002059 page 42 of 210

FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Getting Started with the FOX

comparable features provided by each function unit and the main differ-
ences between the units. The terms provide information as follows:
<u> HWY: UBUS capacity = <u> x 2 Mbit/s highways.
P = <p>: PBUS capacity = <p> x 4 x 2 Mbit/s highways.
OSI: OSI router available.
SDH: SDH functionalities and ECC available.
Diag.: Central diagnostic functions available.
Conf.: Conference function for traffic signals available.
With recent UCST releases, it is possible to create legacy FOX
systems with selected legacy control units that are no longer com-
patible with the features of the current UCST.
To create a legacy configuration with one of these control units,
you must open the configuration file with the corresponding control
unit via the Files Open menu.
The configuration files create the FOX with the corresponding
COBU<X> and if applicable the redundant control unit. You can
now configure your FOX with functions and units that are compati-
ble with the corresponding R<x> control units.
The table below shows an overview of the available configuration
files with legacy COBU<X>.

Table 5: Configuration files for NEs with legacy control units

Release R2 R3
Single control With redundant Single control With redundant
unit control unit unit control unit
COBUX cobux117.cfg cobux117r.cfg cobux145.cfg cobux145r.cfg
cobux146.cfg cobux146r.cfg
COBUV - - cobuv137.cfg cobuv137r.cfg
cobuv237.cfg cobuv237r.cfg
COBUL - - cobul215.cfg cobul215r.cfg
COBUQ cobuq124.cfg cobuq124r.cfg cobuq144.cfg cobuq144r.cfg

For a detailed description of the features of the COBU<X> function units, re-
fer to refer to the corresponding COBU<X> User Guide. Please note that
you need previous customer documentation to find the description of the
COBU<X> R2 and R3 templates.

2.3.3 Menu bar and subordinate menus, an overview

The Menu bar on top of the start dialogue reflects the structure of the main
functionalities available for the FOX. The Menu bar provides the entries to
the menus (subsequent functions or groups of functions). Groups of func-
tions are created for functions which steer one (logical) device.

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Figure 9: The FOX515 main menu

The paragraphs below provide a description of the menus and functions

available with the FOX start dialogue. File

The File menu provides the dialogues and functions related to the file sys-
tem of the FOX/UCST and to auxiliary functions such as print services. The
Files functions are also referred to as File services.
The File menu is segmented into the groups
Configuration file management
Transfer of configuration data between EM and NE
Software delivery to NE
Print services
Close the session with the EM

Figure 10: File Menu

The Files menu provides the following functions

This command allows you to select a new system or NE for the current
UCST session. New calls a 'blank' start dialogue for the selected type of
system. Depending on the selected system (NE) the start dialogue will
change its appearance (GUI).

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This command allows you to open an existing configuration file (*.cfg).
Such a configuration file contains all the information that defines the
function of the NE.
This command allows you to save the configuration that is represented
by the UCST dialogues of the current session. The configuration is saved
to the configuration file that the current session is locked to (with a file
name as indicated in the dialogue header).
Save As
This command allows you to save the configuration that is represented
by the UCST dialogues of the current session to a new configuration file.
You have to specify the file.
This command allows you to load the configuration of the NE that is cur-
rently connected to the UCST up to the EM. The dialogues of the UCST
will represent this configuration.
Full Download
This command allows you to load the configuration represented by the UCST
dialogues of the current session down to the NE that is currently connected to
the EM. The complete configuration information is downloaded; the former
configuration of the NE is overwritten. The NE will boot.
Partial Download
This command allows you to update the NE that is connected to the UCST
with changes compared to the currently active configuration of the NE.
Software Delivery
This menu allows you to manage the ESW for units in the NE, e.g. you
can load the compressed ESW from the EM down to the NE for (subse-
quent) installation on the units.
This menu allows you manage the print functions for configuration data.
Printer Setup
This command opens the dialogues for the configuration of the printer.
The dialogue shows the standard print menu of Windows .
This command allows you to close the UCST session and to exit UCST.
Most of the functions provided by the File menu are generic for the UCST.
For a detailed description of the commands and menus, refer to UCST /
System Operation Basics User Guide. NE configuration

The NE Configuration menu provides the dialogues and functions related

to the hardware and software configuration of the NE including global func-
tions such as cross connections and the NE timing.
The NE Configuration menu is segmented into the groups

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Configuration of units in the subrack

Cross Connections and system functions
Timing Sources
System Time
Software installation of the ESW

Figure 11: NE Configuration menu

The NE Configuration menu provides the following functions

This menu allows you to select a predefined Custom Parameter Set and
specific parameters that are global for the NE and its units (metering fre-
quency, pulse and break time).
The Custom Parameter Set defines global parameters for the V5 appli-
cations and are not relevant for NEs without V5 functionalities. For more
information on these parameters refer to PCON<X> User Guide.
The Profiles menu allows you to control the new profile function of the
UCST. With profiles it is possible to manage a set of parameters for units
in the FOX network. Profiles describe a set of parameters which are
global for the FOX network and can be applied to all the units in the net-
work if required.
The profile feature uses factory defined structures that you can use to
create your own profiles. Existing profiles are protected against changes.
Add Unit
This command allows you to add a new function unit to an empty slot in
the subrack. You can select the function units via the corresponding unit
template files (*.cdu, *.ocu, *.sbu etc.).

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Add Protecting Unit

This command allows you to add a protecting unit for the selected unit to
a predefined slot. This function is not generic but only available for se-
lected units (e.g. for the COBU<X> for the slot 12).
Equipment Protection
This command allows you to create protection groups with a protecting
unit and a set of working units. This feature is not generic but only appli-
cable to units without front connections and unspecific slot assignment
(e.g. the ACONV).
A monitoring function allows you to monitor the current state of all the
units in the protection group.
Delete Unit(s)
This command allows you to remove a function unit from the selected
Convert Unit(s)
This command allows you to convert the function unit in the selected slot
to another upward compatible function unit. You select the new function
unit via the corresponding unit template files (*.cdu, *.ocu, *.sbu etc.).
ATM Environment
This menu provides dialogues that allow you to configure the FOX ATM
system and to monitor the current usage of the system resources.
These functions include the management of ATM Traffic Descriptors, the
definition of the available resources for the FOX CAC (Connection Ad-
mission Control) function, the configuration of aggregating VPs and dia-
logues to monitor the usage of resources on port and cross connect level
as well as a dialogue to monitor and control the ATM OAM functions (cell
statistics, loopback, alarm status etc.).
Cross Connections
This menu allows you to define Cross Connections between the traffic
data of the subunits. Dedicated dialogues support the connection of TDM
and ATM based traffic signals.
Depending on the traffic signals, it is possible to define Cross Connec-
tions for
TDM traffic as P0 (64 kbit/s), P0_nc (n x 64 kbit/s), P12 (2 Mbit/s),
V12, VC3 and VC4 connections
ATM traffic on the VC and VP level.
The connections are either unidirectional or bi-directional.
For TDM traffic, it is possible to protect the cross connections on the
SBUS, PBUS and UBUS. A special dialogue allows you to display the
present state of the protected connection and the availability of the sig-
UBUS Connection Points
This menu allows you to check and edit the individual connection points
on the UBUS (experts only).
Bus Usage
This menu allows you to check the bus usage and the active connection
points for the UBUS and PBUS.

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Timing Sources
This menu allows you to configure the timing system of the NE. It is pos-
sible to define the timing sources for the system clock generation, the
priorities and the switching criteria for the selection of the timing sources.
The menu covers the PDH and SDH timing system. The SDH timing sys-
tem is only available with configured SYNI<X>/SYNUF/SYN4E units.
You can select the sources for the clock outputs of COBU<X> unit.
Timing Sources Status
This special dialogue allows you to check the present state of the syn-
chronisation system and the availability of the timing sources.
Set Time
This command allows you to synchronise the internal clock of the NE to
the time and date of the EM.
This menu allows you to access the inventory data of the currently con-
nected NE. The inventory data of the NE appears as a list which shows
the active hardware and software per slot, including names, part num-
bers and version identifications. Additional information is available via
subsequent dialogues.
It is possible to print the inventory data.
Software Installation
This menu allows you to define the EWS for the units with software
download. You can configure the version of the ESW and the time for
the installation per unit (slot). A second dialogue shows the current status
of ESW in the NE. Unit configuration

The Unit Configuration menu provides the dialogues and functions related
to the configuration of units, including the generation of unit template files
for application specific function unit.
The Unit Configuration menu is segmented into the groups
Configuration (parameters, alarms), status and maintenance functions
Parameter Browser
Performance Monitoring
Creation of new template files for the configuration of units

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Figure 12: Unit Configuration Menu

Before you can select the Unit Configuration menu you have to select a
slot in the subrack that is configured with a unit. The Unit Configuration
menu provides the following functions
This menu allows you to set up the configurable parameters of the se-
lected unit. The parameters are structured via functional layers. Depend-
ing on the unit, the menu will provide different functional layers (such as
«Board», «Traffic», «2 Mbit/s» etc.) and the corresponding subunits if
This menu allows you to access the status and maintenance functions of
the unit. The functions are structured via functional layers which can in-
clude status and maintenance functions. The functions available depend
on the selected unit.
Diagnostics Parameters
This menu is only available for old UBUS units.
This menu allows you to configure the monitoring process for the unit. In
particular it is possible to configure the severities and timing criteria for
the generation of alarms provided by the unit.
Parameter Browser
This menu allows you to display summaries of the active parameter set-
tings of the unit. The parameters are structured via functional layers and
groups within the layers. For layers with subunits, two soft buttons allow
you to navigate between the summaries of the subunits.
The parameter browser allows a faster and clearer overview of the unit
parameters and the corresponding active settings than the dialogues of
the unit parameter dialogues.
Performance Monitoring
This menu allows you to control and display the performance monitoring
of selected traffic signals. Performance monitoring is structured via func-
tional layers. Depending on the traffic signal the performance is evalu-

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ated unfiltered (as count of events) or filtered according to ITU-T G.821

or G.826.
Save As…
This command allows you to create and store a new unit template with
the present configuration (*.cdu, *.ocu, *.sbu etc.). You can use this new
template to clone the unit and its configuration for further units (same
type, same configuration) by simply adding units with the new unit tem-
plate. Faults

The Faults menu provides the dialogues and functions related to fault man-
agement and the monitoring / logging of failures.

Figure 13: Faults Menu

The Faults menu provides the following functions

Network Element
This command allows you to load and display the Fault List from the
NE. The Fault List provides structured information on the failures of the
units and subunits of the NE. The list includes the alarm status of the NE.
It is possible to sort the entries in the Fault List by (alphabetically) as-
cending or descending unit/subunit names or failure messages.
This command allows you to load and display the Log Book from the
NE. The Log Book provides a structured log of all monitored events of
units and subunits. When the NE control system monitors an event, it
adds a new entry consisting of a set of information and a corresponding
time stamp to the Log Book.
It is possible to sort the entries in the Log Book by ascending or descend-
ing information types (alphabetically) or the time stamps. The dialogue
provides a soft button that allows you to print the Log Book directly from
the dialogue. Sys Admin

The Sys Admin menu provides the dialogues and functions related to sys-
tem administration such as passwords and access rights.

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Figure 14: Sys Admin menu

The Sys Admin menu provides the following functions

Access Password...
This command allows you to change the Passwords for the User
Classes (only if you are logged on the UCST as System Manager).
User Class…
This command allows you to change the User Class for the present
UCST session. To change you need to know the Password for the se-
lected User Class.
The functions provided by the Sys Admin… menu are generic for the UCST.
For a detailed description of the commands and menus, refer to UCST / Sys-
tem Operation Basics User Guide. Management Network

The Management Network menu provides the dialogues and functions re-
lated to the management communication and access to the NEs.

Figure 15: Management Network menu

The Management Network menu provides the following functions

This menu allows you to select and configure the Management Network
for your NE. The Management Network consists of an Element Agent
and a list of Managed NEs. The Element Agent defines the type of the

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management communication and the corresponding interfaces and mo-

dems (if applicable). The list of the Managed NEs provides the attached
NEs and the corresponding addresses.
The menu provides buttons to modify and control the operation of the agents.
This function allows you to disconnect the Element Agent from the NE.
UCST Polling functions
The UCST polling function allows the UCST to continuously monitor
managed NEs for alarms, events and status changes. The UCST auto-
matically polls the NEs and updates the Alarm List accordingly.
The UCST polling summarise a set functions that are related to the auto-
matic polling of NEs:
Force Polling …
Force Polling requires that the EM is connected to the NE and knows the
NE configuration. The Force Polling function allows you to poll the con-
nected NE and update the Alarm List with the current alarms of the NE.
NE Time Synchronisation …
NE Time Synchronisation allows you to synchronise the time of the NEs
to the time of the EM. Options and various parameters allow to you define
the Management Networks and NEs for time synchronisation
NE Discovery …
NE Discovery allows you to search for NEs within a specified IP or
HDLC address range and to automatically add the discovered NEs to
the list of managed NEs.
Parameters allow you to restrict the discovery to a selected Manage-
ment Network and a specified address range. This increases the effi-
ciency of the NE discovery. NE Discovery can discovery IP and
HDLC addressed devices, NEs with HDLC addresses even via the
Q1- master interface of a FOX515/512.
Alarm List …
The Alarm List provides the alarms and alarm states of the polled
NEs. The list uses different colours to display the alarm severities.
The list is continuously updated as the NE polling is going on.
Agent Statistic …
The Agent Statistics lists the key parameters of the NE polling for a
selected Element Agent (EA). This allows you to inspect the efficiency
of the NE polling and to eliminate bottlenecks.
Announce Alarm
The Announce Alarm function starts a batch file every time NE polling
updates the Alarm List with new alarms or alarm status changes.
The UCST Polling offers fault management similar to FOXMAN-UN for
networks with up to 30 NEs. The dialogues for the commissioning of the
UCST polling and the look & feel of the alarm list is the same as in the
The functions provided by the Setup/Connect… menu are generic for the
UCST. For a detailed description of the commands and menus, refer to UCST /
System Operation Basics User Guide.

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The Help menu provides access to information on the UCST and help func-
tions (future option).

Figure 16: Help menu

The Help menu provides the following function

This function allows you to access information on the present release of
the UCST. This information includes the detailed designation of the re-
leased version, the date of the release and a list of the supported units
Additional functions are for FUTURE RELEASES.
The functions provided by the Help menu are generic for the UCST. For a
detailed description of the commands and menus, refer to UCST / System
Operation Basics User Guide.

2.3.4 Status line of the Start Dialogue

The Status Line of the FOX start dialogues is generic for all the FOX
equipment. For a detailed description of the information and functions pro-
vided by the Status Line, refer to UCST / System Operation Basics User

2.3.5 Select a new system/configuration

If the start dialogue does not fit the type of your NE, you have to create a
corresponding system.
Via the File New menu
This command initialises the UCST with the selected subrack and control
unit. There are no other units configured.
Via the File Open... menu
This command allows you to load the file (*.cfg) with the configuration of
your NE to the UCST.

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The selection of a new system is a generic function of the UCST. For a de-
tailed description of the system selection and configuration files, refer to
UCST / System Operation Basics User Guide.

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2.4 Management Access

2.4.1 Introduction to management access

To exchange data between the EM and NE you have to establish a man-

agement communication channel between the EM and the NE. Functions
that require data exchange are
Up- and download of configuration data
Delivery of ESW (unit software)
Enquires into failures and alarms (NE, log book)
Performance monitoring
Diagnostic functions
Maintenance functions (inventory, loops, status, etc.)
Depending on the system and the management network, the communication
channels use different interfaces of the EM(S) and the NE to set up the
management communication. It is possible to integrate various network
types and structures for the management communication of the FOX.
For a description of the principles of the FOX management communication,
refer to FOX515 Technical Description and FOX MCN, Operation and Main-
tenance User Guide. For a detailed description of the management access,
refer to UCST / System Operation Basics User Guide.
For the initial commissioning of a FOX, you need a communication that re-
lies on a local point to point access and that allows you to use the default
addresses of the NE. The following connection types meet these require-
1 Permanent (Ethernet)
via the QX-interface of the FOX and the Ethernet interface of your
It is possible to establish the connection between the PC/computer
and the NE in two ways:
Directly via an Ethernet null modem cable (signals crossed).
Via a LAN if the address structure in the LAN allows you to use the
default IP-addresses for your NE.
2 RS-232C (UCST direct on F / F, via standard null modem)
via the F-interface of the FOX and the serial interface of your
A null modem cable connects the PC/computer running the UCST
and the F-interface of the NE.
The initial commissioning allows you to configure the NE for the integration
into your management network. You can establish subsequent management
accesses either as point to point accesses or via your management network.
The access via the management network is the standard access for mainte-
nance and reconfiguration of the NE.
Please remember that the
EM (UCST) can only manage an NE if the Customer Identifiers
of the EM and the NE are matching.

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The Customer Identifier of the UCST is optionally set. With the

initial commissioning of the NE the Customer Identifier is
loaded to the NE.
cable for the QX-interface has
the crossed signals (null modem) if you interconnect the
Ethernet interfaces of your PC/computer directly.
1:1 signal connection if you connect the Ethernet interfaces
of your PC/computer via LAN (hub).
For detailed information, refer to the corresponding paragraphs
in the previous chapter.

The following paragraphs describe the management access and the corre-
sponding elements only as far as it is required for the initial commissioning
of the FOX via the RS-232C (connection type 3) and Ethernet (connection
type 1) interfaces.
For details on the implementation of FOX management networks, refer to
FOX MCN, Operation and Maintenance User Guide.

2.4.2 In the case of redundant control units

If your NE has redundant control units, you have to connect the active (Mas-
ter) unit. This is normally (and after a power up) the unit in slot 11.
If you use the QX-interfaces to connect both control units (master
and slave control unit) of the NE with the Ethernet LAN, the follow-
ing will occur after a switch-over from master to slave:
The EM(S) is not able to connect to the new master unit since the
entry in the IP address resolution table of the PC/computer (cre-
ated for the QX-interface host address of the NE) still points to the
old master unit. This occurs because each physical LAN interface
must have a unique layer 2 address (each COBU<X> QX-interface
has its own MAC address).
The communication is re-established either
by cleaning up the ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) table of
the PC/computer using the MS-DOS ARP command
or by waiting (max. 300 s) until the PC performs its own peri-
odic clean-up.

2.4.3 To connect … … 'directly' via the F-interface

Select the menu «Management Network - Setup/Connect» to call the dia-

logues of the management network. You can use the default network «Any
On RAS» if the parameter setting is appropriate and the list of «Managed
NEs» contains an entry that fits your NE.

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Figure 17: Management Network Setup sample menu

It is possible that you have prepared your own Network Agent for man-
agement communication via the RS 232C interface and initial commission-
For your convenience, the set up of the communication is demonstrated
with the default management network provided by the UCST. At any time
you can modify the network and add new NEs to your network as described
in UCST / System Operation Basics User Guide.
Please verify for the selected Management Network (here «Ip ON RAS»)
the following parameters:
Management Network Parameters (dialogue above)
Type RS 232
State running
If the state of the Element Agent is suspended
press [Run] to start the agent.
Supported NEs IP only or Any
Manager Id IP address of your PC/computer interface
The address has to fit the settings in the Element
Agent and must meet the requirements of the de-
fault address/subnet of the NE ( rec-

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Polling, Notification enables the UCST polling and notification process

for the Element Agent. Both must be OFF for the
initial commissioning of an NE.
The other parameters are not relevant here.
Managed NEs (dialogue above)
The list must contain an entry that matches your NE. The parameters are
Name <Name> of your NE
You should specify a functional name (e.g. Default
NE for NEs with the default IP address).
Address (default)
Specify the address of the NE if it has been
changed already.
Type FOX515/512
Polled specifies whether the NE is polled. Polled must be
OFF for the initial commissioning.
The other parameters are not relevant here.
These parameters and additional settings are accessible via the two [Mod-
ify] buttons.
Select your Management Network in the Name field and press the (upper)
[Modify] button.
The Modify Element Agent dialogue below allows you to modify the Man-
agement Network Parameters and shows the remaining relevant settings of
the Element Agent for the required connection type.
Interface UCST RAS direct on F
which is automatically selected.
Modem Device F, via standard null modem
which is automatically selected

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Figure 18: Element Agent sample menu

The Modify Network Element dialogue allows you to modify the parame-
ters of the NE, the Add Network Element dialogue allows you to add new
NEs to the list of managed NEs.
Select your NE in the Managed NEs field and press the (lower) [Modify] but-
ton or press the [Add] button and create a new NE with default parameters
as shown in the Management Network Setup dialogue at the beginning of
this paragraph.
The selected NE type must fit the NE that you want to connect!

The dialogue below shows the relevant settings of the NE for the required
connection type in the Add/Modify Network Element dialogue.

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Figure 19: Add Network Element sample menu

If the Element Agent is running

press «Connect» in the Management Network Setup dialogue to connect
the NE.
double click the line of the NE in the Management Network Setup dia-
logue to connect the NE.
Provided you have properly installed and configured your PC/computer you
can now perform all the functions that require a management communica-
tion between the UCST and the NE such as the up- or download of configu-
ration data and upload of inventory data.
If these functions are not available this is mostly because of
Wrong or missing cabling
Wrong or mismatching IP addresses (RAS/DUN, NE, Element Agent)
Wrong or missing configuration of the PC/computer for management
communication (RAS/DUN, Modems, Phone book).
Blocked interfaces of the PC/computer (COM ports)
Wrong Management Network (Element Agent, Managed NEs).
Element Agent suspended
Selected transmission speed too high for your cable/interface drivers
Mismatching UCST and NE Customer Identifiers (not applicable for first
time commissioning of the NE)
For a detailed description of all these aspects, refer to UCST / System Op-
eration Basics User Guide.

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Getting Started with the FOX … 'permanent' via the QX-interface

Select the menu «Management Network - Setup/Connect» to call the dia-

logues of the management network. There is no default management net-
work using the Ethernet interfaces.
You have to create an appropriate Management Network or use a network
previously created.

Figure 20: Management Network Setup sample menu

It is possible that you have prepared your own Network Agent for man-
agement communication via the QX-interface and initial commissioning. For
your convenience, the set up of the communication is demonstrated with the
management network My Ethernet. At any time you can modify the network
and add new NEs to your network as described in UCST / System Operation
Basics User Guide.
Please verify for the selected Management Network (here My Ethernet) the
following parameters:
Management Network Parameters
Type Permanent
State running
If the state of the Element Agent is suspended
press [Run] to start the agent.
Supported NEs IP only or Any

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Manager Id IP address of your PC/computer interface

The address has to fit the settings in the Element
Agent and must meet the requirements of the de-
fault address/subnet of the NE ( rec-
Polling, Notification enables the UCST polling and notification process
for the Element Agent. Both must be OFF for the
initial commissioning of an NE.
The other parameters are not relevant here.
Managed NEs
The list must contain an entry that matches your NE. The parameters are
Name <Name> of your NE
You should specify a functional name (e.g. Default
NE for NEs with the default IP address).
Address (default)
Specify the address of the NE if it has been
changed already.
Type FOX515/512
Polled specifies whether the NE is polled. Polled must be
OFF for the initial commissioning.
The other parameters are not relevant here.
These parameters and additional settings are accessible via the two [Mod-
ify] buttons.
Select your Management Network in the Name field and press the (upper)
[Modify] button.
The Modify Element Agent dialogue below allows you to modify the Man-
agement Network Parameters and shows the remaining relevant settings of
the Element Agent for the required connection type.
Interface Ethernet
which is automatically selected.
Modem Device none
which is automatically selected

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Figure 21: Element Agent sample menu

Please note the parameters set for Route Configuration.

The Modify Network Element dialogue allows you to modify the parame-
ters of the NE, the Add Network Element dialogue allows you to add new
NEs to the list of managed NEs.
Select your NE in the Managed NEs field and press the (lower) [Modify] but-
ton or press the [Add] button and create a new NE with default parameters
as shown in the Management Network Setup dialogue at the beginning of
this paragraph.
The selected NE type must fit the NE that you want to connect!

The dialogue below shows the relevant settings of the NE for the required
connection type in the Add/Modify Network Element dialogue.

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Figure 22: Modify Network Element sample menu

If the Element Agent is running

press «Connect» in the Management Network Setup dialogue to connect
the NE.
double click the line of the NE in the Management Network Setup dia-
logue to connect the NE.
Provided you have properly installed and configured your PC/computer you
can now perform all the functions that require a management communica-
tion between the UCST and the NE such as the up- or download of configu-
ration data and upload of inventory data.
If these functions are not available this is mostly because of
Wrong or missing cabling
Wrong or mismatching IP addresses (PC/computer, LAN, NE, Element
Wrong or missing configuration of the PC/computer for management
communication (Network level).
Blocked interfaces of the PC/computer (Ethernet interfaces, LAN)
Wrong Management Network (Element Agent, Managed NEs).
Element Agent suspended
Mismatching UCST and NE Customer Identifiers (not applicable for first
time commissioning of the NE)
For a detailed description of all these aspects, refer to UCST / System Op-
eration Basics User Guide.

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2.4.4 To disconnect …

select the menu «Management Network - Disconnect» and the UCST can-
cels the management access.
Do not disconnect the cable from the F-interface or the
PC/computer while the Management Network is running.
It is a good practice and helps you to prevent failures of the man-
agement communication if you disconnect the Management Com-
munication via the disconnect menu before you
unplug a cable from the management communication inter-
connect the UCST to a new NE.
close the UCST.

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2.5 FAN units and redundant supplies

2.5.1 FANU5 - forced ventilation for FOX515

Depending on the total power dissipation of the units plugged into the
subrack, forced ventilation must be used to evacuate the heat produced. A
fan unit called FANU5 is used for this purpose.
Installation of FANU5 is described in the «FOX515 Installation Guide». General

The FANU5 is a fan unit for the evacuation of the heated air that is pro-
duced in electronic equipment. The FANU5 is equipped with 10 fans built
into a 19-inch subrack. Adapters are available for ETSI rack installation.
The FANU5 fan unit is tailored to operate with the FOX515, but is also
suited for the ventilation of other equipment. For information of the FOX515,
refer to FOX515 Technical Description.
The FANU5 is normally installed above the ventilated equipment and oper-
ates from the local -48 / -60 VDC power supply. The fans begin to operate
below the voltage range of telecom equipment (e.g. FOX), starting ventila-
tion before the ventilated equipment (FOX) powers up. The fan unit stops
operation at a lower voltage than the power down voltage threshold of the
ventilated (telecom) equipment.
The speed of the fans is temperature controlled. It can be kept to a mini-
mum at low ambient temperatures which extends lifetime of the fans and
reduces noise. It rises automatically with higher temperatures.
The interfaces for the FANU5 power supply and the alarm signals are on the
unit front panel. LED indicators indicate the operational state of the unit and
unit failures:
A green LED monitors the FANU5 input power.
A yellow LED indicates fan unit partial failure.
A red LED indicates fan unit total failure.
The FANU5 provides two solid state switches for alarm outputs. They oper-
ate in parallel with the LED failure indicators. These switches can be con-
nected to the alarm interface of the COBU<X> control unit.
A set of cables is available to connect the FANU5 with the FOX515 power
supply and the alarm interface of the COBU<X>. The alarm outputs of the
1+1 power input module DUPI4 can also be connected to the FANU5 front

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Getting Started with the FOX FANU5 block diagram

The figure below shows the FANU5 block diagram.


Fuse 1 DC Speed signal 1

Input filter PTC 2
-48/-60 VDC

Power fail 1
Control 1
Speed signal 2
Fuse 2 DC

DC Speed signal 3

Power fail 2

Control 2 PTC 10

Speed signal 10

Control, monitoring and alarming

LED green LED yellow Solid state switch LED red Solid state switch

Power Alarm «Partial failure» Alarm «Total failure»

The architecture of the FANU5 uses redundancy for the most important sub-
systems. This ensures that adequate ventilation is maintained even after the
failure of an internal DC/DC converter or a fan.
The UTF voltage from the power supply is filtered and fed via fuses to the
redundant DC/DC converters. A blown fuse isolates the converter from the
supply and allows the second converter to keep working. The fuses are not
user serviceable. The FANU5 has to be sent to the factory for repair.
The DC/DC converters provide their temperature controlled output voltage
via two diodes to the common rail for the power supply of the fans and the
monitoring circuit. Individual PTC resistors in each fan supply circuit protect
the common rail from failures and short circuits in fans.
The fans provide individual speed signals for operation control and monitor-
ing. The control block detects low speed and not operating fans and takes
the appropriate actions.
The FANU5 has three LEDs for local failure indication and two solid-state
alarm outputs. Operation

When power is turned on, the fan speed is kept to the maximum for ap-
proximately 5 seconds. After that the temperature controlled supply voltage

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Getting Started with the FOX FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

starts to regulate the fan speed. Up to 20°C of ambient temperature the fans
are made to turn at their minimum speed. This reduces ventilation noise un-
der normal ambient temperature conditions and increases the lifetime of the
fans. With increasing ambient temperature the fan speed is increased in a
linear fashion to its maximum which is reached at 35 C.
The FANU5 fan speeds are individually monitored. A fan is considered
failed if its speed falls significantly below the minimum. This overrides the
temperature control and automatically drives the remaining fans to emer-
gency high speed to compensate for the failure. This may also cause the
failed fan to restart. Emergency high speed is roughly 10% higher than
maximum speed.
The outputs of the two DC/DC converters are also monitored. Each con-
verter is capable of driving all fans indefinitely at emergency high speed. A
failed converter causes a partial failure alarm, indicating to the maintenance
personnel that the fan unit has to be replaced. It does not override the tem-
perature control of the fan speed as a fan failure would. Monitoring and alarming

The FANU5 operation control monitors and indicates the operation and fail-
ures of the FANU5 subsystems as shown in the table below:
Failure of alarms as
one fan more than one con- both con- Partial failure Total failure
one fan verter verters

Indication and alarm outputs are as follows:

Normal operation (no failures)
Green LED is ON, yellow and red LEDs are OFF
Solid state switches are CLOSED (connected to GND)
Partial failure
Green LED is ON
Yellow LED is ON
Red LED is OFF
Solid state switch «Partial failure» is OPEN (not connected to GND)
Solid state switch «Total failure» is CLOSED (connected to GND)
Total failure, with UTF present
Green LED is ON
Yellow LED is OFF
Red LED is ON
Solid state switch «Partial failure» is CLOSED (connected to GND)
Solid state switch «Total failure» is OPEN (not connected to GND) FANU5 alarms in FOX515

The alarm outputs of FANU5 are connected to the external alarm inputs 3
and 4 of COBU<X> via the alarm cable.

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Getting Started with the FOX

The alarm outputs of DUPI4 are connected to external inputs 1 and 2 of

COBU<X> via the same cable, if the DUPI4 alarm cable is connected to
The external alarm inputs of COBU<X> have to be configured properly be-
fore they render the desired results in the FOX alarm system. Refer to
«Alarm configuration for FANU5 and DUPI4» on page 79 for details. Recommended action in case of failure

Partial failure alarm

If a FANU5 reports a partial failure (yellow LED is ON and «Partial Fail-
ure» alarm output active), it must be replaced as soon as possible.
A single fan failure may have occurred directly over a high power unit
such as IPLM<X>. Total air flow is roughly maintained, but temperature
below the failed fan will rise.
We recommend a replacement of FANU5 within 24 hours.

Total failure alarm

A total failure without a preceding partial failure is very improbable. It
would happen if someone inadvertently pulled the FANU5 power cable
which is not very likely event. Usually though there is ample warning.
If a FANU5 reports a total failure (red LED is ON and «Total Failure»
alarm output active), it must be replaced immediately.
Apart from power to FANU5 missing, there are two possibilities for a total
More than one fan has failed. If two failed fans are directly over high
power units such as IPLM<X>, temperature can rise to a degree that
the units do not operate correctly and/or temperature monitored units
start to switch of their services.
Both converters have failed. No fans are operating. Temperature of
high power units rises within minutes to a level where damage may
As it is practically impossible to distinguish between the two cases,
we recommend to switch off the subrack immediately as an emer-
gency measure.
Replace the defective FANU5 before switching on the subrack

Replacement procedure
For details on the replacement procedure refer to «Replacement of de-
fective FANU5» on page 205.

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Getting Started with the FOX FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

2.5.2 FANU2 - forced ventilation for FOX512

Depending on the total power dissipation of the units plugged into the
subrack, forced ventilation must be used to evacuate the heat produced. A
fan unit called FANU2 is used for this purpose.
Installation of FANU2 is described in the «FOX512 Installation Guide». General

The FANU2 is a fan unit for the evacuation of the heated air that is pro-
duced in the FOX512 subrack. The FANU5 is equipped with 2 fans built into
a plug-in unit fitting into a dedicated slot in the FOX512 subrack.
The FANU2 fan unit is tailored to operate with the FOX512. For information
of the FOX512, refer to FOX515 Technical Description.
The FANU2 is installed above the ventilated equipment and operates from
the internal -48 / -60 VDC power rail. The fans begin to operate below the
voltage range of telecom equipment (e.g. FOX), starting ventilation before
the ventilated equipment (FOX) powers up. The fan unit stops operation at a
lower voltage than the power down voltage threshold of the ventilated (tele-
com) equipment.
The speed of the fans is temperature controlled. It can be kept to a mini-
mum at low ambient temperatures which extends lifetime of the fans and
reduces noise. It rises automatically with higher temperatures.
The FANU2 has no external interfaces. Power supply and the alarm signals
are internally connected via the FOX512 backplane. A red LED indicator on
the unit front panel indicates the operational state of the unit and unit fail-

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Getting Started with the FOX FANU2 block diagram

The figure below shows the FANU2 block diagram.

Fuse 1 DC
Input filter Fan 1
-48/-60 VDC

Fuse 2 DC UL 2
Fan 2


Speed signal 1

Speed signal 2
Control 2

Control 1

Control, monitoring and alarming

+VCC (+5VDC)
LED red

The architecture of the FANU2 uses redundancy for the converter/fan sub-
system. This ensures that adequate ventilation is maintained even after the
failure of an internal DC/DC converter or a fan.
The UTF voltage from the power supply is filtered and fed via fuses to the
two DC/DC converters. A blown fuse isolates the converter from the supply
and allows the second converter to keep working. The fuses are not user
serviceable. The FANU2 has to be sent to the factory for repair.
The DC/DC converters provide their temperature controlled output voltage
to their fan and the monitoring circuit. The fans provide individual speed
signals for operation control and monitoring. The control block detects low
speed and not operating fans and takes the appropriate actions.
The FANU2 front panel has a red LED for local failure indication. Operation

When power is turned on, the fan speed is kept to the maximum for ap-
proximately 5 seconds. After that the temperature controlled supply voltage
starts to regulate the fan speed. Up to 27°C of ambient temperature the fans
are made to turn at their minimum speed. This reduces ventilation noise un-
der normal ambient temperature conditions and increases the lifetime of the
fans. With increasing ambient temperature the fan speed is increased in a
linear fashion to its maximum which is reached at 45 C.
The FANU2 fan speeds are individually monitored. A fan or its converter is
considered failed if the fan speed falls significantly below the minimum. This
overrides the temperature control and automatically drives the remaining
fan to emergency high speed to compensate for the failure. Emergency high
speed is roughly 10% higher than maximum speed.

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Getting Started with the FOX FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

The temperature control is also monitored for failures. If the control fails the
fans are automatically operated at the emergency high speed to absorb po-
tential worst case temperature conditions in the FOX512 subrack.
A failed converter/fan subsystem or temperature control causes a partial fan
failure alarm, indicating to the maintenance personnel that the FANU2 unit
has to be replaced. Monitoring and alarming

The FANU2 operation control monitors and indicates the operation and fail-
ures of the FANU2 subsystems as shown in the table below:
Failure of alarms as
1 fan / converter Temperature both fan / converter «Partial fan «Total fan
subsystem control subsystems breakdown» breakdown»

Indication and alarm outputs are as follows:

Normal operation (no failures)
The LED is OFF
No FOX alarms created.
Partial failure («Partial fan breakdown»)
Red LED is ON
The FOX alarm system creates alarms according to the alarm configura-
tion for the FANU2 failure conditions.
Total failure, with UTF present («Total fan breakdown»)
Red LED is ON
The FOX alarm system creates alarms according to the alarm configura-
tion for the FANU2 failure conditions. FANU2 alarms in FOX512

The alarm signals of FANU2 are internally connected to the FOX512 alarm
Accordingly, the fan failure alarms are configured according to the standard
FOX alarm configuration procedure for units. Refer to «Alarm configuration
for FANU2» on page 81 for details. Recommended action in case of failure

Partial failure alarm

There are two possibilities for a partial failure:
A single fan failure may have occurred directly over a high power unit
such as IPLM<X>. Total air flow is roughly maintained, but tempera-
ture below the failed fan will rise.
The temperature control circuit may have failed. The air flow is at its

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Getting Started with the FOX

In both cases the fan(s) turn(s) at its (their) maximum speed. Running at
high speed may reduce the lifetime of the fan(s) if this condition persists.
If a FANU2 reports a partial failure (red LED is ON and «Partial fan
breakdown» alarm active), it must be replaced as soon as possible.

We recommend a replacement of FANU2 within 24 hours.

Total failure alarm

A total failure without a preceding partial failure is very improbable. Usu-
ally there is ample warning.
If a FANU2 reports a total failure (red LED is ON and «Total fan break-
down»), it must be replaced immediately.
A total failure means that both fan/converter subunits have failed. No
fans are operating. Temperature of high power units rises within minutes
to a level where damage may occur.
Switch off the subrack immediately as an emergency measure.
Replace the defective FANU2 before switching on the subrack

Replacement procedure
For details on the replacement procedure refer to «Replacement of de-
fective FANU2» on page 207.

2.5.3 DUPI4 - dual power input to FOX515

The FOX515 can be equipped with a 1+1 power input module called DUPI4.
The installation of DUPI4 is described in the «FOX515 Installation Guide».

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Getting Started with the FOX FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Description

The DUPI4 provides two inputs for independent 48 VDC supply sources.
These two inputs are merged into one 48 VDC output for the supply of the
FOX. Failure of one input does not interrupt the operation of the FOX.
A supervision circuit for each supply input generates a contact alarm if the
voltage goes beyond the alarm threshold level of -33 ±3 VDC. These alarms
are connected to the external alarm inputs of the control unit COBU<X>.

Guaranteed contact output versus input voltage

+75 V
-75 V

-36 V
-30 V

Closed Open

Input voltage (U1 or U2) Block diagram Alarming

DUPI4 provides two solid state switches for alarm outputs. These are con-
nected to the external alarm inputs 1 and 2 of COBU<X> via the alarm ca-
The DUPI4 detects / clears power failures as follows:

Power supply Power supply failure alarm

Voltage falls below 30 VDC
Power cable is disconnected active
from the terminal or interrupted
Voltage raises above 36 VDC in-active

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Getting Started with the FOX

If FANU5 is installed, its alarm outputs are connected to external inputs 3

and 4 of COBU<X> via the same cable. In this case the alarms of DUPI4
are routed via FANU5.
The external alarm inputs of COBU<X> have to be configured properly be-
fore they render the desired results in the FOX alarm system. Refer to
«Alarm configuration for FANU5 and DUPI4» on page 79 for details.

2.5.4 DUPOS - dual power input to FOX512

The FOX512 can be equipped with a 1+1 power input module called

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Basic configuration of the NE

3 Basic configuration of the NE

3.1 Summary
The configuration of a FOX requires the configuration of some basic do-
mains. These domains are:
1) Configuration of global parameters
2) Adding/removing units
3) Download of the ESW (delivery, installation)
4) Configuration of units and subunits
5) Cross connections
- TDM FOX TDM System & Cross Connec-
tions User Guide

6) Synchronisation FOX Synchronisation System User Guide

7) Configuration of the management communication for the NE and of
the corresponding parameters UCST / System Operation Basics
User Guide and FOX MCN, Operation and Maintenance User Guide.
Sub-sections of this section provide detailed information of the first 4 items.
The paragraphs below provide
A summary of the steps required for the basic configuration of
the FOX.
Complementary information that is particular to the FOX and
is not covered in the generic descriptions.
For detailed information on the generic part of the UCST and
the related functions, refer to UCST / System Operation Basics
User Guide.

The table below shows the documents and their contents that provide de-
tails to the above topics.

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Basic configuration of the NE FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

Table 6: Related documents and contents

Document Document contents

Title Ref. Overview Relevant topics for

”Basic NE configuration”

UCST Basic System Opera- 1KHW002060 - Getting Started with UCST - Accessing NEs with the UCST
tion - UCST System Administration - Basic Configuration
- Accessing NEs with the UCST - Configuring Units
- Basic Configuration
- Configuring Units
- UCST File & Data Services
- Maintenance and Diagnostic Functions

UCST Installation & Commis- 1KHW002009 - Commissioning Your PC/Computer for - Installation & Commissioning
sioning the UCST Procedures for UCST & ESW
- Installation & Commissioning Proce-
dures for UCST & ESW
- UCST System Administration

FOX TDM System & Cross 1KHW002001 - Overview of Functions - TDM Cross Connection
Connections - TDM Cross Connection incl. protected connections
incl. protected connections - Bus Usage
- Bus Usage

FOX Synchronisation System 1KHW002008 - Overview of the NE timing system - Overview of the NE timing system
- Configuration of the PETS system - Configuration of the PETS system
- Configuration of the SETS system - Configuration of the SETS system
- Routing and mapping tables of units - Routing and mapping tables of
- Status/Maintenance of the NE timing units
system - Status/Maintenance of the NE
- Synchronisation networks timing system
- Engineering limits

FOX MCN Operation & 1KHW002061 - Management communication parame- - Management Access to FOX
Maintenance ters
- ECC networking
- Debugging management communica-
- Engineering limits

FOX EOC 1KHW002011 - Application of the EOC

- O&M system and FOX-U and FOX-U/E
- Communication principles
- Implementation of the EOC

The configuration created with the EM (UCST) is a local represen-

tation of a configuration by means of dialogues. If you want to ap-
ply the configuration to the NE, you have to
establish management communication between the UCST
and the NE.
fully or partially download the configuration data to the NE.
It is possible to download the configuration data in steps or with a final
download. The download in steps allows you a better control of the interac-
tions between the system and the traffic data during the set up of the con-

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Basic configuration of the NE

3.2 Alarm configuration for FAN units and redundant supplies

3.2.1 Alarm configuration for FANU5 and DUPI4 General

The alarm outputs of both the FANU5 and the DUPI4 are active when con-
nected to GND.
The alarms are connected to the external alarm inputs of COBU<X> via the
COBU<X> alarm cable. They are distributed as follows:
External alarm 1 DUPI4 input U2 «Power supply PS2» failed
External alarm 2 DUPI4 input U1 «Power supply PS1» failed
External alarm 3 FANU5 total failure
External alarm 4 FANU5 partial failure
The COBU<X> can correctly monitor the alarms only if
all cables are properly connected between the FANU5 / DUPI4 and the
COBU<X> alarm interface(s).
the COBU<X> alarm interface is properly configured.
For detailed information of the configuration of the COBU<X>, refer to
COBUX/COBUV User Guide and UCST / System Operation Basics User
Guide. FANU5

The following dialogue shows the proper configuration for the FANU5
alarms with suggestions for the alarm names.

If the DUPOS is installed, external alarms 1 and 2 are allocated to the moni-
toring of the power supplies PS2 and PS1. If no DUPI4 is installed, external
alarms 1 and 2 are not allocated (see figure above). In principle they could

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Basic configuration of the NE FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

be used for other alarms. A custom cable using the free alarm inputs 1 and
2 would have to be manufactured.
Polarity must be active Open.
Alarms are generated if the FANU5 outputs become active or if
there is a break in the alarm cabling from FANU5 to COBU<X>.
In addition to the above configuration the alarm severity has to be deter-
mined. By default the severity of all external alarm inputs to COBU<X> is
set to UA (urgent alarm). We suggest to set the severity for «Fan unit total
failure» to UA and for «Fan unit partial failure» to NA (non-urgent alarm).
The corresponding dialogue is reached by selecting COBU<X> and using
the menu «Unit Configuration - Alarms... - Board»:

The standard persist and absent times should suit the purpose, but may be
modified if required. DUPI4

The following dialogue shows the proper configuration for the DUPI4 alarms
with suggestions for the alarm names.

If the FANU5 is installed, external alarms 3 and 4 are allocated to the moni-
toring of the «Fan unit total failure» and the «Fan unit partial failure». If no
FANU5 is installed, external alarms 3 and 4 are not allocated. In principle
they could be used for other alarms (see figure above). The adaptor cable
connecting the DUPI4 alarms to the COBU<X> alarm cable would have to
be modified to accommodate the additional alarms.

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Basic configuration of the NE

Polarity must be active Open.

Alarms are generated if the DUPI4 outputs become active or if
there is a break in the alarm cabling from DUPI4 to COBU<X>.

In addition to the above configuration the alarm severity has to be deter-

mined. By default the severity of all external alarm inputs to COBU<X> is
set to UA (urgent alarm). We suggest to set the severity for both «Power
supply PS1 failed» and «Power supply PS2 failed» to NA (non-urgent
alarm). The corresponding dialogue is reached by selecting COBU<X> and
using the menu «Unit Configuration - Alarms... - Board»:

The standard persist and absent times should suit the purpose, but may be
modified if required. FANU5 and DUPI4

If both FANU5 and DUPI4 are installed, the two configurations shown above
need to be combined.

3.2.2 Alarm configuration for FANU2

The FANU2 alarm signals are internally connected to the FOX512 alarm
system and support the generic features of all FOX alarms.
The recommended settings for the FANU2 alarms are shown in the dialogue
below. The corresponding dialogue is reached by selecting FANU2 and us-
ing the menu «Unit Configuration - Alarms... - Board»:

The standard persist and absent times should suit the purpose, but may be
modified if required.

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Basic configuration of the NE FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

3.2.3 Alarm configuration for DUPOS

The DUPOS is suited for dual power supply of the FOX512 only.
The alarms of the DUPOS are connected to the external alarm inputs of
COBU<X> via the COBU<X> alarm cable. They are distributed as follows:
External alarm 1 DUPOS input U1 «Power supply PS1» failed
External alarm 2 DUPOS input U2 «Power supply PS2» failed

The COBU<X> can correctly monitor the alarms only if

all cables are properly connected between the DUPOS and the
COBU<X> alarm interface(s).
the COBU<X> alarm interface is properly configured.
For detailed information of the configuration of the COBU<X>, refer to
COBUX/COBUV User Guide and UCST / System Operation Basics User

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Basic configuration of the NE

3.3 Information to up- and download of configuration data

3.3.1 Configuration files

The File menu controls the up- and download of configuration data. For de-
tailed information on these functions, refer to UCST / System Operation Ba-
sics User Guide.
All configuration data of the NE and the unit ESW are stored on the PC
memory card of the COBU<X> control unit. During SW delivery, the UCST
monitors the use of memory and checks that at any time there are at least
1.5 MB on the PC memory card available for the configuration data and NE
MIB. This mechanism gives the following limits for the use of memory:
Configuration data and NE MIB
uses min. 1.5 MB (for all PC memory cards).
the maximum available capacity for ESW is
Card capacity - 1.5 MB
(e.g. 6.5 MB for an 8 MB PC memory card).
The minimum memory requirement for configuration data and MIB provides
sufficient reserves for all known configurations and the corresponding MIBs.
The configuration data and MIB on the PC memory card require up to 4
times the capacity of the corresponding UCST configuration file. Continued
partial downloads for different re-configured NE subsystems create extreme
usage of PC card memory.
If the configuration download should require more space for configuration
data and the MIB than the card is able to provide, then the UCST is not able
to complete the download.
In such a case, proceed as follows:
Check the amount of memory used for ESW (via the UCST delivery utility).
If the usage of memory for ESW is close to the Card capacity - 1.5 MB
limit, remove ESW that is no longer used from the PC card. Remove
ESW files until the above requirement is met or it is no longer possible to
remove ESW (since the ESW is active on NE units).
If the problem persists, perform a
Configuration Upload to initialise the UCST with the current NE con-
figuration data. Please note that you lose the changes of the configu-
ration that you did not yet download.
Full Configuration Download. Please note that a full configuration
download overwrites all the configuration data in the NE.
If the problem still persists, the PC memory card might be
too small.
-> Upgrade the PC memory with a card of a higher capacity.
faulty. Hardware faults on the PC memory card physically reduce the
capacity and thus can create a shortage of memory.
-> Replace the PC memory card.

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Basic configuration of the NE FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

Please note that the UCST R8 supports a new release of control units (R5).
The COBU<X> R5 control units are required for the support of the FOX
ATM functionality and provide additionally
Handling of compressed configuration data
The UCST R8 and COBU<X> R5 handle compressed configuration data
in the EM and the NE file system. The compression reduces configura-
tion data by at least 50 % up to 95 % (depending on units and functions)
and speeds up the up- and downloads.
Software Installation Status dialogue
This dialogue allows monitoring of the status of the ESW installation in
the NE.

The UCST R8 can read uncompressed configuration files created

with previous UCST releases (UCST R5<X>, R4E). However, the
UCST R8 will always store configuration files in the compressed
Once saved via the UCST R8 it is no longer possible to open the
configuration files with previous UCST releases.
If you want to keep uncompressed configuration files created with
previous UCST releases, open and save copies of the original
configuration files with the UCST R8.

3.3.2 Influence of the download on traffic and management communication

A full download completely re-configures the NE. This process can last for a
couple of seconds.
A partial download is only possible if the configuration Id of the active con-
figurations in the UCST and the NE are matching.
To modify the present configuration of an NE with the UCST you do not
need management communication to the NE. It is possible to partially
download the modified configuration at any time if the Configuration Ids are
matching and you know the passwords (if any).
Depending on the configuration before and after the download, the traffic
and the management communication are affected as follows:
is interrupted if the download changes the relevant configura-
tions (unit, parameters, cross connections etc.).
is not interrupted if the download does not change the relevant configu-
rations (unit, parameters, cross connections etc.).

Management communication
is interrupted if the download changes the relevant parameters
and configurations (addresses, access modes,
router interfaces, channels, cross connections
is not interrupted in all other cases.

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Basic configuration of the NE

Please note that:

Even if the relevant configurations remain unchanged, a full
download can disturb the traffic of some 'older' UBUS units (bit
errors, loss of frames etc.). A partial download does not disturb
the traffic in such a case.
Depending on the parameters downloaded for management
communication, after the download it is no longer possible to
access the NE via the previous management network.
The new configuration is first stored as an inactive copy on the PC memory
card. If the UCST is not able to complete the download and reconfigure the
NE, the NE keeps the previous configuration active and disregards the
downloaded configuration.
The download affects the NE and configuration as follows:
After a partial download
If the management communication is interrupted because of the new
configuration (addresses, router or units, subunits, cross connections af-
fecting the management communication), the UCST and NE are no
longer able to confirm the update after the download and re-configuration
of the NE.
The NE switches back to the previous configuration. However, the EM
manages the new configuration.
After a full download
If the management communication is interrupted because of a new con-
figuration, the new configuration becomes active since the UCST and NE
do not need to confirm the update and re-configuration.

A download (partial or full) might change the management access

for the NE or interrupt the management communication for a
If there is a chance that the new configuration affects the existing
management communication of the NE (addresses, router or units,
subunits, cross connections affecting the management communi-
cation) use a
Full download to re-configure the NE.

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Basic configuration of the NE FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

3.4 Global parameters

3.4.1 Introduction

The FOX provides some centrally controlled parameters for particular fea-
tures and signals. The units use the central setting of these parameters for
their services.
Currently, only the custom parameter sets (CPS) for V5 applications with
the PCONV and PCON2 units are integrated as NE parameters.
The CPS’ for other applications with custom parameter sets are selected on
the unit level.
The menu «NE Configuration Parameters» opens the Parameters dia-

Figure 23: Parameters dialogue

The dialogue provides 3 functional groups of parameters:

Custom Parameter Set for V5 Applications
NE Parameters
The dialogue above shows the default settings and values.

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3.4.2 Parameters Custom Parameter Set for V5-Applications

The custom parameters for V5-applications with the PCONV and PCON2
units are integrated as sets of custom parameters into a corresponding da-
tabase of the UCST. Each set has its unique identifier. You cannot subse-
quently modify individual parameters of the set.
Please note that CPSs (custom parameter sets) are not generally
distributed with the UCST software. The UCST provides default
CPSs and – if applicable – customer specific CPSs together with
customised UCST versions.
Most of the CPSs created for the FOX are distributed together with
the current ESW (embedded software for function units) on CD-
ROM or are available for download from ABB Switzerland’s Extra-
net (service agreement provided).
You can copy CPSs as required into the corresponding sub-
directories in the CPS directory of the UCST parent directory.
For more information of commissioning the UCST for CPSs, refer
to UCST Installation & Commissioning User Guide.

The selection of the appropriate custom parameter set from the database al-
lows you to pre-set fast and reliably several hundreds of parameters that are
required for the operation of the V5.x interface.
The UCST R8 defines more than 700 custom parameters for V5 applica-
tions. It is possible to assign these parameters to groups. The groups of
V5.x and PSTN related parameters defined via custom parameter sets are
(UCST R8):
V5.x interface
General V5 interface parameters
V5 PSTN Information Element Status
V5 PSTN Autonomous Actions
V5 PSTN Cadence Ringing Signal Parameters
V5 PSTN Pulse Signal Parameters
V5 PSTN Hook Switch Time Parameters
V5 PSTN Signal Recognition Time Parameters
V5 PSTN Autonomous Signalling Sequences
PSTN interfaces (user ports)
PHLC<x> PSTN Parameters
PHLC<x> PSTN/Line Time Parameters
PHLC<x> Line Test Parameters
Please note that the SUBH<x> does not use V5 CPSs.

The UCST uses the custom parameters to initialise the templates of the cor-
responding units properly. Depending on the parameter the custom set pa-
rameter may also influence the operation of other units such as the

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Basic configuration of the NE FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

Depending on your customer version of the UCST, the UCST R8 provides a

default set and additional Customer Parameter Sets as follows:
NE Defaults R<N><M>
The NE Default parameter set should be selected if you do not run V5.x
applications. The NE Default parameters define a generic V5 parameter
sets that represents a good approach to most of the national require-
The NE Default parameter set provides appropriate values for the opera-
tion of the SUBL<X> and EXLA<X> units.
The NE Default parameter set is continuously updated. However, the
parameter sets remain backward compatible with older NE Default pa-
rameter sets.
<Country/Operator> <Switch Type> <Release>
ABB Switzerland creates Custom Parameters Sets for V5-
Applications considering economical facts. Please contact ABB
Switzerland for information on the custom parameters sets avail-

Figure 24: Custom Parameter Set sample dialogue

Select the appropriate parameter set from the field.

Via the switch [Save as Default] you can define any of the parameter set as
the default set. The UCST automatically selects the default set if you create
a new configuration.
You can investigate on the individual parameters of the selected parameter
set for V5-applications via [Details].
Press«Details» to open the list of parameters for the selected parameter
set for V5-applications.

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Basic configuration of the NE

Figure 25: Custom Set Details, NE_Defaults_R5A06 sample dialogue

The [Print] button allows you to print the full parameter list.
Further expansions of the custom parameters are planned for FUTURE
For more details on V5-applications and the Custom Parameter Sets for
V5-Applications, refer to
PCON<X> V5 protocol conversion units in PCONV User Guide
V5.x questionnaires and checklists.
For detailed information on the V5.x implementation with the FOX and
corresponding parameters, please contact ABB Switzerland.
Please note that it is possible to set these parameters whether the NE con-
figuration has PCON<X> units or not. Metering

The parameters in the Metering field define the characteristics of the cen-
trally generated metering pulses. This internal metering signal is a steady
signal of metering pulses and breaks. It is possible to define the frequency
of the metering signal and the pulse and break lengths via the UCST.
Traffic units use the internal metering signal as follows:
The UBUS based PSTN units (e.g. SUBL<X>, SUBUK) use the signal
to provide the metering on their subscriber line interfaces. The units

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switch a number of pulses according to the metering information pro-

vided with the signalling (CAS) to their subscriber line interfaces.
The PBUS based units such as the PHLC<x>, SUBH<x> and remote
TDM access based CPE (FOX) generate the metering pulses for their
PSTN interfaces locally, according to the metering information provided
with the signalling (CAS). However, they generate the local metering with
the frequency specified by Metering.
Please note that the PCON2, PCONV and IPSMG units create the
CAS protocol for the PHLC<x> and SUBH<x>user ports according
to the selected Custom Parameter Set (CPSs for applications with
the IPSMG are selected on the unit level). Therefore, only the Me-
tering setting for the metering frequency is relevant for the TDM
access based V5 user ports. The Custom Parameter Set defines
the pulse and break lengths.

To modify the parameters of the central metering pulse generated

Figure 26: Metering dialogue

Select in the field

Frequency the metering signal frequency
12 or 16 kHz
Pulse the pulse length
80 ... 300 ms in steps of 10 ms
Break the pulse break
100 ... 300 ms in steps of 10 ms
Please note that
The metering pulses created by the COBU<X> metering pulse
generator are feed to the backplane. Legacy PSTN subscriber
line interfaces of the type SUBL<X> and SUBUK directly feed
these metering pulses to the subscriber lines.
Accordingly, the metering pulse Pulse/Break duty cycle for the
Phone-exchange mode and MCAS mode
Carrier Adapter/ESM mode
are according to the settings in the NE Parameters dialogue.
The PHLC<x>, SUBH<x> units and TDM access based CPEs
with remote subscriber line interfaces have their own on-board
metering pulse generators. These units re-generate the fre-
quency of their metering pulses according to the setting of the
NE Parameters dialogue.

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Here the metering Pulse/Break duty cycle is set as follows:

CAS (transparent): Phone-exchange and MCAS mode
Fixed to 120ms: Carrier Adapter/ESM mode
Custom Parameter Set: V5 applications

Please note that it is possible to set these parameters whether the NE con-
figuration has PHLC<x>, SUBH<x> and/or /SUBUK/SUBL<X> units or not. Location

The field Location allows you to assign a name or identifier to the location
of the NE installation.

Figure 27: Metering dialogue

To define a name/identifier
Select the field «Location» and specify a name/identifier of max. 32
Press «Cancel» to disregard changes and quit to the main menu.
Press «OK» to accept the parameter settings and quit to the main menu.
The UCST displays the name specified for Location in the corresponding
field in the status line (bottom left) of the NE Start dialogue.

3.4.3 NE Time

The FOX has a built in clock for date and time. After each power up or a full
reset of the control unit, you have to synchronise the internal clock to the
clock of the EM. If the clock is not synchronised, the NE issues an alarm.
The NE tolerates a difference of a few seconds between the local time and
the EM time. This avoids alarms after fast recoveries due to resets of the
control unit and because of small differences of time due to the drift be-
tween the clocks of the NE and the EM.
AD 2000 compatibility:
The UCST R8 and the FOX comply with the requirements for
AD 2000 (refer to the declarations of conformity).

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Set Time is not part of the NE configuration, but an immediate action (such
as SW delivery) and allows you to read and set the date and the time of the
The menu «NE configuration - Set Time» calls the Set Time dialogue.

Figure 28: Set Time dialogue 1

The dialogue features 2 windows which display the date and the time for the
NE (left) and the EM (right) respectively.
The initial dialogue does not show Date and Time for the NE but shows not
available instead. To display the date and time, the UCST has to get the
values from the NE. This requires management communication between the
EM and the NE:
Press «Get» to load the NE date and time to the UCST.

Figure 29: Set Time dialogue 2

Please note that the EM time continues to run in the Set time dia-
After a power up the NE starts with the default values for date and time and
the NE fault list contains an entry for a real time failure that normally (if not
deactivated) creates an alarm:

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Network Element:
Date (dd.mm.yyyy): 01.01.1996
Time (hh.mm.ss): 00.00.00
NE fault list
COBUX<11> COBUX Board / Network Element Real time lost
Press «Set» to synchronise the NE to the UCST date and time.
Press «OK» to quit the dialogue.
Pressing [OK] only will not adjust the clock but quit the dialogue!

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3.5 Adding/removing units

The implementation of units in the NE is one of the first steps of the NE con-
The selection of the new NE defines the subrack and the control unit. All other
units you have to add and assign to their slots one by one. Depending on the
unit type the implementation of a unit requires 1 or 2 steps of configuration:
1) Adding units in the subrack (for all units but the default control unit)
Implementation of units in selected slots by means of the Add
Unit(s)… command.
2) Installation of the unit ESW (for units with SW download only)
Assignment of the corresponding ESW to each unit by means of the
Software Installation command.
The installation of the ESW is a part of the configuration data of the NE
(units with SW download only). For details on the software download and
the installation of ESW, refer to the «Software Download» paragraphs be-
Please note that the assignment of ESW is
not applicable for the power converter units and most of the
UBUS units.
mandatory for all units with SW download. Even if in most
cases the unit operates as expected a missing ESW installation
can create fatal failures and alarms:
If the wrong version of the ESW is running, the unit function
is wrong.
If the unit has a volatile memory for the program code, there
is no unit SW and thus no unit function available.

The FOX allows the implementation of PBUS-, SBUS-, ABUS-, UBUS-units

and Special units. Depending on the control unit and your UCST release,
restrictions apply for the use of units and slots.
Before you start the implementation of units, it is important to establish a
layout of the NE subrack, which considers
Use of ABUS/SBUS sectors
Protection of
Control units (use of slot 12)
Power converter units
If applicable:
Equipment protection and MSP for traffic units
Future expansions in
Capacity of interfaces and services
Management communication
Restrictions of implementation with respect to
COBU<X> control units
Subrack (BUS access vs. slot number)
Optimal use of BUS capacity

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For details on restrictions and the optimal implementation of the units in the
subrack, refer to FOX515 Technical Description.
The Technical Descriptions and the User Guides of the units provide com-
plementary information.

3.5.1 Add Units

Add units to the FOX according to the previously established layout (tem-
plate) of the subrack as follows:
Select the free slot in the graphical representation of the subrack by
clicking anywhere onto the free slot.
Select the menu «NE configuration - Add Unit»
double click the selected slot anywhere to open the «Add Unit» dialogue.
The dialogue shows the list of unit templates, which are available for your
NE type and the selected slot.
Please note that the list shown considers the NE type. The Add
function considers restrictions due to the selected control unit (e.g.
UBUS access with the COBUQ) after the selection of the unit tem-

Figure 30: Add Unit dialogue with unit template files

Specify the Directory by selecting from the Look in field the directory that
contains the unit template files. The Data directory (UCST) contains the
current unit template files. You find former releases of unit template files
in the Obsolete directory.
Select the file name either by clicking the file or by writing the file name
to the File name field. Direct double clicking the file opens the file and
adds the unit.

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Press «Open» or double click the file (see above) to add the unit and
Press «Cancel» to quit «Add Unit» without adding a unit.
Please note that:
The Add Unit dialogue is a Windows dialogue (the language
depends on your Windows version!) that has been expanded
with some UCST specific functions.
The User Description field may contain characteristic informa-
tion for the selected unit (e.g. entered with the creation of the
If the unit template files are not stored in the default directory
(Data) you may need to navigate in the file structure of your
The Data directory contains the most recent unit template files.
The Obsolete directory contains previous releases of the unit
template files.
The dialogue shows a filtered list of files. The UCST only offers
the file type that is compatible with the selected slot. It is not
possible to modify the filter (e.g. Card file (*.cdu, *.rps,
*.ocu,*.spu) in the Files of Type field.

If the selected unit is not available for the FOX or the selected slot one of
the following messages pops up:

Figure 31: Add Unit Error message

Unit not supported in the FOX <x>

Figure 32: Add Unit Error message

Unit not supported in the selected slot

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3.5.2 Add Protecting Unit

The menu NE configuration Add Protecting Unit becomes active only

if the selected unit allows the implementation of a protecting unit in a prede-
fined slot. The UCST R8 only provides Add Protecting Unit for the
To add a protecting unit
Select the slot with «unit to protect» in the graphical representation of the
subrack by clicking the unit (slot).
Select the menu «NE Configuration - Add Protecting Unit». The
UCST automatically adds a protecting unit in the predefined slot.
The function Add Protecting Unit
is available for selected function units only (e.g. COBU<X>).
uses a pre-defined slot for the protecting unit (e.g. due to hard-
ware requirements).
is not active if the required slot is already used.

3.5.3 Delete Units

To delete a unit from the subrack, proceed as follows:

Select the unit in the graphical representation of the subrack by click-
ing the unit to delete.
Select the menu «NE configuration - Delete Unit» to delete the unit.
press «Delete» (PC/computer keyboard) to delete the unit from the slot.

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3.6 Protection of the control unit

3.6.1 Introduction and prerequisites

The FOX allows you to implement protection for the control unit.
The paragraphs below describe how you add a protecting unit in an already
running system. If you want to upgrade your COBU<X> ESW (with or with-
out redundant control units) please read the instructions in chapter 7: «Main-
tenance – Maintenance of the system control».
It is possible to implement the protective control unit at any time if the slot
12 is available. The UCST pre-assigns the protecting unit to slot 12. You
can only implement the protective control unit from slot 11 via the function
Add Protective Unit.
Prerequisites for the protecting unit:
The control unit hardware has to be of an equal or higher supplier built
state than the default unit.
The PC memory card of the protecting control unit must provide the
same capacity as the PC card of the default unit.
For details on this aspect and upgrading the control units with higher ca-
pacity PC memory cards, refer to the chapter 7: «Maintenance».
The PC card/ESW of the protecting unit must comply with one of the
states below:
Run the same ESW as the active COBU<X>
(e.g. COBUX ESW R5)
The PC card of the redundant COBU<X> is empty (new).
Please note that it is not possible to start a redundant COBU<X> if its
ESW is not of the same version as the ESW of the active COBU<X>.
The installation provides cables for corresponding interfaces of both con-
trol units (synchronisation, alarms, management IFs) as instructed in the
paragraphs «Installation Procedures» for redundant control units.
The above prerequisites for the hardware and software of the re-
dundant control unit are mandatory!
Functional failures result if the redundant control unit violates one
or more of these requirements.

3.6.2 Implementation Configuration

The menu «NE configuration - Add Protecting Unit» becomes active if you
select the COBU<X> slot 11 in the graphical representation of the subrack
by clicking the unit (slot), provided slot 12 is not occupied.
Using this menu item automatically adds a protecting COBU<X> in slot 12.

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Basic configuration of the NE Implementation

To implement protection of the control unit in your NE proceed as follows:

Carefully check the compliance with the above requirements for the pro-
tective control unit, in particular if you implement the redundant control
unit after the initial NE provisioning.
Insert the protective COBU<X> control unit in slot 12.
Connect the cables to the corresponding COBU<X> interfaces
(alarm, synchronisation and management interfaces)
Configure the protecting control unit to the subrack as previously de-
scribed in the paragraphs «Add Protecting Unit».
Download the updated configuration to the NE.
After the download of the updated configuration (or a power up), the redun-
dant control unit initialises and updates its MIB. The control units signal
these processes via their LED indicators:
The inactive control unit (standby control unit)
Urgent alarm LED (red) becomes active for a short period.
Unit LED (red) starts flashing during the update of the MIB.
Unit LED (red) turns off as soon as the update process is finished. All
LED indicators on the standby unit should turn off.
The active unit
If a protective unit becomes active in an NE with an already active con-
trol unit, the LED indicators of the operating unit are not affected (if
alarms are due to a missing backup unit).
The indicators after a power up:
Urgent alarm LED (red) is active for a short period.
Unit LED (red) starts flashing for a short period.
Unit LED (green/red) starts flashing.
Unit LED (green) continues flashing during the initialisation and the
update of the MIB.
Unit LED (green) turns to steady on as soon as the initialisation and
updating are completed. Alarm and tributary LED indicators are set
according to unit status and pending alarms.
After the update, the new control unit protects the active control unit in hot
standby mode.
Verify the synchronisation of the MIBs in the 2 COBU<X> via the menu Unit
Configuration - Status/Maintenance - Board.
Press«Get» to load the current COBU<X> status.

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Basic configuration of the NE FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

Figure 33: COBUX <11>: Status/Maintenance Synchronisation not

possible due to different ESW versions

The above status is shown if the redundant COBU<X> has a lower ESW
version than the active unit runs. It is not possible to start the redundant unit
even if you try to synchronise the MIBs via the [Update Redundant Control
Unit] button!
To start the redundant COBU<X> you must implement (alternatively) in the
redundant control unit a
PC card that holds the same COBUX ESW version as the active control
Empty (new) PC card.
If the active control unit and the redundant (standby) unit have their MIBs
synchronised, the state of the redundant control unit is as shown in the fig-
ure below.

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Basic configuration of the NE

Figure 34: COBUX <11>: Status/Maintenance MIBs are synchronised

The time required for the initialisation depends heavily on the

availability of ESW on the new control unit and the configuration
of the NE:
If the protective COBU<X> has no ESW, the initialisation of the
unit may last for a couple of minutes. The update of the MIB
requires only a few seconds.
If the subrack has units which are not configured the initialisa-
tion process of the COBU<X> is seriously delayed (up to a cou-
ple of minutes).
The control unit in the hot standby mode has normally no active LED indica-
tors. If a subunit of the inactive unit has a failure, the corresponding LED in-
dicator of the protective unit becomes active.
For a description of COBU<X> upgrades, refer to chapter 7: «Maintenance
– Maintenance of the system control».

3.6.3 Operation of the NE with redundant control units

The active control unit permanently updates the standby unit with the most
recent configuration. The inactive unit requires no particular configuration
on the NE and unit level.
In the case of a failure of the active control unit, the hot standby unit be-
comes automatically active. Although the switchover lasts a couple of min-
utes the traffic routed via the NE is not interrupted. The switchover affects
the traffic and services of the NE as follows:
Traffic connected via the PBUS

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Insertion of one 0-bit in the traffic from the PBUS.

Depending on the traffic signal and the evaluation of errors, this corre-
sponds to a 1-bit slip or a very short burst of errors (for specifications, re-
fer to FOX515 Technical Description).
Traffic connected via the UBUS
Short interruption of the UBUS traffic.
This leads to a traffic interruption of two frames, which corresponds to a
burst of errors (for specifications, refer to FOX515 Technical Descrip-
Management communication
Interrupted during switchover.
If you connect the NE via the QX-interfaces of the 2 control units
(master and slave control unit) to a LAN, you have to consider an
additional delay after the switchover:
The UCST is not able to immediately connect to the new master
unit. The IP address of the NE in the address resolution table of
the PC/computer (created for the QX-interface host address of the
NE) still points to the previous master unit. It is not possible to
avoid this since each physical LAN interface must have a unique
layer 2 address (each QX-interface of COBU<X> has its own MAC
The following measures establish an updated address resolution
Cleaning up the ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) table of the
PC/computer using the MS-DOS ARP command.
Waiting (max. 300s) until the PC/computer performs its own
periodic clean up.

The default control unit (slot 11) provides diagnostic functions to control op-
eration and status of the active and the protective control unit for mainte-
Status information indicating
Active (master) unit (slot)
State of the database synchronisation
Control buttons to
update the status information
update the redundant control unit
switch between the master and slave unit
Please note that:
Under normal conditions (redundant control units, no defec-
tive control units), the control unit in slot 11 becomes active
after a power up.
The switching from the active to the standby control unit is

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Basic configuration of the NE

Do not try to operate an NE with redundant control units that have

PC memory cards of different capacities! Unpredictable system
behaviour might result!
Refer to the section «Maintenance» for the upgrade procedure for
PC memory cards.

For detailed information on these functions and dialogues, refer to the

COBU<X> user guides.

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3.7 Equipment protection

3.7.1 Introduction

The FOX equipment protection group feature is not generally available but
only applicable to units without front connections (except LAN interfaces)
and unspecific slot assignment within the bus segments in the subrack (e.g.
LAN interfaces are designed for multi-point parallel network ac-
cess. The LAN interface of the protecting unit (e.g. the protecting
IPSMG) is normally not active. It becomes active when the pro-
tecting unit substitutes a failed unit.
For details of the unit’s LAN-interface installation/setup with equip-
ment protection, refer to the unit’s user guide.
A FOX equipment protection group consists of a set of working units and a
protecting unit. Protecting and working units are functionally identical units
but with individual unit configurations. The protecting unit is in hot standby
If any of the working unit in the group fails, the protecting unit takes over its
function. This requires massive reconfiguration on the unit and system level.
A dedicated monitoring function allows you to monitor the current state of all
the units in the protection group.

3.7.2 Configuration of equipment protection groups Initial steps

The implementation of equipment protection groups implies that the

Working units are fully configured on the unit and system level (including
software installation).
Protecting unit is configured at the system level (software installation).
The protecting unit needs no other configuration.
Working and protecting units take slots in the subrack with access to the
appropriate bus segment.
For the configuration of the working and protecting units consider
that all the units of the equipment protecting group (working and
protecting) must
access the same bus segment(s) in the subrack.
provide functional compatibility.
This means that the units must have the same unit release
(template, ESW and compatible hardware).
run the same ESW (software installation!)

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Basic configuration of the NE Configuration

To configure equipment protection (EQP) groups proceed as follows:

Select the menu NE configuration Equipment Protection Protec-
tion Group to open the dialogue below.

Figure 35: Equipment Protection Groups main dialogue

If no groups are available the dialogue is empty and some of the control but-
tons are not active.
The dialogue shows information and control buttons as follows
Name of the equipment protection group (32 characters)
Unit type
Unit type is the type designation of the unit.
Protecting slot
In this field the UCST shows the slot number with the protecting unit.
Working Slot(s)
In this field the UCST shows the slot number(s) with the working unit(s).
The minimum is 1 working unit.
Control buttons as follows
With this command you create new EQP groups.
With this command you delete the selected EQP group.
With this command you modify the parameters of the selected EQP
With this command you can print the EQP groups with their parame-

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With this command you close the EQP Group dialogue.

Press«Create» to start the workflow for the creation of workgroups.
modify the EQP Group Name according to your requirements. The
UCST automatically assigns the generic name
with the incremental index <k>. <k> is incremented each time you add a
new EQP group.
select the protecting unit from the list of units (e.g. ACONV<8>, refer to
the dialogue below).

Figure 36: Create EQP Groups sample dialogue 1

After the selection of the protecting unit, the UCST automatically copies all
the units of the same type as the selected Protecting Unit to the Available
Units field.
The UCST copies only units which access the same bus (segment) and
which are potential candidates for the equipment protection group.

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Figure 37: Create EQP Groups sample dialogue 2

Select in «Available Units» from the list of available units (e.g. ACONV<6>).
You can select multiple units e.g. with CTRL + Click.

Figure 38: Create EQP Groups sample dialogue 3

Press «Add >> » to add the unit(s) to the working units group.

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Figure 39: Create EQP Groups sample dialogue 4

It is possible to
add as many units as required from Available Units to the Working
Units which are not in the group remain unprotected.
create more than one equipment protection group with identical units in
the bus sector (requires a second EQP configuration process).
This allows you to create e.g. 1+1 equipment protection for several units
in the bus sector.

Press «OK» to establish the EQP group.

The dialogue below shows the final parameters of the EQP group(s).

Figure 40: Create EQP Groups main dialogue

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All control buttons become active if you select an EQP group.

In the UCST main dialogue the protecting units are shaded grey (the same
way as the protecting control unit in slot 12).

3.7.3 Protection switching Switching process

If any of the working unit in the group fails, the protecting unit takes over its
The protection switching is revertive!
It is essential for proper EQP switching that the protecting unit has
a properly installed ESW!

The COBU<X> initiates the switching from a working unit to the protecting
unit based on 2 unit defect signals:
Unit not available
Equipment failure
The equipment failure signal is locally generated based on local hard-
ware failures. Details of the conditions which create a unit equipment fail-
ure are unit specific and described in the unit user guides.

The MON/NMON setting for the corresponding alarms has no in-

fluence on EQP switching!
Unit defects are failures locally detected on the unit and subunit
level. «Defects» become «Fault Causes» after the MON/NMON
filter and «Alarms» after the «Persistence/Absent Time» filter.
For details of the defects processing, refer to the chapter «Diag-
nostics, Fault and Alarm Handling».

The switch over from a working unit to the protecting unit requires massive
reconfiguration on the unit and system level.
The COBU<X> must
Configure the protecting unit according to the configuration of the
failed working unit.
Reconfigure all TDM and ATM connections with the failed working
The traffic processed via the substitute unit must stabilise after the ser-
vice interruption (unit failure, reconfiguration).
The unit service interruption may last for up to a couple of minutes, depend-
ing on the complexity of the configuration, the service and traffic load. The
service interruption corresponds to the time that a unit requires to become
functional when it is inserted into the FOX subrack.

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Basic configuration of the NE FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Revertive EQP switching

If the failed working unit becomes available again, operation is switched

back from the now active (protecting) unit to the previously active (working)
unit (= revertive EQP switching). Log book

The EQP switching is traced in the FOX Log Book (refer to the figure be-
low). The sample below shows the logbook entries for failure driven EQP
and subsequent revertive EQP switching.

Figure 41: Log Book entries for EQP switching

The relevant events for EQP in the Log Book are:

EQP switching on failure of ACONV <6>
Time Unit/SubUnit Event Description Alarm
A ACONV <6> Board Restart of not responding unit
(ACONV fails)
B COBUX<11> Board EQP switch due to an EQF of a
working unit
C ACONV <6> Board Unit Not Available ON

Now the protecting unit is active and runs the traffic functions of the
failed working unit (ACONV <6>).
Revertive EQP switching if ACONV <6> becomes available again
Time Unit/SubUnit Event Description Alarm
D ACONV <6> Board Unit Not Available OFF
E COBUX<11> Board EQP switch due to an EQF of a
working unit

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This sequence re-establishes the initial state of the EQP group (working
units = active; protecting unit = standby).

3.7.4 Equipment protection status

Monitoring and manual control of EQP requires an active management

communication channel between the UCST and the NE. If this channel is
not available you must now connect your EM to the NE.
To monitor the status of the EQP groups and manually control EQP switch-
ing proceed as follows:
Select the menu NE configuration Equipment Protection Protec-
tion Group Status … to open the dialogue below.

Figure 42: EQP Groups Status dialogue

The «Get» and «Set» control buttons are only active, if the UCST is con-
nected with the NE.
Select from «EQP Group» the EQP group for which you want to monitor
the status (default is «All»).
press «Get» to get the status information for the selected EQP group.

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Figure 43: EQP Groups Status dialogue

The dialogue shows information and control buttons as follows

EQP Group
In this combo box you can select a protection group (for display and
Status display
This field shows the parameters monitored for EQP groups.
EQP Group Name corresponds to the selection in the combo box:
«All» selects all EQP groups.
Unit describes the unit type and position (slot) in the subrack. The
protecting unit is additionally tagged with «(prot)».
State indicates the current operational state of the unit.
Failed substituted
Comment optional.
Optionally, the unit can provide a comment with more details of the
current unit state. Such comments are unit specific.
Status in bottom line (left)
The Number of EQP units (e.g. 3/5 in the dialogue above) indicates the
number of units in the selected EQP group vs.
total number of units which are assigned to EQP groups.
Control buttons as follows
With this command you start the manual switch control dialogue for

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With this command you refresh the display of EQP status data.
With this command you can print the status parameters of the EQP
With this command you close the dialogue.
Press «Set» to open the EQP Group Status Commands dialogue.
Depending on selections in the parent EQP Group Status dialogue, pa-
rameters are preselected. You can change the selection (EQP Group,
Unit) at any time.
select from «Unit» a working unit (not the protecting unit!). The following
commands are available:
- Manual protecting switch
- Clear switch

Figure 44: EQP Groups Status dialogue

Select from «Command» the line «Manual protecting switch».

press«Set» to manually start EQP switching.
UCST appends «(done)» to the command line text to confirm.
press «Close» to quit back to the EQP Group Status dialogue.

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Figure 45: EQP Groups Status dialogue

The manually switched working unit (previously «Active») has now the state
«Failed Substituted» and the protecting unit is now «Active».
With the «Clear switch» command (only effective for the unit with «Failed
Substituted») re-establish the previous EQP state.
A second way to clear the forced manual EQP switching is possible as fol-
Press «Set …» to open the EQP Group Status Commands dialogue.
Depending on selections in the EQP Group Status dialogue, parameters
are preselected.
select from «Unit» the protecting unit (not a working unit!). Only the fol-
lowing command is available:
- Force working switch

Figure 46: EQP Groups Status dialogue

Press «Set» to start the switch. The UCST appends «(done)» to the
command line text to confirm.
Press «Close» to quit back to the EQP Group Status dialogue.

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The initial state of working units («Active») and protecting unit («Stand-by»)
is re-established.

Figure 47: EQP Groups Status dialogue Log Book

The manual EQP switching is traced in the FOX Log Book (refer to the fig-
ures below). The sample below shows the logbook entries for manual EQP
switching and subsequent release of the manually forced EQP switching.

Figure 48: Log Book entries for manual EQP switching

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The relevant events for EQP in the Log Book are:

EQP switching on failure of ACONV <6>
Time Unit/SubUnit Event Description Alarm
A COBUX <11> Board EQP switch due to a manual
(forced) switch
B COBUX <11> Board / EQP Maintenance Function Active ON

Now the protecting unit runs the traffic functions of the failed working unit
(ACONV <6>).
Revertive EQP switching if ACONV <6> is available again
Time Unit/SubUnit Event Description Alarm
C COBUX <11> Board EQP switch due to a manual
(forced) switch
D COBUX <11> Board / EQP Maintenance Function Active OFF

This sequence re-establishes the initial state of the EQP group (working
units = active; protecting unit = standby).
Manual EQP switching triggers the Maintenance Function Active

The logbook entries are the same whether you release a forced EQP switch-
ing with the «Clear» (working unit) or «Force working switch» (protecting
unit) command.

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3.8 Unit/Subunit configuration

The implementation of services and traffic interfaces requires the configura-
tion of units and subunits. The configuration of units has a generic and a
specific aspect:
For more information on the generic aspect of this subject, refer to UCST
Installation & Commissioning User Guide.
The User Guides of the corresponding units provide detailed information
on the configuration of the units and their subunits.

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3.9 Profiles

3.9.1 General

Profiles are introduced to simplify the procedure for configuring many subunits
(generally speaking: configuration entities) with an identical set of parameters
across an entire FOX network. Profiles are new with the UCST R8.
Profiles are typically used for service configuration in networks. The profiles con-
tain all the parameters that are required to configure corresponding units for a
service. A typical example for such service configuration is the ADSL profile.
Profiles are predefined structures with a defined subset of parameters for
functions of units. The FOXMAN-UN / UCST can offer profile types for dif-
ferent configuration entities with given structures. The operator cannot cre-
ate or modify the profile structure. Only the values of the parameters the
profile contains can be selected. Each profile type has its default profile.
Creation and administration of profiles is accessed via the menu NE Con-
figuration Profiles...:

Figure 49: Profiles sample dialogue

If no profile is selected only the [Create …] and [Close] buttons are

active. It is not possible to delete default profiles.
The Profiles dialogue has a profile filter, profile display section and control
Filter section

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This parameter allows you to select the profile type (configuration en-
tity) for the profiles displayed in the display section.
At present only the type ADSL is supported.
Profile display section
A default profile (e.g. «Default_ADSL») for the selected Type (e.g.
«ADSL») is supplied. It is shown in grey and cannot be deleted or modi-
fied. The client profile «DemoADSL» in the screenshot above has been
Name of the profile.
The handling of profiles in the FOX network can create versions of a
Control buttons
The parameter sheet for a new profile is shown (the type is automati-
cally defined by the selected template profile) It cannot be modified
here. The initial values for the parameters are taken from the default
profile (e.g. «Default_ADSL»). These values can be modified accord-
ing to the requirements.

Figure 50: Create ADSL Profiles sample dialogue

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Once a new profile has been created (i.e. «OK» has been
pressed), it cannot be modified any more. This avoids mismatches
if that profile has already been used for configuration.

A profile must be named. The name can contain up to 50 alpha-
numerical characters. Space and special characters except _ (un-
derscore) are not supported.
An additional descriptive text with a maximum length of 199 char-
acters can be added.
The parameters available depend on the profile (profile structure).
It is possible to modify the parameter values but it is not possible
to modify the set of parameters.
For a description of the parameters refer to the corresponding unit
user guides
This will delete the selected profile from the FOXMAN-UN data base
or the UCST file system. If the profile was used in a configuration, it
will remain there under the same name, but it will be labelled «Un-
Instead of using the default profile for the creation of a new one, any
existing profile can be copied and then modified.
This opens the profile for inspection. No other actions are possible.
This function can be used to assign the selected profile to single or
groups of configuration entities with profiles (e.g. ADSL interfaces of
all ADAC<X> units) already created in the current configuration.

Figure 51: Create Profiles sample dialogue

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Basic configuration of the NE Profiles and network management

A profile can be created via the FOXMAN-UN and is then stored in its data-
base. It can be called upon when configuring any configuration entity of this
type (e.g. any ADSL port) in any FOX controlled by that FOXMAN-UN.
A profile can also be created using the UCST in a local connection to a
FOX. In that case it will be stored locally in the file system of UCST. If it has
to be distributed to several UCSTs installed in different PCs, it can be cop-
ied into the appropriate UCST directory, e.g.
C:\Program Files\UCST R8C\Profiles\.
The graphic below illustrates these structures for both FOXMAN-UN and
UCST using a profile of the type «ADSL».

Figure 52: Handling of profiles in FOXMAN-UN and UCST (sample

ADSL) Unknown profiles

A profile will be labelled «Unknown» if it is found in the configuration of an

NE, but not in the FOXMAN-UN database or in the UCST file system.

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Figure 53: Unknown profiles (sample ADSL of ADAC<X>)

It can be copied into the FOXMAN-UN database or the UCST file system to
make it available for new configurations.
When opening the «View» window, the [Create] button is active. Pressing it
creates a copy in the FOXMAN-UN data base or in the UCST file system.
«Unknown» now disappears in the configuration, and the profile can be ap-
plied to any ADSL interface throughout the managed network. Mismatched profiles

When opening a FOX configuration, every profile found there is compared

with the corresponding profile in the FOXMAN-UN data base or the UCST
file system. If a discrepancy is detected in the values of the two parameter
sets, the profile will be labelled «Mismatch». A difference in the text of the
«Description» is not considered a mismatch.
A profile mismatch is shown both in the unit (e.g. ADAC<X>) configuration
and in the profile list (NE Configuration Profiles menu):

Figure 54: Mismatching profiles (samples ADSL)

This situation can typically occur

if after deletion of a profile a new one is created using the same name,
but different parameter values.
if a profile with a name that exists already in the FOXMAN-UN data base
is recreated with different parameter values in a standalone UCST, and
that profile is then applied to a corresponding configuration entity (e.g.
ADSL interface) in an NE managed by FOXMAN-UN.
For this case a «Resolve» function is provided. Access to this function is via
the NE configuration Profiles menu and the [View] button. It provides
an opportunity to check the parameter values before they are accepted as
master values for this particular profile.

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Figure 55: View Profile sample dialogue

Pressing the [Resolve] button at the bottom of the window shows a message
explaining the ensuing action:

Figure 56: Profile Mismatch Resolution sample dialogue

Only the opened configuration is changed. There is no automatic

check of all other NEs in the network.
The configuration has to be downloaded into the FOX for the
changes to become active.

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3.10 ATM environment

The implementation of ATM functions in the FOX requires additional con-
figuration. The system level functions are available for configuration and
operation control via the ATM Environment menu. The ATM Environment
dialogue provides menus for the configuration of the FOX ATM system,
monitoring of (booked/spare) resources as well as filtered cell statistics and
status control for VCI/VPI termination points. The ATM Environment menu
provides dialogues as follows:
Connection Admission Control…
Via this menu you can specify the available system resources.
The CAC dialogue allows you to modify the values of some of the re-
sources that the FOX CAC uses for admission control. The default val-
ues guarantee an optimum of performance for the FOX ATM System in
terms of
Usage of resources
Quality of Service
The parameters of the CAC function are crucial for any ATM system!
Accordingly, ABB Switzerland highly recommends that you use the CAC
resource parameters defaults for your FOX ATM system.
Traffic Descriptor…
The UCST allows you to create Traffic Descriptors for cross connection
of ATM traffic in the FOX. The Traffic Descriptors define depending on
its parameters the usage of bandwidth (resources) for a cross connection
on the ABUS and the corresponding port
The ATM Termination Points Configuration dialogue allows you to
monitor the relevant parameters of the ATM Termination points and to
add, delete and modify Terminating VPs.
The ATM Termination Points Statistic dialogue allows monitoring of
the cell traffic of the ATM Termination points and monitoring of the alarm
states related to the ATM Termination points.
The Resource Details dialogue allows you to control and monitor the
usage of the following resources
Booked/spare bandwidth of ports (ABUS units)
The Resource Details port view shows the details of the bandwidth
usage per Port and Aggregating VP as well as its available remaining
bandwidth resources. Only ports with connections appear in the list.
The port bandwidth usage is calculated based on the traffic descrip-
Booked/spare bandwidth of the cross connect (ABUS capacity)
The Resource Details Cross Connect view shows the details of the
bandwidth usage per connection and the available remaining band-
width resources of the ABUS sector. Only the FOX515 allows you to
use ATM resources in the Right Hand Sector. The ABUS usage is cal-
culated based on the PCR values of the ATM traffic.

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Basic configuration of the NE

3.11 Cross connections & bus usage

3.11.1 FOX bus systems for traffic signals

The FOX subrack has 3 physical BUS systems that carry traffic signals and
provide connection points for cross connections:
PBUS for PDH traffic with a capacity of 128 x 2 Mbit/s (4096 x 64 kbit/s)
for 2 Mbit/s and n x 64 kbit/s traffic signals (with and without signalling).
The implementation of UBUS units reduce the capacity of the PBUS
connect by 4 x 2 Mbit/s or 8 x 2 Mbit/s (COBU<X>) independently of the
effective capacity connected to the UBUS.
Depending on the selected control unit, the PBUS provides only a part of
this capacity. For more information, refer to the COBU<X> User Guide.
The ABUS and the SBUS use the same physical bus lines on the FOX
backplane. Accordingly, an ABUS/SBUS bus sector can only host ABUS
or SBUS units.
It is not possible to mix ABUS and SBUS units within a bus sector! With
the FOX515, you can operate 1 sector with ABUS and the other sector
with SBUS units:
SBUS for SDH traffic with 2 (FOX515 only) sectors. Each has an ac-
cess capacity of 2 x STM-1 for VC-12 and VC-3 traffic signals.
ABUS for ATM traffic with 1 or 2 (FOX515 only) sectors. Each sector
has a transport capacity of 1215000 cells/s (515160 kbit/s) for up to
2048 connections.
UBUS with a capacity of 2 x 4 x 2 Mbit/s (2 x 4 x 31 x 64 kbit/s)
for n x 64 kbit/s traffic signals (with and without signalling)
Depending on the selected control unit, the UBUS provides only half of
this capacity. For more information, refer to COBU<X> User Guide.
The paragraphs below describe the generic part of the FOX Cross Connect
dialogue and related functions.

3.11.2 Cross connect dialogue and filter Overview

The physical bus structures are normally not visible for the configuration of
connection points. The UCST provides a generic cross connection menu
which allows you to create cross connections based on the logical traffic sig-
nal type.
To create new or to check existing cross connections open the Cross Con-
nections dialogue:
Select the menu «NE Configuration - Cross Connections».

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Figure 57: Cross Connections sample dialogue

The Cross Connection dialogue has 3 parts:

Filter for displayed cross connections
Cross connections (filtered)
Status display and control buttons
The dialogue and status display show the cross connections filtered accord-
ing to the settings of the Filter on top of the dialogue. Filter

The filter provides 6 sub-filters that you can individually tune in order to
show only selected cross connections. Only the connections matching the
criteria of all sub-filters (and function) will show up in the list!
The filter provides the following sub-filters:
1. Group specifies the group name of the cross connections (The
group name is an optional parameter for cross connec-
You can assign a group name for the cross connection
when creating the connections.
2. Layer specifies the traffic signal layer:
- P0 (64 kbit/s)
- P0_nc (N x 64 kbit/s)
- P12 (2 Mbit/s)
- VC (ATM)
- VP (ATM)

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- VC12
- VC3
- VC4
3. Unit specifies the short name and slot number of the unit as
configured in the subrack.
4. TTP (Trail Termination Point) specifies the Subunit. The TTP
name includes the UCST name and the «user label».
To activate the TTP filter you must first select a unit.
5. Direction specifies the direction of the connected traffic signal:
- Unidirectional
- Bi-directional
6. Protection specifies protection for the cross connection:
- Not Protected
- Protected

Please note that:

A sub-filter set to «*» does not filter (is not selective). «*» is the
wildcard character for all sub-filters.
Depending on the number of cross connections and the per-
formance of your PC/computer, the creation of the cross con-
nection table can last a couple of seconds. For numbers below
256, there should be no visible delay for the display (provided
you have sufficient PC/computer performance).
The FOX with the COBUL and COBUQ control unit does not
support ATM or SDH functionalities. Thus, the VC, VP, VC12,
VC3 and VC4 Types are not relevant for NEs with these con-
trol units.

The status indication in the bottom line to the left of the dialogue displays
the number of Matrix Connections (MC).
The first figure shows the number of displayed MCs which varies according
to the filter parameters. The second figure shows the number of existing
A protected connection counts as 1 MC.
The examples below shows the filtering with different sub-filters.

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Figure 58: Cross Connection sample dialogue with

sub-filters Group and Protection set

Figure 59: Cross Connection sample dialogue with

sub-filters Unit and TTP set

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Basic configuration of the NE Display of cross connections

The list of (filtered) cross connections dominates the dialogue. Each line
stands for a cross connection. The entries in the list provide all relevant in-
formation on each cross connection including the 2 access points (connec-
tion points) and the traffic signal.
The information provided and columns in the list are:
7. Group optional - identifies and structures the cross connec-
tions. You can assign a name to a cross connection
when creating it.
8. Connection Point identifies the input side of a connection. The syntax for
the identification of the connection points follows the
principles of the UCST/FOXMAN-UN Instance Naming :
- Unit name and slot number
- Subunit name and number
- Ts/Channel
9. Dir describes the direction of the traffic flow
- -> : unidirectional
- <-> : bi-directional
10. Connection Point identifies the output side of a connection. The syntax for
the identification of the connection points follows the
principles of the UCST/FOXMAN-UN Instance Naming :
- Unit name and slot number
- Subunit name and number
- Ts/Channel
11. Layer specifies the traffic signal layer:
- P0 (64 kbit/s)
- P0_nc (n x 64 kbit/s)
- P12 (2 Mbit/s)
- VC (ATM)
- VP (ATM)
- VC12
- VC3
- VC4
12. Comment provides information as follows:
- TDM:
Protected Cross connections are tagged as: Protected
- ATM:
Display of Traffic Descriptors (A B; B A) Control buttons

The Cross Connection dialogue is a monitor dialogue (with filter for cross
connections) for the configured cross connections and provides control but-
tons to create new and delete existing cross connections or monitor the
status of protections:
13. Create TDM to create new TDM cross connections (P0, P0_nc, P12,
VC12, VC3, VC4).
For details of the FOX TDM system & cross connec-
tions, refer to FOX TDM System & Cross Connections
User Guide.
14. Create SPR to create new unidirectional TDM cross connections (P0,
P0_nc) required for the shared protection ring (SPR)
application in linear point-to-multipoint and multipoint-
to-multipoint networks.
For details of the FOX TDM system & cross connec-

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tions, refer to FOX TDM System & Cross Connections

User Guide.
15. Create ATM to create new ATM cross connections (VC, VP).
16. Delete to delete cross connections.
For a detailed description, refer to the paragraphs be-
17. Modify to modify the Group Name of cross connections.
For a detailed description, refer to the paragraphs be-
18. Status Available for protected cross connections only (TDM):
Allows you to monitor the status and protection mecha-
nism of the selected cross connection.
For a detailed description, refer to the paragraphs be-
For a detailed description, refer to FOX TDM System &
Cross Connections User Guide.
19. Print to print the (filtered) list of cross connections.
For a detailed description, refer to the paragraphs be-
20. Close to confirm and quit the dialogue.

The status display in the left bottom corner displays the number of the pres-
ently displayed MCs (Matrix Connections). A protected connection counts as
1 MC.
The availability of the buttons is context driven. If there are no cross con-
nections selected, it is not possible to select [Delete] or [Status] (which re-
quires additionally a connection to the NE).
Please note that VC4 cross connections can only be configured on
the SYN4E unit. There is no bus access for VC4 signals. Please
refer to the SYN4E user guide.

3.11.3 Create cross connections

The Cross Connection dialogue provides 3 separate control buttons to cre-

ate either new TDM (Create TDM, Create SPR) or ATM (Create ATM) con-
nections. The corresponding FOX implementation is tightly linked to the
properties of the traffic signals and implies different procedures for TDM
and ATM connections.
Accordingly, 2 separate user guides describe the configuration and opera-
tion of the TDM and the ATM system and cross connect:
TDM system & cross connections
For details of the FOX TDM system & cross connections, refer to the
TDM System & Cross Connection User Guide
The paragraphs below describe the remaining common control functions of
the TDM and ATM system.

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3.11.4 Delete cross connections

To delete cross connections, select the menu NE Configuration Cross

The filter may help you to find the cross connection that you want to delete.
Set sub-filters «Group» etc. to «*» or to the values which best define the
connection(s) that you want to delete.
Select the connection(s) that you want to delete from the list by clicking
the line assigned to the connection. It is possible to select several con-
nections by depressing the left mouse key while dragging.
Press«Delete» to delete the selected connections.
Press «Close» to quit the dialogue.
The UCST does not delete selected cross connections if you press

3.11.5 Modify

The modify function allows you to modify the Group Name of cross connec-
To modify the Group Name of cross connections select the menu NE Con-
figuration Cross Connections.
The filter may help you to find the cross connection for which you want to
modify the Group Name.
Set sub-filters «Group» etc. o «*» or to the value which best define the
connection(s) that you want to select.
Select the connection for which you want to modify the Group Name.

Figure 60: Modify Group Name sample dialogue

The dialogue shows the current Group name. You can edit this name to get
the new Group Name for the selected cross connection.

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Edit the name in «Group Name».

Tick the box «Apply to all Cross Connections of the Group» if you want
the new Group Name to be applied to all cross connections that carry the
legacy group name.
press «OK» to apply the new Group Name and quit back to the Cross
Connections main dialogue.

Before application, the UCST displays a dialogue, which allows you to

confirm or discard the change of the Group Name.

Figure 61: Modify Group Name Warning

sample dialogue

Press «Yes» to accept the change and quit to the Cross Connections dia-
Press «No» to reject the change and quit back to the Modify Group name

3.11.6 Print connections

You have 2 options to print cross connections:

Via the menu File Print...
You can print out (printer, file) the all cross connections implemented in
the NE.
Via the [Print] button of the Cross Connections dialogue.
You can print out (printer, file) the cross connections as filtered for the
Cross Connections dialogue.
The print function is generic for the FOX. For details, refer to UCST / Sys-
tem Operation Basics User Guide.
For samples of printouts, refer to the section «Appendix, samples of print-

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Basic configuration of the NE

3.12 Communication IF (COBU<X>)

The control unit defines and controls the management communication of the
NE. The control unit also provides all physical and logical interfaces for the
management network.
The type of the selected control unit defines which of the features and inter-
faces for management communication are available.
For this reason, the configuration of the management communication and
interfaces is a part of the COBU<X> unit configuration. Accordingly, the
COBU<X> user guides describe the dialogues and parameters for man-
agement communication.
The dialogue below shows as an example the parameters of the NE Com-
munication IF which define the identity of the NE and the addresses of the
physical interfaces.

Figure 62: Communication IF sample dialogue COBUX

The dialogue provides 5 groups of parameters:

Host Name
The Host Name is an optional name for the NE.
NE Password
The NE Password is an optional password for the system access. You
use this password for the definition of Managed NEs in the Management
Network Set up dialogue.

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Serial Interface
The parameters of Serial Interface allow you to define the addresses (IP,
HDLC) of the NE and the default transmission rate for the management
communication via the serial interface. The IP address of the serial inter-
face is at the same time the Node Id which is required to address the NE
via the ECC.
Ethernet Interface
The parameters of Ethernet Interface allow you to define the IP address
of the QX-interface of the NE and the corresponding subnetwork mask.
To reduce the router load when the NE is part of a complex management
network, it is possible to disable this interface.
Q1-master Gateway
The parameters of Q1-master Gateway allow you to activate the Q1-
master Interface of the NE. This interface allows the UCST to drive a
remote Q-Bus with FOX-U/E and FOX-Uand DSL system equipment via
the management network.
Please note that:
The dialogue above shows the default settings.
For the first access to an unconfigured NE the UCST must use
the default addresses (IP addresses, no password).
The default speed defines the bit rate, with which the
COBU<X> starts the adaptation of the bit rate for its F-
The COBU<X> synchronises to the bit rate provided at the se-
rial interface up to the maximum rate of 115200 bit/s.

For detailed references on all the aspects of the management communica-

tion, refer to the chapter 5: «Management Communication».

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Basic configuration of the NE

3.13 Software download

3.13.1 Scope

The service of a unit is called a Function which is defined by the 2 compo-

nents unit hardware and unit software (ESW).
Units with software download only feature bootloader software for the local
microprocessor system in their on-board PROMs. All functionality specific
software has to be downloaded to the local EPROM or RAM (the unit func-
tion is only identified then!).
Units with SW download allow you to implement new Functions at any time
by installing new unit software (ESW) on the unit if the existing hardware is
compatible with the new ESW. Since SW download uses data communica-
tion networks , it is possible to remotely update Functions.
The FOX uses 2 basic types of software download for its units and subsys-
PC card based SW download
Most of the FOX units and subsystems use this type of SW download.
The SW download is fully UCST controlled and uses only resources of
the UCST and FOX. In the NE, all the ESW is intermediately stored in
the PC memory card of the control unit for the subsequent distribution to
the individual units and subsystems.
FTP server based SW download
The new generation of remote systems such as the MUSIC 700 use
complex software systems that create huge amounts of program code (>
10 MB). PC card based SW download is not able to economically pro-
vide the required resources for the SW download to these CPEs. The
SW is directly downloaded from the FTP server to the CPE without im-
mediate storage in the PC memory card of the control unit.
Please note that the software download (more precisely the ESW
installation process) is not generally hitless for the unit traffic!
Hitless software installation is only possible for a few units. Most
units run complex traffic handling processes. The installation of
new ESW reboots these processes which interrupts and/or disturbs
the traffic.

3.13.2 PC card based SW download

The PC card based SW download is available for all the FOX control units,
the SBUS, PBUS units and some of the recently released UBUS units.
The PC card based SW download consists of 2 phases each phase with its
own typical process:
SW delivery, an immediate process.
SW installation, a process which is a part of the NE configuration.

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Figure 63: Principles of the PC card based SW download

The ESW (Embedded SW) is stored in 3 software systems:

The EM(S) holds a «master copy» of each brand of ESW that is pres-
ently used or could be used in the NEs. This incarnation of the ESW is
compressed code and stored as non-executable program code.
The PC memory cards of the control units hold at least a copy of the
ESW required to operate the units installed in the NE.
The program memories of the units (and remote units) with SW
download hold a copy of their particular ESW (as executable program
There are 2 types of memory used as local program memory:
Non-volatile memories (flash memories)
The units with non-volatile program memories do not loose their ESW
at power down. The configuration of the SW installation defines the
appropriate ESW for the unit service.
Volatile memories (RAM)
The units with volatile program memories lose their ESW at power
down and require the re-installation of their ESW after each power up.
The configuration of the SW installation guarantees this installation.
A unit without installed ESW cannot operate and is signalled as a «unit
hardware failure».

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Basic configuration of the NE Requirements

Consider the following requirements for SW download:

PC memory card
The ESW is stored in the PC memory card of the COBU<X> control unit
in order to make such software available for the installation on the units
and remote units.
As a minimum requirement, the PC memory card of a control unit must
hold a copy of
a COBUX ESW version that is compatible with the control unit hard-
the APDSW (Application Download SW) with the ESW.
A control unit that does not meet these requirements cannot operate and
is considered as a «unit hardware failure». The unit indicates this state
via the permanently active unit LED (red).
Release of control units
SW download for remote units (CPEs) requires
a control unit release R4 (min. COBUX 212, 213 etc.).
and corresponding traffic units (host unit in the FOX subrack and re-
mote unit)
Legacy control units (R3 and older) can not support SW download for
remote units and do not support the corresponding host units.
With the UCST & FOXMAN-UN R8 and the release R4/5 control
units the following units support PC card based SW download for
remote units!
SLID1/2 - MUSIC 200
New remote units are announced and will be introduced. Delivery and installation

The software download is handled via 2 different system processes:

SW delivery
The SW delivery is the process, which transfers the ESW from the EM to
the PC memory card of the COBU<X> control unit. The software is
stored as compressed program code in the PC memory card of the con-
trol unit.
The SW delivery is unidirectional. This means that it is not possible to
load ESW from the NE up to the EM(S). The SW delivery is obsolete if
the ESW is already present on the PC memory card of the control unit.
It is possible to provide the ESW via a local management interface or
remotely via the management network. The EM(S) directly controls the
delivery which is not a part of the NE configuration data.
SW installation
The SW installation is the local process in the NE, which decompresses
the ESW on the PC memory card and copies the code to the individual

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Basic configuration of the NE FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

The ESW for remote units (CPEs) is decompressed and loaded into a
temporary buffer of the host FOX unit. At the time of SW installation, the
ESW is loaded to the remote unit and installed in the remote unit.
You can define the SW installation independently for the local and the
remote units (providing they are compatible).
It is possible to assign different versions of ESW to identical units (as-
suming compatibility between hardware and software).
The SW installation is a part of the NE configuration. The installation of
software is successful only, if the required ESW is locally available on
the PC memory card. To satisfy this requirement you have to deliver the
corresponding ESW before you configure the installation of the ESW.
The UCST does not allow you to configure the installation of ESW
if the ESW is not available in the FW directory of the UCST (con-
sider off-line configurations).

Both processes are controlled via the UCST. You can start SW delivery at
any time as long as the EM is connected to the NE. The SW installation can
be configured for immediate application, or scheduled, i.e. for a pre-defined
time without having the EM connected to the NE.
For more information on the SW download, refer to the paragraphs «Com-
missioning your PC/computer for Unit SW» in this document and UCST /
System Operation Basics User Guide.

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Basic configuration of the NE

3.13.3 FTP server based SW download

The FTP server based SW download uses an external FTP server and is
available for CPEs with large program codes such as the MUSIC 700 family

Figure 64: Principles of the FTP sever based SW download

The ESW for the CPE is stored on the FTP server. The new SW is
downloaded from the FTP server to the CPE via any of the following 2 ways
(refer to the figure above):
A From the FTP server via the IP network (if applicable) and the local
LAN (10/100BaseT) the SW is downloaded through the Ethernet inter-
face of the unit to the CPE.
B From the FTP server via the IP network (if applicable) and a LAN in-
terface of the FOX (e.g. LAWA4) the SW is routed into the FOX net-
work. The SW is downloaded from the FOX with the hosting DSL line
interface unit via the DSL link to the CPE.
With the UCST, you must route the path for the SW download from
the FTP server through the FOX network to the CPE.

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Basic configuration of the NE FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

For both methods, the UCST configures the CPE for the SW download and
controls the SW download. It is possible to configure the SW download for
immediate application or schedule the application of the new SW for a later
For more information on the FTP server based SW download, refer to the
User Guide of the corresponding unit (MUSIC 700 User Guide). Requirements

Obviously, both methods of the FTP server based SW download (A and B)

need an FTP server. Any server is suited, that is compatible with the FTP
You need a high capacity data communication channel between your FTP
server and the CPE to keep the download time reasonably short. Accord-
ingly, the FOX management communication network is not suited for FTP
server based SW download.
If you want to download the SW via the DSL link to the CPE, you must con-
figure the corresponding data path from the FTP server to the CPE. De-
pending on the complexity of your access network, this task requires some
configuration effort and uses capacity in your access network.
With the UCST & FOXMAN-UN R8 and the release R4/5 control
units the following units/CPE systems support FTP server based
SW download for CPE!
LESI8 - MUSIC 700 family CPEs
SLID1/2 - MUSIC 700 family CPEs
New CPEs are announced and will be introduced. Delivery and installation

For detailed information on the process for the delivery and installation of
new ESW for CPEs, refer to the User Guide of the corresponding unit (e.g.
MUSIC 700 User Guide).

3.13.4 PC (memory) card and unit software Basic requirements for PC memory cards

Upon first start-up with a new PC memory card, the control unit will initialise
its PC memory card with the directory structure and basic files required for
For this initialisation, the control units need formatted PC memory cards
with a basic configuration:
DOS formatted
Root containing the FW directory with
COBUX_R<X> ESW for the control unit (<X> = any version)
APDSW_R<Y> Application download SW (compatible with the unit

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Basic configuration of the NE

Pre-formatted PC cards are available as spares or you can create config-

ured PC memory cards with the update procedure described in chapter 7:
«Maintenance» (Control unit, Replacement PC memory cards). Initial configuration of the PC memory cards

The initial configuration process of a control unit with a pre-formatted PC

memory card initialises the PC memory card as follows:
Creates all directories and entries to configuration data required for op-
Initialises the MIB of the NE
Creates two partitions on the PC memory card:
A partition of memory for configuration data
A partition of memory for ESW
Partitioning is required in order to provide sufficient memory for configura-
tion data, even if the PC memory card holds a large number of ESW files.
Up to the present release of the COBU<X> units, the control units use PC
memory cards with capacities and partitions as follows:

Table 7: Partitions and capacity of the PC memory cards

Total capacity of Capacity for

PC memory card
Configuration ESW files
[MB] [MB] [MB]
4 1.5 2.5
8 1.5 6.5
16 1.5 14.5

Please note that

The R5 control units use data compression for configuration
files. This allows more complex configuration data stored in the
same amount of memory.
Future system expansions might require the introduction of PC
memory cards with higher capacity. It is possible to upgrade the
PC memory cards of the NEs. For more information, refer to
chapter 7: «Maintenance».
A warning pops up if the delivery of unit software or the download of con-
figuration data requires more memory than allocated to the corresponding
There are several ways to cure the problem
Delete the ESW that the NE does not need any more from the PC mem-
ory card.
Reduce the number of ESW files that you want to transfer to the NE. Se-
lect the ESW that is required for system operation.

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Basic configuration of the NE FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

Replace the existing PC memory card with a card of higher capacity. For
more information on this topic, refer to chapter 7: «Maintenance» (Con-
trol unit, Upgrade of PC memory card).
You can control this entire file handling via the UCST!
Do not try to copy files to or remove files from the PC memory
cards with other software than the UCST! The host (the NE control
unit) manages the file system of the PC memory card. The file
system becomes corrupted if you add/delete files beyond the con-
trol of the control unit.
Unpredictable system behaviour might result!
PC memory cards, that have been programmed with a FOX (factory or
field), contain at least the complete directory and file structure, COBUX
ESW and an initialised MIB.

3.13.5 Software Delivery Prerequisites

Before you start the delivery of ESW check for the following:
The unit software is available in the FW directory of the UCST installa-
tion on your PC/computer (running the UCST). The UCST installation
program automatically creates the FW directory.
The PC memory card of the control unit provides sufficient remaining
The PC memory card features at least
COBUX_R<X> ESW for the control unit (<X> = any version)
APDSW_R<Y> Application download SW (compatible with the unit
Control units with PC memory cards without application download
SW and COBUX ESW do not operate. Use original PC memory
cards from ABB Switzerland to avoid this problem. Control of the SW delivery

Use the following procedure:

Select the menu «File - Software Delivery» to open the Software Deliv-
ery dialogue.
Press «Get» to update the file information.
If the UCST is not connected to the NE at this time, the UCST asks you now
to connect to the NE.

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Basic configuration of the NE

Figure 65: Software Delivery sample dialogue with ESW files

The dialogue has two panels:

The panel to the left displays the files that are available in the FW direc-
tory of the UCST (Element Manager). The files normally contain ESW
for the units (any file in the directory is displayed).
The panel to the right displays the files that are stored on the PC mem-
ory card of the Network Element. If the UCST operates in the stand-
alone mode (no management communication with the NE) this panel
remains empty and the Add/Delete buttons are shaded grey.
With the file name, the UCST indicates the size of the files. A status line in-
dicates for each window particular information on file count and file size.
Soft buttons control the functions provided with the dialogue.
If the
UCST FW directory on your PC/computer contains no ESW,
proceed as described in the paragraphs «Installing unit SW on
your PC/computer».
PC memory card of the control unit
is not implemented
does not meet the basic software requirements
plug in/replace the PC memory card with a new card that meets
the requirements. Insert/replace the PC memory card as in-

Each window features a status line at the bottom of the window. This status
line displays information as follows:
Left window which is assigned to the EM
If no file is selected (default): Number of files in directory
If file(s) is (are) selected: Number of files selected with the total
count of bytes
Right window which is assigned to the NE
If no file is selected (default): Remaining free memory space on PC
memory card available for ESW
If file(s) is (are) selected: Number of files selected with the total
count of bytes

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Basic configuration of the NE FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

It is possible to select (simultaneously) a file in both windows by clicking on

the file. To select multiple files, drag with the pointing device (left button
pressed) from the first to the last file of your selection.
To deselect all files in the left and right window, press the soft button [Re-
fresh] in the middle of the dialogue. This updates the display and returns to
default display.
The SW delivery does not affect the system traffic and services!

To add (copy) ESW from the EM to the NE proceed as follows:

Select the files to deliver from the left window and read the total count of
bytes from the left status line.
Read the capacity available on the PC memory card for new ESW from
the right status line.
Compare the byte count left to the byte count right. If the remaining ca-
pacity on the PC memory card is smaller than the number of bytes re-
- select fewer files
(left window)
- delete files from the PC
memory card
- implement a PC memory
card of higher capacity
(Refer to chapter 7: «Maintenance»).

Figure 66: Software Delivery sample dialogue Add files

If the byte counts meet the conditions

Press «Add» to copy the selected file(s) from the EM to the NE. During
this process the Communication Status dialogue pops up and informs
you of the progress of the file transfer.
Press «OK» to quit the dialogue.
As previously explained the COBU<X> reserves space for the NE configura-
tion data on the PC memory as follows:
Reserved Memory for NE configuration data (1.5 MB)

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Basic configuration of the NE

Remaining memory for ESW (e.g. 6.5 MB for an 8 MB PC memory

The basic (mandatory) SW reduces the capacity of the partition reserved
for ESW by about 900 kB. This means that the capacity for ESW is ca.
1.6 MB for an 4 MB PC memory card
5.6 MB for an 8 MB PC memory card
13.6 MB for an 8 MB PC memory card
If the delivery process requires more capacity than allocated to the correspond-
ing partition, the UCST displays a warning. Reduce the number of files to trans-
fer or delete files from the corresponding partition of the PC memory card.
To avoid a lack of capacity on the PC memory card and distur-
bances of the delivery
Remove all the ESW from the PC memory card that the NE
does not need any more. It is possible to deliver this ESW
again at any time (if the capacity on the PC memory card is
Copy (add) only the ESW to the PC memory card that the NE
requires for operation.
Do not copy other files than ESW files to the NE.
Copy only
officially released ESW
ESW which is compatible with your hardware (For informa-
tion on the compatibility, refer to the corresponding release
note and FOX515 Technical Description).
Depending on the bit rate that your management communica-
tion is able to provide the file transfer can last for a couple of
seconds or minutes.

To delete unit SW from the NE (PC memory card of the control unit) pro-
ceed as follows:
Select the files to delete in the right hand panel (NE).

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Basic configuration of the NE FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

Figure 67: Software Delivery sample dialogue

Delete files

Press «Delete». The UCST requests you to confirm this operation.

If you confirm, the control unit deletes the selected file(s) from the PC
memory card. The UCST updates the Software Delivery dialogue ac-
Press «OK» to quit the dialogue.
Please note that:
[Delete] does not allow you to delete ESW files from the FW di-
rectory of the EM.
If the delete command creates the «File Access Denied» error
message (refer to the dialogue below) the ESW that you want
to delete from the PC memory card has the attribute «Read
only». The delivery function cannot remove ESW with the
«Read only» attribute from the PC memory card.
The delivery function never creates the «Read only» attribute
for ESW!

Figure 68: Communication Error

As stated previously the PC memory card must contain at least

one copy of a COBUX ESW and
a compatible APDSW.
If either or both are missing, the control unit is no longer able to boot. The
UCST R8 provides a warning if you try to delete the last remaining COBUX
ESW and/or APDSW file:

Figure 69: Software Removal Warning!

Press «No» to consider the warning and keep the file on the PC memory
Do not try to delete all the COBUX ESW file and/or APDSW files
from the PC memory card!

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Basic configuration of the NE

Leave at least one copy of a COBUX ESW and a compatible

APDSW on the PC memory card! If you delete either or both, the
corresponding NE is no longer able to operate and becomes inac-
cessible for management communication. Alternate way of SW delivery

The FOX offers an alternative way for SW delivery by the replacement of

the PC memory card of the control unit with a new, updated card (this ap-
plies only for NEs with one control unit!).
This procedure is however not recommended and you should only use it in
exceptional situations:
All services of the NE are down during this phase.
The exchange of fully configured PC memory cards can lead to incom-
patibility with the COBU<X> hardware if the new card is not created on
an identical unit.
The exchange of the PC memory card affects the whole MIB of the NE.
If the MIB of the new PC memory card does not contain identical con-
figuration data, the exchange of the cards leads to the loss of the con-
figuration (or more precisely a new configuration).
For more information on this aspect, refer to the chapter 7: «Maintenance».

3.13.6 Software Installation Purpose

The SW installation defines what ESW the control unit provides to the
units for immediate or scheduled application. The UCST allows you to con-
figure the installation of ESW per slot (if applicable). The UCST shows only
slots with units featuring SW download.
The UCST R8 SW Installation menu has 2 dialogues
Software Installation Configuration
The configuration of the SW installation creates configuration data. A
partial or full configuration download to the NE stores the data on SW in-
stallation together with all other configuration data in MIB of the NE on
the PC memory card.
Software Installation Status
The USW Installation Status dialogue allows you to monitor and control
the status of the functional units with respect to ESW and SW installa-
Detailed state information inform on the installation process and errors.
SW installation is a critical process and can create unexpected system be-
haviour if you don't carefully apply the delivery and installation process.

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Basic configuration of the NE FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Prerequisites

Before you start to configure the SW installation for the units check for the
The active configuration of the NE is loaded to the UCST either from the cor-
responding configuration file or directly from the NE (preferred) via upload.
The required ESW for the units of the NE is available on the PC memory
card of the control unit.
You can check the availability with the Software Delivery dialogue as
explained in the previous paragraphs.
The up- and download of the configuration requires management
communication between the UCST and the NE. ESW and ESW files

The UCST refers to the ESW via the file with the compressed ESW code.
The file names have a structure that links the ESW to the unit (family) and
provides the complete R-state of the ESW.


Drop of the software release from the

development department

The ESW is downward compatible for ESW

with an identical main release

Main release of the ESW

Name of the unit (family) that runs the ESW

The control unit family COBU<X> runs the

COBUX_R<n>.<x><yy> software

Figure 70: Structure of ESW file names

For detailed information on the compatibility between ESW the unit tem-
plate and hardware, refer to the UCST & FOXMAN-UN release note Re-
lease Note FOX / UCST.
The UCST allows you to select between all the ESW files available in the
FW directory of the PC/computer. Installing ESW

To configure the installation of ESW for your NE

select the menu «NE Configuration - Software Installation» to open
the Software Installation dialogue.

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Basic configuration of the NE

Figure 71: Software Installation sample dialogue

The dialogue shows only the slots with the units that feature ESW. ESW in-
stallation has several parameters as shown in the figure above. The column
Installation provides the leading parameter for the installation and can
take the values
Please note that:
The fields Immediate SW and Scheduled SW can only offer
ESW files that are available in the FW directory of the UCST.
If no compatible ESW is available, the fields are blank.
If you load a configuration which configures ESW that is cur-
rently not available in the FW directory of the UCST (= EM),
then an asterisk (= not installed on your EM) marks such an

The SW installation for remote units that provide SW download is config-

ured via a virtual slot position which is assigned to the same slot number as
the local unit:
The local unit (in the subrack) is assigned to the subunit layer Board.
The remote unit (CPE) is assigned to the same unit and slot as the local
Since the remote unit (CPE) has its own template, the Unit column in the
dialogue shows the template name (e.g. MU20A 012 for the MUSIC

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Basic configuration of the NE FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

The subunit layer for the remote unit is CPE Board <text> (e.g. CPE
Board DSL-<x> for the MUSIC 200).
The Software Installation dialogue shows the remote units only if the lo-
cal unit is configured for the operation with remote units and the subunits
are enabled. You can select the template for the remote unit that defines
together with a compatible hardware the remote function unit. The corre-
sponding template files (*.rcu) are in the UCST data directory. For details
of the configuration of the local units, refer to the corresponding units i.e.
for the LESI8 User Guide
for the SLID1 User Guide
The SW installation for the remote units has the same set of parameters
as the local units (none, immediate, scheduled).
The naming for remote units might be somewhat confusing be-
cause different terms describe different aspects of the same box.
The example below summarises the names used with the
MUSIC 200:
MUSIC 200: Brand name of the desktop unit
MU20A 012: Template of the function unit
LESAR: Name of the hardware (reported
via inventory function)
To configure the installation of the ESW proceed as described below for
each slot (a line in the dialogue): No installation of ESW

The units in slots with the installation parameter none have no ESW as-
Open the combo box «Installation» of the desired unit.
Select «none» from the list of options for the installation of the ESW.
The default setting is none.
Repeat for the remaining units or select «Immediate» or «Scheduled» as
required (refer to the following paragraphs).
Press «OK» to confirm the settings and quit the dialogue or
press «Cancel» to quit without changes.
For units with this ESW installation option, the control unit does not check
the availability of ESW nor will it install an ESW on the unit if there is no
SW installed on the unit. Units in slots with the installation parameter none
behave much the same as UBUS units without SW download, with some
particularities however:
In the case of missing ESW or no installation of ESW, the present cir-
cumstances define the unit function (unit hardware/software) provided. The
unit function depends on the compatibility of the templates with the hard-
and software and on the unit software already installed on the unit (if any):
If the unit disposes of ESW and the unit template (*.ocu etc.) is compati-
ble with the unit hardware and the ESW (the ESW may or may not be
available on the COBU<X>):

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The unit function is fully available. It is possible to configure the traffic

functions of the unit (e.g. parameters, cross connections, timing sources,
alarms etc.).
The NE generates the
COBUX alarm NE software installation error.
Notification Software installation set to none in the logbook.
If the unit does not dispose of ESW or the ESW is not compatible with
the unit template (*.ocu etc.) or the unit hardware:
The unit function is not available and the
NE alarms the unit as Unit not available.
Fault indicator LED of the unit is on.
The alarms clearly underline the importance of the installation of ESW for
units with SW download.
The correct configuration of ESW for units prevents the
Implementation of unexpected function units.
Loss of unit function such as PCONV. Units that provide vola-
tile program memories lose their ESW at power off.
At power up the control unit only installs ESW if such an instal-
lation is configured. Immediate installation of ESW

The slots with the installation parameter immediate configure ESW for the
immediate installation on the corresponding unit.
Open the combo box «Installation» of the desired unit.
Select «Immediate» from the options. The UCST initialises the field «Im-
mediate SW» with a default value.
Open the combo box «Immediate SW» of the unit.
Select the appropriate ESW from the list. The list shows all ESW stored
on your PC and can be empty. It does not take into account whether that
same ESW is present on the FOX control unit.
Repeat for other units as required.
Press «OK» to accept the selections and quit the dialogue or
press «Cancel» to quit the dialogue without changes.

The control unit starts the installation of the selected ESW immediately after
the download of the corresponding configuration data. As soon as the con-
trol unit has finished the ESW installation and the corresponding unit has re-
booted the unit function becomes available.
The control unit checks the compatibility of the selected ESW with the unit
hardware and the availability of the SW on its PC memory card.
In the case of missing ESW for the immediate (scheduled) installation,
the present circumstances define the unit function (unit hardware/software)
provided. The unit function depends on the configuration and the ESW al-
ready installed on the unit (if any):

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Basic configuration of the NE FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

If the unit disposes of ESW and the selected unit template (*.ocu etc.) is
compatible with the unit hardware and the ESW (the ESW is not avail-
able on the COBU<X>):
The unit function is fully available. It is possible to configure the traffic
functions of the unit (e.g. parameters, cross connections, timing sources,
alarms etc.).
The NE creates alarms and notifications as follows:
COBUX alarm NE software installation error.
The notifications in the logbook provide more details on the problem
with the ESW installation. The control unit can create the following
notifications for the affected units:
Unit software file not found.
APDSW not found.

If the unit does not dispose of ESW or is not compatible with the unit
template (*.ocu etc.) or the unit hardware:
The unit function is not available and the
NE alarms the unit as Unit not available.
Fault indicator LED of the unit starts flashing.
Please note for the immediate SW installation that:
If an ESW is missing at the time of an «immediate» or «sched-
uled» installation, the UCST generates a SW installation error.
If the ESW becomes available later, the COBU<X> does not
start the installation unless you perform a new configuration
After the SW installation, the unit configuration is re-
established according to the MIB of the NE. Scheduled installation of ESW

The slots with the installation parameter scheduled configure ESW for im-
mediate and for the scheduled installation on the corresponding unit.
Open the combo box «Installation» of the desired unit.
Select «Scheduled» from the options. The UCST initialises the fields
Immediate SW, Scheduled SW, Date and Time with default values.
Open the combo box «Immediate SW» of the unit.
Select the appropriate ESW from the list. The list shows all ESW stored
on your PC and can be empty. It does not take into account whether that
same ESW is present on the FOX control unit.
Open the combo box «Scheduled SW» of the unit.
Select the appropriate ESW from the list. The list shows all ESW stored
on your PC and can be empty. It does not take into account whether that
same ESW is present on the FOX control unit.
Open the combo box «Date» for the unit.

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Basic configuration of the NE

Select the desired date from the calendar presented and confirm with

Figure 72: Calendar dialogue

Enter the desired time in the «Time» either by using the up and down
buttons or by directly entering a value from the keyboard.

Figure 73: Time segment of the Software Installation dialogue

Repeat for other units as required.

Press «OK» to accept the selections and quit the dialogue or
press «Cancel» to quit the dialogue without changes.

AD 2000 compatibility:
The UCST and the FOX comply with the requirements for
AD 2000 compatibility (please contact ABB Switzerland if you
need more information).
In accordance with the test requirements for AD2000 compati-
bility, the equipment has been tested among other dates for
compatibility with the leap-years 2000, 2004 and 2008.

The «scheduled» installation has 2 SW installation processes

Installation of the immediate SW
The control unit starts the installation of the selected ESW immediately
after the download of the corresponding configuration data. As soon as

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Basic configuration of the NE FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

the control unit has finished the ESW installation and the corresponding
unit has re-booted the unit function becomes available.
Scheduled SW installation
The control unit starts the installation of the selected ESW at the date
and time specified in the configuration data. As soon as the control unit
has finished the ESW installation and the corresponding unit has re-
booted the unit function becomes available.
The control unit checks the compatibility of the selected ESW with the unit
hardware and the availability of the SW on its PC memory card.
Please note for the scheduled SW installation that:
After the loss of the NE real time (e.g. after an NE power down)
a temporary discrepancy of the NE SW configuration is possi-
ble. With the NE clock set, the SW configuration is automati-
cally readjusted.
It is strongly recommended that you update the configuration
for all the scheduled software installation shortly after the
scheduled installation time has elapsed.
If you download the configuration data after the scheduled date
and time that are configured for the installation, the control unit
installs the ESW immediately.
If an ESW is missing at the time of an «immediate» or «sched-
uled» installation, the UCST generates a SW installation error.
If the ESW becomes available later, the COBU<X> does not
start the installation unless you perform a new configuration
With «scheduled» SW installation a temporary discrepancy of
the NE SW configuration is possible after the loss of the NE
real time (e.g. after an NE power down). If you set the NE
clock, the «Real time lost» fault disappears and the SW con-
figuration is automatically readjusted.
It is strongly recommended that you update the configuration
for all the scheduled software installation shortly after the
scheduled installation time has elapsed.
The «scheduled» SW installation then becomes the immediate
SW. This helps you to avoid a wrong SW configuration after an
NE power failure.
After the SW installation, the unit configuration is re-
established according to the MIB of the NE.
For the system behaviour in the case of missing ESW and the monitoring of
the installation, refer to the corresponding paragraphs for the immediate SW

1KHW002059 page 154 of 210

FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Basic configuration of the NE COBU<X> and software installation

SW installation for the control unit has some important particularities:

The installation of ESW for the COBU<X> control units is
«immediate» or
«Scheduled» installation is not available for the control units.
If no ESW installation is configured for the control unit the COBU<X> de-
tects COBUX ESW and runs it.
If the PC memory card holds multiple versions of COBUX ESW, it is not
defined (depends on the COBU<X> history) which ESW the COBU<X>
runs. For additional information on this aspect, refer to the paragraphs
«Maintenance of the system control» in chapter 7: «Maintenance». Configuration download and software installation

When you download a configuration with updated ESW installation data, the
control unit immediately starts the installation of ESW on the affected units
and before the download of the configuration data is completed.
In this situation, the NE is not able to complete the download protocol and
the UCST holds the management communication to the NE active (indi-
cated via the communication status dialogue). The NE can complete the
download only when the ESW is installed.
During the time of the active management communication with
ongoing SW installation, you cannot use the UCST!
This can last for a couple of minutes!
To avoid this blockage use scheduled installation which starts after the par-
tial download. Traffic functions and software installation

Please note that the software download (more precisely the ESW installa-
tion process) is not generally hitless for the unit traffic!
Hitless software installation is only possible for a few units. Most units run
complex traffic handling processes. The installation of new ESW reboots
these processes which interrupts and/or disturbs the traffic.
Depending on the traffic unit, the ESW installation affects the units and their
traffic signal processing as follows:
Units with inherently hitless SW installation
The ESW installation affects the traffic interfaces with active CRC-
4 functions as follows: The unit reboot interrupts the traffic for less
than 100 ms.
The LOMIF hardware with build state 1/ROFBU 367 101/1 R1A
(code on the unit board!) does not support hitless SW installation.

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Basic configuration of the NE FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

SYNIO with ESW versions SYNIF_R1A, the installation of new
ESW affects the traffic interfaces as follows: The unit reboot inter-
rupts the traffic for less than 100 ms.
UBUS function of the COBU<X>
No interrupts for traffic signals.
During the installation time of the ESW and the following reboot phase
on the unit, the control functions of the units are not available!
Units with protocol layer traffic signal processing
The download of the ESW affects the unit traffic!
The corresponding traffic functions and the unit control functions are not
available during the installation time of the ESW and the following reboot
phase of the unit.
Typical units with protocol layer traffic signal processing are:
The installation of new ESW requires the shutdown and the restart of
the unit. These processes can take several minutes.
Control and router functions of the COBUX
The installation of new ESW requires the restart of the corresponding
processes. This can take several minutes.
xDSL units
Units with xDSL interfaces can not support hitless ESW installation!
All xDSL units require a couple of seconds to re-establish the xDSL
link after a reset. Such reset happens after the installation of new
The problem arises if you configure an «immediate» SW installation
for the far end unit and this unit terminates the xDSL link which car-
ries the ECC to the remote NE. The remote xDSL unit restarts with
the new ESW and interrupts the ECC. The long start-up time of the
xDSL link causes a time out error for the UCST to NE connection.
Thus, the NE can not terminate the download protocol and restores
the legacy configuration and ESW.
You can avoid this problem, if you select the «scheduled» SW instal-
lation for the xDSL units with sufficient time reserve to previously
terminate the download protocol.
To avoid permanently blocked xDSL links when changing the line
code of xDSL equipment proceed as follows
First install the ESW and configuration for the new line code in the
far end equipment (with respect to the management access).
Consider the paragraphs above!.
If the new ESW and configuration is successfully installed in the
far end equipment, install the ESW for the same line code in the
local equipment (with respect to the management access). ECC and software installation

The installation of new ESW restarts the SW system of the units. Accord-
ingly, the installation of ESW affects also their ECC traffic functions. This

1KHW002059 page 156 of 210

FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Basic configuration of the NE

can prevent the installation of new ESW with the «ECC over ATM» func-
tionality of the ACONV and ATIOP.
When programming a new ESW installation for ACONV, ATIOP via «ECC
over ATM» through that same unit, «Full Download» or «Scheduled SW In-
stallation with Partial Download» must be used.
With «Immediate SW installation» for ACONV, ATIOP via «ECC
over ATM» through that same unit, the download is not complete
and the initial ESW will be re-installed on the unit (recovery func-

3.13.7 Status of the ESW installation Overview

It is possible to monitor and trace the SW download and the installation of

the ESW in the NE via
Unit LED indicators
The unit LED flashes (0.5 s-1) during the local installation process.
If enabled (default) the SW installation sequence resets (switches it Off)
the following alarms
Unit not available if the unit becomes available.
SW Installation Error if the ESW on the unit corresponds to the con-
figured ESW:
Notifications (Events)
The logbook contains notifications that inform you of the installation of
ESW (refer to figure below).

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Basic configuration of the NE FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

Figure 74: Logbook sample dialogue

The notifications on the partial download are within the installation se-
quence because the SW installation is immediate and started while the
configuration download has not finished.
The Inventory function of the UCST allows you to check the installed
ESW of all the units.
For details of the FOX Inventory function, refer to UCST / System Op-
eration Basics User Guide, chapter «Maintenance & Diagnostic Func-
tions, NE and system, Inventory management».
Software Installation Status
The Software installation Status allows you to check the installed ESW of
all the units with the relevant parameters of the ESW installation and to
monitor the SW installation process.
For details, refer to the next paragraphs.
Please note that the Software Installation Status function re-
quires at least the UCST R6 and the COBU<X> R5 control units. SW Installation Status

To open the «Software Installation Status» dialogue, select the «Software

Installation - Status … » menu.
Press «Get» to update the dialogue and data.
If the UCST is not connected to the NE at this time, the UCST asks you now
to connect to the NE.

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Basic configuration of the NE

Figure 75: Software Installation Status … sample dialogue

The naming for remote units might be somewhat confusing be-

cause different terms describe different aspects of the same box.
The example below summarises the names used with the
MUSIC 200:
MUSIC 200: Brand name of the desktop unit
MU20A 012: Template of the function unit
LESAR: Name of the hardware (reported
via inventory function)
MU20C_R2A.0A: ESW (SW Name and Version)
The FOX Software Installation Status dialogue (please note that the col-
umns in the above dialogue have been compressed for one screen display)
provides information as follows:
specifies the physical position, normally the slot number of the unit. The
backplane has no slot number but carries the slot identifier. Items at-
tached to parent units do not have a slot number.
shows the exact template (unit name) of the unit.
shows the layer of the unit on which the SW installation is handled. Nor-
mally this is the board layer.

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Basic configuration of the NE FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

Unit State
indicates the operational state of the functional unit (hardware and soft-
ware). Possible states are:
Update in Progress
This state is typical for units which are currently configured (including
SW installation) or which are restarting.
Unit Not Available (HW Not Available)
There is no hardware in the subrack slot.
Unit Not Available (Incompatible HW/SW)
The hardware is not compatible with the installed ESW.
Unit Not Available (Failed)
The unit is present but does not correctly answer.
This state applies if it is not possible to gather unit data. This typically
applies for remote units which the COBU<X> cannot directly address.
Active SW
shows the full name of the ESW currently active on the unit.
Immediate SW Configuration
shows the full name of the ESW for immediate SW installation on the
Immediate SW Installation State
shows the status of the SW installation for immediate SW installation.
The installation status reflects the difference between what is (= Active
SW) and what should be (= Immediate SW Configuration).
Possible states and error messages of the Immediate SW Installation are:
Under Construction
This status is shown if the control unit updates the MIB with con-
figuration data. This state is typical for the NE start up phase and
after the download of new configuration data.
Not Applicable
This status is shown for (local) units that do not support the «SW
Installation Status» function. More recent ESW versions for these
units may support the «SW Installation Status» function.
The configured ESW installation and the current SW installation
status are in line.
In Progress
This state is shown while the ESW is installed on the unit. The state
applies for the SW installation on local units and remote units.
Since the SW installation for remote units usually lasts a couple of
minutes the «In Progress» state for remote units features a
counter which shows the completed percentage of ESW installed
on the remote unit. This counter is not available for local units.

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Basic configuration of the NE

On Hold
This state appears if more than 1 unit requires the installation of
ESW (immediate or scheduled) at the same time. Only 1 SW in-
stallation instance can run at a time. The state applies for the SW
installation on local units and remote units.
From all the units waiting for SW installation only 1 unit can have
the state «In Progress» while all the other units are «On Hold».
This state is shown for units that are waiting for a future (sched-
uled) SW installation.
Error Messages:
Error (Installation Aborted)
The error says that it was not possible to reset the software system
of the unit. This reset is required to start the installation of ESW.
Accordingly, the SW installation has been aborted.
Error (Restart After Revert)
The error says that the SW installation failed and that the previ-
ously installed ESW has been reinstalled.
Error (Installation Set To None)
This error says that you forgot to specify an ESW for the unit.
Always specify an immediate ESW for the unit!
Units with unspecified ESW can show unstable behaviour and cre-
ate unexpected secondary effects.
Error (APDSW Not Available On NE)
The error says that no valid APDSW file is available on the NE.
Error (APDSW Corrupt)
The APDSW file shows a CRC error.
Error (APDSW Out Of Date)
The error says that the flash PROM type on the unit is not sup-
Error (SW Not Available On NE)
Error (SW Incompatible)
The ESW is not compatible with the particular hardware.
Error (SW Corrupt)
The ESW file shows a CRC error.
Error (Incorrect File Name)
The file name in the MIB is not correct.
Error (Wrong SW)
Any other fault related to ESW that does not fit to any of the above
error categories..
Error (HW Fault)
Self explaining
Scheduled SW Configuration
shows the full name of the ESW for scheduled SW installation on the

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Basic configuration of the NE FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

Scheduled SW Installation State

shows the status of the SW installation for scheduled SW installation.
The installation status reflects the difference between what is (= Active
SW) and what should be (= Scheduled SW Configuration).
Possible states and error messages of the Scheduled SW Installation are
The states are identical with the states reported for the immediate
SW installation (refer to the descriptions above).
Error Messages:
The error messages are identical with the errors reported for the
immediate SW installation (refer to the descriptions above) plus
Error (NE Time Not Set)
Self explaining
Scheduled SW Date
shows the date for which the SW installation has been scheduled. Time
reference is the NE system time.
Scheduled SW Time
shows the time for which the SW installation has been scheduled. Time
reference is the NE system time.
All the status information is dynamically updated on each GET command.

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Basic configuration of the NE

3.14 Inventory
FOX Inventory is a generic function which provides comprehensive infor-
mation on the hardware, software, manufacturing and provisioning data of
units. Inventory is conceived for units with SW download. Units without
software download only provide a subset of the inventory data available for
units with SW download.
The menu NE configuration Inventory … opens the Inventory dia-
If the UCST is not connected to the NE at this time, the UCST asks you to
connect to the NE.

Figure 76: Inventory sample dialogue

For each entry in the list it is possible to display details ([Details] button).
The corresponding command button becomes active if you select an entry
in the list.
For details of the FOX Inventory function, refer to UCST / System Opera-
tion Basics User Guide, chapter «Maintenance & Diagnostic Functions, NE
and system, Inventory management».

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Basic configuration of the NE FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

1KHW002059 page 164 of 210

FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Synchronisation

4 Synchronisation

4.1 Summary
The configuration of the FOX timing and synchronisation system requires
some distinct steps of configuration:
1) Configuration of the NE and its units/subunits
(as described in the previous chapter)
2) Definition of the Equipment Timing Source
SETS and PETS or SETS only (PETS locked to SETS)
3) Configuration of PETS
(only for Equipment Timing Source = SETS and PETS)
4) Configuration of the ESO-PDH
5) Configuration of SETS
6) Configuration of the ESO-SDH
7) Configuration of the Routing and Mapping Tables of the units
The table below shows the documents and their contents that provide de-
tails to the above topics.
Please note that the configuration of the FOX synchronisation and timing
system is fully handled in FOX Synchronisation System User Guide.

Table 8: Related documents and contents

Document Document contents

Title Ref. Overview Relevant topics for


UCST Basic System Op- 1KHW002060 - Getting Started with UCST - Accessing NEs with the UCST
eration - UCST System Administration
- Accessing NEs with the UCST
- Basic Configuration
- Configuring Units
- UCST File & Data Services
- Maintenance and Diagnostic Functions

UCST Installation & Com- 1KHW002009 - Commissioning Your PC/Computer for - Commissioning Your PC/Computer
missioning the UCST for the UCST (management com-
- Installation & Commissioning Proce- munication)
dures for UCST % ESW
- UCST System Administration

page 165 of 210 1KHW002005

Synchronisation FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

Document Document contents

Title Ref. Overview Relevant topics for


FOX TDM System & Cross 1KHW002001 - Overview of Functions -

Connections - TDM Cross Connection
incl. protected connections
- Bus Usage

FOX Synchronisation 1KHW002008 - Overview of the NE timing system - Overview of the NE timing system
System - Configuration of the PETS system - Configuration of the PETS system
- Configuration of the SETS system - Configuration of the SETS system
- Routing and mapping tables of units - Routing and mapping tables of units
- Status/Maintenance of the NE timing - Status/Maintenance of the NE
system timing system
- Synchronisation networks - Synchronisation networks
- Engineering limits - Engineering limits

FOX MCN Operation & 1KHW002061 - Management communication parame- -

Maintenance ters
- ECC networking
- Debugging management communica-
- Engineering limits

FOX EOC 1KHW002011 - Application of the EOC -

- O&M system and FOX-U and FOX-U/E
- Communication principles
- Implementation of the EOC

The configuration created with the EM (UCST) is a local represen-

tation of a configuration by means of dialogues. If you want to ap-
ply the configuration to the NE, you have to
establish management communication between the UCST
and the NE.
fully or partially download the configuration data to the NE.

It is possible to download the configuration data in steps or with a final

download. The download in steps allows you a better control of the interac-
tions between the system and the traffic data during the set up of the con-

1KHW002059 page 166 of 210

FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Synchronisation

4.2 FOX synchronisation system

The synchronisation of the NE is a complex process that considers not only
local events but also depends on events in the neighbouring NEs and the
Before you start the configuration of the individual NE, you have to plan the
synchronisation of the network and its elements. It is important to
Create fallback scenarios in the case of failures of the main timing
Avoid loops of timing signals and synchronisation.
The configuration of the NE timing system and synchronisation requires that
the NE and all the units which contribute with timing signals are configured.
The configuration of the NE timing system and synchronisation requires
configuration on the NE and unit level. For details of the FOX synchronisa-
tion and timing system, its configuration and operation refer to FOX Syn-
chronisation System User Guide.

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Synchronisation FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

1KHW002059 page 168 of 210

FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Management Communication

5 Management Communication

5.1 Summary
The table below shows the documents and their contents that provide de-
tails to the FOX management communication.
Please note that the management communication aspect is fully handled in
the documents as indicated in the table below.

Table 9: Related documents and contents

Document Document contents

Title Ref. Overview Relevant topics for

”Management communication”

UCST Basic System 1KHW002060 - Getting Started with UCST - Accessing NEs with the UCST
Operation - UCST System Administration
- Accessing NEs with the UCST
- Basic Configuration
- Configuring Units
- UCST File & Data Services
- Maintenance and Diagnostic Functions

UCST Installation & 1KHW002009 - Commissioning Your PC/Computer for the - Commissioning Your
Commissioning UCST PC/Computer for the UCST
- Installation & Commissioning Procedures for (management communication)
- UCST System Administration

FOX TDM System & 1KHW002001 - Overview of Functions -

Cross Connections - TDM Cross Connection
incl. protected connections
- Bus Usage

FOX Synchronisation 1KHW002008 - Overview of the NE timing system -

System - Configuration of the PETS system
- Configuration of the SETS system
- Routing and mapping tables of units
- Status/Maintenance of the NE timing system
- Synchronisation networks
- Engineering limits

FOX MCN Operation & 1KHW002061 - Management communication parameters - Management communication
Maintenance - ECC networking parameters
- Debugging management communications - ECC networking
- Debugging management commu-

page 169 of 210 1KHW002005

Management Communication FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

Document Document contents

Title Ref. Overview Relevant topics for

”Management communication”

- Engineering limits nications

- Engineering limits

FOX EOC 1KHW002011 - Application of the EOC - Application of the EOC

- O&M system and FOX-U and FOX-U/E - O&M system and FOX-U and
- Communication principles FOX-U/E
- Implementation of the EOC - Communication principles
- Implementation of the EOC

1KHW002059 page 170 of 210

FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Diagnostics, Fault and Alarm Handling

6 Diagnostics, Fault and Alarm Handling

6.1 Summary
The following paragraphs provide
An overview of the diagnostic functions and the fault and alarm handling
system of the FOX.
Complementary information that is particular to the FOX and is not
covered in the generic descriptions.
The table below shows the documents and their contents that provide de-
tails to the above topics.

Table 10: Related documents and contents

Document Document contents

Title Ref. Overview Relevant topics for

”Diagnostics, fault and alarm han-

UCST Basic System Opera- 1KHW002060 - Getting Started with UCST - Accessing NEs with the UCST
tion - UCST System Administration - UCST System Administration
- Accessing NEs with the UCST - Configuring Units
- Basic Configuration - Maintenance and Diagnostic
- Configuring Units Functions
- UCST File & Data Services
- Maintenance and Diagnostic Functions

UCST Installation & Commis- 1KHW002009 - Commissioning Your PC/Computer for -

sioning the UCST
- Installation & Commissioning Proce-
dures for UCST % ESW
- UCST System Administration

FOX TDM System & Cross 1KHW002001 - Overview of Functions - TDM Cross Connection
Connections - TDM Cross Connection incl. protected connections
incl. protected connections
- Bus Usage

page 171 of 210 1KHW002005

Diagnostics, Fault and Alarm Handling FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

Document Document contents

Title Ref. Overview Relevant topics for

”Diagnostics, fault and alarm han-

FOX Synchronisation System 1KHW002008 - Overview of the NE timing system - Status/Maintenance of the NE
- Configuration of the PETS system timing system
- Configuration of the SETS system
- Routing and mapping tables of units
- Status/Maintenance of the NE timing
- Synchronisation networks
- Engineering limits

FOX MCN Operation & 1KHW002061 - Management communication parame- - Debugging management commu-
Maintenance ters nications
- ECC networking
- Debugging management communica-
- Engineering limits

FOX EOC 1KHW002011 - Application of the EOC -

- O&M system and FOX-U and FOX-U/E
- Communication principles
- Implementation of the EOC

1KHW002059 page 172 of 210

FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Diagnostics, Fault and Alarm Handling

6.2 Diagnostic functions

6.2.1 Summary

The FOX provides various functions for diagnostics and fault handling. De-
pending on the level and the type of diagnostics, you can access these func-
tions via different menus. The FOX provides diagnostic and alarm handling
on the
System level
Functional level
Unit and SubUnit level
Accordingly, you find the corresponding descriptions for the diagnostics and
alarm functions on the system, functional or unit level.
The paragraphs below provide a structured overview of all these functions
and links to the corresponding descriptions and user guides.

6.2.2 System level

At the system level the FOX provides the following diagnostic and alarm
NE fault list
This function is generic for all the FOX. For detailed information of this
function, refer to UCST / System Operation Basics User Guide.
This function is generic for all the FOX. For detailed information of this
function, refer to UCST / System Operation Basics User Guide.
Inventory management
This function is generic for all the FOX. For detailed information of this
function, refer to UCST / System Operation Basics User Guide.
Alarm indicators
This section provides information for the FOX alarm handling system
and the corresponding indicators.

6.2.3 Functional level

On the functional level, the FOX and its units provide the following diagnos-
tic functions:
SETS, PETS and ESO-SDH (synchronisation status)
The Timing Sources Status dialogue allows you to check the PETS,
SETS and ESO-SDH synchronisation systems of the NE.

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Diagnostics, Fault and Alarm Handling FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

It is also possible to manually control the switching of the SETS equip-

ment protection (SYNIF/SYNIC/SYNUF/SYN4E or ATIOP) in the Prime
SETS Sector if such protection is implemented.
There is no diagnostics possible for the Agent SETS Sector even if
SETS equipment protection is implemented in the Agent SETS Sector.
It is possible to manually override the automatic selection of timing
source and to exclude selected sources from the timing system. For the
SETS system, it is possible to force the Clock Operation Mode for analy-
The UCST generates the alarm Sync. maintenance function active if a
manually set command overrides the automatic selection modes.
For detailed information on these functions, refer to the corresponding
descriptions and examples in FOX Synchronisation System User Guide.
Protected cross connections
The Cross Connection Status dialogue (access via the Cross Connec-
tions menu) allows you to check the state of protected cross connections.
The dialogue provides information on the Working and Protecting path.
The diagnostic for cross connections is generic for all the FOX NEs. For
detailed information on these functions, refer to FOX TDM System &
Cross Connections User Guide.
Backup control unit
For detailed information of this function, refer to the corresponding para-
graphs in COBUX/COBUV User Guide.
Management communication
ECC OSPF routing
ECC OSI routing
PDH and SDH ECC links
For detailed information on these functions, refer to the corresponding
paragraphs in FOX MCN, Operation and Maintenance User Guide.
Please note, that some of the functions (ECC and OSPF/OSI related) are
not available with the COBUQ and COBUL control unit.

6.2.4 Unit and subunit (traffic signal) level

The FOX and its units/subunits provide on the traffic signal level the follow-
ing diagnostic functions and alarm functions:
Fault indicator of units
This section provides information of the generic aspects of the FOX
alarm handling system and the related fault indicators.
Test loops
For detailed information of the test loops available, refer to the corre-
sponding unit user guides.
A summary and the generic aspect of test loops in the FOX are shown in
UCST / System Operation Basics User Guide.

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Diagnostics, Fault and Alarm Handling

Fault indication for traffic signals

This section provides information of the generic aspects of the FOX
alarm handling system and the related traffic failure indicators.
For detailed information of traffic failure indications, refer to the corre-
sponding unit user guides.
Central diagnostics for traffic signal channels
For detailed information on this function, refer to the corresponding para-
graphs in COBUX/COBUV User Guide.
Please note, that the central diagnostic function is not available with the
COBUQ and COBUL control unit.
Performance monitoring
For detailed information on this function, refer to the corresponding para-
graphs in FOX Network Functions User Guide and the user guides of the
corresponding units.
Subscriber line test
For detailed information on the various diagnostic functions, refer to the
user guides of the PHLC<k> units PHLC1 User Guide, PHLC2 User
Guide and PHLC3 User Guide.
Please note that most of these diagnostic functions are typical for a particu-
lar type of traffic signal or function and are therefore not generally available
for all units.

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Diagnostics, Fault and Alarm Handling FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

6.3 Fault and alarm handling

6.3.1 Event monitoring and alarms

The fault and alarm handling in the FOX is an important feature, since it af-
fects the time to repair in case of failures. It is possible to configure some of
the parameters on the unit level.
The corresponding models (refer to the figure below) use the
terms «defects», «faults cause» and «failures» to describe the
alarm system and its parameters.

The unit and subunit levels define the monitoring of events and the genera-
tion of alarms which are issued due to monitored events (= «defects»). Dia-
logues, which correspond to functional layers such as «Board», «User
ports», «Traffic» etc. allow you to configure the event monitoring and the
alarm generation for enabled subunits (if applicable).
The block diagram below provides an overview on the relationship between
the monitoring of events, filtering, generation of alarms and the parameters
provided to influence the process.

Unit LED
Unit HW
NE configuratoin
Unit HW and SW
compatible / incompatible

Unit SW

available / not available

NE Logbook

NE fault list

defects Fault cause failure

Traffic LED
Unit / Subunit dZZZ Report cZZZ Persist fZZZ
State Option and absent failure

UA on
NA on
Unit configured f6
MON / NMON 0.1s to 15s
Subunit enabled / UA

non urgent
logbook only

Figure 77: Fault Handling block diagram

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Diagnostics, Fault and Alarm Handling

The Report Option section in the diagram above not only en-
ables/disables the monitoring for defects but also filters defects
that are consequent to an originating defect!

The process has 2 paths involved in the fault handling and alarm management:
Autonomous Failure Indication
The Unit/Subunit provides status information on hardware, local SW
(ESW), compatibility and configuration of the unit to the operating sys-
tem of the NE. This process controls the unit failure LED.
The Autonomous Failure Indication has no parameters to configure.
The Unit/Subunit provides information on compatibility and processes for
the NE logbook.
The Notifications process has no parameters to configure.
Parameterised Alarm System
As shown in the diagram above, the units and subunits (if enabled) signal
Defects (dZZZ). The Report Option filter blocks reporting to the subse-
quent alarm system, if the Report Option is set to NMON.
If Report Option is set to MON, the Defects become a Fault cause (cZZZ)
and reach the Persist and Absent Time filter. This filter eliminates Fault
causes that do not match the timing requirements of the filter.
It is possible to configure the MON/NMON and timing parameters per
Defect and Fault cause (via the menu Unit Configuration Alarms).
If a Fault cause matches the requirements of the Persist and Absent
Time filter, the originating Defect becomes a Failure.
The UCST uses Failures to
create entries in the NE logbook
create entries in the NE fault list.
activate the local LED indicators and to generate NE alarms, accord-
ing to the Severity (f6) assigned to the Failure.
At the same time the corresponding alarm relay toggles its contacts
(NO closing, NC opening).
The UCST allows you to configure the severity of a Failure (via the menu
Unit Configuration Alarms).
Please note that:
The alarm management is a FOX system feature. For this rea-
son all the units (including the UBUS units) configured in the
FOX provide the same features and parameters.
It is not possible to configure the Persist Time and Absent
Time of the UBUS units implemented in a FOX. The times are
fixed to 0.1 s and not configurable.
The number of the available functional layers for alarms de-
pends on the specific unit.

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Diagnostics, Fault and Alarm Handling FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

6.3.2 Optical fault and alarm indication

The optical fault and alarm indication in the NE is a part of the fault man-
agement system of the FOX. The standard traffic units feature 2 fault indica-
tor LEDs:
Unit LED (red LED at position 1 in the figure below)
All units:
The unit LED signals hardware failures or a general non-availability of
the unit (due to missing software, wrong configuration etc.). The
COBU<X> features a multifunctional red/green LED indicator at this po-
Traffic LED (red LED at position 2 in the figure below)
All units but POSUS:
The traffic LED indicates failures of traffic functions or subunit functions
(refer to the Fault Handling block diagram above).
The COBU<X> control units feature 2 additional LEDs (positions 3 and 4 in
the figure below) to signal the NE urgent and non-urgent alarms.

1 3

2 4

Figure 78: Position of LED indicators (front panel of units)

The fault management system of the FOX activates the alarm LEDs in cor-
respondence to pending Failures and the configured reporting options. The
Fault Handling block diagram above describes these principles.
It is obvious, that the traffic LEDs can display the originating defect only as
a failure, if the
Subunit is enabled
Report Options is set to MON
Fault cause complies with the Persistent and Absent time filter

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Diagnostics, Fault and Alarm Handling

The configuration of the Severity (f6) defines whether the failure will gener-
ate an urgent or a non-urgent alarm (or just create an entry in the logbook).
Synchronously, the corresponding alarm relay toggles its contacts (NO
closing, NC opening).
With the exception of the bi-colour green/red LED indicator on the control unit,
all the active LEDs (red or yellow) indicate a failure or an alarm. The unit LED of
a normally operating and active (master unit) control unit is green.
The table below shows the various status information that the LED indica-
tors provide and probable cause(s).

Table 11: Summary status of LEDs (front panel of units)

Unit Colour State Description / Probable cause
Control Unit 1/Unit green active The control unit is active (master unit) and controls the NE. The internal 5 V
power supply of the subrack is OK.
red failure Major HW failure. Inconsistency between HW and configuration data. SW
installation failed. (PC memory card missing or card without COBU<X>
program code or APDSW)
-> Replace Unit. Check PC memory card for correct and complete
SW system.
red/green waiting Unit waits for booting.
This state lasts forever if no configuration is downloaded or available (PC
flashing memory card).
1.25 Hz
red/green booting SW installation or configuration of the unit is in progress.

2.5 Hz
dark standby Control unit is in the standby mode (slave unit) or failure of the 5 V power
2/Traffic red failure Defective subunits.
Failure of an external traffic signal (input) if monitored (clock or alarm in
active alarm state)
-> Details provided via the UCST
dark normal Normal operating condition.
3/UA red UA on Urgent alarm pending because of an equipment failure or of a defective
external traffic signal.
-> Details provided via the UCST
dark UA off No urgent alarm pending. In the case of power loss, the alarm relay output
indicates an urgent alarm.
4/NA yellow NA on Non-urgent alarm pending.
-> Details provided via the UCST
dark NA off No non-urgent alarm pending
Traffic Unit 1/Unit red failure Mismatching configuration data in unit and the database of the COBU<X>.
No or incompatible ESW installed.
-> Clean configuration up, provide compatible ESW
Common parts without power.
-> Replace unit
red waiting Unit waits for booting.
This state lasts forever if no configuration is loaded or available (PC memory
flashing card).
1.25 Hz
red booting ESW installation or configuration of the unit is in progress.

2.5 Hz
dark normal Normal operating condition or 5 V power supply of the subrack failed.

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Unit Colour State Description / Probable cause
2/Traffic red failure Faulty traffic signal on monitored input. Signal sent to the remote end is
detected as faulty.
Signal not available due to insertion of a test-loop or test-generator.
One out of several subunits shows inconsistent configuration data or HW
failure. Details provided via the UCST.
Note: Bit-slips are not considered as a failure.
dark normal Normal operating conditions or 5 V power supply of subrack failed.
Power Unit 1/Unit red failure Failure of the converted voltage due to overload or defective HW.
dark normal Normal operating conditions or failure of the 5 V or –48 V battery power

The front cover of the subrack features perforations that allow you to read
the LED indicators from outside the covered subrack.
Please note the following differences of the traffic LED indicators
between UBUS and PBUS/SBUS units for alarm causes with the
Report Option NMON:
In the case of a fault (e.g. LOS) the traffic LED of the
UBUS units (e.g. UNIDA) is active
PBUS/SBUS units (e.g. LOMIF) is not active

6.3.3 Electrical alarm indication

The electrical alarm indication is an integral part of the alarm system. As

shown in the block diagram above, the monitoring process toggles the con-
tacts synchronously to the activation of the optical alarm indicators.
The electrical interfaces provide 2 solid-state, change over relay contacts on
the COBU<X> control units:
1 interface signals the NE alarm status urgent alarm (UA).
1 interface signals the NE alarm status non-urgent alarm (NA).
The descriptions COBU<X> User Guide provide detailed specifications and
the user guides COBUX/COBUV User Guide a description of the implemen-
tation of the alarm interfaces.
For information of the external cabling of the alarm interfaces with redun-
dant control units, refer to chapter 1.

6.3.4 Alarm descriptions

Since alarms take their origin from the failure of a function or subunit, the
monitoring process assigns any alarm to the unit that provides or controls
the failed function or subunit.
Therefore, the user guides of the units provide the information on the corre-
sponding alarms. This also means that the alarms of the NE level are as-
signed to the control unit.

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Diagnostics, Fault and Alarm Handling

For detailed information on the NE level alarms, refer to COBUX/COBUV

User Guide.

6.3.5 Fault List (Network Element)

The NE provides a list of faults that indicates also the NE alarm status. To
read the Fault List
Select the menu «Faults - Network Element…»
Press «Get»
For more information on the Fault List, refer to UCST / System Operation
Basics User Guide.

6.3.6 Log Book (Network Element)

The NE provides a logbook that logs events and notifications with time
stamps and supplementary information on changes of the alarm states. To
read the Log book
Select the menu «Faults - Log Book…»
Press «Get»

For more information on the Log Book, refer to UCST / System Operation
Basics User Guide.

6.3.7 Notifications

Notifications help you to find correlations between the NE internal events

and possible failures associated to these events.
The control processes generate notifications as entries in the logbook.
Since notifications take their origin from the functions or processes on the
units/subunits, the control process assigns the notification to the unit that
provides or controls the function or process.
Therefore, the user guides of the units provide the information on the corre-
sponding notification. This also means that the notifications of the NE level
are assigned to the control unit.
For detailed information on the NE level alarms, refer to COBUX/COBUV
User Guide.

6.3.8 Remote alarm indication

It is possible to read the Log Book and Fault List with the alarm informa-
tion via the UCST.
The FOXMAN-UN provides automatic polling of the NEs for alarms.

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Maintenance

7 Maintenance

7.1 General
The FOX requires no preventive maintenance if the equipment is installed
and operated in accordance with the instructions that are provided with the
FOX and units.
Special maintenance procedures apply for some units (e.g. replacement of
the PCMCIA card of the COBU<X>). In such a case, the corresponding user
guide provides the information on the maintenance procedure.
Standard maintenance procedures are
Re-commissioning of the system due to new service requirements
Updating the ESW for units
Performance control
Implementation of redundancy or protection
Replacement of faulty units
While manipulating or maintaining the equipment, you have to se-
cure the over-voltage protection of the interfaces (if applicable)!
Do not forget to verify the over-voltage protection for the system

In the case of failures or other problems, you should use the diagnostic tools
provided with the FOX system including the Fault List and Log Book. The
corresponding user guides describe the application and information pro-
vided via these tools.
The units feature particular diagnostic functions for their traffic interfaces
(loops on units with data interfaces, diagnostic functions of the COBU<X>,
subscriber line tests on PHLC<x>, etc.).
It is possible to control all the diagnostic functions and read corresponding
information and alarms via the UCST.
The FOXMAN-UN provides automatic polling of the NEs for alarms. The
UCST has a built in polling function which supports a small FOX network (<
30 NEs).

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7.2 Re-commissioning
To implement a reliable system and provide an excellent degree of service
quality you should follow the guidelines for system implementation and up-
grades as provided with the applicable system descriptions and release note
Release Note FOX / UCST.
The guidelines will help to eliminate or minimise problems such as
Unavailability of units
Congestions on the UBUS
Shortcoming of free slots
Shortcoming of slots for power converter units
Redoing of interface cabling
The release note Release Note FOX / UCST, show the function units with
the compatible unit hardware and ESW.

7.3 Handling of units

It is possible to plug / remove any unit from the powered subrack.
If a unit is extracted, the traffic and functions affected by the respective unit
are interrupted. Traffic and functions are not affected, if the units to remove
are in the hot standby mode (e.g. slave control unit) or provide n+1 protec-
tion (power converter units).
Plugging a unit into the wrong slot position does not cause damage to the
unit or to the surrounding equipment. For successful system operation, take
care to adhere to the rules for the correct unit to slot assignment in the
subrack. This applies in particular for the control units.
Consider all units as equipment with components that are sensitive to dis-
charges of static electricity. The danger of such discharges becomes espe-
cially important in the case of maintenance.
To handle the equipment, proceed as instructed in the document
Precautions and Safety User Guide.

The original packaging provides the best protection for the units. Keep the
units in their packaging until you insert the units into the subrack.
Restore the units in their packaging after removal from the subrack.
For instructions on the insertion and removal of units to/from the subrack,
refer to the corresponding paragraphs in the section «Installation Proce-

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Maintenance

7.4 Upgrade procedures

7.4.1 Introduction

The modularity of the FOX system allows you to continuously upgrade the
FOX control and traffic functions with new and enhanced functions during
the lifetime of the equipment. The upgrades require either one or both of the
Upgrade of the control unit (core) for
configured NE
unconfigured NE
Upgrade of traffic functions
The outstanding role of the control unit (core) for the NE implies a separate
viewing of control unit upgrades.
If you want to upgrade and the control unit (core) is affected, the
COBU<x> unit must be upgraded before all the other units.
In systems with redundant COBU<x> units, the software must also
be installed in the redundant unit («update redundant unit»).
ABB Switzerland strongly recommends the upgrade of legacy configurations
with current (preferred) units.
Before updating (UCST, embedded software, unit templates, con-
figuration), it is of ultimate importance, to save the configuration of
all affected NEs using the existing (old) software version before
the upgrade.
Although not imperative in all cases of upgrades, this measure will
prevent any possible loss of configuration data.
The paragraphs below provide descriptions for each of the upgrade proce-

7.4.2 When updating ESW

Upgrades normally require the implementation of updated or new ESW

(Embedded Software) for the traffic units and eventually for the control unit.
It is possible to implement new ESW for the control unit and the other units
with software download at any time.
For details on the software download, refer to the corresponding paragraphs
in chapter 3.
Before you start the update, please consider the hints and warnings below.
Please note that:
Upgrades for some of the traffic units require special attention.
Please consult the corresponding paragraphs in the unit User
Guides and/or the section «Limitations» in the document Re-
lease Note FOX / UCST before you start the upgrade.

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All ESW is copyrighted by ABB Switzerland!

The use of the ESW is limited according to the license pro-
vided with each software package.
The use of upgraded unit functionalities requires a correspond-
ing licence agreement with ABB Switzerland.

Please note that:

Incompatible hardware and ESW can crash your system or
parts of it!
Before you install new ESW, check the compatibility between
your hardware and the new ESW!
You find corresponding information in Release Note FOX /
In case of doubts, please contact ABB Switzerland.
Do not remove older versions of the APDSW from the PC
memory card!
The COBU<X> retains the version of the APDSW used to in-
stall the ESW on the units. If this particular APDSW is missing,
the unit function is blocked.

7.4.3 Upgrade of control units Overview

The control unit together with the NE type are the NE core. The upgrade of
NE cores requires special attention because the upgrade affects the NE
control unit.
The upgrade procedure for the core depends on whether the control unit
has configuration data (download of configuration data happened)
has no configuration data (no download of configuration data ever hap-
The upgrade of configured and unconfigured NE cores is somewhat differ-
ent and requires special attention as described in the next 2 paragraphs.
The upgrade of control units is crucial!
Careless upgrades of control units can lead to unexpected service
interruptions and might require manual on site interventions!
Please read carefully the upgrade descriptions below! Upgrade of configured NEs

To upgrade the control unit in your NE you need the new UCST version
(e.g. UCST R8C), the new ESW and if applicable the new control unit hard-
ware e.g. if you want to upgrade a COBUQ to a COBU<X> unit.
To upgrade the control unit, proceed as follows:

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Maintenance

Install the new UCST (e.g. UCST R8C) on your PC/computer.

Connect the EM to the NE that you want to upgrade.
Load the NE configuration from the NE to the EM (upload).
For possible errors and measures, refer to the paragraphs on «Upgrade
of traffic functions» below.
Save the configuration file (strongly recommended).
If the upgrade requires new hardware, replace the unit hardware
COBUQ hardware with COBUX or COBUV hardware
COBUL hardware with COBUX or COBUV hardware
COBUX hardware with COBUV hardware
For possible conversions of control units with respect to the control unit
releases, refer to the table below.
Deliver the new COBUX ESW (e.g. R5) and the APDSW (if applicable)
via the new UCST (e.g. UCST R8C).
Do not remove old APDSW files from the NE!
Configure the installation of the new ESW for the control unit.
Download this configuration (e.g. via a partial download) to the NE.
Check if the new ESW is running on the COBU<X>
For systems with redundant control units only:
After the COBU<X> ESW is updated and the NE is configured for the in-
stallation of the new ESW the
active COBU<X> runs the new ESW
the standby COBU<X> still runs the old ESW but has the new ESW
and the updated configuration ready for use (the COBU<X> waits for
a restart).
You can verify this constellation via the COBU<X>
Status/Maintenance function. The state of the redundant COBU<X> is
«Slave Control Unit database is not synchronised to Master Control
Unit database due to different ESW versions».
This constellation e.g. allows for a test period with the new ESW and the
standby COBU<X> ready to take over system control with the old ESW.
You must restart the redundant COBU<X> with the
[Update Redundant COBUX] button before you continue. The resynchro-
nisation can take up to a few minutes.
If you omit the manual synchronisation, the redundant COBU<X> will re-
install the former ESW if the active COBU<X> (running the new ESW)
fails (and the redundant COBU<X> did not restart before).
After the manual synchronisation Check if the new ESW is running on
both COBU<X>.
Convert the templates of the control unit to the new templates (e.g. R5)
if required (via the NE Configuration… Convert Units… menu)
The table below shows the possible conversions of control units with re-
spect to the control unit releases.

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Table 12: Conversion of COBU<X> templates

From (To / From) To / From To / From To

R2 (R3) R3 R4 R5
COBUQ 124 COBUQ 144 COBUL 215 COBUL 216 n.a.

Download the configuration with the new templates to the NE

(e.g. via a partial download).
Update and download the configuration if necessary
If you want to add a redundant control unit, please refer to the chapter 3:
«Basic configuration of the NE - Protection of the control unit».
Please note that:
It is not possible to convert a unit template to a new template
with less functionality or reduced highway access capabilities!
However, it is always possible to upgrade the control units within
the same release according to the rules (and in the order):
1. Reduced highway access equal or full highway
2. Less functionality to more functionality:

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Never remove APDSW from the NE! Always add the last ver-
sion of APDSW provided with your UCST.
If you upgrade systems with redundant control units from
COBU<X> R4 to R5, the manual synchronisation of the redundant
control unit as described above is crucial!
The redundant control unit will not reboot later, if the synchronisa-
tion is not done as described above: Upgrade of unconfigured NEs

You recognise a non-configured NE core via the unit LED of the COBU<X>
control unit that flashes red/green in the 1.25 s rhythm.
You may start your UCST and configure the Management Network to ac-
cess the NE. If you try to up- or download a configuration to the NE, the
communication creates error messages as follows: Upload from a non-configured NE

The attempt to upload the configuration of a non-configured NE starts the
upload and creates the following error message:

Figure 7-1: Configuration Error message

Press «OK» to continue.

The UCST now runs without a pre-selected system and consequently pro-
vides a correspondingly reduced menu. The menu allows you to
select a system (subrack based, stand-alone)
to open a configuration file
change the administrative rights.

Figure 79: UCST - No configuration dialogue

Select the menu «File - New» to select a new system or

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select «File - Open» to open an existing configuration file.

This type of error happens if you try to upload from a non-
configured NE, regardless of the ESW in the NE. Attempt of a full download

If you attempt a download to a non-configured NE, the behaviour depends
on the compatibility between the UCST and the COBUX ESW available in
the NE.
If the COBUX ESW is compatible with the pre-selected core, you can
access the NE.
Set-up the management network with the corresponding (default) pa-
rameters and connect the UCST to the NE.
Download the pre-selected default core configuration.
Configure the NE as usual.
It is possible that you need to configure a currently unconfigured NE
with a control unit that provides an old COBUX ESW that is no longer
supported with your new UCST.
This last configuration requires special attention:
If you attempt to download the pre-selected core configuration, the UCST
creates the following error messages:

Figure 80: Manager Error

Figure 81: Manager Error

The UCST is not able to download the default core configuration because
the COBUX ESW is not compatible with the UCST core configuration (e.g.
for the COBUX R2 that is not supported with the UCST R8C).
The following procedure allows you to upgrade the ESW and configure the
NE in this situation:
Select the menu «File - Software Delivery»
The panel for the «Network Element» SW shows the incompatible
APDSW (here APDSW_R1.A10) and ESW (here COBUX_R2.B01) files.

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Maintenance

Figure 82: Software Delivery

Select the compatible ESW (here COBUX_R3.E02) in the «Element

Manager» window.
Press «Add» to copy the compatible ESW from the PC/computer to the
PC memory card of the NE.
Select the compatible APDSW (here APDSW_R1.C03) in the EM panel.
Press «Add» to copy the compatible APDSW from the PC/computer to
the PC memory card of the NE.

Figure 83: Software Delivery dialogue

Select the incompatible ESW (here COBUX_R2.B01) in the NE panel.

Press «Delete» to delete the incompatible ESW from the PC memory
card of the NE.
To avoid permanent inaccessibility of the NE and SW installation
Do not remove any APDSW (here APDSW_R1.A10) from the
NE. Leave all versions of the APDSW on the PC memory card.

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Do not first remove the incompatible ESW and then copy only
the compatible ESW to the NE. Such a procedure is possible in
principal but risky.
If you attempt to remove the last copy of the COBUX or
APDSW from the NE the UCST issues a warning!

Figure 84: SW Removal Warning!

This warning is serious! You should not accept since the

COBU<X> is no longer able to reboot because it has no
COBUX ESW! If e.g. the power fails in this phase, you will
loose your control unit.

The NE now holds a copy of the compatible COBUX ESW and the corre-
sponding APDSW but still runs the old ESW. You must force the COBU<X>
to reboot to run the new COBUX ESW.
To reboot remove the COBU<X> from the subrack and re-insert the unit to
the subrack. The control unit now boots with the compatible COBUX ESW
and you can download the default core configuration.
If the COBU<X> finds more than one ESW on the PC memory
card the COBU<X> boots with ESW as follows:
Unconfigured control unit (NE)
The COBU<X> boots with the ESW that has the lowest ver-
Configured control unit
The COBU<X> boots with the configured ESW.

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7.4.4 Upgrade of traffic functions

ABB Switzerland strongly recommends to upgrade legacy configurations

with current preferred units.
The UCST R8 can read configurations created with former UCST versions
(UCST R3.3a/1 … UCST R7B) if the configuration describes only units (the
template number is not relevant) that are still supported with the UCST R8.
If you want to upgrade and the control unit (core) is affected, you
must first upgrade the COBU<x> unit before you upgrade the
other units.
In systems with redundant COBU<x> units, the software must also
be installed in the redundant unit («update redundant unit»).

To upgrade traffic functions proceed as follows:

Install the new UCST (e.g. UCST R8C) on your PC/computer.
Connect the EM to the NE that you want to upgrade.
Load the NE configuration from the NE to the EM (upload).
The UCST can indicate errors when loading a legacy configuration:
If the configuration describes units that are not supported with the
UCST R8<X>, the UCST R8<X> is not able to read the configuration
and reports a failure.
In such a case you must first eliminate these units with the original
UCST version and replace the unit with a functional substitute (if
available) that is supported by the UCST R8<X>.
Because of enhanced function implementation in the new UCST, leg-
acy configuration can loose (depending on the upgrade step) cross
connections when upgrading («MCs have been deleted») as follows:
Cross connections of the SDH ECCs via the SDH SOH (MS and
RS path overhead)
(Flexible SOH byte use with the UCST R8)
Cross connections of UBUS units with 1+1 protection
(Unified traffic protection for all units with the UCST R5A and up)
In such a case you must recreate the lost cross connections with the
new UCST.
Save configuration file (strongly recommended).
Replace the unit hardware if required
Deliver the ESW for the new traffic units and the corresponding APDSW
via UCST R6.
Do not remove old APDSW files from the NE!
Configure the installation of the new ESW
Download this configuration (e.g. via a partial download) to the NE.
Convert the templates of the traffic unit to the new templates if re-
quired (via menu NE Configuration… Convert Units…)
PHLC1 125 PHLC1 185
PHLC2 129 PHLC1 186

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Download the configuration with the new templates to the NE

(e.g. via a partial download).
Update and download the configuration if necessary.
If applicable:
Re-establish the cross connections (ECC, UBUS units with 1+1 protec-
tion) that the new UCST has deleted when loading the legacy configura-
Remove ESW no longer used from the PC memory card (do not remove
the ESW that is currently installed on units!).
To eliminate functional limitations after the upgrade, some traffic
units might require additional steps.
For more information on such units, refer to the section «Limita-
tions» in the Release Note FOX / UCST.

It is possible that the control unit starts the installation of ESW for
immediate application on the units before it can complete the
download of the configuration data!
In this case, the NE is not able to complete the download and the
UCST holds the management communication to the NE active (in-
dicated via the communication status dialogue). The NE com-
pletes the download as soon as the ESW is installed.
During the time of the active management communication, you
cannot use the UCST! This can last for a couple of minutes!
To avoid this blockage use scheduled installation which starts after
the download.

7.4.5 Upgrades and NE functions Purpose

The upgrade of traffic units can affect common NE functions. The upgrade
of the COBU<X> typically affects common functions such as the NE alarm
system or the NE timing system.
Because of this influence, the isolated upgrade of single units can involun-
tarily change the characteristics of a common NE function if the upgraded
unit is not the only driving force for that function. NE traffic service

The standard upgrade procedure can disturb the NE traffic. However, if the
upgrade requires the restart of the COBU<X>, the (UBUS) traffic is shortly
Upgrades with loss of cross connections create interruptions for the affected
traffic signals.

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Maintenance Synchronisation

The upgrade of systems with LOMIF and PCONV (with active E12/P12 sub-
units) from the R2 ESW to more recent ESW requires special attention:
Upgrading the LOMIF and PCONV R2 ESW can destroy the syn-
chronisation via 2 Mbit/s interfaces if the
transmitting LOMIF or PCONV E12/P12 subunits operate in the
SSI mode and the
upgrade also includes the upgrade of the COBU<X> ESW to
R3, R4 or R5!
Please note that this warning applies for R2 to R3 ESW up-
grades only. Upgrades from R3 releases are not affected.
If you do not upgrade the COBU<X> ESW (to R3, R4 or R5), there
is no risk of loss of synchronisation by upgrading the LOMIF or

Before you start the update and to avoid the loss of the synchronisation via
LOMIF or PCONV interfaces operating in the SSI mode consider:
The current UCST versions ( R4) use ESW for the LOMIF and
COBU<X> that processes the QL = 15 for the LOMIF/PCONV interfaces
operating in the SSI mode other than former releases:
Former UCST versions (< R4) did allow you to allocate QL = 15 to
timing sources via the NE Parameters Timing Sources menu.
However, the LOMIF/PCONV ESW (< R3) did not interpret QL = 15
and failed to set the Sa5-bit to zero (= «Do not use») for the
LOMIF/PCONV interfaces operating in the SSI mode.
The current UCST versions ( R4) do no longer allow you to allo-
cate the QL = 15 to timing sources via the NE Parameters Timing
Sources menu. The least and default QL is 14.
The LOMIF/PCONV ESW ( R3) interprets QL = 15 as «Do not use»
and sets the Sa5-bit to zero for the LOMIF/PCONV interfaces operat-
ing in the SSI mode. The ESW interprets the QL = 14 as «Can be
used» and sets the Sa5-bit to one unless the synchronisation routing
table overrides this state.
In networks with synchronisation control via the Sa5-bit and
LOMIF/PCONV units an uncontrolled upgrade could lead to the inter-
ruption of the synchronisation if you just update the unit ESW.
A functional upgrade normally also includes the upgrade of the
COBU<X> ESW to R3, R4 or R5.
If you do not upgrade the COBU<X> ESW (to R3, R4 or R5), there
is no risk of loss of synchronisation by upgrading the
However, ABB Switzerland strongly recommends to upgrade at
the same time the COBU<X> ESW.

To avoid interruptions of the synchronisation while upgrading the

LOMIF/PCONV and the COBU<X> ESW (to R3, R4 or R5) proceed as

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Maintenance FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

Connect your PC/computer running the new UCST ( R4) to the NE

that you want to upgrade.
Upload the NE configuration.
Open the Menu NE Configuration Timing Sources and select
the tab PETS.
If there was a QL = 15 allocated to a PETS source it is now show QL
= 14 (you do not need to change any parameter, the new UCST does
this for you).
Press [Ok] to safe the configuration and quit.
This initialises all the parameters of the timing system. In particular it
sets the QL to 14 for all the timing sources that previously had the QL
= 15.
Download the configuration to the NE via a partial or a full download.
Now you can update the ESW and the function units as previously de-
scribed in the paragraphs «Upgrades of configured NE cores» and «Up-
grade of traffic units».

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Maintenance

7.5 Maintenance of the system control

7.5.1 Introduction

Give special attention to maintenance procedures that affect the control

unit. Uncontrolled manipulations can create interruptions of system traffic
and operation due to system re-booting.
After a power up or re-booting, the restart of the NE requires a
couple of seconds
The NE requires this time to initialise the software system of the
FOX and configure the units.

Several maintenance procedures affect the control unit. However, the ex-
change of the PC memory card might be the most common maintenance
procedure for the control unit. An exchange might be required
if the PC memory card fails or loses capacity due to local spot defects
for fast on site commissioning with a pre-programmed PC memory card
for the implementation of PC memory card with a higher capacity (for
The removal of (all) the control unit(s) from the subrack interrupts
all the traffic services!
It is not possible to operate units and services without at least one
control unit.

7.5.2 Replacement and upgrades of the PC memory card

The replacement or upgrade of the existing PC memory with a new card is

possible with impact on the traffic services as follows:
Replacement of the PC memory card with service interruption as de-
scribed in the corresponding paragraphs below.
In-service system upgrade with partial service interruption.
For the description of the upgrade process, refer to the corresponding
paragraphs below. Replacement with system down

The control unit user guide COBUX/COBUV User Guide provides the de-
scription of the steps for the physical exchange of the PC memory card. Be-
fore you change the PC memory card, consider the following:
To exchange the PC memory card, you have to remove the correspond-
ing COBU<X> from the subrack.
This interrupts the NE operation and correspondingly the traffic services
for several minutes (if there is no backup unit installed).

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Maintenance FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

A new PC memory card normally has no MIB. This allows you to access
the control unit with the default IP addresses and passwords.
A subsequent download of the original configuration (incl. addresses and
passwords) from the EM restores the original NE configuration.
Since the PC memory card of a configured NE contains the complete
MIB, moving the card from an NE to some other NE transfers the com-
plete MIB of the parent system to the new system.
To address such a cloned NE (with PC memory card from a parent NE),
you need to know the key parameters of the parent NE management
communication. This is in particular:
IP addresses (mandatory)
EOC address (if used only)
Password for the system (NE) access (if set only)
Compatibility of Customer Id (if set only)
You have to re-configure an NE with a new PC memory card from the
beginning if the
PC memory card is new and has no MIB
NE cannot automatically update the configuration because of different
Configuration Id.
You have to verify the availability of the ESW and delivery of new ESW
if required.
Moving the PC memory card from a system to an other system
overwrites the configuration of the cloned NE. Only a full
download of the configuration data can re-establish the former
might require that you adapt the communication parameters of
your EM (UCST).
might lead to an address jam in the management network be-
cause of NEs with identical addresses.

Do not try to operate an NE with redundant control units that have

PC memory cards of different capacities. The protection can fail
and unpredictable system behaviour might result!
Refer to the paragraph below for the exchange/upgrade procedure
for PC memory cards.

1KHW002059 page 198 of 210

FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Maintenance Replacement/upgrade with live traffic Prerequisites
The in-service exchange or upgrade of the PC memory card(s) with
card(s) of higher capacity requires a
local craft device (UCST)
2 identical PC memory cards with higher capacity (or the same for sim-
ple replacements) than the now implemented PC card(s).
NE with a redundant control unit.
For NEs without backup of the control unit, you need a spare control unit.
The requirements for this spare control unit are the same as for the
backup control unit. Procedure
To replace the PC memory card of the control unit(s) after a failure or to up-
grade the capacity of the PC memory, proceed as follows:
with redundant control units:
Remove the slave control unit (which is not active!) from the
subrack. It is not important whether this unit is in slot 11 or 12.
without protection:
Configure protection for the control unit (do not forget to download
the configuration!).
Replace the PC memory card on the extracted or spare control unit
with a PC memory card of (the same or) higher capacity.
The PC memory card for the inactive unit requires no formatting or SW
(not even ADSW and ESW). The slave unit formats its PC memory card
and the following update of the MIB copies the structures and the ESW
to the PC memory card of the slave unit.
Insert the extracted or spare control unit into the subrack.
The slave unit formats its PC memory card.
The active control unit starts updating the MIB of the backup unit as soon
as the unit has finished its boot-sequence. Services, traffic and man-
agement communication are not affected during this phase.
Wait until the MIB is updated! The update may last a couple of sec-
Switch the system control from the active master unit to the currently
inactive slave control unit (with the new PC memory card) by either
pressing the control button [Switch Master <-> Slave] of the Board
tab in the Status/Maintenance menu of the COBU<X>.
or removing the master (active) unit from the subrack (the hard
The backup unit now becomes active. The traffic on the SBUS is not af-
fected, the traffic on the PBUS and UBUS is interrupted for a short time
(for specifications, refer to FOX515 Technical Description) and the man-
agement communication gets lost.
Remove the now inactive control unit from the subrack (if not already
removed to force switch over).

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Replace the PC memory card on the now extracted control unit with a
card of equal capacity as the card operated in the currently active unit.
The PC memory card for the inactive unit requires no formatting or SW
(ADSW and ESW). The slave unit formats its PC memory card and the
following update of the MIB copies the structures and the ESW to the PC
memory card of the slave unit.
Insert the upgraded control unit back to the subrack.
The active control unit starts updating the MIB of the backup unit as soon
as the unit has finished its boot-sequence.
The allocation of memory for ESW now benefits from the higher capacity
available on both units. Service, traffic and management communication
are not affected during this phase.
Wait until the MIB is updated! This update may last a couple of sec-
Switch the system control back from the active master unit to the cur-
rently inactive slave control by either
pressing the control button [Switch Master <-> Slave] of the Board
tab in the Status/Maintenance menu of the COBU<X>.
or removing the master (active) unit from the subrack (the hard
The backup unit becomes now active. The traffic on the SBUS is not af-
fected, the traffic on the PBUS and UBUS is interrupted for a short time
(for specifications, refer to FOX515 Technical Description). The man-
agement communication is re-established after a while.
For NEs without backup control unit only:
Undo the configuration for the backup control unit (do not forget to
download the configuration).
Remove the spare control unit from the subrack.
The originally active control unit is active again and the control units benefit
from the higher capacity of their PC memory cards (after upgrades only).
Please note that:
The master (active) COB<X> can only copy and update its MIB
to a slave control unit that has a PC memory card of equal or
higher capacity than the PC card on the master unit!
If the active COBU<X> has a PC memory card with a higher
capacity than the slave control unit, the protection fails.
The PC memory card for the active control unit (e.g. in NEs
with one COBU<X> only) have to comply with the minimum re-
quirements for formatting and SW as explained in section 3,
«Software download».
The PC memory card for the inactive unit requires no format-
ting or SW (ADSW and ESW). The slave unit formats its PC
memory card and the following update of the MIB copies the
structures and the ESW to the PC memory card of the slave

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Maintenance

7.5.3 IP addresses

The EM uses IP addresses to address the control units. If you connect a

new control unit with a new MIB to a management communication network
that serves other NEs, you need to adapt the addresses of the new unit.
The addresses should comply with the requirements of the management
communication network in order to avoid disturbance of the management
communication of NEs that use the same network.
You can easily achieve these requirements if you assign corresponding IP
addresses to the NEs during commissioning. If you implement a network
that includes the default addresses of the control units you should not use
these addresses for configured NEs. This allows you to commission a new
NE with the default addresses in your management network.
Loading new IP addresses to the NE re-boots the communication
part of the NE, since the NE has to rebuild the stacks for the man-
agement communication.
The traffic on the SBUS is not affected, the traffic on the PBUS
and UBUS is interrupted for a short time (for specifications, refer
to FOX515 Technical Description) and the management commu-
nication gets lost.

7.5.4 Implementation of redundant control unit

It is possible to implement protection for the control unit at any time. This
upgrade is possible without interruption of services and traffic signals.
For detailed instructions and requirements, refer to the chapter 3: «Basic
Configuration of the NE - Protection of the control unit».

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Maintenance FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

7.6 Maintenance of the system power supply

7.6.1 Introduction

New traffic units or the requirement for enhanced dependability might re-
quire the implementation of additional power converter units in the subrack.
It is possible to add POSUS and POSUM power converters at any time with-
out affecting the system operation and traffic services.
Please note that the
guidelines below only apply for the POSUS or POSUM DC/DC
converter unit. The guidelines do not apply for the POSUA unit.
POSUA is not released for the FOX515!
POSUM provides ca. 36% more p ower than the POSUS.

It is possible to mix POSUM and POSUS units in the subrack. Accordingly

there are 2 cases to describe for the enhancement of the power supply:
Subracks has only 1 type of DC/DC converter unit (homogeneous)
Subracks has a mixture of DC/DC converter types (heterogeneous).
The indicator for power usage in the status line of the main dialogue pro-
vides information on the remaining capacity of the internal +5 VDC power
Depending on the requirement one of the following applies:
Maximum use of the implemented power converter capacity
If the power reserves fall to 5% or less (yellow range of the indicator) you
have to implement an additional power converter unit in order to main-
tain system operation.
n+1 power converter unit protection
If you want to implement a n+1 protection for power conversion, you can
calculate the critical threshold of the power reserve as described in the
paragraphs below.
The values depend on whether you use homogeneous or heterogeneous
types of converter units in your subrack.

7.6.2 Homogeneous converter type Preserve capacity

If the power reserves fall to 5% or less (yellow range of the indicator) just
add another DC/DC converter.

1KHW002059 page 202 of 210

FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Maintenance Implement n+1 protection

With homogeneous power converter units (POSUS or POSUM exclusive) in

your FOX subrack you can implement n+1 protection as follows:

Table 13: Threshold of power use for n+1 protection

n+1 t = 1-1/(n+1)
1+1 50 %
2+1 66 %
3+1 75 %

Condition for n+1 unit protection: p<t

(n+1 unit protection is provided in all cases where p < t).
n+1: number of power converter units implemented
p: power consumption on the internal +5 V power rail
(with n+1 converter units implemented)
Value read from the indicator for power usage (no dimension)
t: threshold for n+1 unit protection
Value on the indicator for power usage (no dimension)
This information is also useful if you want to remove a power converter unit
from the subrack. If the condition p < t is met, you can remove 1 converter
unit without danger of a system down because of lack of converted power.

7.6.3 Heterogeneous converter types Preserve capacity

If the power reserves fall to 5% or less (yellow range of the indicator) just
add another DC/DC converter.
After this the power reserve depends on the type of the just added converter
unit. It is of no importance which type (POSUM or POSUS) you add as long
as the additional power satisfies the requirements for more power. Implement n+1 protection

With heterogeneous power converter units (POSUS or POSUM inclusive)

you must consider:
If you mix POSUS and POSUM units, the POSUS is not able to take
over the load from a failed POSUM when the POSUM uses all or only a
part of the last 27 % of its capacity.
To avoid a failure of the power protection, you can always backup a
POSUM failure with 2 POSUS units

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The 2 POSUS are able to fully replace 1 POSUM.

If you want to implement n+1 protection (with n > 1) then the approach 2
POSUS per POSUM is no longer economic. The table below shows you the
thresholds for the power load in the subrack for n+1 protection with n
The POSUS can take over the 73 % load of the failed POSUM.

Table 14: Threshold of power use for n+1 POSUS protection

1 POSUM +1 POSUS 40 %
2 POSUM +1 POSUS 61 %
3 POSUM +1 POSUS 72 %

1 POSUM can fail if p < t

n+1: number of power converter units implemented
p: power consumption on the internal +5 V power rail
(with n+1 converter units implemented)
Value read from the indicator for power usage (no dimension)
t: threshold for n+1 unit protection
Value on the indicator for power usage (no dimension)
This information is also useful if you want to remove a power converter unit
from the subrack. If the condition p < t is met, you can remove 1 converter
unit without danger of a system down because of lack of converted power.

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Maintenance

7.7 FOX515 specific maintenance

7.7.1 Replacement of defective FANU5 General

Supervision of fan unit operation is through local alarm indication (LEDs)

and external alarm inputs of the control unit.
If a FANU5 reports a partial failure (yellow LED is ON and «Partial
Failure» alarm output active), it must be replaced as soon as pos-

If a FANU5 reports a total failure (red LED is ON and «Total Fail-

ure» alarm output active), it must be replaced immediately.

Refer to «Recommended action in case of failure» on page 69 for more in-

formation. Replacement procedure

Temperature will rise very quickly in a FOX515 subrack with high power dis-
sipation and no ventilation.
It is imperative that the time without ventilation during replacement
of the fan unit is kept to an absolute minimum.
Downtime must be kept to less than three minutes where high
power units such as IPLM<X> are in operation.

Prepare the replacement in the following way:

Unpack the replacement FANU5 and have it ready.
Remove the 4 screws holding the installed FANU5. It will be held in
place by the FOX515 subrack beneath it.
Take all cables out of their holding clips on the left and right hand side of
Unplug the alarm cable on the right hand side.
Unplug the DUPI4 cable on the right hand side if applicable.
Now you are ready to replace the faulty FANU5 with the new one:
Unplug the supply cable on the left hand side and remove FANU5.
Immediately put the new FANU5 in place without screwing it to the rack
and plug in the supply cable on the left hand side. The fans should start
running at high speed for at least 5 seconds before the speed regulation
sets in.
Complete the installation by
plugging in the alarm cable and the DUPI4 cable if applicable
putting in the 4 holding screws and tightening them

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placing all cables back in their holding clips.

For a complete description of the general installation procedure refer to «In-
stallation Procedures - Fan Unit» in «FOX515 Installation Guide».

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FOX UCST User Guide (R8) Maintenance

7.8 FOX512 specific maintenance

7.8.1 Replacement of defective FANU2 General

Supervision of fan unit operation is through local alarm indication (red LED)
and internal alarms on the FANU2 unit level.
If a FANU2 reports a partial failure (red LED is ON and «Partial
fan breakdown» alarm output active), it must be replaced as soon
as possible.

If a FANU2 reports a total failure (red LED is ON and «Total fan

breakdown» alarm output active), it must be replaced immedi-

Refer to «Recommended action in case of failure» on page 72 for more in-

formation. Replacement procedure

Temperature will rise very quickly in a FOX512 subrack with high power dis-
sipation and no ventilation.
It is imperative that the time without ventilation during replacement
of the fan unit is kept to an absolute minimum.
Downtime must be kept to less than three minutes where high
power units such as IPLM<X> are in operation.

Prepare the replacement in the following way:

Unpack the replacement FANU2 and have it ready.
Unscrew (almost completely) the 2 screws holding the installed FANU2.
Now you are ready to replace the faulty FANU2 with the new one:
Remove FANU2 from the slot in the subrack.
Immediately insert the new FANU2 in the slot. The fans should start run-
ning at high speed for at least 5 seconds before the speed regulation sets
Complete the installation by
putting in the 2 holding screws in the FANU2 front panel and tightening
For a complete description of the general installation procedure refer to «In-
stallation Procedures - Fan Unit» in «FOX512 Installation Guide».

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Maintenance FOX UCST User Guide (R8)

7.8.2 Air filter

If you use the air filter with the FOX512, the filter requires periodic clean-
ing/replacement. The frequency of this maintenance depends heavily on the
degree of the local air pollution and the air volume ventilated through the
Periodic inspection of the filter in the beginning will help you to find a rea-
sonable maintenance interval for the air filter.

7.9 Repairs
For the shipment please pack the units for repair into their original packag-
ing. In order to guarantee an efficient service, the returned units should pro-
vide the following information:
Short description of the fault or problem
Version of the operated ESW
Configuration file of the NE the unit was operated in
This requirement is optional, but highly appreciated in cases of unstable
or vague manifestation of failure(s).
Address of sender
Address of consignee of the equipment

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For more information please contact:

ABB Switzerland Ltd

Power Systems
Utility Communications
Bruggerstrasse 72
5400 Baden
Phone: +41 58 589 37 35
or: +41 844 845 845 (Call Center)
Fax: +41 58 585 16 82
E-Mail: utility.communication@ch.abb.com


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