Home Science Notes Grade 6 Term 3

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Week Lesson Strand Sub-Strand Specific-Learning Outcomes Learning Experience Key Inquiry Learning Assessment Reflection
Questions Resources Methods
1 1 Clothing Knitting By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to: What is KLB Visionary Oral
learner should be able to: -Explain the meaning of knitting? Home Science questions
a) Explain the meaning of knitting. Learner’s Book Oral Report
knitting. What other Grade 6 pg. 112- Observation
b) Observe the picture on -Observe the picture on articles are 113
learner’s book and learner’s book and discuss. made by
discuss. knitting? Digital resources
c) Draw the picture on -Draw the picture on Realia
learner’s book. learner’s book. Computing
d) Appreciate knitting in
everyday life.
2 Clothing Tools and By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to: What are the KLB Visionary Oral
Materials learner should be able to: -Identify knitting tools. tools and Home Science questions
used for a) Identify knitting tools. materials used Learner’s Book Oral Report
knitting b) Identify knitting yarns -Identify knitting yarns. for knitting? Grade 6 pg. 113- Observation
c) Observe the different 114
types of tools provided -Observe the different types
and feel the materials of tools provided and feel Digital resources
they are made of. the materials they are made Charts
d) Appreciate the tools and of. Realia
Materials used for

3 Clothing Make an By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to: How do you KLB Visionary Oral
improvised learner should be able to: -List the tools and materials make an Home Science questions
knitting a) List the tools and used to make an improvised improvised Learner’s Book Oral Report
needle materials used to make an knitting needle. knitting Grade 6 pg. 114- Observation
improvised knitting needle? 116
needle. -Outline the process of
b) Outline the process of making an improvised Digital resources
making an improvised knitting needle and a Charts
knitting needle and a knitting yarn. Realia
knitting yarn Computing
c) Make an improvised -Make an improvised devices
knitting needle and a knitting needle and a
knitting yarn. knitting yarn.
d) Have fun and enjoy
making an improvised
knitting needle.

2 1 Clothing Basic By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to: How do you KLB Visionary Oral
Knitting learner should be able to: -Identify knit and purl hold Knitting Home Science questions
Stitches a) Identify knit and purl stitches. Needles? Learner’s Book Oral Report
stitches. Grade 6 pg. 116- Observation
b) Outline the safety -Outline the safety measures 118
measures to observe to observe when holding
when holding knitting knitting needles. Digital resources
needles. Charts
c) Demonstrate how to hold -Demonstrate how to hold Realia
knitting needles. knitting needles.
d) Appreciate basic knitting
stitches. devices

2 Clothing Knitting a By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to: How do you KLB Visionary Oral
Scarf learner should be able to: -Outline the process of make knit Home Science questions
a) Outline the process of knitting a cast. stitches? Learner’s Book Oral Report
casting on. -Watch a video clip on Grade 6 pg. 118- Observation
b) Watch a video clip on casting on 120
casting on
c) Practice how to cast on -Practice how to cast on Digital resources
stitches. stitches. Charts
d) Make knit stitches.
e) Have fun and enjoy -Make knit stitches.
making knit stitches.

3 Clothing How to By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to: How do you KLB Visionary Oral
Make Purl learner should be able to: -Outline the process of make purl Home Science questions
Stitches a) Outline the process of knitting a scarf. stitches? Learner’s Book Oral Report
knitting a scarf. Grade 6 pg. 121- Observation
b) Discuss the importance -Discuss the importance of How do you 124
of knitted items.
c) Make purl stitches. knitted items. make a scarf?
d) Make a simple scarf. Digital resources
e) Have fun and enjoy -Make purl stitches. Charts
making a scarf. Realia
-Make a simple scarf. Computing

3 1 Clothing Crocheting By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to: What are the KLB Visionary Oral
learner should be able to: -Explain the meaning of uses of Home Science questions
a) Explain the meaning of crocheting. crocheted Learner’s Book Oral Report
crocheting. items? Grade 6 pg. 125- Observation
b) Outline the process of -Outline the process of 128
making an improvised making an improvised How do you
crocheting hook. crocheting hook. make a Digital resources
c) Make an improvised crocheting Charts
crocheting hook. -Make an improvised hook? Realia
d) Make improvised crocheting hook.
crocheting yarn.
e) Have fun and enjoy devices
-Make improvised
making an improvised crocheting yarn.
crocheting hook.

2 Clothing Basic By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to: How do you KLB Visionary Oral
Crocheting learner should be able to: -Identify single crochet hold a crochet Home Science questions
Stitches a) Identify single crochet stitches and double crochet hook? Learner’s Book Oral Report
stitches and double stitches. Grade 6 pg. 128- Observation
crochet stitches. How do you 130
b) Practice how to hold a -Practice how to hold a make chain
crochet hook properly crochet hook properly. stitches? Digital resources
c) Practise making chain Charts
stitches -Practise making chain Realia
d) Have fun and enjoy stitches
making an improvised
crocheting hook. devices

3 Clothing Making By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to: How do you KLB Visionary Oral
single learner should be able to: -Outline the process of make single Home Science questions
crochet a) Outline the process of making single crochet crochet Learner’s Book Oral Report
stitches making single crochet stitches. stitches? Grade 6 pg. 131- Observation
stitches. 132
b) Practise making single -Practise making single
crochet stitches. crochet stitches.
c) Have fun and enjoy Digital resources
making single crochet Computing
stitches. devices

4 1 Clothing Making By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to: How do you KLB Visionary Oral
double learner should be able to: -Outline the process of make double Home Science questions
crochet a) Outline the process of making double crochet crochet Learner’s Book Oral Report
stitches making double crochet stitches. stitches? Grade 6 pg. 132- Observation
stitches. 135
b) Practise making double -Practise making double
crochet stitches. crochet stitches. Digital resources
c) Have fun and enjoy Charts
making double crochet
Play items
d) Appreciate importance of
crocheted items. Computing

2 Clothing Repair and By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to: Which type of KLB Visionary Oral
Maintenance learner should be able to: -Identify types of pockets pockets shown Home Science questions
of Pockets; a) Identify types of pockets on clothes. on the pictures Learner’s Book Oral Report
Types of on clothes. have you seen Grade 6 pg. 136- Observation
Pockets b) Identify types of damage -Identify types of damage on your 137
on pockets. on pockets. clothes?
c) Draw the clothes on Digital resources
learner’s book. -Draw the clothes on Computing
d) Appreciate all types of learner’s book.

3 Clothing Factors to By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to: What are the KLB Visionary Oral
Consider learner should be able to: -Discuss factors to consider factors to Home Science questions
when a) Discuss factors to when repairing a pocket. consider when Learner’s Book Oral Report
Repairing a consider when repairing a repairing a Grade 6 pg. 137- Observation
Pocket pocket. -Read the passage, ‘The pocket? 139
b) Read the passage, ‘The Day Ligawa Lost his Pocket
Day Ligawa Lost his Money’ Digital resources
Pocket Money’ Charts
c) Appreciate the factors to
consider when repairing a
5 1 Clothing Repairing By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to: How do you KLB Visionary Oral
Damaged learner should be able to: -Outline the procedure to repair loose Home Science questions
Pocket a) Outline the procedure to repair loose stitches on a stitches on a Learner’s Book Oral Report
repair loose stitches on a patch pocket. patch pocket? Grade 6 pg. 139- Observation
patch pocket. 140
b) Practise how to repair a -Practise how to repair a
patch pocket. patch pocket. Digital resources
c) Have fun and enjoy Computing
repairing a loose stitches
on a patch pocket.
2 Clothing Repairing a By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to: How do you KLB Visionary Oral
torn in-seam learner should be able to: -Outline the procedure to repair a torn Home Science questions
pocket a) Outline the procedure to repair a torn in-seam in-seam Learner’s Book Oral Report
repair a torn in-seam pocket. pocket? Grade 6 pg. 140- Observation
pocket. 143
b) Practising repairing a -Practising repairing a torn
torn in-seam pocket. in-seam pocket Digital resources
c) Appreciate well repaired Charts
pocket on garments.

3 Laundry Special By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to: What should KLB Visionary Oral
Work Treatment in learner should be able to: -Explain the meaning of be done to Home Science questions
Laundry a) Explain the meaning of special treatment in laundry clothes that Learner’s Book Oral Report
Work; special treatment in work. are stained Grade 6 pg. 144- Observation
Types of laundry work. before 145
special b) Identify various types of -Identify various types of washing?
treatment in special treatment in special treatment in laundry Digital resources
laundry work. work. Charts
c) Draw a chart about types
work Realia
of special treatment in -Draw a chart about types of
laundry work. special treatment in laundry
d) Appreciate the need of devices
special treatment in

6 1 Laundry Importance By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to: What are the KLB Visionary Oral
Work of special learner should be able to: -Discuss the importance of factors to Home Science questions
treatment in a) Discuss the importance special treatment in laundry consider when Learner’s Book Oral Report
laundry of special treatment in work. carrying out Grade 6 pg. 146- Observation
work laundry work. special 150
b) Identify the materials -Identify the materials used treatment on
used in special treatment in special treatment during clothes? Digital resources
during laundry work. laundry work. Charts
c) Discuss safety Realia
precautions when -Discuss safety precautions Computing
carrying out special when carrying out special devices
treatment in laundry treatment in laundry work.
d) Appreciate special
treatment in laundry

2 Laundry How to By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to: How do you KLB Visionary Oral
Work remove an learner should be able to: -Discuss how to remove an remove an ink Home Science questions
ink stain a) Discuss how to remove ink stain from an article. stain from an Learner’s Book Oral Report
from an an ink stain from an article? Grade 6 pg. 151- Observation
article; article. -Outline the procedure to 153
Grass stain b) Outline the procedure to remove an ink and a grass How do you
removal remove an ink and a stain from an article. remove a Digital resources
grass stain from an grass stain Charts
article. -Practise how to remove an removal?
c) Practise how to remove ink and a grass stain from a
Play items
an ink and a grass stain pair of cotton trousers.
from a pair of cotton Computing
trousers. devices
d) Have fun and enjoy
removing an ink stain.

3 Laundry Blood stain By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to: How do you KLB Visionary Oral
Work removal; learner should be able to: -Discuss how to remove a remove a Home Science questions
Chewing a) Discuss how to remove a blood stain from a white blood stain Learner’s Book Oral Report
gum stain blood stain from a white cotton blouse or shirt. from a white Grade 6 pg. 153- Observation
removal cotton blouse or shirt. cotton blouse? 155
b) Outline the procedure of -Outline the procedure of
removing chewing gum removing chewing gum How do you Digital resources
stain removal. stain removal. remove a Charts
c) Remove a blood stain or chewing gum
chewing gum stain from -Remove a blood stain or stain from an
an article. chewing gum stain from an article?
d) Appreciate the procedure devices
of removing a chewing
gum stain.

7 1 Laundry Use of By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to: How do you KLB Visionary Oral
Work disinfectant; learner should be able to: -Discuss how to disinfect a disinfect a Home Science questions
Bleaching a) Discuss how to disinfect coloured cotton coloured Learner’s Book Oral Report
a coloured cotton handkerchief. handkerchief? Grade 6 pg. 155- Observation
handkerchief. 157
b) Outline the procedure of -Outline the procedure of How do you
disinfect a coloured disinfect a coloured cotton bleach a white Digital resources
cotton handkerchief. handkerchief. cotton face Charts
c) Disinfect the coloured towel? Realia
handkerchief. -Disinfect the coloured
d) Bleach a white cotton handkerchief.
face towel. devices
e) Appreciate the use of -Bleach a white cotton face
disinfectant. towel.

2 Laundry Fabric By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to: How do you KLB Visionary Oral
Work conditioning learner should be able to: use fabric Home Science questions
a) Discuss how to use fabric -Discuss how to use fabric conditioner on Learner’s Book Oral Report
conditioner on a bath conditioner on a bath towel. a bath towel? Grade 6 pg. 157- Observation
towel. 160
b) State the importance of -State the importance of
special treatment in special treatment in laundry Digital resources
laundry work. work. Charts
c) Practise how to use fabric
conditioner on a bath -Practise how to use fabric
towel. conditioner on a bath towel.
d) Appreciate the devices
importance of fabric

3 Laundry Laundering By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to: What KLB Visionary Oral
Work woolen or learner should be able to: -Discuss the reasons for materials can Home Science questions
acrylic a) Discuss the reasons for care during laundering of we use to Learner’s Book Oral Report
articles care during laundering of woollen or acrylic articles. launder Grade 6 pg. 162- Observation
woollen or acrylic woollen or 164
articles. -Name the resources acrylic
b) Name the resources required for laundering articles? Digital resources
required for laundering woollen or acrylic articles. Charts
woollen or acrylic Realia
articles. -Draw the resources Computing
c) Draw the resources required for laundering devices
required for laundering woollen or acrylic articles.
woollen or acrylic
d) Appreciate the tools and
materials required for
laundering woollen or
acrylic articles.

8 1 Laundry How to By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to: How do you KLB Visionary Oral
Work launder learner should be able to: -Outline the method of launder Home Science questions
woolen a) Outline the method of laundering a woollen woolen Learner’s Book Oral Report
articles or laundering a woollen sweater. articles or Grade 6 pg. 164- Observation
knitting sweater. knitting 168
acrylic b) Give reasons for each -Give reasons for each step acrylic?
step in the method for in the method for Digital resources
laundering a woollen laundering a woollen Charts
sweater. sweater. Realia
c) Practising laundering
woollen articles or -Practising laundering
knitting acrylic. devices
woollen articles or knitting
d) Appreciate properly acrylic.
laundered woollen and
acrylic articles.

2 Laundry Laundering By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to: What are the KLB Visionary Oral
Work loose learner should be able to: -Discuss reasons for care reasons for Home Science questions
coloured a) Discuss reasons for care when laundering loose care when Learner’s Book Oral Report
articles when laundering loose coloured articles. laundering Grade 6 pg. 169- Observation
coloured articles. loose coloured 171
b) Name the resources and -Name the resources and articles?
materials used for materials used for Digital resources
laundering loose coloured laundering loose coloured Charts
articles. articles. Realia
c) Draw the equipments and
materials used for -Draw the equipments and
laundering loose coloured devices
materials used for
articles. laundering loose coloured
d) Appreciate the resources articles.
and materials used for
laundering loose coloured

3 Laundry How to By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to: How do you KLB Visionary Oral
Work launder learner should be able to: -Describe how to launder launder loose Home Science questions
loose a) Describe how to launder loose coloured articles. coloured Learner’s Book Oral Report
coloured loose coloured articles. articles? Grade 6 pg. 171- Observation
articles b) Outline the procedure of -Outline the procedure of 174
laundering loose coloured laundering loose coloured
articles. articles. Digital resources
c) State the importance of Charts
properly laundered loose -State the importance of Realia
coloured articles. properly laundered loose
Play items
d) Practise how to launder a coloured articles.
loose coloured T-shirt. Computing
e) Appreciate the -Practise how to launder a devices
importance of properly loose coloured T-shirt.
laundered loose coloured


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