Tomatoes Tamed Again With CRISPR: Gene Editing Opens The Way To Healthier Crops, Finds

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Tomatoes tamed again with CRISPR

Gene editing opens the way to healthier crops, finds Michael Le Page

IT TOOK at least 3000 years to Biotechnology,

domesticate the tomato. Now two “We will taste them when the
teams, one in China, the other in plants are mature”, in a few weeks,
Brazil, Germany and the US, have says Caixia Gao at the Chinese
done it all over again in less than Academy of Sciences in Beijing.
three years – only better in some
ways because their tomatoes are
more nutritious than those we New commercial crops
currently eat. Meanwhile, Joyce Van Eck at the
This approach, which relies Boyce Thompson Institute in
on the CRISPR genome-editing New York state and her colleagues
technique, could not only are using the same approach to
improve existing crops, but could domesticate the ground cherry
also be used to turn thousands of (Physalis pruinosa) for the first
wild plants into new crops. A third time (Nature Plants,
team in the US has already begun Ground cherries are already
to do this with a relative of the sold to some extent in US farmers’
tomato called the ground cherry. markets, but they are hard to
This fast-track domestication produce because the plant has a
could help make the world’s food sprawling growth and the small
supply healthier and far more fruit drop off when ripe. Van Eck’s
resilient to climate change and team edited the plants to increase
diseases, such as the rust fungus fruit size, make growth more
devastating wheat crops. compact and stop fruit falling off.

“This could transform what “There’s potential for this to be

we eat,” says Jörg Kudla at the a commercial crop,” says Van Eck.
University of Münster in But taking the work further would
Germany, a member of the be expensive because of the need
international team that worked to pay for a CRISPR licence and get
on the tomato. “There are regulatory approval.
50,000 edible plants in the world, This approach could boost the
but 90 per cent of our energy domestication. The two teams of Commercial tomatoes may become use of many obscure plants, says
comes from just 15 crops.” tomato researchers have used this packed with more nutrients Jonathan Jones of the Sainsbury
Wild tomatoes, native to the knowledge to reintroduce these Laboratory in the UK. But it will
Andes mountains in South changes from scratch while thought to be good for us. The be hard for them to get so popular
America, produce pea-sized fruit. maintaining or even enhancing international team boosted it they become new staples, he says.
Over many generations, people the desirable traits of wild strains. instead. Wild tomatoes have twice The three teams are already
transformed the plant by picking Kudla’s team made six changes. as much lycopene as cultivated eyeing other plants that could,
mutants with desirable traits such For instance, they tripled the size ones. The newly domesticated in the words of Van Eck’s team, be
as larger fruit. of fruit by editing a gene called one has five times as much. “catapulted into the mainstream”,
But when a single mutant is FW2.2, and got more tomatoes per “They are quite tasty,” says including foxtail, oat grass and
plucked from a larger population truss by editing another called Kudla. “And very aromatic.” amaranth. By choosing wild
for breeding, genetic diversity is MULT (Nature Biotechnology, The researchers in China plants that are drought or heat
lost. And the desirable mutations re-domesticated several strains tolerant, says Gao, we could create
sometimes come with unwanted The historical domestication of of wild tomatoes with desirable crops that will thrive even as the
traits. For instance, the tomatoes tomatoes led to lower levels of the traits lost in domestication. In planet warms.
grown for supermarkets have lost red pigment lycopene, which is this way they managed to make a Kudla didn’t want to reveal
much of their flavour. strain resistant to a disease called which species were in his team’s
By comparing the genomes “There are 50,000 edible bacterial spot race. They also sights, because CRISPR has made
of food plants with their wild plants in the world, but created another strain that is it so easy. “Anyone with the right
relatives, biologists are working 90 per cent of our energy more salt tolerant and one with skills could go home to their lab
out what changes occurred in comes from just 15 crops” higher levels of vitamin C (Nature and do this.” ■

6 October 2018 | NewScientist | 7

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