Memory Tree Activity: #Rememberwhen and #Childrensgriefawareness
Memory Tree Activity: #Rememberwhen and #Childrensgriefawareness
Memory Tree Activity: #Rememberwhen and #Childrensgriefawareness
The theme for Children’s Grief Awareness Week 2018 is #RememberWhen. This sheet has a
simple activity to create a display of children and young people’s memories of their person
who died.
1. Download the tree and print it off on white or coloured paper.
2. Download the leaves and print copies off on white or coloured
3. Support children and young people to write memories of the
person who died on their leaves, and stick them on the tree. You
could give them some prompt questions eg
everyday memories: eg What did they like for
breakfast? What was their favourite song?
special times: eg a birthday, a wedding, some special time together, favourite
4. If children don’t have memories themselves, perhaps because they were very young
when the person died, you can encourage them to think about who to ask if they want
to find our more. They could write their question onto a leaf and use that to open
conversation with a family member or friend.
5. If children have painful or difficult memories of the
person who died, you could encourage them to think
about a time when someone helped them in tough
times – accessing memories of being supported by a
family member or friend.
6. Remind children of where they can get extra support.
7. Take a photo of your tree display.
8. Post it on social media using the hashtags
#RememberWhen and #ChildrensGriefAwareness
9. Visit and
awareness-week.aspx for more information.
Time Description
Small group focused learning and teaching (with teacher, t/aide, parents)
Children may complete one of five teacher-planned or teacher-child
9.00 negotiated activities (one per day), involving combinations of literacy
experiences, including games and interactive “hands-on” activities with
specific learning focuses. Children “share” in a large group what they have
discovered/learnt or problems that arose.
Outdoor experiences (Children may start visiting and/or interacting with some
groups of primary children or use other outdoor facilities available in the school
Combinations of child-initiated and negotiated experiences.
Teacher-introduced games and activities, including playground games
children play during lunch hours in Year 1.
Morning tea with preparatory year class. May involve visiting Year 1 children.
Teacher and aide relieved for 10-minute break and the school provides a
10.30 teacher to work with the preparatory year group.
As children finish morning tea, they may join in games with Year 1 children
with assistance from the teacher.