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Electrical Machines

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Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II

UNIT 4:-Synchronous Generators

Associate Professor,
Department of EEE

Associate Professor,
Department of EEE

Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II

Basic Synchronous Machine Model Basic Synchronous Machine Model
The cylindrical-rotor synchronous machine offers constant
permeance to mmf waves irrespective of the mechanical
position of the rotor and is, therefore, simpler to model.
Figure1 shows the cross-sectional view of a 2-pole cylindrical-
rotor synchronous machine.
The rotor has distributed windings which produce an
approximately sinusoidally distributed mmf wave in space
rotating at synchronous speed ωs rad (elect.)/s (Ns rpm) along
with the rotor.
This mmf wave is represented by the space vector Ff in the
diagram and which at the instant shown makes an angle a = ωst
with the axis of coil aa’ on the stator (coil aa’ represents the
phase a). The peak value of the vector Ff is Ff. Fig 1: Cylindrical Rotor of a synchronous Machine
Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II
Basic Synchronous Machine Model Basic Synchronous Machine Model
As a consequence of the uniform air-gap, the mmf wave φf
produces sinusoidally distributed flux density wave Bf,
in space phase with it.

Figure 2 shows the developed diagram depicting the space

phase relationship between Bf and Ff waves.

As the rotor rotates (at synchronous speed ωs), the Bf wave

causes sinusoidally varying flux φ to link with the coil aa’.
The maximum value of this flux is φf , the flux per pole.
Considering the time reference when φf lies along the axis of
coil aa’, this is a co-sinusoidal variation, Fig 2 :- Developed diagram showing mmf, air gap flux density and
i.e. φ = φf cos ωst; ωs = 2πf ----(i) as the time phasor φf coil aa’of stator

Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II

Basic Synchronous Machine Model Basic Synchronous Machine Model
. It will be referred to as flux phasor. The magnitude relationship between Ff and φf will be governed by
Consider now the space vector Ff as seen from the axis of coil aa’ on the magnetization curve; this will be linear if the iron is assumed to
the stator. be infinitely permeable in which case
As Ff rotates at synchronous speed, it appears to be sinusoidally φf = P Ff -------(ii)
time-varying at ωs = 2πf elect. rad/s as is evident from the where P = permeance per pole .
developed diagram of Fig.2. The emf induced in the coil aa’ of N turns is given by the Faraday’s
Furthermore, when the maximum positive value of Ff space wave is law,
directed along the axis of coil aa’, the flux linkage of the coil has eaf = –N (dλ/dt), λ = flux linkage of one coil
maximum positive value. = –N d (φf cos ωst) /dt
It may, therefore, be considered that the rotating space vector = Nωs φf sin ωst ------(iii)
Ff as seen from the stator is a time phasor Ff which is in It immediately follows from Eq. (iii) that the rms value of the emf
phase with the flux phasor φf as shown in Fig. 3. induced in coil aa’ is
Ef =√ 2 πf Nφf -------- (iv)
wherein φf = Ff (Ff) or Ff (If) flux/pole.
Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II
Basic Synchronous Machine Model Basic Synchronous Machine Model
It immediately follows from Eq. that the rms value of the emf
induced in coil aa’ is
Ef = √2 πf Nφf ---------(v)
wherein φf = Ff (Ff) or φf (If) flux/pole
If being the direct current in the rotor field.
Above Equation between the flux/pole and field current is
indeed the magnetization characteristic.

Emf Equation suitably modified for a distributed and also

short pitched stator winding is

Ef = √2 π Kw f Nph φf _____ (vi)

Fig 3:- Phasor diagram

Electrical Machines II
Basic Synchronous Machine Model
Conclusions M.N. Viswanath
Whenever the magnetic structure of a cylindrical rotor Associate Professor, Department of EEE
synchronous machine is subjected to rotating mmf
vector, it is seen as an mmf phasor from the stator with its flux
phasor in phase with it, while the phasor representing the phase
emf induced lags behind both these phasors by 90° (see Fig.3).
Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II
UNIT 3:-Synchronous Generators

Associate Professor,
Department of EEE

Associate Professor,
Department of EEE

Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II

Basic Synchronous Machine Model Basic Synchronous Machine Model
Effect of Armature Reaction:- When a 3-phase stator supplies a
balanced load, it sets up its own mmf vector Far(sinusoidally
distributed in space), called the armature reaction, rotating at
synchronous speed in the same direction as the rotor.

The magnetic circuit is now subjected to two rotating mmf

vectors Ff and Far , both rotating at synchronous speed with a
certain angle between them.

Objective:- To establish what determines this angle.

Fig1 :- Synchronous Machine on load (Generating Action)
Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II
Basic Synchronous Machine Model Basic Synchronous Machine Model
Obeservation :- (Generating Action) It is observed that in the Simultaneously, Far is directed along the axis of coil aa’ which
generating operation of the machine, the emf and current has maximum positive current at this instant.
have the same positive direction.
It is seen from Fig. 1(a) that Ff is 90° ahead of Far when Ef and
Let us consider the case when the current Ia supplied by the Ia are in phase.
coil aa’ is in phase with the coil emf Ef. .
The resultant mmf vector Fr is the vector sum
The emf in coil aa’ will be maximum positive when the field Fr =Ff + Far , as shown in Fig. 1(a).
mmf vector Ff is 90° ahead of the coil axis (in the direction of
rotation) as shown in Fig. 1(a). It is observed that Fr lags Ff by angle δ.

Simultaneously, Far is directed along the axis of coil aa’ which

has maximum positive current at this instant.

Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II

Basic Synchronous Machine Model Basic Synchronous Machine Model
Corresponding Phasor diagram are drawn in figure 1b which Effect of inductive load
satisfies equation Fr =Ff + Far
Observation:- It is observed from the phasor diagram that Ia and
Far are in phase.

The resultant mmf vector Fr produces the resultant airgap flux

Phasor Fr which in turn induces the emf Er in phase a lagging 90`
behind the phasor Fr .

The phase emf Er induced in the machine, called air-gap emf,

lags by angle ẟ behind Ef which is the same angle by which Fr Fig.2: Synchronous machine on load (generating action), Ia
lags behind Ff in the vector diagram of Fig.1(b). lags Ef by angle Ψ
Ef is also known as excitation emf
Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II
Basic Synchronous Machine Model Basic Synchronous Machine Model
In this case Ia lags Ef by an angle Ψ, the positive current It is seen from Figs 2(a) and (b) that the field poles lie an angle
maximum in the coil aa’ will occur angle Ψ later, so that Ff δ ahead of the resultant mmf (or resultant flux) wave.
now lies (90° + Ψ) ahead of Far as shown in the vector
diagram of Fig. 2(a). ‘ The electromagnetic torque developed in the machine tries to
align the field poles with the resultant field and is, therefore,
The corresponding phasor diagram is shown in Fig. 2(b) in a direction as shown in Fig.2(a) as well as in Fig. 2(b).
wherein Ff leads Far by (90° + Ψ).
It is seen that the torque on the field poles is in opposite
The phase angle between Er and Ia indicated by θ where θ is direction to that of rotation which means that mechanical
the power factor angle provided it is assumed that the power is absorbed by the machine.
armature has zero resistance and leakage reactance so that
the machine terminal voltage Vt = Er This is consistent with the assumed condition of the generating
action (positive current in the direction of positive emf ).

Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II

Basic Synchronous Machine Model Basic Synchronous Machine Model
Conclusion:- In generating action, the field poles are driven
ahead of the resultant flux wave by an angle ẟ as a
consequence of the forward acting torque of the prime mover.

Also, the field poles are dragged behind by the resultant flux
from which results the conversion of mechanical energy into
electrical form.
T = K Er Ef sin ẟ
where Er = emf induced in the machine under loaded
condition; called air-gap emf. Ef = emf induced by the field
mmf Ff acting alone, i.e. the machine is on no-load with same Fig.3: Synchronous Machine on load (motoring action)
Ff (or rotor field current) as on-load; called excitation emf .
Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II
Basic Synchronous Machine Model Basic Synchronous Machine Model
In motoring action of the synchronous machine, the positive It is immediately observed from this figure that Ff and Ef
current flows opposite to the induced emf. now lag Fr and Er respectively by angle δ.

Since the phasor diagrams above have been drawn with the The torque of electromagnetic origin therefore acts on the
convention of generating current (i.e. current in the field poles in the direction of rotation so that the
direction of emf ), the armature reaction phasor Far will now mechanical power is output meaning thereby motoring
be located by phase reversing the motoring current for action.
consistency of convention.
If the terminal voltage Vt = Er and its frequency is held
Accordingly the phasor diagram for motoring action is drawn constant by an external 3-phase source, called infinite bus,
in Fig. 3. the machine operates as a generator (Fig.2) or as a motor
(Fig.3) depending upon the mechanical conditions at a

Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II

Basic Synchronous Machine Model Basic Synchronous Machine Model
Figure showing phasor diagram for no load induced emf and φf is The electrical power output is 3Vt (= Er)Ia cos θ (for 3 phases) which
representative of no-load conditions when the machine is said to balances the mechanical power input from the prime mover
be floating on busbars with zero stator current and the rotor because there are no losses in the stator (resistance is assumed to
being run at synchronous speed by external means (prime be zero).
mover). Here Ia is the generating current taken to be positive in the
direction of the machine’s induced emf Er.
If mechanical power from the prime mover is now increased, the
field poles (rotor) move ahead causing current to be fed into the If instead, the shaft is mechanically loaded from the no-load
bus-bars. condition the field poles lag behind the resultant flux wave as in
Fig.3 creating electromagnetic torque in the direction of rotation
Under steady condition, the field poles lie ahead of the resultant thereby outputting mechanical power; the electrical input power
flux wave by angle δ (Figs 1 and 2) creating electromagnetic being 3 Vt (= Er)Ia cos θ, where Ia is the motoring current taken as
torque in opposition to the direction of rotor rotation; the value positive in opposition to the positive direction
of δ corresponds to the balance of torques (or power, P = Tωs)
Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II
Basic Synchronous Machine Model Basic Synchronous Machine Model
The torque (power)-angle (T – δ ) for fixed Ef and Er (= Vt) is
drawn in Fig 4 with δ taken as positive for generating action
and negative for motoring action.

The operating points as the generator and motor are indicated

by g and m on this curve corresponding to the specific
condition of loading.

The characteristic exhibits, both in generating and motoring

operation, a maximum torque at δ = 90°, called the pull-out
Figure 4 : Torque -δ torque, beyond which the synchronous link between field
poles and the resultant flux wave is severed and the machine
falls out-of-step (or loses synchronism)

Electrical Machines II
Basic Synchronous Machine Model
The average developed machine torque now becomes zero M.N. Viswanath
and so the average electric power fed by the generating Associate Professor, Department of EEE
machine to the bus-bars, (infinite) or average electric power
drawn by the motoring machine from the bus bars reduces to
The generating machine thus accelerates and so over speeds
(prime mover power is assumed to remain constant and the +9880697030
motoring machine decelerates and comes to stop
Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II
UNIT 4: -Problems
Associate Professor,
Department of EEE

Associate Professor,
Department of EEE

Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II

Problems Problems
• Calculate the distribution factor for a 36 slots, 4 pole single Find the no load phase and line voltage of Y connected 3 phase,
layer, 3 phase winding. 6 pole, alternator which runs at 1200 rpm having the flux per
pole sinusoidally distributed. Its stator has 54 slots having
• An alternator has 18 slots/pole and coil lies in slots 1 and 16. double layer winding. Each coil has 8 turns and the coil is
Calculate the pitch factor for (i) Fundamental (ii) third chorded by 1 slot.
harmonic (iii) fifth harmonic (iv) 7 th harmonic
Calculate the rms value of induced emf per phase of a 10 pole, 3
• A three phase, 16 pole alternator has Y connected winding phase, 50 Hz alternator with 2 slots/pole/phase and 4
with 144 slots and 10 conductors/ slot. The flux / pole is 0.03 conductors per slot in two layers. The coil span is 150 °
Wb sinusoidally distributed and speed is 375 rpm. Find the electrical. The flux per pole has fundamental of 0.12 Webbers
frequency and the phase and line values of induced emf. and 20 % of third component.
Assume full pitched coils.
Electrical Machines II
M.N. Viswanath
Associate Professor, Department of EEE UE20EE351

Vishwanathmn@pes.edu Associate Professor,

+9880697030 Department of EEE

Electrical Machines II
Electrical Machines II Realistic Model of A Synchronous Machine
Realistic Machine A realistic synchronous machine will have
UE20EE351 resistance Ra and leakage reactance Xl per armature phase which can
UNIT 4: -Circuit Model of a Synchronous Machine be assumed to be lumped in series between the terminal voltage Vt
and the air-gap emf Er for each machine phase.
The circuit diagram of the machine on a per phase basis is drawn in
M.N.Viswanath Fig. 1(a) for the generating mode and fig 1(b) for motoring mode.

From Fig. 1(a)

Vt = Er - Ia (Ra + jXl ) (generating mode)
Associate Professor,
Department of EEE and from Fig. 1(b)
Vt = Er + Ia (Ra + jXl ) (motoring mode)
Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II
Realistic Model of A Synchronous Machine Realistic Model of A Synchronous Machine
The resistance of a synchronous machine armature is usually
very small and can generally be neglected in performance

Figure 1b) Motoring Mode

Figure 1 a) Generating Mode

Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II

Voltage Regulation Circuit Model
Consider the generator supplying full-load current at a specified By assuming linearity of the magnetic circuit, it is possible to
power factor and rated terminal voltage, Vt (rated). obtain simple circuit model of the synchronous machine.
As the load is thrown off keeping the field current constant, the The validity of this assumption stems from the fact that air-gap
terminal voltage rises. is the predominant component of the magnetic circuit of the
Vt (no-load) |If kept constant as at full load = Ef | the excitation The resultant mmf phasor is given by
emf at specified power factor Fr = Ff + Far --------------------------------------------(1)

The percentage voltage regulation is then defined as The resultant flux φr and the air-gap emf Er must in general be
obtained from Fr
[ (Ef - Vt )/Vt ] x100 |at specified power factor
Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II
Circuit Model Circuit Model

The phasor Eqs (2) and (3) are represented by the phasor
diagram of Fig. 2.

Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II

Circuit Model Circuit Model

Corresponding to Eq. (5), Fig.3(a) gives the per phase circuit

model of the synchronous machine.
Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II
Circuit Model Circuit Model
Because of a uniform air-gap. Comparing Eqs (3), (4) and (5), it is concluded that the
** Ear = – jKa φar; reactance Xar equivalently replaces the effect of the armature
Ka = emf constant of armature winding reaction flux.
Ear = – jKa P Far ; P = permeance/pole If Xar is known for a machine, one can work in terms of voltages
= – j Ka P Kar Ia ; and currents and need not represent fluxes on the phasor
Kar = constant of armature winding diagram.
Ear = – jXar Ia The effect of armature resistance Ra and leakage reactance Xl
where Xar = Ka P Kar are embodied in the phasor equation as seen below
Xar will be more for a machine with higher permeance, i.e.,
smaller air-gap, Vt = Er - Ia (Ra + jXl )------------------------------- (6)

Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II

Circuit Model Circuit Model
The complete circuit model of Fig. 3(b) has been obtained. to
the simpler form of Fig. 3(c) by combining series reactance’s
and by allowing the identity of Er to be lost.
In the circuit model of Fig.3(c), the total reactance

Xs = Xar + Xl (per phase)------------------------------- (7)

is known as the synchronous reactance of the machine,

while Zs = Ra +j Xs --------------------------------------------(8)
is the synchronous impedance of the machine
Fig 3 Circuit Model
Electrical Machines II
M.N. Viswanath
Associate Professor, Department of EEE UE20EE351

Vishwanathmn@pes.edu Associate Professor,
+9880697030 Department of EEE

Electrical Machines II
Electrical Machines II Vector diagram of Synchronous Generator
UE20EE351 Consider the equivalent circuit of synchronous machine shown
below for generating mode
UNIT 4: -Vector diagram of Synchronous Generator


Associate Professor,
Department of EEE The circuit equation is
Ef = Vt + Ia {Ra +j(Xl +Xar)} = Vt + Ia{Ra +j(Xs)}
Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II
Vector diagram of Synchronous Generator Vector diagram of Synchronous Generator
Now we can draw phasor diagrams for lagging, leading and unity
power factor loads either by taking voltage or taking current as
reference . Ia Xs
Ef IaXar
Er IaXar
Ef Ia X l
Vt Er
Ia X l IaXs
θ Ia
Ia IaRa
Voltage as reference
Voltage as reference
Lagging Power Factor Load
Leading Power Factor Load Ef = Vt + Ia∟θ{Ra +j(Xl +Xar)}
Ef = Vt + Ia∟-θ{Ra +j(Xl +Xar)}

Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II

Vector diagram of Synchronous Generator Vector Diagram of a Synchronous Generator

Voltage as reference Now we can draw phasor diagrams either by taking voltage or
Unity Power Factor Load taking current as reference.
Ef = Vt + Ia{Ra +j(Xl +Xar)}
Ia Xar

Ef IaXar Ia X s
Er Ia Xl
Ia Xs
Ia X l IaRa

Ia Vt IaRa θ

Current as reference
Lagging Power Factor Load Ef = (Vt ∟θ)+ Ia{Ra +j(Xl +Xar)}
Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II

Vector Diagram of a Synchronous Generator Vector Diagram of a Synchronous Generator

Ia Xar
Vt IaX s Ef Ia Xar
Ia Xl Er Ia X s
Ia R a Ia Xl

Vt IaR a Ia

Current as reference Current as reference

Leading Power Factor Load Ef = Vt ∟-θ + Ia{Ra +j(Xl +Xar)} Unity Power Factor Load Ef = Vt + Ia{Ra +j(Xl +Xar)}

Electrical Machines II
M.N. Viswanath
Associate Professor, Department of EEE UE20EE351

Vishwanathmn@pes.edu Associate Professor,
+9880697030 Department of EEE
Electrical Machines II
Electrical Machines II Reason for conducting O.C and S.C Test
UE20EE351 By conducting open circuit test and short circuit test
synchronous impedance of synchronous generator can be
UNIT 4: - O.C Test determined

With the assumption of a linear magnetic circuit, the circuit

M.N.Viswanath model (per phase) of a synchronous machine is
Ef = Vt + j Ia Xs

It is immediately seen from above Eq. that for a given field

Associate Professor, current under short-circuit condition (Ia = ISC). Vt = 0),
Department of EEE Xs = Ef/ISC

Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II

Reason for conducting O.C and S.C Test Reason for conducting O.C and S.C Test
But Ef = VOC (open-circuit voltage, i.e. Ia = 0 with the same field It is sufficient to determine one point on the short-circuit
current). characteristic (SCC) of the machine (ISC – If relationship). as it is
linear in the range of interest (for ISC up to 150% of the rated
Then with the linearity assumption current).
Xs =VOC/ISC | If =const

where VOC = open circuit voltage and ISC = short-circuit current on a

per phase basis with the same field current.

Since the magnetization characteristic of the machine is nonlinear,

it is necessary to determine the complete open-circuit
characteristic (OCC) of the machine (VOC – If relationship).
Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II
Open Circuit Test Open Circuit Test
Fig 1-Open Circuit Test and Short Circuit test
In this test the machine is run by a prime mover at synchronous
speed Ns to generate voltage at the rated frequency while the
armature terminals are open-circuited as in Fig.1 with switch S

The readings of the open-circuit line-to-line armature voltage,

VOC =√ 3 Ef , are taken for various values of If , the rotor
field current.

It may be noted that If is representative of the net mmf /pole

acting on the magnetic circuit of the machine.

Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II

Open Circuit Test Open Circuit Test
These data are plotted as OCC in Fig.2 which indeed is the
Sl No Voc (line value) Voc (phase valu)e If (field Current) magnetization characteristic, i.e. the relation between the
space fundamental component of the air-gap flux and the net
mmf/pole acting on the magnetic circuit (space harmonics are
assumed negligible).
Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II

Open Circuit Test Open Circuit Test

The OCC exhibits the saturation phenomenon of the iron in

At low values of If when iron is in the unsaturated state, the

OCC is almost linear and the mmf applied is mainly
consumed in establishing flux in the air-gap, the reluctance
of the iron path being almost negligible.

The straight-line part of the OCC, if extended as shown

dotted in Fig. 2, is called the air-gap line and would indeed
be the OCC if iron did not get saturated.
Fig 2. Open Circuit and Short circuit characteristics

Electrical Machines II
M.N. Viswanath
Associate Professor, Department of EEE UE20EE351

Vishwanathmn@pes.edu Associate Professor,
+9880697030 Department of EEE
Electrical Machines II
Electrical Machines II Short Circuit Test
UNIT 4: - S.C Test


Associate Professor,
Fig 1-Open Circuit Test and Short Circuit test
Department of EEE

Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II

Short Circuit Test Short Circuit Test
The short-circuit characteristic of the machine is obtained by Therefore ISC the short-circuit current per phase is taken as the
means of the short -circuit test conducted as per the schematic average value of the three ammeter readings.
circuit diagram of Fig. 1 with switch S closed.
The machine must not be short-circuited under excited
While the rotor is run at synchronous speed Ns, the rotor field is conditions with a near about rated voltage.
kept unexcited to begin with.
This can give rise to intolerably large transient currents in the
The field excitation is then gradually increased till the armature machine.
current equals about 150% of its rated value.
The circuit model of the machine under short-circuit conditions
While the current in all the three ammeters should be identical, is given in Fig. 2(a) and the corresponding phasor diagram in
practically a small unbalance will always be found on account of Fig. 2(b) wherein Ra = 0
winding and field current dis-symmetries which cannot be
completely avoided in a machine.
Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II
Short Circuit Test Short Circuit Test
Since the armature circuit is assumed purely inductive, the
short-circuit current lags the air-gap voltage Er by 90° so that
the armature reaction mmf phasor Far is in direct opposition to
F f , i.e, the armature reaction is fully demagnetizing in effect.

The air-gap voltage needed to circulate the short-circuit

current in the armature is given by
Er = Ia (SC) Xl

As Xl is about 0.1 to 0.2 pu (while Xs may be as high as 1.0 pu),

Er is very small even when Ef has a value close to rated voltage Fig 2. Short Circuit Test
of the machine.

Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II

Open Circuit Test Short Circuit Test
Implication: - Under the short-circuit condition with the armature
current as high as 150% of the rated value, and resultant air-gap
flux is small and so the machine is operating under the unsaturated
magnetization condition, so that the SCC (ISC versus If) is linear and
therefore only one short-circuit reading is necessary for the
complete determination of the SCC as shown in Fig.2.

Since under the short-circuit condition the machine is highly under

excited, the losses as drawn in from the mechanical shaft drive
comprise mechanical loss and copper-loss in the resistance of the
armature, the iron-loss being negligible.
Fig 2. Open Circuit and Short circuit characteristics
Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II

Short Circuit Test Short Circuit Test

The unsaturated synchronous reactance can be obtained from
the OCC and SCC of Fig. 2 as
Xs (unsaturated) = (Voc / Isc) | If held constant

where If corresponds to the unsaturated magnetic region or

VOC value corresponding to the air-gap line could be used.

Since a synchronous machine under operating conditions

works in a somewhat saturated region of the
magnetization characteristic, the performance of the machine
as calculated from Xs, defined above, will differ considerably
Fig 2. Open Circuit and Short circuit characteristics from the actual value effective during normal operation.

Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II

Short Circuit Test Short Circuit Test

To account for the fact that the machine actually operates in The value of Xs corresponding to the field current, which gives
the saturated region, it is a must to resort to the nonlinear rated voltage on open-circuit, is defined as
analysis or use a heuristic technique of adjusting Xs to a
suitable value. Xs (adjusted) =(Vt/√3)/ISC|If corresponding to Vt rated on o.c.c;
If = Of ‘
If Xs, is plotted for various values of the field current, the
chain-dotted curve of Fig. 2 will be obtained. The value of Xs (adjusted) is less than Xs (unsaturated) as shown in
Fig. 2.
Initially in the unsaturated region the value of the
synchronous reactance remains constant at Xs Obviously Xs (adjusted)would yield the the machine performance
(unsaturated) and then drops off sharply because of figures closer to those obtained under actual operation.
saturation of the OCC.
Electrical Machines II
M.N. Viswanath
Associate Professor, Department of EEE UE20EE351

Vishwanathmn@pes.edu Associate Professor,
+9880697030 Department of EEE

Electrical Machines II
Methods of determining Voltage Regulation
Electrical Machines II
Methods of determining Voltage Regulation
UE20EE351 a) Synchronous impedance method or Bhen Eschenberg
UNIT 4: - Synchronous impedance method method
b) Rothert’s ampere turn method.
c) ZPF method or Potier method.
M.N.Viswanath d) ASA method

Synchronous Impedance Method: - This method is also called

Bhen Eschenberg method.
Associate Professor,
Department of EEE Open Circuit and Short circuit test have to be conducted.

Also stator resistance is to be determined

Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II
Determination of Voltage Regulation Determination of Voltage Regulation
Value of resistance has to be upgraded by multiplying by factor
1.4 or 1.5 to account for skin effect.

Fig 1. Circuit diagram for conducting o.c and s.c test

Fig 2 Open circuit and short circuit characteristics
Open circuit Characteristics and short circuit characteristics are https://4.bp.blogspot.com/m1FKNllBPKE/WQtoK2zNktI/AAAAAAAAAik/8cxntu
plotted. VfJ6kv1B_YLviQFIqg6QA-xC3PACLcB/s1600/OST.png

Electrical Machines II
Determination of Voltage Regulation
From the characteristics, synchronous impedance can be found M.N. Viswanath
using the relation Associate Professor, Department of EEE
Zs= Vo.c/Isc | for constant field current.
= AB/AC for constant field current
Hence Xs=(Zs 2 – Ra 2) 0.5

For determining regulation of alternator phasor diagram has to be Vishwanathmn@pes.edu

constructed for lagging power factor, leading power factor of load. +9880697030

Value of Ef is to be calculated from circuit phasor equation or by

using geometrical methods or phasor diagram method.

% Voltage Regulation = {(Ef – Vt) /Vt}} x100

Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II
UNIT 4: - Emf Method (graphical approach)
Associate Professor,
Department of EEE

Associate Professor,
Department of EEE

Electrical Machines II
EMF Method( Graphical Approach)
The open and short circuit test readings for a 3 phase, M.N. Viswanath
Y connected 1000 kVA, 2000 V, 50 Hz, synchronous generator are: Associate Professor, Department of EEE

Field Amps 10 20 25 30 40 50
O.C Voltage V 800 1500 1760 2000 2350 2600
S.C Current in A - 200 250 300 - - Vishwanathmn@pes.edu
The effective armature resistance is 0.2 ohms per phase. Determine the
% voltage regulation of the machine at
(i) 0.8 p.f (ii) 0.8 lead (iii) upf
by synchronous impedance method or Bhen Eschenberg method
Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II
UNIT 4: - Determination of Xd and Xq

Associate Professor,
Department of EEE

Associate Professor,
Department of EEE

Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II

Determination of Xd and Xq Determination of Xd and Xq
Direct and quadrature-axis reactance’s of a salient-pole
synchronous machine can be estimated by means of a test
known as the slip test.

The machine armature is connected to a 3-phase supply whose

voltage is much less than the rated voltage of the machine,
while the rotor is run at speed close to synchronous speed a
with the field winding left open circuited (unexcited) as shown
in Fig. 1(a).

Since the excitation emf is zero, heavy currents would be

drawn by the armature if connected to the rated voltage Fig :- Salient Pole synchronous Machine
supply. https://www.eeeguide.com/wp-cohttps://www.eeeguide.com/wp-
Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II
Determination of Xd and Xq Determination of Xd and Xq
The currents drawn by the armature set up an mmf wave The current drawn by the armature therefore varies cyclically at
rotating at synchronous speed as shown in Fig. 1(b). twice the slip frequency as shown by the current waveform
drawn in Fig. 1(c)—the rms current is minimum when machine
Since the rotor is being run at a speed close to synchronous, reactance is Xd and is maximum when it is Xq.
the stator mmf moves slowly past the field poles at slip speed
(ns ~ n). Because of cyclic current variations and consequent voltage drop
in the impedance of supply lines (behind the mains), the voltage
When the stator mmf is aligned with the d-axis (field poles), at machine terminals also varies cyclically and has a minimum
flux Φd/ pole is set up so that effective reactance offered by value at maximum current and maximum value at minimum
the machine is Xd. current as shown by the voltage waveform of Fig. 1(c).

Similarly when the stator mmf aligns with the q-axis, the flux
set up is Φq/pole and the machine reactance is Xq.

Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II

Determination of Xd and Xq Determination of Xd and Xq
The machine reactance’s can be found out using the
𝐗𝐝 = [𝐕𝐭 𝐚𝐭 𝐈𝐚 𝐦𝐢𝐧(line)]/{ 𝟑 𝐈𝐚(𝐦𝐢𝐧)}

Xq = 𝐕𝐭 𝐚𝐭 𝐈𝐚 𝐦𝐚𝐱(line)]/{ 𝟑 𝐈𝐚 (𝐦𝐚𝐱)}

Id = (Vt/Xd) Cosδ and Iq = (Vt /Xq )Sinδ

At δ = 0° (air-gap field axis oriented along d-axis),

Ia (min) = Id = (Vt/Xd) Iq =0

At δ = 90° (air-gap field axis oriented along q-axis)

Ia (max) = Iq = (Vt/Xq) Id=0 Fig :- Phasor Diagram
Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II
Determination of Xd and Xq Determination of Xd and Xq

Fig 1 Slip Test

Fig :- Phasor Diagram https://www.eeeguide.com/wp-cohttps://www.eeeguide.com/wp-

Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II

Determination of Xd and Xq Determination of Xd and Xq

Figure b
Figure :- Slip Test
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content/uploads/2016/01/Slip-Test-5.jpgntent/uploads/2016/01/Slip-Test-5.jpg content/uploads/2016/01/Slip-Test-5.jpgntent/uploads/2016/01/Slip-Test-5.jpg
Electrical Machines II
Determination of Xd and Xq
M.N. Viswanath
Associate Professor, Department of EEE



Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II

UNIT 4: - Numerical

Associate Professor,
Department of EEE

Associate Professor,
Department of EEE
Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II
Numerical on Xd and Xq Numerical on Xd and Xq
1) On conducting slip test on a three phase, 440 V, 50 Hz, Solution:-
Y connected alternator, the maximum and minimum readings of 𝐌𝐚𝐱𝐢𝐦𝐮𝐦 𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞
Xd =
𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐮𝐦𝐮𝐦 𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞
ammeter are 2A and 2.2 A, and voltmeter are 60V and 62 V.
Determine direct axis inductance and quadrature axis =(62/√𝟑)/𝟐 = 𝟏𝟕. 𝟖𝟗𝟕𝛀
Ld =Xd/ (2πf) =17.897/(100π)= 56.94mH

𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐮𝐦 𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞

Xq =
𝐌𝐚𝐱𝐢𝐦𝐮𝐦𝐮𝐦 𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞
= (60/√3)/ 2.2 =15.745 Ω .

Lq = 15.745/(100π) =50.11 mH

Electrical Machines II Electrical Machines II

Numerical on Xd and Xq Numerical on Xd and Xq
2) On conducting slip test on a 50 Hz,4 kVA, 440 V, three phase Solution:- Xd =Xq= 15.745 Ω
smooth cylindrical type alternator quadrature axis reactance
was found to be 15.745 Ω. Predict the value of direct axis
M.N. Viswanath
Associate Professor, Department of EEE


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