Sims 4 Commands

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1. Testingcheats true
2. Money [#]
3. FreeRealEstate [on/off]
4. household.autopay_bills [true/false]
5. fullscreenToggle: Makes the game fullscreen/windowed
6. bb.moveobjects
7. bb.showhiddenobjects
8. bb.showliveeditobjects:  best to use after bb.showhiddenobjects for a total of
around 1200 new objects to build
9. bb.enablefreebuild
10. bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement
11. resetsim [firstname lastname]: Resets a stuck Sim.
12. sims.give_satisfaction_points [#]: Gives a Sim an amount of satisfaction
13. fillmotive motive_[motive]: Fills the specified motive, valid for: Bladder,
Energy, Fun, Hunger, Hygiene, Social.
14. sims.fill_all_commodities: Fills the motives for all Sims in the household.
15. aspirations.complete_current_milestone: Completes a Sim's current aspiration
goal and awards the matching points.

16.Use seasons.set_season [#] to change it at will. Each season is

represented by a number:
 Summer: 0
 Fall: 1
 Winter: 2
 Spring: 3

17. famepoints [#] which will add the number of fame points to your currently
selected Sim. 

18. relationship.introduce_sim_to_all_others will instantly introduce your Sim

to all their neighbors.

19. relationships.create_friends_for_sim will spawn a new Sim on the lot

already already friends with yours.
20. death.toggle [true/false : save sims from death entirely
21. sims.add_buff Ghostly will turn your sim into a ghost for 4 in-game hours. 

22.Child skills: stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_[skill] 10

stats.set_skill_level [skill code] [#]

Game Pack Skill Skill Code Max Level

Base Game Cooking Major_HomestyleCooking 10

Base Game Gourmet Cooking Major_GourmetCooking 10

Base Game Bartending Major_Bartending 10

Base Game Charisma Major_Charisma 10

Base Game Comedy Major_Comedy 10

Base Game Fishing Major_Fishing 10

Base Game Fitness Skill_Fitness 10

Base Game Gardening Major_Gardening 10

Base Game Guitar Major_Guitar 10

Base Game Piano Major_Piano 10

Base Game Violin Major_Violin 10

Base Game Handiness Major_Handiness 10

Base Game Mischief Major_Mischief 10

Base Game Painting Major_Painting 10

Base Game Photography Major_Photography 10

Base Game Programming Major_Programming 10

Base Game Rocket Science Major_RocketScience 10

stats.set_skill_level [skill code] [#]
Game Pack Skill Skill Code Max Level

Base Game Video Gaming Major_VideoGaming 10

Base Game Writing Major_Writing 10

23.traits.equip_trait [trait]
24.traits.remove_trait [trait]


[ and ] - The left bracket enlarges an item and the right bracket shrinks it
9 and 0 - You can raise and lower objects using the 9 or 0 keys
alt: move object freely outside grid

26. sims.add_buff buff_pregnancy_trimester1 - Make Sim or Ghost

pregnant in first trimester
27. sims.add_buff buff_pregnancy_trimester2 - Make Sim or Ghost
pregnant in second trimester
28. sims.add_buff buff_pregnancy_trimester3 - Make Sim or Ghost
pregnant in third trimester
29. sims.add_buff buff_pregnancy_inlabor - Make Sim or Ghost pregnant
at term (purchase a bassinet and they will have a fake birth)
30. sims.add_buff buff_death_electrocution_warning - Cause death
while fixing electric item
31. sims.add_buff buff_death_elderexhaustion_warning - Cause death
after working out
32. sims.add_buff buff_mortified - Cause death by embarrassment within
five hours
33. sims.add_buff buff_motives_hunger_starving - Cause death by
hunger within one day

34. aspirations.complete_current_milestone - Completes

current aspiration milestone
35. crafting.shorten_phases - Faster crafting
36. sims.spawnsimple[number of Sims desired] - Spawn specified
number of Sims (keep the number low to avoid crashes)
37. sims.give_satisfaction_points[number of points desired] -
Give satisfaction points to Sims
38. c a s . f u l l e d i t m o d e
39. Once you enable Testing Cheats, you can access the
Interaction Cheats by holding [SHIFT] and clicking on objects and
Sims. After Shift/clicking on a Sim or item, the following options
will be available in the interaction wheel. 
Interaction Cheats: Sims

Command Cheat

Reset Object Resets the selected Sim.

Adds the selected Sim to the currently

Add to Family
active family.

Disables dynamic mood changes (if

Cheat Motive > Disable Motive Decay

Enables motives to change dynamically (if

Cheat Motive > Enable Motive Decay

Teleport Me Here [Shift] + click a spot on the map then type

(when a spot is selected) this cheat to teleport a Sim there.

Reset Object Resets the object to default.

Make Dirty Makes the object dirty.

Make Clean Makes the object clean

Cheat need >

Allows or stops Sims from Need
Base Game Sim Disable need

Use on an object to stick it on

Base Game Object Make head top of your Sim's neck like a
horrible chimera

Change the power and water

Base Game Mailbox Utilities consumption or production on
the lot.
Turn off needs for the world or
Base Game Mailbox Alter needs
household or fill all needs.
careers.promote Activist
careers.promote Actor
 careers.promote Astronaut
 careers.promote Athletic
 careers.promote Business
 careers.promote careers_Adult_CivilDesigner
 careers.promote Conservationist
 careers.promote Criminal
 careers.promote careers_Adult_Freelancer_Agency_Maker
 careers.promote careers_adult_Critic
 careers.promote Culinary
 careers.promote Detective
 careers.promote Doctor
 careers.promote careers_Adult_Education
 careers.promote careers_Adult_Engineer
 careers.promote Entertainer
 careers.promote Adult_Gardener
 careers.promote careers_Adult_Law
 careers.promote Military
 careers.promote Painter
 careers.promote adult_active_Scientist
 careers.promote SecretAgent
 careers.promote SocialMedia
 careers.promote Influencer
 careers.promote TechGuru
 careers.promote adult_Writer
41.modifyrelationship firstname lastname firstname2
lastname2  100 (Sentiment Tag)
 – sentimentTrack_Adoring_LT_lifesaver
– Awed by Lifesaving Hero
– This Sim was saved from the clutches of death by another Sim.
 – sentimentTrack_Adoring_ST_generic
– Adoring
– This Sim wants the best for another and thinks they’re so
 – sentimentTrack_Adoring_ST_impressed
– Impressed
– Impressed by the other sim
 – sentimentTrack_Bitter_LT_cheating
– Betrayed by Cheating
– Cheating soured this Sim’s feelings about another, and being
around them may bring back bad memories.
 – sentimentTrack_Bitter_LT_grudge
– Festering Grudge
 – sentimentTrack_Bitter_ST_breakup
– Bitter about Breakup
 – sentimentTrack_Bitter_ST_divorce
– Resentful about Divorce
 – sentimentTrack_Bitter_ST_fight
– Grudging after a Fight
 – sentimentTrack_Close_LT_generic
– Deeply Connected
 – sentimentTrack_Close_ST_adoption
– Open-Hearted
 – sentimentTrack_Close_ST_generic
– Closer from Happy Memories
 – sentimentTrack_Close_ST_nearDeath
– Close after a Close Call
 – sentimentTrack_Close_ST_party
– Closer after a Fun Party
 – sentimentTrack_Close_ST_qualityTime
– Growing Closer from Quality Time
 – sentimentTrack_Enamored_LT_generic
– Deeply in Love
 – sentimentTrack_Enamored_ST_generic
– Smitten
 – sentimentTrack_Furious_ST_cheating
– Furious about Cheating
 – sentimentTrack_Furious_ST_generic
– Furious
 – sentimentTrack_Furious_ST_wedding
– Infuriated about Cancelled Wedding
 – sentimentTrack_Guilty_ST_awkwardDate
– Awkward after a Bad Date
 – sentimentTrack_Guilty_ST_badParty
– Ashamed of a Terrible Party
 – sentimentTrack_Guilty_ST_generic
– Guilty
 – sentimentTrack_Hurt_LT_generic
– Deeply Wounded
 – sentimentTrack_Hurt_ST_generic
– Hurt
 – sentimentTrack_Hurt_ST_rejection
– Dejected about Rejection
 – sentimentTrack_Hurt_ST_romantic
– Heartbroken
 – sentimentTrack_Hurt_ST_saddened
– Saddened


Trait Name Cheat Code

Active traits.equip_trait active

Ambitious traits.equip_trait ambitious

Art Lover traits.equip_trait artlover

Bookworm traits.equip_trait bookworm

Bro traits.equip_trait bro

Cheerful traits.equip_trait cheerful

Childish traits.equip_trait childish

Clumsy traits.equip_trait clumsy

Creative traits.equip_trait creative

Evil traits.equip_trait evil

Family Oriented traits.equip_trait familyoriented

Foodie traits.equip_trait foodie

Geek traits.equip_trait geek

Genius traits.equip_trait genius

Gloomy traits.equip_trait gloomy

Glutton traits.equip_trait glutton

Good traits.equip_trait good

Goofball traits.equip_trait goofball

Hates Children traits.equip_trait hateschildren

Hot Headed traits.equip_trait hotheaded

Erratic traits.equip_trait insane

Jealous traits.equip_trait jealous

Kleptomaniac traits.equip_trait kleptomaniac

Lazy traits.equip_trait lazy

Loner traits.equip_trait loner

Loves the Outdoors traits.equip_trait lovesoutdoors

Materialistic traits.equip_trait materialistic

Mean traits.equip_trait mean

Music Lover traits.equip_trait musiclover

Neat traits.equip_trait neat

Noncommittal traits.equip_trait commitmentissues

Outgoing traits.equip_trait outgoing

Perfectionist traits.equip_trait perfectionist

Romantic traits.equip_trait romantic

Self Assured traits.equip_trait selfassured

Slob traits.equip_trait slob

Snob traits.equip_trait snob

fire.toggle [true|false] appears to work. Will not extinguish existing fires.


stats.disable_all_commodities | stats.enable_all_commodities

sims.remove_all_buffs - Removes all moodlets

sims.get_sim_id_by_name - gets simID, may be good for other commands


relationship.add_bit <yoursimID> <targetsimID> <relationshipBit>

This cheat requires you to have the Sim ID for your active sims and target
sim. Example: Relationship.add_bit jane Doe john doe family_Husband_wife,
would make the jane and john husband and wife.

The <Relationshipbit> has one the following values:

 romantic-Married
 family_husband_wife
 family_grandchild
 family_son_daughter
 family_brother_sister
 family_grandparent
 family_parent

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