Maths Grade 6 Term 3

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Week Lesso Strand Sub-strand Specific-Learning Outcomes Learning/ Teaching Key Inquiry Learning Assessment Reflection
n /Theme Experience Questions Resources Methods
1 1 Measureme Money; Price By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to What is a Mentor Oral
nt list learner should be able to: define a price list price list? Mathematics questions
a) Define a price list. Learner’s Book Oral Report
b) Observe the picture on In groups, learners are Grade 6 pg. 142- Observation
learner’s book and guided observe the picture 143 Written
draw the items. on learner’s book and exercise
c) Use the chart and fill draw the items. Ruler
in the table on Digital devices
learner’s book. Individually, learners are
d) Appreciate the guided to use the chart and
importance of a price fill in the table on learner’s
list. book
2 Measureme Budget By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to What us a Mentor Oral
nt learner should be able to: define a budget budget? Mathematics questions
a) Define a budget. Learner’s Book Oral Report
b) State the importance In groups, learners are Why is it Grade 6 pg. 143 Observation
of a budget. guided to state the important to Written
c) Work out total income importance of a budget. prepare a Ruler exercise
and expenses. budget? Digital devices
d) Appreciate the Individually, learners to
importance of a work out total income and
budget. expenses
3 Measureme Factors to By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to State the Mentor Oral
nt consider learner should be able to: state the factors to factors to Mathematics questions
when a) State the factors to consider when preparing a consider when Learner’s Book Oral Report
preparing a consider when budget preparing a Grade 6 pg. 144 Observation
budget preparing a budget. budget? Written
b) Explain how the In pairs, learners are Ruler exercise
factors enable them to guided to explain how the Digital devices
achieve our budgeting factors enable them to
plan. achieve our budgeting
c) Appreciate the factors plan.
to consider when
preparing a budget.

4 Measureme Factors to By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to How will the Mentor Oral
nt consider learner should be able to: make flashcards on factors factors enable Mathematics questions
when a) Make flashcards on to consider when them to Learner’s Book Oral Report
preparing a factors to consider preparing a budget achieve our Grade 6 pg. 144- Observation
budget when preparing a budgeting 145 Written
budget. In groups, pairs or as plan? exercise
b) Work out practice individual’s learners are Ruler
exercise 2 guided to work out Digital devices
c) Appreciate the practice exercise 2
importance of
preparing a budget.

5 Measureme Profit By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to What is Mentor Oral
nt learner should be able to: explain the meaning of profit? Mathematics questions
a) Explain the meaning profit Learner’s Book Oral Report
of profit. What is the Grade 6 pg. 146 Observation
b) Read the story on Learners are guided to difference Written
learner’s book and read the story on learner’s between the Ruler exercise
answer the questions book and answer the buying price Digital devices
that follow. questions that follow and the
c) Appreciate the use of selling price?
buying price and
selling price.

2 1 Measureme Profit By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to What is the Mentor Oral
nt learner should be able to: state the importance of importance of Mathematics questions
a) State the importance profit profit? Learner’s Book Oral Report
of profit. Grade 6 pg. 146- Observation
b) Work out practice Learners are guided to 147 Written
exercise 3. work out practice exercise exercise
c) Appreciate the 3 Ruler
importance of profit. Digital devices

2 Measureme Loss By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to How do you Mentor Oral
nt learner should be able to: explain the meaning of calculate loss? Mathematics questions
a) Explain the meaning loss Learner’s Book Oral Report
of loss. Grade 6 pg. 148 Observation
b) Read the story on Learners are guided to Written
learner’s book and read the story on learner’s Ruler exercise
answer the questions book and answer the Digital devices
that follow. questions that follow
c) Appreciate the
formula of calculating

3 Measureme Loss By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to How do you Mentor Oral
nt learner should be able to: explain the meaning of work out loss Mathematics questions
a) Explain the meaning buying and selling price of items? Learner’s Book Oral Report
of buying and selling Grade 6 pg. 148- Observation
price. Learners are guided to 149 Written
b) Work out practice work out practice exercise exercise
exercise 4. 4 Ruler
c) Enjoy working out Digital devices
different prices of
4 Measureme Types of By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to What is tax? Mentor Oral
nt taxes learner should be able to: define tax Mathematics questions
a) Define tax. Learner’s Book Oral Report
b) Discuss the In groups, learners are Grade 6 pg. 149 Observation
importance of tax to guided to discuss the Written
the government. importance of tax to the Ruler exercise
c) Appreciate the government Digital devices
importance of tax

5 Measureme Income tax By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to What is Mentor Oral
nt learner should be able to: explain the meaning of income tax? Mathematics questions
a) Explain the meaning income tax Learner’s Book Oral Report
of income tax. Grade 6 pg. 150 Observation
b) Listen to a radio In groups, learners are Written
programme on income guided to listen to a radio Ruler exercise
tax. programme on income tax. Digital devices
c) Appreciate the
importance of income

3 1 Measureme Income tax By the end of the lesson, the Learners to use digital How does the Mentor Oral
nt learner should be able to: devices to find out other deducted Mathematics questions
a) Find out other types of types of income taxed money help Learner’s Book Oral Report
income taxed imposed imposed by the the Grade 6 pg. 150- Observation
by the government. government. government? 151 Written
b) Work out income tax exercise
of different salaries. Learners are guided to
c) Appreciate the use of work out income tax of
Digital devices
income tax different salaries

2 Measureme Value Added By the end of the lesson, the In groups, pairs or as What is value Mentor Oral
nt Tax (VAT) learner should be able to: individual’s learners are added tax? Mathematics questions
a) Explain the meaning guided to explain the Learner’s Book Oral Report
of Value Added Tax meaning of Value Added Grade 6 pg. 151- Observation
(VAT) Tax (VAT) 152 Written
b) Make a poster on exercise
value added tax Learners are guided to Ruler
c) Appreciate the use of make a poster on value Digital devices
Value Added Tax added tax

3 Measureme Value Added By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to What is the Mentor Oral
nt Tax (VAT) learner should be able to: state the importance of importance of Mathematics questions
a) State the importance Value Added Tax (VAT) Value Added Learner’s Book Oral Report
of Value Added Tax Tax (VAT)? Grade 6 pg. 152- Observation
(VAT) Learners are guided to use 153 Written
b) Use digital devices, digital devices, search for exercise
search for a video clip a video clip on budget Ruler
on budget. Digital devices
c) Work out Practice Learners are guided to
Exercise 6 work out Practice Exercise
d) Appreciate the 6
importance of Value
Added Tax (VAT)

4 Geometry Lines; By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to What are Mentor Oral
Constructing learner should be able to: identify parallel lines in parallel lines? Mathematics questions
parallel lines a) Identify parallel lines the environment Learner’s Book Oral Report
in the environment. Grade 6 pg. 154 Observation
b) Trace the lines on Learners are guided to Written
learner’s book trace the lines on learner’s Ruler exercise
c) Have fun and enjoy book Digital devices
constructing parallel
5 Geometry Lines; By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to How do you Mentor
Constructing learner should be able to: outline the procedure of construct Mathematics
parallel lines a) Outline the procedure constructing parallel lines parallel lines? Learner’s Book
of constructing Grade 6 pg. 154-
parallel lines. In groups, learners to 155
b) Construct parallel construct parallel lines
lines. Ruler
c) Have fun and enjoy Digital devices
constructing parallel

4 1 Geometry Lines; By the end of the lesson, the In pairs, learners to outline How do you Mentor Oral
Constructing learner should be able to: the procedure of construct Mathematics questions
parallel lines a) Outline the procedure constructing parallel lines parallel lines Learner’s Book Oral Report
of constructing using compass using Grade 6 pg. 155 Observation
parallel lines using compass? Written
compass. In groups, learners to work Ruler exercise
b) Work out Practice out Practice exercise 1 on Digital devices
exercise 1 on learner’s learner’s book
c) Appreciate the use of
parallel lines.

2 Geometry Bisecting a By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners are What is Mentor Oral
line learner should be able to: guided to explain the bisecting a Mathematics questions
a) Explain the meaning meaning of bisecting a line? Learner’s Book Oral Report
of bisecting a lines. lines Grade 6 pg. 1 Observation
b) Trace the lines on 56 Written
learner’s book. Learners are guided to exercise
c) Have fun and enjoy trace the lines on learner’s Ruler
bisecting a line. book. Digital devices

3 Geometry Bisecting a By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners are How do you Mentor Oral
line learner should be able to: guided to outline the bisect a line? Mathematics questions
a) Outline the procedure procedure of bisecting a Learner’s Book Oral Report
of bisecting a line line Grade 6 pg. 156- Observation
b) Bisect a line. 157 Written
c) Have fun and enjoy Individually, learners to exercise
bisecting a line bisect a line
Digital devices

4 Geometry Bisecting a By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners are How do you Mentor Oral
line learner should be able to: guided to outline the bisect a line? Mathematics questions
a) Outline the procedure procedure of bisecting a Learner’s Book Oral Report
of bisecting a line line using compass. Grade 6 pg. 156- Observation
using compass. 158 Written
b) Work out Practice exercise
exercise 2 on learner’s Individually, learners to Ruler
book work out Practice exercise Digital devices
c) Have fun and enjoy 2 on learner’s book
bisecting a line.

5 Geometry Constructing By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners to What are Mentor Oral
of learner should be able to: explain the meaning of perpendicular Mathematics questions
perpendicular a) Explain the meaning perpendicular lines lines? Learner’s Book Oral Report
lines of perpendicular lines Grade 6 pg. 158 Observation
b) Trace the lines on In groups, learners are Written
learner’s book. guided to trace the lines on Ruler exercise
c) Have fun and enjoy learner’s book Digital devices
perpendicular lines.

5 1 Geometry Constructing By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners to How do you Mentor Oral
of learner should be able to: outline the procedure of construct Mathematics questions
perpendicular a) Outline the procedure constructing of perpendicular Learner’s Book Oral Report
lines of constructing of perpendicular lines lines? Grade 6 pg. 159- Observation
perpendicular lines. 160 Written
b) Use digital devices, In groups, learners are exercise
search for a video on guided to use digital Ruler
lines. devices, search for a video Digital devices
c) Work out Practice on lines.
exercise 3 on learner’s
book In pairs, learners to work
d) Have fun and enjoy out Practice exercise 3 on
bisecting a line. learner’s book
2 Geometry Angles; By the end of the lesson, the Individually, learners to What are Mentor Oral
Angles on a learner should be able to: identify the angles angles? Mathematics questions
straight line a) Identify the angles formed in learner’s Learner’s Book Oral Report
formed in learner’s book. Grade 6 pg. 161 Observation
book. Written
b) Use digital devices, In groups, learners are exercise
search for a video guided to use digital Ruler
about angles on a devices, search for a Digital devices
straight line. video about angles on a
c) Appreciate angles on straight line
a straight line.

3 Geometry Angles; By the end of the lesson, the Individually, learners to How do you Mentor Oral
Angles on a learner should be able to: identify the angles in the identify Mathematics questions
straight line a) Identify the angles in diagram on learner’s book angles on a Learner’s Book Oral Report
the diagram on straight line? Grade 6 pg. 162 Observation
learner’s book. In groups, learners are Written
b) Work out practice guided to work out Ruler exercise
exercise 1 practice exercise 1 Digital devices
c) Appreciate the use of
angles on a straight

4 Geometry Measuring By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to What do you Mentor Oral
angles on a learner should be able to: measure angles using a notice about Mathematics questions
straight line a) Measure angles using protractor the sum of Learner’s Book Oral Report
a protractor. angles on a Grade 6 pg. 162 Observation
b) Find the sum of the In groups or pairs, learners straight line? Written
angles in each to find the sum of the Ruler exercise
diagram. angles in each diagram Digital devices
c) Appreciate the use of

5 Geometry Measuring By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to How do you Mentor Oral
angles on a learner should be able to: measure the angles on work out the Mathematics questions
straight line a) Measure the angles on learner’s book using a size of Learner’s Book Oral Report
learner’s book using a protractor angles? Grade 6 pg. 164- Observation
protractor. 165 Written
b) Calculate the size of Learners are guided to exercise
the angles marked by calculate the size of the Ruler
letters on learner’s angles marked by letters Digital devices
book. on learner’s book.
c) Work out practice
exercise 2. Learners are guided to
d) Appreciate the work out practice exercise
importance of 2
measuring angles on a
straight line.

6 1 Geometry Angles in a By the end of the lesson, the In pairs, learners are How do you Mentor Oral
triangle learner should be able to: guided to trace and cut out work out Mathematics questions
a) Trace and cut out the the different angles of angles in a Learner’s Book Oral Report
different angles of triangles triangle? Grade 6 pg. 165- Observation
triangles. 167 Written
b) Work out practice In groups, learners are exercise
exercise 3 on learner’s guided to work out Ruler
book practice exercise 3 on Digital devices
c) Use digital devices, learner’s book.
search for a game
involving angles and In groups, learners are
play the game. guided to use digital
d) Have fun and enjoy devices, search for a game
playing different involving angles and play
games involving the game

2 Geometry 3-D Objects; By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners are What are 3-D Mentor Oral
3-D objects learner should be able to: guided to identify the objects? Mathematics questions
in the a) Identify the shape of shape of different objects Learner’s Book Oral Report
environment different objects in the in the environment Grade 6 pg. 168 Observation
environment. Written
b) Draw different objects Individually, learners to Ruler exercise
in the environment. draw different objects in Digital devices
c) Appreciate different 3- the environment
D objects in the

3 Geometry 3-D Objects; By the end of the lesson, the In pairs, learners to take a Which 3-D Mentor Oral
3-D objects learner should be able to: walk around the school objects have Mathematics questions
in the a) Take a walk around compound. you seen? Learner’s Book Oral Report
environment the school compound. Grade 6 pg. 168 Observation
b) Take pictures of 3-D Written
objects in the In groups, learners are Ruler exercise
environment. guided to take pictures of Digital devices
c) Print the pictures and 3-D objects in the
stick them in the environment
correct column in a
table. Learners to print the
d) Have fun and enjoy pictures and stick them in
taking pictures of 3-D the correct column in a
objects. table

4 Geometry Edges, faces By the end of the lesson, the Individually, learners to What are Mentor Oral
and vertices learner should be able to: explain the meaning of edges, faces Mathematics questions
a) Explain the meaning edges, faces and vertices and vertices? Learner’s Book Oral Report
of edges, faces and Grade 6 pg. 169 Observation
vertices. In groups, learners are Written
b) Draw edges, faces and guided to draw edges, Ruler exercise
vertices of squares and faces and vertices of Digital devices
rectangles. squares and rectangles
c) Appreciate the
importance of edges,
faces and vertices.

5 Geometry Cubes By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to What is a Mentor Oral
learner should be able to: define a cube cube? Mathematics questions
a) Define a cube. Learner’s Book Oral Report
b) Use locally available Learners are guided to use Grade 6 pg. 169 Observation
materials and model a locally available materials Written
cube. and model a cube. Digital devices exercise
c) Calculate the number
of faces, vertices and Individually, learners to
edges of cubes calculate the number of
d) Have fun and enjoy faces, vertices and edges
modelling a cube. of cubes

7 1 Geometry Cuboids By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to What is a Mentor Oral
learner should be able to: define a cuboid cuboid? Mathematics questions
a) Define a cuboid. Learner’s Book Oral Report
b) Use locally available Learners are guided to use Grade 6 pg. 170 Observation
materials and model a locally available materials Written
cuboid. and model a cuboid Digital devices exercise
c) Calculate the number
of faces, vertices and Individually, learners to
edges of cuboids calculate the number of
d) Have fun and enjoy faces, vertices and edges
modelling a cuboid of cuboids

2 Geometry Cylinders By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to What is a Mentor Oral
learner should be able to: define a cylinder cylinder? Mathematics questions
a) Define a cylinder. Learner’s Book Oral Report
b) Use locally available Learners are guided to use Grade 6 pg. 171 Observation
materials and model a locally available materials Written
cylinder. and model a cylinder Digital devices exercise
c) Calculate the number
of faces, vertices and Individually, learners to
edges of cylinder calculate the number of
d) Have fun and enjoy faces, vertices and edges
modelling a cylinder. of cylinder

3 Geometry Pyramids By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to What is a Mentor Oral
learner should be able to: define a pyramid pyramid? Mathematics questions
a) Define a pyramid Learner’s Book Oral Report
b) Use locally available Learners are guided to use Grade 6 pg. 171- Observation
materials and model a locally available materials 173 Written
pyramid and model a pyramid exercise
c) Calculate the number Digital devices
of faces, vertices and Individually, learners to
edges of pyramids calculate the number of
d) Have fun and enjoy faces, vertices and edges
modelling a pyramid of pyramid

4 Data Bar graphs; By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners to How do you Mentor Oral
Handling Representing learner should be able to: identify data using represent data Mathematics questions
data using a) Identify data using frequency tables using Learner’s Book Oral Report
frequency frequency tables. frequency Grade 6 pg. 174- Observation
tables b) Represent data using In groups, learners to tables? 175 Written
frequency tables. represent data using exercise
c) Work out practice frequency tables. Digital devices
exercise 1
d) Appreciate the use of In pairs, learners are
frequency tables. guided to work out
practice exercise 1

5 Data Representing By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners to How do you Mentor Oral
Handling data through learner should be able to: identify data through represent data Mathematics questions
a) Identify data through piling
piling piling through Learner’s Book Oral Report
b) Represent data In groups, learners to piling? Grade 6 pg.176- Observation
through piling represent data through 177 Written
c) Work out practice piling exercise
exercise 2 Digital devices
d) Appreciate the In pairs, learners are
importance of guided to work out
representing data practice exercise 2
through piling.

8 1 Data Representing By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners to How do you Mentor Oral
Handling data using learner should be able to: identify data using bar represent data Mathematics questions
bar graphs a) Identify data using bar graphs using bar Learner’s Book Oral Report
graphs graphs? Grade 6 pg. 177- Observation
b) Represent data using In groups, learners to 179 Written
bar graphs. represent data using bar exercise
c) Work out practice graphs.
Digital devices
exercise 3
d) Appreciate the use of In pairs, learners are
bar graphs. guided to work out
practice exercise 3

2 Data Interpreting By the end of the lesson, the Individually, learners are How do you Mentor Oral
Handling information learner should be able to: guided to explain how to interpret Mathematics questions
from bar a) Explain how to interpret information from information Learner’s Book Oral Report
graphs interpret information bar graphs from bar Grade 6 pg. 180- Observation
from bar graphs. graphs? 183 Written
b) Interpreting In groups, learners to
information from bar interpreting information
Digital devices
graphs. from bar graphs
c) Work out practice
exercise 4 In pairs, learners are
d) Have fun and enjoy guided to work out
interpreting practice exercise 4
information from bar

3 Algebra Inequalities; By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to How do you Mentor Oral
Forming learner should be able to: identify simple form simple Mathematics questions
simple a) Identify simple inequalities inequalities? Learner’s Book Oral Report
inequalities inequalities. Grade 6 pg. 184- Observation
b) Form simple In pairs, learners are 185 Written
inequalities. guided to form simple exercise
c) Work out practice inequalities. Digital devices
exercise 1
d) Have fun and enjoy
In groups, learners are
forming simple
guided to work out
practice exercise 1

4 Algebra Forming By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to What is the Mentor Oral
simple learner should be able to: explain the use of simple use of simple Mathematics questions
inequalities a) Explain the use of inequalities in real life inequalities? Learner’s Book Oral Report
simple inequalities in Grade 6 pg. 186 Observation
real life. In groups, learners are Written
b) Form simple guided to form simple Digital devices exercise
inequalities. inequalities.
c) Work out practice
exercise 2 Learners are guided to
d) Appreciate the use of work out practice exercise
simple inequalities. 2

5 Algebra Simplifying By the end of the lesson, the In pairs, groups or How to Mentor Oral
simple learner should be able to: individual’s learners are simplify Mathematics questions
inequalities a) Explain how to guided to explain how to simple Learner’s Book Oral Report
simplify simple simplify simple inequalities? Grade 6 pg. 187- Observation
inequalities. inequalities 188 Written
b) Simplify simple exercise
inequalities. In groups, learners are Digital devices
c) Work out practice guided to simplify simple
exercise 3 inequalities.
d) Have fun and enjoy
simplifying simple In pairs, learners are
inequalities. guided to work out
practice exercise 3


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