Methods For The Assessment of NET Formation: From Neutrophil Biology To Translational Research
Methods For The Assessment of NET Formation: From Neutrophil Biology To Translational Research
Methods For The Assessment of NET Formation: From Neutrophil Biology To Translational Research
Molecular Sciences
Methods for the Assessment of NET Formation: From
Neutrophil Biology to Translational Research
Marina Stoimenou † , Georgios Tzoros † , Panagiotis Skendros * and Akrivi Chrysanthopoulou *
Abstract: Several studies have indicated that a neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) formation, apart
from its role in host defense, can contribute to or drive pathogenesis in a wide range of inflammatory
and thrombotic disorders. Therefore, NETs may serve as a therapeutic target or/and a diagnostic
tool. Here, we compare the most commonly used techniques for the assessment of NET formation.
Furthermore, we review recent data from the literature on the application of basic laboratory tools
for detecting NET release and discuss the challenges and the advantages of these strategies in NET
evaluation. Taken together, we provide some important insights into the qualitative and quantitative
molecular analysis of NETs in translational medicine today.
1. Introduction
Citation: Stoimenou, M.; Tzoros, G.;
Neutrophils represent the most abundant innate immune cells and are the first to
Skendros, P.; Chrysanthopoulou, A.
migrate to sites of tissue inflammation. Their half-life in circulation varies from 6 h to a few
Methods for the Assessment of NET
days. Thus, at steady-state conditions, renewal and maintenance of the neutrophil pool
Formation: From Neutrophil Biology
to Translational Research. Int. J. Mol.
are ensured by constant bone marrow granulopoiesis. However, during systemic inflam-
Sci. 2022, 23, 15823.
matory conditions, a reprogramming of the hematopoietic response, named emergency
granulopoiesis, leads to the commencement of de novo generation of high numbers of
neutrophils from myeloid progenitors and their mobilization to circulation [1].
Academic Editors: Kim M.
Neutrophils contain a multilobular nucleus and have a 12–15 µm diameter [2]. The
O’Sullivan and Yoshiro Kobayashi
different types of granules include (a) the primary/azurophilic, (b) secondary/specific and
Received: 27 September 2022 (c) tertiary, which differentiate them into three distinct categories. The primary granules
Accepted: 10 December 2022 contain myeloperoxidase (MPO), defensins, elastase and cathepsins, while the secondary
Published: 13 December 2022 granules contain NADPH oxidase, lactoferrin and gelatinase. Finally, the tertiary vesicles
consist of alkaline phosphatase and gelatinase [3,4].
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
The traditional concept that neutrophils are terminally differentiated cells with limited
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
published maps and institutional affil-
plasticity and highly conserved function due to their low transcriptional activity has been
critically revised. Recent studies have provided evidence suggesting that neutrophils
express a wide variety of surface receptors that give them the ability to quickly respond
against disease–environmental cues and undergo transcriptional reprogramming, allowing
them to acquire disease-specific phenotypes [5,6]. Thus, neutrophils are considered a cell
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. population with diverse functions, plasticity and a longer survival time of a few days than
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. the one initially suggested of 8–10 h [7].
This article is an open access article High-throughput approaches have revealed that neutrophil gene expression includes
distributed under the terms and inflammatory agents, such as cytokines and chemokines, that complement the compo-
conditions of the Creative Commons nents [8,9] and factors involved in inflammation resolution [10]. Neutrophils interact with
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// a variety of cell populations during their migration toward tissues, including endothelial cells, fibroblasts, macrophages, lymphocytes and dendritic cells [2].
In the early 2000s, advances in molecular biology proposed the most important up-
date of Inneutrophil physiology,
the early 2000s, advancesparticularly
in moleculartheir capacity
biology to release
proposed the most neutrophil
lar traps (NETs) to kill bacteria [11]. Activated neutrophils generate
of neutrophil physiology, particularly their capacity to release neutrophil extracellular NETs, whichtraps
are ex-
(NETs) to kill bacteria [11]. Activated neutrophils generate NETs, which are extracellular re-
fibers composed of chromatin, histones and granular proteins [11]. A NET
a mechanism through which
of chromatin, a neutrophil
histones and granularreleases NETs
proteins andAeventually
[11]. NET release dies
is [12];
mechanism a NET
which is anot always linked
neutrophil releasestoNETs
the death of the neutrophil
and eventually [12]. Overall,
dies [12]; however, a
NET are three
release different
is not alwaystypes
linked oftoNETs (Figure
the death 1).neutrophil
of the In the first[12].
type, NETs there
Overall, are composed
are three of
different typesDNA
mitochondrial of NETs (Figure
together 1). In
with the firstproteins,
granular type, NETs andare composed of
neutrophilic mitochondrial
death does not fol-
low together
(Figure with granular
1) [13]. The otherproteins,
two typesandofneutrophilic death does
NETs are called vitalnot
andfollow (Figure
suicidal. The1)suicidal
The other two types of NETs are called vital and suicidal.
mechanism of NETs is dependent on the NADPH oxidase-2 enzyme and is accompanied The suicidal mechanism of
NETs is dependent on the NADPH oxidase-2 enzyme and is accompanied
by the death of neutrophils (Figure 1) [12]. The activation of NADPH oxidase relies on an by the death
of neutrophils
increase in the Ca (Figure 1) [12]. Theinactivation
2+ concentration of NADPH
the cytoplasm oxidase relies
and sometimes on on
thean increase of
in the Ca2+ concentration in the cytoplasm and sometimes on the generation of ROS in
ROS in mitochondria [14]. On the other hand, vital NETs are independent of NADPH
mitochondria [14]. On the other hand, vital NETs are independent of NADPH oxidase-2,
oxidase-2, and neutrophils remain alive (Figure 1) [14]. A NET release can be induced in
and neutrophils remain alive (Figure 1) [14]. A NET release can be induced in vitro by
vitro by either inflammatory molecules (i.e., cytokines, pathogen components) that simu-
either inflammatory molecules (i.e., cytokines, pathogen components) that simulate the
late the disease
disease microenvironment
microenvironment or chemicalor chemical
compounds compounds
(e.g., PMA,(e.g., PMA, ionomycin)
ionomycin) that activatethat
some intracellular pathways [15–17]. Each stimulus may induce a different different
some intracellular pathways [15–17]. Each stimulus may induce a pathway path-
way of NETs (Figure 1) [12]. The morphology of NETs, depending
NETs (Figure 1) [12]. The morphology of NETs, depending on the available space, is eitheron the available space,
eitheror wide or cloud-like
cloud-like [15,18,19].[15,18,19].
Figure 1. Schematic diagram demonstrating the different types of NETs. Depending on the stim-
Figure 1. various molecular
Schematic diagram pathways result inthe
demonstrating thedifferent
typesof NETs. ThisDepending
of NETs. diagram presents
on the the
lation, variouspathways
fundamental molecularofpathways result inand
NET production, the in
or NADPHpresents the fun-
damental pathways of
(NOX) -independent NET production,
pathway andNETs
and the suicidal in particular,
or NADPH the vital NETs
oxidase-2 (NOX)or -dependent
NADPH oxidase-2
(NOX) -independent
way. Furthermore, pathway
NETs and
can also the suicidal
consist NETs or NADPH
of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) oxidase-2 (NOX)
rather than-dependent
chromosomal path-
way. Furthermore, NETs can also consist of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) rather than
DNA. In this pathway, intracellular grey structures represent mitochondrial organelles. Some indica-chromosomal
DNA. In this
tive NET pathway,
inducers intracellular
are chemical grey structures
compounds represent
or inflammatory mitochondrial
agents organelles. Some indic-
ative NET inducers are chemical compounds or inflammatory agents (Phorbol-12-myristate-13-ac-
(PMA), antibodies (Abs), lipopolysaccharides (LPS), activated platelets, granulocyte-macrophage
etate (PMA), antibodies
colony-stimulating factor(Abs), lipopolysaccharides
(GM-CSF) (LPS), activated
and complement component C5a). platelets, granulocyte-macro-
phage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and complement component C5a).
Once neutrophils are activated, several downstream cellular events occur. During NET
Once neutrophils
formation, are activated,
neutrophil elastase several downstream
(NE), peptidyl-arginine cellular
deaminase events
4 (PAD4) andoccur. During
NET formation,
oxidase neutrophil
(MPO) migrate to the elastase
nucleus. (NE),
Indeed,peptidyl-arginine deaminase
PAD4 binds with calcium, 4 (PAD4)
and the complexand
is then transferred(MPO)
myeloperoxidase to the nucleus,
migrate where
to the histone
Indeed, PAD4 binds and DNA
with deconden-
calcium, and
the complex is then transferred to the nucleus, where histone hypercitrullination and
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 17
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 15823 3 of 16
DNA are
sation decondensation
mediated [14].areThe
mediated [14]. The
cytoskeletal cytoskeletal
components andcomponents and nucleus
nucleus envelope, as wellenve-
lope, as well as chromatin, are disintegrated by serine proteases. Finally, DNA,
as chromatin, are disintegrated by serine proteases. Finally, DNA, citrullinated histones citrulli-
nated histones
(CitH3) (CitH3)
and granular and are
proteins granular proteins
released into the are released environment
extracellular into the extracellular environ-
through pores
on the through pores on the
cellular membrane cellular
(Figure 2). membrane (Figure 2).
Figure2.2. Immunofluorescence
Figure Immunofluorescencestaining:staining:AAqualitative
for NET
NET detection
detection inin human-isolated
human-isolated neu-
trophils using either a confocal or a conventional fluorescence microscope. Neutrophils
neutrophils using either a confocal or a conventional fluorescence microscope. Neutrophils isolated isolated
from healthy donors’ whole blood using a density gradient separation method were
from healthy donors’ whole blood using a density gradient separation method were stimulated with
stimulated with
a serum derived from a treatment-naïve patient with active ulcerative colitis (180 min incubation
a serum derived from a treatment-naïve patient with active ulcerative colitis (180 min incubation
time). NETs are visualized as fibers of extracellular DNA and neutrophil granule proteins assessed
time). NETs are visualized as fibers of extracellular DNA and neutrophil granule proteins assessed by
by double-staining with a chromatin-staining dye and a neutrophil marker. (A) Neutrophils were
double-staining with a chromatin-staining dye and a neutrophil marker. (A) Neutrophils were stained
stained with a rabbit anti-human neutrophil elastase ((NE), Abcam) antibody detected by a goat
with a rabbit anti-human neutrophil elastase ((NE), Abcam, Cambridge, UK) antibody detected by
anti-rabbit AlexaFluor 594 antibody (Invitrogen). Visualization was performed using confocal mi-
goat anti-rabbit AlexaFluor
(Revolution spinning 594disk
antibody (Invitrogen,
confocal Waltham,
system; Andor, MA, USA).
Ireland). Visualization
(B) Neutrophils was
were stained
performed using confocal microscopy (Revolution spinning disk confocal system; Andor,
with a mouse anti-human neutrophil elastase ((NE), Abcam) antibody detected by a goat anti-mouse Belfast,
UK). (B) Neutrophils
AlexaFluor were stained
488 antibody with aVisualization
(Invitrogen). mouse anti-human neutrophil using
was performed elastase ((NE), Abcam)
a fluorescence micro-
antibody detected by a goat anti-mouse AlexaFluor 488 antibody (Invitrogen). Visualization
scope (OLYMPUS BX51). In (A,B), cell nuclei were counterstained with 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylin- was
performed usingSigma-Aldrich).
dole ((DAPI), a fluorescence microscope
neutrophilsBX51, Shinjuku,
served Japan).Data
as control. In (A,B),
were Laboratory
counterstained with 4archive are shown.
,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole ((DAPI), Sigma-Aldrich, Burlington, MA,
USA). Untreated neutrophils served as control. Data from the Molecular Hematology Laboratory
archiveSince NET formation was first reported in 2004 as an eliminating mechanism for in-
are shown.
vading microbes [11], NETs have attracted much interest, and several of their additional
Since NET formation was first reported in 2004 as an eliminating mechanism for
functions have been discovered. Another important role of NETs is the activation of other
invading microbes [11], NETs have attracted much interest, and several of their additional
immune cells during inflammation, either to orchestrate an inflammatory response or to
functions have been discovered. Another important role of NETs is the activation of other
resolve inflammation [20]. Aggregated NETs contribute to degrading cytokines and
immune cells during inflammation, either to orchestrate an inflammatory response or
to resulting in
resolve inflammation inflammation
[20]. Aggregatedresolution in the acute
NETs contribute inflammatory
to degrading response
cytokines and of
gout [21].
Accumulating evidence suggests that NETs induced by different stimuli and disease
conditions may be heterogeneous in regard to protein composition and post-translational
modifications acquiring different biological effects [16,22]. In addition to DNA and
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 15823 4 of 16
Table 1. The benefits and the limitations of each laboratory method used in the context of NET evaluation.
Figure Immunofluorescence staining:
staining: a qualitative
a qualitative tooltool to detect
to detect NETNET remnants
remnants or disease-related
or disease-related
proteins located on NETs in human tissue specimens. Cross-sections (4 μm
proteins located on NETs in human tissue specimens. Cross-sections (4 µm thickness) of kidneythickness) of kidney
biopsy tissue derived from a patient with proliferative lupus nephritis (LN) were
biopsy tissue derived from a patient with proliferative lupus nephritis (LN) were deparaffinized deparaffinized
and stained with the appropriate antibodies. (A) NETs were visualized in kidney specimens as ex-
and stained with the appropriate antibodies. (A) NETs were visualized in kidney specimens as
tracellular structures by staining with both a mouse anti-human neutrophil elastase ((NE), Abcam)
extracellular structures by staining with both a mouse anti-human neutrophil elastase ((NE), Abcam)
antibody and a rabbit anti-human histone 3 (Anti-Histone H3 (citrulline R2 + R8 + R17), Abcam)
antibody and a rabbit anti-human histone 3 (Anti-Histone H3 (citrulline R2 + R8 + R17), Abcam)
antibody. (B) The presence of a disease-related protein on extracellular structures, such as IL-17 in
antibody. (B) The presence of a disease-related protein on extracellular structures, such as IL-17 in
LN, was examined using both a mouse anti-human IL-17A (R&D Systems) antibody and a rabbit
LN, was examined
anti-human using
histone H3 both a mouse anti-human
(Anti-Histone IL-17A
H3 (citrulline R2 +(R&D
R8 + Systems) antibody
R17), Abcam) and a rabbit
antibody. In (A,B), a
anti-human histone H3 (Anti-Histone H3 (citrulline R2 + R8 + R17), Abcam)
goat anti-mouse AlexaFluor 488 antibody (Invitrogen) and a goat anti-rabbit AlexaFluor antibody. In (A,B),
594a anti-
(Invitrogen) AlexaFluor 488 to
were used antibody (Invitrogen)
detect primary and a goat
antibodies. anti-rabbit
Sections wereAlexaFluor 594 antibody
counterstained with DAPI
and visualizedwereinused to detect
a confocal primary antibodies.
microscope (Revolution Sections were
spinning counterstained
disk with DAPI
confocal system; and
Andor, Belfast,
visualized in a confocal
Ireland). Data from themicroscope
Hematology spinning disk confocal
Laboratory archive system; Andor, Belfast, UK).
are shown.
Data from the Molecular Hematology Laboratory archive are shown.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 15823 7 of 16
through or reflecting from the surface of the sample. In TEM, the electron beam passes
through the sample and is projected onto a fluorescent screen, producing an image [70]. In
contrast, in SEM, the electron beam reflects upon one area of the sample and the emitted
signal is then collected by detectors where an image is produced [54,70]. Additionally,
TEM is mainly used for visualizing the inner parts of a sample, whereas SEM is used for
the surface examination of a sample [54]. TEM provides a higher image resolution with
the image projected in 2D, while SEM yields a greater depth of field, thus producing a 3D
image [54,70].
Electron microscopy is a beneficial methodology to assess NETs (Table 1). According to
the literature, SEM seems to be the central choice for visualizing NET formation. In general,
the electron microscope provides a better image resolution and magnification compared to
conventional light microscope visualization [54]. Thus, NETs can be differentiated from
fibrins when high-resolution SEM is applied [20]. Nevertheless, the high energy projected
from the electron beam can sometimes change the structure of a sample and therefore
provide a faulty image. That is why special preparation of the sample is required, which
can often be a very complex and expensive procedure (Table 1) [54].
Conventional electron microscopy staining methods still cannot visualize NET forma-
tion as accurately. There is a reliable protocol where TEM can also be used to demonstrate
NETs and interactions with bacteria [71]. Nevertheless, TEM is a distinctive visualization
method for autophagy [71], as it allows the visualization of the inner parts of a cell. Au-
tophagy, which is closely associated with the release of NETs [18,72], is an intracellular
mechanism and can therefore be visualized in great depth. The work of Tang et al. demon-
strated the increased vacuolization that neutrophils undergo when treated with H4B4 (an
anti-human LAMP-2 antibody), which in turn led to an increase in NETs [73]. Electron
microscopy was also used in the work of Fuchs et al., where an interesting connection
between NETs and platelets was demonstrated where NETs played a promoting role to-
ward thrombosis [24]. In addition, Ermert et al. used SEM to observe NET formation in
neutrophils isolated from mice, while Manzenreiter et al. investigated the complex role
of NETs in cystic fibrosis by SEM [74,75]. In more recent work, Rajeeve et al. investigated
NET formation through the infection of neutrophils with Chlamydia trachomatis, which
normally blocks NET production, but when the chlamydia protease CPAF is absent from
the bacteria, NETs are observed [55].
by staining neutrophil elastase (NE) and Ly6G in obese mice, where NETs are impaired due
to obesity because of the presence of dysfunctional platelets [81], which have been shown
to play an important role in sepsis [82]. This study aimed to gain further insights regarding
the obesity paradox in sepsis, showing reduced inflammation in the liver of obese mice [81].
Hoppenbrouwers et al. also used this technique in an effort to assess the robustness
of different NET inducers when stimulating neutrophils from healthy individuals with
different molecules in vitro [57], including the organic molecule phorbol 12-myristate
13-acetate (PMA), ionomycin, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and gram-positive or -negative
bacteria [57]. Their study has suggested PMA, ionomycin and bacteria as strong inducers
of NETs. Their use of time-lapse imaging also revealed a different series of events when
comparing the NET process triggered by ionomycin and PMA [57].
A novel method for a quick, high-throughput and reproducible quantification of NET
release in real-time is the use of the IncuCyte ZOOM Imaging Platform [83]. This method
can identify NETs from other cell death pathways by detecting morphological changes
in cells, nuclei and kinetics [83]. Since the IncuCyte ZOOM Imaging Platform permits
the use of only two different fluorescent signals, it limits the ability to detect additional
neutrophil components. Overall, this platform uses three imaging channels: the red
fluorescent channel, the green fluorescent channel and the phase contrast channel [83]. The
requirement for complex equipment and the potential for false-positive results when the
plasma membrane integrity is compromised are additional drawbacks of this technique [83].
Figure 4. Flow cytometry 4. Flowan
assay: cytometry assay:
indicative an indicative quantitative
quantitative method ofmethod of NET determination
NET determination in human
in human
isolated neutrophils. Flow cytometric analysis of human neutrophils derived from a healthy donor.
isolated neutrophils. Flow cytometric analysis of human neutrophils derived from a healthy donor.
Neutrophils were isolated from whole blood using a density gradient separation method. (A)
Neutrophils were isolated from whole blood using a density gradient separation method. (A) Unstim-
ulated neutrophils (negative control) or (B) neutrophils stimulated with a chemical inducer of NETs
(phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), Sigma-Aldrich; 20 nM final concentration, 45 min incubation
time) were stained with a neutrophil activation marker (mouse anti-human CD66b—conjugated
with PerCP/Cyanine5.5, Biolegend, San Diego, CA, USA). CD66b positive cells were examined for
the presence of citrullinated histone 3 upon staining with a rabbit anti-human histone 3 antibody
(Recombinant anti-histone H3 (citrulline R8), Abcam) detected with a goat anti-rabbit AlexaFluor488
antibody (Invitrogen). It was tested that PMA did not induce apoptosis/necrosis in neutrophils under
these experimental conditions. Data from the Molecular Hematology Laboratory archive are shown.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 15823 11 of 16
often lose their specificity when thrown into a mix of many proteins. Finally, the protocol is
not standard, and the optimization process can sometimes prove difficult since Western
blot is a very tender and multi-step technique (Table 1) [89].
3. Concluding Remarks
The increasing implications of NET formation in neutrophil biology and translational
medical research require reliable and efficient tools for NET identification. Immunoassays,
such as ELISA and Western blot, are used for NET quantification, but the results require
standardization (Table 1). ELISA is a widely available technique due to its low cost, in-
creased accessibility and simplicity. Western blot can have high costs and be laborious
because of the extensive sample preparation. Flow cytometry-based approaches allow
NET quantification with high objectivity and reproducibility in a rapid manner. However,
sample preparation can be challenging. In addition, flow cytometry identifies and ana-
lyzes pro-NETotic cells prone to release NETs (Table 1). Visualization methods effectively
distinguish the cell death mechanism. Nevertheless, immunofluorescence and electron
microscopy are highly dependent on the observer and the field of view (Table 1). Therefore,
it seems that there is no gold-standard method for the assessment of NET formation. Until
today, a combination of different molecular techniques should be used to avoid possi-
ble misinterpretation of the results and provide the utmost comparable data. Moreover,
functional assays are used to demonstrate a definite biological role for NETs and various
NET-located proteins that are detected in the circulation and/or tissues. Considerably, the
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 15823 13 of 16
clinical significance of accurate NET detection and the application of molecular biology
techniques in this field needs to be standardized and optimized further.
Author Contributions: M.S., G.T., P.S. and A.C. wrote the manuscript and created the Table/Figures.
P.S. and A.C. revised the manuscript. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Acknowledgments: We would like to gratefully acknowledge Konstantinos Ritis for his support and
advice in studying the mechanism of NETs in distinct inflammatory and thrombotic disorders. He
always acts as a constant source of inspiration for us. We also wish to thank all new and previous
members of the Laboratory of Molecular Hematology (Democritus University of Thrace, DUTH)
for their contribution to the immunofluorescence data presented in this review article. Finally, we
kindly acknowledge Maria Koffa for her guidance in CIBIT—Bioimaging Facilities of the Democritus
University of Thrace.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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