First Voyage Around The World: Antonio Pigaffeta

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20 September 1519
August 10, 1519
270 men including
Portugese explorer
They set sail and left Ferdinand Magellan and
Spain. Pigafetta left Seville.
October 3, 1519
September 26, 1519
The fleet departed the Canary
The fleet stopped in the
Islands, sailing south along
Canary Islands, where they
the coast of Africa.
took in supplies.

October 21, 1520

They spotted a headland which
they named Cape Virgenes. Past November 28, 1520
the cape, they found a large bay. The fleet's remaining three
This was the passage they sought, ships completed the
which would come to be known as journey to Pacific.
the Strait of Magellan. At the time, Magellan named the
Magellan referred to it as the waters "Mar Pacifico"
Estrecho (Canal) de Todos los (Pacific Ocean) because of
Santos ("All Saints' Channel"). its apparent stillness.

1521 March 16, 1521

Magellan arrived in the
Philippines on the island
March 28, 1521 now called Samal, then
Magellan and his troops landed on the island of
met the king, who arrived Homonhon.
aboard the Ballanghai.
March 31, 1521
April 8, 1521 First Mass held in the
Initially, Magellan and his Philippines.
men encountered some
struggle first entering the April 14, 1521
port of Zubu. Pigafetta showed the queen
an image of our Lady, a
April 27, 1521 very beautiful wooden child
The battle of Mactan Jesus, and a cross.
happened. He died that day
because of a shot of a December 21, 1521
poisoned arrow. The Victoria set sail via
the Indian Ocean route.

September 6, 1522
Elcano and the remaining
crew of Magellan's voyage
returned to Spain aboard
Victoria, almost exactly
three years after they

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