U90 Plus
U90 Plus
U90 Plus
Control System
U90Plus Microgrid Controller
Optimized Dispatch of
Distributed Energy Resources
• Rural microgrid optimization – optimizing use of conventional • Utility services enhancement – Aggregated and controlled
generators and renewable energy sources DERs help solve utility business challenges such as reliability,
• Commercial & industrial systems reliability - sustain backup and transmission congestions
generators during grid outages by shedding loads
• Enable efficient integration of traditional generators with • Enhance reliability by balancing discretionary loads with
clean power sources energy supply
• Reduce energy cost through optimized dispatch of DERs. • Aggregate and utilize multiple DERs to support a utility’s
• Reduce cost of ownership by automating coordination among service enhancement initiatives
DERs without operator intervention
• Optimal Dispatch - Optimize dispatch of DERs to minimize • Monitoring of Distributed Energy Resources -
reliance on fuel-based generators Continuous monitoring of DER availability and logging of
time-synchronized events
• Load Dispatch - Shed discretionary loads to achieve system
reliability or demand peak-shaving • Operator Configurability
- Advisory mode for manually fine-tuning system-advised
• Black-start of Microgrid - Restore the microgrid in the dispatch decisions
event of blackout within the microgrid - Balance between generator efficiency and reliability
through adjustment of a generator’s reserve capacity
- Heuristic adjustment to generation and load forecast
g Digital Energy
Microgrid Control System
GE Digital Energy’s Multilin Microgrid
Control System minimizes the operating
cost of systems containing multiple
Distributed Energy Resources (DER).
Microgrid Controller
A Microgrid is an architecture for
aggregating multiple DER assets and
managing them as a single entity like
a virtual power plant. A microgrid can
connect to the power grid operated by a
operations that would otherwise rely Optimal Dispatch
heavily on the operator’s knowledge of
Utility, or it can exist in isolation. When Optimal dispatch of distributed energy
each DER’s technological performance
connected to a Utility owned power resources means a set of dispatch
system, power may flow in either direction arrangements that minimizes the energy
between the utility power system and the
Specialized Protection & Control
Step 1 - U90Plus gathers data from all DERs and loads through wireless communications
Step 3 - U90Plus sends control commands to each DER through a wireless radio
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Microgrid Control System
Model Predictive • Storage efficiency available for scheduled dispatch like other
dispatchable DER.
Approach • Market price of electricity (if connected
to the Utility grid)
Model predictive control is a proven Reliability via Load-shedding
control technique commonly used in A sudden deficit of supply within a
The Multilin U90Plus determines a set of
process industries. Compared to the microgrid can cause an outage if the
dispatch decisions by applying the cost
less sophisticated approach that uses deficit exceeds the available generation
objective against the constraints, and the
only current and historical data, a model and storage capacity. This could be
dynamic state of the microgrid such as the
predictive approach includes predicted caused by reasons such as:
current output power levels of generators,
future factors into the processing.
the input/output power levels and the
• A microgrid operating in parallel to the
state-of-charge of each energy storage
In microgrid optimization, this predictive Utility grid is islanded due to an outage
element in the U90Plus improves the quality of in the Utility power system
the dispatch decisions. Forecasts of loads • Failure of DER within an isolated
The decisions are translated into specific
and renewable resources are considered in microgrid
DER actions such as on/off control
Alarm Annunciations
www.GEDigitalEnergy.com 511
Microgrid Control System
Another strategic use of load dispatch is In Advisory mode, dispatch decisions Alarm annunciation alerts the operator for
to consider the net benefits of dropping are first presented to the operator prior any critical system conditions.
discretionary loads. Discretionary loads are to execution. The operator can choose
Sequence of Events
modeled as a type of DER participating in to follow the advice or to fine-tune the
the optimization. The cost may be positive advised actions prior to execution. Time-stamped logs of system events are
or negative, depending on a number of available for auditing and diagnostics
factors such as: DER Control purposes. IRIG-B protocol can be used for
Operator can choose to manually control time synchronization.
• Presence of a utility-grid connection the dispatchable DER on attributes such as
DER and Load Forecasts
• Energy market price Isochronous nomination, power reference
and enforcement of the power reference. DER and load forecasts can be loaded
• Peak-demand penalties into the Multilin U90Plus through the setup
• Cost of not servicing the loads Reliability-Efficiency Tuning software. Operators can fine-tune the
An operator of the microgrid can down- way the forecast parameters are used.
Specialized Protection & Control
Technical Specifications
Automation Specifications
Number of lines 512 Devices: status and start/stop and availability Amplitude 1 to 10 V pk-pk
of logic: control of up to 32 connections of modulation:
Edit and view yes generators, storage elements, or DC shift: TTL
capability: loads Input impedance: 50 kΩ
Execution rate: evaluated with communications poll Isolation: 2 kV
Variable types: Boolean, IEEE floating point, SINT32, Digital Fault Recorder Display POWER SUPPLY
UINT32, UINT16, SINT16 Sequence of displays the stored sequence of events Nominal DC 125 to 250 V
Arithmetic add, subtract, multiply, divide, assign events: record voltage:
operations: inputs, and assign outputs Minimum DC 80 V
Analog inputs: any communications input/output voltage:
points mapped in Microgrid System Metering Display Maximum DC 300 V
Diagram Editor Summary: displays present metered values voltage
Analog outputs any algorithm input/algorithm of real power for each distributed Nominal AC 100 to 240 V at 50/60 Hz
output points energy resource, and energy for each voltage
storage element , as collected over Minimum AC 80 V at 48 to 62 Hz
communications voltage
Maximum AC 275 V at 48 to 62 Hz
Digital Fault Recorder Specifications Hardware Specifications voltage:
Voltage withstand 2 × highest nominal voltage for 10
Storage capacity: 8192 events Capacity: 100 mA DC to 48 V DC Voltage loss 200 ms duration at nominal
Time tag: to 1 ms Isolation: 2 kV hold-up:
Data storage: non-volatile memory Power 30 VA typical, 65 VA maximum
Ethernet Ports consumption:
Standard: 1 port supporting Modbus TCP
100Base-FX media 1300 nm, multi-mode, half/full- RS485 PORT
Front Panel Interface type: duplex, fiber optic with ST connector Baud rates: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600,
10/100Base-TX RJ45 connector 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
ANNUNCIATOR media type: Protocol Modbus RTU
Inputs: 288 Power budget: 10 dB Distance 1200 m
Windows per page: 12 to 48 Maximum optical -14 dBm Isolation: 2 kV
Pages: up to 24 input power:
Sequence: manual reset, locking
Off indication: alarm inactive and reset
.–30 dBm Communication Specifications
Flashing alarm active and not acknowledged, Typical distance: 2.0 km MODBUS
indication: alarm inactive and not acknowledged Number of slave up to 32 local controllers for DER
On Indication: alarm active and acknowledged, connections:
alarm inactive not reset
Priority: by active window and page number
Data storage: non-volatile memory
For the latest product information please visit the Multilin website or contact your local sales offce