7560 MSF Method S-1 - Rev. 1
7560 MSF Method S-1 - Rev. 1
7560 MSF Method S-1 - Rev. 1
1 10-7-2014 JACOB T. SANTOSH Revised as per client comment & Generally Revised
Project Location
Manufacturing Location
Scope of Works
Reference Method Statements
Characteristics of EVAPORATOR SECTIONS
Typical parts of an Evaporator ‘SECTION’
1 Bottom Wall
1.1 Bottom Wall Plate & Fabrication Sequence
1.2 Bottom Wall ‘H’ Beam Stiffeners & Fabrication sequence
1.3 Bottom Wall Frames Assembly
1.4 Bottom Wall Assembly & Sequence
1.5 Wall Lifting arrangements
2 Roof Wall
3 Brine Side Wall
3.1 Brine Side Wall Fabrication Sequence
3.2 Brine Side Wall Assembly Sequence
4 Distillate Side Wall
4.1 Distillate Side Wall Fabrication Sequence
4.2 Distillate Side Wall Assembly Sequence
5 Front Wall- (Only for Section – 1)
6 Partition Wall with Brine weir
6.1 Brine weir Fabrication Sequence
6.2 Partition Wall Fabrication Sequence- Rear side
6.3 Partition Wall Fabrication Sequence- Front side
6.4 Partition Wall Lifting
7 Distillate Trough
7.1 Distillate Trough Fabrication Sequence
7.2 Distillate Trough Transportation
8 Tube Bundle Assembly
8.1 Tube Bundle Fabrication
8.2 Tube Bundle Alignment Sequence
8.3 Trough Installation
MH-7560-00-01 Rev. 1 Page 3 of 41
This Method Statement is intended to describe the activities and arrangements
required for fabrication, assembly of 20 MIGD, MSF type Evaporator for SWCC’s
Medina Yanbu Desalination plant Phase III Expansion Project.
All works shall be carried out in strict accordance with the codes and standards
specified in DOOSAN’s Material Purchase Specification
New MSF Evaporator located at near SWCC’s Medina Yanbu Desalination and
power plant Phase III.
All Evaporator parts shall be substantially fabricated and assembled as panels and
frames at BILFAL’s Jubail & Yanbu Workshop facilities. Where appropriate, certain
areas of the fabrication will be completed at site, in conjunction with the stage to
stage joints fitting out operations.
Here below indicate the extent of works performed at BILFAL Workshop shop and
MH-7560-00-02 : Method Statement for Bundle Lifting and Overturning
MS-7560-00-03 : Method statement for Supporting Structure Installation
MH-7560-00-04 : Method statement for Lifting and Transportation of
MH-7560-00-05 : Method statement for ‘SECTIONS’ Installation
MH-7560-00-06 : Method statement for ‘SITE WORKS’
MH-7560-00-01 Rev. 1 Page 5 of 41
S.No Activity Description Location
1 Evaporator Supporting Steel Structure Fabrication (Sub-Contractor) RIYADH
2 Evaporator Platform Steel Structure Fabrication (Sub-Contractor) RIYADH
3 All external Shell Plates Fabrication and assembly YANBU
4 All external stiffener Fabrication Assy. & Primer Painting YANBU
5 Welding of Stiffener Beams To Shell Plate as per stage Wise YANBU
6 Partition Wall Fabrication and assembly YANBU
7 Brine distribution Box fabrication & Assembly YANBU
8 Tube Support Plate Alignment and welding YANBU
9 Distillate trough Bending JUBAIL
10 Distillate trough Fit-up and Installation YANBU
11 Vent Baffle Duct Fabrication and Installation YANBU
12 Distillate Duct Fabrication and Installation YANBU
13 Demister Support Fabrication and Installation YANBU
14 Complete Fabrication of Nozzles and Man ways YANBU
15 Brine weir & gate fabrication and installation YANBU
16 Intermediate piece: Complete Fabrication JUBAIL
17 Water Box fabrication (HOOF with Flange) JUBAIL
18 Water Box fabrication (All Machining, Miters and Barrels) YANBU
18 Brine Distribution header JUBAIL
19 Internal and External Piping works YANBU
20 Brine and distillate Sump Fabrication YANBU
21 All Bending works Above 2 Meter Width and Up to 7 Meter JUBAIL
DOOSAN provided Design drawings, Shop drawings, Cutting plan and Project
specifications are the governing documents for fabrication, assembly and
installation of the Evaporator Units
Evaporator Sections shall be considerably fabricated and assembled at BILFAL
YANBU Workshop in combination of 2 stages together, called hereafter
‘SECTION’. Each ‘SECTION’ shall include;
1) Bottom Wall
2) Roof Wall
3) Brine Side Wall
4) Distillate Side Wall
5) Front Wall- (Only for Section 1)
6) Partition Wall
7) Tube Bundle Assembly
8) Distillate trough
9) Distillate duct
10) Intermediate Piece and Nozzles
Bottom wall is fabricated with Duplex SS PLATES, stiffened by rolled steel ‘H’
beams FRAME. Each bottom wall shall be fabricated and assembled as section
wise and fitted with sufficient pad eyes for lifting and turning after welding.
Following table and Sketch and table is describing the erection dimensions and
weights of each bottom wall.
Sec-1 Sec-
Sec-2 Sec-
Sec-3 Sec-
Sec-4 Sec-
Sec-5 Sec-
Sec-6 Sec-
Sec-7 Sec-
Sec-8 Sec-
Sec-9 Sec-
Sec-10 Sec-
Sec-11 Sec-
Sec-12 Sec-
Length 24.7 24.7 24.7 24.7 24.7 24.7 24.7 24.7 24.7 24.7 24.7 24.7 24.7
Width 9.9 9.8 9.8 9.8 9.9 10.0 10.1 10.3 10.5 10.7 10.8 10.9 11.2
Weight 56.3 55.5 55.5 55.5 56 56.5 57.0 58.0 58.9 59.3 60.4 61.0 50.1
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Both transverse and long joints welded with Submerged Arc Welding (SAW)
process as per WPS.
• Material identification and Stamp Transfer of Raw plate
• Shape Cutting and Grinding of the plate
• Beveling of the plate on transverse and long joints where required
• 200 Ø Hole Cutting for plug weld as per shop drawing
• Preassembly and fit up of plates on plate jigs
• Fit-up Inspection
• SAW full Welding of transverse and longitudinal joints as per WPS
• NDE of Butt Joints as per Specification
• Eventual straightening
• Final Dimensional Check
Sufficient level block to be placed over the frame in order to prevent distortion
during welding
• Perform NDE
Roof wall shall be fabricated and assembled as section wise and each section
shall be fitted with sufficient pad eyes for lifting and turning, after welding.
Following table and Sketch and table described the erection dimensions and
weights of each roof wall sections
Sec-1 Sec-
Sec-2 Sec-
Sec-3 Sec-
Sec-4 Sec-
Sec-5 Sec-
Sec-6 Sec-
Sec-7 Sec-
Sec-8 Sec-
Sec-9 Sec-
Sec-10 Sec-
Sec-11 Sec-
Sec-12 Sec-
Length 24.32 24.32 24.32 24.32 24.32 24.32 24.32 24.32 24.32 24.32 24.32 24.32 24.32
Width 9.9 9.8 9.8 9.8 9.9 10.0 10.1 10.3 10.5 10.7 10.8 10.9 11.2
Weight 35.1 36.7 36.7 36.7 37.1 37.4 37.8 38.4 39.1 39.8 30.2 40.5 41.3
Following table and Sketch described the erection dimensions and weights of each
brine side wall segment
Sec-1 Sec-
Sec-2 Sec-
Sec-3 Sec-
Sec-4 Sec-
Sec-5 Sec-
Sec-6 Sec-
Sec-7 Sec-
Sec-8 Sec-
Sec-9 Sec-
Sec-10 Sec-
Sec-11 Sec-
Sec-12 Sec-
Length 9.5 9.8 9.8 9.8 9.9 10 10.1 10.3 10.5 10.7 10.8 10.9 11.2
Width 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7
Weight 4.6 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.9 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.3 5.6 6.1
Following table and Sketch described the erection dimensions and weights of each
brine side wall segment
Sec-1 Sec-
Sec-2 Sec-
Sec-3 Sec-
Sec-4 Sec-
Sec-5 Sec-
Sec-6 Sec-
Sec-7 Sec-
Sec-8 Sec-
Sec-9 Sec-
Sec-10 Sec-
Sec-11 Sec-
Sec-12 Sec-
Length 9.5 9.8 9.8 9.8 9.9 10 10.1 10.3 10.5 10.7 10.8 10.9 11.2
Width 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7
Weight 4.6 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.9 4.9 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.4 5.4 5.7 6.2
The front wall shall be fitted with sufficient pad eyes and temporary lifting lugs for
lifting and turning after welding.
(FRONT WALL: Size- Length 24746mm x Width 5829 mm- Total Weight- 23700 Kg)
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Partition walls are fabricated with duplex SS plate. Each partition wall is stiffened
both sides by plates and formed ribs of the same material of the wall.
Partition walls are provided with BRINE WEIR assembly, product water and brine
openings, Distillate weirs, Demister Supports. A complete dimensional check to
be carried out before start further sequence of fabrication
Each Partition wall shall be fitted with temporary pad eyes and lifting frames for
lifting and turning after welding.
Following the above sequence, the Partition wall then to reverse and placed on top
of work the bench for welding Brine weir plate, weir gusset, Stiffener plate and
Jump plate.
Distillate water tray or trough is a continuous channel section, placed below each
tube support plates and ending up to the demister level.
Each trough is sloped from the brine side to the distillate side along the tube
Fabrication of Distillate trough shall be carried out in two stages. First stage prior to
welding to ensure the trough plate segment bending is in line with sloped channel
configuration. Second stage, splice welding of each Trough segments using with
special jigs.
Two methods of assembling of tube bundle may be performed. The first methods
involve two stage bundles attaching to roof wall, and then invert the roof wall by
using a 500 Metric Ton Crawler Crane and 250 Metric Ton service crane.
Alternatively, single stage Tube bundle, attaching to the roof wall and invert by
using a 250 Metric Ton crawler crane and 2 service cranes
Tube Bundle after alignment for 1 Stage (Typical for all stages)
Distillate water duct shall be installed at shop along with each stage to make
access for welding and duct installation activities safer and less strenuous
The Neck frame were formed one at a time, insert into girth flange, using with side
supports for adjusting the plate edge is parallel to the face of girth flange.
These adjustable posts shall be removed only after the erection and welding of
evaporator section module at site.
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The first method involves using with two crawler cranes, having capacity of 350
Metric Ton and 2 service cranes with capacity of 110 Metric ton. For details,
See Method Statement MH-7560-00-02- for Bundle Lifting and
When the roof wall was perfectly aligned with bottom section, carefully lower the
roof wall into bottom section as shown above. Using temporary brackets to fix the
roof wall in position where necessary
As the roof wall seated properly on bottom section, perform fit-up and welding
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Water boxes are of rectangular shapes and the double water boxes are
connected in a welded 180° mitered bend configuration. For all stages the
water boxes are made by CS plates cladded with Cu Ni 90/10. Each water
box has a manhole on the inlet side and has connections for vent, drain
and temperature gauge.
The water boxes will be bolted to the shell Intermediate Piece at site. Each Water
boxes shall be fabricated and partially assembled at shop.
Water box assembly completion (for Single and Double Waterboxes ) will be
carried out at YANBU Factory, providing additional length on BARREL for site
adjustment. This to allow for optimum water boxes , Intermediate Pice
alignment, radial (axial) plumb and parallelity of mating flange faces
Alternatively, after completion of machining and Drilling of bolt holes for the HOOF
flanges, remove the hoof assembly from the jigs and place on Level blocks.
MH-7560-00-01 Rev. 1 Page 40 of 41
• Place Hoof assembly on level blocks suitable for
internal welding
• Install Miter elbow using by crane
• Mark of Hoof Plate cutting line
• Fit-up examination
• SMAW / FCAW Full welding as per WPS
• PT Examination
• Flush grind external and internal welds
• Weld Deposit
• Assembly of Reinforcing Pad
• Fit-up examination
• SMAW Full weld as per WPS
• Assembly of all connection nozzles, Thermo well,
Lifting Lugs and external stiffeners
• Fit-up Examination
• SMAW Full welding
• Final Dimension