Tugas English KWL
Tugas English KWL
Tugas English KWL
NIM : 1301213353
Kelas : IF-45-11
K (Know) W (Want to Know) L (What I’ve Learned)
Programmer is a Does a programmer have to be a programmer does not have to be able
person who can make able to master math? to master all the mathematics, which is
applications or games needed only the basics and understand
the algorithm to be able to identify
problems that can arise in a program.
a programmer must be how does a programmer make a programmer makes a game or
able to master the apps and games? application with a programming language
programming language in the form of java, javascript, swift
A programmer are How can a programmer master a programmer of course they learn one
good at math a programming language? of the list of programming languages like
java or python starting with the basics,
practice programming, and also analyze
the errors contained in the program to
improve their programming skills
programmer is a what are the types of There are 4 types of programmers: 1.
person who masters programming professions? Software developer 2. Database
coding developer 3. Web developer 4. Mobile
app developer
Programmer is the does a programmer have to the basic ability that must be possessed
most popular master coding? by a programmer is to master coding, and
profession today of course coding is identical to a
programmer because coding is an activity
to write a series of code into a computer
which will later become a command for a
a programmer has a What is the current salary of Now, the average salary for programmers
English skills programmers? in Indonesia, beginners or fresh
graduates is around Rp. 4 – Rp. 5 million,
while those with experience can earn up
to Rp. 18 – Rp. 40 million.
Currently programmers Why do programmers need to Because almost all documentation and
have a fairly large be proficient in English? explanations of programming languages
salary are in English. Also, If you have any
problems while creating your program
then all the error messages that appear
will be in English.