April 2023: Practice Teaching Portfolio

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April 2023


Presented to…………………………………………



Cover Page

I Statement of purpose

II Teaching responsibilities

III Teaching philosophy and goals

IV. Unit and Lesson Plan Writing
Lesson Plan Writing: My Daily Map (A Description)

V. Professional Readings

VI. Career Development Plan

Statement of Purpose

In this portfolio, I am presenting an overview of my student teaching experience which

shows my own understanding of teaching as well as a compilation that will help me define my

teaching philosophies and styles. This portfolio serves as a record of my various understandings

such as dealing with different problems I encountered during the field practice. It also shows my

strengths as a teacher and acknowledging my weaknesses for self-improvement.

As a future educator of Mathematics, I will teach my students the basic competencies

required and develop their abilities to solve mathematical problems. Not only Math-related but

also real life situations. I worked hard to nurture my students as they move to another year, they

will be well-equipped with the basic skills needed to think critically. In my teaching philosophy

and style, I described the way I teach my classes and the reasons behind the plan and styles. I also

included significant evidences of my teaching such as daily lesson plans and instructional

materials. Some of these evidences can be found at the professional development activities I have

attended, as well as how it affected my teaching. I also made reflections from the classes I have

taught including class activities, assessments, and feedback from faculty and students. Through

this, I can express my relationship with my students, coordinating teachers, supervisor, and other

personnel in the school.

In this compilation, I have included my reflections from my readings and research. Through

these, my own perspective and goals towards becoming a globally-competitive teacher will be

defined. It also contains my resumé and career plans. Furthermore, the different entries in this

portfolio are evidences of how far I can give to fulfill my duties especially during my field practice.
Photos of the School

The School Entrance Gate The School Canteen

The School Gymnasium The School Classrooms

The Office of School Head The School’s Computer Room

The School’s Herbal Garden The School’s Mini Fountain

Lesson Plan Writing: My Daily Map

(A Description)

An engineer would not dare to build a building or a house without a plan. An architect

would not dare to sketch/draw a model of a house without a plan and the doctor would not dare to

operate a person with critical condition without a plan. The same goes with the teacher, we would

not dare to have a lesson without a lesson plan. What is a lesson plan? It is a detailed guide for

teaching a specific lesson. It is a step-by-step guide which outlines the teacher’s objectives for

what the students will accomplish at a particular time. It serves as a guide for a teacher in dealing

with the students and executing the lesson. Many people said that no one could break the tie

between the lesson plan and the teacher. They are interrelated to each other.

The most tiring work of the teacher is making the lesson plan. In writing it, it took me two

to three drafts before I came up with the satisfying output and it took me 1 to 2 hours in finalizing

it depending on my performance. I sacrificed everything for the sake of my lesson plan and of

course for my students. I needed to finish it as early as I can for the sake of my demonstration and

teaching the following day. Aside from that, my lesson plan should be connected to the content

that I need to teach. I needed to think back and forth for just one lesson plan and I need to write it

well since I need to pass it clean.

The most tiring part of lesson plan writing for me was creating the appropriate and

meaningful activity for my students. Since I am teaching mathematics, I wanted my activities to

be meaningful and fun in order to set the mind of my students that this subject is fun and not boring.

Also, I needed to align my activities to the topic and objectives of the lesson. It is truly mind-

boggling to think about what strategies to use in delivering the lesson since I observed that Grade

7 students I handled were not all good in math and not all were fast learners. I knew I needed to

come up with the appropriate strategy to cater the individual needs and differences of my students.

In general, lesson plan writing is sine qua non for apprentice teacher because it involves

setting goals, developing activities, and determining the materials that will be used. It helps us to

keep on track, to be prepared, and helps to think in a more organized manner.

Lesson Planning: Teacher’s Light in darkness

(A Reflection)

Teachers help students to learn but it does not mean that the teacher doesn’t need help at

all. We believe in the saying that “no man is an island”, so we need a partner to guide our way and

to be our light in the darkness. As a teacher, we also need help about anything that could guide our

way in the darkness. This darkness is not literally the absence of light but it is when we got lost in

track in delivering effective teaching-learning process. A daily lesson plan is created by the teacher

to guide the class’ learning appropriately. It serves as a map for the teacher in order to keep on

track with the lesson.

When I had my first exposure in teaching, I had a lot of worries about lesson planning

especially my penmanship. It made me realize that teaching is not an easy job. It is a kind of work

where you need a lot of patience especially in writing. The first time I wrote one, I wasted almost

15 sheets of intermediate pad since my penmanship was bad and I spent two and a half hours just

by drafting a semi-detailed one. Being a practice teacher, there were lots of things that I needed to

think about and not just only the lesson plan but also the instructional materials. It was very tiring

in adjusting to the time itself. And in the evening, you need to make your instructional materials

and the lesson plan for the next topic. Since I’m just new to this field, I still don’t have a lot of

ideas and strategies on what would be the best lesson plan.

I consider this lesson plan as sine qua non for us apprentice teacher since it will help us to

stay on the light to effective teaching. Also, I needed to study my lesson plan because I didn’t want

to experience being lost during my discussion. It was good to hear positive and negative feedbacks

from your resource teacher about your lesson plan and demonstration because it boosts your

confidence to do better and improve each day.

Having the lesson plan to rely on and as a guide lessen the burden in teaching the topic to

a class. I could apply this also if I will be teaching Grade 7 and 8 mathematics soon in the future.

With the lesson planning and applying it for real, I’ve changed a lot the way I teach the students.

Experience is indeed the best teacher.

Math tech improves

student performance
Math tech improves student performance


Based on the dismal scores of some Filipino students in global tests like the 2004 Trends

in International Math and Sciences Study, the Philippines waits behind the rest of the world in

terms of proficiency in mathematics and science. Thus, technology has been pushed to fix

education problems such as using PowerPoint presentations and iPads in class. The use of

commercial software such games of the parents to raise their kids’ scores and to learn in a ‘fun”

way serves as alternative to lack in qualified teachers. But some people believe that technology is

somewhat a bane in the class such that the studies in the United States which show that it can be

linked to student’s distracted behavior and attention deficit disorders.

In 2011, Science Secretary Mario Montejo in cooperation with Science Undersecretary

Fortunato de la Peña and Education Undersecretary Yolanda Quijano wanted to create a practical

math courseware and test whether it could influence on student’s learning. This project was named

“Technology Package for Student Learning Empowerment.” They worked together with some

government units to create the courseware in a way that was not too fast and distracting, giving

the students enough time to understand math concepts. Some worked on financed and monitored

the project, the other wrote the lesson scripts, provided hardware and software resources, made

possible the pilot testing of the material in public schools and supported the production. They

decided to start the test in Grade 1 math, and deal with topics that fit for both the existing basic

education and the proposed Kindergarten to Year 12 curricula aiming to enhance—not replace—

traditional textbooks, lessons and teachers. The 10 courseware lessons were based on expected

student competencies such as Classifying Objects, Comparing Sets of Objects and Numbers,

Ordering Sets of Objects and Numbers, etc. Each lesson has introduction which serves as a guide,

fixing skills to deepen understanding and evaluation to increase mastery of concepts. For example,

in the lesson on Ordering Sets, in introduction they need to arrange the sandwiches, juice cans and

fruits they have in number from least to greatest and vice versa. Students “help” the characters do

the required sequence by clicking on what they think is the right answer. In Fixing Skills, they

have to arrange quantities not just from least to greatest, but also nearest to farthest (distance) and
lightest to heaviest (weight). Lastly, in the Evaluation phase, students do more exercises to ensure


In the project, they also include the development of Teaching Support Material to guide

teachers and acquired tablets for the pilot testing. Teachers were also trained to use the

courseware. They tested the courseware from July to September 2012 on 736 Grade 1 students

in 10 schools around the country such as San Nicolas Elementary and Pasuquin Central Schools

in Ilocos Norte, Tanauan North Central School in Batangas, Lores Elementary School in Antipolo

City, etc. Two Grade 1 classes (with students of mixed abilities) were chosen in each school, one

used the courseware, the other did not (control group). First and foremost, all the students must

take the pretest. As the process, one group undergoes lessons by using the courseware and going

through the activities, with the teachers as the guide. The other, the control group, followed the

traditional classroom lesson plan, without the courseware. Later, they all took a posttest. The

scores of the students who underwent lessons using the courseware was greater than those who did

not. Statistical tests presented that there was a 95-percent probability to increase in scores due to

the courseware. In short, the courseware was effective for all the students who used it.

In the future point of views, students were definitely excited to use the courseware. Some

were so eager and think that teachers might find it useful to manage the class. Because of the

Mother Tongue Law, English was still not taught in Grade 1, so many of the children could not

understand the text. That is why they decided that the teachers must translate the language into the

local language (mother tongue) in order for the students to easily grab the concepts. They plan to

have the courseware translated into various languages and to create math courseware for Grades 2

to 6.

Lee-Chua, Q. (2013), Math tech improves student performance. INQUIRER.NET Retrieved

August 18, 2017, from http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/348583/math-tech-improves-student-

The Advantages and Disadvantages View


Using technology to improve learning is a great advantage for the teachers and parents

nowadays since one of the 21 century skills is the proficiency in using technology to teach

learners. But technology can be boon or bane depending on how we use it. Things that will be

considered good can be bad also such using technology. The desire of a person to change or

improve someone’s life in using technology is a very aspiring thought to someone who value

learning so much since we exist not only to impart the knowledge we have but to improve

someone’s life.

I will summarize my reaction into two points of view, the disadvantage (in the future) point

of view and the advantage/benefits. The article is about practicality and efficiency. The practicality

of using technology to fix education problems such that math courseware and the efficiency of it

through the results of the experiment that was conducted. In my point of view as a future educator,

I also believe that this courseware has a good impact to the learner’s development especially in

terms of math but I can’t deny the fact that I may be asking that “If we use technology too much,

what if the time will come when the learners will not need the teachers anymore?”. It is not about

being negative-minded and coward, it is about facing the reality and possibility. The reality that

technology can also have negative impact and the possibility that it can control the mind of the

learners. As we all know, technology is somewhat a parasite that is living with us every day, we

can’t control ourselves not to use our phone in one day, we can’t even sleep without looking at our

phone first and it is a reality. Moving on to the advantages of the project and lessening my

negativity, I also believe that the learners is in good hand of it and since it is just a beginning of

the project I have a great trust to the people pursuing it. For engineers it is somewhat a great plan

for a new strong building, same goes with the teachers in which it is a new way of building a strong

foundation of the student’s learning. With the three steps of the courseware: the introduction that

serve as a guide, the fixing skills to deepen understanding and evaluation to increase mastery of
concepts, I am now at ease that this technology will not only guarantee success but also will

guarantee the teachers that this will never take them over.

As a whole, technology is invented to help and improve someone’s life but because of the

user itself, it can also give harm and disadvantages. The courseware is one of the living proofs that

technology can improve learner’s performance. As a teacher, we want technology to be a tool only

in teaching and not act as a teacher. Since, we can’t avoid the fact that the learners will be too

much dependent on the technology, it up to us the teachers on how we control the usage of

technology. We must not let the technology control us instead we control the technology.



Five years from now, my first goal is to pass the Licensure Examination for Teachers

(LET) and gain on a teaching job in the province of Southern Leyte.

Five years from now, I will take up my Master’s Degree.


1. To obtain Bachelor’s degree in Secondary Education major in Mathematics at the

Visayas State University.

2. To attend review classes.

3. To attend seminars and trainings related to my field of expertise.

4. To obtain a high rank and pass the interview.

5. To take a Master’s Degree.


1. I will graduate with the degree of Bachelor in Secondary Education major in


2. I will pass the LET with the high rank.

3. To teach in my own province.

4. I will become an effective teacher not only for my future students but also contribute to

the education in the Philippines.

5. I will acquire a teaching position in DepEd especially in my own province.

6. I will become well-trained and competent teacher

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