Bio Notes - Ecology

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An instrument that allows part of the

Predict patterns and confide the effects of global warming on species.
A mesocosm can be created using a glass or plastic bottle with a lid, according to the
following steps:

1. Building a verdant foundation

 Add a bottom layer of pebbles, gravel or sand – this layer exists for drainage (smaller
vessels require thinner rock layers)
 Add a second thin layer of activated charcoal – this will prevent mold and help to aerate
the soil
 Spread a thin cover of sphagnum moss (or use an organic coffee filter) to create a
barrier between the lower layers and soil
 The final layer is the pre-moistened growing medium (i.e. potting mix)

2. Selecting the right plants

 Ideally, choose plants that are both slow growing and thrive in a bit of humidity (e.g.
most ferns, club moss, etc.)
 Inspect the plant thoroughly for any signs of disease or insects before introducing to the

3. Maintaining appropriate conditions

 Ensure the terrarium is placed in a location that provides a continuous source of light
 Locate the terrarium in a place that does not experience fluctuating temperature
conditions (i.e. avoid direct sunlight)
 Do not initially over-water the plants – once the right humidity is established, a terrarium
can go months without watering
 Occasional pruning may be required – however, as level of soil nutrients decrease,
plant growth should slow down

Question 6, page 43 workbook.

1. If we were to have a sealed glass jaw, we could prevent the environment inside
the jaw to interact with the environment outside of the jaw. Thus, we have a
controlled environment.
2. The air and gasses, different consumers, producers, decomposers. Different
source of water.
3. Indoor and outdoor mesocosm.
4. Observe the color of the plants. Too much carbon dioxide inside the sealed jaw
will cause the leaves of the plant to turn yellow.
5. Terrestrial mesocosm: Used for grasslands and forests ecosystems
Aquatic mesocosm: Used to investigate the factors impacting the lake/ shallow
lake ecosystem.

Question 5
a. When plants and organisms die, their bodies will be decomposed by detritivores and
saprotrophs. These decomposers will fertilize the soil by digesting the litter. The
nutrients from the soil will be taken up by the plants through their roots. Plants will pass
on the nutrients to other organisms via consumption.

b. Detritivores and saprotrophs.

c. All energy comes from the sun.

Chi-squared formula

X2 = sum of (O – E)2 / E

O= Observed frequency
E= Expected frequency

Energy flow
- There is a hierarchy of feeding relationships that influences how nutrients and energy
pass through it.

Plants are called producers since they are able to process and create their own food from
inorganic materials.

A lion is called a consumer since they are not able to process their own food, and have to
consume other organisms to obtain nutrients.

Thrush = secondary consumer

Grasshopper = primary consumer
Eagle = Tertiary consumer

Slide 52 Chi-square test


Grand fir
Nobel fir Present Absent
Present 25 25.6 30 29.3 55
Absent 45 44.3 50 50.6 95
70 80 150

(25 – 25.6)^2/ 25.6 = 0.014

(30 – 29.3)^2/ 29.3 = 0.016
(45-44.3)^2/ 44.3 = 0.011
(50 – 50.6) ^2 / 50.6 = 0.003

Sum = 0.014 + 0.016+ 0.011 + 0.003 = 0.049 -> No significant difference. The species
have no associations.
Types of energy loss
- Used as heat energy
- Used for the process of life (example: movement)
- Faeces and remains are passed down to decomposers

1. Not consumed
2. Lost through death.

Pg 151. Pg 156: q16,17,18. Page 157-158, q 1,2,3,4,5,7

Question 12
1. The energy movement is not recyclable, once energy is loss, it’s gone. However,
nutrients are constantly recycled in the ecosystems.
2. Peat is a soft organic material consist of partly decayed organisms and plant. When
compressed under pressure, peat transforms into coal.

Exam-style question
6. Increase in mass per ton of hay for cows :
1000/7.5 *0.9 = 120 kg
Increase in mass per ton of hay for rabbits:
1000/ 30 *3.6 = 120 kg
ii. The increase is different than show in the table because the rabbits consume more daily
compared to the cow.

b. There are more rabbits compared to one cow. The rabbits move more, thus they lose more
heat due to movements and activities.

7. Algae -> fish -> sea lion

b. alegae = producers, fish = primary consumers, sea lion = secondary consumer
c. The vultures are detritivores, which eat dead bodies.

8. The bank is a ecosystem. There are groups of organisms those who occupy the
space, and there are interactions between the abiotic and biotic factors.
b. Birds may feed on the seeds or fruits that the plant produce. They also can
carry the pollen from the plants’ flowers.
The birds are secondary consumers -> the insects eat the plants, the bird
consume the insects

- Pyramid of energy. Total energy = 400kJ/m/y.

Take the first level of the pyramid = x. Hence x + 0.1x + 0.01x = 400
X = 363 kJ/m/y

36.3 kJ/m/y

363 kJ/m/y


Detritivores Decomposers that digest their food internally

Saprotrophs Decomposers that digest their food externally.

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