Cavite State University: Department of Industrial and Information Technology Course Syllabus in Itec 111

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CvSU Mission
CvSU Vision Cavite State University shall
The premier university Republic of the Philippines provide excellent, equitable and
in historic Cavite
recognized for excellence CAVITE STATE UNIVERSITY relevant educational opportunities in
the arts, science and technology
in the development of Carmona Campus through quality instruction and
globally competitive and Market Road, Carmona, Cavite relevant research and development
morally upright  (046) 487-6328 / activities.
individuals. It shall produce professional,
skilled and morally upright
individuals for global

1st Semester, AY 2022 - 2023
Lecture ✓
Course Code ITEC 111 Course Title Integrated Programming and Technologies 2 Type Credit Units 3
Laboratory ✓

Course The course compares and contrasts the different encrypting and decrypting techniques for ensuring data security. This also recommends
Description where selection for a scripting language and an application language would be more appropriate.

Wed, Thu 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM

Prerequisite ITEC 60 Integrated Programming and Technologies 1 Course Schedule Wed, Thu 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Mon, Tue 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Students are expected to live by and stand for the following University tenets:

TRUTH is demonstrated by the student’s objectivity and honesty during examinations, class activities and in the development of projects.

Core Values EXCELLENCE is exhibited by the students’ self-confidence, punctuality, diligence and commitment in the assigned tasks, class
performance and other course requirements.

SERVICE is manifested by the students’ respect, rapport, fairness and cooperation in dealing with their peers and members of the
community. In addition, they should exhibit love and respect for nature and support for the cause of humanity.

Goals of the The Campus shall endeavor to achieve the following goals:

1. Develop a highly competent human resource by ensuring an enriching environment to promote professional growth, career
advancement for faculty, staff and students.
2. Provide quality instruction and development-oriented researches in cooperation with various institutions for the benefit of the
3. Respond effectively to the needs, demands and requirements of the community to demonstrate the University’s mission of relevance
and leadership.
4. Institutionalize quality assurance policies to keep abreast with national and international standards of excellence to realize
competitiveness in the campus’ products and services.

The Department of Industrial and Information Technology at Cavite State University – Carmona aims to become a nationally recognized
Objectives of academic organization both in teaching, and research. DIIT is committed to providing computing, telecommunications, networking
the infrastructure, and audio visual support to academic, and administrative programs, and services. The department implements cost
Department effective solutions that enhance the university’s ability to provide a quality education, and to support administrators, and faculty the
means to operate efficiently.
Program Educational Objectives (based on the program CMO)
The Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT) program aims to produce graduates who can:

1. apply knowledge of utilization of both hardware and software technologies involving planning, installing, customizing, operating, managing and
administering, and maintaining information technology infrastructure that provides computing solutions to address the needs of an organization;
2. conduct relevant researches and extension program activities in the field of information technology;
3. promote the development and transfer of appropriate information technology;
4. promote environmental preservation and protection on projects and enterprises related to information technology; and
5. become morally upright IT professionals with primary or secondary job roles.

Student Outcomes and Relationship to Program Educational Objectives

Program Educational Objectives
Program/Student Outcomes (based on the program CMO) (based on the program CMO)
1 2 3 4 5
The students should:
analyze complex problem as well as identify and define the computing requirements needed to design an X
appropriate solution;
b. apply computing and other knowledge domains to address real-world problems; X X X
c. design and develop computing solutions using a system-level perspective; and X X X
d. utilize modern computing tools. X X
Course Outcomes and Relationship to Student Outcomes
Program Outcomes Addressed by the Course Program Outcomes Code
After completing this course, the students must be able to: a b c d
1. understand cryptography and the use of encryption algorithms; I

2. understand the Python programming language and its libraries for cryptography; I
3. use cryptography with images; and E E
4. use Python to create cryptography applications. D D
*Level : I-Introductory E- Enabling D-Demonstrative
Week Due
No. Teaching and Date of
Intended Learning Mod of based
Topic Learning Resources Needed Submis
Outcomes (ILO) Delivery Assessment
Lec/ Activities (TLA) sion of
Lab Output
1 After the completion of I. Introduction class discussion Distance Lecture videos
the chapter, students a. University and college Recitation
should be able to: goals, mission and background Face to Internet research
1. learn the goals, mission objectives knowledge probe Face materials comparing
and objectives of the b. About the Course group dynamics and
University; and c. Gender Sensitivity contrasting
2. Learn the objective of d. Disaster Preparedness
the course.

2-4 After the completion of II. Introduction to Lecture / Distance Reference book Quizzes End of
the chapters, students Cryptography and Python discussion 4th
should be able to: a. Exploring Algorithms Face to Web resources Assignments Week
1. Describe algorithms; b. Use Python Interactive class Face
2. Understand Python; c. Python Basics discussion Lecture videos laboratory
3. Write cipher using exercises
d. Reverse Cipher
Python; Computer assisted Computer units
4. Understand cryptology instruction /
III. Cryptographic Protocols
and the various attack learning Python programming
and Perfect Secrecy
a. Study of Cryptography
5. Understand Python libraries
cryptographic hashes; b. Attack Models
and c. Shannon’s Theorem
6. Create message d. One-Time Pad
secrecy using the e. One-Way Hashes
binary XOR operator. f. Perfect Forward Secrecy
g. Published and Proprietary
Encryption Algorithms

5-8 After the completion of IV. Classical Cryptography Lecture / Distance Reference book Quizzes End of

the chapters, students a. Password Best Practices discussion 8th
should be able to: b. Obfuscating Data Face to Web resources Assignments Week
1. Understand the best c. Historical Ciphers Interactive class Face
practices for discussion Lecture videos laboratory
passwords; V. Cryptographic Math and exercises
2. Understand historical Frequency Analysis Computer assisted Computer units
ciphers and use them; a. Modular Arithmetic and instruction /
3. Use well-established learning Python programming
the Greatest Common
encryption algorithms;
4. Understand modular Devisor Python libraries
arithmetic, GCD, group b. Prime Numbers
theory, and c. Basic Group Theory
pseudorandom d. Modular Inverses
numbers; and e. Extending the GCD
5. Create Python script for f. Euler’s Theorem
frequency analysis.
g. Pseudorandomness
h. Solving Systems of Linear
I. Frequency Analysis
j. Cryptanalysis with Python

10 - 13 After the completion of VI. Stream Ciphers and Lecture / Distance Reference book Quizzes End of
the chapters, students Block Ciphers discussion 13th
should be able to: a. Convert between Face to Web resources Assignments Week
1. Convert between Hexdigest and Plaintext Interactive class Face
hexdigest and plaintext; b. Use Stream Ciphers discussion Lecture videos Laboratory
2. Understand stream exercises
c. Use Block Ciphers
ciphers, block ciphers, Computer assisted Computer units
and CSPRNGs; instruction /
VII. Using Cryptography
3. Understand modes of learning Python programming
with Images
encryption and their language
a. Simple Image
4. Understand image and Cryptography Python libraries
cryptography libraries; b. Images and Cryptography
and Libraries
5. Create Python script to c. Image Cryptography
hide and read media d. Steganography
within an image.

14 - 17 After the completion of VIII. Message Integrity Lecture / Distance Reference book Quizzes End of
the chapters, students a. Message Authentication discussion 17th
should be able to: Codes Face to Web resources Assignments Week
1. Understand Message b. Setting Up a Secure Interactive class Face
Authentication Codes; discussion Lecture videos Laboratory
2. Perform sending exercises
encrypted data over Computer assisted Computer units
IX. Cryptographic
nonsecure channels; instruction /
Applications and PKI
3. Understand the learning Python programming
a. The Public-Key
importance of PKI; language
4. Implement a PKI Transformation
solution in Python; b. The El-Gamal Python libraries
5. Understand RSA and Cryptosystem
Elliptic Curve c. Elliptic Curve
Cryptography; and Cryptography
6. Implement ElGamal d. Diffie-Hellman Key
and Diffie-Hellman key

Lecture Requirements:
1. Midterm Examination
2. Final Examination
3. Quizzes
4. Assignments

Laboratory Requirements:
1. Laboratory Exercises/Projects
2. Individual Performance
*All exams must follow a Table of Specifications (TOS) and Rubrics for evaluation of student’ performance or projects.


Lecture – 50%
Laboratory – 50%

Transmutation Table:
96.7 – 100.0 1.00
93.4 – 96.6 1.25
90.1 - 93.30 1.50
86.7 – 90.0 1.75
83.4 – 86.6 2.00
80.1 – 83.3 2.25
76.7 – 80.0 2.50
73.4 – 76.6 2.75
70.00 – 73.3 3.00
50.0 - 69.9 4.00
Below 50 5.00
INC Passed the course but lack some requirements.
Dropped If unexcused absence is at least 20% of the Total Class Hours.

* Students who wish to shift to any other programs should maintain a general weighted average of 2.00 or better and should not have a failing


A. Attendance
Students are not allowed to have 20% or more unexcused absences of the total class hours; otherwise, they will be graded as “DROPPED”.

B. Classroom Decorum
Students are required to:
1. wear identification cards and the prescribed uniform at all times;
2. turn off or put in silent mode cellular phones during class hours;
3. clean the classroom before and after classes;
4. avoid unnecessary noise that might disturb other classes;
5. practice good manners and right conduct at all times;
6. practice gender sensitivity and awareness inside the classroom; and
7. come to class on time.

C. Examination/ Evaluation
1. Quizzes may be announced or unannounced.
2. Mid-term and Final Examinations are scheduled.
3. Cheating is strictly prohibited. A student who is caught cheating will be given a score of ”0” for the first offense. For the second offense, the
student will be automatically given a failing grade in the subject.
4. Students who will miss a mid-term or final examination, a laboratory exercise or a class project may be excused and allowed to take a special
exam, conduct a laboratory exercise or pass a class project for any of the following reasons:

a. participation in a University/College-approved field trip or activity;
b. due to illness or death in the family; and
c. due to force majeure or natural calamities.

D. Laboratory Rules
1. Students are only allowed inside the Computer Laboratory Room during their class
2. Students inside the Computer Laboratory Room must always be accompanied by their Laboratory Instructor
3. Students are not allowed to bring food and drinks inside the Computer Laboratory
4. All Cell phone must be turned off during Laboratory sessions
5. Students will be designated with their own work station and are not allowed in other station
6. Report immediately to the Laboratory Facilitator if the designation work station is not working
7. Students are not allowed to remove/change any Computer hardware (e.g. Keyboard, Mouse and Hard disk), Software and settings
8. Opening files and applications not intended for Laboratory session is not allowed
9. It is strictly prohibited to download/display Pornographic images, videos or any other media type of this kind
10. Refrain from moving around, yelling and disturbing others while inside the laboratory
11. Ask permission from the Laboratory Facilitator before utilizing any removable hardware devices(e.g. Flash drive, Thumb drive, USB devices)


Bray, S. (2020). Implementing Cryptography Using Python. IN: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Supplementary Readings:
Sweigart, A. (2018). Cracking Codes with Python. CA: No Starch Press, Inc.
Nielson, S. J. and Monson, C. K. (2019). Practical Cryptography in Python. CA: Apress.

Date of Revision Date of Implementation Highlights of Revision
1. Course Topics
1 September 1, 2022 September 12, 2022 2. Course Objectives
3. References

Prepared: Evaluated: Approved:
Instructor Department Chairperson, DIIT Campus Administrator
E-mail Address: Campus: Carmona Campus: Carmona Office: Room 103 Office: Room 101
Office: Room 103
Date: _________________________ Date: ________________________
Date: Sept. 12, 2022


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