Camarines Norte State College

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Republic of the Philippines


F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Engineering
CE 108 – Hydraulics
Second Semester, AY 2022-2023


Solve the following problems on an a4 size paper. Provide a 1-cm border on all sides. Write down the whole problem and show
your complete, detailed, and organized solution. Draw the figures that would supplement your solution, if applicable. Round off
your answers to the nearest 2 decimal places and do not forget to indicate the correct unit. Emphasize your final answer by
highlighting it. For the upper section of the first page, use the format below:




Activity Number 1: Fluid Properties

1. If 6 m3 of oil weighs 47 kN, calculate its specific weight γ, density ρ, and specific gravity.

specific weight v 3=7.833��/�3γ=6m347kN=7.833kN/m3

density �=��=7833�/�39.81�/�2=798��/�3ρ=gγ=9.81m/s27833N/m3=798kg/m3

specific gravity = ����������=7.833��/�39.79��/�3=0.800γwaterγoil


2. From the International Critical Tables, the viscosity of water at 20°C (68°F) is 1.008 cp (centipoises). (a) Compute the
absolute viscosity in lb-sec/ft2, (b) If the specific gravity at 20°C is 0.998, compute the kinematic viscosity in ft /sec.

3. Convert 15.14 poises to ft2/sec if the liquid has specific gravity 0.964.

4. A small drop of water at 80°F is in contact with the air and has diameter 0.0200 in. If the pressure within the droplet is
0.082 psi greater than the atmosphere, what is the value of the surface tension?

5. A needle 35 mm long rests on a water surface at 20°C. What force over and above the needle's weight is required to
lift the needle from contact with the water surface?
6. Estimate the height to which water at 70°F will rise in a capillary tube of diameter 0.120 in. σ = 0.00497 lb/ft

7. If the density of a liquid is 835 kg/m, find its specific weight and specific gravity.

8. Determine the absolute viscosity of mercury in N · s/m if the viscosity in poises is 0.0158.

9. If an oil has an absolute viscosity of 510 poises, what is its viscosity in the fps system?

10. What are the absolute and kinematic viscosities in fps units of an oil having a Saybolt viscosity of 155 seconds,
if the specific gravity of the oil is 0.932?

11. Two large plane surfaces are 1 in apart, and the space between them is filled with a liquid of absolute viscosity
0.0200 lb-sec/ft . Assuming the velocity gradient to be a straight line, what force is required to pull a very thin plate of
4.00 ft area at a constant speed of 1.00 ft/sec if the plate is 1/3 in from one of the surfaces?

12. What force is necessary to lift a thin wire ring 45 mm in diameter from a water surface at 20°C? Neglect the weight of
the wire.

13. What is the smallest diameter glass tube that will keep the capillary height-change of water at 20°C less than
0.9 mm?

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