Meaning of Corporate Finance
Meaning of Corporate Finance
Meaning of Corporate Finance
Learning Outcomes:
Corporate finance is the study of capital, financial and investment decision making with the
main aim of maximising capital market shares value and returns for shareholders entailing
greater capital accumulation and greater capital formation generally resulting in greater
wealth for the corporate entity.
Meaning of Finance:
1. Science of Money. Finance been called as the science of Money management.
Observation or Understanding of the money management.
2. Control of Money: It studies the principles and the method of obtaining Control of
3. Decision: The decision made by Business firm for production, Marketing, Finance and
personal depends up on the economic therefore finance is one of the aspect of economic
body. Circulatory system of the economic body.
4. Conversion: Finance is the process of conversion of accumulates funds to productive use.
5. Definition: Finance may be defined as the administrative area or set of administrative
functions in an organization which relate with the arrangement of cash and credit so that the
organization may have the means to carry out its objective as satisfactorily as possible.
6. Financial Planning: The successful administration of the finances of any organization
comprise financial planning, raising the needed funds financial analysis and control.
7. Classification of Finance: Finance divided into two fold( i) Public Finance and( ii)
Business Finance
8. Public Finance: Raising capital and Administration of Public fund by the Government.
9. Private Finance: Securing money for private Business and the administration of this
money by individuals, company and corporation etc.
10. Objective of Public Finance: will invest for welfare of the public and society. ex: all
11. Objective of business Finance: Getting maximum return irrespective of its effect on
public welfare.
12. Classification of Business Finance :(:i) Personal Finance ( ii) Partnership Finance(
iii)Corporation or Company Finance.
13. Corporate :It is an association of persons together for a common object to carry on some
business for profit or promote the art,science,education and charitable purpose.
Van Horne: we assume that the objective of the firm is to maximize its value to its
Brealey & Myers: "Success is usually judged by value: The secret of success in financial
management is to increase value."
In traditional corporate finance, the objective in decision making is to maximize the
value of the firm.
Employees are often stockholders in many firms ¤ - Firms that maximize stock price
generally are profitable firms that can afford to treat employees well.
There are three principal in modern wealth maximization rule namely i.Profit maximization
ii Social welfare iii growth.
I Profit maximization: Profit is the excess of revenue over expenses. Profit maximization
requires manager to keep low expenses.
ii. Social welfare: Business persons are supposed to be socially responsible.
Iii Corporate Growth:
A corporation is seen as a legal entity that has assets and liabilities as an individual and can
be directly sued aside from its ownership. Corporate finance therefore deals with legal
financial matter of these corporations in a general sense. However, it deal more specifically
with financial investment and capital investment decisions, maximize shareholder value, and
working capital investment decisions. Many corporations therefore in corporate finance
ensure maximization of profits.
Further it aims at discussing the management-shareholder problems often referred to in
management as agent-principle conflict regarding wealth maximization/capital formation
maximisation and profit maximisation/ financial returns to investments.
Corporate finance is the study of capital, financial and investment decision making with the
main aim of maximising capital market shares value and returns for shareholders entailing
greater capital accumulation and greater capital formation generally resulting in greater
wealth for the corporate entity.
Wealth maximization therefore implies ensuring that the corporation’s capital investments
and business operations expands, stocks value increase, and financial market performance is
increased. profit maximisation however is the increase in the returns to investment
of shareholders are proprietors not necessarily resulting from business expansion. Profit
maximisation therefore is a short term business objective while wealth maximisationis long
term as it may sacrifice profits for wealth accumulation and wealth formation
Wealth-profit argument
Wealth maximisation according to the business dictionary b(2013) is a process thatincreases
the current net value of business or shareholder capital gains, with theobjective of bringing in
the highest possible return.While profit maximisation is the ability for company to achieve a
maximum profit with low operating expenses. The wealth maximization strategy generally
involves making sound financial investment decisions which take into consideration any risk
factors that would compromise or outweigh the anticipated benefits while the profit
maximisation strategy is cost reduction.
Decision Making: There are several decisions that have to be done on the
basis of available capital and limited resources. If an organization has to start
a new project, then it has to consider whether it would be financially viable
and if it would yield profits. So while investing in a new project or a new
venture, a company has to consider several things like availability of
finances, the time taken for its completion, etc. and then makes decisions
Fulfilling Long Term and Short Term Goals: Every organization has
several long term goals in order to survive in the market. The short term goals
may include paying the salaries of employees, managing the short term assets,
acquiring corporate finances like bank drafts, trade credit from suppliers,
purchase of raw materials for production etc. Some long term goals would
include acquiring bank loans and paying them off; increasing the customer
base for the company etc.