Ews Release: Riverside Police Release Holiday Totals For DUI Enforcement

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31 Riverside Road, Riverside, IL 60546

08 January 2015


Contact: Chief Weitzel tweitzel@riverside.il.us

708.447.2127 - Follow RPD on Twitter @pdriverside

Riverside Police Release Holiday Totals for DUI Enforcement

The Riverside Police Department participated in a DUI enforcement campaign over the holidays which is
funded by an Illinois Department of Transportation traffic grant program.
During the grant phase for the holidays, Riverside Police participated in a deterrent saturation patrol for
DUI offenders. Saturation patrols are a proven resource in reducing the number of persons killed or
injured in alcohol or drug-involved crashes. Research shows that crashes involving alcohol drop an
average of 20 percent when well-publicized saturation patrols are conducted during peak periods between
Christmas and the New Year.
The Riverside Police deployed specially trained officers to evaluate those suspected of driving under the
influence of alcohol or driving under the influence of drugs. In the latest statistics, which are from 2011,
nearly 10,000 people were killed nationally in motor vehicle crashes that involved at least one motor
vehicle or motorcycle rider with a blood alcohol concentration of .08 or higher.
Riverside Police Chief Thomas Weitzel stated, "Saturation patrols for impaired drivers have been proven
to achieve the most effective documented results of any DUI enforcement strategies, while also having a
considerable impact on the epidemic of drunk and drugged driving. DUI saturation patrols by officers who
have been trained to detect such offenders provide the greatest opportunity for achieving drunk and drug
driving deterrence."
Sergeant Jeff Miller, the traffic supervisor for the Riverside Police Department stated, "DUI saturation
patrols have been an essential part of reducing DUI deaths. The tragedy of DUI accounts for nearly 1/3 of
all traffic fatalities. With this in mind, high visibility enforcement will continue to be conducted by Riverside
Police Department."
The Riverside Police Department made nine DUI arrests during the holiday period and the information on
those arrests are attached to this press release

DUI Arrests while working DUI Saturation Patrol

Gasoline and alcohol dont mix
Thomas Weitzel, Police Chief
December 19, 2014

DUI Arrest: Lester R. Dudlo, 44, 5600 block of W. 105th Street in Oak Lawn
Arrested for DUI after he was found slumped at the wheel with his car
running at First and Forest Avenue at 8:55pm on December 19, 2014. BAC.

December 20, 2014

DUI Arrest: Marcie D. Richards, 54 of the 5900 block of W. 27th

Street in Cicero
Arrested for DUI after being stopped for speeding 58mph in 30 mph zone at
3400 S. Harlem Ave. Resisted arrest and told arresting officer she was a
probation officer and nurse for Cook County and did not have to take the
test. Told police she was out partying for girls night out

December 21, 2014

DUI Arrest: Andrii Melnyk, 21 of the 2200 block of W. Iowa in Chicago.

Arrested for DUI at 12:51 AM at First and Forest Ave after stopped for
speeding, 51mph in 35mph zone.

December 23, 2014

DUI Arrest: Mauricio Morales, 28 of the 4300 block of S. Trumbull in
Chicago. Arrested for DUI at 9:08 PM on December 23, 2014 at Harlem
and Addison in Riverside. Stopped for weaving in and out of traffic.
Charged with felony DUI. Mr. Morales never had a drivers license.

December 27, 2014

DUI Arrest: Juanita Sauledo Lopez, 40 of the 1200 block of Alima Terrace in
La Grange Park
Arrested for DUI on December 27th 2014 at 3:27 AM at Harlem and Ogden.
Told officers she was out on a run for White Castle food. Driving in wrong
lane westbound Ogden at Harlem.

January 1, 2015
DUI Arrest: Miguel Angel Ocampo, 20 of the 8100 block of W. 30th
Street in North Riverside.
Arrested for DUI at 27th and Des Plaines Avenue at 12:59 am on
January 1, 2015 after he was clocked on radar speeding 99mph in a
35mph zone. Also charged with reckless driving.

January 1, 2015
DUI Arrest: Charles C. Rocco, 21 of the 6600 block of S. Keeler Avenue in
Arrested for DUI at 4:38 AM on January 1, 2015 on the 3500 block of
Harlem Avenue. Stopped for speeding 53mph in a 35mph zone. Also
arrested for DUI drugs as he admitted to smoking cannabis prior to being
stopped. Was drinking Hennessy when stopped by police. BAC .10.

January 3, 2015

DUI Arrest: Angelica Herrera, 26 of the 5100 block of S. Sacramento in

Stopped for weaving in and out of traffic on the 2600 block of Harlem Ave
on January 3, 2015 at 12:57 AM. Ms. Herrera was driving with small
children in car while drunk and she was also charged with child
endangerment. BAC .15.

January 4, 2015
DUI Arrest: Angelo Rosales, 27 of the 3500 block of W. 64th street in
Arrested for DUI at 3:04 AM on January 4, 2015 after he was stopped for
weaving in and out of traffic on the 3500 block of Harlem. Mr. Rosales fell
over when conducting the DUI field testing. BAC .18.

BAC (Breath Alcohol Concentration)

Riverside Police Officer working

the DUI saturation patrol at 1AM
makes contact with a suspected
DUI driver

The public is reminded that arrests are not evidence of guilt and that all defendants in a criminal case are presumed innocent
unless and until proven guilty in a court of law.

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