Spelling Change Verbs - Cer - Ger: Verbes À Orthographe Corrective
Spelling Change Verbs - Cer - Ger: Verbes À Orthographe Corrective
Spelling Change Verbs - Cer - Ger: Verbes À Orthographe Corrective
Note that spelling change verbs are not the same thing as stem-changing verbs,
though a few verbs belong to both categories.
-cer verbs
The letter c followed by e, as in the verb effacer, is pronounced [s]. But watch what
happens when you conjugate it in the present tense:
imperative effaçons
There is no spelling change in the other conjugations of the above tenses and moods,
because the c is followed by e or i, so it’s already soft.
past participle
annoncer to announce
avancer to advance
balancer to swing
dénoncer to denounce
divorcer to divorce
effacer to erase
épicer to spice
lancer to throw
menacer to threaten
percer to pierce
placer to put
prononcer to pronounce
remplacer to replace
renforcer to reinforce
renoncer to renounce
sucer to suck
tracer to draw, mark out
-ger verbs
Verbs that end in -ger have the exact same problem with a slightly different solution.
The letter g followed by e, as in the verb bouger, is pronounced [ʒ]. But look:
Once again, for most of the conjugations, there’s no problem: the g is followed by e, so the
pronunciation is [ʒ]. But in "bougons," the g is followed by an o, which means the g is
pronounced [g]. To get back to [ʒ], we need to soften the g by adding an e between it and
the o. Here is the correct conjugation table:
imperative bougeons
There is no spelling change in the other conjugations of the above tenses and moods, since
the g is followed by e or i, or in the past participle, conditional, future, or subjunctive.
affliger to afflict
arranger to arrange
bouger to move
changer to change
corriger to correct
décourager to discourage
déménager to move
déranger to disturb
diriger to direct
échanger to exchange
encourager to encourage
endommage to damage
envisager to imagine
exiger to demand
infliger to inflict
juger to judge
loger to lodge
longer to border
manger to eat
mélanger to mix
nager to swim
neiger to snow
obliger to oblige
partager to share
piéger** to trap
plonger to dive
protéger** to protect
rédiger to write
ronger to gnaw
songer to dream
voyager to travel
AYER: French Stem-Changing Verbs
Hero Images/Getty Images
Updated on February 21, 2020
French stem-changing verbs are conjugated with the same endings as regular -
ER verbs but have two different radicals or stems. Stem-changing verbs are
sometimes also called boot verbs or shoe verbs because if you circle the forms
that have stem changes in the conjugation table below, the resulting shape
looks like a boot or shoe.
All verbs that end in -yer are stem-changing verbs, but there are two different
-ayer verbs
In the present tense, -ayer verbs have an optional stem change: y changes
to i in all forms but nous and vous.
je paie nous payons
tu paies vous payez
il paie ils paient
je paye nous payons
tu payes vous payez
il paye ils payent
These stem changes are not limited to the present tense; see payer in all
tenses or the lesson on -yer verbs in other tenses.
French stem-changing verbs are conjugated with the same endings as regular -
ER verbs but have two different radicals or stems. Stem-changing verbs are
sometimes also called boot verbs or shoe verbs because if you circle the forms
that have stem changes in the conjugation table below, the resulting shape
looks like a boot or shoe.
All verbs that end in -yer are stem-changing verbs, but there are two different
-oyer verbs
je nettoie nous nettoyons
tu nettoies vous nettoyez
il nettoie ils nettoient
These stem changes are not limited to the present tense; see nettoyer in all
tenses or the lesson on -yer verbs in other tenses.
-uyer verbs
j' ennuie nous ennuyons
tu ennuies vous ennuyez
il ennuie ils ennuient
These stem changes are not limited to the present tense; see ennuyer in all
tenses or the lesson on -yer verbs in other tenses.
je paie nettoie ennuie
tu paies nettoies ennuies
il paie nettoie ennuie
nous payons nettoyons ennuyons
vous payez nettoyez ennuyez
ils paient nettoient ennuient
je paie nettoie ennuie
tu paies nettoies ennuies
il paie nettoie ennuie
nous payionsnettoyionsennuyions
vous payiez nettoyiez ennuyiez
ils paient nettoient ennuient
(tu) paie nettoie ennuie
(nous) payons nettoyons ennuyons
(vous) payez nettoyez ennuyez
French stem-changing verbs are conjugated with the same endings as regular -
er verbs but have two different radicals or stems. Stem-changing verbs are
sometimes also called boot verbs or shoe verbs because if you circle the forms
that have stem changes in a certain style of conjugation table, the resulting
shape looks like a boot or shoe.
For example, in the present tense, the je, tu, il, and ils (me, you, he, and they)
forms of these kinds of verbs all have a stem change. So once you learn which
conjugations need a stem change for one type of stem-changing verb, you will
know which conjugations need the stem change for all the other kinds.
-Ayer Verbs
The -ayer verbs have an optional stem change: y changes to i in all forms
except for nous (we) and vous (you). For the verb payer (to pay), the
conjugations would be:
-E_er Verbs
For verbs that end in -e_er, where _ indicates one or more consonants, the
stem change consists of changing the e before that consonant to è in all forms
except for nous and vous. For example, the conjugations of the verb lever (to
lift), would be:
-É_er Verbs
All verbs that end in –é_er change the é to è in the stem-changed
conjugations. An example of conjugations for this verb would be compléter,
meaning "to complete."