Discovery Limited: Enterprise Risk Management Policy
Discovery Limited: Enterprise Risk Management Policy
Discovery Limited: Enterprise Risk Management Policy
Discovery Limited is the licensed controlling company of the designated Discovery Insurance Group. Registration number: 1999/007789/06. Companies in the Group are licensed insurers and
authorised financial services providers.
The Group defines risk as the probability of an event materialising which could have a negative or positive impact on
achievement of the Group’s objectives. Risks include ‘emerging risks’ which are defined as a condition, situation or trend
that develop in a way that could significantly impact the Group’s strategy, financial strength, competitive position or
reputation within the next five years. By identifying and proactively addressing these risks and opportunities, the Group
is able to protect and create value for its stakeholders, through greater risk transparency, increased organisational
effectiveness and improved business decision making.
ERM provides a framework for managing these risks, which typically involves:
Identifying particular events or circumstances relevant to the Group’s objectives (risks and opportunities);
Measuring them in terms of impact and likelihood;
Monitoring the risks against the limits set and capital available;
Managing risks by developing risk mitigation strategies and action plans where necessary;
Providing the Discovery Limited Board and senior management with oversight of the risks faced by the Group
through a regular risk reporting process;
Applying risk management techniques consistently across the Group; and
Integrating risk management and measurement into business processes.
The objective of ERM is to align business strategy, risk strategy, capital management, business processes, people and
technology in order to evaluate and manage business opportunities, uncertainties and threats in a structured and
disciplined manner. By linking risk capital values to the actual risk-taking activities, the Group is able to assess the
projected and historical performance of these activities in proportion to the capital required to support them.
This process assists in ensuring that the Group considers risk and capital implications when making strategic and
operational decisions. The development of a pro-active approach to risk management (i.e. using risk data to prevent
losses rather than continually responding to the negative implications of unforeseen risks that have materialised)
Increased consistency in the measurement, treatment and communication of risks within the Group;
Enhanced reporting and analysis of risks faced by the Group;
Improved focus, attention and perspective to risk data which will be used in the calculation of regulatory and
economic capital across the Group;
Increased alignment to the Group strategy;
Enhanced quantitative and metrics-based assessment methodology;
Efficiency and effectiveness of activities related to all assurance matters; and
Cost-effective management and monitoring of risks.
Discovery Limited is the licensed controlling company of the designated Discovery Insurance Group. Registration number: 1999/007789/06. Companies in the Group are licensed insurers and
authorised financial services providers.
This Policy is the Group’s overarching enterprise risk management policy and operational risk policy. It enables the
Group to establish a comprehensive set of risk management methodologies which align with best practice standards
and regulatory requirements in terms of governance and risk management.
This Policy is applicable to all of the Group’s local and international subsidiary operations where the Group has
management control and includes:
If a business entity wishes to deviate from this Policy, a separate document stating the exceptions and deviations and
the reasons thereof, will need to be reviewed for approval. Thereafter, the relevant business entity specific Risk
Committee or Risk Executive Committee and the Group Chief Risk Officer (CRO) recommendations will be considered.
Finally, the Group CRO and the Discovery Limited Risk and Compliance Committee (RCC) will consider these exceptions
for approval.
The Group is committed to being an organisation with a high-quality ERM capability which covers all its activities and
contributes to growth in economic value of shareholder assets and the protection of policyholder and member benefits.
This is achieved by:
Fostering an environment where consideration of risk is embedded in the Group’s culture, business planning,
decision making and day to day business activities;
Being risk-conscious, risk-confident and risk-selective. Risks are considered appropriate if they are well understood,
generate the required risk adjusted return (either financially or otherwise) and support the Group’s objectives. The
Group actively seeks to assume appropriate risks, against the background of a clearly articulated risk appetite and
business strategy;
Seeking to treat, tolerate, terminate and/ or transfer those risks for which the Group has little or no appetite or
where the expected risk adjusted return is inadequate;
Seeking to exploit those risks for which the Group has more appetite or where the expected risk adjusted return is
Actively communicating the effectiveness and business benefits of risk management to all stakeholders;
Continually developing and enhancing the Group’s ERM capability in a manner that yields business benefit;
Being able to provide reasonable and independent assurance to the Group’s senior management and the Discovery
Limited Board; and
Ensuring that the various assurance providers are effectively coordinated and integrated to aid effective decision
2 Policy Principles
The minimum ERM principles to be followed by the Group are set out below.
Discovery Limited is the licensed controlling company of the designated Discovery Insurance Group. Registration number: 1999/007789/06. Companies in the Group are licensed insurers and
authorised financial services providers.
The ten risk management principles on which ERM is based consist of:
1 Risk Strategy – A strategy must be in place for managing risk across the Group which includes the consideration of
the inter-relationships and correlations between risks.
2 Risk Governance Structures – Risk governance structures must be in place to ensure that all applicable statutory
and regulatory requirements and risk management standards are met.
3 Responsibility and Accountability – Responsibility and accountability for risk management must be clearly
assigned, documented and communicated throughout the Group with the aim of fostering an open and transparent
risk culture that encourages best practice risk management behaviour.
4 Risk Appetite – Risk appetite statements must reflect the nature and level of risk the Group is willing to take in
order to achieve specific business objectives.
5 Risk Management Processes – Risk management processes and procedures must be in place to ensure risks and
controls are identified, managed, monitored and reported on a consistent and coordinated basis across all lines of
6 Risk Response and Mitigation – Risk-specific response and mitigation plans, including business continuity and crisis
management plans, must be in place at all times with clear criteria set for when such plans are invoked.
7 Risk Monitoring – The level of risk exposure must be actively monitored against the limits set and/ or the capital
available with clear accountability assigned for the identification, monitoring and management of risk and, where
necessary, the escalation of risk-related issues.
8 Stress and Scenario Analysis – The resilience to risk events must be tested under both normal and stressed
conditions, including developing an understanding of the severity of an event that would cause a breach in risk
appetite and tolerance limits, capital requirements and/ or result in insolvency.
9 Risk Reporting – Risk reporting must be accurate, relevant and timely to support the management of risks, meet
the needs of all relevant internal and external stakeholders and, where required, meet the specific reporting needs
of the separate legal entities and the Group.
10 Non–Compliance – Processes must be in place to ensure that non-compliance with this Policy is identified,
escalated and remedied promptly.
In order to apply the ten principles described in section 2.2, the Group has defined a universe of risks (the Discovery
Limited Risk Taxonomy) which classifies risks into categories. In this structure the broader risk categories are grouped
as level one risks. Under these level one risks, are more detailed level 2 risks. The following eight level one risk types
have been defined as part of the Discovery Limited ERM Framework:
Discovery Limited is the licensed controlling company of the designated Discovery Insurance Group. Registration number: 1999/007789/06. Companies in the Group are licensed insurers and
authorised financial services providers.
Discovery Limited is the licensed controlling company of the designated Discovery Insurance Group. Registration number: 1999/007789/06. Companies in the Group are licensed insurers and
authorised financial services providers.
Discovery Limited Remuneration Discovery Limited Social & Ethics Discovery Limited Risk & Discovery Limited Actuarial Discovery Limited Audit
Committee Committee Compliance Committee Committee Committee
Group Risk
VitalityHealth VitalityLife
Actuarial Actuarial
Committee Committee
These committees only reflect the statutory/ legislatively required structures. In instances where a business entity has established separate governance structures in addition to the Group
governance structures, the business entity should ensure that the responsibilities defined below are included in the terms of reference of the relevant committee structures.
Discovery Limited is the licensed controlling company of the designated Discovery Insurance Group. Registration number: 1999/007789/06. Companies in the Group are licensed insurers and
authorised financial services providers.
The Discovery Limited Board is ultimately responsible for risk management across the Group. The Discovery Limited
Board may delegate some of the activities or tasks associated with its own roles and responsibilities to a delegated
committee or senior management within the Group which includes inter alia the following:
In order to establish adequate governance across the Group, the Discovery Limited Board has established the following
1 Discovery Limited RCC, the terms of reference for this committee are defined in the Discovery Limited RCC Terms
of Reference (ToR). This committee reviews all enterprise-wide risk assessments (including business resilience),
control evaluations and mitigation plans on a regular basis. Risk assessments and action plans will form part of this
broader ERM review;
2 Discovery Limited Actuarial Committee, the terms of reference for this Committee are defined in the Discovery
Limited Actuarial Committee ToR;
3 Discovery Limited Audit Committee, the terms of reference for this Committee are defined in the Discovery Limited
Audit Committee ToR. Its responsibility in terms of risk management includes, but is not limited to:
o Reviewing the effectiveness of internal controls surrounding the risk management process and the reliability
and accuracy of the financial information provided to management and other users of financial information;
o Reporting on significant findings from Group Internal Audit (GIA) reviews and the extent of management
implementation of recommendations;
o Reporting on any significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal
controls in the risk reporting process;
o Reviewing the scope of work (risk analysis and audit plan) of the external and internal auditors confirming
reliance placed on Risk Management Reports and how and how this has been validated; and
o Ensuring an effective Combined Assurance programme is implemented.
4 Discovery Limited Remuneration Committee, the terms of reference for this Committee are defined in the Discovery
Limited Remuneration Committee Charter; and
5 Discovery Limited Social and Ethics Committee, the terms of reference for this Committee are defined in the
Discovery Limited Social and Ethics Committee Charter.
6 Discovery Limited TCF Subcommittee, the terms of reference for this Committee are defined in the Discovery
Limited TCF Subcommittee ToR.
Discovery Limited is the licensed controlling company of the designated Discovery Insurance Group. Registration number: 1999/007789/06. Companies in the Group are licensed insurers and
authorised financial services providers.
While the model above depicts the structure for the Group, all regulated entities with then Group (including Discovery
Bank, Discovery Life, Discovery Insure and the UK entities) must establish equivalent structures to satisfy the three lines
of defence model.
Line functions that own and manage risk and associated risk taking. It involves management oversight, including strategy
implementation, performance measurement, and risk and control management (including assessing the security risk
impact to the organisation as a whole, within the various Discovery companies in the Group). This line of defence has
direct involvement, as the executing leg, and will therefore offer limited assurance coverage.
Operational managers own and manage risks. They are also responsible for implementing corrective actions to address
process and control deficiencies.
Discovery Limited is the licensed controlling company of the designated Discovery Insurance Group. Registration number: 1999/007789/06. Companies in the Group are licensed insurers and
authorised financial services providers.
Risk management functions established within each business entity and who report to business entity management are
referred to as First Line Risk Management. First Line Risk Management responsibilities are detailed in the Discovery
Limited Enterprise Risk Management Framework.
The Executive Committees and their sub-committees (inclusive of management committees) are regarded as first line.
The Group places a lot of focus on quality processes and as such the Quality Assurance structure is positioned within
the first line of defence (for certain Group business entities, such as Discovery Health).
Group Forensics is mandated to investigate all aspects pertaining to fraud, abuse of benefits, misconduct or unethical
The Information Security Office is mandated with identifying, developing, implementing, and maintaining processes and
standards across the Group to reduce information risks including cyber security, privacy and information governance.
Risk identification is a key element within the ISO function and through collaboration with the various Group risk officers
needs to be managed to an acceptable level. These risks need to be adequately identified, documented and reported
to the various levels in the Group.
The second line of defence functions comprise GRM, Group Compliance and the Group Actuarial Function. These are
functions independent of day-to-day management that provide a level of assurance to the Discovery Limited Board with
regards to the adequacy and effectiveness of the overall risk management system. These functions have the authority
to communicate with any employee and obtain unrestricted and timeous access to any records required to carry out
their responsibilities.
4.2.1 GRM
Assisting the Group to identify, assess, monitor, and mitigate its material risks, and promote a sound risk culture;
Assisting the Discovery Limited Board and senior management to develop and maintain the Group’s risk
management system, including promptly informing the Discovery Limited Board of any circumstance that may have
an adverse material effect on the risk management system of the Group.
It is a centralised risk management function and is headed up by the Group CRO, who reports, functionally, directly to
the Group Chief Executive. The Group CRO is responsible for reporting to the Discovery Limited Executive Committee,
the Discovery Limited RCC, the Discovery Limited Audit Committee, the Discovery Limited Actuarial Committee and the
Discovery Limited Board on all risk related matters across the Group.
Discovery Limited is the licensed controlling company of the designated Discovery Insurance Group. Registration number: 1999/007789/06. Companies in the Group are licensed insurers and
authorised financial services providers.
GRM coordinates and challenges risk information and ensures the establishment of appropriate risk reporting
procedures and feedback provided to the Discovery Limited Board;
Coordinating risk management activities across the Group;
Set the standards and policies relating to risk management activities across the Group;
Assist the business entities by facilitating the identification of risks across the Group. This is performed through
evaluating the internal and external risk environment on an on-going basis in order to identify risks as well as
emerging risks as early as possible. This may include analysis of risks from a different perspective, such as by
territory or by line of business;
Assess, challenge, aggregate, monitor and assist the Group in mitigating identified risks effectively. This includes
assessing the Group’s capacity to absorb risk with regards to the nature, probability, duration, correlation, and
potential severity of risks;
Perform independent risk reviews to enable the provision of risk assurance to the Discovery Limited Board;
Regularly report to senior management, key persons in control functions and the Discovery Limited Board on the
Group’s risk profile. This includes details of the risk exposures faced, risk incidents that have occurred as well as the
related mitigating actions required;
Recommend the Group’s risk appetite to the Discovery Limited Board for approval. This includes the cascading of
risk limits to an appropriate level of detail, and monitoring the actual risk exposure against the Discovery Limited
Board approved appetite;
Gain and maintain an aggregated view of the risk profile of the Group;
Conduct the Own Risk and Solvency Assessment (ORSA) process on at least an annual basis which includes oversight
of the integration between risk and capital management across the Group;
Conduct regular stress testing and scenario analyses, including that of extreme events with low probability but high
potential impact;
Develop and maintain an information feedback mechanism amongst the three lines of defence. This enables GRM
to take necessary actions in a timely manner in response to changes in the Group’s risk profile;
Conduct regular assessments of the risk management system and ensure all necessary improvements are
Document and report material changes affecting the risk management system to the Discovery Limited Board to
ensure that it is maintained and improved;
Coordinate and facilitate business continuity management which involves planning and preparing the Group so that
it maintains business operations in the event of disruption. The planning involves the identification of risks and
threats, the creation of response structures and plans to address incidents and crises. Tests are done annually to
ensure plans and procedures in place are effective. The goal of testing is the continuous improvement of the
business continuity management capabilities and readiness by ensuring that lessons learnt are integrated into
prevention, mitigation, planning, training, and future tests; and
Coordinate Combined Assurance activities across the Group.
GRM’s responsibilities are described in more detail in the Discovery Limited ERM Framework.
In certain instances, where a business entity has established a separate Second Line Risk Management function, GRM
Establish a feedback mechanism between the two functions in order to ensure consistency in terms of the risk
methodology used and reporting thereof;
Monitor the performance of the Second Line Risk Management function in relation to the implementation of risk
policies, including this Policy;
Review, challenge and validate (where necessary) the risk information produced; and
Ensure that the information reported meets the requirements specified in this Policy and the Discovery Limited
ERM Framework.
Discovery Limited is the licensed controlling company of the designated Discovery Insurance Group. Registration number: 1999/007789/06. Companies in the Group are licensed insurers and
authorised financial services providers.
Coordinate and challenge risk information and ensure the establishment of appropriate risk reporting procedures
and feedback is provided to the relevant business entity governance structures and GRM;
Coordinate risk management activities across the business entity;
Set business-specific standards and policies (in alignment with Group standards and policies) relating to risk
management activities across the business entity;
Assist the business entity by facilitating the identification of risks. This is performed through evaluating the internal
and external risk environment on an on-going basis in order to identify risks as well as emerging risks as early as
possible. This may include analysis of risks from a different perspective, such as by territory or by line of business;
Assess, challenge, aggregate, monitor and assist the business entity in mitigating identified risks effectively. This
includes assessing the business entity’s capacity to absorb risk with regards to the nature, probability, duration,
correlation, and potential severity of risks;
Perform independent risk reviews to enable the provision of risk assurance to the relevant business entity
governance structures;
Regularly report to senior management, key persons in control functions and the relevant governance structures
on the business entity’s risk profile. This includes details of the risk exposures faced, risk incidents that have
occurred as well as the related mitigating actions required;
Recommend the business entity’s risk appetite to the relevant governance structures for approval. This includes
the cascading of risk limits to an appropriate level of detail, and monitoring the actual risk exposure against the
approved appetite;
Conduct the ORSA process on at least an annual basis which includes oversight of the integration between risk and
capital management;
Conduct regular stress testing and scenario analyses, including that of extreme events with low probability but high
potential impact;
Develop and maintain an information feedback loop amongst the three lines of defence. This enables the risk
function to take necessary actions in a timely manner in response to changes in the business entity’s risk profile;
Conduct regular assessments of the risk management system and ensure all necessary improvements are
Document and report material changes affecting the risk management system to GRM to ensure that it is
maintained and improved; and
Coordinate Combined Assurance activities across the business entity.
Group Compliance ensures that the Group is able to meet its regulatory obligations and promotes a corporate culture
of compliance and integrity. Further details surrounding the principles, roles and responsibilities of Group Compliance
are defined in the Discovery Limited Group Compliance Policy. The compliance risk view is an integral part of the
integrated Group risk profile. The Group Compliance Function has access to and reports to the Discovery Limited Board
(via the Discovery Limited RCC) on matters such as:
Implementing a risk-based monitoring plan to monitor compliance with internal controls, legal obligations and
regulatory obligations in respect of South African domiciled entities;
The key regulatory risks the Group faces and the actions being taken to address them;
Performance of the various local business entities and the shared services of the Group against compliance
standards and regulatory requirements;
Compliance issues involving management or persons in positions of major responsibility within the Group;
Material compliance violations or concerns involving any other person or applicable operational business area of
the Group;
Material fines or other disciplinary actions taken by a regulator or supervisor in respect of the Group or any
Assessing the appropriateness of policies, processes, and controls in key areas of legal, regulatory and ethical
obligations, as well as the effective monitoring thereof;
Reporting or facilitating the reporting of compliance shortcomings or non-compliance to the relevant regulators;
Reporting to the Board through the Discovery Limited RCC; and
Discovery Limited is the licensed controlling company of the designated Discovery Insurance Group. Registration number: 1999/007789/06. Companies in the Group are licensed insurers and
authorised financial services providers.
The Group Actuarial Function is required to provide assurance to the Discovery Limited Board regarding the accuracy of
the calculations and the appropriateness of the methodology and assumptions underlying the insurance technical
provisions and the capital requirements across the Group. In addition, the Group Actuarial Function has responsibilities
regarding certain elements of the risk management policies, reinsurance arrangements and pricing and product
development across the Group. The Group Actuarial Function performs this role with the support from the business
entity actuarial functions and Actuarial Committees.
The Group Actuarial Function performs the regulated roles of actuarial function for the Group and actuarial function for
Discovery Life. The Group Actuarial Function does not perform the regulated actuarial function role and has no direct
oversight responsibilities for the activities of Discovery Insure or the United Kingdom operations as this is performed by
entity actuarial functions. However, the Group Actuarial Function keeps abreast of actuarial matters relevant to the
actuarial function of the Group and performs an advisory role through attendance of the Discovery Insure, VitalityHealth
and VitalityLife Actuarial Committees.
The Group’s Internal Audit Functions (South Africa, United Kingdom and Discovery Bank) and External Audit, make up
the third line of defence and are independent assurance functions. The third line of defence needs to ensure:
Regular review of the systems for risk management and internal controls and provide assurance to the Board that
the systems are effective;
Provision of independent assurance on the effectiveness of certain Group policies and frameworks;
Provision of independent assurance to the Discovery Limited Board regarding the adequacy and effectiveness of
internal controls within the Group;
Independent monitoring of compliance with certain Group policies and frameworks;
Discovery Limited is the licensed controlling company of the designated Discovery Insurance Group. Registration number: 1999/007789/06. Companies in the Group are licensed insurers and
authorised financial services providers.
The third line of defence provides feedback on their activities and recommendations for improvement to senior
management and Executive Committees, but reports directly to the Discovery Limited Board through the Discovery
Limited Audit Committee. This is in order to ensure complete independence from management and unbiased reporting
to the Discovery Limited Board, on the effectiveness of governance, risk management and internal control within the
Group. The third line may place some reliance on the activities of the first and second lines if it is satisfied that robust
processes are being followed (valid source for key indicator measurements for example) and such reliance will not
impact the third line audit mandate.
Compliance with this Policy will be monitored by the Discovery Limited RCC. Any breach of, or non-compliance with this
Policy must be communicated to the Policy owner and/ or GRM as soon as reasonably practical. The Policy owner, with
input from key stakeholders, will consider the appropriate action(s) required. If agreement on the appropriate action(s)
cannot be reached, the matter will be escalated to the chair of the Discovery Limited RCC. The chair of the Discovery
Limited RCC will decide whether the breach or non-compliance is sufficiently material to be escalated further, and if so,
to which person/ committee/ Discovery Limited Board.
All instances of non-compliance with this Policy will be included within the regular risk reporting process. GIA performs
a review of the effectiveness of GRM as part of its audit plans; this incorporates the Group’s compliance with the Policy.
Findings of non-compliance by GIA should, over and above the normal reporting process, be raised at the Discovery
Limited Audit Committee.
Discovery Limited is the licensed controlling company of the designated Discovery Insurance Group. Registration number: 1999/007789/06. Companies in the Group are licensed insurers and
authorised financial services providers.