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Social science, Anthropology and Political

To elaborate further, cociology is the study of
human social behavior. Sociologists may we
quantitative (measurable) or qualitative
Social society is a branch of study which deals (descriptive) methods to study how humans
with human beings, their behavior, growth and socialize and organize themselves socially, as
development, relationships, resources they use well as the origins and im plifications of social
and the various institutions they require to structures.
function and the way they carry on with their
lines. For example – family, schools, workplace
government judiciary, recreation clubs, etc. All
these aspects of life are interelated and Finally, sociologists are interested in
interdependent on one. Another. socioeconomic class and mobility, sexuality,
law, politics, religion, or linguistics. A
sociologist may choose to study any aspect of
human social behaviors so these are just some
So whether one wants to become a doctor or an examples of what a researcher might choose to
engineer or a chartered accountant, an artist or a focus on where other fields of study like
teacher, he or she has to live in a society, Anthropology, can tell us why humans are social
interact with individuals belonging to different beings. Sociology tells us how humans are social
cultural and socio-economic backgrounds, adapt beings.
to various situations and circum stances, as well
as to adhere to certain societal norms in order to
lead a peaceful and productive life.
One of the online articles discussed that
anthropology. Is the study of what makes us
human. Anthropologists take a broad approach
•Sociology is the study of social life, social to understanding the many different aspects of
change and the social causes and consequences the human experience which we call holism
of human behavior. Sociologists investigate the
structure of groups, organizations, and societies
and how people interact within these contexts.
Since all human behavior is social, the subject They consider the past, through archeology, to
matter of sociology ranges from the intimate see how human groups lived hundreds or
family to the hostile mob; from organized crime thousands of years ago and what was important
to relegious traditions: from the divisions of to them. They convider what makes up our
race, gender and social class to the shared beliefs biological bodies and genetics, as well as our
of a common culture. bones, diet and health.

In another online article, sociology is explained Furthermore, anthropologists also try to

as the systematic science of studying human understand how people interact in social
behavior within the context of societies. Society relationships (for example with families and
is a broad topic that includes everything from friends). They look at the different. Ways people
economics to politics to family. Dynamics. dress and communicate in different societies.
Sociology takes all these systems and more to Aside from that anthropologists sometimes use
account. Broadly defined. A society is a group these comparisons to understand their own
of people that share a territory and a culture. society. Many anthropo logists work in their
Since the definition. Of society is so broad, own societies looking at economics. Health,
sociology is a very broad topic as well: In fact, it education, law and policy (to name just a few.
may be the broadest of the social science Topics)
•Konnichiwa (Japanese)- Good day.
•When trying to understand these complex •”G’day mate” (Autralian English) Hello.
issues they Keep in mind what they know about
biology culture Typer of communication and •”Goed dag” (Dutch)- Good day.
how humans lived in the past. •Magandang Araw” (Filipino) – Good day

Now let us place our attention to Political Cultural variation.

science. It is a classical discipline that deals with
the study of poli- tical phenomena. Its goal is to
deepen human understanding of the forms and
Refers to the differences in customs, traditions,
nature of political action and to develop
beliefs, values and norms among different
theoretical tools for interpreting politically
meaningful pheno- mena. The discipline deals
with the traditional fields of public national life, →refers to the differences in social behaviors
such as democracy, parliaments, politicians that different cultures exhibit around the world.
electrons and the government. What may be consi- dered good etiquette in one
culture may be considered bad etiquette in
Political science is occasionally called
Examples of cultural variations:
poliotology which is a social science that deals
with systems of governance and the analysis of •Food culture
political activities, political thoughts associated
constitutions, and political behavior. •Religious Beliefs
•Mamage custom

Political science comprises numerous subfields •Festivals and celebration.

including comparative politics, political
economy, international relations, political
theory, public administration public policy and • Food culture (e.g. Japanese suhi italian pasta
political methodology. Furthermore, political Indian curry)
science is related to, and draws upon, the fields
of economics, law, sociology history philosophy •Religious beliefs (e.g. Christianity Wlam,
human geography, journalism, political Buddhism)
anthropology and social policy. • Festivals and celebrations (e.g. chinese New
Year, American Thanksgiving, Indian Diwali)

Cultural variation, Social Differences, Social •Marriage autory (e.g. arrange marriages, same-
change and Political Identity sex mariages monogamous marriages)

Common greeting and expression that are most Social Differences

likely. Wed from the following countries like ↳ social differences are the situations where
UK, Spain, France, israel and etc. people are discriminated against on the basis of
social, economic and social inequality.

• “Huanying” (chinese) – welcome ↳ refers to the disparities that exist between

individuals or groups based on factors such as
• “Guten tag” (German) – Hello
race ethnicity, gender socio-economic status and •Socialism
Examples of social Differences
• Income inequality
(e.g. the wealth gap between the rich and poor).
Social Change
• Gender roles
(e.g. expectations of women as homemakers or
men ar breadwinners) ↳refers to the significant modification or
alteration in the lifestyle of a society, including
•Disability status culture.
(e.g. discrimination against people with ↳ means any significant shift or modification in
disabilities) the lifestyle of the society that affects the major
portion of the population that brings about
pattern of behavior.
Social change ↳ It may be brought about by cultural, religious,
↳ means the transformation of culture and social economic scientific or technological forces.
institu tions over time.
 Causes of social change.
↳ refers to the modifications in societal norms,
values, be- liefs and customs over time.
1. Technology
Examples of social change
•The advancement of technology and its effects
on daily life. • According to Thomas Friedman, American
political commentator and author, technology is
•The shift from agricultural to industrial
the driving force behind globalization.
• People get connected all over the world
•The rise of social media and its impact on
through technology
• Technologically advanced countries are on the
• Environmental conciousness and the push for
sustainable living.
• Technology contributes a lot to modernization
in the fields of medicine, agriculture,
Political Identity manifacturing and other industries.

↳Political Identity is a measure of a group of 2. Social institution

people with similar political ideologies
↳ refer to the groups or movements that • social institution are established sets of norms
individuals align themselves with based on and subsystems in a society.
shared political beliefs, values or goals.
• Societies are composed of different sectors and
Examples of Political Identity each sector carries out specific task. Each sector
•Liberalism also has different ter. Ponsibilities that
contribute to the normal functioning of the Example: the invention of photography has
society. altered how people view reality as it allowed
individuals to capture moments and later on
•Each change in a single social institution also record events through video camera.
leads to changes in all other institutions.

b. Secondary Innovation- occurs when an

3. Population individual or a group further develops or
improve on an already existing idea method, or
device. (Haviland Prins, walrath and McBride,
•A change in population in the composition of 2008).
every level in the society leads to social change.
Example: smart phones and other forms of
•Regardless whether the population increases or wireless com. Munication are improvised
decreases, for sure it has a great impact to all version of the telephone.
aspects in the society.

Example (General).
4. Environment
• A population change may affect the
environment and the natural resources. •The invention of the smartphone and its impact
on communication and access to information.
•Likewise, a change in the environment will also
affect the people and the society: Because of the •The development of the internet and its impact
changes in the population (increase), people will on global connectivity and knowledge sharing.
now be using all the natural resources available. •The introduction of electric cars and their
potential to reduce carbon emissions and
improve environmental Sustainability
5. Modernization
•May also be considered as a typical result of
social change Example (Philippines).

• It refers to the process of increased

differentiation and specialization within a •The development of the “Jeepney” as a cheap
society primarily around its industry and and efficient mode of public transportation.
•The invention of the “karaoke” machine by
Filipino in- ventor Roberto del Rosario.
Sources of cultural, Social and Political change. •The use of mobile apps like “sarisari” and
“PayMaya” for mobile payments and online
1. Innovation
•The development of the “Tuk- Tuk” or
-It is the use of new techniques to achieve motorized rick- show as a mode of
desired ends. It also refers to changing or transportation in some areas.
creating more effective processes and ideas.
A. Primary Innovation- occurs when an
individual or a group comes up with a 2. Cultural Diffusion
completely new idea, method or device.
This is the spread of culture including aspects •The blending of Spanish and Filipino musical
such as clothing and food, from one group to traditions. In the “Kundiman genre.
another, typically as a result of making contact
with a new group for the first time. •The incorporation of western design elements
into traditional “Baring Tagalog formal wear.
•The adoption of Islamic clothing styles in some
•when one culture begins to adopt elements parts of the predominantly Catholic Philippines.
(clothing. Food, religion, costume, song, dance,
language, etc) of another culture, then cultural •The blending of indigenous and spanich
diffusion happens. Examples architectural styles in historic buildings and
• The popularity of K-Pop music and Korean
dramas in various part of the world. •The adoption of Chinese New Year tradition
and celebrations in Filipino Chinese
• The spread of American fast food chains such communities.
as MC Donald’s and KFC to different countries
examples (Philippines).
•The influence of chinese culture on Filipino 4. Assimilation
cuisine, including ausher like “lumpia” and •A the process whereby people of a culture learn
“pancit” pla The spread of hip-hop music and to adapt to ways of the majority cutture.
dance culture in Filipino society
•There is a loss of the minority’s own culture as
•The popularity of Korean Beauty products and more value is given to the cultural aspects of the
skincare routines in the Philippines. majority.
•The spread of Japanese technology and Example:
electronice in the Philippines
• The Forced assimilation of Indigenous children
•The adoption of American sports like basketball into canadian residential schools, resulting in the
and baseball in Filipino society. loss of their language, culture and traditions.

3. Acculturation • The cultural asimilation of African Americans

-It is a process where a minority (small group of in the United States during the Jim Crow era
people) adopts the cultural aspects of the resulting in the loss of their ancestral practices
majority (large group of people) without losing and customs.
its own traditions and customer.
Example: •The assimilation of ethnic minorities into
•The blending of Indigenous and European mainstream culture in many countries, resulting
cultures in. Latin America resulting in unique in the loss of their distinctive cultural pradices.
art, music and cuisine.
•The integration of chinese and western Example (Philippines):
medicine in comtemporary temporary health
care practices. •The adoption of English as a
second language in many non-English speaking
•The loss of many Indigenous cultural practices
and beliefs due to centuries of colonization.
-example (Philippines)
• The loss of many Indigenour languages and
detects due to colonialism and modemization.
•The adoption of western attitudes and behavior
towards beauty and body image in the modern
Philippines. 2. Revolution (Example)

•The influence of American culture on

Philippine caution, media and language. •People Power Revolution (lasu) -peaceful that
toppled the Marcos dictatorship.

Social contradictions and Tensions •EDSA DOS (2001) – people power uprising the
ousted Pre- sident Joseph Estrada.
•Philippine Revolution (1896-1898) – armed
1. Inter-ethnic conflict revolution against spanish colonial Rule.
•Inter-ethnic conflict refers to tension, violence •Magdalo Mutiny (2003) – failed military
or hostility between different ethnic groups. mutiny against President Gloria Macapagal-
•It can arise due to differences in culture
Relegion, economic status, or historical events. •Mukbalahap Rebellion (1946-1954) communist
rebellion against the Philippine Govemment.
•An armed conflict between different ethnic ↳Involves a public seizure of the state with the
groups main goal of over turning existing political
•When two or more ethnic groups meet because structures.
they are -occupying or living the same territory, ↳involve the public and are usually attended by
there are so many possibilities that may arise. rapid structural changes that usually involves the
•One of these is misunderstanding between these use of violence.
groups that should likely lead to conflict and
would result to war.
3. Terrorism (Example)

•Abu Sayyaf Broup Islamic extremist group in
the Southern Philippines that has carried out
•The conflict between the more blamic liberation kidnappings and bombings.
Front (MILF) and the philippine Government • New People’s Army (NPA) communist rebel
which is rooted in the historical and cultural group that has camed out attacks and
differences between the Muslim minority in assasinations. •Marawi siege (2017) slege of the
Mindanao and the Christian majority in the rest city of Marawi by ISIS-affiliated militants.
of the country.
•Maguindanao massacre (2009) – mass kiling of
500 people, including journalists and political
• The conflict between the Lumad indigenous opponents. Allegedly cared out by the Ampatuan
people and settlers in Mindanao, which has led political clan in Maguindanao province.
to displacement and violence →occurs when nonstate actors use vidence
against civilians to altere their political gains.

•The conflict between the Moro National

Liberation Front (MNLF) and the MILF over 4. Gender Issue
leadership and control in Mindanao.
•Modemization after all is viewed not as a series
•Gender Issues refer to social, economic and
political issues related to gender including Adjustments in Indigenous economic systems
gender inequality,discrimination, and violence. but a qualitative change in the organization of
society, culture and even in the individual itself.
• A source of social contradictions and tensions.
•These are manifested in the following
•The issue on gender equality has been a subject Phenomena Global warming and Migration.
on social discussions for quite some time up to
the present-
•Gender equality refers to a view that all Global warming
genders, inau- ding men and women should
receive equal treatment. And therefore should
not be discriminated against based on their • global warming occurs when there is a sudden
gender. heating up of the earth’s surface bought about by
excess hydrocarbons and pollutants emitted
from industries.
•These factors in turn destroy the owne layer,
which traps the sun’s ultraviolet rays from its
direct entry towards the earth.
•Discrimination based on sexual onentation and
Identity – LGBTQ+ individuals in the Migration
Philippines face discrimination and stigma with
same-sex mariage not recognized and
discrimination in employment and education. •In the Philippines transnational migration
•lack of women’s political representation – provides a strong impetus for reinvention of
women are underrepresented in politics in the roles especially within the thres- hold of the
Philippines with women occupying only arround family and society.
a quarter of seats in the House of •wives left by their husband, who work abroad
Representatives and the senate as of 2001. as OFW adopt the traditional “masculine” rate as
•violence against women and children (VAWC) pillar of the household in the absence of a
– persuasive problem or domestic violence, partner.
sexual harassment and rape in the Philippines. •In the same way, husbands who were left home
by wives working overseas adopt the traditional
“feminine” role rearing children.
New challenges to Human Adaptation and
Social Change •Nonetheless, modern technology like the
existence of broadband networks, the internet
and social media sites eases the pain and anxiety
of reparation through digital simulacrum, thus
•Major transformations in the new world order turning the impersonal to the quite personal and
as a result of deteriorating envirmment and even political.
social conditions like the increase in the
population and advancement in technology
create new challenges to human adaption and
social change New Forms of Media and Social Networking
•Fast and reliable internet connection gave
people and equitable access to information and
• Theoretically, this technological development
is “a great victory for democracy as popular
participation can be hap dily realized with one
click (Magstadt 2013)

Social Movements

• Social Movements are activities organized by

groups of people intended to create effects
beyond their own group (Zurcher and snow,
l982 in Newman 2012)
•Social movements are often created when
people are dissatisfied with their social
conditions and unable to meet their daily needs
(Newman, 2015)
•Undeniably many social movements in the
world advocate pro-poor platforms by ensuring
that the plight of the latter are ventilated to
higher authorities, especially in countries under
oppressive regimes.

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