Sustainability 15 01808 v4
Sustainability 15 01808 v4
Sustainability 15 01808 v4
Does Strategic Change Enhance the Relationship between
Firms’ Resources and SMEs Performance in Pakistan?
Sheema Matloob 1 , Mónica Lorena Sánchez Limón 2, * , Halia Mayela Valladares Montemayor 3, * , Ali Raza 1
and Julio Cesar Castanon Rodriguez 2
Abstract: There are approximately 3.2 million SMEs in Pakistan. It is believed that more than 90%
of the economic establishments are SMEs. They contribute 40% of the economic growth and create
70% of Pakistan’s overall employment opportunities. Despite substantial presence and contribution,
95% of SMEs fail within the first five years. Out of the remaining 5%, 25% of the SMEs survive
up to four more years, adversely impacting economic growth, employment, and living standards.
Previous studies indicated SMEs’ low performance as a significant cause and provoked entrepreneurs
to shut down their businesses. Therefore, this study aims to examine the performance of SMEs in
Pakistan. Based on the problem, the study contextualized the research model that investigates the
relationship between financial capital availability (FCA) and innovative work behavior (IWB), which
is believed to be crucial for enhancing small and medium-sized businesses’ performance through
accelerated strategic change (SC). In addition, the moderating role of Government support (GS)
on SMEs’ performance was also considered. The quantitative, cross-sectional research design was
considered appropriate for this research. Data was collected through a structured questionnaire
to 340 SMEs in the Pakistan manufacturing sector. The hypothesized relationships were tested
through structural equation modeling (SEM) using Smart-PLS 4. Results showed a positive link
Citation: Matloob, S.; Limón, M.L.S.; between FCA, IWB, and SMEs’ performance. Furthermore, FCA and IWB are the key drivers to
Montemayor, H.M.V.; Raza, A.; achieving an optimum level of SME performance, which translates the SC process within the SMEs in
Rodriguez, J.C.C. Does Strategic Pakistan. Additionally, this research discovered that SC partially mediates the relationship between
Change Enhance the Relationship FCA and IWB on SMEs’ performance. Moreover, GS strengthens the relationship between SC and
between Firms’ Resources and SMEs SMEs’ performance. The present findings offer valuable insight to SME owners, policymakers, and
Performance in Pakistan?
first-line managers to understand the radical change in the process. The study also outlined policy
Sustainability 2023, 15, 1808. https://
interventions to uplift the diminishing SMEs’ performance.
Academic Editors: Vítor Braga and Keywords: SMEs’ performance; financial capital availability; strategic change; innovative work
Aidin Salamzadeh behavior; government support
Received: 23 November 2022
Revised: 21 December 2022
Accepted: 28 December 2022
Published: 17 January 2023 1. Introduction
The performance gap of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is the primary
cause of their high failure rate and diminishing contribution. Therefore, the poor perfor-
mance of SMEs ultimately causes business owners to close their doors and discourages
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
new businesses from entering the market [1,2]. Several studies show that Pakistani SMEs
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
face numerous obstacles that directly or indirectly affect their performance adversely, such
This article is an open access article
as a lack of entrepreneurial skills, poor adaptability to change, a lack of innovation, com-
distributed under the terms and
plex systems of borrowing, a lack of direct foreign investments, political instability, and
conditions of the Creative Commons
inflation, all of which contribute to the closure of numerous companies in Pakistan [2,3].
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
The United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development also emphasizes promoting
the sustainable use of natural resources to prevent depletion [4]. In addition, Competi-
tive advantage can be achieved through sustainable business processes, which leads to a
sustainable business environment [5].
Concerning SMEs, literature such as OECD [6], Rodriguez-Espindola et al. [7], and
Khoja et al. [8] found that SMEs have a worldwide impact on the environment. Henceforth,
it is essential to investigate those strategies that encourage SMEs to engage in efficient and
less harmful operations [8,9]. It is revealed in emerging economies where small business
owners have insufficient financial resources, lack innovative leadership, and are reluctant
to change processes [5,10]. To successfully support their change toward sustainability, it is
essential to examine their peculiarities and environment [9]. Moreover, sustainability might
contribute to their market competitiveness [11]. Despite SMEs’ undeniable importance and
contribution to the world’s economies, the failure rate of SMEs remains the prominent bone
of contention among entrepreneurs, tycoons, and state policymakers [12–14].
The World Bank [15] has indicated the massive contribution of SMEs to world economies
which is 90 percent and generates 60 percent of employment. However, SMEs struggle
to survive in the competitive environment for the long term to gain a competitive edge
and benefits at large [16–18]. SMEs’ failure is considered severe distress for emerging
and developed economies [19]. In Pakistan, 3.3 million SMEs comprise approximately
99 percent of total enterprises and generate 99 percent of the country’s employment,
with 90 percent from the industrial sector and 78 percent from the non-agriculture labor
force [20,21]. Moreover, SMEs contribute to 40 percent to the GDP and 30 percent to export
shares and have proved to be a lifeline in worse economic situations [22–24]. However,
the contribution of SMEs to the Pakistani economy is relatively less in comparison to a
neighboring country like China, which contributes to 64 percent of national income, versus
only 40 percent for Pakistan’s SMEs [20,25]. Pakistan and China had almost the exact same
percentages of SMEs, but there is a massive difference in the contribution of SMEs to GDP
and the social sector. In this context, there is a dire need to investigate the low-performance
phenomena in Pakistan’s SMEs, as there is an enormous gap in the contribution to GDP
among both countries [26,27].
The low performance of SMEs is considered a significant cause of the high failure
rate and diminishing contribution of SMEs in Pakistan. Thus, the low performance of
SMEs ultimately provokes entrepreneurs to shut down their businesses and discourage
newcomers from entering the market [1]. The struggling state of the SME sector is also
reflected in Pakistan’s business environment. For example, the World Bank [15] report on
ease of doing business ranking as well as the World Economic Forum [19] global competitive
index, where Pakistan ranks 108 among 190 and 110 among 141 countries, respectively.
These indicators show that Pakistan, as an emerging economy, faces the dilemma of
unfavorable business environments that lead to lower success rates for SMEs [24,28,29].
Keeping the massive influence of SMEs on prosperity and the overall growth in the economy
of the country, previous researchers underlined the importance of SMEs, but there is less
consideration in studying the factors influencing SMEs’ performance [18,30,31]. Thus,
continuously diminishing performance of SMEs, sudden shutdowns, and weakening
growth rates [32] show an alarming situation which triggered scholars to conduct more
research to explore the primary reasons which may create the hindrance to gaining the
optimum level of performance.
In this context, many researchers have studied various issues that could be the causes
of SMEs’ failure [33,34]. However, research did not precisely outline the specific reasons
due to different internal and external factors influenced by different settings and geo-
graphical conditions. Thus, the notion becomes complex to understand. In contemporary
research on SMEs’ performance, innovation seems to be the most crucial component in
business for accelerating the optimum level of performance [31,35]. The research shows
that large organizations are investing more in innovation training and adaptability of tech-
nology, leading to higher yield and better working conditions than SMEs [1]. According to
Raza et al. [2], this productivity gap results in a low-income generation, informality, and
that large organizations are investing more in innovation training and adaptabi
technology, leading to higher yield and better working conditions than SMEs [1]. A
Sustainability 2023, 15, 1808
ing to Raza, Ashraf, Shahzad, Sultan, Miyazaki, Usman, Shamshiri, 3 of 20
AhmadRaza, Ashraf [2], this productivity gap results in a low-income generation,
mality, and poor SME growth performance. To fill this void, researchers must ident
problems and challenges faced by SMEs from both the employer’s and employee’
poor SME growth performance.
spectives. To fill
Therefore, SMEsthisemphasize
void, researchers
IWB inmust identifyand
the owners the frontline
and challengesproactively
faced by SMEs from both the employer’s and employee’s perspectives.
and efficiently manage limited resources to ensure their long-term su
Therefore, SMEs emphasize IWB in the owners and frontline managers who proactively
and efficiently manage limited resources to ensure their long-term survival [36].
In relation to innovation, little access to credit availability impedes innovatio
In relation to innovation, little access to credit availability impedes innovation and
lack of awareness regarding the SC in the existing setups [37,38] which ultimate
lack of awareness regarding the SC in the existing setups [37,38] which ultimately adversely
versely influences performance. Very few studies focus on SC, particularly as a me
influences performance. Very few studies focus on SC, particularly as a mediator and GS
and GS as a moderator, which intervenes and interacts between the SC and SMEs’ p
as a moderator, which intervenes and interacts between the SC and SMEs’ performance.
mance. To address this gap, this study examines how FCA and IWB influence the p
To address this gap, this study examines how FCA and IWB influence the performance
mance of SMEs through the mediating and moderating role of SC and GS, respec
of SMEs through the mediating and moderating role of SC and GS, respectively. Figure 1
Figure 1 presents the conceptual framework and addresses the following research
presents the conceptual framework and addresses the following research questions:
1. Do financial capital availability and innovative work behavior impact strategic change
and SMEs’1. Performance?
Do financial capital availability and innovative work behavior impact str
2. To what extentchange
is the and SMEs’capital
financial Performance?
availability and innovative work behavior—
2. To what extent is
performance relationship mediated by the financial capital
strategic availability and innovative work behav
3. Does government support strengthens the relationship betweenchange?
performance relationship mediated by strategic strategic change and
3. Does government support strengthens the relationship between strategic chang
SME performance?
SME performance?
2. Literature Review
2.1. Theoretical Background
The current study adds new insights to the body of knowledge by introducing dis-
tinct and inimitable resources FCA and IWB and their relationship to SME performance
with the mediating effect of SC and buffering effects of GS with the help of a conceptual
framework (Figure 1). Sustainable performance with the disclosure of innovation, dynamic
change, and strategic development practices are essential to reach the optimum level of
growth in SMEs [25,44]. In previous studies, SC was recurrently examined as a predictor
to investigate firm performance [45–47]. Hence, based on RBV, this study evaluated how
SC can reinforce the relationship between firm resources FCA and IWB and organizational
competitive advantage. In this way, RBV provides the foundation of this research model
in the framework of firm resources. SC and GS are deemed internal and external orga-
nizational capabilities to show positive performance and survival for the long term. For
understanding the theoretical context, Table 1 shows the most recent studies pertaining to
the present study variables.
Hypothesis 1b (H1b). Strategic change mediates the relationship between financial capi-
tal availability and SMEs’ performance.
2.2.2. Innovative Work Behavior and Strategic Change and SMEs’ Performance
IWB can be defined as an individual act (within a work role, group, and organization)
that aims to explore new innovative ideas, procedures, and production methods [67,68].
Janssen [69] delineated IWB as “initiatives and application of new ideas within a work role,
with peers and colleagues in the organization, to benefit role performance, the group, or
the organization” (p. 288). IWB has a broader definition that can be used to create, promote,
and implement new ideas that benefit the firm’s overall performance. Innovation deals
with all employees of the firm rather than with the ones who are confined to innovative or
innovation-oriented positions. Moreover, Fayolle and Basso [70] revealed that innovation
has a significant role in SMEs to accelerate the core skills and transform these into optimum
levels of performance outcomes.
As there is a non-availability of literature regarding IWB and SC relationships in the
SME sector of Pakistan, this study investigates the relationship between IWB and SC in
SMEs. In the literature, researchers have extensively investigated that innovative products
positively correlate with strategic change. Ultimately it influences the SMEs’ capabilities
to survive in the dynamic market, which enhances the overall SMEs’ performance and
survival in the long term [71–73]. Shanker, Bhanugopan, van der Heijden and Farrell [72]
discuss that creative and innovative behavior toward work supported this belief in their
research and asserted that cognitive and creative behavior is endorsed when personality
traits are combined with work settings, leading contributors to boost the firm to renew their
strategy policies. An empirical study has found that IWB attempts to promote strategic
renewal after seeking the crises in the local market of emerging countries [74].
Sustainability 2023, 15, 1808 6 of 20
2.2.4. Moderating the Role of Government Support between Strategic Change and
SMEs’ Performance
The study anticipated that GS could be considered a robust phenomenon that helps
SMEs exploit SC to enhance the firm’s performance. SMEs should be trained and sup-
ported by SMEDA (Small Medium Enterprise Development Authority) and the Chamber of
Commerce, working under the umbrella of government [21]. Literature has focused on the
various types of government schemes which can be taken as an external factor in providing
sufficient training to entrepreneurs regarding technology and infrastructure, which is es-
sential to grasp innovation to meet future expectations [84]. Cerulli and Poti [85] described
a positive relationship between GS schemes and business performance by conducting
empirical research on Asian countries.
Sustainability 2023, 15, 1808 7 of 20
Literature also supports that SMEs are self-driven. They bear risks due to less access
to finance, dependency on their savings, and fewer clients. Due to fewer records of
financial statements, banks are reluctant to give loans without collateral. The interest
rates of financial institutions are too high to be paid by any small- and medium-sized
firm. However, governments support SMEs with financial incentives and assistance to
cultivate strategic change to increase performance of the SMEs. Furthermore, SMEs using
updated technology as demanded by the public can get a competitive edge in the fiercely
competitive environment. Successful government intervention is tricky to make effective at
realistic costs–benefit ratios [86]. Thus, it is impossible to suggest that any type of GS is
better than any other type of GS for SMEs.
The statement above points out the positive moderating effect of GS on the relationship
between the practice of SC and SMEs’ performance. Therefore, the ability of GS to moderate
the relationship between SC and SMEs’ performance can be predicted.
Figure 2.
Figure Data Collection
2. Data Collection Process.
Table 2. 151–200
Profile employee
of the firms. 31 9.11
201–250 employees 10 3.0
Description Frequency Percentage
Firms age
Name of industry
Ten years and less 178 52.35
Textile 104 30.6
11–20 years 90 26.5
Sports 101 29.7
21–30 years 35 10.3
31–40 years 20 5.9
41 and above 16 4.7
Total (n) 340 100
Sustainability 2023, 15, 1808 9 of 20
4. Result Analysis
Given the exploratory nature of the study, SPSS 25 was employed to assess the SMEs’
profiles, and Smart-PLS version 4.0 was used to test the model’s hypotheses. The ques-
tionnaire’s validity was assessed using the measurement model in the first stage, and the
validity of the hypotheses was tested using the structural model.
Kock et al. [106], Fan et al. [107] and the AVE threshold value should be 0.5. The AVE of
constructs ranges from 0.81 for SMEs’ performance usage to 0.52 for SC. Table 3 showed
that the CR for the measurement model’s constructs was greater than the threshold value
of 0.700 [106]. Thus, the findings in Table 3 demonstrate that the measurement model has
sufficient convergent validity. The Heterotrait-Monotrait (HTMT) ratio of correlations and
VIF can be used to examine the confirmation of discriminant validity [99]. In addition,
HTMT ratio analysis has also been tested in the systematic examination of its ability to
assess discriminant validity [96,99].
SC2 0.700
Sustainability 2023, 15, 1808 SC3 0.714 11 of 20
SC4 0.730
SC5 0.515
Table 3. Cont. SC6 0.674
SC7 0.709
Latent Variables Items
SC8 Loadings
0.762 CR AVE Inner VIF
SMEs Performance (P) SC9 0.782 0.955 0.81
Government Support (GS) P1 0.889 0.937 0.747 1.771
P2GS1 0.889
P3GS2 0.881
GS3 0.887
GS4 0.873
P5 0.881
GS5 0.787
SMEs Performance (P) 0.955 0.81
Table 4 shows that the inter-construct correlation was less than any of the HTMT
P1 0.889
criterion standards in terms of specificity HTMT 0.85, HTMT 0.90, or HTMT inference.
P2 0.900
Based on the traditional discriminant analysis and more comprehensive discriminant
analyses, it is claimed that the discriminant validity0.920
P3 is well established. Convergent and
discriminant validity are the most criticalP4steps in assessing
0.910 the measurement model of
the study. P5 0.881
Table Heterotrait–Monotraitratio
Variables 1 1 22 33 44 55
1.1.Financial Capital
Financial Capital Availability
Availability _____
2.2.Government Support
Government Support 0.627
0.627 ____
3.3.Innovative Work
Innovative Work Behavior
Behavior 0.416
0.416 0.472
0.472 ____
4.4.SMEs Performance
SMEs Performance 0.411
0.411 0.417
0.417 0.328
0.328 _____
5.5.Strategic Chang
Strategic Chang 0.514
0.514 0.546
0.546 0.514
0.514 0.676
0.676 _____
4.2. Assessment
4.2. Assessment ofof Structural
Structural Model
The present study supported hypotheses with
The present study supported hypotheses with aa 1.96
t-value. All
All hypotheses
hypotheses with
with aa
value below1.96
unsupported. FCA
FCA (β(β = 0.340,
= 0.340, t =t 4.657,
= 4.657,
p =p 0.000)
0.000) and
IWB (β== 0.354,
0.354,tt== 4.612,
associated with
with SC
SC based
based onon the
the relevance
of theproposed
proposedpathpathin inthe
Figure3.3. Representation
Figure Representationof
Consequently, H1a and H2a are supported. Similarly, SC is statistically related to SME
performance (β = 0.521, t = 7.524, p < 0.000). Thus, H1b and H2b is also supported. In terms
of mediation analysis, it is also hypothesized that SC can mediate the positive relationship
between FCA and SME performance (β = 0.201, t = 4.277, p < 0.05). Similarly, the same
Sustainability 2023,
2023, 15,15, 1808
1808 12 of 21 12 of 20
Figure 4.4.Interaction
Figure Interactionplot.
5. Discussion
The results show that the FCA and IWB significantly influence the SC within SMEs.
These findings are consistent with previous studies by Agarwal et al. [108], Beliaeva,
Shirokova, Wales and Gafforova [48], and Camuffo et al. [109]. These studies indicate
that the sufficient availability of finance for firms with innovative behavior promotes the
Sustainability 2023, 15, 1808 13 of 20
strategic change process and practice among manufacturing-based SMEs. In this way, FCA
needs to be merged with the ideal SC that uplifts business development, and SMEs can
attain the strategic objectives by enhancing the SMEs’ overall performance. Similarly, IWB
in the work systems acts as a catalyst to achieve desired performance.
The present study also found strong evidence that SC positively and significantly
influences SMEs’ performance. In addition, the results show that SC can mediate a positive
relationship between FCA and SMEs’ performance. Likewise, SC also mediates the positive
relationship between IWB and SMEs’ performance. Consequently, the proposed research
model in this study indicates that SC plays a crucial role in translating the effects on the
performance of SMEs. Thus, it is essential to instigate and enhance the process of SC of
SMEs, which can be possible with adequate financial capital alongside the integration of
various forms of IWB [42,110]. In regard to innovation, the competitive business environ-
ment needs more innovation to sustain itself long-term. SMEs need to adopt innovative
operational practices that produce innovative products. In turn, the performance of SMEs
will improve, and SMEs may survive and sustain in the competitive market for the long
term [3,17,25].
In this context, the variable GS significantly modifies the relationship between SC and
SMEs’ performance. This means the SMEs with GS in their business have a significant
positive impact between SC and the performance of SMEs. The findings are also consistent
with the study of Ahmad [93] who revealed that government assistance to SMEs allows a
firm to contribute more to national economies. In addition, the GS may facilitate SMEs’ easy
access to finance, which is necessary for new valuable start-ups, innovation, and expansion
to sustain their business performance [27,34,111].
6. Conclusions
This study examines the effect of internal resources on the performance of Pakistani
SME manufacturers. In emerging markets, business owners and managers can employ
internal resources to turn into the business’s strength. While examining theoretical contri-
butions raises several issues for manufacturing entrepreneurs and policymakers, it does
so in several ways. Entrepreneurs in the manufacturing sector. This research has added
an element to the puzzle. It is believed that such improvements and developments in
knowledge will inspire other researchers to investigate and practitioners to establish and
sustain comprehensive SC processes for improved SME performance. This study will
contribute to the body of quantitative research on SC and SME performance and enhance
our understanding of the links between the FCA, IWB, and SME performance. Thus, this
study encourages additional research on SC in general and Pakistan’s SME service industry.
Sustainability 2023, 15, 1808 15 of 20
Internal resources and SC were utilized to investigate the presented hypothesis considering
RBV theory. Interestingly, all supported hypotheses directly influence the performance
of SMEs.
In contrast, GS enhances the performance link between SC and SMEs, our research,
which is substantially confirmed by Hassan et al. [116]. This study suggested numerous
consequences for the government, senior management, the banking sector, and SMEDA.
Consequently, there are several consequences for the government that urge SME’s top man-
agement and owners to implement the SC process, which finally propels small businesses
to their optimal level.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, S.M.; Data curation, A.R. and J.C.C.R.; Funding acquisi-
tion, M.L.S.L.; Methodology, S.M.; Resources, H.M.V.M.; Software, A.R. and J.C.C.R.; Supervision,
M.L.S.L.; Validation, H.M.V.M.; Writing—original draft, A.R. All authors have an equal level of
contributions. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: This study was carried out following the ethics committee
of Sukkur IBA University, Pakistan.
Informed Consent Statement: The participant’s consent to participate in this study.
Data Availability Statement: Data will be available on the request from the authors.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Government Support
Item1. In my country, government financial policies (e.g., public procurement) consistently favor new firms.
Item2. In my country, the support for new and growing firms is a high priority for policy at the national
government level.
Item3. In my country, the financial support for new and growing firms is a high priority for policy at the local
government level.
Item4. In my country, new firms can get most of the required permits and licenses in about a week.
Item5. In my country, the amount of taxes is NOT a burden for new and growing firms.
Item6. In my country, taxes and other government regulations are applied to new and growing firms in a
predictable and consistent way.
Item7. In my country, coping with government bureaucracy, regulations, and licensing requirements is not
unduly difficult for new and growing firms.
SMEs Performance
Item1. My company is doing well for the last three years.
Item2. My company sales growth is doing well for the last three years
Item3. My company revenue growth is doing well for the last three years
Item4. My company Growth in the number of employees is doing well for the last three years.
Item5. My company net profit margin is doing well for the last three years.
Item6. My company new product is doing well for the last three years.
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