Cost Effective Low Impedance Biased Bus Differential Protection For Up To Six Feeders

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Bus Protection
Cost effective low impedance biased bus
differential protection for up to six feeders
Key Benefits
• High speed differential protection algorithm for enhanced • High-end fault and disturbance recording, including internal
with Subcycle trip times of 0.75 power cycle relay operating signals provided thus eliminating the need for
• Complete IEC 61850 Process Bus solution providing resource redundant recording devices
optimization and minimizing total P&C lifecycle costs • Application flexibility with multiple I/O options and
• Superior CT saturation detector capable of detecting CT programmable logic (FlexLogic™)
saturation even with only 2 msec of saturation free current • Robust network security enabling Critical Infrastructure
for enhanced through fault stability. Protection through user command logging, and dual
• Ambient temperature monitoring with alarming when outside permission access control
temperature exceeds upper thresholds • Simplified system integration with communications
• Cost effective alternative to high impedance schemes supporting serial and Ethernet interfaces and multiple
• Advanced automation capabilities for providing customized
protection and control solutions • Embedded IEC61850 Protocol with no external
communications hardware required

• Re-configurable simple bus applications, up to 6 feeders and • Integrated bus protection and metering for HV and EHV
2 differential zones with breaker failure substations

Protection and Control IEC 61850 Process Bus Interface
• Differential protection with restrained and • Robust communications with up to 8 HardFiber Bricks
unrestrained function • Seamless integration with existing B30 functions
• Fast and reliable CT saturation detection • Redundant architecture for dependability and security
• Breaker failure protection
• External Check-zone Monitoring and Metering
• CT ratio mismatch compensation • Isolator monitoring
• Dynamic Bus Replica • CT trouble monitoring, VT supervision
• Back-up time and instantaneous overcurrent • Metering - current, voltage, frequency
elements • Oscillography - 64 samples/cycle, up to 64 records
• Undervoltage function for supervision purposes • Event Recorder - 1024 time tagged events, with 0.5 ms scan
of digital inputs
• Networking options - Ethernet-fiber (optional redundancy), EnerVistaTM Software
RS422, RS485, G.703, C37.94 • Graphical Logic Designer and Logic Monitor to simplify
• Multiple protocols - IEC61850, DNP 3.0 Level 2, Modbus RTU, designing and testing procedures
Modbus TCP/IP, IEC 60870-5-104 • Document and software archiving toolset to ensure
• Direct I/O - secure high-speed exchange of binary data reference material and device utilities are up-to-date
between URs • EnerVistaTM Integrator providing easy integration of data in
the B30 into new or existing monitoring and control systems

g Digital Energy
B30 Bus Differential System

Protection and Control B30 - Protection, Metering, Monitoring and Control

The B30 Bus Differential System provides,
secure, subcycle low impedance bus
protection for a single busbar with up
to six feeders. The B30 is ideally suited
in applications where high impedance
schemes were typically used. Overall
Bus Protection

system costs can be reduced with the

B30, since there is no need for dedicated,
or interposing, CTs. The B30 comes with
advanced features, such as breaker
failure, CT trouble detection, under-
voltage supervision, and dynamic bus
replica. With its extreme flexibility, which
includes a CT ratio mismatch of up to 32:1
between terminals, the B30 is the ideal
solution in a wide variety of bus differential
applications. The B30 is the single point for protection, control, metering, and monitoring in one integrated device that can
easily be connected directly into DCS or SCADA monitoring and control systems like Viewpoint Monitoring.
Part of the Universal Relay family, the B30
comes with a variety of versatile features primary protection is based on differential currents dynamically from the differential
truly integrating protection, monitoring, and directional protection principles, zones. This allows the B30 to follow the
metering, communication and control in and uses a dedicated CT saturation actual busbar configuration with no
one easy-to-use device. The Universal Relay mechanism for additional through-fault external switching of CT circuits required.
family offers higher degree of modularity stability. This mechanism is capable of The B30 also avoids blind and overtripping
in its design and functionality providing detecting saturation of CTs as quickly as spots in simple bus configurations.
superior performance in protection and two milliseconds into an external fault. Reliability is increased and costs reduced
control meeting the toughest requirements The overall system costs can be reduced by eliminating auxiliary relays that would
of the marketplace. with the B30 since there is no need for otherwise be used for switching physical
dedicated, or interposing, external CTs. currents. The ability to monitor auxiliary
Bus Differential Protection
The two differential zones can handle two switches and a contact discrepancy alarm
The B30 is based on a centralized phase- small buses, split bus, or single bus bar also provides increased security.
segregated architecture that does not rely with supervision zone.
on extensive communications between Breaker Failure Protection
IEDs, an approach that increases overall Dynamic Bus Replica Three-pole breaker failure (BF) protection
reliability. The B30 provides a dynamic bus replica is available. The B30 system provides for
for each zone of differential protection. up to 6 BF elements that can respond to
The B30 provides fast and secure low Built-in programmable logic removes the currents and/or auxiliary contacts. The
impedance bus protection with sub-cycle need for external auxiliary relays, and current supervision provides fast reset
tripping times averaging 0.75 cycles. The provides the ability to include or exclude

Functional Block Diagram ANSI Device Numbers & Functions

Number Function
25 Phase Undervoltage
Metering FlexElements TM
50G Ground Instantaneous Overcurrent
50N Neutral Instantaneous Overcurrent
50P Phase Instantaneous Overcurrent
VT input

50/74 CT Trouble
50/87 Unrestrained Bus Differential
51G Ground Time Overcurrent
51P 50N 51N 50G 51G 51N Neutral Time Overcurrent
51P Phase Time Overcurrent
Current Directional Comparison

51P 50N 51N 50G 51G 59N Neutral Overvoltage
CT Saturation Detection

59X Auxiliary Overvoltage

Restraint Current

CT Trouble (50/74)

51P 50N 51N 50G 51G 87B 50/87 87B Restrained Bus Differential
Bus Differential System

51P 50N 51N 50G 51G

51P 50N 51N 50G 51G

Zone 1 Zone 2
51P 50N 51N 50G 51G

B30 Bus Differential System

time and separate settings for low-set • Voltage Supervision: up to two IEC 61850 Process Bus
and hi-set are implemented. The BF can undervoltage elements are available
be initiated internally from the busbar The IEC 61850 Process Bus module is
per each VT input of the relay. This
protection or externally via input contacts designed to interface with the GE Multilin
function may be used to supervise the
or communications. HardFiber System, allowing bi-directional
current-based protection functions for
IEC 61850 fiber optic communications.
extra security
Backup Protection The HardFiber System is designed to
integrate seamlessly with the existing
Backup protection is available with External Check-Zone
Universal Relay applications, including

Bus Protection
instantaneous and time overcurrent An optional external check-zone can
protection functions, FlexLogic, metering
functions for each current input of the be used to prevent operation of the
and communications.
B30 system. For supervision purposes, an differential protection due to CT troubles. If
The GE Multilin HardFiber System offers
undervoltage function is also provided for one B30 current input is left unused and an
the following benefits:
each voltage input of the B30 system. alternative set of current signals is available
from independent CTs, the currents can
• Communicates using open standard
• IOC Functions: Two separate IOC be combined externally and connected
IEC 61850 messaging
functions are available for trip to the relay. Two phase overcurrent
supervision or other user-configurable elements are available to check the level • Drastically reduces P&C design,
applications of this independently formed differential installation and testing labor by
current to supervise the main differential eliminating individual copper
• TOC: One TOC function is incorporated
protection. terminations
for each CT input of the relay. Up
to 6 TOCs are available for backup • Integrates with existing B30’s by
protection. The TOC function can use replacing traditional CT/VT inputs with
standard or user- programmable IEC 61850 Process Bus module
curves • No new Cyber Security concerns

Built-in Advanced Disturbance Recording

The built-in advanced disturbance recording function allows users to view the COMTRADE files and trouble shoot bus fault. The internal operation of the
B30 elements, logic, and outputs can be monitored in real time to simplify commissioning and troubleshooting procedures. Two cases are shown here:

External Fault:
Even with heavy CT saturation and with only 1 msec of saturation free current B30 is stable for through faults. See the Directional Comparison element
output, which adds additional security to the bus differential function
Internal Fault:
For internal fault the CT saturation flag is not set and the directional element output is safely ignored resulting in an operating time of less than 10 msec.

All the fault currents are

seen in one direction
Despite heavy CT saturation the external
fault is seen in the opposite direction
The bus differential element picks up
The bus differential element picks up due to heavy CT saturation The CT Saturation flag is not set - no directional
decision required
The CT Saturation flag is set safely before the pickup flag
The directional flag is set
The directional flag is not set
The element operates in 10 ms
The element does not maloperate 271
B30 Bus Differential System

Custom Programmable Logic Designer Monitoring and Metering

The B30 includes high accuracy metering
and recording for all AC signals. Voltage,
current, and power metering are built into
the relay as a standard feature. Current
and voltage parameters are available
as total RMS magnitude, and as
fundamental frequency magnitude and
Bus Protection


Fault and Disturbance Recording

The advanced disturbance and event
recording features within the B30 can
significantly reduce the time needed for
postmortem analysis of power system
events and creation of regulatory reports.
Recording functions include:

• Sequence of Event (SOE)

- 1024 time stamped events
• Oscillography,
- 64 digital & up to 40 Analog channels
The internal operation of the B30 elements, logic, and outputs can be monitored in real time to
simplify commissioning and troubleshooting procedures • Data Logger, disturbance recording –
16 channels up to 1 sample / cycle /
Visit the HardFiber System product page application needs. The expandable modular
on the GE Multilin web site for more design allows for easy configuration and • Fault Reports
details. future upgrades. - Powerful summary report of pre-fault
and fault values

• Multiple CT/VT configurations allow

Advanced Automation for implementation of many different
The very high sampling rate and large
The B30 incorporates advanced automation amount of storage space available for
features including powerful FlexLogic™ data recording in the B30 can eliminate
• Flexible, modular I/O covering a broad the need for installing costly standalone
programmable logic, communication, and range of input signals and tripping
SCADA capabilities that far surpass what recording equipment.
is found in the average bus relay. The B30
• Types of digital outputs include trip- Advanced Device Health
integrates seamlessly with other UR relays
rated Form-A and Solid State Relay Diagnostics
for complete system protection.
(SSR) mechanically latching, and The B30 performs comprehensive
FlexLogic™ Form-C outputs device health diagnostic tests during
FlexLogic™ is the powerful UR-platform • Form-A and SSR outputs available with startup and continuously at runtime to
programming logic engine that provides optional circuit continuity monitoring test its own major functions and critical
the ability of creating customized and current detection to verify hardware. These diagnostic tests monitor
protection and control schemes thereby continuity and health of the associated for conditions that could impact security
minimizing the need, and the associated circuitry and availability of protection, and present
costs, of auxiliary components and wiring. device status via SCADA communications
• Mechanically latching outputs
Using FlexLogic™, the B30 can be and front panel display. Providing
can be used to develop secure
programmed to provide required tripping continuous monitoring and early detection
interlocking applications and replace
logic along with custom scheme logic for of possible issues helps improve system
electromechanical lockout relays
breaker control, transfer tripping schemes uptime.
• RTDs and DCmA inputs are available to
for remote breakers and dynamic setting monitor equipment parameters such as
group changes. • Comprehensive device health
temperature & pressure
diagnostic performed during startup
Scalable Hardware • Monitors the CT/VT input circuitry to
The B30 is available with a multitude of I/O validate the integrity of all signals
configurations to suit the most demanding

B30 Bus Differential System

Substation Monitoring • No external or handheld tester

required to provide channel diagnostic

The B30 supports English, French, Russian,
and Chinese languages on the front panel,
EnerVista setup software, and product

Bus Protection
manual. Easily switch between English
and an additional language on the local
displays without uploading new firmware.

EnerVistaTM Software
The EnerVista™ Suite is an industry-leading
set of software programs that simplifies
every aspect of using the B30 relay. The
EnerVistaTM suite provides all the tools
to monitor the status of the protected
Monitor the status of your substation using the easy to use Viewpoint Monitoring HMI
asset, maintain the relay, and integrate
information measured by the B30 into
DCS or SCADA monitoring systems.
Communications • Replace expensive copper wiring Convenient COMTRADE and Sequence
between devices with direct transfer of of Events viewers are an integral part
The B30 provides for secure remote data data using GOOSE messaging of the UR Setup software included with
and engineering access, making it easy
• Configure systems based on IEC61850 every UR relay, to carry out postmortem
and flexible to use and integrate into
and also monitor and troubleshoot event analysis to ensure proper protection
new and existing infrastructures. Fiber
them in real-time with EnerVistaTM system operation.
optic Ethernet provides high-bandwidth
Viewpoint Engineer
communications allowing for low-latency EnerVista™ Launchpad
controls and high-speed file transfers of • Integrate GE Multilin IEDs and generic
IEC61850-compliant devices seamlessly EnerVista™ Launchpad is a powerful
relay fault and event record information.
in EnerVistaTM Viewpoint Monitoring software package that provides users with
The available redundant Ethernet option
all of the setup and support tools needed
provides the means of creating fault
Direct I/O Messaging for configuring and maintaining GE Multilin
tolerant communication architectures in
products. The setup software within
an easy, cost-effective manner. Direct I/O allows for sharing of high-speed
Launchpad allows configuring devices
The B30 supports the most popular industry digital information between multiple UR
in real-time by communicating using
standard protocols enabling easy, direct relays via direct back-to-back connections
serial, Ethernet, or modem connections, or
integration into DCS and SCADA systems. or multiplexed through a standard DS0
offline by creating setting files to be sent to
multiplexer channel bank. Regardless of
devices at a later time.
• IEC61850 the connection method, Direct I/O provides
continuous real-time channel monitoring
• DNP 3.0 Included in Launchpad is a document
that supplies diagnostics information on
• IEC60870-5-104 archiving and management system
channel health.
that ensures critical documentation is
• Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP/IP Direct I/O provides superior relay-to-relay
up-to-date and available when needed.
communications that can be used in
Documents made available include:
Interoperability with Embedded advanced interlocking, generation rejection
IEC61850 and other special protection schemes.
• Manuals
The B30 with integrated IEC61850 can
• Communication with up to 16 UR relays • Application Notes
be used to lower costs associated with
bus protection, control, and automation. in single or redundant rings rather • Guideform Specifications
GE Multilin’s leadership in IEC61850 than strictly limited to simplistic point- • Brochures
comes from thousands of installed to-point configurations between two
• Wiring Diagrams
devices and follows on Multilin’s devices
• FAQ’s
extensive development experience with • Connect to standard DS0 channel
UCA 2.0. banks through standard RS422, G.703 • Service Bulletins
or IEEE C37.94 interfaces or via direct
fiber optic connections 273
B30 Bus Differential System

Viewpoint Monitoring Viewpoint Maintenance devices into new or existing automation

Viewpoint Monitoring is a simple-to-use Viewpoint Maintenance provides tools that systems. Included in EnerVista Integrator
and full-featured monitoring and data will create reports on the operating status is:
recording software package for small of the relay, simplify the steps to download
systems. Viewpoint Monitoring provides a fault and event data, and reduce the work • OPC/DDE Server
complete HMI package with the following required for cyber-security compliance • GE Multilin Drivers
functionality: audits. Tools available in Viewpoint • Automatic Event Retrieval
Maintenance include:
Bus Protection

• Automatic Waveform Retrieval

• Plug-&-Play Device Monitoring
• System Single-Line Monitoring & Control • Settings Security Audit Report

• Annunciator Alarm Screens • Device Health Report User Interface

• Trending Reports • Single Click Fault Data Retrieval The B30 front panel provides extensive
local HMI capabilities. The local display
• Automatic Event Retrieval
EnerVista™ Integrator is used for monitoring, status messaging,
• Automatic Waveform Retrieval fault diagnosis, and device configuration.
EnerVistaTM Integrator is a toolkit that
allows seamless integration of GE Multilin User configurable messages that combine
Viewpoint Engineer text with live data, can be displayed when
Viewpoint Engineer is a set of powerful user-defined conditions are met.
tools that will allow the configuration
LED Indicators
and testing of UR relays at a system level
in an easy-to-use graphical drag-and-
drop environment. Viewpoint Engineer
provides the following configuration and Multi-Language Display
•  English
commissioning utilities:
•  Russian
•  French
• Graphical Logic Designer •  Chinese

• Graphical System Designer

• Graphical Logic Monitor
• Graphical System Monitor
User Programmable Pushbuttons

Simplifying Commissioning and Testing

Record the operation of the internal B30 elements and external connected devices Create B30 Setting File Templates to ensure critical settings are not altered
with 1ms time-stamped accuracy

B30 Bus Differential System

Typical Wiring

H1a I


H1b H1
H2a I
H2b H2
V F1a
H2c IA5

Bus Protection
H3b H3
H3c IA1 F1c F1
H4a I
H4b H4 IB5 F2a
IB F2b
H5a I
H5b H5 F2c
H6a I IC5 F3a
H6b H6
V IC F3b
H7a IC1 F3c
H8a IA5 F5a
Digital Energy IA F5b
Multilin F5c
U1a I
IB5 F6a

B30 IB F6b
U2a I B30-H00-HCL-F8H-L8H-N6A-S8H-U6H
U2b U2 IB1 F6c
U2c IC5 F7a
U3a I
U3b U3 IC F7b
U4a I IC1 F7c
U4b U4
U5a I IA5 L1a
U5b U5
U5c IA L1b
U6a I
U6 IA1 L1c F3
U6b V
Wet U6c IB5 L2a
U7c IB L2b
IB1 L2c
U7b IC5 L3a
IC L3b

N1b N1 IC1 L3c
N2a I IA5 L5a
N2b N2
IA L5b
N3a IA1 L5c
N3b N3 F4
N3c IB5 L6a
IB L6b
N4b N4
Dry N4c L6c
N5c IC5 L7a
N6a L7b
N5b IC1 L7c
N8a IA5 S 1a
N7b IA S 1b

N8b SURGE IA1 S 1c F5

* Optic
Fibre Tx1 10BaseFL

Tx2 10BaseFL COM IB S 2b

Rx2 1
IB1 S 2c
Shielded 10BaseT
Remote IC5 S 3a
Device D1a
D2a IC S 3b
D3a com
D4b IC1 S 3c
S 5a
Input IA5
Co-axial BNC
IA S 5b
Co-axial BNC Output IA1 S 5c
B1b IB5 S 6a

B2b IB S 6b
DC B3a
B5b HI IC5 S 7a
B6b LO
B6a IC S 7b


6 8 6 8 6 8 9 1
PROVIDED Inputs/ CT Inputs/ CT Power
Inputs/ CT CPU
outputs * outputs * outputs Supply
* *

(Rear View)

B30-H00-HCL-F8H-H6H-L8H-n6A-S8H-u6H 275
B30 Bus Differential System

B30 - * ** - H * * - F ** - H ** - L ** - N ** - S ** - U ** - W ** For Full Sized Horizontal Mount
Base Unit B30 Base Unit
CPU E RS485 + RS485 (IEC61850 option not available)
G RS485 + 10BaseF
H RS485 + Redundant 10BaseF
J RS485 + Multi-mode ST 100BaseFX
K RS485 + Multi-mode ST Redundant 100BaseFX
N RS485 + 10/100 BaseT
Software Options 00 No Software Options
03 IEC61850
Mount/Coating H Horizontal (19" rack)
A Horizontal (19" rack) - Harsh Chemical Environment Option
User Interface K Enhanced English Front Panel
L Enhanced English Front Panel with User-Programmable Pushbuttons
Bus Protection

M Enhanced French Front Panel

N Enhanced French Front Panel with User-Programmable Pushbuttons
Q Enhanced Russian Front Panel
T Enhanced Russian Front Panel with User-Programmable Pushbuttons
U Enhanced Chinese Front Panel
V Enhanced Chinese Front Panel with User-Programmable Pushbuttons
F Vertical Front Panel with English display
Power Supply H 125 / 250 V AC/DC
H RH 125/250 V AC/DC with redundant 125/250 V AC/DC power supply
L 24 - 48 V (DC only)
CT/VT DSP 8L 8L 8L Standard 4CT/4VT w/ enhanced diagnostics
8M 8M 8M Sensitive Ground 4CT/4VT w/ enhanced diagnostics
8N 8N 8N Standard 8CT w/ enhanced diagnostics
8R 8R 8R Sensitive Ground 8CT w/ enhanced diagnostics
IEC 61850 Process Bus 81 8 Port IEC 61850 Process Bus Module
Digital I/O XX XX XX No module
4A 4A 4A 4 Solid State (No Monitoring) MOSFET Outputs
4C 4C 4C 4 Solid State (Current w/opt Voltage) MOSFET Outputs
4D 4D 4D 16 Digital Inputs with Auto-Burnish
4L 4L 4L 14 Form-A (No Monitoring) Latchable Outputs
67 67 67 8 Form-A (No Monitoring) Outputs
6C 6C 6C 8 Form-C Outputs
6D 6D 6D 16 Digital Inputs
6E 6E 6E 4 Form-C Outputs, 8 Digital Inputs
6F 6F 6F 8 Fast Form-C Outputs
6K 6K 6K 4 Form-C & 4 Fast Form-C Outputs
6L 6L 6L 2 Form-A (Current w/ opt Voltage) & 2 Form-C Outputs, 8 Digital Inputs
6M 6M 6M 2 Form-A (Current w/ opt Voltage) & 4 Form-C Outputs, 4 Digital Inputs
6N 6N 6N 4 Form-A (Current w/ opt Voltage) Outputs, 8 Digital Inputs
6P 6P 6P 6 Form-A (Current w/ opt Voltage) Outputs, 4 Digital Inputs
6R 6R 6R 2 Form-A (No Monitoring) & 2 Form-C Outputs, 8 Digital Inputs
6S 6S 6S 2 Form-A (No Monitoring) & 4 Form-C Outputs, 4 Digital Inputs
6T 6T 6T 4 Form-A (No Monitoring) Outputs, 8 Digital Inputs
6U 6U 6U 6 Form-A (No Monitoring) Outputs, 4 Digital
6V 6V 6V 2 Form-A (Cur w/ opt Volt) 1 Form-C Output, 2 Latching Outputs, 8 Digital Inputs
Transducer I/O 5A 5A 5A 4 dcmA Inputs, 4 dcmA Outputs
5F 5F 5F 8 dcmA Inputs
Inter-Relay Communications 2B C37.94SM, 1300nm single-mode, ELED, 2 channel single-mode
7A 820 nm, multi-mode, LED, 1 Channel
7B 1300 nm, multi-mode, LED, 1 Channel
7C 1300 nm, single-mode, ELED, 1 Channel
7H 820 nm, multi-mode, LED, 2 Channels
7I 1300 nm, multi-mode, LED, 2 Channels
7J 1300 nm, single-mode, ELED, 2 Channels
7S G.703, 2 Channels
7W RS422, 2 Channels
77 IEEE C37.94, 820 nm, multimode, LED, 2 Channel

Ordering Note:
1 - For vertical mounting order codes, please visit our online store
2 - To view the latest options available for theB30, or to order the UR Classic Front Panel, please visit our online store for more details.

Accessories for the B30 Visit to:

  •  UR Applications I Learning CD TRCD-URA1-C-S-1   •  View Guideform specifications
  •  Multilink Ethernet Switch ML2400-F-HI-HI-A2-A2-A6-G1   •  Download the instruction manual
  •  Viewpoint Engineer VPE-1   •  Review applications notes and support documents
  •  Viewpoint Maintenance VPM-1   •  Buy a B30 online
  •  Viewpoint Monitoring IEC61850 VP-1-61850   •  View the UR Family brochure


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